How to Slay Your Giants | Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of kingdom connection [Music] there is a heaven get your eyes on the prize it's worth fighting for it's worth living right it's worth keeping your family in church it's worth all the struggles and the and the things that we go through to get our families to heaven it's worth the fight focus on the [Music] rewards i'm going to preach to you about how to slay the giant in your family how to slay the giant that the enemy sends to every family and i think there is a beautiful outline of what has to happen if you're going to become a giant killer because when you look at what david did and what happened that brought the mighty victory that we all know as david versus goliath but really it was god using david to defeat goliath you have to understand that there were some very clear steps that he took that turned him transformed an ordinary man into a giant killer and i want you to see it with me and i'm just going to begin reading in verse let's go to verse 20 of first samuel chapter 17. so david rose early in the morning left the sheep with a keeper and took the things and went as jesse had commanded him jesse was his father his father gave him a command and he came to the camp as the army was going out to fight and shouting for the battle the king james says going out coming out of the trenches it says in some translations as the army was coming out of the trenches they went up shouting for the battle and i'm just going to take that part and then we'll keep your bibles open if you've got them open because i'm going to keep going back to scripture to make my my my point so i want you to notice that i want to give you some qualities that have to be real in your life if you're going to be a giant slayer number one the bible said that david notice what it said his father jesse told him to go down and to and to take some bread and some cheese this is right in the previous verse before i read i didn't read take time to read it but he said take some bread and cheese to your brothers and see how the battle's going now what's interesting about this is there's a little lesson in this because david had already been anointed to be king of israel but he had not yet been appointed but when his father who was uh his parent his dad said to him go down and basically i want you to take some some cheese and bread just not a very important assignment i want you to be a servant to your brothers i want you to go down to the battlefield not as a king i want you to go down there carrying stuff and giving them something to eat notice that the first point that i want to make is this giant killers are submitted because at that moment he had to make the decision he could have rared up in his dad's face and said who do you think you're talking to i've been anointed king of israel who do you think you're talking to the prophet samuel prophesied that i would sit on a throne and it would never end who do you think you're speaking to i'm too important to take bread and cheese i should be somebody should be carrying me on their shoulders what are you talking about they should sound some trumpets but notice one of the keys to being a giant slayer is you must be submitted to authority his dad was his authority i've never seen an unsubmitted giant killer giant killers are submitted you have to get under what god puts over you or you'll never get over what god wanted to put under you and you don't know that you're unsubmitted until you have the opportunity to not be and in that moment i think is something we race right over but i've never seen an unsubmitted giant killer you can have talent because david was a remarkable musician you can have you can have calling he was called you can have the anointing but if you are not submitted to authority such as parents such as spiritual leaders the bible said let everyone submit themself to spiritual authority or to the higher powers the king james puts it as in other words how you react to authority determines whether or not you will ever slay giants and it's so important to know that everybody say amen so submit yourself and the giants will fall submit yourself to the word of god submit yourself to the authority of godly people that god has put you around and opened the door for you to sit under submit yourself and if they're wrong god will deal with them but as you submit it empowers you to slay giants watch how you talk to your parents watch how you speak to people that god has put in authority because the devil knows you just got weakened tremendously on the battlefield when you are not in submission number two i like the fact that the bible said that he they came up out of the trenches do you know that a giant can be nine feet tall but the trenches would be like a ditch that they dug to defend themselves and have a safe place and they would peep out to see the enemy and sometimes even though a giant might have been nine foot tall if you're down in the trenches and you're looking up he looks like he's 15 feet tall because when you're down that's when notice the enemies coming of the giant is very strategic he came when they were in the trenches so when they looked up and they saw goliath marching out he actually looked bigger than what he really was because they were down there comes a moment where the trench which is a low place your enemy will always show up when you're at your lowest point the enemy doesn't show up when you're high and full of faith but he loves to get you down and when you're down below in the trenches that's when he shows up and he's strategic at his appearance the enemy was big because they were down if you'll get up you'll find that it's not as bad as you thought it was if you'll get up you'll find out the devil is not as big and as powerful as you thought he was if you'll get up you'll find out that that spirit that has your child is not as tough as you thought it was because god has not called you to be in that trench of depression he's called you to get up in giant killers are not only disciplined and giant killers are not only submitted but giant killers get up aren't you tired of being down looking up seeing a big enemy i'm going to tell you how you shrink the enemy you start pulling yourself up by praising the lord and focusing on god and declaring the word of god and praying in the holy ghost you're not some weak down person you're a giant slayer hallelujah and pray in the holy ghost and he'll lift you up and as you go up the enemy goes down what you do when you are low and looking at your biggest enemy will determine whether you have defeat or victory and the bible said something significant notice this now and when goliath came out they got up out of the trenches and started shouting for the battle if you're going to kill a giant you can't be silent if you're going to be a giant killer i've never seen a silent giant killer giant killers shout giant killers praise giant killers say to themselves i will bless the lord at all times his praise will continually be in my mouth giant killers lift their voices for victory in their family for victory in their home they lift their voices in prayer they lift their voices in confession of god's word they begin to shout the promises bigger than the lies that the enemies shouting across the field and you are a giant killer i feel this now i feel something coming the enemy wants to silence us the enemy wants us to sit back and take it and take it and take it but i like what joshua said he said shout for the lord has given you the city i like what ezra said he said shout grace grace because god has already laid a foundation in whatever hell's trying to stop it's already there you just need to start shouting because giant killers are shouters somebody give god a shout david said david said clap your hands all you people and shout unto god with the voice of triumph i'm tired of people minimizing our praise lift your voice and begin to talk back trash to the enemy notice something else number five i want you to see this in verse uh verse 25 so the men of israel said have you seen this man who has come up surely he has come up to defy israel and notice what they say and they're talking to david and it shall be that the man who kills the king and will be enriched with riches and will give and the king will give him his daughter and give him his father's house exempt from taxes in israel all right everybody say that's one time what what did he just do they just got focused off the battle onto the reward what was the reward number one you get to marry the king's daughter and she was gorgeous number two you get riches and number three you never pay taxes again on all that you're going to inherit being a part of the royal family okay so that's that's in verse 25 now watch verse 26. then david spoke to the men who stood by him saying what shall be done for the man who kills the philistine and takes away the reproach from israel for who is this uncircumcising that he should defy the armies of a living god watch and the people answered him in this manner saying so it shall be done for the man who kills him and they just repeated what he had already said that's two two times now watch this it gets even more interesting then iliab his older brother heard and spoke to the men and he walked up to david and he said why did you come down here um and who did you leave those listen this little put down those few sheep that you are over stay in your place you're nobody you're not important why do you care about the battle you're just the pizza delivery boy bringing cheese and bread but notice what david does next he says i know and his brother says i know your pride you've come down for the battle and david said in verse 29 what have i done now is there not a cause and you aren't going to believe this then he turned from him toward another and said the same thing what is the reward and the same thing was answered as the first ones did what am i trying to say this is a big clue to a giant killer giant killers focus on the reward more than the risk giant killers are focused on the reward tell me what will i get if i win this battle you get the daughter you get the riches and you get a tax-free life and then again why does the bible take three verses to say they repeated it again because when you get in the battle the enemy wants you to focus on the wrong thing focus on the reward focus on the reward get your eyes on the prize i'm telling you that the battle is worth fighting for our families it's worth standing up to hell when it comes in it's worth saying no to evil and you're not going to have my house and you're not going to have my marriage it's worth it i want to preach for just a moment and tell you that streets of gold will be worth it and gates of pearl will be worth it and living eternal life in heaven with jesus will be worth it there is a heaven get your eyes on the prize it's worth fighting for it's worth living right it's worth keeping your family in church it's worth all the struggles and the and the things that we go through to get our families to heaven it's worth the fight focus on the reward no more sorrow no more pain no more death get your eyes off of the risk and on to the reward heaven is going to be worth it all there's a reward there's a reward when you got your family in heaven there's something greater than heaven and something worse than hell what could be greater than going to heaven and something worse than going to hell something greater than heaven is to get to heaven and turn around and see charisse and see courtney and carissa and caroline connor and drake and their husbands and their wives and their children there's something greater than making it to heaven it's getting my family there there's something worse than going to hell is knowing that my family followed me because i wouldn't take a stand and fight the giants now watch this let me give you number eight it's in verse 39. so saul clothed david with his armor and his bronze helmet fastened a sword to his armor and he tried to walk out and i like what david said david said i can't take this stuff i haven't tested this you know what he was saying giant killers have to be themself i can't be you god didn't anoint me to be something i'm not and i know my little raggedy uh slingshot doesn't look as shiny and beautiful as your kingly sword but this is what god gave me this is the gift god gave me and it may not look like a it may look like a a a riding lawnmower in a rolls-royce showroom but this is what god gave me and when the anointings on it it's powerful i don't have to be andy stanley i don't have to be td jakes i don't have to it's good cause i can't do it but i can take my little sling this is what giant killers get a hold of they say i can't be you i have to be me he will anoint you to be you not a fake you you don't have to be like them giant killers get that revelation i don't have to be like them i don't have to be like the world to reach the world i don't have to be like them to win them the enemy wants to make you feel insecure about what you've got just to swing but everybody shout out loud right now i am a giant slayer shouted again i am a giant slave shouted again i am a giant slayer let me close with this i might be one point short but i'll skip one in verse in verse 40 it says this then he took a staff in his hand and he chose for himself five smooth stones he put them in his shepherd's bag and he drew near to the philistine question why in the world would he get five stones he's only fighting one giant because i believe the lesson in this is maybe the most important giant killers are determined i believe he had the mentality if i don't kill you with my first stone i got four more and i'm gonna get another one out and if fasting didn't get you i got prayer and fasting and if prayer and fasting didn't get this giant out of my house that's all right i got another stone i'm gonna call up three holy ghost grandmas who know how to pray and talk in tongues and i'm gonna get them behind this and if that don't work then bless god i'm gonna give my tithe and offering like i've never given and let i got all kinds of stones in my pocket here and i am determined i'm not gonna quit until you fall and i think the number five was the most he had ever missed trying to hit something i think he took all that he had ever missed that many times and he said you know what i'm going and if i don't get him with the first rock and the second rock and the third rock i'm going to keep on but i'm not going to quit until this giant falls you got to have some backup stones are you determined to slay the giant anybody determined to slay the giant watch this the bible said that he goes out and he throws that stone and when he hits that stone goliath goes down because giant killers giant killers are submitted they're disciplined they're upbeat they get up giant killers are shouters giant killers are the same character in the darkness as they are in the like giant killers see trials as training not trouble giant killers have got to be themself they wear and use what god gave them giant killers focus on the reward giant killers are determined but lastly giant killers take authority over the enemy and take it back to their house because i want you to see this the bible said that when he knocked goliath down that he took goliath sword and he cut goliath's head off with his own sword and he picked up goliath sword and and after he defeated him with goliath sword he picked up goliath's head and read it he took it back to his tent for a little while then ultimately ended up outside of jerusalem which is so prophetic i don't have time to preach that but he took it all the way back this is in your bible he took the head of goliath all the is a public victory all the people were shouting all the nation of israel was rejoicing he broke the curse he took authority over the devil for for future generations because remember whoever lost or won that battle would it would affect generations but then he does something strange he takes the head and puts it on a spear in his tent i think he was saying the head represents authority and he was saying devil i fought out there on the battlefield i fought for the ministry i fought out here but there are some devils in my own house and i'm going to take authority right here in my own tent right here in my own family and i'm not fighting with flesh and blood i'm fighting with the sword of the spirit the power of satan that has come in like a flood to destroy my family i'm taking authority over it i'm not going to ignore it anymore i am a giant slayer i have the authority i have big authority in jesus name and it doesn't just work at church but i can take the authority over the giant in my home and can you imagine sitting over in the corner somewhere in that tent was the head of goliath and he's laying there saying to the devil as a symbol you have no authority in my marriage in my family with my finances i have a covenant business and what you meant for my evil god's gonna use it for my good i need you to get on your feet and i need you to put your hands together and give god a great praise if you believe he's coming today with authority for your house authority for every mom and dad and grandparent to say you cannot have my family [Music] i want to thank you for joining us on kingdom connection today our mission always is to lead people to jesus christ and if you need jesus in your life today i want you to pray this prayer with me just say lord jesus thank you for your unfailing love thank you that you never give up on me thank you lord that your grace and your mercy is already cleansing me when i breathe and call your name forgiveness comes to my life and i receive you jesus as my lord and savior and i give you the praise in jesus name amen and in our closing moments i wanted to take just a moment to talk to you from my heart about an amazing door god has opened for us in the nation of israel favor has been granted to this ministry in ways that blows my mind to be honest we partnered with an incredible organization called yale to feed and bring comfort to the elderly holocaust survivors we've been receiving so many thank you videos from holocaust survivors and even government officials and i wanted to share one with you listen to this and let it speak to your heart jensen franklin today when you partner with us today we want to give you some amazing gifts and resources including my message grace grace and i believe this message is one of the most important messages i've ever preached my announcer is going to tell you what you can do to be a part of the israel miracle right now we have an amazing but brief window of opportunity to share the love of god with elderly holocaust survivors living in israel in recent months the covet 19 virus outbreak has only added to the fear and worry these amazing holocaust survivors have had to confront to say thank you for taking that step with a gift of 50 or more today we'll send you the encouraging series grace grace on dvd along with the digital download plus a travel tumbler and grace grace keychain your words have power speak grace grace lay your hands on your business and grace grace when you pull up in the parking lot grace grace do your job when you fill out an application to go in and get a job grace grace if you're able to sow a gift of 300 or more today we'll respond by sending the jensen franklin legacy study bible and an art piece declaring zachariah 4 7 plus a grace grace notepad and journal finally with your gift of one thousand dollars or more today you'll receive this special edition jensen franklin legacy study bible we'll also plant a tree in israel in your honor and send an exclusive comfort my people certificate your help in this time of need is critical and you'll be living out the prophecy found in isaiah chapter 40 comfort comfort my people to learn more visit us at charisse and i want to invite you to join us on our holy land tour it's an amazing trip unlike anything you've ever experienced and we'll be on the trip we get on the buses our family will be on there and i promise you it will change your life you've been thinking about it you've been praying about it this is the year to go god's gonna open your eyes to things you've never seen and experienced before in the holy land get signed up today now you can grow in your walk with christ from anywhere with our school of discipleship online join people from around the world for an engaging four-phase online experience focused on your spiritual development we'll ship the course materials to you and you can follow along at your own pace while learning biblical truths taught by leaders from jensen franklin's home church free chapel visit sod online to get started today this program has been sponsored by friends and partners of kingdom connection we hope you've enjoyed this teaching by jensen franklin and thank you for your continued support of this ministry
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 44,551
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Sermons, jensen franklin, jentezen franklin sermons, christianity, franklin jentezen sermons, church online
Id: 5sa7NwQBDLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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