Looking Up Conference NIGHT 3! (OpenDoor Church)

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Church will you join me and welcoming everybody all over the world that's listening on the radio to the new Pacquiao jet looking up looking up conference tonight number three and I bless everybody that's listening on the pin fold radio network and all my friends that are watching on Troy Bertie V my friends that are watching on open door experience comm all our people that are watching live on Facebook right now you know guys this last Sunday man we had over we had over 10,000 viewers that we're watching this live and I wanted to tell you man just us having a part of that as the culture of our house that you just plug in and that's you that you share that over to your own Facebook it's just such a big deal guys and we're able to reach so many people and I'm so glad guys for you guys participating in that this week has just been incredible and we have a lot of ground to cover over the next 30 to 45 minutes and as the great profit jury Reed once said we got a long way to go in a short time to get there amen I'm sure that's in the book of Proverbs somewhere so I want to come before the Lord father God sir come to your Lord and I thank you God for your great presence here today father God sir we recognize God that this is a new year on the Hebrew calendar we recognize God that you're coming back soon we recognize father God sir that you're screaming that Jesus Christ is coming back soon and sir we say Maranatha we say come quickly Lord Jesus we love you Lord God I pray God for the atmosphere of our hearts and the atmosphere of this room tonight God let there be a great spirit of Revelation here tonight and I pray God that it would be a joy and not a burden to any of us sword I pray God that you give us an eye to see and give us an ear to hear I pray God for a prophetic understanding and let there be a spirit of prophecy here in the house here tonight in Jesus name we pray everybody here say together amen amen amen amen hallelujah well where do we begin a Monday and I guess we started talking about the great American Eclipse and what happened on the 21st of August the American Eclipse that happened only over the United States it was an American word the last time we had a full-blown American eclipse the only effect of the United States was in the year 1776 which again represents the United States it started near Salem Oregon and it passed in a 70 mile swath across seven salem's all the way to South Carolina and it exited and it took an hour in 33 minutes for it to go across our land Psalms chapter 133 is what it was pointing to and we talked about the importance of that if you were here on Monday or Tuesday night at the conference you got a packet you got 17 pages of my conference notes how many you guys how many guys found that helpful you found that helpful everybody's like because everybody been telling me for you dude I can't keep up with you I'm like well I can't keep up with me all right I've got a DD you have to have like 25 screens turned on at one time right to be able to understand my world so so so I can't keep up with it but even with that you can just see what's real as you can you can get as much of this as you want you sure can and I want to pray in the name of Jesus so tonight on this third night that you capture something that you leave here and you have a takeaway that you leave here with today that you say man I'm just I'm so excited that Jesus loves me and he's coming back for me soon amen and you're not allowed to entertain any kind of thought that thinks that you will be ripped off if Jesus Christ comes back because you will not be ripped off hallelujah now listen Jesus is the answer Jesus is not the problem as we talked about that the first part of the night on Monday night and then the second part of the night we talked about the revelation 12 sign that's happening on the 23rd it's happening at the end of this week on the 23rd and the revelation 12 son that's happening in the heavens that is exactly what is described in Revelation chapter 12 it is the woman who is a virgin and she is given a baby she's having a baby she's giving birth to Jupiter she's clothing the Sun her feet is on the moon there's twelve stars normally there's only nine stars that hit above her head but because all the planets are lining up this week all the planets are lining up an extraordinary way this week there are actually three planets above her head as well the word planet means a wandering star so well MH stars that can be another word planet actually means star it means a wandering star and so there are twelve stars above her head exactly as described in Revelation chapter 12 and then in verse five it says when she has the baby that the baby is caught up and the Latin word for caught up is the word Raptor au which is where we get the word raptured from and for those of y'all that have thought well the word rapture is not in the Bible it is in the Bible but it's not in the English Bible it's in the Latin so well that don't count well the word Bible late in the Bible either word Trinity is not in the Bible we use that term Trinity all the time the term millennial reign is not in the Bible there's a whole bunch of stuff that we use all the time that is right on that are not biblical words but they're kingdom words for things that are biblical amen and rapture is one of those and my friends listen we can't have an idea that the rapture of the church is some kind of pie in the sky like that's too crazy for you okay you believe Jesus Christ is resurrected from the dead and he ascended from heaven but he's coming back is too crazy for you really no it's not even a leap now listen if he showed up once when he promised and he did promise for 4000 years that he was going to show up and he did he's been promising now for 2,000 years he's gonna show up the second time he's about to I'm telling you right now guys everything is screaming that so guys we talked about that we talked about it happening at Rosh Hashanah and even though it doesn't happen for another three days Rosh Hashanah has to has a two-day period because Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets is the Feast that no man knows the day or the hour so they give several days for that because it depends on when the high priests can see the tiny sliver of the moon and say there's a new moon and it's a new month and if it's cloudy then you have to wait to the next day or you might have to wait until the next day and if the Sun don't come up until late well then no man knows the hour no man knows a day when Jesus said that he he was coming back and no man and he was coming back at the last Trump and no man knows the day or the hours he was saying I'm coming back on the Feast of Trumpets that's what he was saying now guys when he was when he was the Passover lamb it fell exactly on Passover when he was when he was on the day of unleavened bread he fulfilled that guys He fulfilled we all know that Pentecost actually fell on the day of Pentecost it fell on that day the Holy Spirit actually felt that he fulfilled the first four there are three more and he will fulfill those two the day and he will fulfill the rapture of the church the blowing of the trumpet in the rapture of the church will be fulfilled on the feast day Rosh Hashanah which means it's a new season amen and then and then my friends the day of judgment is Yom Kippur which is the day of atonement that's the judgment throne and then when he comes back in Tabernacles among men with all of us that's the Feast of Tabernacles now I'm singing all that to say say to you that this is really really intruding men there's some new languages man that the body of Christ is speaking and I love these new languages it's like their resurrected languages just like just like Hebrew language has been resurrected just exactly like that now you know what Gentile people in the body of Christ are now looking at the Jewish signs and saying hey we can speak this language too and we should because my friends these things are Kingdom things the reason we've been separated from it is because the body of Christ has been known as Jew haters for the past 2,000 years we've got to stop that trash because I want to tell you what you don't like Jews you hang on like Jesus he and ashamed of being a Jew at all any more than I'm ashamed to be in a Texan do you think I'm agnostic as being a Texas wait wait until you hang around a bunch of Jews they're way worse than Texans they're happy happy happy to be Jewish amen I promise you and so what's really as man Jesus is coming back soon and you and I are learning these languages one of the languages that we're learning began a few years ago and this this this revised an understanding of an ancient language is what is God saying through the Sun and the moon and in the stars and that really started happening in around 2014 when the blood moons begin happening exactly the way that they had happened at the Reformation of the birth of Israel and like what are the odds that there is a Blood Moon and then a Blood Moon and the first one is on pastor over and the second one is on Tabernacles and then the next year there's one on the tasks over and the next or that small on Tabernacles or like what is that it caused everybody to start looking up again it causes everybody start going whoa wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute I think that I think that the Bible was true when it says in Psalms 19 verses 1 through 6 the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork let me break that down just a little bit Furman is a king James is a king James word for how the sky looks from your perspective can I tell you something God is not such a horrible communicator that he does not care about your perspective you know I don't know if there's anybody in here and you see crazy things and clouds but I want to tell you if you're like Troy are you crazy like that I'm so much worse than that I'm way worse than that and typically when I see something in a cloud that becomes the theme for the day and then it's like every cloud I see starts to look like that and I'm just like that and I'm weird y'all can just whatever that's weird ever yet until until you get sick then you'll call some weirdo I need somebody who really knows Jesus amen and so so man I I want to tell you man I I I want to just tell you anytime that you see a cloud area it looks like something to you that's only to your perspective you could be a mile this way or a mile that way and then look completely different amen and God cares about the things that you see because because he's really trying to get a message across to you well when it says the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork he literally means by the way your perspective I'm gonna put details in how you see those things okay and then it says day in the day utter speech and not in the night reveals knowledge well check this guy's because this is prophetic in nature and it's saying daytime is for hearing but not time is for revelation knowledge so God Almighty will cause you to hear things in the daytime and he'll cause you to understand things in the nighttime have you ever seen that scripture before because that's what it says we need to be in with the timing and we need to be in tune with the timing of the things of the Lord right okay then in verse 3 it says there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard their line has gone out throughout the earth in their words to the end of the world and in them he has set a tabernacle for the Sun now I want to just tell you the tabernacle will the Sun or the tent or the place where the Sun lives in the Hebrew language is called the mazzaroth and you can find you can find that in three different places in the Old Testament including in the book of Job but the Greeks call it the zodiac now guys there are tons and tons and tons of constellations but there are only 12 signs and what determines if it is a sign is if the Sun passes through it in something that is called the ecliptic so the Sun doesn't pass through all the constellations it only passes through twelve and that is called the tabernacle or the place where the sun's Wells which is the ecliptic all right and then he describes what that's all about he says which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoices like a strong man to run his race it's rising his from one end of heaven and it's circuit to the other end and there is nothing hidden from its heat ok let's break that down because that's some strange language this is what he says he goes if you want to know what it's like what God is saying through the place that he has placed the Sun from your perspective so that it passes through certain constellations from your perspective this is what God likens it to it's a lot like God Almighty coming up out of a hotel room after his honey after his honeymoon and he's saying everything is right in my world it was worth the wait I'm so happy that I made that happen this is the way that life is supposed to be I'm extremely confident and I'm ready now to take on the world and there ain't nothing there nobody that's not gonna know about how passionate I am nothing is hidden from his heat passion right that story that he's so passionate about that he's like it's worth the way it's worth the weight is the promise that you and I would be fully redeemed because the the tabernacle of the Sun or the path that the Sun goes through or the 12 signs of the zodiac tells us exactly his plan of redemption Genesis chapter 1 verses 14 14 through 16 says God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from night and let them be for everybody say signs seasons days and years and then let them be for lights in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so the last reason he created the Sun and the moon and stars was for light it wasn't for the first reason he already had light before there was a Sun in moon and the stars he said let there be light on the first day but he didn't create the Sun and Moon and stars until the fourth day Jesus was literally the light of the world on the first second and third day John chapter 1 tells us that in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God in the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God right so what I'm saying is this when Jesus stood up and he's just a Jewish dude and he's just standing there and he says yeah I'm the light of the world he that wasn't a metaphor he really it truly has been the light of the world and I love that but that was the last reason literally changed everything changed from supernatural light to natural light on the fourth day there was a huge shift that happened on the fourth day as you need to be able to recognize when there's a huge shift and by the way can I tell you what happened on the third day you guys remember in the creation story do you guys remember what happened on the on the third day the Bible says the land rose up out of the waters on the first day there was light the second day there was a division of waters and division tells us that there's going to be ridiculous going to take place and then the third day the land rose up guys can I tell you things always rise on the third des amen and then on the fourth day about in the Word of God fine man in it fine and then if they on the fourth day you know what there's there's a shift everything becomes brand-new on the fourth day listen that's what happens with all of us you know I assume as we experience resurrection power you know what man we're going to take the supernatural and now we're going to apply it to the natural and that's exactly what happened on the fourth day everything ceased me in Supernatural I and it became natural I on the fourth day amen well this is the first reason not the second not the third not the fourth and not the fifth to give light the fourth being four years the third being four days the second being four seasons which actually means prophetic appointments is four signs everybody just say the word signs you're supposed to know what the signs in the heavens are God created them from your perspective so that you would know the signs but pastor Troy I'm a man of God and those things have all been turned over to the devil that's because you are a pansy sir and you turned it over to the devil not me ain't turning that over to the devil devil got no business looking at this he can't even look into it you know what all the witches and warlocks think that it starts at Aries and it ends at Pisces but it doesn't it begins at Virgo and it ends at Leah they I mean they don't know why because they're not looking for the creator the point of all this is so that we can know the Creator not so that we can know the stars that point to the creator the stars are like scriptures how many people have known the Bible but they wouldn't know the author if he jumped out and kicked him amen the point is to know who the ones are testifying up Alleluia well the first night was a prophetic night tonight two the first two nights we're all profiting nice tonight guys are gonna be the message night guys if you would please open up your Bibles to Romans chapter one man I gotta I gotta start booking all right are you guys ready jump in the fast lane okay here we go so this is Romans chapter one I want I want to remind you that Romans chapter 1 is illegal to preach in Canada I'm not making that up you can go to prison in Canada and in many nations throughout the earth for preaching Romans chapter 1 because it's considered hate speech somebody has decided to make this illegal and I'm not making that up it's just something that's because it affects Christians it's never on the media amen but you need to know that and you need to be wise about the day that you live in okay verse 18 it says for the wrath of God is real is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness they don't want you to know what God is saying because they have a different agenda amen because what baby known of God is manifest in them for God has shown it to them for since the creation of those four since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuses like look God is screaming through all creation his secrets so he says there's no excuse for people not knowing what God Almighty is saying because all creation is screaming even the most secret things right but then he says this because although they knew God they didn't glorify him even as God nor were they thankful that's a big part of it but they became futile in their imaginations and their foolish hearts were darkened and professing themselves to be wise they became fools and they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things he's talking about the signs in the heavens I'm telling you hear me say this man beginning at verse 18 and going all the way down to verse 24 he said God put all this in the heavens and because people didn't because people had a different agenda and they didn't want people to know the truth which is the story of redemption amen they had a different agenda they changed it from the things that God was saying to things of their own culture and he says and the wrath of God is revealed against that amen so God God takes this thing serious he takes this thing so dadgum serious now I want to tell you it started off with the Egyptians they knew the things of God but they glorified him not as God neither were they thankful but they became vain in their imaginations and professing themselves to be wise they became fools so they built all these all these astrological structures now they were not the first person to ever build an astrological structure that the top was as the heavens that's called the Tower of Babel now I have been to the pyramid in Giza I've actually been there I've been to the Great Pyramid it's an amazing building one of the things that blows my mind about the Great Pyramid is it's 40 stories tall it's as tall as the biggest building in downtown Fort Worth it's a big in y'all I was like oh my gosh man I was going to climb it which is illegal but I got about halfway up had an asthma attack I had to get back down man that's bad I mean I'm real scared of high so I was like yeah 10 stories is enough for me dude I'm crawling the heck down and I was crawling down like this my shirt was coming off of me I was like sticking to the rocks I was scared to death I was gonna fall off but I made that look cool I promise you well it started off with the Egyptians and they wouldn't glorify God and then it was the Babylonians and then it was the Medes and it was the Persians they don't was the Romans then it was the Brits and then it was the Americans like why we've never corrupted the things that fit our culture that are up there oh yeah you ever seen the Big Dipper right okay do you think it was called a Big Dipper before there were wagon trains in the United States and the back of that at the back of every single wagon was a great big giant bucket that had water in it and a great big what's that called guys a Dipper the Big Dipper and everybody's balking man man it's it's 18-49 and we're all 49ers and we got to walk all the way across the swinging world we because we're gonna find gold over in California ma can I please have a drink from the Big Dipper why sure son get a drink and at night they lay out we got no television we got no radio pow it's a Big Dipper wash aureus and it's stuck it's stuck that's a true story I just told y'all I promise you the whole body ever called that the Big Dipper until hillbillies walked across America and you need to know what it really and truly is because it glorifies the Lord in an amazing way and it points to Polaris and Polaris as the North Star and the North Star represents the throne of God that everything circles and it's seven stars and Jesus says I am he who holds the seven stars within my hand right it's the church it's the body of King Jesus and our job is to point the King Jesus it is not the Big Dipper so we can get all mad at the Egyptians we can get all math the Babylonians and we get math the Medes and then the Persians and we can get my at the Greeks and we cannot be hateful towards the Romans and the Brits but we're just as bad as the rest of them listen man we have to we have to have a heart for King Jesus towards these things we have to want to know these things okay so I'm just going to just tell you I've already told y'all that Jesus said that there will be signs in the Sun and the moon and stars drop before he comes back so guess what there's going to be guys there'll be signs in the Sun Moon stars one of the things that I can tell you that the witches and New Agers are extremely wrong and I don't mean to be disrespectful of them you know why I call those people pre Christians may they all find Jesus amen amen I bless them and call them blessed in the name of Jesus but y'all want to tell you this prophetic revelation is always always progressive the Bible says that when we prophesy it's always in part so you get a part and if you're faithful then you get the next part and then if you're faithful you get the next part then if you're faithful you get the next part amen it's important for you to understand that if you're like well I've never received anything prophetic that's because you don't know how to steward the little bitty tiny thing and if you can learn that principle then you know what man there'll be a greater measure of faith that will be given to you concerning prophetic things amen and you'll grow in those things and you'll grow in those things first corinthians 13:9 tells us that always building upon the last the last one and guys once you pay attention this when it says day in the day utter speech and not a night it reveals knowledge that Psalms 19 verse 12 and we're talking about the beginning and the end and this is what you guys need to know it's progressive so it's progressive it's something that you look at and you look at you go oh wow okay I never saw that before even though you've seen it a million times you see something fresh and new and you're like oh my gosh what guys in the Bible like that okay before the Bible was written in the book it was written in the heavens and the author is the same the author is the same by the way the Bible is no longer being written in the Bible now the Bible is being written in you you are living epistles Paul says and someday you and I are going to stand before the throne of God on the Day of Atonement and the Bible says and the books shall be opened our hearts will be revealed and the incredible secret things that God Almighty has done within our life King Jesus is going to be glorified through those things God's not writing me anything bad in your book so don't be afraid of that amen hallelujah praise the name of King Jesus okay so so not only is this thing not let me just kind of I just got to just talk to you about this this is a big deal how do you know then if it's progressive okay if there's 12 signs in the heavens and for every major constellation there are three minor constellations around it that also tell the story okay and not only not only guys do the constellations tell the story and not only do the not only do the three minor constellations around them support what the story is saying but just give more depth to what the story is but the stars themselves the names of the stars also tell the story so if you look up what's the constellation what's the minor constellations that actually go with the sign and what are the names of the stars and then if you're psychotic you'll also look up how many light-years away they are and the numbers always match the story if you know what numbers mean and it's like dang Edith it's like there's a design or something there is but it's the glory of God to conceal a thing and the honor of Kings is to search out the matter the majestic part of you the Royal part of you wants to go deeper and deeper and deeper guys and this is what this is what separates mere seekers from curiosity seekers I just think a big part of my ministry is to help you to learn how to become a drop dead sold out Jesus Freak where you're just in love with Jesus that's a man you can you can be way too churchy I promise you that and listen you'll get on all of our nerves if you're too churchy but you cannot be to Jesus II you can't get enough Jesus I'm on tape right now and you go to the you go to the ocean and the depths are the loves of the love of King Jesus many times with a little thimble or a teaspoon okay that's pretty good for me that's all I need not me I want to jump all the way in and you know I want to be worse tomorrow than I am today a man I want to love King Jesus more six months from now than I do now and that's why we all get together listen we don't all get together and we don't have church because God loves us more if we if we all go to church but here's the here's the deal pickle if we all go to the right church we will love God more that's the deal amen and we all need help and falling in love with God more and more and more and more and more amen well this thing's progressive and since its rotating and it never stops you know how do you know where it starts and how and how do you know where it ends because see listen if you go to some witch and you say hey I need your wisdom to tell me how to live my life can I just tell you something that is just that is I can't imagine how that breaks God's heart that you go to somebody who studies stars that God Almighty created to show you how awesome he is to guide your life and you go to somebody who has a separate agenda of God takes his creation because they want control in your life and you say okay please put me in this slavery I need that I don't have nearly enough slavery in my life and by the way I haven't opened up any new doors to all kinds of demonic activity recently not eat a lot more of that don't do that don't do that don't don't don't partner with the devil and call that a good thing don't do that so so number one I want to just tell you they don't know where it starts and they don't know what they don't know where it ends and their clock is completely off you know why because Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end of all things and if you're not looking for him you missed the beginning in the end they think that it starts at Aries and ends at Pisces it doesn't now I was seeking the Lord about this years ago and saying god I know where it starts but I need to make sure that I know where it starts I mean I know it starts in Genesis in Genesis chapter 3 is the promise of the seed of the woman which is prophetic speech and something impossible because women don't carry seeds women carry eggs and you can't be a virgin and carry a seed almost like look out either so we're starting to go to strange places in this church I'm just telling you how you know bodies work it's okay I'm not gonna you know put on a very white tape or anything you're alright guys like who's that you're missing out dude stop it I need to quit stop so I've heard okay so I want to show you a picture this is me and now I want to just just show you this picture of me get ready for a really cool fat picture of me okay that's me dude listen I I don't know if you guys know that I recently lost 140 pounds do you guys know that okay like I didn't need the Internet I was already worldwide I promise you I had more rows than a bakery I had more Chin's than a Chinese phone book the only alphabet I knew was KFC the only mountain I could climb was mountain dew I could do this all night I'm good at that I'd wear white pants and we'd show movies on my Hani I shut down every outdoor drive-in in the state of Texas I'll tell him dude when I was fat I rocked your face off dude I was an awesome fat man I promise you man okay well that's me and I'm standing out there and by the way guys Leon I thought I was a sexy beast on that day and I bless her and call her blessed in the name of Jesus amen guys I want to I want to just you see what it is I'm standing from guys let me let me show you the second image that's of Spinks now the Spinks is located in front of an astrological structure which is called the Great Pyramid right it's tapas as a heavens and again I want to I want to tell you that that's what Babylon was all abut that's what Babel was all about everybody thinks that everybody thinks that that what it tells the story of Babel they were trying to build a tower that went all the way to heaven no no what it actually says in the Hebrew is it stopped was as the heavens well there's only one astrological structure in the world that it stops tells us where this equinox is and where that equinox is and where the summer solstice is and where the winter solstice is and that's called a pyramid they built the Pyramid in Babylon and then God Almighty he brought division to them and they felt compelled to go all over the world they didn't just change their racial features it changed how they thought they began to be architects of brand-new cultures and some folk went to China some Pope so some folk went to England some folk went to South America and everywhere they went they built pyramids right we'll see that that's what happened at Babylon they were scattered all over the world and they still built pyramids according to their own culture but according to what had been shown to them in Babel or what would later become Babylon now the Egyptians they did the same thing and they built this thing and it's out there but then they put this strange structure and I'm gonna put it up there one more time guys I want you to look at this this is the Sphinx and everybody's like well what is the mystery of the Sphinx what what kid the Sphinx possibly be well I want to tell you the name speaks means where you join the name Sphinx actually means where you join something it means the hook-up it's like where you join what the thing that he's garden what is he garden the tabernacle the Sun which is the zodiac okay what is he saying this is where you join the face of a woman in the body of a lion it starts at Virgo and it ends at Leo [Music] mystery solved and I'm from Joshua Texas thank you very much thank you thank you I'm not the one who solved that mystery listen we've known this for a long long time drop dead so doubt Jesus freaks have known about this for a long long time and actually know that there there's others that there's a there's a dendera zodiac in another ancient city that actually has the Sphynx between there's a Big O calendar on there and it shows Virgo and then it shows Leo and it has the Sphinx in between there and it means this is where you join it this is where it starts and this is where it finishes the the face of a woman and the body of a lion it begins with Virgo and it ends with Leo okay I want to go on down guys and I'm gonna start rocking and rolling here and I want you guys if you would please all my friends that are trying to keep up with me and my guys that are in the booth I'm skipping all the way down I'm looking for Virgo okay if you would guys listen we're gonna start off here with Virgo let me show what Virgo looks like you know and this is the first side okay let me tell you what Virgo is all about in Virgo and by the way I'm digging me some Matthew chapter one versus two three anytime you see a one two three if you're somebody that starts seeing one two three all the time it means you progress it means there's an upgrade from this and you mean and you need to pay attention to this okay behold the Virgin shall be with child and bear a son and they should cause name Emmanuel which is translated God is with us it's Matthew one two three and they are actually quoting Isaiah and that is the sign of the Son of Man it's what's happening on the 23rd there's a virgin birth that's happening in the heavens and Jesus said in Matthew chapter 24 that right before he comes back the sign of the Son of man shall appear in the heavens okay we've been waiting for 2000 years for that to happen it's never happened in history before it's never gonna happen in history again and it's happening the day after tomorrow hallelujah hallelujah it's happening okay it you have a front-row seat for this amen okay well Virgo is Virgo is a virgin and it's the promise or the prophetic promise of the virgin birth of the Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ now now in Genesis chapter 3 he says this he says let me tell you something lady I'm gonna put hostility between you he's talking he's talking to the devil I want to put a great hostility between you and the woman the woman is going to bear birth to something that is hostile to you so even though even though it's true that through the woman the problem came into the world so God Almighty said through the woman the answer will come into the world amen and that's that's just the goodness of God that's just how Redemption works okay well Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 is the first promise of the Messiah so in the heavens the first promise of the Messiah is Virgo the virgin now I love how how he's the answer to the problem the first son the first son given to the Messiah was that a human would be born of a virgin and it makes sense then that the first sign in the order of heavens would be Virgo the virgin so Virgo is represented as a woman with a branch in her right hand and some ears of corn with in her left hand she's a virgin with seed we've already talked about it's impossible for that to happen so this glorious sign doesn't just speak of a virgin but it speaks to the miraculous birth of the bringer of redemption okay guys the brightest star in Virgo the virgin is known as Spica the didn't have any respect for us for its original name and that's because of Romans chapter 1 as explained and in Latin it means something like the Virgin's ear of wheat or more likely corn and even that name speaks of the harvest which is great because that's what that's what King Jesus is going to be he's gonna she's going to give birth to the lord of the harvest amen are you guys with me on that and guys the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 verse 10 now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness so a harvest always represents righteousness so she is this is a virgin who is going to give birth to a messiah who is righteous and who will bring forth righteousness now the ancient name which is in the old star maps is connected to the hebrew word i don't know beans what it sounds like to me and in arabic it sounds even worse than that and it means the branch there's a lot of hebrew words that sell like that to me it's like man that's kind of rude no I'm just speaking oh sorry the branch so this story I just come on the word branch is just cool man I have a grandson named branch branch Alan brewer amen it's like why is that because Zechariah 3:8 behold I will bring forth my servant the branch it's a it's a messianic name for King Jesus and that's the name of the star that is in her womb how crazy is that see before this verse was ever written in the Bible it was written in the heavens another star the next brightest is called tui I can't I can't say these words I usually just say trainwreck but I just which means the glorious and the beautiful Isaiah 42 says this and that day the branch of the Lord shall be glorious and beautiful Wow so before that verse was written in the Bible was written in the heavens and this is in the fruit of the earth of the excellent appealing for those of Israel have escaped well there's a whole bunch of really cool things that I could tell you about this and you know what we might go over these things at the star party on Friday night but let's go ahead and let's get to the next one immediately following Virgo let me just stop it let me just remind you I mean let me just stop the world is 24,000 miles around okay a guy by the name of John Harrison actually solved the longitude problem by building a clock that worked out at sea because God is such a genius he built the world with 24 around it now guys we just recently discovered that the world is 24,000 miles around and there's 24 time zones around the world because the world turns at 1,000 miles an hour watch traveling was traveling through space at a little over 66,000 miles an hour listen you're moving so fast right now you are literally moving 66,000 miles an hour while you're spinning at a thousand miles an hour you're like well I don't feel it if it's slowed down you would feel it if it's sped up you would feel it but a soaking system is so wonderful and God's timing is so majestic and he's such a thank you Jesus amen so what's cool is you know King brother John saw 24 elders around the throne well this was before anybody knew that there was 24 they understood there was 24 hours of the day but we didn't know that there was 24 that there was 24 time zones around the world or that we're that the world was 24,000 miles around like why is that significant because man all you got to do to be able to tell you where you're at on the map or how far away you are from a certain place is to know what time is it here and what time is it there like what you talked about with us I'm talking about this you've heard of Greenwich Mean Time right you've heard of Greenwich Mean Time so Greenwich Mean Time is London England and back when Britain's you know policy was to try and make the world Britain you know by the way America put a stop to that okay I'm back so so you could be out in the ocean and you'd be like hey man Tim about that cool watch well this watch right here is not not done tell me what time it is here it tells me what time it is there why because you see how the Sun is straight up above us yes 12 o'clock high name right right well at home it's 3 o'clock what does that mean that means we're 3,000 miles away from there that's how that works everybody go oh yes it's really not difficult it's really not okay so God is a genius to do all that and that really has nothing to do with what I'm talking about it actually does I'll try to remember what it is now I do so every month so there's 12 months of the year right there's 12 months of the year and every single month a new part of the story arises every single month now why not on the night Dan today it's uh turn speech you know it's doing all the stuff that is supposed to do so once you look at it for a month you're like okay cool cool cool I got it I got it then the next part of the story comes up and it's a progressive revelation so it progresses from Virgo the virgin and then it goes to something called Libra which is the scales like well what does that mean it's the prophetic promise that the Messiah that's going to show up he's going to be a redeemer and he's going to pay the terrible price that is required for redemption right now guys in the midst of all these these these stars they all mean something that tell us incredible things about the heart of King Jesus but you need to know this these are honors skills because the Bible says in Proverbs 11 1 and that's a 1 1 1 scripture dishonor skills are an abomination to the Lord if you say this is what it is it needs to be what it is how to Lou you God hates fake news how to Lou you amen now redemption is a payment for a legal debt a price must be paid for the redemption of mankind Psalms 49 verse 8 says for adamson of their souls is costly guys you've heard the whole thing in Daniel chapter 5 where it says you've been weighed in the balances and you've been found wanting well before all of that was in the Bible it was in the heavens amen so it's a pitcher and it's the second sign so we're still brand-new in the story of understanding okay listen God is going to become a human being through a virgin and he's going to be a messiah and he's going to be the huggable part of God but now I need to understand that there's a terrible price that I need to pay that I can't pay and he's the one who's going to pay it you know what man if you look at the price tag it's absolutely incredible guys you guys remember me telling you that there are three minor constellations around every single major constellations the three minor constellations that go with the seconds that they go with the second sign is the great arrow which by the way means you are being delivered an arrow always represents deliverance then there is lupus which is called the victim and then there is crux the cross what is he saying the Messiah will pay your price by he will be the victim he will down across and he will deliver you from the debt it's crazy there's so many things man there is actually a star there's actually a star that is in here that means it is finished Edith are you hearing this I have so many things I want to just go off on this there's so many things I'm just going to keep on going God guys because of time I just want to remind you that the heavens do declare the glory of God are you starting to see now how the heavens declare the glory of God okay so the first story the first one is that there's going to be a messiah and he's going to be born of a virgin woman he's going to bring forth the harvest and then we're all going to love him he's going to be cool the second one is not only is he going to be a messiah but he's gonna be a messiah Redeemer he's going to deliver us he's going to die on a cross he's going to do it for us he's going to make sure that the balances are even they are even for us again and the next one is Scorpio so Libra is the wages of sin and Scorpio is death it's very interesting to me that that's Romans 6:23 because six always represents flesh are the wages of sin and 23 always represents death and that's wrong in 633 in Romans by the way is the sixth book and it has the name man in it oh I'm way worse than y'all think I am I'm totally out there it's like and it's fun and it's awesome it's so personal whenever you were getting to know these things what's he saying what does Scorpio the scorpion say we'll be able to look at him very well this coming Friday night it's the prophetic promise that our Messiah Redeemer will take on hell with the water pistol and he is going to get in the grill of death he's like see I'm coming to redeem you and let me show you what I'm gonna redeem you from I'm going after death for your sake I'm gonna slap death in the face for your sake o death where is your sting o grave where is your victory can you see how that a scorpion would represent death that's 1st Corinthians chapter 15 55 it's a one five five five Scripture and guys are there don't have any five five five people in here you just see five five five all the time yeah there's there's some weirdos I celebrate weirdos by the way I bet I want to just tell you man that five five five is completed grace right five represents grace you see something three times in a row it means the whole enchilada I'm sure that's in the Bible somewhere thou shalt call that the whole enchilada but it we understand what the term I don't know what you would say the whole wage slaughter but that's what I say because I just love me some text max man I just do but also you see see how my head is man I got a stay on track hallelujah because I'll start preaching about tex-mex now and about what happened to five five five the name Christ the numerical value of the name Christ which means The Anointed One the numerical value of that is five five five there are five ingredients in the anointing all and then if you guys go to Bible gateway comm and if you copy fourteen King James you talk about the word Christ it's in the Bible five hundred and fifty five times Wow I love the design of this I love how God said oh you you want to look I'll show you if you want to look I'll show you or if you want to go there I'll be there for you oh I love King Jesus he's so cool the Bible says but God commended his love towards us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us Scorpio is seen as a giant scorpion with a bright red heart and a powerful stinger his claws are almost touching the skills of Libra directly over the stinger is the foot of a man in a constellation called - II can't I can't pronounce his name the man who is hustlin battling the serpent and it has to do with the warfare the brightest star in Scorpio is one of the brightest than all the heavy dances it's called Antares and I'll point that out on Friday night it's the heart of the Scorpion and it literally means I will wound you the word Antares means wounding a man and it's the heart of the Scorpion why is that why is that a big deal because Isaiah 53 says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed hallelujah Jesus Christ has overcome death amen well first Corinthians 15 says for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so that when this corruptible has put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory o death where is your sting o hell where's your victory Antares is the sixteenth brightest star in the sky and sixteen is a biblical number for the love of God God's love for you sixteen reminds me of John 3:16 you know the Bible says also in John 15:13 greater love has no man than this that he should lay down his life for his friends he's like this is how I'm going to prove my love for you I will lay down my life so that I can conquer death for you before that was in the Bible it was in the heavens the heavens declare the glory of God the fourth sign is Sagittarius the Archer and this is the part where he says okay remember the first one it's going to be Messiah the second one he's going to be a redeemer number three he's going to go to war with death but number four he's going to resurrect that's Sagittarius Sagittarius is the resurrection sign now guys I want to tell you here the Messiah's prophesied as an archer and a man of great warfare who's not afraid to deal with the enormous problem with the Scorpion death man he's got his bow trained on in terry's which is the heart of the scorpion he's seen as a man of war upon a horse and his arrows pointing directly at the heart of scorpion he's strong full of grace dual natured this is the King of Kings as seen in Revelation coming to conquer death in Revelation 62 it says and I looked him behold a white horse and he who set up on it had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went out conquering and to conquer before that was written in the heavens it was written in the archer of heaven which is known as Sagittarius and a strong bow represents covenant an arrow always represents deliverance but a strong bow represents covenant that's why it's a rainbow you're like dang I thought a bow is like a hair pretty no it's like a you know bow hello you have no idea how many people have told me that that's not a luck oh you know Jan crowds hair pretty don't Jan Crouch is cool but I'm talking about you know a bow it looks like a bow that is pointed towards heaven amen it means a strong covenant see that was worth coming to the conference for right there you're gonna be set free for the rest of your life of thinking about you know Dolly Parton's hair pretty there's that big old red bow she'd wearing her hair that's like covenant of Jesus no it ain't all right a bow and arrow prophetically represent deliverance and it represents covenant he's dual natured he's 100% God and he's 100% man at the same time they didn't know what to do with that so the Greeks made him half horse and half man because they glorified him not as God neither were they thankful but they became vain in their imaginations and professing themselves to be wise they became fools one of the names of the brightest stars is L name yeah I did pretty good at that one right and it means the gracious one Romans 16 7 says and the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all another name of one of the brightest stars is a shoe Allah I'm sure that was perfect it means the dart and Moses stretched out the rod towards heaven and the Lord sent thunder and hail and fire darted to the ground and the Lord rained hell upon the enemies of God Exodus 923 one of the names of one the brightest stars is Al Hugh it means one who comes forth and I look to behold a white horse and he who sat upon a had a bow and a crown was given him and he came forth conquering and to conquer another one of the brightest stars means the writing of the bow man in Revelation 19:11 heaven opened and behold a white horse and he was said in him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and he makes war another one of the stars means the Prince of the earth proverbs 816 buy me buy me Prince's rule and Nobles all the judges of the earth are by me so I'm just telling you that this picture says okay yes he was born of a virgin yes he is our Redeemer yes he did go to war with death and die but yes he has now conquered death that's what the next part of the story says the heavens declare the glory of God number five is Capricorn the Sea Goat and everybody knows that there ain't no such thing as a sea goat I guess you all know that y'all never been out of Johnson County because there's not well that's the prophetic promise that the redeemed would become one body with the Messiah so guys the Word of God says in mark chapter 10 verse 45 for even the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many okay guys the goat is the sacrifice so what you're looking at you're looking at a goat and guys I want to show you guys the picture of it so here's Capricorn the goat the first part of the goat is dead his his arms are laid down in front of him and his head is bowing but the hind a part of him is a fish that is flopping its tail around so what that means is this the goat is the sacrifice but the fish are those who the sacrifice was paid for the sea go and fish are the two becoming one body Jesus Christ died so that we can live and now we have become one body boom Capricorn and that crazy this sign is fulfilled in the scriptures in John chapter 17 I don't pray for these alone but for all those who will believe in me through their word that they all might become one as you Father in me and I in you they also may be one in us and the world may believe that you sent me and the glory which you gave me I have now given them and they might be one just as we are one I'm in them and you are in me and they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them as you have loved me that's Capricorn hallelujah I'm gonna go in the next one I got a hurry I got so much stuff to talk about but let's just go on to the next one number six is Aquarius what happens with this one new body of King Jesus He pours out the Holy Spirit upon them and that's called Aquarius the Water Bearer the prophetic promise that the Holy Spirit would be poured out upon all those redeemed so let's just let's go through it real quick what's happened so far well there's going to be a redeemer he's going to be a messiah he's going to take on death he's going to resurrect he's going to make those that he paid the price for one with him and now he's going to empower them before it was in the Bible was in the heavens guys and it should come to pass in the last day acts 2:7 then I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams man I have so much to say about this and I have a huge huge huge chapter that's on this and you know what we'll talk about this at the star party but you need to know guys this is the empowering of the Holy Spirit this is God Almighty pouring out upon all flesh and guys Aquarius the Water Bearer he has water pouring out and there's three little fish in it the fish the symbol of the fish Christianity he's talking about us as Christians those who are joined at his body because he paid the price and he was the goat of atonement for us and now we get to live because he died man it's beautiful this is so incredible and now he's freely pouring out his holy spirit upon all flesh number seven is Pisces the fish which is the prophetic promise of the Messiah would have a blessed people and they would be greatly multiplied anytime you see in the Bible the symbol of more than one fish we're talking about multiplication okay it's just like prophetic speech of Jesus coming back soon as always about birth pains amen with a great revelation twelve sign of the the Virgin is giving birth this month in just a couple of days on the 23rd is the great birth paint sign which says it's all like Donkey Kong Jesus Christ is coming back soon amen okay well whenever you see a sign of multiple fish God's talking about heaven being reproduced through his people it's prophetic language for multiplication so Pisces is a symbol of two fishes tied together by the tail by a band of Covenant and what's amazing is one if one points towards the North Star and it's it's vertical the other one is horizontal that makes it cross amen the point is that one fish represents God's natural nation Israel and the other represents God's supernatural nation which is Christianity and that is the Covenant that God Almighty made with brother Abraham now the Bible says in Romans chapter 9 chapter 2 verse 29 that he who is a Jew is one inwardly and circumcision is now of the heart and is now in the spirit and it belongs to men and to women it is not of the letter whose praise is not for men but rather from God and all those stars all say that if you get into looking at the names of all the stars that are in Pisces it just declares that we are blessed that we're multiplying that we are teeming with life because he poured out his spirit upon us amen okay here's the next one the next one is I'm gonna get down here to this number eight is Aries the RAM now anytime that you see Aries the RAM it has to do with heaven invading earth Aries the rim is he was slain but he has the horns of power and he's fully alive and he is rested in a he is seated he is rested he's in a position of power and what that means is this the one who was slain for our atonement has given all power and authority to make all things brand the names of all those stars that have to do in there have to do with things like new beginnings it has to do with bacon things brand new that's what Revelation chapter 21 verse 5 says and then he who said upon throne said behold I make all things brand new and he said to me write for these things are faithful and true one of the names of the stars means faithful and another one means true before that was in the Bible that was in that was in Capricorn another a name of one of another one of the stars his kingdom it literally means kingdom your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven that's Matthew 16 and that's what Ares represents after Ares well things begin to change and then we go to Taurus the Bull we're at number nine on the 12th this is the Prophet it promised the Messiah will come back he's busting through a wall you can always only see him from the shoulders up because he's busting through something the Messiah will come back with his people to judge and to rule and to reign man idol of Taurus the Bull there's so many really cool things in Taurus the Bull right after Taurus the Bull is Gemini the twins what's that it's the prophetic promise that those redeemed will be as righteous as the one who redeemed them so what's what's what's up right after that because the two look exactly the same right his glory has become our glory his righteousness has become our righteousness which is if we are twins we're certainly joint heirs and we are all sons of God whenever we come back with King Jesus which is represented in Taurus the Bull and platies in the neck which is the Seven Sisters amen or the seven churches in the book of Revelation we all come back with him and then when everybody looks at us we all look like twins Jim and I right and then after Jim and I at the Gemini comes a really strange one and this one here is Cancer the crab now I want to tell you I'd like to spend a lot of time on cancer the crab but I'm not I'm just going to just say that cancer the crab literally means it's a prophetic promise that once God has redeemed his people he will never ever ever let go of them we are his possession it's a picture of gods holding on to us and you know why he's paid too big of a price for us to slip away from him we are his holy possession and He loves us with the kind of love that he cannot explain and he's not going to let go of us and then the last one number 12 number 12 is Leo the Lion it's the Prophet it promised the Lion of the tribe of Judah will utterly destroy the enemy and ultimately rule over all things they shall walk after their Lord and he shall roar like a lion hosea 11:10 means all the stars means such incredible things and all the all the constellations around Leo the Lion one of them is crater the cup where his wrath of indignation is being poured out that's the book of Revelation another one is Craven and Craven is a crow and guess what that is that's called the Battle of Armageddon all that the book of Revelation is the book is is the sign of Leo the lion in his heart the heart of Leo the Lion is a star called Regulus in Regulus is seventy seven light years seventy seven light years away from the front from the planet Earth seventy seven is the number for the church do you know what's in the heart of King Jesus those whom he has redeemed his church so let's go through this one last time summing it up in the correct order not going according to the witches and warlocks and folks who don't care about the heart of King Jesus because the whole point of all this is his story of redemption and he's so confident he's going to happen that he doesn't hide anything from his passion to perform it you remember that scripture okay what is it this how it looks like Virgo there's gonna be a messiah and he's going to be born of a woman number two Libra he's going to be he's going to be a redeemer who's going to bring redemption to us Scorpio there's gonna be a war he's going to confront death and he will die Sagittarius he will resurrect and he will conquer death upon all of our behalf Capricorn from his death a living people will be born and he will join us together as one body well number what's the next one is that the number six is that correct Aquarius he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh number seven pisces his people will multiply and bless the earth Aries his kingdom will come and his will will be done through his people Taurus he will return with his people upon behalf of Israel Jim and I his people will look just like him cancer he will never ever ever let them go as his possession in Leo he will world and reign supreme throughout the universe boom this is the story of the redemption that has been in plain sight for everybody to see there are places where the Bible is not legal but you can't keep people from seeing the Stars and the Spirit of God has breathed upon the hearts of men and women as they look up who never had the gospel preached to them and he preaches it to them through the heavens and I promise you there have been people who get it the Magi got it the Magi who came to worship Jesus the stars in the way that the Stars lined up told them amen the Magi came from Babylon and brother Daniel had taught them that four hundred years earlier you guys need to come for my Christmas message to blow your mind I'm telling you yes okay it's cool it really is you're my friends I'm here to tell you that God is such a nut about redeeming you that he has put his story of how much he loves you and how passionate he is about accomplishing this vision in the heavens and the devil sees it and the devil hates it because the devil hates the idea of you being saved devil hates the idea of you being of you having his Spirit poured out upon you and God just laughs and he keeps telling the same story over and over and over again I want to ask yes stand up if you would [Music]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 9,564
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
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Length: 65min 29sec (3929 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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