The PLAN of Yah's Salvation Revealed in the Tabernacle!

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[Music] looking at this theme from the last two weeks I thought we would go through a little model of the plan of salvation hidden in the tabernacle and it actually has a hidden prophecy of Yeshua in every aspect of it so I call this this part of my hidden prophecies revealed series the plan of salvation revealed in the sanctuary and the plan of salvation is actually the plan of Yeshua because that's the Hebrew word for salvation so it makes perfect sense in Psalm 77 13 it says thy way O God is in the sanctuary so if you want to know what God's way is because by beholding we become changed into that same likeness how can you be changed into the right thing unless you know what the right thing is so if you want to know what God's ways are and how he operates and what his plan is then we should draw our focus to the sanctuary and meditate on it and draw out these deeper inferences Psalm 68 24 says we have seen thy goings Oh God the goings of my King in the sanctuary so it's his goings his Shekinah came to dwell among us to show how he actually desires to dwell in us fully but it's the way of the king so this is pointing towards Yahshua Psalm 102 19 says for he referring to God looked down from the height of his sanctuary from the heavens has Jehovah beheld the earth so what God had Moshe instructed the people of Israel to build was a model of heavenly things and that heavenly thing is actually a model of how what God wants to dwell in us this is why Paul says know ye not that your body is the temple of God so it's not destined that he would forever be separate from us in a tabernacle or a temple a Myshkin or it the whole purpose is to dwell in us and the whole process of sanctification and holiness that you see represented in the holy place is him showing us how to live so that we can have a most holy place experience with his glory his spirit dwelling in us fully exodus 25:8 says and they shall make me a sanctuary a tabernacle and mikdash that i might dwell in them but you only get that in the hebrew he's actually saying this is just a model of what I plan to do with you children of Israel and here it is in the Hebrew via sooo lame it - very shocked itani Beth Rohan I want to dwell in you this is just a model of how I want to dwell in you so this is how we're gonna meditate on today strikingly the next text says that God will dwell in the children of Israel and not in it because the text recognizes that God desires to dwell within each person and the sanctuary is just a type showing the plan to return us to holiness through a holy process called sanctification meaning to be set apart for holy use so as a kingdom of priests this is what God designs for you and he cannot fulfill this purpose if you are in rebellion if you resist this process because the very first thing that we see in the outer court is this altar representing that we need to lay down the ego we need to lay down the lower self we need to lay down this idea that we're separate from God this is what has caused sin and this is what has caused death he wants us to realize that he's dwelling in us and we have to let go of that propensity to gratify the self to exalt the self to act selfishly to indulge the self in all of its forms and that's the very first process to holiness that we will see coming into the temple sanctuary Court exodus 25:8 so here in today's torah portion towards the end of it i found an interesting anomaly if you will normally the anomalies that I bring out our individual Hebrew letters that are enlarged or minimized or at extra dots but I find our repetition mentioned in the last part of our Torah portion that I'd like to actually start with sometimes we have to start with the end to understand the beginning God actually says he reveals the end from the beginning so this is how God works so this is how we're gonna work with today's Torah portion and it came to pass in the first month which is next month here we're at the 13th month in the second year on the first day of the month that the tabernacle was reared up and Moshe reared up the tabernacle and fana fastened his sockets and set up the boards thereof and put the bars and reared the pillars and he spread abroad the tent over the tabernacle and he put a covering of the tent above it as the LORD commanded Moses there I've bolded it for you because this is what you're gonna see repeated and he took and put the testimony into the ark and set the staffs on the ark and put the mercy seat above the ark and he brought the ark into the tabernacle and set up the veil of the covering and covered the Ark of the testimony as the LORD commanded Moses and he put the table in the tent of the congregation upon the side of the tabernacle northward without the veil and he set the bread in order upon it before the Lord together as the LORD commanded Moses and he put the menorah in the tent of the congregation over the across from the table of showbread on the side of the tabernacle southward and he lighted the lamps before the Lord together as the LORD commanded Moses are you starting to see a theme here and he put the golden altar in the tent of the congregation before the veil and he burnt sweet incense thereon as the LORD commanded Moses and he set up the hanging at the door of the tabernacle and he put the altar of burnt-offering by the door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation and offered upon it the burnt offering and the meat offering as the LORD commanded Moses and he set the Laver between the tent of the congregation and the altar and put the water therein to wash with all and Moshe and are on his sons and his sons washed their hands in their feet and when they went into the tent of the congregation and when they came near to the altar they washed as the LORD commanded Moses so how important do you think it is to do all that the Lord has commanded the only reason the Shekinah glory came down and dwelt after this experience was because Moses did all that the Lord had commanded and this is a model for us how can we think that we are going to have a most holy experience most holy place experience and experienced the Shekinah glory if we're harboring any darkness any rebellion that separates us from doing all that the Lord commands us and how can we know how to do what the Lord commands us unless we start studying Torah and have it written upon our hearts this is why the New Testament says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so re munna our faithfulness how we do everything that the LORD commanded is what a moon is all about is indicative of first writing torah upon our hearts not letting our self get in the way and saying we don't need that anymore I'm not gonna do all that the Lord has commanded I'll do part of it when it's convenient for me but all of that stuff I don't think I'm interested in doing that we will miss the great blessing because nothing and no one could touch Israel as long as they were unified around God's Shekinah glory and doing all as the LORD commanded Moses so this is our example for today and he reared up the outer court round about the tabernacle and the altar and set up the hangings of the court gate so Moshe finished all of the work then the cloud the Shekinah covered the tent of the congregation and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle it was after he had done everything that the Lord had commanded and we will have this experience - if we do all that the Lord has commanded so a little overview of the different areas of the tabernacle we see that the parsha actually begins in the most holy place with the Ark of the Covenant and let's see if my clicker will work anyways you know where the most holy place is towards the back and then you have the only place in between with three pieces of furniture then you have the outer court and everything in the symbol in the sanctuary is a symbol of Messiah and God's plan of salvation through him and if you look at the Word of God before it was made manifest John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God then the word became flesh and created well before he became flesh it created all things all things that have been created were created through the word means everything was spoken into existence and the same word became flesh and dwelt among us and Hebrews 1 says that we saw the exact representation of the Shekinah in human form this means that there'll be no self total self-denial that you should exemplified so if you think about the heavenly throne room I wish I had my my maybe I'm not sure if you'll be able to pop this out but think of the Word of God in the heavenly throne room represented by the most holy place and it's invisible you don't see it but you see things being made manifest spoken into existence by it when you see Yeshua come in human flesh that's represented by the veil so he's veiling just like he did with that Shekinah that came down over the tabernacle what was veiling it a cloud so that it wasn't too bright for the children of Israel well in these times Hebrews 1 1 through 3 says in past times he spoke to us in various in a sundry ways and through various prophets but in these last days through his son Yeshua who is the exact representation of the Shekinah so he's actually veiled in order to reach man and then you see in this holy place the altar of incense this means constant communication and which he had with the father constant communication as an example for us so imagine him coming out of heaven being made flesh the word shows us how to stay in constant communication how to live out Torah and be a light to the nation's and then he comes out and even though he doesn't need cleansing he goes through the mikveh with Yochanan the immerser as an example he says even so I do it for them as an example and then shows us how to totally lay down our life through his sacrifice this is the ultimate example of yaws selfless love in action he comes all the way to the front of the game as our high priest to reach out to us who are in the world who are coming to see this example and then he takes us back and teaches us how to die to self how to be cleansed from all unrighteousness how to live a life of holiness observing Torah being a light to the nation's staying in constant communication with God so that we can part through that veil and go back to oneness with the Father it is a total plan of salvation that is a cycle all the way through so we will look through each of these pieces of furniture and identify different aspects of Yeshua in them because everything is pointing to the word made flesh but speaking of the coming Messiah in Deuteronomy 18 this great prophecy that God told Moses he says the Lord thy God will raise up to thee a prophet from the midst of thee that means he's gonna come from the house of Israel from one of thy brethren like to me now what tribe was most shade from Levi so he didn't say from your tribe ma che did he he said from one of your brethren and who was that brethren juda so he says like unto me to him you shall hearken so he's going to be like God he's going to be like mo Shane that his coming is gonna be in humbleness and meekness he's gonna be a prophet like unto Moshe he's gonna uphold the Torah he's gonna lead the children of Israel it's a beautiful model that Moshe has given us of a coming son of God he says and I will put my word in his mouth and he shall speak them all that I have commanded him just like Moses did all that he commanded him what did you show us say when he came on the scene he says I speak not of my own accord everything that I say is from my father and so we see he is a perfect example of Moshe and a perfect example of God's Word in human flesh I say 8:14 says the Lord of Hosts him shall ye sanctify and let him be your fear and let him be your dread and he the Lord will be for a sanctuary and for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense to both the house both the houses of Israel isn't that interesting so to the Jews we know that you stumble over him because of the way he's been presented as somebody who puts himself in the place of God and does away with Torah and to the Christians it can be a stumbling block if they misunderstand that he came to uphold the Torah and to reach out to the Lost house of Israel to both houses for a trap and first snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem beautiful prophecy of yeshua and isaiah 8:14 there ephesians 2 4 through 6 says but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in our sins hath quickened us together he's unified us in mashiac he hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Messiah Yeshua so where he is sitting now at the right hand of God he is acting as our high priest interceding for the whole house of Israel and we spiritually are in him also interesting for the nation's first Timothy 6 15 and 16 says the king of kings and the Lord of lords who only hath immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approach this is very symbolic of the most holy place experience where there was a veil because nobody could approach this great light even though father had covered himself in a veil of cloud the high priest once a year after being going through a total cleansing process even had to bring in a censor to create more smoke otherwise that much brightness you know the text that says our God is like a consuming fire it's not that He desires to consume you but his holiness is so holy and his light is so bright his love is so great that any shred of darkness is going to be eradicated in its presence so he's been merciful to veil himself to reach out to us until we can return to beings of light the way he created us without any sin it says to whom no man hath seen nor can't see this is why we're to worship God in spirit and truth we're never to put an image of God or a person in God's place and worship him to whom be the honor and power everlasting amen this is what we want to focus on as we think about that symbol of the Ark of the Covenant representing the throne room of God in heaven the king of kings and the Lord of lords who alone hath immortality dwelling in the light that no man can approach to this is a powerful scripture I say at 33 22 says for the Lord is our judge and the Lord is our lawgiver and of course the word Lord is a title for the yo-dee-hey Vevey just because we don't like to pronounce the holy name of God you in our studies or in our everyday language so we either say Hashem or an I how didn't I got translated to Lord because that and I had a connotation of the Almighty master of all things and that's what Adonai connotates as well so out and I is our King and he's our lawgiver and his word has been made manifest in yeshua who he gives dominion of the earth back to which the first adam the first son of god for this earth lost to hasa time so we moved from the most holy place that in approachable light that is the goal of our return it's the goal of all of our sanctification and we're starting to look at each implement of the sanctuary now how the word became veiled in human flesh is represented by the veil that separated the holy place from the most holy place and hebrews 1:1 through 3 which i was referring to earlier says God who at sundry times and in divers manners bacon times past to the father's our forefathers by the prophets he has in these last days spoken to us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things by whom he also made the world's plural world's John 1 says everything that was created was created by the word who being in the brightness of his Shekinah this is the glory and the Express image of his person his divine nature of selfless love and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on so it's beautiful to think of the Word of God veiled in human flesh coming to reach out to us to show us the way back to the Father Psalms 2:7 says I will declare the decree the Lord had said to me you are my son this day I have begotten you now what's unique about Yeshua we shouldn't put Yeshua in the place of God even though the Word of God became flesh we have to be careful because the second commandment says that we cannot worship anything in the heavens above or the earth beneath or the waters under the earth but you sure is unique in not only that he lived a sinless life but he is the only begotten Son now imagine all those other worlds that it talks about the word creating all of those have a son who has dominion over that world God has many sons in job it refers to all the sons of God coming and bringing an account of their different dominions to him and who came representing the world hasatan why because Adam who was the son given dominion of this world had lost his Dominion to positon in the garden so when you Shu comes he comes to restore that Dominion now all those other sons of God were spoken into existence by the word Adam was unique created in God's own image fit for perfect relationship and intimacy formed with God's own hands the only time that you ever hear of God forming something with his hands taking the minerals from this earth this is why Earth becomes known as our mother in the Essene teachings and the seed which is just like the seed of the father going into the womb is the word that's the literal seed or semen of divinity that's planted in the vessel of the earth and um he breathes into his nostrils the DNA is very DNA and he becomes a living soul in his express image in the image of God a being of light so he's unique in that he was formed with his hands but there's never been a Sun birth through a woman until you sure came and this is why he's called the unique only begotten son of the Father and we're the first Adam was meant to be a beam of light to teach the Oracles of God to all of his children and be perfect throughout eternity he failed at that and so the second Adam Yeshua the only begotten he is the one to restore that dominion and restore the the children of God to Eternity to eternal life and to a kingdom of priests and to being able to have intimacy with the Father which is what we were created for deep deep intimacy he wants us to know him as deeply as he knows us so as we come through this veil then you see three pieces of furniture in the holy place and the first thing on this side of the veil is the altar of incense representing that the closest thing to God is our words if his word was veiled and came to us our words should also be in constant communication with him and our words begin in our mind and this is why Paul says that pray without ceasing rejoice always give thanks in all things we can be in a constant state of communication with the Father it doesn't mean that you have to be down on your hands and knees and verbalizing out loud at a prayer we should be communicating with him when you live the light and the love that you want to see in this world you are in constant communication with him when you begin your day with prayer and meditation and you see how you can have divine appointments with others in viewing that love you're in constant communication with him you're ever seeking to be his hands and feet and to minister be his implements his vessel for his service if you will so this is the altar of incense represents the that arise like a fragrant aroma that communication and it also represents when you're thinking in context of Yeshua the divine expression which in the New Testament is referred to as the logos the logos is the Divine expression made manifest John 1 through 1 through 3 and 14 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth which is to say God's character was now able to be visually seen what it looks like he's God's character selfish or is it selfless it's always selfless is it kind is it loving is it peaceful this is why the fruits of the Spirit the same thing that people saw in Yeshua they will see in us if we truly have God's Spirit the way he had it love joy peace patience this doesn't just mean in the times that are good when it's convenient for you this means even in your darkest hour when somebody's falsely accusing you and slapping you and stealing from you and persecuting you there's an old saying that says a man is only as good or a man's character is only as good as he is in his worst hour as revealed in his worst hour so you know everybody's nice when they come to fellowship but let's see when we push somebody's buttons that are wrong way how they're gonna react we should be so constant with God's Spirit living in us that there's only love there's only peace this festival is nothing if somebody wants to take something from it they're stealing from God they're not I don't have to be reactionary I don't have to be defensive that's the way the father designs for us to live in the spirit it's full of grace and full of truth exodus 34:7 and eight says an errand shall burn thereon sweet incense every moment that's the way our life should be like sweet incense every moment when he dresses the lamps now remember when did he dress the lamps first thing in the morning before you even put incense two things were done almost simultaneously you would trim the wicks and refill the oil to the lamps and he would put new incense on so here it's saying that he shall burn sweet instance every morning when he dresses the lamps it represents our connection with God in our communication in the morning he shall burn incense upon it when Aaron lights the lamps at evening he shall burn incense on it then also so this is where the pattern or the habit the ritual of praying in the morning and the evening was started even before the morning and the evening sacrifices these are key times when the Sun is rising and it's going from darkness to light and in the evening when it's going from light to darkness I encourage you to stop what you're doing just like we stopped this 24-hour period for Shabbat stop that little period of time in your day two times a day and commune with God and see how it accelerates your spiritual growth it's to be a perpetual instance before the Lord throughout your generations then we look at the altar I mean the menorah which we very easily can see representing Yeshua as the light of the world and this is to be an example for us to be a light to the world that's what Israel was called you know in prophecy as we're reading the haftorah you often see in Isaiah this term my servant you are my servant and it's like a dual prophecy he's speaking to you as the house of Israel amongst the nations to be a light to the nation's you're his servant but it's a dual prophecy in Yeshua also he came for the nations and he came for the lost house of Israel and he came to show us how to be a light to the nation's so a lot of people have difficulty because of our Greek way of thinking they either see only Yeshua or they only see Israel now the Jewish people mainly only see Israel in those prophecies and Christians only see you sure I'm encouraging you to see both their dual prophecies they're infinitely deep psalms 119:105 says your word is a lamp so if the word was veiled in in the vessel in human flesh and dwelt among us to be a light to the world it makes perfect sense now on a deeper level what David was saying it's not just talking about the written Torah but it's talking about being a living Torah this is the goal of the written Torah the written Torah is just a schoolmaster to show us where we fall short if it is to lead us into being living tourists to be a light and a light to my path proverbs 6:23 says for the commandments is a lamp and the Torah is a light so we have to think about this scroll that we love to study how God wants to write it on our hearts so that we can be a living Torah and that's why I always say by the end of the millennium sin and death will be destroyed if sin is the transgression of the Torah there will be no more need for a written scroll because if we will be living it out so naturally isaiah 49:6 says i will make you a light to the nation's and this is that dual prophecy that I was referring to so that my salvation can spread to the ends of the earth this is not just through Yeshua but you should showing us how to do it as lights to the nation as Israel then speak you sure again to them saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of Life and it's exciting when we travel and people come up and they say what is this light that we see in you and we were down in Phoenix we had beautiful brother at the hotel who approached me and said the same thing in the hall and as I started to share him that it's not just me that light is in you too you know whenever somebody is loving to their fellow man you see that light shining forth from them and the tears just started to roll out of his eyes down his cheeks and we embrace never having met before that but if we will live torah to its full extent which is a law of love to our fellow man and to our god people will see that light in us and that's what's going to attract the nation's to want to be grafted into Israel otherwise if we make it look burdensome and if we look stuck-up who's gonna want to be a part of that group so we really have to humble ourselves be meek like yushua see where we can heal people see where we can be a good listener see where we can shine the light of his love and all the different aspects of our day and interactions with others john 3:19 says and this is the condemnation to the world a speaking of what why is there any condemnation left because God only has love for the world so the only condemnation on us is if we reject what God is trying to do to save us and that is the condemnation that the light came into the world but the men love darkness rather than the light why because they the self the Eagle wanted to continue to hold on to their deeds they didn't want to change and this is why people would ever choose darkness over life because it's insanity it leads to death all self is self-destructive and the only reason why we even have life in our sin is because of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world that is the grace of God and the good news if we look at the table of showbread we also see Yeshua is the unleavened bread of life John 6:35 says and Yeshua said unto them I am the bread of life he that comes to me will never hunger again and he that believes on me will never thirst I am The Living bread which came down out of heaven If any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that I give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world so here in John 6 51 he's referring to the manna that our forefathers ate and that manna fell out in double portion at the end of the sixth day so if ancient Israel was to eat a double portion of the Word of God representing Yeshua at the end of the sixth day then what about us is the final generation living at the end of the symbolic six-day millennium here we are at the end of six thousand years and a thousand years is like a day to the Lord so we're at the end of the sixth day symbolically it's time for the house of Israel to get a double portion again and that's what's happening with this Awakening and this understanding because you only get half the understanding if you only hold the written word without realizing the living Torah if you only have the living Torah but you do away with all the commandments of God you only have half of it now is the time that God is creating this revival through his spirit to bring up people who love the commandments of God who loved the written testimony the the written Torah as well as the living Torah this is the double portion for our day today at the end of the sixth day the sixth millennium Leviticus 6:17 says in referring to the showbread shall not be baked with leaven it is most holy okay just like on the feast of unleavened bread that comes up next month it is indicative of us doing away with all self seeking out of our life sin if sin is the transgression of the Torah of love which is selfless by nature then that means anything that is not selfless is sin right so if we are to be vessels without leaven we shouldn't have anything that puffeth up now leavened by itself doesn't always represent sin or something bad last year we taught on how the leaven even you should likened it to the kingdom of heaven which is ever expanding so just like our double portion understanding is expanding our consciousness and trying us closer to God leavened by itself is not bad but loving that puffeth up that creates pride that creates self exaltation that's what leads to sin and that led to the first sin actually in the heavenly sphere with Lucifer the video's 23:6 says on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the Lord seven days you must eat unleavened bread and we get to partake of that together next month we are called to observe this holy day each year as a reminder of the Savior's sinless life and sacrifice and to remember to follow his example it's not just about saying he did it all he paid it out at some of those old hymns say he came as an example to show us that we too can be overcomers but we requires total self-denial and constant communication with the Father these are the key ingredients for overcoming this leaven in the life John 4:10 hints at the labor because Yeshua is the living water and in the prophecies of Ezekiel pertaining to the age of mashiac it talks about Jerusalem being set up higher than all the rest of the land and living waters flowing from the throne of the king both to the western sea the Mediterranean and to the eastern sea the Dead Sea and it healing the Dead Sea well you schewe recognized that he is the living waters that were pointing forward from the tabernacle days and in John 14 it says yushua answered and said to the woman in samaria if you knew the gift of God and who it is that says to thee give me water to drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water John 7:37 at the end of Sukkot we have a water libation that the priest would go down to the pool of Siloam and carry up vessels of water to the tabernacle and pour them out so in the last day it's interesting that this last day is also called Simchat Torah means a day to rejoice in the Torah and here the people are rejoicing in the Torah and the living tourists standing there and he tells them if any man thirst come let him come to me and drink here the very day that's pointing to being able to rejoice in the Torah is fulfilled in him being the living Torah being there and revealing that the truth of God that's gonna flow through him is the living water that's going to lead to eternal life and this is why we are to write tour upon our hearts so that the words that flow from our mouth can be edifying edifying means to build up the body and to give life and to lead to eternity so here Messiah was quoting Isaiah 55 a prophecy that was pointing forward to himself and as you come further out to outer Court you see this brazen altar representing sacrifice we all need to sacrifice in our life you know when we give tithes and offerings this is just the first most baby step to letting go of something God teaching us - okay unclench your fists let go you have to not take everything personal to yourself thinking that you own anything heal is the owner we're just the stewards the ultimate sacrifice is if we're being willing to lay down your life as a martyr for him but see how he leads us in Torah from the beginning just to learn to let go learning to slowly detach from the vessel and recognize your true identity in his spirit which is totally selfless that's what the altar of sacrifice is pointing to in our sanctifying process and you show exemplified it Exodus 12 5 says your lamb will be without blemish and sure enough Yeshua was without blemish John 10:11 says I am The Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd is willing to lay down his life for the Sheep what's interesting is he is the Sheep he's the lamb he is the shepherd that lays down his life for the Sheep and he is the high priest doing the sacrifice because he laid his life down willingly the father's never gonna kill father didn't kill the son I'd be crazy talk we have to willingly lay down our lives for to be a vessel for God's service he's not gonna force us and he's not gonna miraculously change us by force in the Messianic age many people are looking forward to that they say oh I'll change when Jesus comes you hear that have you ever heard that from the older generation I'm not gonna change now just keep your advice to yourself I'll change when Jesus comes know God's never gonna force us now is the time for our sanctification now is the time for our character development because you know the only thing that we take into the kingdom is our character we're not gonna take these old vessels this it's our mind it's our consciousness that we're developing now purifying making holy that's what's gonna go into the kingdom so we have to learn to live as living sacrifices and then when you come out from the outer court to the gate even the word in Hebrew for gate is a term that points to Yeshua he says I am the way and that was the term for entering into the tabernacle experience Hebrews 10 5 says wherefore when he came into the world he said sacrifice and offering you would not but a body you have prepared me interesting and having a high priest over the house of God let us draw near with a true heart so we have to draw near on the outside here and guess who's ready to meet us right there the very one who laid down his life for us to take us back who knows the way back to the Father better than the one who came from the father isn't that a beautiful cycle the plan of salvation it says in having a high priest over the house of God let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts cleansed from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water so not only do our deeds change it's God's Spirit and dwells in us but even our memory of sin goes away this is what he desires our whole consciousness to be cleansed so that you don't even remember how to sin you don't remember the taste of sin you don't remember the grant self gratifying feeling of sin all you know is I want love and only love it is the most fulfilling thing to me I would rather have this love than even food and this is what you show a man when he says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God it's selfless love and this is the way that our mindset our conscience will be cleansed from evil and our bodies washed with pure water let us hold fast to the profession of our Emunah it's not just believing because even the demons believe omona is not just faith its faithfulness meaning staying the course continue on in this sanctifying process without wavering for he is faithful that promised us so here's yeshua our high priest currently at the right hand of the Father showing us the way back to the Father Exodus 28 29 says an errand shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment on his heart so you see twelve stones there each stone was for a different tribe and those tribes had children who had children who had children who ended up having you you are on Yeshua's breastplate right over his heart this is how much he cares for you and it's not only over his heart but he's bearing your burdens because you know he's got two onyx stones on each shoulder and the twelve names of the twelve tribes are written upon these shoulder plates that means he's bearing your burdens and he's caring for you with his heart when he goes into the sanctuary for memorial before the Father Jehovah continually it's beautiful so he says in John 12 fifty-two if I will be lifted up I will draw all men to myself now why hasn't all men been drawn to him because he's been personified the wrong way either we've portrayed him as an imposter or as a person who puts himself in the place of God or somebody who does away with God's law or that he's selfish or that you know we've twisted the Gospel message in so many different ways that he truly hasn't been lifted up but the principle is still true if I be lifted up if we can show the beautiful selfless love of God in Yeshua and show the true plan of salvation that he came for you and me as the whole house of Israel to be a blessing to the nation's then guess what it's gonna draw all men to himself you his God's Word will not return void it's so powerful that if we portray the same character of God that you should portrayed in our lives everyone will be drawn and this is God's plan this is actually what Corinthians is talking about when Paul writes to the Corinthians and he says God was reconciling the whole world to himself through Yeshua HaMashiach it's just that we haven't been representing Yeshua properly the Word of God properly the character of God properly the love of God properly we haven't been a very good example at all to the world of this but if we start lifting him up and we start revealing that same kind of meek humble love to the world selfless self-sacrificing serving one another serving those in need the poor and the widow this is pure and undefiled religion then we will see all men drawn to him because he is the greatest example of God's character in human flesh if you look at the tabernacle layout from an aerial view you actually get an interesting depiction of the cross and the very footstool being the altar and we see in Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8 it says a greater and more perfect Tabernacle that's not made with hands interesting because you sure is showing us how to let our bodies and our lives be not only a living sacrifice but to be temples for God's indwelling spirit so we can look at Yeshua as an example for how we are to be intercessors he's our high priest in the heavenly sphere Ephesians two four through six says but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he has loved us even when we were dead in our sins has quickened us to the word quicken means the same thing that's happening in Ezekiel 37 with the dry bones being quickened and being made flesh and the breath of God is spoken into there breathed into them and they rise up and they're alive again this is that quickening that's gonna happen when the Spirit of God is inside us and he has quickened us together with Messiah and has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Messiah Yeshua now that we see how Messiah came from the Father to save us let us go follow him back through the tabernacle revealing how the plan of salvation leads us back to the presence of God and restores us to the image of God so we're gonna follow him back to the most holy place we know that Yeshua wants us to be rise up as Israel and if you don't recognize yourself as a part of the Senate of Israel you can be grafted into Israel so that we too can be a kingdom of priests as revelation 5:9 and 10 says for thou speaking of Messiah who was slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and out of every tongue and out of every people why because this is where Israel was scattered so he's redeemed us out of every nation kindred and tongue and has made us unto our God a kingdom of priests now a lot of times in the English they miss translate that and they say kings and priests and then you miss the the deeper connotation he was restoring that original covenant with Israel that God made at Sinai that Israel altar tribes or 13 counting ephraim and manasseh would be a kingdom of priests and he says we shall reign on the earth so it's not that we're going to heaven to rein in some ethereal other dimension the kingdom of God will be set up on this earth and there will be a thousand years of peace where Yeshua teaches the Torah and it will stream forth isaiah 2:2 says the word of the lord from zion and the Torah from Jerusalem Exodus 19:6 says and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are the words with you with which you shall speak to the children of Israel so he's commanding us to teach the children of Israel that you're a kingdom of priests and even though Israel forgot who they are now they're being awakened to their true identity and we can remind them of this beautiful truth that the reason you sure came was to renew that covenant he didn't make a new covenant he renewed that covenant that God made with the whole house of Israel at Sinai that we are to be a kingdom of priests I say a sixty one sixes but you shall be named the priests of the Lord men shall call you the ministers of our God and you will eat the riches of the Gentiles and in their glory you shall boast now glory is doxa doxa and Greek it means some the character of God being made manifest so God's character is love you see that love manifested out as light so if the nations have any glory what that's saying is you're helping them be sanctified you're helping them have God's Spirit in them it doesn't mean yet you're bro Steen in a prideful way that you're stealing their goods what it means that Israel will boast in the glory of the Gentiles is that we will help facilitate the return of the Gentiles back to truth and back to the kingdom and back to eternal life back to being a part of the family first Corinthians 3:16 says know ye not that we are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you so if God's Spirit is one we say that in the Shema it's a cod and like sparks from the great flame they spark out into different souls I should recognize divinity in you and you should recognize divinity me and when I serve you this is why you sure gave the parable that in as much as you've done it to one of the least of these you've done it unto me because God's Spirit is in each one of us in that recognition that's the ultimate highest identity so right now we're teaching about your identity in Israel but it even goes better your identity is actually oneness in God and this makes us all one so if I do any harm to you I'm hurting God I should be loving you and serving you because I want to love and serve God and this is why John Fork says that any man that says he loves his God but hates his brother is a liar because it's impossible God is in each one of us his Spirit dwells in you If any man defies the Timm defiles the temple which is the vessel he will be destroyed that verbage that God will destroy is just another way of expressing cause and effect like I said self is self-destructive if you act selfishly you're gonna end up destroying your health your mental health your physical health your relational health and manifest in many different ways but it's not saying that God's arbitrarily gonna punish you but it's just another description of the cause and effect yes one of the other aspects of this is looking at we think of the temple as being us individual but in actuality it's a yes and so when he says defile the temple god that's if we started defiling each other in which if you look at history and you see why Israel was kicked out of the land they and you read the Minor Prophets where you'll find this they say that he kicked them out because he was actually they were actually defiling the tribe of Israel the temple of God that's right and he said you weren't caring for the widows in the orphans you weren't taking the the letting the land take rest so that those other people could glean from the land and beautiful our individual bodies are made up of land the widows and orphans are a part of us because of the Spirit of God in them so corporately we are the temple that he desires to dwell in very good point it's and we have to take all of these applications of the microcosm to macrocosm individual and corporate simultaneously when we're reading these scriptures it says that the temple of God is holy which temple you are so this is why he's trying to teach us how to put away sin and self-seeking so that through sanctification we can be a holy temple for him once again 1st Corinthians 6:16 says we are the Temple of the Living God as God said I will house myself in them and I will walk among you I will be their God and they will be my people therefore says the Lord separate yourselves sanctify yourselves that's what he's saying don't even touch what is unclean let alone eat it so anybody that's telling you all that was done away with go ahead and keep defiling yourself that's a subtle deception - for God's plan to restore you as a kingdom of priests and a holy temple then I will receive you then it's like a therefore what is it therefore whenever we see you then you have to go from the verse before when will he receive us and be our Father and us his children if we will separate ourselves and not even touch anything that's unclean amazing therefore Paul says let us peer afire selves and strive to be completely holy every aspect of our mind our thought our word our deed fry the Lord your God am holy God you shall set yourself apart as Holy and you shall be set apart for I am set apart and do not defile yourself so Leviticus 11 44 and Leviticus 20 verse 26 says and you shall be set apart as Holy to me for I the LORD am set apart as Holy and have separated you from the people to be mine and that's what this fence represents everything else is the world outside of this fence but think about this outer cord you know you get more holy as you go through the tent of meeting to the most holy place but think of the whole house of Israel as being set apart by this fence from the world and then each of us as the house of Israel the temple of God are going through our own sanctifying process individually so Yeshua meets us at the way and he says in John 10 that he is the entrance and by him If any man enters he shall be saved and shall go in this is because he shows us what it looks like to really live out God's selfless spirit of love John 14:6 says I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by me so there is no process alone to go through the tabernacle he shows us what that life of holiness looks like he is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world and if we follow yeshua the very first thing that's gonna happen in our life is we're gonna have to start living as a living sacrifice we're gonna have to start dying to self daily as paul says i die daily it is a mental meditation to literally separate your ego and your body from the Spirit of God which is our true identity and the highest self john 1:29 says the next day john seen yeshua coming to him says behold the lamb of god that takes away the sins of the world did he take away the sins of the world magically by laying down his life that's what we're told right have you stopped sinning did your forefathers stop sinning if not then it's not this magical thing that the church promotes how did he take away the sins of the world it's a process by showing us that it's self-denial living a hundred percent holiness for the Lord is how to take away the sins of the world except the world did not know how to do it even with the written Torah they didn't quite know what that looked like lived out but you sure showed us so it's through his example that he takes away the sins of the world for those that follow him not everybody is going to follow him in that example first John 3:5 says and you know that he was manifested to take away our sins so God's Spirit His Word is manifested in human flesh the glory of God is veiled all with the purpose of revealing how to do away with sin which is transgressing the Torah of love so any way that we've acted on lovingly thought and lovingly done and lovingly he's just showing us how to come back to that law of love and how to love God by loving each other and he did it perfectly in him is no sin Romans 3:25 says God has set him forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God and that's the other beautiful part of the plan of salvation is that those sins that are already committed he is willing to take the cause and effect upon himself which is that second death experience he was literally willing to go to hell for us he was literally willing to die that eternal death and be eternally separated that's how much he died to self when he died on the cross I personally believe that he didn't even see past that moment this is why he says my God my God why has thou forsaken me it's not that God had forsaken him God was right there with him and in him it's just that the weight of the sins of the world upon the mind creates separation isaiah 59:2 says thy sins have created a separation between you and your God and that separation is an eternal separation Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death that death is an eternal death that's what he was taking upon himself for us so when we die the first death it's nothing blessed is he who dies the first death Paul says because we can finally rid ourselves of this flesh that's always seeking to be fed but the second death we don't have to partake of that's the good news that eternal separation from the father is what he was willing to do but because he hadn't committed any sin the grape could not hold him and that's the miracle of his atoning sacrifice being accepted and the proof of his holiness is that even though he was willing to take that cause and effect upon him for all of us it's amazing grave could not hold him and so we see the proof that we are in him even in the resurrection in the death and in the resurrection so we are not to continue to sin and we know that he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin so that we might be made the righteousness of God in him 2nd Corinthians 5:21 we are to die to self with the Messiah and to live in the newness of a holy life Romans 12:1 and 2 says I call upon you brothers through the compassion of God that's the great motivator understanding God's love that Woo's us to change to present your bodies as living sacrifices holy well pleasing to God as worship this is how he really wants us to worship him more than just words of praise and then go back out and send some more he would rather that we stop sinning and save our words for holiness holy well pleasing to God as worship and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind this is what I'm constantly teaching everything starts with the way we think so don't think that your sins are hidden if just because you're not speaking it or acting it out it starts with the mind we have to renew our mind and what renews the mind prayer meditation in God's Word Philippians so as we see Yeshua example of needing to be cleansed we also recognize and we go through the make of a process regularly both symbolic of physical and spiritual cleansing and Yeshua says unless a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God now we throw around this term a lot about being born again and a lot of Christians will ask somebody are you born again when were you born again and they you know they like to define this but you know what being born again really is all about is this aspect of dying to self that we were talking about being raised a new creature no longer is that I who live but him who lives in me that's what it looks like to be born again it's not this miraculous profession of faith you know that somebody will say something and then they're born again you will know them by their fruits you will recognize them by their love this is what it means to be born again it's no longer the self the lower self that's living it's the higher self that's living which is the Spirit of God in you so Hebrews 10:22 says let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of omona faithfulness having our hearts cleansed from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water Ephesians 5 says for Messiah loves the Assembly of believers and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word so what the water is pointing to is the more we write and God's Word upon our heart the more we're naturally just going to live out this law of love and we will be cleansed that he might present it to himself what's it the Assembly have called out believers from the world a glorious assembly this is his desire for you once again that glory is God's character of selfless love being made manifest in you not having even a spot or a wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish unfortunately most of the church stopped at this outer court experience they really don't go into the holy place and experience the sanctification that comes with adopting Torah into their lives so that they can be a light to the nation's and having that that communication with God that is like a fragrant aroma we know that just as Yeshua was a light to the world we are called to be lights to the world and that he likens us to seven lamps on the menorah the the different assemblies of Messianic believers in Revelation 120 are like in two different types of Messianic believers and he has a rebuke for five out of the seven because they're still holding on to some aspect of self or paganism Romans 15:16 says that I should be the ministers of Yeshua the Messiah to the Gentiles ministering the gospel of God that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable being sanctified by the Spirit how will they be acceptable by being sanctified that means being made holy by the Holy Spirit what does the sanctification of the spirit of truth look like in God's people John 17:17 says sanctify them by thy truth thy Word is truth so we're sanctified by returning to Torah revelation 14:12 talks about the patience of the saints who keep the commandments of God 1st Corinthians 6:17 says for he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit so here's that oneness that we were talking about the right connotation of oneness 2nd Corinthians 6 6 says by pureness by knowledge by longsuffering what is long-suffering this is one of the attributes of God that he revealed to Moses in Exodus 34 when somebody's doing something wrong to you you're not letting it cause a reaction out of you you're suffering along with them you're loving them you're showing consistency even though it might hurt you and it might add you teach you a little bit on the inside that old self sometimes still gets pricked but we're gonna be long-suffering just as our God is long-suffering by kindness by the Holy Spirit by love unfeigned this means totally unadulterated pure love selfless by the word of truth this is our calling and the table of showbread that we see Yeshua as the living Torah represent calls us to be living Torre's as well man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God and you know yushua meditated on the Torah more than anything else and he fasted from physical food so that that spiritual food would imbue every aspect of his life every sinew every cell every thought was totally held captive in conformity with the character of God as revealed by Torah you know Deuteronomy is a Greek word for second law it is a summation of the Torah and in Hebrew we call it Devarim that means the words because Moses right before he dies an Israeli interest into the promised land he's reminding Israel of the whole Torah just like we're reminding the lost house of Israel about the tour before we enter into the Promised Land again and this is what we are to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God it takes fasting sometimes we have to separate from the physical food you notice when you are full of physical food sometimes your mind is not stayed on the things of God and so the more we can deny our the self and the vessel the body the more we will be strengthened in the spirit so Deuteronomy the 2nd Torah is what Yeshua memorized more than any other scripture you'll see him quoting in the New Testament from Deuteronomy more than any other book I think that's a good example for us revelation 2:7 says to him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life in Romans 11 16 says for if the first fruit be holy the lump is also holy and if the root be holy so are the branches first Corinthians 17 3:17 says if any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroy for the temple of God is holy so these unleavened bread are to represent a life unleavened with sin to be living Torre's and we've talked about this altar of incense representing our constant communication with God Yeshua could have not overcome the way he overcame every sin if he hadn't been in constant communication with God and James Yeshua's brother who's actually Yaakov in Hebrew 5:16 says the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much so what if you're a sinful man are your prayers very effectual are they going to see be imbued with a lot of power are you gonna see a lot of change so another reason for being in constant communication with God and allowing him to make your life holy because we want our prayers to be imbued with power so that we can be a blessing to each other and to the nation's isaiah 59:2 says your sins your iniquities have separated you from God that is the cause and effect experience and if God is a source of life if you're separated from God it's like pulling the plug right the light bulb goes out when you pull the plug from the wall this is why the wages of sin is death yes Andrew yeah it was so cleansing not only of the body but of the whole holy place that that blood that was sprinkled on the four horns of the altar and on the veil behind it for the daily sacrifices imagine the crusted blood that would thicken that veil throughout the year until the day of atonement when it would be cleansed miraculously all of that blood would disappear but imagine the flies that would attract out in the desert you know the smell of blood on that veil and on those horns this incense as andrew brings out kept that holy place perfectly holy no bugs or insects would ever go in there and beast you know how they would land on normal blood amazing how God even knew the exact prescription to give that incense proverbs 28:9 says whoever turns away his ear from hearing the Torah even his prayer is an abomination so if we're not living as living Torres having Torah written upon our heart the wisest man who ever lived says that even our prayers will be like an abomination they will have no effectual change only the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man on what is the definition of a righteous man somebody who observes Torah so aloes hand-in-hand when you know the whole of the scriptures you bring these texts together and you're like oh they were all saying the same thing what a coincidence no it's no coincidence at all God is trying to bring us back to his word if you love you sure you will love his word if you say that you love you sure but you don't anything to do with Torah you're worshipping an idol I have to say might sound harsh but it is the word if you can't recognize the Word of God in both its forms then you're deluding yourself and our prayers are hindered when we transgress God's Torah first John 5:14 says and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will which is selfless he hears us and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we also have the petitions that we desired of him Romans 8:26 says likewise the spirit also helps in our feebleness sometimes we don't even know how to pray you ever prayed for somebody and you know that there's so much more that you need to be praying for them but you don't even quite know how to put it into words well we have the beautiful ruach ha'qodesh who intercedes with groanings deeper than words in the throne room so that God knows our heart if you have love for your fellow man and you're praying but you don't quite know how to pray for him or her the Spirit will intercede and make that prayer perfect and that prayer will affect that's the effectual change the spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings deeper than words so the Vail as we're coming back imagine we came out we saw Yeshua exemplified in all of these artifacts and now he's taking us back in we're right at the Vail we've gone through the sanctifying process of being made holy as vessels for his service and now we've come to the Vail and we desire to enter in that Vail we desire to be in the presence of God Hebrews 10 20 says by a new and living way which he has consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh and you know when he died that veil in the tabernacle in the temple there in Jerusalem was rent in two it's amazing there's many things that miraculously happened at Yeshua's crucifixion that are recorded even in the Talmud including the doors that would normally be shut would not stay shut any longer and the menorah which would stay lit would not stay lit there was always one candle that stayed lit perpetually that was the candle closest to the veil that candle would not stay lit anymore all of these things are recorded by Josephus and in the Talmud by our sages and they didn't realize that the lamb that all of these sacrifices had pointed to and this whole temple service had pointed to had come to fulfill that which it was pointing to and so they continued to do sacrifices and hold temple services for forty years after his crucifixion until the temple was destroyed it's like you guys aren't getting it so the God finally allowed the temple to be destroyed and we know that the temple will be rebuilt in the messianic age but that's so that we can truly understand Torah and how everything pointed to Yeshua it's not that we have need for the blood of goats or bulls to atone for sins any longer but there will be a process of going through this sanctuary service and sacrifices in the Millennial Kingdom so that we can fully understand the righteousness of God in setting out such a perfect and divine model through the tabernacle that was all pointing to his plan of salvation to save his people sanctification in the holy place leads to purification and access to the most holy place so the holy place represents sanctification as we depicted last week and going through the veil you can only do that if you are light because like can coexist with light when it's resonating at the same resonant frequency but darkness cannot coexist with light so let us be seeking to purify our lives so that we can be recreated in God's image as the light of his love the ark of the covenant also represents what God desires to do in us because his law is residing in that arc and we are to have his law of love residing in his temple upon our heart and Aaron's rod is a rod of authority it is an almond wood which represents first fruits and we are the first fruits of the kingdom of priests and we are to have authority and retake this Dominion that you show us to showed us how to reclaim through holiness and bowl of manna represents that double portion of understanding all of that is to be embodied in each of us Hebrews 10:19 says we have boldness now to enter into the holiest of holies by the blood of Yeshua and second Corinthians 3:16 says nevertheless when one shall turn to the Lord the veil shall be taken away now the Lord is that spirit and where that Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty we always say that the law of God is not restrictive it gives liberty it gives freedom from sin and love is very liberal it just keeps giving but we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory the character of the Lord are changed into that same image so when you understand that this word glory is doxa which means god's character which is selfless love then if we are meditating and beholding that selfless love we will become changed into that same likeness from glory to glory from character to character perfect mirror even as by the Spirit of the Lord this is really what the Scriptures have been trying to teach us so in closing you can see this overview of our spiritual walk through the sanctuary that reveals our need for our outer court experience confessing and repenting of our sins dying to ourself being justified by faith and cleansing and being purified at the Laver and then entering into a holy place experience of our sanctification in the tent of meeting we see that through purity we shine the light of Torah to the nation's this menorah was made of pure hammered gold and we get hammered sometimes but God allows those hammering those trials so that we can be purified and be able to shine perfectly upon the Torah which is exactly what the menorah did the the table of showbread was over here and the menorah is here gave light and vice versa and we are to live a life in harmony with Torah unleavened by sin and our righteous life should be mixed with constant communication with God like a fragrant aroma this is the process that is the work of a lifetime for the house of Israel and we will be developing this or God will be developing it in us this process of holiness being made holy set apart for his whole use all the way up to mushy ox coming but when he comes the prophecies do say that there will be a remnant of Israel represented from every tribe who will be as a bride to receive him without spot or blemish so this means it's not just something that's future this holiness is for those of you that want to be a part of the bride this is what he's calling us to this is a tremendous privilege for us to be alive at his coming or to have given our life right before it's coming and be raised up but to be a bride without spot or blemish the ultimate goal it's the most holy place experience the total purification of God's Spirit in us through your sure the veil is lifted and we have access to the divine source we are to be as holy priest represented by Aaron's rod keeping the commandments of God represented by the tablets of stone in the Ark and feeding upon the spiritual manna which is the living Torah having the testimony of Yeshua and the commandments of God so here we see this cycle coming we see justification at the altar as we depicted last week on the whiteboard this means his sacrifice justified all men freely but not all men will accept it so there's a difference between justification and justification by faith when you believe and you confess and you allow your life to be cleansed that's really when you are justified by faith it's not just a profession yeah I believe and then you continue to live a wicked life so there is a very distinct demarcation between justification which God was doing through Yeshua to all men to the whole world and those who will receive it then you enter into the holy place experience and that represents sanctification the process of sanctification and that whole process that we're going through being sanctified as a kingdom of priests being made holy is so that we can return to at one mint with God in heaven we're only purity and holiness can dwell and so I liken it to purification total perfection if you will this is the process of our spiritual journey justification justification by faith sanctification in ultimate purification and what Yeshua was revealing was a total cycle the word was veiled and came to this world so that he could take us back to the Father and he invites us to accept this beautiful plan that God had predestined from the foundation of the world where he knew you and me in himself because his spirit in each of these souls were in himself and he saw the fall of man and yet he still chose to create us isn't that incredible because he knows that there will be a people who recognize his love and want to return to him in holiness and this is why it's called a remnant not everybody will be on this journey or fulfill this divine purpose but you know our divine purpose comes after understanding our divine identity in him then we can fulfill our purpose and that leads to our beautiful divine destiny which is eternity with him so if you would like to receive eternal life with him through the process of being made holy I encourage you to stand and let's pray that the father continued this amazing sanctifying process in our lives even though it might hurt at times even though it might sometimes hammer us like pure gold or be the fire of the refiners fire that burns away the dross we welcome that don't we we want all dross and all impurities to be burned away from our life so Abba Father we just invite your sanctifying Spirit to sanctify us to set us apart as your holy people to cleanse us from all unrighteousness father and to lead us in your love back to you so that we can spend eternity with you we thank you for this model that you have established through the tabernacle of how you want to restore us back to yourself and so we welcome any cleansing that you desire upon any area of our life whether we know it or whether we're blind to it father we ask for you to be our refiners fire because we know you are gentle we know you are kind and you will only burn away the dross and so we have no fear father whatever is needed in our life to help us really truly die to self and be living sacrifices for you we dedicate our lives to you and rededicate our lives this day because we love you and we look forward to what you have in store for us in your kingdom father so may we be a kingdom of priests and vessels for your service live in us and through us sanctify us and shine the light of your love to the world through us and your holy name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 27,012
Rating: 4.870348 out of 5
Keywords: Yah, Plan of Salvation, Salvation revealed in the Sanctuary, Salvation revealed in the Tabernacle, Yeshua, Yahoshua, Yehoshua, Y'hoshua, Yah's Salvation
Id: 5GIg5pjkr2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 3sec (4683 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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