Bible Prophecy - Happening Now with Amir Tsarfati (September 2018)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight is going to be a great night for a lot of reasons one of the reasons is the fact that tonight ends at sunset which is already happen or about to happen Yom Kippur among the Jewish people tonight of course Israel as already its longtime sunset in Israel but Jews all around the world are celebrating Yom Kippur we're gonna talk a little bit tonight about what that means why is it significant I mean with respect why is it actually right now in some ways not significant it all depends on on who you believe in and who you're trusting in and that's that's a question that we're going to talk about tonight and and some other things some very very awesome a current events God has provided for us for a mere and I to talk about tonight that are quite remarkable and this week in Israel for that matter for this week in the world there was some game changing events that you'll hear about tonight so Wow where do I begin Amir and I met and the foundation of our friendship began that day that we met it was instant it's one of those things that I'm sure you can talk about where you you met someone and it was it was immediate and there was just that we would say as believers Koinonia where the spirit had knit us together that's been some 21 years ago and it's it's not just been a long 29 years it has been an intimate 29 years of great fellowship a great ministry great battles and challenges great things that Amir and I were team had teamed up together to fight for the Word of God or for the defense of Israel and so this relationship has led to many trips to Israel 18 I think trips for me to Israel and this church out reaches to Israel we have a dear soft spot in our heart because when I met a mirror he was in the IDF and from that time on this church has always been involved in support of the Israeli Defense Force specifically is a really Air Force where we help administer to the families there as well in recent years God has as you all know God has catapulted a mirror and has blessed him as he defends Israel from a biblical worldview perspective of course a mere few do not know who our special guest is tonight I'm happening now Amir was the last governor the first governor of Jericho was Joshua in your Bible and the last governor of Jericho was a mere surf a day as he handed over with the United Nations he was tasked to hand over the jurisdiction of Jericho at that time under Israeli control in the West Bank Emir under UN resolution handed the documentation and the jurisdiction of Jericho over to Yasser Arafat and the other side of the table God saved Emir brought Amir into the family of God and he has been a longtime friend of not only Calvary Chapel but specifically this church he went to a Calvary Chapel Bible call a school of ministry I should say back in those days early on he lived in Chino Hills a lot of people forget that our connection is extremely close and Amir and I today we were something hit me today when I went to go pick him up and it dawned on me I remember talking with dr. Tim LaHaye and getting to know him and then dr. John wolfred and dr. Ed Heinsohn and all of these amazing men of God and dr. Dobson as well and wondering oh my goodness wow they all know each other when they were young guys and now 30 40 years later they've they're still in ministry and and then I turned to Amir today when I picked him on it up and I told him that and I said you know what now it's us now it's us we knew each other when would you know we your name I knew your name you mine you knew my name but when nobody else knew our names and now God is blessed and we are now like like those guys and it's like oh my gosh and we both look at each other and look like we had just you know one you know like a little toy or something at a store it was like oh cool what do you do about that just Amazing Grace and yet listen it's because of the word of God being exalted honoring the Word of God and so we are just delighted to be alive at a time like this this is an amazing moment in human history we are so delighted that Amir's first book this doesn't happen a mears foot first book entitled last hour or the last hour has been released I think just over a month and it is now number one best selling on Amazon in the Christian category in the world in the world so I told him to remember us little people as he's already been asked to author yet another book in light of the success he's the founder and president of behold Israel and he's he's the most sought after Israeli believer on prophecy on intelligence regarding military and all to the Christian community in the world today is the best friend of mine and I'm so grateful next week we'll be together ministering that Jan Markell s conference in Minneapolis though the nation's largest prophecy conference will be together and it's going to be a great time Church family friends visitors give a great welcome to major Emir sir funny there it is thank you that great yeah my head is so big his head so big I couldn't go under the camera in my head is so big it's got so big oh boy okay let's pray yeah together father I just thank you Lawrence I thank you for my brother I thank your father for his precious family that's back home Lord and how they support and love one and we pray that you just bless Miriam and the kids we pray that you'd keep Ariel safe Lord as he's winding up his he's a first really career though as Israeli citizen is always a soldier but father as he's winding down Lord his commitment over these last several years keep Ariel safe and father as Emir and Miriam's daughter Lord Mayan is getting ready to go into the military we thank you Lord that every citizen there is a soldier for the defense of the borders of Israel and for the defense of your people Lord I pray that you bless our time tonight father God and Lord we just thank you for this crazy radical wonderful opportunity to be Lord not only ministering to those that are here right now but father to those by the tens of thousands if not more that are tuning in globally right now and Lord just please keep Facebook from pulling this Lord they're being real stinkers and they think they own it Lord you own Facebook you on YouTube you own the airwaves and we pray Lord for the preservation of your truth on these vehicles in these mediums of social media and Jesus name we pray amen amen well tonight you guys we are going to get going this evening and one of the first things that we're gonna do we can sit down we can stand if you want but you guys we're going to talk about the significance to say the significant the significance of tonight of today of today and today being Yom Kippur so Amir and I've been having fun we've been driving around drinking coffee talking nothing about nothing but Bible has been so fun which is kind of normal for us is we're so blessed that way and so tell the people some may not even know what your cup or is all about what's going on Yom Kippur is the second of this three last holidays on the Jewish calendar the calendar as specified in Leviticus chapter 23 there are seven festivals that the Lord told Israel to celebrate and the celebration of those festivals marked the story of God with the nation of Israel not with scattered tribes or specific people from our forefathers as the nation began its first steps as a nation that was the exodus from Egypt that was the beginning of what God wanted us to remember forever now it's very interesting because in Colossians we know that those festivals are just a shadow of things to come and of course the shadow is Christ that we have Yom Kippur as the most solemn and holy day on the Hebrew calendar it is if you come to Israel on Yom Kippur you think that the rapture took place I mean literally the streets are empty there are no cars there you can take your sleeping bag and sleep on the main road and the only car that might hit you is an ambulance anyway so but my point is it's a it's a holiday where the Jewish people are fasting 25 hours they act they give one extra hour just in case they're wrong and just well you know brownie points up there and and then of course this is the end of a ten days period from Rosh Hashanah that the Feast of Trumpets all the way to Yom Kippur where we gather at the Wailing on other places we ask forgiveness and forgiveness of forgiveness and then the culmination is Yom Kippur where you give the last effort of not eating so your name will be written in the book of life that's the idea and of course at the end of Yom Kippur everybody is hungry and happy but it's a we're gonna talk more about the holiday but what comes after Yom Kippur days after is of course the Feast of Tabernacles so I think it's you know it's very symbolic to to hear the trumpet to repent and then the Lord is going to Tabernacle with you forever so we we understand that all the holidays were fulfilled in Christ for Israel on the day on the calendar and I believe that the second coming of Jesus of course will be fulfilled on the day of Feast of Trumpets and then of course Israel will repent and mourn look and let's unpack this what you just said so to the Jew for the Jew God has always been faithful to fulfill the feast which land on a certain day right very specifically correct right so Yom Kippur is this time you say that you're fast not you but the Jews Jewish people around the world they're fasting for for forgiveness they're fasting so I fast I get forgiven yes that's how I get that's how I get forgiven as I fast they believe that fasting after you've already asked forgiveness for that many days fasting is the last and the most significant sacrifice that you give in order for God to forgive you so where's that in the Bible it's not that's the thing that's the thing we a lot of things that the Jewish people are doing today as well as in the time of Jesus we're traditional and not necessarily biblical sometimes tradition is nice and beautiful but sometimes tradition can blind you from seeing what God really wants so do you hear that people this is a good lesson for all of us so the Jewish people because they've they've rejected Jesus as Messiah they're still going through works of righteousness to achieve atonement for their sins so if they fast to get atonement for their sins then who is the one that's earning the salvation is it is it god that's earning the salvation for the Jew or today is it the Jew earning the salvation for himself exactly so as we see normally whenever people think that afflicting their body can give them any points in any heaven or whatever deity they believe them it's normally the opposite I mean normally what they do they they self glorify and they they they believe that the physical affliction will elevate their spirit and cleanse it and brings it to the right place and that's that God is not in the business of New Age cultures and all of these things the to torture your soul is not to torture your body and when the Lord said in Leviticus 23 from 26 and on that that you should do two things first you should afflict your soul and then bring me a sacrifice and that's key it is a key it is a key so the afflict the souls I believe is not to afflict your tummy it's not to to be hungry that's not the soul that's your body I believe that in the Bible whenever the Bible wanted to mention as fast or fasting it mentions that there's a word for that in Hebrew so there's a word for that in English fasting and neither in Hebrew nor in English it is in Leviticus 23 in the verses that are talking about Yom Kippur so obviously that's not it but what is it to afflict yourself but the soul I believe I believe personally that to afflict your soul is to come to the understanding that within your own power you will never ever be able to save yourself within your own efforts you cannot establish any righteousness that's what Paul said regarding the Jewish people in the book of he says I tell you they have zeal but they don't have knowledge trying to establish their own righteousness and so and and the funny thing of all it says afflict your souls and the blessing we give to each other on Yom Kippur is may you have an easy fast so I'm saying wow that's a that's a great affliction but everything if you really dig deep into that everything is smelling tradition but one day one day they will understand what affliction that leads towards repentance that will leave forth salvation is all about and I believe that those three holidays will be fulfilled on the day of the calendar for Israel and it's not the future tablet of trumpets is not the day that their church is old in fact listen friends you know that this whole happening now vision came about because of bad doctrine in Bible prophecy that's why we launched this if you were with us from the beginning to unpack the things that are being said in the world in light of the Bible not what people feel why do I say that because it's very vital that you understand what Amir is saying about this Yom Kippur season and the atonement of all these sins of yours in light of the Lord and the Lord's return having said that so people go around today they write books and they say 88 reasons why Jesus is going to come back on such-and-such a day you guys know what I'm talking about books like this how I can tell you how Jesus is going to come back on what day and of course they write the books they make millions of bucks and then the day the day comes and goes the guy was a shyster a false prophet so what happens is people push back from Bible prophecy you Christians are nuts no listen there's and there's nuts in the mix but the but Christian doctrine is not is not nuts God's very clear the Bible says no man no man knows the day or the hour regarding the rapture of the church that's not true regarding the second coming note the difference the rapture is an event that will take place at least seven years before the tribulation or I should say seven years before the Second Coming the rapture is the church being caught up into the air 1st Thessalonians 4 John 5th John 14 but the Second Coming is like the first coming the first coming was when Jesus arrived at the temple and declared himself to be who he was in actuality and overturned you know the Passion Week when he wrote in as a dorm with zechariah 9:9 on the back of a donkey first coming second coming Christ comes riding on another horse or animal and to the city of Jerusalem second coming is very Jewish although it encompasses in the world for people to say oh I can tell you the date of the rapture impossible but believe it or not you read Daniel chapter 12 and for those who see the revelation of the Antichrist the Bible tells you in Revelation chapter 12 start counting the days and you're gonna know when the second coming is that's why the book the Scriptures tell us in the Old Testament on the first day they will cry out to me on the second day they will cry and on the third day I will visit them with salvation I'm here talk to that would you yeah I just I believe that it's important that we make the separation between God's plan for the church and God's plan for Israel and not mix the two because the church's departure is essential for us in order to be separated and have the marriage supper of the land we've got a wedding to go to and we happen to be the bride by the way so we better be there yeah but but my point is this we wept understand God is not done in through with Israel so you know he says in Romans chapter 11 Paul says then all Israel is going to be safe so if Jesus is the only way only truth only life and then Israel is going to be saved that means Israel will accept him as their Messiah and that is of course where Zechariah 12 says and they look at me with whom they pierced and they will mourn and cry and they will repent this repentance process of course is I believe the atonement that they will receive because of their affliction of their soul I don't believe that the Lord when the Lord will come back on the second time they're going to fast I believe once he's coming it's not all about food they will be so tired of the tribulation so bruised and so hoping that it's all gonna come to an end and when they will see him food is not gonna be the issue here it's going to be okay you know baruch haba b'shem adonai 'blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord so we are we're going to see that happening on the day of the calendar and you know why would God fulfill all the holidays and only one he will decide okay I'm not going to do that all the holidays will be fulfilled it is that for us we have a wedding to go to and we don't know the hour so we can be ready at all time and we must understand that there is a value in being ready the value is that we live holy life and we expecting his return with joy and with with much I was encouragement did Paul every time he talked about that he said therefore encourage one another with these words and as the writer to the Hebrews says for he who promised is faithful so we can count on that one so Israel is going to go through a terrible time and that keep or that Yom Kippur of Jesus's second coming in the recognition of Israel of their sinful nature and their need for that Savior it's gonna be a real atonement a real affliction of their souls and because they will believe in him he will Tabernacle with them so you cannot celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles unless he went first through the Yom Kippur and you cannot have Yom Kippur unless you saw him in his second coming and that's the Feast of Trumpets so you see everything is going to take place right on the right time the only people in the world that know all of that are us and we have the information that every intelligence service and community which they have we know exactly what war is gonna happen who is going to attack when where how long it's gonna take who's gonna win yeah you know everything now if I go now to the Prime Minister's office and say hey by the way Russia is going to attack and don't even try to get other countries to help you because God is not interested in it they're gonna put a straitjacket on me but here we are we know now everything we know is happening and I guess that might lead us at some point this evening to current events because we are in an amazing way watching those things happening in order for us to be excited about our role in this whole plan of God which is soon to be out of here let's talk about so right now there's a big game changer with what's happened this week correct regarding Israel Russia and we talked about it today a little bit tell them what's going on if they don't know and how important this is for Russia yes well first of all Israel skillfully managed to have great great great friendships with both America and Russia which is very hard I mean I don't think any country can can get the two and also great friendship with China and India a great friendship with parts of Eastern Europe Africa and other places so Israel is trying to somehow play safe on all on all parts however we realized that there are some things that we cannot overlook one of them is for our enemies to have weapon that is precise and lethal most Rockets are a big piece of metal full of explosive but for the most part most of them are not that accurate they fall in empty areas open areas and they don't cause that much damage but when you take those very very stupid pieces of metal and you put on them a device that makes them precise and lethal then we need to worry about all of our you know power stations our nuclear reactor we need to worry about our major cities and hospital all of that that's when a country cannot open what we realize is that the Iranians are trying to both bring rockets and work on old dumb rockets to make them smart and lethal and Israel decided to attack both three days before the attack that we're talking about Israel bombed the International Airport of Damascus and we actually destroyed in Iranian 747 on the ground that was unloading rockets and pieces didn't have passengers on the don't worry about had other things on the plane you know and if they were they now realize there are no 72 virgins waiting for them that's a frightful but but what what would happen later is that Israel established with Russia and mechanism where with believing that we've got a Russian a Russian representative in the Israeli Ministry of Defense and an Israeli one on the Russian Ministry of Defense so we can call at least coordinate our actions in Syria the Russians are not in love with the Iranians and the Iranians are not love with the Russians and the Russians allow Israel to deal with the Iranians as long as we promise them not to topple Assad that's it they want to keep him in power so they can do business and eventually get spoils of war what happen is Israel decided there is a golden moment sometimes there is a moment that it will not come back Israel decided to launch a an interesting attack one from the air and another one from the ground simultaneously not from the ground from the sea actually yeah and that would confuse everyone because there are NATO ships of France and in America and Britain and everybody thought they started shooting cruise missiles and while none of them did and Israel basically sent four f-16s and from the sea and I'm not at liberty to tell you how we managed to get to where we launched the rockets and all of that but we we were there and they didn't even know that we were there instead in fact we're still there and they don't know that we were there now they know they are there trust me they don't know I'm not going to jeopardize yeah but the thing is this what happened is that in the attempt of the Syrians to divert the Israeli rockets they were using Russian air defense system the s 200 s and they actually shot down a Russian reconnaissance plane loaded with 15 Russian crewmen on Mediterranean and now guess what the Israeli action caused the Syrians to fire and to shoot down a Russian plane whoever it gave the Israeli action cause the Syrians to shoot a Russian plane if you know your old testament yes there you go how many times have you read in the Old Testament when Israel's enemies are coming against Israel and God sends confusion among the enemy camp don't miss this yes and in Bible stuff it's a double humiliation for the Russians because it's Russian ammunition that hit them their own rockets hit their own plane and so nobody's going to buy rockets for now the point is this here we are having to deal with an incident of 15 dead soldiers on behalf of Russia and we have to explain what we did on a very unprecedent manner we released a statement that we attack we told them what we attack which is a factory that is basically taking dumb missiles and makes them smart and they were about to be delivered to Hezbollah and by the way if you go to my Twitter account you can find the picture of before and after it's it's a beautiful flat parking lovely the point is this my point is this we never heard it before ever since this whole conflict began we never heard before Russian voices saying that they should strike Israel listen we've been friends with the Russians we did their dirty job in cleaning the Iranians away but this is the first time the Russians understand that they're the Israeli presence can actually stand on their way that beyond that at the same time all of this is happening something else happened in the White House your president was hosting the Polish President and out there in front of the whole world the Polish president said that he would like to build a big American military camp in Poland and named it fort Trump you guys you guys remember you guys know how how critical this is because under the previous administration the poles the poles were put out to dry do you know that the eastern former Soviet bloc was hung out to dry by our previous president that's why they were terrified because they lost all all missile defense systems they lost us posturing in Eastern Europe making them vulnerable to Russia again and they were terrified so now the Eastern Bloc is delighted and polish the poles have so much more vested in a request like this to have a base constructed and they're not joking about the progress and they promise to fund it'll sir uh tell them about the Siddhas tell tell them about what was what pact one of the statements were made recently about the Europe paying their way about making remember the defense the for time not today earlier yes no you don't I don't I could tell about NATO President Trump was thanked by a member of the free world by by saying thank you for making the members pay their way for NATO yes so say you say so the Secretary General of NATO who criticized Trump for becoming to NATO summit and and rebuking everyone there he just released a statement that he thinks President Trump because finally all the participants started pain did you know you were paying right you know that you were paying for NATO and don't don't try to look for that thank you on CNN because you won't find it there but I just want you to understand imagine yourself you're Vladimir Putin right now you've been in the Syrian mud for the longest time you have no spoils of war now financial gain you just pay and pay and pay your ruble is sinking you're you're hated by the Shiites by the Sunnis by everyone all around in fact the only friends he has are the Israelis at this point by the way just so you know that that's why he volunteered to actually patrol along the Israeli border but I do want you to understand that what happened with Israel right now together what's going on in Eastern Europe is something that hits the Pride of Russia to the deepest places and I am seeing a great shift in the way Russia is about to treat Israel less than three hours after the incident the Russian started sending aircrafts to Syria if we had 16 now they have 30 and now they are also advancing more forces to air bases in Iran we detected a request of the Russian Ministry of Defense from the Iranian Ministry of Defense for fuel services and ground services for lots of their jets and their cargo planes and they are advancing them step-by-step towards Syria in order one day I believe to come against Israel by the way when Ezekiel describes how rush is coming her GOG is coming he's coming as a cloud from from the air it's gonna be something very very interesting and I believe that there is the beginning of a buildup of massive airpower that were always hundreds of we've got thousands of troops now it's airplanes and they're all massing in Syria and in Iran right now and we are hearing were from for example the Deputy Speaker of the duma the the speak the the parliament they're saying that israel has to pay because israel is a puppet of america and if america is hurting russia by sanctions or anything then israel should pay the price for it so in a very interesting way we're finding ourselves paying the price for something we never did we never shot down the plane as well as we'd ever impose sanctions on them but they find us the way to get back in america and in more than that so this is very very interesting we're living in an unbelievable unprecedented times where it's no longer russia is gonna come russia patrols the border right now when we look there when we look at the border we don't see syrian soldiers we see russian soldiers we see russian flag they're patrolling our border right now and we no longer hear friendly words only coming from the kremlin we're actually hearing some some rumors of wars rumors about right now it's rumors but it's going to be very very interesting and i think that these are game changing events so game changing in the sense that the geopolitical picture russia has a pretext you know pretext is an excuse you know this airplane was shut down we're if you're vladimir putin as you said a moment ago i'm losing face everywhere that listen everybody that's that translates into economic disaster the ruble is plummeting so if you know anything about history when your economy is plummeting and you're not doing good and the next thing it happens is you have you're on the verge of internal civil unrest what do you do if you're a leader and you find your nation in that situation who said it start a war start a war forget about how you feel about war its war is brilliant to redeem or recover your economy ask adolf hitler well you know Hitler that's how Hitler came to power in Germany Germany was on the brink of destruction on the end from inside and he created a war to build the economy and ultimate of course grandiose ideas to take over the world point is this now Russia's got a pretext could this be we don't know could this be for those of you don't know we're talking about could this be the hook or the beginning of the hook getting set the Bible says Ezekiel 38 in the jaw of rosh whose leader goes by the title not name title gog gog interesting need name hebrew meaning political military leader Vladimir Putin wears the same hat for both he is the overall yes dictator and to add to the hook that you just talked about it's amazing it's brilliant think about it the Russians are signing a deal with the Germans of all people on a gas pipe all the way to Germany into Western Europe that is costing 11 billion dollars israel is offering Greece in Italy and Cyprus an underground pipe that will cost 7 billion last time I heard 7 is less than 11 and they thing is America sent just last Friday it's under secretary for energy to attend a summit on energy with Israel and he said he pledged America will help Israel developing the pipeline so we can bring gas to Europe and guess who wanted that gas all those countries that don't want to be under Putin's thumb and it's interesting because what what's interesting in this whole picture is that john bolton openly said after his visit to israel he went to the Ukraine he said Europe should buy gas from Israel of all places we mentioned us to think about it the Russians are sitting there they're saying these guys caused a plane to be shot down there are major major competitors right now to our gas if they hurt us militarily they hurt us financially and they're the puppets of America that's how they look at it and if America is is imposing sanctions on us how are we going to hit America by coming against Israel the hook there's is there it's deep and you pulled them all the way to the Middle East they're on the border with Israel and they're already contemplating on a military move not against anyone else but Israeli Wow that's as if I just read Ezekiel chapter 30 yeah please be familiar in Ezekiel 38 and Isaiah 17 breaking news right now Syria's Assad is blaming Israel over the downing of the Russian plane right now on the wire yeah well I didn't tell you that all of the soldiers they're Syrian soldiers were arrested those who were firing response yes yes but see the the shift Israel's got to be blamed everyone you followed these things Israel doesn't you have to be in the neighborhood and they'll get blamed it's just the way it's always been the plague breaks out in Europe it's the Jews fault it's always the Jews fault that's we stole the clouds from Iran there's no rain there we stole the clouds it is it hasn't been raining in Iran it's not been raining in Lebanon and from brought the hurricane yes I mean it's the same you know he's powerful but I didn't know that much unbelievable but but the thing is right now if I were Israel's enemy and the enemy of the West I would try to do everything possible to keep everything status quo and calm I would write it out you know what I mean by that I would wait out it's obvious you do not do anything while Trump's president wait till he's gone are you with me no matter who you are you've got to understand if you're an enemy of the West he's made it very clear and he backs it up if you're gonna attack Israel just wait just wait because Trump's not gonna allow it now I don't know what your viewers have done frankly it's irrelevant God put him into office there's never been a president since maybe Truman that is stood for Israel not a one Reagan was pretty good Nixon did some great things to save Israel but this has been monumental what's been going on on top of the fact it's talking to somebody on Monday who's in and out of the UN I'll just say that he's in and out of the UN and he was telling me that the magnitude of global hate you got to remember the globe you have sovereign property in New York City if you're in the UN you understand that Poland Russia Israel the earth location its sovereign property there's nations there it's an actual innate you so when you go down the hallway for example in the UN you could actually visit ten countries in a matter of five minutes those nation there are nations there that have this as as was reported to me by an un insider an unbelievable magnitude of hatred for the United States now with Trump in power because Israel it's all because of Israel they're saying Israel what Israel what Israel I don't have you thought about this and I encourage you to to read a book it's called us I think it's called startup nation regarding Israel startup nation like a startup company startup nation Israel if you haven't caught on is the regional superpower they are the Middle East their economy their technology right their ingenuity their military and their God the and the God a mere mentioned Germans buying Russian gas that's not a good move because listen you don't want Russian gas it's not very pure no no I'm serious it's not pure they're petroleum you don't want to buy Russian petroleum first of all it takes Russia a tremendous amount of money to get it because it's so deep and so hard to get that it costs the Russians so much money to get it up to the barrel and then the quality of it shipped it's not it's not any good versus you can stick a straw in the sand of Saudi Arabia for example or various parts of the Middle East high quality oil easily extracted and then by the grace of God God comes along and gives somebody an idea in the US to start doing fracking and now the United States is the number one oil-producing nation on the planet correct and this is remarkable as of this year listen this is amazing God is blessing the United States because America has taken a stand for Israel didn't God say anybody who blesses Israel is going to be blessed anybody who curses them is going to be cursed you're watching this happen but I personally I don't want to I don't want to you know throw water on the parade but I think thing everything's gonna change in either either two years we've got two years or four years sorry two years or six years left hmm think of it - two more years why are you rushing to say six what if the rapture took place listen listen the moment this level of support for Israel ends in the next presidential election it could be in two years look Americans have not proven to be the brightest at the polls it's a fact we could we could vote them out get something else and the whole political postures regarding Israel overnight overnight in a moment because let me look we know at a moment's time even the hours leading up to the conclusion of the election in 2016 global powers were reposition when they determined Trumpkin when change this move this over here shut that down do this sell that buy the other now before the the new sheriff comes this is happening all around the world and if you doubt what I'm saying check it out and take a look but the number one winner and what's happened of late has been Israel and believe it or not there's some there's some Muslim nations that are delighted about what's happening this one of them is Saudi Arabia maybe you can talk about that the Saudis are no longer ashamed to say that Israel is not the problem of the Middle East is the solution in the Middle East they're actually visiting Israel openly Saudis on Saudi TV are are actually praising Israel's democracy the minister of Religious Affairs of Saudi Arabia actually said just about three weeks ago that we are pleased to see that the Israelis have allowed their Muslims to go to the Hajj in Mecca whereas our neighbor Qatar didn't so they're there they're watching us in they're looking at us in a completely different light right now the Saudis as of last week decided to purchase from Israel the Iron Dome can you imagine we're selling them weapons okay and we do that with the American guarantee that that weapon will never ever be used against us we also have our own ways of neutralizing that weapons let's put it this way on the GPS of their rockets Israel is not there but but my point is very clear the Saudis from hating Israel's guts are actually using Israel to D is Raya Liz defending helping to defend Saudi Arabia from Iran because Iran is using the Houthi rebels in Yemen to attack I don't you know that Saudi Arabia is under Rockets attack degli you don't know that rockets are flying into Saudi Arabia every single day and they use Patriots you know what you guys make but apparently if they turn to us I guess they want something else let's not but but what I do want you to know is that biblically as you all know Ezekiel was very clear about how Sheba indeed am Saudi Arabia is actually going to criticize the invasion into Israel it's not going to take part of it but actually criticize it so the whole shift of Saudi from number one sponsor of terrorist against Israel to being on our side right now to place already that's it that move had been completed and now listen I don't know what else can we say to convince you that we are on the verge of the beginning of Ezekiel's war Israel is safe secure and prosperous we've never been more prosperous in our history we are leading in innovation we are leading in technology where we leading in water do you know that we extract water from the air you sneeze we draw we tell them ninety percent of our waste water is being purified you guys in Israel somebody in Israel invented this I don't want you call it it's the drip irrigate know what the the ring it's a ring Ronan was telling you about this that you plant a tree in the desert and you put this ring that this guy invented around the base of the tree and that's it extracts the dub from the thing this ring of whatever it's made of pools water out of the air the the Israelis were discovery and of course what are you new humidity but the Israelis invented what do we need a river for if there's water in the air let's just channel the water out of the air no matter where you're you can turn a desert into an oasis of you so how do we do this so they developed a technology you put a ring around your tree this particular ring and it waters the tree forever from from the humidity in the air the Israeli cow is the most productive car in the world hairy cows happy cows come from heavy : every mo is computerized they complain but they produce and then I mean we are I mean in cyber technology in financial technology in cybersecurity and AMA everywhere Israel has never been safer and most more prosperous than today and then this is going to be a different war the war of Ezekiel is a financial war it's a war because of what we have not of who we are whereas in the very beginning of our history in the very beginning of our history is a state they wanted to kill us because of who we are let's cut them off from being a nation that the name of Israel remember no more it's no longer about our name it's about the spoils of war they come to take to Sofia two things yes the spoils those of you who don't know go to Ezekiel 38 it tells you why Russia with an Islamic coalition invades it says because of what they have so first thing that was the second thing in my mind first thing is why would they why would they give up the enemy give up attacking Israel for who they are I'll tell you why because they haven't every time they've attacked the Jew for who he is they lose every single time though clearly historically if you study war the last country you want to attack on the planet historically is Israel because you will lose listen Saudi Arabia Iran Iraq you name it in any country in Turkey you're gonna lose how do you know because look at history look at the empires of the world throughout human history they're gone ladies and gentlemen Israel keeps standing Israel still is and here's what's amazing is that a mayor just said they're going to go after the next enemy invasions going to be because of what Israel has is Israel and it's Wars they should not have one no one war no West Point tried to teach officers Israeli military strategy and they decided we can't because if nothing makes sense they're in fact right now every Yom Kippur we just celebrate 45 years to our terrible war Yom Kippur in 1970 a 73 in I just want you to know that the stories that always come every year when we remember is how much the soldiers on the ground did exactly the opposite of the central command's request and that's why they they were safe in other words strategy it is not it is miraculous things that happen in there still happening by the way up until today up until today rockets are falling always in open spaces we have and that's what makes them angry they call it an disproportional reaction because how come you kill them and they don't kill you I'm sorry talk to him that's I mean [Applause] they want the same number of casualties in order to justify Israeli response when it will never be so it will never be so so as Jeremiah said only when the moon and the star and and the Sun will cease from existing only then Israel will no longer stand as a nation before God so if they really want to bring an end to Israel they should aim their weapons towards the moon the Stars and that's good I know I've been practicing so what I like about what's happening also and not only Bible prophecy or maybe it is it's something that's very dear to you and I is I love how God is exposing the false doctrine that's in the church regarding the church having taken the place of Israel oh the church has replaced Israel God's it's it's the church now Israel we don't recognize the nation of Israel crisp Christians will say Israel as it is today is an illegitimate nation you know that's coming from Christians in the in the the root of the replacement theology of let's put let's put the church in where Israel was this is insane and yet God is continuing to bless and answer his word verbatim exactly his Bible prophecy says to the word and yet they still say no Israel doesn't it's not real so Jesus listen Jesus is not a Jew they say Jesus is a Palestinian they yes the Sabeel conference learn about it Christ at the checkpoint conference in Bethlehem learn about it learn about some of the things that are being taught in some of America's biggest churches today some of the most popular churches in America today are selling Israel wholesale they've embraced the BDS movement boycott diversify and sanction this is an Islamic anti-jewish attack on the economy of Israel and there's famous Christian people that are promoting this household names this is a very very amazing time you need to know the Bible and don't you don't have to make any words up because you know the Bible says this or that no but believe what the Bible says exactly this and that and you don't make things up for us you're gonna find yourself on the wrong side of history and perhaps the wrong side of forever because God says don't add to my word and don't take away from my word and I'm really grieved about so-called Christian seminaries in America today our disgrace except for a few of them most of them are just really upsetting because you've got unbelieving professors I talked to someone just on my on Friday nights at a Christian University that hires really good teachers irrelevant and knowing that they're non-christians they hire these great teachers with their great achievements but they're non-believers to teach your kids at a Christian University this is what's happening today there's no replacement for the Bible and those who do not believe the Bible wind up replacing for example God's truth with a lie and they wind up replacing the existence of Israel with the church and no wonder why their eschatology is so messed up and everything else this is a very dangerous time friends there's no no reason why you shouldn't be reading your Bible and if you read your Bible you will by no means be led astray but I believe we're living in the days of great deception if you're not in the word listen friend you're gonna get deceived that's the biggest problem among Christians nowadays is illiteracy in the Bible and that's why they're being taken by so many charlatans and and this deceivers remember Romans 11:1 I say then as God cast away his people certainly not for I also AM an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin God has not cast away his people whom he foreknew what do we do we have a half an hour left we we never got to talk about trumpets hmm should we take Q&A or talk about would you guys want to take questions and answers or learn the difference between the trumpet that is blown for the Jews versus the trumpet that is blown for the Gentiles what okay so sorry for all those who waited with question no we'll try to get this done in a mass where the Sun comes exactly here so what's the deal so the deal is this and one of the one of the major I believe deceptions around the world is that the church will be raptured on the Feast of Trumpets because the last trumpet we're all going to be out of here and we need to make it very very clear every time God designated the holidays and then later on fulfill them it was for Israel with Israel in Israel make it very very clear and so the rapture of the church has a trumpet for sure because first a first corinthians chapter 15 says so and first thessalonians chapter 4 says so but it's the trumpet that is being heard in the heavenlies and not down on earth and that is wine and twinkling of an eye we're gonna be out of here it's not like a ceremony it's not like Mary Poppins because we're gonna be going out there this is yeah we're gonna be out of here in a twinkling are we gonna change and that is at the last trumpet there is a trumpeting involved here this is this is amazing how when God told the people of Israel make two silver trumpets and that is of course in numbers chapter 10 he told Moses make two silver trumpets and make sure to use them in every amazing occasion amazing occasion and it's interesting because I was reading when Moses and the people of Israel went Mount Sinai there was a great sound of trumpet right there at that time that was a monumental event that was amazing God revealed himself to the people on and and the fire came and burned part of it said a trumpet blast trumpet yes God told Moses to build how many trumpets to two at the Sinai there was the sound of a trumpet not trumpets yeah that's that's that's the trumpet of God it is not but my point is this he may he told him make two silver trumpets and I believe that why silver white trumpets and why - first of all trumpets are an instrument that God said it will to direct the attention of everyone - why silver silver I believe is a material that is precious but not perfect and why why - because of if there's only two groups on planet earth that God is going to use they're not perfect but they're precious and God is going to use them to get the attention of the world that he's about to do something and I believe that only the only two groups are Israel as isaiah 46 says you are my witnesses in the church as in Acts chapter 1 and 2 where it's go and be one of my witnesses I believe that only since 1948 Israel and the church coexist thus the two trumpets are sounding their voice and it's interesting because Jesus said in the middle of the sermon of the Olivet discourse in Matthew 24 he talked about the history of the future of Israel then he stopped and he says look and learn this parable from the fig tree he said when it's becoming tender and budding then you know that summer is near and the end is at the door that's what he basically said so what I'm trying to say them in that generation by the way that is going to live throughout the time of Israel's coming back to life because Israel according to the scriptures is likened to be the fig tree it is a parable he said he didn't really talk about affect we talked about someone that is represented by the victory it's interesting to see that there is only one generation that is going to witness coming back to life of that victory and that generation but all the respect is all of us sitting right here there is only one generation and this generation I believe shall not pass away and I truly believe with all of my heart by the way people tell me oh the length of a generation is in twenty thirty forty that's below me generation if you read Psalm 90 Moses talks about 70 or 80 if it's a lifespan of a person in a collective lifespan of a group of people that is at the same time alive when something happens man I believe that Israel and the church is something that never happened in a few in the history before the church existed Israel was there when the church started its history Israel was out of its country not a nation anymore away from everything only since 1948 it's a nation back in the land and the church is still there and God in an amazing way has been using the United States of America a to be the first country to recognize Israel as a state and B to be the first country to recognize Jerusalem as its capital it is monumental the church we are the generation that shall no Catholic and so you know two trumpets symbolically I believe is Israel in the church of course that we exist and God is using whatever he's doing right now to let the world know and we're soon out of here at the last trumpet but Israel the non believing Jews will still stay here they unfortunately will only hear the trumpet when Jesus comes back the secretary exactly just seconds coming and that is the Feast of Trumpets that is going to be fulfilled on the day followed by Yom Kippur and the tabernacle that's insert so important friends listen the feast the feast of yom kippur will be completed the Feast of Trumpets will be completed it's going to it's going to affect it's going to be too so don't try to set the dates with the trumpet and all this now for the church twice a mere said at the last trumpet the last trumpet Christians make a big mistake because again you get your theology messed up if you just read the Bible you'd be fine but if you listen to denominations for example that have particular views that come out of there either our millennial view or post-millennial view they approach the Bible with a presupposition are you with me what you want to do it's you would be better off if you wrote a boat or what or you were washed ashore and a deserted island somewhere in the Pacific and you found a Bible and if you read that Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to give you light you would have perfect understanding of the Scriptures when the Bible says the last trumpet don't ever confuse that regarding the church with the last trumpet as many do of the trumpet judgments in the book of Revelation which a lot of theologians do and this comes out of a bad theological base that brings them to that conclusion thus they place the church at the end of the tribulation period you can't do that because the trumpet judgments and there seven of them are all in relation to the world in the defense of Israel being awakened during the Tribulation Period it's not Gentile it's a hundred percent Jewish that's why it has to be seven years it's got to be seven years long because Daniel chapter 9 verses 24 five six and seven tells you that God owes Israel out of its entire life span of existence God owes Israel 490 years of specific dealings with Israel the last time God dealt with Israel in Daniels 490 year prophecy was on the four hundred and eighty third year that just so happens to have been the year that Jesus entered Jerusalem and was crucified later that week there's been a 2,000 year pause regarding Israel now as a mere pointed out a moment ago this is the first time in human history that Israel and the Church of a sixth is existed at the same time and soon it's time for the church to leave and fulfill Scripture that days coming could be tonight according to the Bible he says it's at your door it's not like that far and it's it's important that we understand we have to be ready we have to be ready because we are watching look Hebrews chapter Hebrews chapter 10 says be ready and and and we have to not forsake our assembly and all of that and so much so the more as you see the Day approaching now we are the only generation since the time of Jesus Christ that is not praying for it hoping for it but you can see you see with your very eyes a Jew of the tribe of Judah born in Jerusalem sitting right here right now this is to see not to hope for to pray for to maybe could be should be you see this is the generation that can see the Day approaching somebody give us one more topic shout it out that's that's exactly what repeated repeat the question that's what you I repeat okay so how can no one know the day in the hour yet some people say that the rapture will take place on the Feast of Trumpets that's because they mix not gonna have the the return of Jesus for the church with the return of Jesus with the church they mixed it too because both of them will have trumpets it's just that the only one that will stand the criteria of fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets is the second one the latter one when we will come with him we will see Israel's repentance and salvation and we will reign with him for thousand years the Lord will Tabernacle with his people so it has to happen in this order and so they mix the two and why is it because they don't study the Bible they look there's so much deception or error that is being taught all around on the Antichrist at the identity on the feasts on Israel on the the Messiah himself you know how many people tell us how many people really truly in America believe in in the Bible as is I will tell you but I don't want to forget something about what she asked so yes I'll remind George George Barna just did a poll I'm not sure if it's been published yet it was actually commissioned and paid for by David Barton because he had a question on some of his presentations regarding who how many believers are there that how many believers in America who claim to be Christians believe that the Bible is the inerrant authoritative Word of God so out of this magnitude of people who say that they're Christians it was crazy it was something like it's like 81% said there were Christians in America out of the 81% Barna just began to ask these questions these deep probing questions about them themselves as in the interview and it came down to 28 and claimed that the Bible was the Word of God okay that's where George Barna went to work and dialed down his investigative reporting on the 28 percent and he asked the 28 percent questions like is Jesus God in the flesh no is the Bible God's inerrant word is it is it true everything in it is it true no is G is is is Satan a actual angelic personality no he's a it's an illustration Satan's an illustration America guess how many people wound up answering all the questions rightly that you as a Bible believing what's the word is a literalist futurist okay it was 3.3 percent that would mean 3.3 percent of those who claim to be Christians are in fact Christians in America that is actually probably more biblically true about Jesus says broad is the way and then you're on that path but few it narrows the path that least in that explains the bad theories and explains a lot really quick you're getting back to your question please everybody remember this there's raptures throughout I mean there's trumpets throughout scripture well there aren't raptures throughout scripture yes Phillip Phillip correctly he was wrapped to ask Elijah sideways not upward yeah he kind of anyway but oh I do went up others it doesn't matter here's the thing about trumpets there's numerous trumpets in Scripture there's numerous trumpets blown regarding the last days things and the Bible very simple way is to remember all this is there is the trumpet that concerns the believer you I hope you that you're waiting for it appears from Scripture nobody else will hear it but the believer you'll be removed from this earth that happened if it happens in your lifetime or while you're alive to meet the Lord in the air the Bible says so those have died in Jesus Christ the Bible says the earth will cast out the dead that person will be resurrected and then Mazie right there boom can you imagine mmm Forest Lawn yeah the Dead will rise first the Dead will rise first you just I'll be doing a funeral and it's like and Lord we lay built or assault my goodness and then we go out right behind them so the believer is waiting for a trumpet listen there's another trumpet at the end that means horror and terror and devastation to the world so much so the Bible says they're going to shake their fist at him when he's coming and the Bible says that when they see Christ coming with the hosts of heaven read revelation 19 it says it's the Bride of Christ with him that the people on earth who are Antichrist will shake their fist and gnash on their teeth at the appearance of the coming of the Son of man in his glory and the Bible says that they will turn toward him and fight against him from Megiddo Armageddon but Jesus returns and gathers the nation's to Jerusalem for a 75 Day read Daniel chapter 12 75 days of judgment Jesus will sit on the throne before he commences his Millennial Kingdom he's going to take the government and he's going to clean up the world and the Bible says and you know it very well Matthew chapter 25 is the fulfillment of Daniel chapter 12 the Bible says Jesus will be there and he will separate the nation's the nation's like a shepherd separates sheep from the goats he's not separating believers from non-believers there's a criteria isn't there where Jesus says his own mouth says I'm going to divide the nations of the world when I arrive in Jerusalem and I'm going to take those who fail the test and they're gonna be cast in the valley of jehoshaphat at the at the bottom there the Kidron Valley they're going to be destroyed their bodies are going to be heaped together at the judgement of Christ and here's the criteria Aamir will tell you Jesus says this is the standard by which I will judge those nations well yeah thank you you've got an Old Testament in the New Testament accounts that are parallel you've got Joel chapter 3 verses 1 and 2 and you've got of course in Matthew 25 in Joel 3 it says that the Lord is going to bring all the nations of the world in those days in those last days and he will bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat and he will enter into judgment with them on this account what they did to his people Israel the people in the land my brother Mike yes and then Jesus in his teaching in Matthew 25 talked about how the king will return all will appear before him and he will tell them of course you you fed me when I was hungry you you gave me to drink when I was thirsty you took care of me when I was sick and they said when did we do that he said if you did that to the least of my brethren it's as if you did that unto me and so Jesus is basically just as Joel said is going to judge the nations of the world at when he returns according to what they did to the nation of Israel think of it think of that yes so you're okay here no but all the nations of the world I mean it's going to be it's the first time we hear judgment according to nations not according to individual it's not like a person stands before God because when a person stands with regards about whether he believes in Christ or not but a nation will be judged according to what it did to Israel and I didn't write it the Lord Road if you have a problem talk to him it's awesome it's unbelievable and to think see this is the commencement of the kingdom this is the politics of Jesus Christ he's the king and before he gets the awesome millennium Oh read read the latter chapters of Isaiah he's gonna are you are you a tree hugger if you're a Treehugger you should love Jesus you know why he's Isaiah says that when he comes back he's gonna cause the deserts to bloom in fact did you know that a needle on a cactus is a underdeveloped blossom of a flower it's the its DNA is a it's a it's a flower the needles of flower all of a sudden the Mojave Desert it's gonna be the most beautiful place on earth if you think about it he's gonna transform the deserts in the desert springs will blossom he will take the environment and he will take nature can you imagine he's gonna make it perfect it's gonna be eaten again in the world under his leadership but before he does that he's gonna turn the nations as a mere just set and the and the criteria for judgment is how did you treat my Jewish brothers Jesus says he doesn't say I'm gonna judge you on how you treated the church he says I'm gonna judge you on how you treated my brethren though yes brethren is that good old Hebrew word as brothers you will die and you will gather to your father's or to your brother's to your family if Jesus is gonna say so how did you treat my nation can you imagine some of these nations well it doesn't have to be the Nate you say I don't care about a nation oh let me ask you what about you what about the church you attend what are they doing to the what are they doing for the nation of Israel today what does your church doing to evangelize the Jewish people remember Israel if Israel is tossed away what does it say about God it says that he's not a God it keeps his government Israel is your insurance policy that God is going to take care of you as well and and God kept them used them they produced to the world the belief in one God the Word of God and the son of God and they went through so much persecution because of that and eventually they will be rewarded with salvation based only on their repentance and confession that they need that same Savior whom they pierced 2,000 years ago and now they tale they say to him Baruch haba b'shem Madonna and it's beautiful because Jesus himself prophesied and said to Jerusalem you look at me Jerusalem you're not gonna see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord so they will have to ask for him to come and he will come as always I'm so sure that he'll keep his promises that if he does not keep his promises to the Jews I have no promises exactly that he owes to me hmm you need to reconcile that right now big if God breaks this promise with the Jewish people you have no you have no guarantee of eternal life it's over for you it's over for me amazing okay and I always tell people when Christ is coming back you really don't want to see his face you want to see his back you want to right behind me with other than sinning because he comes back as a Manowar listen tonight amen to that tonight do you know Jesus Christ personally this is not a mechanized system of belief this is not a religious entity Christianity and biblical Christianity is not a club it's not a social club I can't think of a greater opportunity in time for you tonight then now for you to say yes to Jesus the same prophets that have talked about the soon coming war with Russia it's his lot Islamic Alliance against Israel the bat by the way that Bible says that the invading armies will be completely destroyed by God in the mountains of Israel the same God that made that promise is the exact same God that said you'll be able to recognize my son he'll be born in the little town of Bethlehem there'll be a scandal surrounding his birth his mother will be apparently accused of some misconduct because a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and the Pharisees that attacked Jesus and said we know who our Father is who's your father they called him a you-know-what in Israel and yet everything about him was fulfilled in Scripture everything that is said about him yet to be fulfilled my dear friend will be full exactly as the Bible said what has been done has been done literally what remains will be that will be done literally and I want to ask you tonight Amira and I want to ask you tonight have you literally given your heart to Christ have you given him your real existence not your lip service on Sunday but a real absolute heart hand over to him as Lord and Savior we're not talking to religion here we're talking a relationship with the Living God you need to do that he died on the cross for your sins some people say oh I didn't need that that's okay I'm not that bad yeah you you are so bad you're super bad if that's the way your attitude is you're super bad because you can't even see it then there are some people who will say well you know what I I'm so bad Jesus couldn't have paid for all my sins don't flatter yourself his bloods greater than your sin you need to ask him simply like this you can say Lord Jesus come into my life I believe the scripture is about who you are I don't understand much but I understand enough that what I'm hearing tonight's truth and God listen I'm so serious I believe he takes this for real God if you're real will you show me who you are just show yourself to me by whatever means you'll know that will convince me God reveal yourself to me he will do that the problem is you may not be intellectually honest with yourself enough to ask that question you may not want to know the answer because you're enjoying your sin your sin will kill you it's killing you now but he loves you he says I love you but he also says his spirit will not always strive with you he's not always going to put up with you and so you need to make that decision and we pray that you make that decision in your own heart and your own mind now you can tell them I pray we prayed together tonight that if you do not if you're serious about may be considering Jesus and you have heard of these challenges tonight it's our loving prayer for you that you would not be able to sleep rest have any comfort from this time forward until you lose in this struggle with God because he is mighty to save father we thank you for your time your truth your promises to us we thank you that we've not followed cunningly devised fables but the sure word of God the word of prophecy that did not come to us by man or by the invention of man by but by holy men moved touched by your Holy Spirit who authored these things that all of these things that have been written down have been written down for our learning and for our comfort and Jesus that your promise stands sure tonight that whoever believes in me though he may die yet he shall live for I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but through me for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life jesus said unless a man is born from above born again he will not see the kingdom of heaven so friend tonight in this room there are either those who are born again whose names are written down and what an appropriate night to ask this question on Yom Kippur is your name written down in the Lamb's Book of Life is it written there all those who know their name is written there are comforted by that fact if you do not know that tonight if you don't have the assurance of your salvation tonight you need to talk to God about that in the name of Jesus Christ and it's in his name we pray and all God's people said
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 241,953
Rating: 4.8293743 out of 5
Keywords: end of the world, end times, end time, 2018, last days, bible prophecy, news, prophecy, amir tsarfati, behold israel, revelation, rapture, antichrist, Jerusalem, Israel, embassy, Capital, middle east, Trump, donald trump, Putin, Assad, Palestinian, Rapture, Jesus, Temple Mount, Fake News, Russia, Jew, Judaism, Middle-East, Syria, Egypt, Hope, Love, Depressed, Life, Happiness, Salvation, Forgiveness, God
Id: 6Nm1f_-cFf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 57sec (5097 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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