Prophetic Wednesday LIVE!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hello my friends blessing and peace on you call you blessed in my name and king jesus brewer here and lisa is already joining me hello lisa how are you hi i'm good how are you doing i'm doing good look man we do this like the brady bunch like hello lisa how are you so happy to see you yeah right on hey i brought you on early but that's okay that's okay i shoulda i should have checked that i'm happy that you're with me i am coming at you strong from the studio in glen rose texas and lisa is coming at you strong from our studio one of our studios at open door church i want to welcome you to prophetic wednesday my friends god bless you so much man hey man we have people joining us from all over the world who do you see there kiddo oh man we have people from everywhere i see nikki cruz we love you nikki cruz we have california that's nikki cruz we have maryland in the house i can't read her name miss dylan maryland hello we have south africa here how are you doing mark we love you guys right on hey guys be sure and comment on here and let us know where you're watching from guys today we're going to be talking about lisa at least i want to turn to you now lisa so lisa you're not going to believe what we're talking about today we're talking about the mysterious and prophetic name of god showing up on the eastern gate i'm not making that up like it's actually there i've got some videos to show today we're going to talk about what that means guys we're going to be looking at the prophetic understanding of the eastern gate today and how that is actually in the headlines it's just going to be so cool man it's just going to be so cool so hey if you would like this if you would share this um if you're if you follow us on uh facebook be sure and actually follow us and also if you watch us on our youtube channel it'd be great if you would subscribe to that that would help us immensely what else should i be telling them to do um comment like share subscribe i think that's all right dude i see george hey look i see george's on here and george's george is like one of my own sons and he's in uganda and george sure do love you man i sure do mention you come to texas come to texas your papa needs you come here to texas man and so uh he is one of our greatest assets over there he helps us so much and he does a tremendous work he's a hard-working young man i actually gave him a guitar one time talking about a really nice guitar are you still playing a guitar brother yeah you need to be i'm looking at people all over the place is there anybody on here that stands out to you um gosh they're just filtering in so fast arkansas canada man just from everywhere okay lisa will you continue to man this for me like that or in your case oh man this for me all right would you please do that for me and then i'll come back to you at the end of this okay okay thank you ma'am god bless you so much so guys that's lisa patterson she's one of our worshipping warriors part big part of open door worship she's also part of my media team and she works with pastor aj she works with me she's a good girl her husband matthew was just off camera there and he's joining us today too he's a cool guy so she's gonna be joining me here at the end of this guys i got some stuff i got to talk to you about i mean i've got some next level next level stuff and tell you i'm super excited about this because today we are going to be talking about the eastern gate um we're going to be going through the scriptures on what the eastern gate represents we're going to be talking about the different gates that are in the city of jerusalem and then it's in the headlines right now because the name yahweh is shown up on the actual eastern gate like what and on top of that it's shown up in hyssop like what what are you talking about yeah you're going to see and if you know what hyssop means and if you know what the eastern gate means and if you know that the name of god is revealed there you know that jesus is coming back soon like oh really you're that crazy guy oh listen i'm way worse than that ben am i way worse than that listen we're flat out cray cray crazy and we believe that jesus christ is coming back soon uh we believe in the rapture of the church we believe in the return of king jesus we don't think it's pie in the sky we think it is fundamental theology and our belief and our hope in the lord jesus christ and we have so much hope it actually gets on people's nerves and i want to tell you i like that yeah i hope that you like that as well if you're not full of hope you are under the influence of a lie and it doesn't mean that you're naive or ignorant of the day that we live in it means that you're much more in love with king jesus than you are um with your own comfort and this is a year friends that god almighty is demanding the church to pull up its big boy pants because the body of jesus worldwide in the free world has been a big fat burpy baby that is always offended that can't be in unity that when when when hold the pickles hold the lettuce special order don't upset us and uh the lord's like that's not gonna work anymore we have to mature and we have to be unified and we have to we have to be looking unto jesus we have to be full of the holy spirit and we have to constantly one of the things i like to say is a fearless demonstration of freedom redemption and the goodness of god we have to demonstrate jesus i do believe that there is a monster revival that is coming i also believe that there's monster persecution that is coming and it's really already here it's at the door or at the gate and we're going to be talking about gates um today you're you're going to you're gonna love this okay we can talk about the gates of heaven um and the 12 tribes do you know that you're a tribe you have a tribe and i don't know what tribe you're of but you'll know as soon as you enter into heaven because you're going to enter in through a specific gate that is your tribe i'll talk to you a little bit about that as well i truly believe that it's a great date to be alive friends all right i'm going to get off into this and please do not forget that you can call us at any time call 877-413-0888 if you need prayer if you need a friend if you need resources and again we'll visit that again at the end of this here we go one of the things that i do is i pay attention to the headlines uh i do not live in the news media anymore most of the news media is a lie it is uh it is always meant to it has always been meant to cause a reaction uh that's how you get ratings and all this but there is there's a demonic um a true demonic force behind the media of our day today it will be overtaken by the antichrist it will be associated with the image of the beast right in the book of revelation you don't just worship the beast you also worship his image right and one of the levels of that i think is that you're plugged into media and you're plugged into all that there's a spirit that's in it that i reject there's a terrible spirit that's in it and i just outright reject it and go no i don't think i'm going to live like that and i don't think i'm going to be full of all kinds of fear and all kinds of mess part of that is because for the past 30 years my wife and i have been in some of the most dangerous places on the planet earth saving little boys saving little girls building orphanages um and we've been very aware you know we've had very near misses with a cartel throughout the world in saving boys and girls out of brothels and those kinds of things and we've been very aware of how dangerous the world is for a very long time most of most of the body of jesus in the free world is just waking up to that um there is a mentality that god is is shifting in us the old wineskins are not going to work but the new wine is still being poured we just don't need to spill it out and waste it because meaning we're gonna have to change our wine skins we're gonna have to change our lenses how we think about things how we interact with each other our priorities what are um what are our first priorities what are our secondary priorities we're gonna have to move from a oh no what if scenario which is all the news is ever going to give you is what if what if what if and as king jesus said men's hearts will fail them for fear in the last days because of the thing because of the things that they see coming up on the earth that is so real and uh i just say get your head out of the lap of media delilah because they're able to because that devil will take your strength away from you and you'll end up being nothing more than a blind entertainer as my good friend brian schwartz says and i'm just like man that that rocked my world i don't want to be a blind entertainer i want to see i want to be the warrior that jesus has called me to be i want to set people free and that's why samson was anointed was to set people free but because he jumped in bed with the enemy instead of wiping out the enemy he only judged israel for 20 years and then israel went through an additional 400 years of bondage until king david showed up yeah and he did not jump into bed with the enemy he's like no no yeah guys we need to be these people we need to move from a what if mentality to an even if mentality the body of jesus needs to say even if if it cost me everything okay i am okay i believe i'm gonna be protected i believe in psalms 91 i believe that but even if he doesn't i remember the very first time you know my son is is here and he's sitting over here he's actually 30 years old now but when he was a little boy the first time that leanna and i went to east africa and uganda was at war with congo and um we went there we went into that war zone um and it was almost it was it was more than it was around 25 years ago and um we honestly had no idea what was going to happen and then our lives did get threatened while we were there we had some very dangerous things happen and we we wrote a letter to our kids in case we did not make it back we wrote a letter leona and i sit down and wrote a great big letter and just said look if you're reading this letter it means something bad happened to us and we're begging you do not be mad at god over this we serve an amazing god and he loves you so much and he loves us god did not fill us and we bald and squad writing that letter because it was such a dangerous dangerous trip and um we've that's kind of been what we've been a part of throughout the years i've also been a part of the incredibly super nice things and luxurious things i'm american i'm a texan i'm sitting in air conditioned right now i'm in a very safe place i'm in glen rose texas so i know both extremes of those things but i tell you this we have not been we have not done what we've done because we were stupid and didn't know that it was dangerous we did what we did because we knew the calling and the assignment of god upon our life and we knew that this was what jesus would have us to do this is what god is bringing the entire body of jesus into today that should give you great hope you're gonna have to be a hope fanatic you sure are now i started i just went off on that really cool professional rant because i started off saying i do not dive deep into the media anymore but do pay attention to the headlines and um one of the headlines that is happening right now is these incredible natural things that are happening over in israel the fire that has been around jerusalem is symbolic uh that is that is a prophetic thing yeah it's just a natural fire it's a terrible fire it's been terrible the whole place has been in smoke but with that said god almighty promises i will be um it says i will be a circle of fire around you and i will be the in my glory will be in the midst it's like okay that means that god is about to be made manifest right it's just a prophetic thing if you dream that that's what it would mean but it's not a dream it's in the headlines another thing have you guys seen over in jordan and spilling into the dead sea that these rivers have turned blood red and it's totally freaking people out people are like what my goodness everybody's totally freaking out and go how on this i mean it looks exactly like blood like what people are talking about the euphrates drying up and that is also in the book of revelation that the that the euphrates dries up so that the armies can pass over like what and then there's this crazy thing too that is just so much fun and it's ridiculous and it has to do with the eastern gate the eastern gate the gate called beautiful also known as the golden gate which is the gate that that jesus himself will return through now what's um are jewish brothers and sisters in that part of the world who who don't even who don't even recognize the messiah as jesus yet they will i'm believing god for that but they're seeing it and they're like what in the heck is happening i'm going to show you a short video and then we're going to talk about it we're going to talk about what it can mean we're going gonna talk about um yeah well first of all let me just show you a picture of it let me just show you a picture of this okay that's the eastern gate and if you look closely you can see a hebrew letter right in the middle and then you can see another hebrew letter to the left of it and another one to the right of it now a fourth letter is starting to form to the left and reading from right to left you get the name yahweh the sacred name of god to our hebrew brothers and sisters and the oh and it's and it's the old way that um it used to be written and it's like it doesn't have any vowels in it it is like hey you don't say this name and you don't even write this name until god almighty is revealed and then boom on the gate on the eastern gate is this all right thank you hunter thank you for showing me that okay i'm gonna go right to a video now this has been produced by um by some some of our jewish brothers in israel um let me put on my glasses and remember exactly where i got this from i sure want to get this credit and i'm just going to show like a minute and a half of it it's a huge extensive thing and you can go there and you can look at it yourself i get this from israel my channel and israel my channel is a youtube channel you guys watch this here we go the information i am sharing with you is not something well known but if you search the internet you will find recent reports of people and newspapers claiming to see hebrew letters appearing on eastern side of the temple mount if that didn't make you intrigued then what if i tell you that the letters seem to form the most sacred name of god the name we are talking about is so holy that jewish people do not even dare to pronounce it this name is often called the tetragram meaning hebrew word consisting of four hebrew letters starting from right to left those letters here you can see a bible verse from the book shemat also known as exodus this is chapter 3 verse 15. in this verse you can see the most sacred name of god to the jewish people when you look closely at this word you will see small dots and other minor signs this is the nakut system of diacritical signs used to represent vowels or distinguish between alternative pronunciations of letters of the hebrew alphabet it is a system created by the masorets of tiberius in the second half of the first millennium a.d in the land of israel but before this system was established the hebrew language in the written form did not have vowels just constants okay so this guy goes on to talk about the name how it was written and how it's shown up in the ancient form on the eastern gate and i want to just tell you the what's what is being formed on there is so prophetic where it's being formed at is so prophetic and how it's being formed through hyssop is also so prophetic all right i want to show you this picture one more time look at this picture can you see it oh my what are you kidding me okay i would encourage you guys to do um thank you hunter i would encourage you guys to do your own research look this up it's just a really fun thing but let's talk about that gate and let's talk about why it's such a big deal okay so first of all whenever jesus first came through that gate in matthew chapter 12 um it was at the passover feast he comes through there and you know what they all they're all saying hosanna hosanna they are laying down palm branches right okay that's they're saying you know blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord the king of israel um hosanna means you're the king we are dependent upon you we need your help um please please please rule and reign we want to be a part all of that stuff is in one word and it's actually hosanna right okay well that's the eastern gate the eastern gate is also called the gate that's called beautiful uh it is a gate that and that's a prophetic that's a very prophetic thing and i'm going to show you some scriptures on that here in a minute it's also known as the golden gate i always thought about that when i've been out in san francisco um the golden gate bridge and i'm just like man it's that even though it's the west part of our nation it speaks of something that is the east part of jerusalem now guys you guys know that if you've ever um if you've ever read the bible you know that when nia when nehemiah built the gates that were there in the time of jesus whenever he did that there's all kinds of gates all right so there's there's a bunch of them i'm going to i'm going to list through a whole bunch of these and i want to make sure i know exactly how many that there is okay there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve all right the muster gate the dung gate or the trash gate the watergate you guys remember the nixon administration what was that prophetically called the watergate yeah that's what that whole thing was called and god almighty was speaking through that in a tremendous way and one of the things he was saying is there's about to be an outpouring of the holy spirit there was it was called the jesus movement hallelujah okay the valley gate another gate the fountain gate the horse gate the sheep gate the fish gate the old gate and then the eastern gate now all of these gates have a prophetic type in shadow okay they all represent a different lens okay so your gates in your mind i'm sorry your gates your gate has to do with um it has to do with how you think it has to do with the lens of how you see things um you have to praise the lord in your thinking you have to worship god in how you think all of these gates represent what enters in and what enters out okay now it also represents places of judgment it represents all kinds of all kinds of things all right there's a whole lot of layers of this but i'm going to actually be reading now from steps of faith dot com steps of faith dot com and i i found their stuff to be the best stuff that i could share with you today and i would encourage you guys to do that because they actually have a picture of all the gates and what all means okay it says this currently there are only eight gates to the old city of jerusalem remaining and only seven of them are in use most of the gates were rebuilt over the top of the original first century gates in the 1500s by solomon the magnificent he was of the ottoman empire i don't know if you've ever studied that guy but he's the guy who took it over if you've ever seen the movie kingdom of of heaven um it's that's a fictitious account of what happened but it was when the muslims took back over jerusalem and they did all that he rebuilt the city of jerusalem he rebuilt the walls he had a design he did a great job and then he executed all the designers and the builders because he didn't want anybody knowing their secrets he's a nice guy okay and then and of course all of that had been destroyed by the romans in 70 a.d okay and then where the temple was they began to rebuild their mess that they put up there on top of that and uh to where they could worship allah all right so for christians the east gate is where jesus made his triumphant entry and that's john 12. and then also are you ready for this he passed through that 40 days after his resurrection whenever the disciples accompanied him to the mount of olives before his last ascension into heaven and that's acts chapter 9 verse 12. now the bible records in acts chapter 1 10 that two angels were standing with the disciples as they watched jesus sit into the clouds and after a moment standing there these angels reassure the disciples that jesus is going to return to earth the same exact way that he left and some people interpret that to mean he's going to touch back down at the same exact place that he took off and that is what he's going to do that's the mount of olives and then um i and there's a prophecy actually in ezekiel chapter 43 verses 1 through 5 ezekiel 43 verses 1 through 5 where ezekiel saw the glory of god returning to the temple through the gate facing east it was actually a prophetic thing that he had saw of king jesus himself now solomon the magnificent so strongly believed the prophecy that the messiah was going to come through that gate that he sealed it up he's the one who sealed it up he sealed it up and why because he wanted to prevent jesus from coming so the gate has remained sealed ever since now he also created a cemetery just outside of that gate right there in the kidron valley and if you've ever been over there with me you've seen all this or perhaps you've been with somebody else and we're like well why would he do that because uh just an extra layer of protection against some muslims there in the belief that the messiah could never step foot in such a place i mean they're like holy holy jewish men cannot step foot on something where there is you know um graves they can't they don't know jesus he's conquered sin and death oh he walks all over it i promise you okay now once but here's something that solomon did not know he didn't know this ezekiel 44 44 he was actually fulfilling a prophecy when he blocked up that gate and then where is that it's in ezekiel 44 verses 1 through 2 in which the lord says that gate is to remain shut it must not be open no one may enter through it it is to remain shut because the lord the god of israel has entered through it all right now whenever we see the coming of jesus it has to do with that eastern gate it has to do with joseph will be revealed to his brethren he will and he that gate is also called beautiful okay what is that um well um in that day the branch of the lord shall be beautiful and glorious isaiah 4 verse 2. when we see jesus we're going to call him beautiful okay meaning we're going to not only is not only is jesus beautiful and he is right and that's also another he is one all together beautiful but he's also referring to that gate what about this isaiah 52 verse 7 how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news what who proclaims peace and brings glad tidings of good things who proclaims salvation who says to zion your god your yahweh reigns um isaiah 33 all of this points to king jesus now i'm going to tell you this whenever you see the name of god yahweh appearing on the eastern gate whenever you see that that's the fulfillment it is speaking of it is a forerunner to the fulfillment of that verse that i just now read to you and friends i'm telling you jesus is coming back and he's coming back soon bring it king jesus now whenever you see it in hyssop that is something else do you know what hyssop represents by the way the bible says that king solomon in first kings 4 3 3 uh first kings 4 33 king solomon spoke of the hyssop on the wall i wonder if he was talking about the name of god and how that hit and how that hyssop represents the redemptive acts of jesus like how because hyssop is for the sprinkling of the blood hyssop you dip it in the blood and then you make a place holy with it okay so back over in the book of exodus in fact i think i can probably find this verse if i look hard enough if i'm not lazy here let me do this and moses called all the elders he said go take for yourselves lambs according to your families slay the passover lamb and you shall take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood which is in the basin and you shall sprinkle the blood okay do you remember whenever whenever uh they left and whenever they were in egypt and they said hey you know what um the death angel is gonna pass over they had to take hyssop they couldn't just put the blood on there with anything they had to do it with hyssop hyssop is for the sprinkling of the blood the sprinkling of the blood is to take away the sins and all hostility that god almighty has towards us it's to bring peace and to bring the presence of god and the name yahweh has shown up on the eastern gate where king jesus is about to return where he's literally going to step foot through that gate and it's in hyssop the sprinkling of the blood the redemption of israel come on exodus 12 22. by the way guys we're entering into the year 2-2-2 hallelujah you shall take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood and apply some of the blood that is in the basin to the lentil the doorpost and none of you should go outside the door of the house until morning you stay behind the blood that's where you need to stay you know what psalms 51 verse 7 says it says purify me with hyssop and i shall be clean wash me and i shall be whiter than snow what are you serious watch me and i should be watering the snow yeah that's what it says with what with hyssop guys i want to just tell you this god almighty is speaking and it might just be a silly little thing in the headlines right now it might just be something silly uh but it's god and if you have an odyssey of course you can be more freaked out over what the news media is telling you to pay attention to where are the people of god that will pay attention to the things of god i know that that's you and i know that and i know that that's me you should do a study on the gates you should do a study on the gates and specif i mean dude you got to know about the gate called beautiful you got to know about the eastern gate go ahead and look up the history on it it was walled up no one has opened it up do you know that there was a brit that tried to open it up he was going to open it up and he killed over do you know that do you know the history of what happens when people try to open up that gate why because of the prophecy in the book of ezekiel like what is that you're going to keep it closed until the messiah shows up whenever jesus steps foot on the mount of olives my friends there is going to be a new line the earth is going to crack and an earthquake is going to happen and this line is going to go through that jesus himself is going to walk through straight into straight up on the mount the temple mount and one of the things that's going to happen is that gate is going to be opened it's going to open and jesus is going to step through it if you ever get a chance to go to london england if london england ever opens up again which who knows if they will or not if you ever get a chance to go to london england man you got to go to greenwich and if you go to greenwich and i've been there many times where the royal observatory is you need to know that there is a a line that's called the prime meridian and just like there's an equator okay that goes east and west there's a prime meridian that goes north and that goes north and south and it tells us where the beginning and the end of time and space is on this planet so right now i am in central standard time zone but according to greenwich meantime i uh i'm five hours away from them okay it's five hours different sometimes it's six hours different like what does that mean it means that i'm five thousand miles away okay that's a whole another understanding and i encourage you guys to look up uh john harrison he's the guy who solved the longitude problem and that's a very prophetic event being able to solve the longitude problem now i'm just going to tell you this when jesus comes back he's going to change the prime meridian and not only is he going to change that we are no longer going to go by the standard of london we're going to go by the standard of jerusalem meantime the beginning and the end is going to walk through that gate and sit down on his throne and everything will be measured every day every moment in time every space will be measured according to jesus ruling and reigning from jerusalem and the entire world is going to have to get with that program boom okay miss lisa i know that you're still there with me and uh people are making comments from all over the world and i'm about to join you so so be ready for that and i want to pray for you i want to pray for everybody that's watching right now i want to pray in the name of king jesus that that you'll be full of hope and that you if here's the deal if you haven't been full of hope in looking for the return of king jesus and looking for the rapture of the church and knowing what your assignment is today and knowing um what your purpose is and that you are a kingdom person and you will not be afraid you will not be bullied you will not be pushed back you will not be intimidated do you know it's you know it's very important to the kingdom of hell that you are intimidated it's very important to the kingdom of hell that you are demoralized that you don't have any action left in you because man it's just all just too hard it's just too hard no it's not man where sin doesn't bound grace does much more about if you've been living that life can i just tell you this man repent repent go i'm not gonna do that that's not the way that i'm gonna live you know i don't know how much time you have left on this earth i don't know how much time i have left on this earth i'm hoping to make it all the way until the return of jesus because i think he's coming back extremely soon but here's what i'm going to say i'm going to say even if not what if but even if even if i don't make it all the way to the return of jesus i will serve the days i will serve the lord all the days of my life i'm going to be a drop dead sold out jesus freak i'm going to be a bad motor scooter when it comes to the day that god almighty has trusted me with and so are you my friend i'm going to pray for you father god sir let there be a spirit of revelation come upon every single person god that is watching i pray god that we would have a heart that beats imperfect rhythm with your heart sir god that we would love you and that we would love your return god we repent for being cowards we repent for being afraid we repent lord god almighty sir for bow on our knees to other gods god we repent of that and we declare yeshua hamashiach jesus christ is the messiah jesus is the messiah jesus you have sprinkled your blood upon my behalf and upon our behalf and god you've made us clean and you've purified us you've purified us with with hyssop and with your blood king jesus you've made us wider than snow that's what you've done and i just declare that over every single person i declare stability emotional stability in the name of king jesus and declare in the name of jesus and i thank you for god come back quickly through that eastern gate in jesus name amen boom man i like this okay hey how did i do man you're good yeah you digging that yeah oh man jesus is coming back soon promise you that he is coming back soon all right so miss lisa joining me from the studio over at open door church uh what do you think about that man oh my gosh just that's a lot that's insane that hyssop is causing those letters what the heck yes yes when you hear about that how can you even deny no need to it's coming back like how how can you even argue that come on little sister jesus is coming back he's coming back soon and i am so grateful i'm going to be actually teaching on this tonight at open door church and we're going to be going through a bunch of these kinds of things when we talk about jesus coming back talk about headlines i'm going to be talking about prophetic things at open door church are you singing in the band tonight no but i'll be there for the online presence so awesome thank you for that i'm not playing in the band either so thank you okay right on okay so so what do we what's one of your takeaways from this and what's your favorite comment that came over there what is there anything that you'd like to make us aware of my takeaway is be full of hope and really just have a heart that's set on eternity because we can get so caught up in just our day-to-day life our our jobs our mission field which is important but having a heart that's set on eternity is huge you know looking up we're just looking down always walking around in our lives look up that's my takeaway that's a good one that's really good but we have some awesome comments i know kip was chiming in on on some incredible stuff you know kipp is the one who originally let me know about that she she's on my team she's an extraordinary human being and by the way i want to tell the whole world would you guys please be in prayer for kip and for her kids her husband recently passed away and she is just pressing into jesus and uh kip we surely love you and we stand with you we stand with you and we love you and we love your family yeah but kip is the one who actually she she sends me all kinds of crazy stuff says have you seen this have you seen this then i i told you yesterday hey have you seen this she's like silly boy i sent that to you a long time ago you should have already done something like okay you're right anyway that's so funny no we had some incredible comments people were really just um wow yes wow i think you were just blowing everyone's mind and they need a second to process it yeah no it's a lot to process it is like dude it's nothing but a weed why are you so excited about a weed growing on the wall uh because it says the name of god in a weed that represents redemption on the eastern gate where jesus is about to come through that's why hey listen do we have any kind of resources that can help people do this what do we have so i'm glad you asked we have a promo today we um we are doing the covenant of fire promo today and for a minimum donation of forty dollars guys that is nothing forty dollars and all this money goes uh to our our ministry that saves little boys and little girls out of sexual slavery a very small percentage goes back to us so that we can recreate the product but today the promo is covenant of fire so it's a really really cool calendar it has the gregorian calendar and the hebrew calendar so all the really cool feasts and everything it also comes with a teaching dvd and this really awesome prayer guide so you're you want this and you can just call us at 877-413-0808 eight eight eight if you're interested in the covenant of fire promo and remember all the proceeds go to saving little boys and little girls out of sexual slavery you want just guys it's some awesome awesome stuff awesome and you know what you get a front row seat you know you're there typically on sunday mornings uh at the eight o'clock staff meeting we have you hear all week long about all the stuff we're doing all the things that people know that we're doing is actually just a smidgen of what we're actually involved in and the the acts of redemption we're seeing is so so much more than ever before and it's because we have so many partners now and so this is our free gift and what what i just said is true isn't it isn't it lisa oh i don't even know what all is going on i don't do you it's crazy you know i think i do sometimes and then i'm like oh wow i have no idea of this a huge a huge win yesterday a monster win for us yesterday is that um we're we're trying to buy this house in uh brazil um because there's all these child prostitutes there anyway we have teams of people that are ministering to them working them feeding them uh we're working a deal out with a cartel to get these kids and we're gonna put up to 60 of them into this one house it's got a big wall around it and all this kind of stuff and we actually had i heard some really good news about that yesterday and we'll be able to we'll be able to announce all that once it's solidified and once it happens and but i mean i mean who else gets a front-row seat to stuff like that it's just crazy cool yay i'm so honored just to be a part of it you know just to be a member of this tribe and when you're a member and when you partner with us you're doing these things too you are a part of this too we're a body you know we can go after the world when we join forces well you know what lisa thank you so much for joining me today um it was great to have you here with me i call you and your really cool husband blessed blessed bless and i love you both thank you thanks for having me yeah thank you all right that's my good friend miss lisa patterson with a team of people actually a whole room full of people in our studio over there she's a good girl y'all she's a good girl and you do know that is the mama girl that saw her baby resurrected from the dead after she found her child at the bottom of the pool and it's one of my favorite stories ever how that king jesus raised that child from the dead after hours the lord and he has no brain damage and he is just it's an incredible miracle that's that's a true thing that actually happened with us and it's it's just remarkable friends if you're a part of the prophetic life you're going to join me and pastor aj at one o'clock it's our private community the prophetic life where we have questions and answers and all you have to do if you have not signed up for that is go to or you can call 8774 and say i want to be mentored by pastor troy i've got questions i've got to ask i want to hear the conversations that he's having with people all over the world i got to have that yeah you do you do man i encourage you guys to go and do that and it's for a minimal monthly donation of eight dollars and 88 cents every friend that i have that does mentoring does it for hundreds and hundreds of dollars a month it's a minimum eight dollars and 88 cents come on man you can do that go there and do that friends all right i'm gonna let you guys go don't forget to join me at open door church tonight and then also you can join me open door church this coming sunday i'm gonna be preaching and i'm excited about both messages tonight i'm gonna be talking about prophetic things and i'm gonna be talking about the eastern gate and we're talking about gates i'm going to be talking about some signs that are taking place right now and uh i'm going to talk about the importance of you have to own the responsibility you have to own it for being full of hope looking unto jesus yeah right on all right guys i love you guys and i call you the head and not the tail above and not beneath and highly favorite of the lord bye bye everybody [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 4,868
Rating: 4.9453554 out of 5
Id: mFqOM-ANL-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 13sec (2653 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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