January 17th, 2018 1

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well hello everybody hi y'all man I should enjoy praise and worship man I enjoy praise and worship thank y'all so much man for bringing your worship thank you so much man for doing that and for being the kind of people man that want to worship thank you for that bless you and call you blessed I'm really excited about the next 45 minutes or so we actually have about 45 minutes left here tonight and that's great we're going to unpack a whole bunch of dreams we're gonna start off unpacking our dreams I don't know that we will be able to run into a time to start unpacking dreams in the house but look we can do this everyone see not for a long long long time amen because we are the Dreaming Church we are we will enter our God Almighty has called us to be the Dreaming Church really and truly it's not about the gift of prophecy as much as it is about the heart of the Father and that people who have the audacity to actually believe the Lord to actually believe God and go you know what God says I'm forgiving God says I'm saved God says come to me and I think I'm going to amen and you have to believe in the goodness of God and you have to believe that he doesn't get mad at you for coming to him fear not little children it is the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom man I I can't tell you how much I love that to think about that how Jesus says don't look don't freak out but run to God it's his it's his good pleasure to give you things and expect men to give you the kingdom to give you where the king has dominion amen and so man we're gonna go after this thing because we're not going to be a powerless Church I want you guys if you would please I want y'all to pull up for me Exodus 20 18 what y'all pull up Exodus 20 18 one of the let me tell you something I I hate division I hate division between people I hate division within teams I hate division within families I hate it I really truly do I hate it I'm a unity freak I love unity and I just can't man I just can't stand it when there's somebody among us who just says nope I will not be unified it's going to be my way or the highway and guess what they get they get the highway amen I'm just like wow you know really true that God has called us to be something together he's there's something more beautiful when we are all together than if it's just one of us and that's the way that God has designed us to be well one of the one of the things though that that really causes a rift within the body of Christ is do we believe in the power of God now or do we only believe and the power of God then and then someday okay and I'm telling you there is a big big big difference within the body of Christ and and and I tell you the reason why there's a bunch of reasons why there's so much powerless doctrines within the body of Jesus Christ is mostly because people are not sure if they're saved or not 99.9% of all of it comes from religion where my whole walk with Jesus is to try and get saved again because I sinned once again so I need to get saved again I need to get saved to get it so in other words all they ever have is if I can just survive and get to heaven I can't hope for anything better than that friends you can hope for much more than that man you can hope to know God before you die how about them apples amen that you can actually live the kind of life that Jesus Christ modeled for us when he said I only do what I see the father do and I only say what I hear the father say he didn't do that as God pretending to be a man he did that as God who made himself a human being he didn't do that from supernatural power he did that through commitment to relationship with the father as a human being and he modeled that for us so we can we can literally live a life where we are just like I'm fascinated with the heart of God and I'm just like a child I'm full of wonder you know before you and I grew up we have a lot of wonder within us and then things started to happen and we learned how to survive survival and protecting ourselves is the absolute kryptonite to wonder and to go on to the next level living whenever Jesus says things like hey look you don't need to worry about what you wear you don't need to worry about what you're going to eat consider the lily of the field man God doesn't love you less than that I promise you in that they never worry about it can't you just learn to enter into my rest hallelujah amen where you trust me where you just can't you just do that well he's not saying that you that you're not responsible for what you wear he's not saying don't be responsible for the food that you eat and the clothes that you wear what he's saying is do not live life like a survivor survivors have no wonder in them whatsoever at the end of the at the end of a survivor's day you call it a success that you can still breathe on a mirror and you fog it up in the kingdom what is success is give me that mountain you're not looking for a safe place you you're not even I don't know if I'm gonna be breathing on on a mirror or not but I know this I'm going after that mountain and the difference between the two has to do with people who stand in the confidence of what Jesus Christ has done for them at the cross and release them and given them our permission to walk in and people who don't believe that God can truly be so good as to keep them saved all the time so in Exodus 20 18 we have two different groups of people that we need to look at in this year 2018 one is a very small group which is Moses and Joshua God had invited everybody to the mountain and he said come near I want to speak to everybody but the huge majority of people is just like the huge majority of the body of Christ today that when they saw guys put it up there for me put it up there now the when they saw when the people witnessed the thunderings the Lightning's the flashes the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking and when the people saw it they trembled and said I ain't going there that's the 2018 scripture they stood afar off men ever been times in my life where I was too scared to run after God in a really big way I was much more aware of how wicked that I am then how holy God is see what you look at is what you worship and once you look at long enough you become it it's called beholding and becoming it's a principle all the way through the Word of God that God has made you to the thing that you look at is the thing that you will become that's well the Bible says it we're to be looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith so living a prophetic lifestyle is a huge part of a victorious Kingdom living and you can't be scared now I'm gonna say this also are you ready you can't be comfortable either the reason why the Holy Spirit is called your comfort your comforter is because the places that he'll bring you to there is no other comfort but him do you know what God's response to the people were when they told them when they told Moses okay you go live a supernatural lifestyle and write it down and we'll just read about it then I said I like the church today we don't oh no we don't feel comfortable walking that but we would rather just read about it you know what God's responsible as to that get out the way Moses I'm gonna wipe these people out God's like I can't work with those jokers I'm gonna start a whole new people just out of you and and Moses said I don't think that's a good idea guy I wait wait no he didn't yes he did he had that kind of a relationship with him because God had offered him that kind of relationship and he had offered it to everybody else but they would rather have the law so guess what they got they got the law and what did the law do it killed them there's a there's a strange verse at the very end of the book of Joshua that talks about when Joshua died and I'm gonna bring this out this coming Sunday and I'm gonna unpack it a little bit more because I'm all about living a prophetic lifestyle okay and just about making this about being naturally supernatural and taken you know the nas out of the gifts and taken you'll not make it a mystic gifts but be an ood and odd at the heart of the Father amen because that's what Jesus has offered us not to be not to be impressed with mere gifts when the gifts can show us the heart of the Father in an incredible way well there's this amazing and incredible verse that is at the end of the book of Joshua and I didn't prepare it so I didn't I don't have it for you but the Lord just reminds me of it that says this and Joshua died and as long as the elders lived who had seen the miracles of God the people served the Lord he's at the very end of the book of Joshua and what I'm gonna say it again and I'm paraphrasing but it says this as long as the elders who had seen the miracles of God lived the people serve the Lord what does that mean it means this when the church leadership doesn't see miracles the people quit serving God if you're going to be in leadership you're gonna have to be a miracle you got to be a miracle man you're gonna have to see the power of God because the people who are serving under you and who have decided to serve under you are only going to go about rules and regulations and programs for so long because they need power they have to have power so we're not even legitimate leaders if we're not seeing the wondrous works of God well living in prophetic lifestyle is a huge part of victorious Kingdom living and that's about learning to see God in every single part of your life so how does the commandment put it it says love the Lord God with all your heart all your soul all your mind and all your strength literally where there is no part of your life and there's no part of your being that you're not looking for the father and ready to love him in some brand-new exciting way when you're looking for him in new ways you're looking to discover him in new ways so that you can love him in new ways you see how that this is a romantic pursuit it's not it's not the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which the Lord hates Jesus Christ Himself says this thing I hate the doctrine of the Nicolaitans is this the guide that preaches behind the pulpit he's some kind of super freak and you guys can never obtain to that that's the doctrine of the Nicolaitans okay man the guy who's behind the pulpit man he is somebody who has the very special Jedi juice that everybody wishes they had but you cannot be Jedi I know I have no idea what I just did that [Applause] [Laughter] okay so was it Yoda or was it Grover yeah cuz Frank Oz does most of them and they're both the same exact voice and cracks me up three good I've same same voice see that's why you don't want to miss services open-door Church because you could miss those kinds of crazy revelations all right so we're going to dream dreams and one of the things that we got to do is we got to be able to live the life and say if that was a dream what would it mean in every single part of our life bless you okay this is an opportunity for all of us to bless you dude we bless you in Jesus name we call you blessed Crist bless you love you man hallelujah I'm glad you sneezed and don't y'all start that quit it god I need a blessing all right so I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you some things that have happened with me over the last couple of days that are so next level y'all know the I had the dream okay so Caleb Byerly who is a rock star right y'all know y'all know Caleb barley and that brother is a rock star okay and he's probably watching right now I love you Caleb if you're watching man I love you brother he stays in my house for a week and remember his dream was an undiscovered people group came to him and said come over here to the Philippines and bring that with you a musical instrument that hasn't existed for hundreds of years and he built that and found the people group that the Philippines said did not exist and there's a hundred thousand of them and he took them that and they said that's a that's a celeb oh we've been missing that for hundreds of years this is the instrument that we worship the Most High God with do you know him he said yes I know him personally he's the one who sent me to you and they said okay you are now the chief and they made the brother the chief and not just a chief the chief he's the chief of all the Chiefs man ID I'm telling you I I've been to the circus in three county fairs and I've never seen ever heard of anything like that in all my wild journeys even to the aviary to reunion I've never heard anything like that that is so next-level awesome and cool it's crazy it's ridiculous so one of the ways that you live prophetically is that you live in prophetic community because a lot of this is imparted okay there are such anointings that are actually tribal anointings like the Bible talks about the sons of Issachar they had a prophetic gift to be able to know the timing of things and the action the prophetic action that goes with prophetic timing or the MOA deem the Hebrew word MOA deem for a prophetic appointment okay you have to live with those people and do life with those people to have that tribal anointing there are certain anointings that will belong to a house there are certain anointings that belong to a nation there are certain anointings that belong to a family amen another good example of that is that's not a bloodline but actually they chose to do life together and they all had the same anointing are the Giants layers in the Bible every single biblical Giants layer is someone who lived life with King David so you can't even be you're not even eligible for Giants laying unless you do life with the tribe of giants layers amen you think about all the warfare that there is for you to have unity within the body of Christ and now you know why because it has to do with your power and your authority and your effectiveness within the kingdom all the offenses that we have to overcome not that I have ever offended anybody but all the offenses man that we have to deal with over and over and over again to be united in the body of Christ I can tell you prophetically that God Almighty has called the Christians in the United States of America to unite together so that the oil can flow through us in a powerful way like never before and I can tell you when he declared it he declared it on August the 21st of the year 2017 it was called the great American Eclipse and that was a prophetic event that lasted exactly an hour and 33 minutes you're like okay Psalms 133 says oh how beautiful and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity it's like the oil that flowed down Aaron's beard that's a 133 the events that caught everybody's attention had 133 stepped on it and you know what it did it started at Salem and it ended where the Civil War started and where there was a race riot going on division right the it literally divided the country yet it had 133 on it that said be unified if you have an eye to see you'll see it now if you ever like well I would have never thought of that it's because it's not because you don't have the special Jedi juice it's because you haven't exercised that gift so you have to be willing to think if that was a dream what would it mean okay I had this dream on Saturday night that this this woman I could see her coming from miles and miles and miles off and she got to me and she moved to me in a very supernatural way and she's like there and then she's there and then she's there and she flowed to me in a really cool way and she came to me and she got run in my face and she was beautiful but she was supernaturally skinning okay there's no way any human being could be alive and be as skinny as this woman was but yet she was beautiful and she said Troy do you know who I am and I said no ma'am I do not and she said I am Nicaragua come and feed me man I woke up and I went that was not a pizza dream I promise you this on the hills of having a person stay in my house who had had a next-level dream of another people group come in to him you see what I'm saying a lot of this stuff is imparted it has to do with who you live life with prophetic community and prophetic family is so important strategic alliances within the body of Christ is so important listen if you're in the wrong tribe get out of that tribe because you're going to end up on battlefields that you have no grace for whatsoever amen so man if you're not in the right tribe get with the right tribe and prophetic community is so important so I'm trying really hard to enhance that this year I'm trying more than enhancement we need transformation a man not just enhancement that was the wrong word but we actually need transformation and there's an anointing in here big time tonight so Sunday we had a really big day and we were hearing - a late on Sunday night by the way sunday was just awesome all three services then our church is growing and there were so many people and man the Spirit of God was rocking and rolling and people got saved and healed and set free but my brother was just telling me somebody just instantly got healed right over there what was all that about Brian yeah does anybody have a microphone next to him since he's going to talk for a long time they're gonna say it wait I thought this was gonna be five seconds but it's okay now now we're in don't George don't you have a microphone out there you're supposed to be a microphone out there it's George still in the house Oh George like oh I'm five feet away from him and I forgot jobs listen sober up brother it's Church okay here we go symptoms the worst thing was her legs she could hardly walk and so we prayed we anointed her up and I asked her if she believes that jesus is alive that he's on the throne if he's still in the healing business what he spoke the truth and his word into her body and so I said tomorrow morning you're gonna wake up after a peaceful sleep because the Lord is gonna give you rest and you gonna be able to walk just fine no problem I asked her I said where you had on their pain level a one being no pain ten being the worst pain she's out of ten ask her where she's at now where you at now ladybug where you at so where you at on your pain level sweetie you don't have any pain praise the name of Jesus [Applause] that's beautiful and that just did that just happened there in praise and worship how did that happen so did it happen after at the moment that you prayed for her is that what it actually happened okay well you know what man I declare in the name of Jesus you're done with all that mess in Jesus name and that you walk in the goodness of God from now on in Jesus name Amen god bless you sweetie thank you well so so we had a big night we had a big day on Sunday and then on Monday we got up and we took everybody to the airport we all said bye and loved on everybody then I got in a car and I drove home and tried to beat the cold front by the way I was outside when the cold front hit and I was trying to be outside when the cop was calling everybody north of me has it here yet I called bairdi it's already past Weatherford I called my friends in Granberry and they tell me was there and there's a flagpole about 500 yards north of me and I was standing up on this big rock talking to my dad and I saw the flagpole and I was like oh here comes here comes oh my god and I was just declaring I declare the day with Jesus man my seasons have changed I declare the power of God as this thing hit me I get crazy and it hit and then dude it was instantly cold I mean wow cold so that night I went to sleep and I had three dreams and I want to tell you never in my life have I had a 30-fold dream a 60-fold dream in a 100-fold dream in one night and that happened now the first dream I want to tell you that I I was outside and I was a part of a construction crew a workers crew and Bobby strong was the guy that was leading it now Bobby strong is a pastor he's an entrepreneur he's a builder and he's also on the open door financial board okay and Bobby Bobby was like so what do you think pastor and I was like what's incredible and what it was we were building this we were building a train track that was supernaturally suspended in the air and it was like 60 feet up in the air and I couldn't tell what was holding it up and I looked at it it went as far as I could see and I was looking at where it was it's incredible and he said well this is the work of the Lord and we're gonna finish this and I was like okay Bobby I'm in I said but dude man I'm kind of like an orangutan I can't even pick up a hammer I can I can sing pretty songs and I can tell cool poems and I can preach a little bit and I can do creative things but I just man I just I'm like man I don't even feel like a man when I'm trying to work on stuff and he said no pastor you're perfect for this your job is to secure the cameras and I said what cameras and up underneath these things were all these cameras and there was a man lift like that one oh there and I got in it and went up there and I started securing all of these cameras and he was telling me I could hear him down the ground going Troy you're doing a good job and then the dream was over and I woke up away that was not a pizza dream so got up and I wrote it down now it's just like a prophetic gift it goes from one level to another level to another level depending upon you if you want to bail right there you can bail and you can go back to sleep God's not gonna be mad at you if you do that but I had a feeling if I keep going out to this I bet you I have another dream that explains more of this string okay you guys tracking with me this is craziness at third-stage ranch in Glen Rose Texas on Monday night okay so I'm like all right okay I wrote it down I prayed about it I went to sleep I go to so I go to sleep and I instantly as soon as I got in the bed I went dude I'm fixing to go to sleep I'm fix of the dream and I started praying in the Holy Spirit and I started declaring things and just going I love you King Jesus this is gonna be awesome and I went to sleep as soon as I went to sleep I was in my office and I was surrounded by a whole bunch of people and they were all reporters and they were all like man this must be an exciting time for you and I went well yes it is in fact this is a historical event it's it's absolutely astonishing I'm as blown away as anybody else is and then they said so since all of America is listening what do you have to say to America and they all stuck all these microphones in my face and I just went and as soon as I started talking these brilliant words came out of my mouth and I was like on autopilot listening to me say these incredible things I was like wow I'm so anointed this is crazy I'm not even having to worry about what I'm thinking oh my gosh that is brilliant I hope somebody writes that down and then I was done and I went there I'm done and all the reporters were all like okay and then all of a sudden the door opens up and there's these guys wearing sunglasses they're talking into their sleeve and they said they said mr. Brewer and I said yes they said the president is secure and I said okay so I said bout y'all and I came out when around there and I came up here and I stood up right here this pub but it what it was this room but there was like 30 or a hundred thousand people in here and I said it is so great to have the president in the house and Trump was sitting right there on the front row smiling that weirdo grin he has and giving me a thumbs up dream was over I got up my oh oh oh wait a minute I'm on to something here I'm on to something oh my gosh the first one I had to secure the cameras the second one we had to secure the president like okay okay okay okay okay I was like keep talking to me Lord get out I got up tried to play my guitar I look like Edward Scissorhands hair was everywhere I was like I love you Jesus and I had to write something down and then I thought well I'll just go get my hot tub because it's like you know you know it's literally you know like 10 degrees outside now and I'm like I'm just gonna go get in my hot tub I'd set it on 104 before I went to sleep and I'm gonna get in I'm gonna get super super super super super hot and then I'm gonna get out I'm gonna get super code and get in the bed and go to sleep if you got a hot tub you might as well use it dude you can sit and look at it if you want to I saw it got out went out there threw back the thing jumped in it and I was a fool and I was just yeah okay heard things cool and I look over at my table that's on my back porch in this big giant Fox came up and got up on the table and was and was stealing my cat food got a feed all the feral cats because they kill all snakes and so I was like and I always you know carry a pistol on me and I'm you know I'm in the hot tub so I don't have a gun and I was like you devil from hell get off dude he jumped and did a complete backflip crashed on the ground ran into a wall and ran off and that's like okay before I had the next dream the Lord had me run off a fox you can think it's stupid if you want to or you can just have Pizza dreams for the rest of your life if that was a dream what would it mean that you ran off a fox that was stealing something what does the word say about little foxes guys yeah right on so I went I'm gonna have a dream I knew I knew it now I know I'm gonna have a dream I got out literally when the water was dripping off of me it was literally freezing on the ground I was standing there watching it freeze like man that's so cool I went inside dried off jumped into bed got all covered up would sleep and I have this dream in this dream I'm I'm on a train and I'm sitting next to my dad and he has his arm around me and daddy is telling me I sure do love you and I'm so proud of you Troy I'm just so proud of you Michael I love you too dad and I'm proud of you and and we're having this just this conversation where he's just telling me how proud he is of me so there's a table in front of me I am facing north or the front of the train but there's a lady on the other side the table who is looking at me and she's talking to me and her name is wisdom okay and she says and she keeps saying this is wisdom and she's like so this is wisdom and I just all of a sudden become aware of the conversation is like somebody turned up the volume and then she said did you hear what I just said to you and I said no ma'am I did not hear you she said no you have to hear what I'm saying to you Troy this is wisdom and I'm like okay and she started saying you need to start praying right now about the year 2019 don't wait until you're in 2019 to start praying for 2019 and you need to add you need to be asking God to give you next-level favor in words for 2019 that you stay hidden and you can you pray into those words all year and you don't release them until 2019 and I was like okay and she's like no this is wisdom you you need whatever God does with you in 2018 is gonna be great but it's not like what God is going to do in 2019 and you need you need to be prepared and you need to be ready for it so right now you need to start asking God to to meet you in 2019 and just start asking asking the Lord how you can partner with him and you need to start you're gonna don't be worrying about right now you need to be thinking way way way ahead and I said well man 2019 is a long way off and she said no it's not this is wisdom it will be on you this fast and I said okay I get it yes ma'am I'm in and she said as a matter of fact you know Zack word she used as a matter of fact within the next 19 days you are going to have a next-level miracle come to you that is a game-changer it is a life changer things are going to change for you within the next 19 days and I said okay and she said Troy you need to tell your teams to start praying because it's very important to the father that this thing reaches you but there is a lot of warfare concerning this and you have to pray you cannot cease from praying between now and the next 19 days and I said okay and then she said how many days and I said 19 and she said say it and I said 19 days and she said she said do you know what the date is and I said yeah it's January 4th I'm sorry it's February 4th guys I didn't have a clue what 19 days was and the first thing I did when I jumped up I looked and I count in 19 days and it was February the 4th and I said in the dream it's February 4th and she said right and then she said this you be in prayer and you tell your team's to be in prayer because there's a lot of warfare and it's very important to the father that this thing reaches you and I said okay I will and then she said again how many days did I say and I said you said 19 and she said say it and I said 19 days and I woke up well there's been a couple of days I've been able to unpack that and I want to in order for me to unpack that I want to bring up my friend brother Steve my brother Steve would you come up here and pastor Otis would you come up here please guys would y'all give a great big hand clap to my friends man as they come up here [Applause] yay posture Otis are you my friend good man digging your boots you've always got cool boots Thanks alright on how are you yeah are you in a good mood tonight Steve good hallelujah okay so let's just cut to the chase so let's just start unpacking this okay so the first and by the way you you really do have a way next-level anointing for dream interpretation I mean you're like a freak man and and I hope I'm good tonight well you you okay so here we go so the first dream is this I am I am on a crew that has led by a guy named strong and we are building a train track that is supernaturally suspended and elevated and my job is to secure the cameras should I tell you what my first take is on it or you want to tell me what yours is what you got well you got a talk in that man I think I think I know what it means okay you could tell me I mean obviously well I shouldn't say obviously but normally in dream language train is a move of God so there's a move of God that's very super in actual it's very spiritual and it's actually given a platform that's very visible from miles away it's not on the ground it's it's a different type of move and and your job being to secure the cameras that could be could be a double entendre but we're actually negotiating right now with you so I think it's funny because Jenny and I have cameras and we're trying to see if this is gonna work yeah so it could be that but there could be other things so tell me what you think yeah no I think I agree I think that the elevated train track is a move of God and I think that it's very much a supernatural thing it's not a man-made thing it's a partnership with Man Thing right on and but it is not it is it is definitely God thing and I think it has tremendous momentum and I think I think the secured the cameras means make sure you get your TV show up and going do whatever you got to do to get that up and going and make sure that you have that so that's my take on that what's your take on it well I think the cameras also mean spiritual vision that you're in charge of a spiritual vision it's good for this and a train also means momentum sure so you are in charge of the spiritual vision as its this momentum is being built and you won't be going into the last one too because it hang on let me go back because actually you know this is how a revelation works you start to some we all see in part and they get it but here's the deal I just got it and it's the airwaves trains in the airwaves so the move is in scoot and me and media it's in television that sounds good it's end film it's and things that are being done but a lot of them are being done at a low level we're watching them and there's some great great messages and stuff and film but there are a lot of them are our ground level right and we're talking about something at the next level something that's very inspired and anointed which it's interesting that the Lord would take somebody out of this Joshua Texas who no one knows with no education not no formal training of any kind and raise him up to reveal his glory through him it'd be just like the Lord to do that okay okay anybody else got anything you guys want to add to that don't think that's look bad though what do you got that I meant can somebody get a microphone over to her she's right there well you got yeah it was good okay good right on right on somebody else have something you have another part of that see do you see how important it is to have prophetic community and have places where it's safe to unpack stuff where you go after it yes ma'am hang on a second we're not able to hear you no we're still not there okay sorry alright that thing went dead alright come up here mama Virginia just come on up here set up here we'll give you a place of honor and will bless you we're sorry we can't get a microphone it works to you come on up here come here this lady means so much to me and she's also one of the elders that is in our church she's actually an elder in our church and she sends me a prayer text every single day she writes out prayers for me she makes prayer declarations and proclamations for me to help me in my prayer life she prints them all up and then when I tell her answered prayers she documents all that and then she says okay and here are your answered prayers for the week she does all that for me 19 shirt 19 groups that are praying across the church that's great that's awesome okay so what do you see what do you see in this dream well I thought the train that travels and it's traveling all over the world and through the traveling the Lord's tell me this about you for a long time is that God's going to make you into a worldwide icon for freedom in all of its ramifications Freedom Train I [Music] remember 1976 when the Freedom Train came through Joshua anybody remember that and we all lost our minds because the Freedom Train was coming through Joshua they let off whereas it was an elementary school and they let us all get out and I put a penny out there on it and I've still got that penny from the Freedom Train 1976 Freedom Train I like that somebody else when you were talking about the train and the film a train track looks like a film and a train that's running a film that's running like it's the same look Wow a train track in a film so I do think that that has to do with a train and film running I think that's crazy yeah that's great that's awesome did you hear that was you able to hear that yeah well I promise I'm gonna have some wedges up here real soon man maybe it's just crazy how you can't hear nothing up here so frustrating yes we're gonna do one more so what she was saying as the train track looks like film right on and she was connecting the film and the train track alright so what do you got man the train track would I see what the train track is that train tracks go in places that roads do not so that's that's what I see a train has to ride on a train track otherwise it gets derailed so the train track is places that roads cannot take you so that's something supernatural I believe right on okay good stuff okay so here's the second dream so the second dream is I'm in the office there is all of these people that are in there they're all reporters and are talking about it being a historic event and I said yes and then an anointing came upon me to speak and I started giving a word to America okay and they said since America has listening what do you have to say and then from there two guys came in and said the president is secure and then I got up went outside and came up here on this platform stood right here and I said it's so good to have the president in the house and I looked and I pointed at him and Trump was sitting right there and he smiled and gave me a thumbs up so what do you got the nation's the nation's the nation's okay you know the most most powerful man in the world it was in the house you know so you know just I believe that you're going to have the ear because of this momentum and I'll say about that next ring where that momentum goes but okay whenever if you want to wait till you say the next dreamer you want me just go and say yellow stick yeah that momentum is gonna be known nationwide even the president will know about this moment and think about who's the most powerful man on earth symbolically wouldn't that be the Lord and a dream okay so it could be that there's something that attracts all the media here and you said when you were speaking you know as the unction of the Holy Spirit and you were like you couldn't even believe you were able to articulate the heart of the Lord like that and you were like I hope someone's writing this down and they were astounded and it was almost like you know you could look at the dream that way too is that the Lord felt welcomed and honored and he was in our meds but in a way that that drew the it drew everybody all eyes were on us so to speak so you that's that's one way you could look at the dream as well well you got something else out of that I think it's going to have to do with several things in our church that we're doing in ministering I think the Lord's going to use what you've taught us about starting the food bank and it's going to be multiplied all over America in the inner cities and then I also think that what we're doing with the buying of the girls out of human trafficking I think somehow or another we're going to get engaged with that in America and all of those things are going to change our culture positively in such a way that it gets the president's attention okay that's good I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna go on to the next one okay the next one is I was on a train okay and I'm sitting next to my dad my father he has his arm around me and he just is telling me how proud he is on me any mice mmm I love my dad you know I'm real close to my dad and he's telling me how much he loves me and and then this lady is sitting across from me at the table we're sitting at a table we're facing each other on the train and she starts telling me the importance of beginning to partner with God right now for the year 2019 and that I need to learn to think way ahead and pray way ahead and partner with God past the needle where I'm at right now and be able to you know to anticipate things and she started saying about the next-level warfare is about trying to stop things that God is trying to send to us and that's very important and then she actually gave me a word and said 19 days and then I knew it was February the 4th which by the way is Super Bowl Sunday that's Super Bowl Sunday February the 4th is and that's kind of interesting as well around the hills of this big football game that God is speaking through and so and then she made me say at 19 days so it was a year 2019 but kind of a verifier of that was to show me how God was going to verify it was a big miracle was gonna happen within the next 19 days and that I needed to partner with God and I needed to tell people get your teams to pray this thing in because this thing requires a lot of Prayer for the breakthrough to get here to us okay so what do y'all got well the number 19 means faith that's right so you know that that wisdom was saying to put your faith into this and so in 19 days things will be establishment you know also this this momentum we're talking about with this train pastor Troy is carrying the vision he's in charge of it he had yes he's in charge of he's the one that places it and so on he carries this vision he taking it to the nation's then this momentum is just going crazy it's just going going down the road and at train also means following so you you you'll have a huge following so you're in the Train but God is not outside looking at it he's in it and that's your father amen he's he's in it he's in there with you with him he's in the momentum and so you know the father is there through the whole thing so and it's a time being Steve actually already discussed this part that it's a time of incredible favor with the father and we need to recognize those seasons when you have incredible favor in your life and you don't hold back you go go go go go go go go go during that time what he got brother Steve I think I think that was pretty good actually yeah I mean I it's interesting yeah that the Lord was present in our midst here and the wondering I think its they're really all speaking of the same thing and wisdom shouts in the streets and lifts up her voice and a lot of people don't heed and don't listen so that was very directive to me that we should be take that to heart the whole church and we should be praying and in prayer and believing for something and even though we're in the midst of something great right now there's some pretty incredible things going on he has something more for us and maybe that's how this track is being built and late so we know where to go with it we need to be in prayer as we're placing the cameras we could be satellites it could be whatever two different nations places so it's there's a lot of unfolding in it so probably probably need some prayer to really get the full understanding I think you tell me that you had you had a vision and your big time dreamer and that's a big way that God prophetically uses you and I mean he's got a great gift man I mean really he's got like a next-level interpretation gift and you guys can you recognize when somebody has a gift of dreaming and somebody as a gift of interpretation and I I tell you listen listen you can have that by the way such as we have we give unto you in the name of Jesus you can have that you can exercise it you can start walking in that and that is something I really truly believe mean that God offers to all of us I really do and and and pastor Otis again we do not have the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which Jesus hates which says we're the only ones who can do this we're doing this to demonstrate to you that this can be used amen Jesus hates the doctrine of the Nicolaitans and he says I will give my hidden manna from heaven if you overcome that this is the year of bread amen oh you know what she just said she said you didn't ask me what I thought okay okay okay what I got from that was you know of course it can be the father that's there with you but I think it's your real father too and it's showing you at that point in your life the real security that you have in who you are and in what your father has passed down to you and you're very very comfortable in your family okay and I think that's important and it's important okay and then secondly I think it's very interesting this challenge from the lady wisdom seems very or the the fact that she's telling you this is going to happen in 19 days reminds me of what prophet Howard Howard Richardson Howard Richardson said to you when he first laid out your whole life to you and said you know you're going to catch a big fish yeah and so that was evidence for you that everything he said was going to come true and this is very similar to that she's telling you look this is going to happen so look for it except this is under accelerated time it's it's so much more accelerated yes and our prayer warriors I told them tonight to be praying against the spirit of high yep the spirit of confusion and the spirit of interference so I want to map that out for you too this is something that we talked about okay by the way men you need to have next-level people in your life that you can talk prayer strategies out with amen so she just said the three kinds of spirits that we're standing against as a spirit of halt a spirit of interference and a spirit of confusion amen okay a spirit is halt is when your spirit of halt happens and that's a birthing term okay but it literally means you can't decide which way you're supposed to go okay and you cannot be accelerated if you don't know your path and its accelerated trajectory you have to know your path in order to be accelerated this year right on okay that's that's great stuff hallelujah all right so you had it you had a next-level dream a while back and it kind of has to do with this it kind of connects somehow yeah a few weeks ago I had I had a dream and I'll tell you why it helps me to understand this dream a whole lot better since you had this dream but I had a dream that I was I was standing with pastor Troy and his dad bill and we were standing in this place it was like it was like a big dock or something but it was way up way up in the air and we're standing there and I'm just kind of observing as pastor Troy and his dad are having this conversation well his dad is just really proud of him you know I saw that in the dream you could feel it everything he was really proud of him and his dad had an item in his hand I don't know what it was you know it was just an item but anyway he handed this item to pastor Troy and said now you take care of this like that and pastor Troy took it and he turned around and then bill looked at me his dad looked at me and said now don't you let him fall like that and so we whenever he said that I began to see what we were about to walk on and it was a narrow kind of like an arrow like a catwalk yeah like a catwalk with no rails it was just a narrow catwalk and it was way up in the air and we began to walk with pastor Troy was looking at the package like this and he wasn't taking his eyes off of it and he just began to walk so I took my arm and I wrapped around his chest from behind and began to walk with him so that he could focus on what his father just gave him and so that was that again there's another elevated supernatural place you know well listen I want to I want to tell you this guys whenever God is speaking a word to me since I'm the founder of this house he's actually speaking a word about the house as well he's talking about me he is but he's also speaking a word about the house he is and and you know look any time that I ever interpret dreams I always say who's got a dream who's got a dream and then when we all unpack it and then we prophesy to the person that you guys have been here whenever we do dream interpretation for for y'all and and again we'll spend the rest of my doing that man I want to ask you guys to please pray for me this is important the Lord has literally stopped me in my tracks this week in a week that I could really pay attention to it I mean you know lianna's not here you know and I'm at home by myself and God it was just perfect timing for this it was just really really perfect timing you know when you live with somebody and when you sleep with somebody the whole bad thing at night while you sleep is all about you know as you get older it's about trying not to wake up the other person you know and I'm gonna try and turn over without trying to wake her up she's gonna try and turn over without waking me up and you know she's she's not there so the Lord has been in my bed with me this week and he's been talking to me and showing me next-level things and and it's just been incredible so the Lord listen in the dream a woman named wisdom and wisdom in the book of Proverbs is described as a woman which is crazy and what does that scripture says she cries out in the streets and and and she kept saying Troy this is wisdom meaning what I'm saying and this is wisdom and and I was like okay all right I'm in and then she said that I needed to tell my friends and my team's to pray that this thing comes to me within the next 19 days now I'll have any idea what it is I don't know so you guys think y'all know what it is yeah so hey man so he's got a microphone down there yeah hey crank her up so we hear on the stage sorry it was very significant to me that Trump was in the audience because he is in a position of authority that God has given him and for him to give you a thumbs up it was a transference of authority I believe him giving you know just confirming the authority that God has given you and him to partner with you and what you're about to go into and then I think it's very significant what Otis was saying because you were set on the course that God had called you to do and given you authority of and yet with that authority we are also to couple with you in that authority in prayer to push that forward and to move it into existence so I've got a microphone wisdom gave you a mark on the wall February 4th February 4th like you said is super absoulte Super Bowl Sunday leading off the singing Super Bowl Sunday is Burleson Texas Kelly Clarkson and so as the world sees her so will the world see you Wow so Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson's from Burleson and she's doing the Super Bowl is she really Wow so last Sunday it's just telling Jennifer last Sunday I had a dream and everybody was from the church and you were there too but there was somebody else I don't know who they were and they were trying to hand me something and I was going to get whatever they were trying to hand me and I woke up in the Lord told me that I needed to pray for the church for 21 days which would take it to the fourth that's crazy that's incredible yeah yeah get that chick right there that's a troublemaker right there okay talking that microphone me soon okay okay I think first off that when Howard Richardson prophesied over you first that you were 19 and now you have a 19 day mandate okay the other thing I think is that President Trump is significant because he's the head of the United States of America so it's a network of states and I got a download that you're gonna have your own network president of the network okay would you go would you go talk to my brother right over there you see that guy right over there this guy here is a big-time dreamer yeah we're really having trouble hearing up here truly the thing that God says I hears that his ways and start in heaven and then they come down to earth so when you looked up and you saw the train above you God is saying this is something that I've made and that I've created and I'm going to release on earth when you were in your office that is like it's a topology of the Holy of Holies in the Old Testament that you have a seat at the mercy seat of God and when the two men came in that would be like the two angels that were on the mercy seat and what were their names that were on the mercy seat it was wisdom and mercy if I believe right her grace and mercy the two men were angels coming to you telling you that we have a calling to reach the whole United States and the president is secure so we have to be able to pray for the United States and that God would save America because the president stands in his place so the things that you're working on not just the television ministry but to be able to make an impact because God has made this in heaven and will bring it to earth and he wants to have the United States as a revival for him okay look I guys how many guys bear witness with all that right on so look so so I asked you guys earlier but since everybody sitting down you can actually see how many guys have been having like next-level dreams if you've been having nextdouble dreams okay so listen we prayed about this and if you haven't had a dream yet if God hasn't been speaking to you and dreaming listen he will you listen go after it go after it encourage you to follow after spiritual gifts as the Word of God says okay go after it and you know what make room for it invite the Lord and be prepared to be a steward of the dream that you're having it may be that you're already hearing dreams but you're not remembering them okay this next level and way way way next level word of the third stage the one that the 19 days and all that I didn't even remember that dream until I was talking to Steve and we were unpacking the second dream and I went oh my gosh I totally forgot the third dream oh my gosh and it was there but I had to start working it before I got into it and literally there was a fox that was after me to steal that dream from me and it manifested in a physical Fox showing up on my back porch right on and I had to run off from my hot tub and it there was literally something that was trying to steal that third dream from me and while we were talking boom I just remember my gosh I totally forgot another third dream the third trip is so awesome and it was a really cool moment and it didn't happen until we started really going and just telling God hey we're gonna obey you whatever it is that you're telling us god we're gonna believe you we're gonna trust you the whole thing of trusting with God is and having a new trust in the Lord Jesus Christ is what it means to fall upon the rock and that's another 2018 scripture Luke 2018 says that if you fall upon the rock you will be broken but if the rock falls upon you you will be crushed right so to fall upon the rock and to live in brokenness to trust God in such a way like okay god I do not have my act together and I am totally dependent upon you this stuff does not make you haughty it makes you humble I mean I'm telling you it does it is so humbling you know me and Nick we're talking earlier he's like man Troy you know I that money you know that we raised during the during the conference you know for him to get that little girl and bring over here and I told him I said man I just feel so silly when you're telling me thank you I don't feel like I've done anything you know this that kind of stuff doesn't make you haughty it really humbles you it really it really does and it's been humbling to Nick to know that his whole church stood with him and $40,000 to help him adopt a little girl that didn't make him go that makes him just go oh my gosh have you thought about how difficult of a place that is for him right on and they've done it humbly they've done it before the Lord they've given it to Jesus and this is just all new territory man it's just it's just all new territory so so Matt I want to ask you guys man and and I always make this about y'all but I'm sorry I need you guys pray for me I want y'all to pray for me the Lord told me to tell y'all to pray for me and wisdom came to me and mean to tell you to pray for me and guys I am so blown away and so humbled that you guys let me lead you I I don't know what to say about that except for say look at what the Lord has done I I you can ask the people who live life with me a man I just I'm amazed and I'm intrigued with it and I I know that it could be anybody else and I know that any one of you could be leading me and man I that the quality people that we have in our church and that the kind of just the kind of ministries that are in our church I just I don't know why the Lord has done this that he's made me be the pastor of this church and set me up front and made me look like a good guy when I know how wicked I am I'm aware of how messed up I am I really and truly am but I'm also aware of how the presence of God is with me and how the arm how the arm of the Lord is around me right now and and that he keeps telling me he's happy with me and I'm not gonna dismiss that that's what all the dreams are saying they are he's are with you and he's for you yeah many men that encourages me and makes me want to just go crazy makes me want to take on health a water pistol yes Gideon yeah Gideon was like the most and insignificant person on the planet and the Lord is like hey mighty man of Valor yeah yeah he's with you amen we're with you got a tribe by the way can I can I just say one thing I keep hearing this word for Jedediah can we interrupt with the little prophetic thing you can start I'm gonna be nice and have a have a have a snake moment I just see I just see I just saw I just saw someone come in and pour oil over you and and it's the 1:33 thing it's the oil of unity and I just see the hand of the Lord coming on you in a powerful way and the spirit of a peacemaker is is upon you and I see you bridging gaps between just bizarre the idiosyncrasies and society and in people that are well known and unknown and and rich and poor and and I know you're a connector you're a maven but there's something with the Lord the hannibal lords is brooding over you for all the decisions you're making they said they seem like you're crazy because you are it's like the spirit of the prophets coming on you and I know part of that blessing is because you're coming into this house and so you guys may have something there too and what's the weird thing is once we start interpreting these dreams and everybody starts prophesying to you and and seen things that aren't going on but i'm tanja it's just gonna spill over this whole crowd that's right everyone this is normal Christianity this is normal Christianity it's not normal Church but it's normal Christianity in an in a tremendous way so my brother what you got over there just holler it out real out I was actually a third it was yeah I was in the office yeah a third one yep thank you so it was intact your father and the dreams was actually God right he was manifested as your father right on and then the other gentleman you actually had a dream and lures telling me that he's called you to go with pastor Troy you're gonna walk his narrow path together and he's going he's calling you to go with him but uh that's it that's good stop I was good stuff right on I'm into man right on so next week I'll Tim Bragg had a dream of a vehicle that we were in a 15-passenger van and he was driving it and I was in the front seat on the right hand side and we'll actually unpack that next week before we started unpacking everybody else's dreams and all these dreams all go together I mean they all go together in incredible ways I mean they do so man guys I need you guys to pray for me okay I need you to pray for me yep absolutely man and can I just kind of sit up here in a hot seat and have you guys lay your hands on me all right also let me let me just just just prophesy just a little bit too and just say since we got off on the wicks your name is such a prophetic name your name means redemption and a wick in Jerusalem is a blood-stained garment of a high priest the high priest when they would go in the act of redemption and they would say put your hands on this lamb and part your sins into it and they would slaughter the lamb when blood got on their garments they turned those into wicks that's what wicks are and it literally mean that what lights up when Jesus said I am the light of the world it was at Hanukkah time whenever Jesus said that okay and that has to do with the mystery of the lights the wicks that they were referring to that lit up all of Jerusalem was literally the garments of redemption that the priests had worn and so it's a you guys have such a prophetic name with the wigs that carries the light of the Lord full of all amen full of all declare that over you both in Jesus names guys we uh please stand up
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 4,727
Rating: 4.7551022 out of 5
Id: s8lQaD478m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 21sec (4101 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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