50 - “Jubilee”

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[Music] hello we're body I'm Troy Brewer from prophetic numbers dot-com and today I'm gonna be talking to you about the prophetic significance of the number 50 now 50 is the number that God stamps upon Jubilee which means deliverance of 52 symbolizes deliverance our freedom from a burden if you've had something that's been tearing you up and it's owns you and then suddenly it no longer owns you that's what the number 50 is all about God commanded ancient Israel that every 50th year on the Day of Atonement right Yom Kippur that a Jubilee was to be declared with the sound of a trumpet Dada you've been set free Leviticus chapter 25 during the Jubilee year all debts were settled in favor of the debtor and inheritances or were always returned back to their rightful owners also those who worked as slave laborers in order to repay a debt were granted their freedom to return home back to their families and back to their own land now because of a hebrew language all numbers are also letters a quick look at the Hebrew alphabet shows us that the number 50 is also the 14th letter U that's actually pronounced noon there's like the only Hebrew I know now it looks like a big fancy j' with a crown on top of it which is really cool that noon represents both faithfulness and the reward of faithfulness 50 so then you've been rewarded right so the J represents someone kneeling down being humble and basically saying I'm nothing but dust the Bible tells us that in James 4:10 that if you humble yourself in the side of the Lord that he will lift you up that's what the number 50 or the letter noon is all about now in Arabic the language of the tomorrow noon means a fish and that symbol of activity or life or life more abundantly right so Jesus spends lots of time around fish and fishermen of good reason and that brings me to the next boy about God's use of the number 50 50 signifies the coming of god almighty's incredible spirit Pentecost the number 50 is found 154 times within the Bible and the meaning is directly related to the Spirit of God coming up on come coming up on this planet that's why Pentecost is fifty days from Passover so in the New Testament the word Pentecost comes from the Greek word 50th or 50th day also known as the feast of weeks or the feast of firstfruits so there you have it the number 50 Jubilee has to do with being set free deliverance it has to do with things being set back the way that they were originally intended to be I love the number 15 now guys if you like this kind of teaching would you please press like at the bottom of this just go ahead and push the button right now and that'll make us well that'll make you a rockstar evangelist and also share this with your friends put this on your own social media I also would love to invite you to come and find this video and many more and all of my resources at prophetic numbers com I'm Troy brewer god bless you so much [Music]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 4,865
Rating: 4.9898992 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit, prophetic numbers
Id: DOy8Km31KdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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