The Power Of Spiritual Momentum | Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] behold the farm is hard the mystery lavishes owns as t2d how desperately [Music] and to the south [Music] and I [Music] would come to [Music] No [Music] - patient [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] mee-shee Oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] speed [Music] [Music] [Music] he was in this to come prepaid on to the [Music] here is we lift up a son as he makes up play behold [Music] for our King as we say [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's thank him for that love just take a moment thank you Jesus god is love God isla we thank you lord to love us you prove that at Calvary we praise you Lord we praise you Lord we praise you long wonderful genes wonderful Jesus thank God welcome everybody I want you to give a warm welcome to Spartanburg South Carolina I want you to give a warm welcome to Buford Georgia to Gwinnett our church in Gwinnett we love you guys in Orange County give them a big hand all the way out in California all of you right here in Gainesville hey those of you who are here in Gainesville I want to take a moment and recognize coach Dede Dillard and the Raven County girls basketball team they're with us today we're you and team we're so glad to have you guys thank you for being with us all right turn to three or four people at every campus and smile at them and say I believe that you're fitting in close that you have a warrant in a long time I'm just guessing but I'm just telling you the final week of the 21 day Daniel fast is upon us and aren't you aren't you ready for this week a victory everybody say it's gonna be a week of victory I believe that it's good to see you and good morning everybody what a week it's been in so many ways I started out last Monday at with the King celebration that Martin Luther King celebration in Atlanta with the King family it's a tremendous honor to be a part of that and Bernie Sanders spoke that morning at Ebenezer Baptist and you know it's good it's good to listen it's good to learn it's good to understand the diversity and the different directions that people come at life and from life I learned I have to sit where people said if I'm gonna learn anything the Bible said we need to come do come let us reason together there's some middle ground somewhere we need to quit fighting and sit down and listen and do what you know it really is and so I started out there and and participated Monday night was honored to participate with some amazing people and Governor Kasich and different people on a panel that we discussed racial reconciliation some of the needs that America has and then we were invited to to Washington by by the new President to participate in a in a in a prayer service and I was honored to get up and about really closer than our front row was President Trump and his family and and vice president Pence and his family and I was honored to read eight verses of Scripture and pray with those families in the cabinet that was there and we need to do that we're commanded we're commanded in Scripture you know if you can't pray for somebody something's wrong with you you need to check yourself because I can pray for I mean pray for the devil to be bound and then but I can pray for it and if you can't pray for somebody that's an issue inside of your own heart and the Bible commands us to pray for our leaders and those that that are in authority and I want us to do that I want us to do that on a daily basis this last week I've made I've made it a point in my life to honor and to pray for those in authority I don't care who it is I've done it not just now but I've done it all my life and I'm thankful my parents taught me that and I hope you will do that whether you agree or disagree pray because really that's our greatest power force is prayer so let's pray let's believe and let's let's agree together that God will bless america and keep America I want you to open your Bibles with me for just a few moments today to the book of 1st Samuel chapter 17 once again I'm preaching a new message that I've never shared before the way that I'm going to share it and last Sunday I taught you that if you want to get what you lost you've got to go back to what you left does anybody remember and it's a principle in the Bible and we just walk through that you can't leave without losing but if you want to get back what's your loss go back to what you left but today I want to teach you another principle that that the Lord has given me and I just feel like it's a word in season and be careful because here's the power of God's word when a preacher preaches something that is truly birth out of prayer and inspiration from God it has the power to ignite that thing in your life because if you'll grab hold of it you're not listening to me by accident and especially the thousands that are joining us streaming live and all over the world by television I believe what I'm preaching now today is what we're entering into a season of what of what I'm going to preach today and I want you to look with me in the Old Testament first Samuel 17 it says in this I'm not going to preach long today but it's going to be powerful verse 33 if you open your heart and receive it I believe it will be powerful amen and Saul said to David you're not able to go against the Philistine to fight with him for you are a youth and he's a man of war from his youth but David said to Saul listen to this your servant used to keep your father's sheep and when a lion and a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock I went after it struck it delivered the lamb from its mouth and when it rose against me I called it by its beard when the lion did I called it by its beard and struck it and killed it the servant has killed your servant has killed both the line in the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine will be one of them seeing he has defiled the armies of a living God moreover the Lord David said the Lord who delivered me from the Paul of the lion and the Paul of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine and Saul said to David go and the Lord be with you it's pretty powerful scripture in it I don't care how many times you hear that story it's powerful I want to talk to you today about three keys to your breakthrough three keys and actually I'll talk about that next week amen I switch gears and forgot I switched gears amen I changed my message because the Lord said preach that one now so forget that that's next Sunday the Lord willing I read the right scriptures just the wrong title praise God that's a new one I preach both of them if I want to that's funny it's not funny to me but it's funny to you and I get that I'm preaching today here we go again all over again let's rewind here we go you ready act like you've never heard me before I'm preaching on the power of spiritual momentum the power thank you thank you come on get excited over the real message you know I was thinking about it it happens in sports and stuff we've all noticed people build momentum in what they're doing organizations or sports teams you know they get on a road they get on or what we call it they get on a roll you know the I think there's a term called the big mode and it's about momentum we've seen people who get momentum going and it's like they go from victory under victory from strength under strength as the Bible says from glory unto glory and most sometimes like with a sports team all the experts and commentators will say they don't have a shot at the beginning but they start winning and it's like the momentum builds and then they start believing that they're the best even though technically statistically they shouldn't be there's a force behind them of momentum that is real now the thing that I'm preaching on today is spiritual momentum and it's a Bible principle that I found that I believe if you understand it and get revelation on it that one word from the Lord can ignite a new season of victory in your life see the problem with with many Christians is when they get a victory from God a breakthrough from God in some area of their life they let up and say well praise God the battle is over and never does God give you a victory just to give you that victory he wants it to build a spiritual momentum in your life that says if God could do that here I come at this it's never just that that one thing that God did that he wants to do in your life but when he gives you a victory you're supposed to enter in to a season of victory where you move from victory under victory from strength under strength as the Bible said from glory under glory the last victory should build momentum for more victory now here's here's here's a spiritual principle that momentum brings impact and here it is the greater the momentum the greater the impact let me just give you a simple illustration with that if I wanted to I could push this pulpit over I could probably push it or our our you know shove it and might could get it to the end of this platform but if I were to back up and go low and maybe put on some shoulder pads and and run as hard as I could and hit it I could hit an on tire on the third row somewhere with that pulpit because the greater the momentum you know this is true in the natural the greater the impact the spiritual law is after a victory don't rest but we should thrust and thrive off of that victory into another one a good example is a hurricane a hurricane starts as a small little storm and it builds and it builds and it builds momentum the closer it gets to land and as it builds the momentum gets closer and closer and closer to the land and when it hits the land it destroys all the opposition against it it gains momentum as it gets bigger and bigger the Bible likens the Holy Spirit in us to a mighty rushing wind according to Acts chapter 2 and the Bible said when the day of Pentecost was fully come in other words it started small it would the Spirit would come upon Samson would come upon David and it would live and throughout the Old Testament we see glimpses but when the day of Pentecost as the momentum of the Spirit kept building in Acts chapter 2 the day of Pentecost acts 1 and X 2 and verse 1 says and when the day of Pentecost was fully come there came a sound from heaven as a mighty rushing wind that was that great impact the greater the momentum the greater the impact and when the Holy Spirit in fullness was released it changed the world those common people turned the world upside down because they had spiritual momentum when God gives you a victory in your home instead of just sitting back when he grants you a victory you're supposed to ride that victory like David did to another victory notice what he did he said I slew a a lion I slew a bear and now I'll defeat this giant called Goliath what was he doing he was he was building momentum spiritual momentum inside of his soul inside of his heart inside of his faith it was growing greater and greater and greater the momentum of one victory it was a smaller victory when he slew the bear it was a greater victory when he slew the lion but he knew he had this force behind him that gave him confidence and that's a big word confidence that I can now face this giant our problem is we slay our lion and then we relax and wait for the next thing to attack us instead of going forth from victory under victory I slew a lion I slew a bear and now I'm going to defeat this giant what was David doing David was riding on his spiritual momentum like a hurricane he was getting stronger and stronger and stronger God wants our services to be like that we shouldn't come in and have a great move of God and come back Wednesday night and and everybody beat tore up from the floor up beat up messed up jacked up under a dirty you can't hardly get their hand up our services ought to be like spiritual momentum growing greater why do we after the fast let up why don't we just keep going all year we don't have to fast all the time God's presence is there it's our faith our services ought to be like that in Psalms 18 David got under such a spirit of victory after he after he defeated the bear the lion and Goliath he went against all of his enemies and he said I have overtaken them I have consumed them that's enough calm down I have beaten them down as dust to the wind calm down no he he's not gonna calm down when God gave him a small victory he didn't stop there but he kept coming back and he said I'm not going to let the enemy stop me I'm in a season of victory I can do things when I have the momentum of God that I can't do when I don't have it when when you get a breakthrough with one of your family members don't just sit around and rejoice go after all the heathens in your family because now you got to and the Bible said if any two of you will agree you can see the whole family say but what we do is we get a breakthrough and we relax instead God says now your faith is real high your spirituality is up there cost you've seen what I can do now go after another victory we miss opportunities because we don't move when the water is troubled you remember the story in the Bible that the water was troubled and when the momentum was moving you got in and you got a miracle it happens all the time people get on a roll and they start winning in the natural in baseball in football they start winning and and all of a sudden I hope I hope and pray that the Green Bay Packers momentum is it is broken and the Atlanta Falcons momentum is strong come on and clap on that you bunch of deadbeats what's wrong with you we've waited for this our whole life [Applause] here's the big thing the Lord spoke to me and I really thought about this maybe they sent for you but it is I'll notice something about me now I never understood it until I was putting this little message together momentum builds your confidence and I notice that when I go off and preach some big place you know some big conference and and God I say this humbly and God will use me in an unusual way if you attend this church regularly you know the service not to miss it's when I come back in I don't know if you've learned that check it out next time I probably need to go off now the way you're looking at me but but but but but when I come back safe from preaching some big conference or something I seen God do something great and I'll come in here kind of Wild Eye hunting and kind of man what's wrong with him he needs some he needs and he's a chill pill what's wrong with him it's a spiritual momentum I finally figured it out and I'm telling you the same is true for you watch the power of spiritual momentum let me show you how it can affect your family in 2nd Samuel chapter 3 and verse 1 now there was a long battle between the house of Saul and the house of David watch this but David's house waxed what stronger and stronger but the house of Saul unless something had reverse momentum going and grew weaker and weaker the point that I'm making is David had spiritual momentum that not only enabled him to win his personal battles against the lion the bear and Goliath but then it transferred to his family and his whole house grew stronger and stronger while Saul's house grew weaker and weaker I want my family and the faith in my family and I commanded in Jesus name and believe for it on this fast that our faith in our households with all of our children and children's children will grow stronger and stronger not weaker and weaker clap your hands and shout on that if you believe in second Samuel chapter 8 he said I smoke the Philistines listen to this he gets on this on this victory season and begins to ride one victory tuna I smoke the Philistines I smoked Moab I smoked the king of Zuba I smoked the Assyrians victory comes in seasons and he's having victory after victory after victory after victory after victory all the way up to chapter 11 and then sin gets in the situation when he commits adultery because sin is a momentum killer and suddenly he starts having defeat sin is a momentum killing when God gives you victory and you're in a season of victory the only thing that can stop you from moving from victory under victory strength under strength glory under glory as the Bible said we could have is when sin gets in the situation if you allow sin it will kill your momentum for victory you lose your confidence you lose your faith you lose your boldness you lose your courage when you get involved with sin the spirit of victory withdrawals from you you know Joshua understood the power of spiritual momentum because in Joshua chapter 10 he was winning against the amorite in a battle and the Sun started going down and he understood because I'm in a season of victory I may not be have the spirit of victory on me tomorrow this place of faith that I'm in and I'm winning and I don't want the momentum to shift to the enemy I'm winning and I'm going to not just wound him and hurt him but I'm wiping them out and I'm gonna get them get it every cave cleaned out I'm going to take care of this problem while the spiritual momentum with is with me and the Sun started going down he knew that they could escape under the cover of darkness so he pointed his finger at the Sun because he understood how powerful the principle is that I'm teaching you and he said sons stand still and God stopped the whole universe so that he could mop up on his enemy while he had the momentum going I'm telling you there's a time to lose and there's a time to win and I'm preaching a prophetic message that you're moving into a season of victory where God will give you spiritual momentum to win the victory shout a man somebody the Bible said he completely annihilated his enemy God gave him 24 more hours I can do things when I have spiritual momentum that I cannot defeat when I don't have it that's why when the Holy Spirit begins to move in a service and the preacher is preaching and you got an addiction in your life or you got some issue in your life and you've tried to beat it and defeat it on your own but you can't seem to get the victory over when the spiritual momentum is flowing in a service if you respond to that word the spiritual momentum of that anointed word gets behind you and when you go you don't go in your own strength you go in the power of the Holy Spirit either you have the momentum or the devil has the momentum in that issue either you on a fast like this get the momentum that against the problems that have been assaulting and coming against you whether it's an addiction or whether it's issues in your life you can get the momentum through fasting and prayer and turn the battle on the enemy the Bible said that the that that David sin with Bathsheba and David sin with Bathsheba stopped the momentum sin will always stop the momentum of victory Joshua had spiritual momentum he went from city to city to city winning victories but then when he got to the city of AI his troops were humiliated and defeated he came back fell on his knees and said God what happened we were winning every battle and God said their sin in the camp a guy named akin stole what belonged to the Lord and hid it in his tent and he said if you'll clean up and repent of your sin I'll give you the momentum back now some of you you either have the momentum in your life or the devil has it and and God either has is winning or the devil's winning but when you repent of your sin God says I'll turn things around and give you spiritual momentum to get the victory again thank God for repentance sin makes you lose the momentum of the Holy Spirit that's why it's so powerful to return to him at the beginning of the year and fall on her face and repent of our sins and say God give me for a brand new year spiritual momentum that as I move into this year that like a tidal wave like a hurricane that I will just continue to get stronger and stronger the path of the righteous growth brighter and brighter not darker and darker the older I get the better looking I get in Jesus name come on shout a man somebody I know it's not true but talk faith just when you think life is gonna be the same old same old God can come and give you some spiritual momentum a favor and suddenly you end up places you never dreamed you would be and when that is with you going boldness how many of you believe that God has some great things that you haven't even thought of that he's gonna bless you and your family with if so praising for that victory the momentum is building I believe that giving you word on it second Samuel 5 in verse 20 is my last verse and David came to Bill perazim you've heard this energy and he defeated them there and he said the Lord has broken through my enemies before me like a breakthrough of water and he called the name of that place the place a burst is what that means the burst of God this is the place where God broke through our God bursts upon the scene in my life momentum like a surging tide you will break forth one translation said as a breach of water bill para zoom means Lord a burst or Lord a breakthroughs if you'll let me I'll keep building momentum in your life says the Lord until the momentum grows greater and greater and greater in all those walls of opposition you burst through them the word verse means to force open to break apart into pieces he's the Lord a burst break apart into pieces force open shut doors be strong and of good courage in this brand-new year for the Lord of breakthroughs the Lord a burst the Lord who will break through every opposition shatter to pieces shut doors is going before you and spiritual momentum is behind you and if I slew the lion and I slew the bear I will defeat the Goliath and anything else that comes against me because the Lord is on my side how many of you believe the Word of God today take it by faith jump in the spiritual momentum I'm not fasting and praying we're just kind of hoping God we need to understand we have the momentum demons are trembling Devils are afraid because the church is praying let's get sin out let's repent of our sins let's not have any momentum killers you can go from victory under victory thank God for five campuses but why don't we go and the only reason that God stops blessing is not because heaven says man I tell you one I blessed you with so much look at that house look at all that I've used you so much look at how many people you've you only reason heaven stops is because we stop asking the Bible said of his kingdom listen to these words there shall be no end turn to somebody say no end to the increase no end say it again there is no end to the increase when I'm a widow on fixed end there is no end to the increase you're not in just the kingdom of the United States of America you're a part of the kingdom of God and in his kingdom there shall be no in turn to somebody and say I'm about to have a verse I'm about to have a breakthrough I'm about to see victory and momentum in my life again believe God come on get your faith up you only get what you believe for ask little you'll get little ass big God will give you more stand to your feet at every campus and lift up a shout of victory if you believe the Lord is with us be strong and very courageous I wonder today I wonder today how many of you in this room need a break through a sudden burst that shatters to pieces the walls of resistance I wonder today how many of you have allowed sin maybe bitterness maybe pride maybe evil speaking but something that you've been doing that has stopped the momentum today if you'll repent I tell you on the authority of God's word that I preached that God is going to cleanse you and you're going to get the spiritual momentum against your enemy and defeat him utterly hallelujah I feel this in my soul I believe God is about to give America a new spiritual momentum we've had the devil hit us and hit us and hit us but it's time for the church that I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail I believe America can go from victory unto victory do you Who am I preaching to today who in this room would say pastor it's a new year they're in Gwinnett they're in Beaufort and they're in Spartanburg in Orange County watching by television pastor I I need to just I know what happened I had it and like David and like Joshua's sin got in the camp but I would like to I'd like to get my sins under the blood I'd like to recover the spirit a victory and spiritual momentum I know I'm not right with God but I want to be pray for me if that's you boldly raise your hand right where you're standing at every campus beautiful beautiful that's awesome raise your hand that's awesome every one of you that raised your hand get out of your seat at every campus and walk down front as the teams that every campus are coming forward come on here they come here they come here they come that's it you raise your hand the moment you start moving momentum is building for victory in your life and how can you down and you sin and kill the little bear and you've seen him do some little victories but God doesn't want you to settle for little victories he wants them to build momentum for your greatest victories in your life today in this powerful kamon here they come here they come god bless these young men from Riverside that's awesome god bless you come on come on come on come on come on come on this is power give me all of our altar teams at every campus behind those who had the confidence the conviction to come forward let's pray you know what the Lord keeps saying at him I know when he's talking to me because I hear a voice while I'm preaching and he said tell the business people to believe me for spiritual momentum in 2017 that you may think you're doing good but he will do exceedingly abundantly above a handle anymore than get some help cuz God's not through blessing you how many of you receive that deep in your soul right now the Lord of burst is about to step into that business I feel that let's pray this prayer and then I'm gonna pray for those businesses everybody in this room as an acting at every campus as an act of surrender let's lift our hands high it's like I give up I surrender pray this prayer Lord Jesus I surrender to your will and your way I lost the momentum when I touch sin but you're a God of restoration you never give up on us and I know you love me I'll repent of my sins I confess you as my savior and today I receive the victory of the cross that says sin is defeated in my life I am free I am forgiven I am cleansed God loves me God has totally cleanse me and I am a new creation now Lord give me the momentum back let me have bursts and breakthroughs into my destiny into my purpose into my calling in Jesus name I am free I am forgiven I am saved let's give God a great praise because the spirit of breakthrough has come into this house oh yeah [Music] can we pray for America can we pray for our nation God can do things in spite of our Congress God can do things in spite of the press or in spite of even our leaders he will use our leaders but I'm not looking to any man for my breakthrough I'm looking to the Lord a breakthrough and I know he knows how to take care of all his children raise your hands high and let's pray for our nation father in the name of Jesus we do pray for a new season of victory to come upon America to come upon our inner cities to come upon those who have been overlooked and oppressed and left the poor the broke the hurting the addicted Lord we pray for a spirit that raises people up that raises them out of the debris and out of the pain and out of the broken places of life god I pray for a revival in our nation I pray that it would start at the White House and it would go to the Congress and it would sweep across this nation and we would see spiritual momentum like we've never seen in preaching the gospel and bringing Jesus Christ back to earth we asked your father to bless the pig the business people bless us on our jobs bless the work of our hands and give us in a new year spiritual momentum to move from success on to success victory under victory faith under faith glory under go take people to a whole new dimension of victory in their families and in their homes and in their finances in a brand-new year I pray everybody say a brand new dimension a victory in Jesus name and now may the Lord bless you and keep you may he make his face shine on you may he lift up his countenance upon you may he be gracious unto you and me I'm giving myself time to get the end of the church and may he give you peace I'll be at the door if you want to say hello we love you go forth the momentum is with you people s share this link share this particular message with someone that needs to hear it somebody that needs to breakthrough in their life if you go to free chapel o RG forward slash online you'll be able to share this message with anyone in any capacity you leveraging your your influence on social media and allow it to be a breakthrough in their life but you can also re-watch this message throughout the week as well utilizing our Online Campus webpage but I do also want to encourage you to use that same webpage and submit your prayer request this week let us know how we can pray for you but then finally don't forget to register if you haven't already for our annual one marriage conference coming up February the 10th and 11th right here and our Gainesville location but we love you so much we're thrilled that you join us here today and we will see you next Sunday morning you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 89,757
Rating: 4.7949553 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Sunday, Church, Live Stream, Worship Music, Music, Jesus, Praise and Worship, Service, Sermon, Message, Inspiration, church service, christian, Spiritual Momentum, fasting, prayer, spiritual momentum, kingdom connection, preaching, word of god, uplifting, God, christianity, Spiritual growth, spiritual warfare, faith
Id: 5wQm2u3b4jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2017
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