How to Calculate God's Calendar on Passover and Unleavened Bread!

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[Music] you [Music] you this morning's haftorah is read on the second day of Passover from 2nd Kings chapter 23 verses 1 through 9 so all around the world fellow Israelites and Jews are reading this exact same portion and it's amazing because it talks about King Josiah returning the people back to Torah after a long line of wicked kings who were engrossed in idolatry and who had forgotten God's ways his New Moon's his Sabbath's his holy mode Dean's and the Jubilee years Josiah tells the people when and how to truly observe Passover and so we're gonna be looking at that theme this morning about how to truly observe God's holy days according to his scriptures and it's amazing because there's many areas where due to tradition we just follow what other people are doing we follow the way that we were raised with like I was raised citing the crescent moon instead of understanding the scriptural foundation for the conjunction moon and his holy days being in the new moon and in the full moon and he said in Genesis that he would use his Sun Moon and stars to signal as a sign his MO 18 times this is owed and mo Adam in the Hebrew and so we have to kind of sometimes pull out of our paradigm and this is what cleaning the leaven out of the house is all about this time of year emptying ourselves of all previous understanding and paradigms and traditions and saying father you teach me you show me your ways take me back to your word and teach me like Josiah taught the people and so I've had my own wrestling experiences happy to let go of traditions of the past but as a truth seeker we're willing to let go of anything to follow him when he reveals new light to us and he promises that and to those who he gives light to if you live up to that light he will give you more light we don't even live up to the light that he gives us how can we expect to receive more light and so as I wrestle with who and when do I share these truths with because sometimes they're inconvenient truths and how to truly observe his timings sometimes they're not the way the Christian Western world observes things like they're following many pagan practices today with her tomorrow with the the day of Ishtar and then sometimes even the Jews that follow tradition and gotten away from how to follow God's timings like the crescent moon used to confirm the conjunction moon the dark moon and then later they started adopting that is the first day instead of just being a confirmation a day later so there's many different things that we wrestle with as we try to come back to God's truth and I have to dedicate this teaching today to my brother down in Texas Eddie Rogers because he has recently gone through a wrestling experience and how to truly observe God's Passover and he has let go of all previous ideas to re study this whole idea of when does the new moon start when do when does even the day start when do we start observing that Pesach lamb when was it originally sacrificed and ultimately what we're gonna look at today is not only how Josiah returned the people to the truth but how you schewe who was the living embodiment of the word would have known God's timings and lived them out perfectly amen so we can trust what Yeshua did and sometimes people don't understand why the stories and the Gospels about Yeshua observing the holy day is a certain way they don't they think oh that's a day off or that doesn't fit and oh they must have not known what they're talking about but today we're gonna reconcile it all together it's gonna be beautiful so the Prophet who wrote Kings but first Kings and second Kings is the Prophet Jeremiah and he's the son of Hilkiah who is a priest a Cohen and so he's not only a prophet but he's a priest and so he writes in a beautiful way in his day warning the people if they don't turn from their idolatry what happened to the northern tribes of Israel will happen to Judah as well and sure enough it did with Nebuchadnezzar he was preserved God hid him and used him to hide the Lion of Judah as well as the Ark of the Covenant so Jeremiah was really blessed in and he did not die in the siege against Jerusalem yirme'yahu is how you say it in Hebrew and his name means you're me it's like May and then Yahoo yah and exalt so it's literally God is using this prophet and priest to lift up the people and to exalt the people back to the priesthood that he intended he's writing between 626 and 586 BC right before the temple was destroyed and he's speaking primarily to the house of Judah and today the focus is what he's writing about is King Josiah this young boy who eight years old became king and turned the people back to Torah he actually had the old scrolls brought out from the house and he read them in the presence of the people and he said why are we not doing these things and the portion today where he tells the people how to correctly observe Passover is actually in his 18th year so how old does that put Josiah roughly he's instructing the whole nation of Israel he's been king since he's eight years old this is his 18th year of rule so he's 26 years old young man but God can use the young people amen out of the mouths of babes and he's returning the people not only to Torah but how to observe Passover according to Torah and that's what we're gonna follow is his line of thinking today today we must return to Torah to understand how and when to properly keep Passover this entails a removal of all the counterfeits and all the traditions that usurped the true and return to the true as revealed in Torah the Passover Haggadah which we read last night and studied it means the telling referring to the telling of the story of how God has delivered our people and it's to be personalized in every generation so here is the first Passover that God used to deliver the people from Egypt at the beginning of the Exodus here and you can find this in your Bibles in Exodus 12 so my philosophy is always if things get corrupted over time where do you find the truth go back to the first mentioned principle in Scripture this is why a lot of times we go to Genesis or we go to the first mention of any principle so you can find the first mention of president we'll look at some of these verses in Exodus 12 here is Josiah King Josiah and we're reading in second Kings 23 about him returning the people to Torah and how to keep Passover properly because between this time and entering the land and the split of the kingdom they stopped observing the day of Passover according to the Torah then we're going to have a double witness confirmation so we normally look at the first mention principle and then see how Josiah returned the people to Torah but we look forward to the living Torah and say whatever the living Torah did that's an example for us he's gonna be a double witness of confirmation and how we are to observe the Passover he observed the Passover he wasn't only sacrificed as the Paschal Lamb but he observed Passover with his disciples so we're gonna see on what day did he observe Passover second Kings chapter 23 we're gonna read the first nine verses and then we'll skip down to verse 21 the haftorah is for the second day of Passover which we're in today begins after King Josiah learns of a historic Torah scroll that has been discovered in the Holy Temple it chronicles the public reading of the scroll and the national movement towards return to God that ensued full of new found inspiration King Josiah had the idolatrous artifacts and the false priests removed from the temple and he destroyed their other shrines that had been erected in Judea the king then encouraged the people to celebrate Passover as a commanded in the Torah something that had been neglected for generations the haftorah will then conclude in verse 21 through 25 by telling us that there was never a king before Josiah who returned to God with all his heart and all his soul and all his might to follow what was written in the Torah of Moses and there never afterwards arose another who liked him so this is why I named Enochs middle name Josiah he's Honoka Josiah because I believe a good name is to be chosen like Solomon says rather than great riches and a name is like a self-fulfilling prophecy we want our children to grow into these incredible namesakes of our prophets and patriarchs and Josiah was one of the few in a long line since Solomon they were all wicked and then Josiah comes and returns the people to Torah and then after Josiah guess what they returned back to their idolatry and this is what took away their blanket of protection that Nebuchadnezzar could come and destroy the city and the temple along with it so he is one in a long line and on only one first once says then the king sent and all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem were gathered to him and the king went up to the house of the Lord and with him all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the priests and the prophets all the people were there both small and great and he read the Torah scrolls in their hearing this in this passage they call the Torah the book of the Covenant because God gave it to Israel as a covenant of his betrothal the marriage comes later when Yeshua and when Messiah comes but at Sinai he was giving the ketubah covenant of betrothal and it tells who the husband is what price he's willing to pay for the bride and what price did you she'll pay he's willing to pay his own life the ultimate selfless act and it also tells what is expected of the bride how to keep herself chaste and holy without spot or blemish how to wait patiently for the return of the bridegroom who's going to prepare a place for the wedding the bridegroom always goes and prepares a hoop off of the father's house then he comes back and receives the bride on a day of darkness that means a new moon and it's a day of trumpeting and there's one day that's a new moon holy day that is a day of trumpeting and that's in the fall it's always in the end of September so we know the seasons we know the timings when he will come back in a future time to take his bride well Josiah is reading this book of the Covenant that had been found in the temple and the king stood by the pillar and made a covenant before the Lord to walk after the Lord's ways to keep his Commandments and his testimonies and his statues with all his heart these are all the hoaxes the things that we don't understand in Torah and all the mission-team all the judgments that are about moral relationships with our fellow man and everything that he's commanded in the testimony to observe them with all his heart and his soul and perform the words of this covenant so he's basically renewing the covenant he's read dedicating his life in the lives of the people and all the people joined in his renewal of covenant to the Lord and it's kind of like us today we're saying wake up house of Israel do you know who you are do you know what the good news is all about all the prophecies pertaining to Yeshua to the Lamb who would come for the lost house of Israel has been fulfilled and it's time for us to renew our covenant to return to Torah to return to his holy days this is what's going to bring the return of the blessings that were lost when our people left Torah and then what happened they lost the temple God's Spirit with them and they lost the land we want to return of all of those things it's like the old joke what do you get when you play a country song backwards you know like they used to back mask you get your house back you get your wife back you get your dog back because they're going this is what happens when you embrace Torah and you return to Torah you get the loss of blessings that our people has lost so the king commanded hilkiah the high priest and the priest of the second order and the keepers of the threshold to bring out the temple of the Lord all the vessels made for Baal and Ashtoreth the Ashura were the poles in the high places which they practiced fertility prostitution around this is ashram gets its name from Ishtar which Easter is a derivative of later so he Tara he's tearing down all these places because the Torah commands us to tear down these places he's after reading the the book of the Covenant which is called the Zephyr hob read in Hebrew that's the book of the Covenant he's convicted his heart is pricked now he's going out in the living out Torah and he's tearing down all of these places for idol worship and all the places where they worship all the hosts of heaven and he burned them outside Jerusalem in the fields of the Kidron Valley and carried their ashes to Bethel and he deposited the priests whom the kings of Judah had ordained to make offerings in the high places at the cities of Judah and around Jerusalem those also who burned incense to baal to the sun and to the moon and the constellations so god sets his sun moon and constellations in place to tell us of the times and the seasons in which to worship him but they started worshipping the created instead of the creator and the very things he uses to signal his people they say ah that is nice Wow look how bright the Sun is oh look at how the moon is always perfect in its course and they start worshipping the thing that God is intending to signal his people for the holy days rather than worshiping the Creator and he brought out the Ashura from the house of the Lord they had even put this Ostra inside the temple can you believe that ultimate desecration of the temple outside of you took it outside of Jerusalem to the brook kidron and burned it at the brook Kidron and beat it to dust and cast the dust of it upon the graves of all the common people those of you that have come to Jerusalem with me you know how as you look from Jerusalem across to the Mount of Olives there's this big valley in between right and you can see all the white separate curves on the Mount of Olives and that valley is the Kidron Valley that he beat those two and later it became a huge dump other people started throwing all their garbage for the last 2,000 years so when they started coming back to Jerusalem after 1948 to restore the land to the people they had to do a lot of cleanup this was like the first of going down to the Kidron and throwing your garbage down there and burning it and there's a lot of graves around that area and so as these things would burn he would throw the dust of these idols and there their poles upon the graves of the common people and he broke down the houses of the male cult prostitutes who were in the house of the Lord did you know that all prostitution starts in demonic paganism male and female prostitution this is its origins why would we want anything to do with carrying down the pagan istic practices of the past I'm just putting a different name on it and just making it a little more fun and this is how the enemy works he blends a lot of truth with error to deceive the people and he's trying to preserve his paganistic practices in the worship that comes to him through those practices by mixing them with God's holy days this is why they called holidays it's a counterfeit you go from holy days to Holi days so he's breaking down all of these idols and the places where they worship and the cult prostitution that goes along with it and even where the women wore hangings for the Asura and he brought all of the priests out of the city of Judah and defiled the high places where the priests had made offerings from gabba tuber Sheba and he broke down the high places of the gates that were at the entrance of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city which were on one side that up the left of the city however the priests of the high places did not come up to the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem but they ate unleavened bread among their brothers so he's reinstituting passover and you can even see that passover is synonymous with eating unleavened bread at this time when he's restoring it the king gave this order to all the people make this word is a saw Assam means to make in your English Bibles you'll probably see it translated as keep the Passover but we lose a lot of its deep meaning because it means there's something to do you actually have to sacrifice the lamb start roasting it in between the evenings at this particular time and there's not much time between the time the Sun hits the horizon and it becomes totally dark that's the time that you actually have to make the Pesach when we read about Passover we often think about a time period right where we think about a festival or a feast or a holy day but the Pesach is referencing the sacrifice so whenever you think of Passover or Pesach when you didn't say make the Pesach it's actually talking about preparing the lamb for God so this is what would happen in the evenings he's giving the order of how to do it as it is written in the book of the Covenant the sufferer ha breeds neither in the days of the judges who led Israel nor in the days of the kings of Israel and the kings of Judah had any such Passover been observed because for the first time he's doing it exactly according to the Torah after all of these years but in the 18th year of King Josiah this Passover was celebrated to the Lord in Jerusalem furthermore Josiah got rid of the mediums and the spiritists the Wizards in other words all those who could consult spirits and tell your future the household gods and the idols and all their detestable things seen in Judah and Jerusalem this he did to fulfill the requirements of the Torah written now in your Bibles it may have been translated law because they didn't want the people to return to Torah in the time that they're translating King James Version in 1611 so everything that was Torah got translated law and law sounds like something burdensome it sounds like something that should be done away with it sounds like rules and restrictions and yet Torah is very liberating it means instructions and it's instructions and how to love God how to love your fellow man and so we like to return the people whenever you read law in your Bibles just impose Torah there it's usually 99% of the time Torah unless it's talking about a particular kind of law like a Mishka team or something in Torah or a Hoke so he did all of this perfect making of the Pesach to fulfill the requirements of the Torah written in the book that Hilkiah the priests had discovered in the temple of the Lord neither before nor after was there any king like him who turned the people to the Lord as he did with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength this is what we're commanded in the Shema right to love the Lord our God with all of our heart with all of our soul with all of our strength or mouid dekha means actually not just strength but everything you got every part of your being and he did this in accordance with the Torah of motion so what I want us to do this morning is go back to the Torah of motion and see if we are being taught how to keep it correctly and if not why why if we moved away from it and what should we return to there's a couple things that lead us astray one is we need to know the correct observation of the new moon because Pesach is commanded to be on the fourteenth day after the new moon so if you miscalculate the new moon by a day your Pesach is gonna be a day late the other thing that you have to understand is that the Pesach lamb had to be sacrificed between the evenings if you don't understand when the evening is you're gonna be up to a day early or day late once again so both will lead to an erroneous observe observance of Passover and what's amazing is that both of these were corrupted over time both were and still are often misunderstood and thus miscalculated but Yeshua the living embodiment of Torah would have known remember even at 12 years old the rabbis and scribes said who is this boy where has he learned such things he understands Tory even better than we do they were amazed at 12 years old so imagine that 30 when he's keeping the Passover with his disciples do you think he kept it correctly is he gonna follow because he did not sin in one iota the definition of sin and first John 3:4 is the transgression of the Torah so even if he kept Passover wrong he would have transgressed Torah and he couldn't have been the perfect spotless lamb and he wouldn't have risen from the dead so the very fact that he rose from the dead proves that he kept Passover perfectly and if people are questioning why he kept Passover on a certain day different than the Jews we should look into that and say ah does that fit with Torah maybe we should be doing the same thing the question is when is the beginning of the month is it New Moon conjunction in total darkness or is it the crescent moon a day later and when is evening does evening begin the day or is evening at the end of your day like westerns philosophy right you wake up in the morning you have your day and then an evening the day is over so see how everything Gregorian everything Roman has turned our thinking around now people that worship the moon they like something to look at so they would have loved the crescent you see the crescent being used as a symbol of Islam which came out of Roman Catholicism that crescent is very important to paganism so we have to also ask ourselves did it have any influence on our early forefathers I'm gonna share with you some controversial things but what we're gonna do is reconcile the Torah with the Dead Sea Scrolls that were taken out of the scripture they were scriptures that Yeshua adhered to and the Apostles read and loved but for some reason the Roman Catholic Church has another the Protestant movement has not wanted the people to have access to the Dead Sea Scrolls because they confirm as a double witness with the Torah how the ancient world thought and observed God's ways so I'm going to show you not only the first dimension principle in Torah but also some of the things from the loss Dead Sea Scrolls the first mention principle is in Genesis 1:14 where God actually creates the moon with a purpose it says and God said let there be lights in the firmament notice plural the Sun is going to rule the day the moon is for night let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons this word Sciences oat this word seasons is mo a deem it means a point of time it's God's appointed times it's not just seasons like you think of spring summer fall and winter this is talking about his holy days particularly feast days so we have to correlate the lights as heavenly witnesses for his feast days this is why there's always two witnesses he says even if nothing else witnessed heaven and earth would testify why did he say that because the Sun Moon and stars are the heavenly witnesses and the agriculture the barley harvest for a Pesach season the wheat harvest for Shavuot season the tree harvest in the fall for the fall feast all of those will testify and be in perfect conjunction if you don't have your fruit ripe you can't waive the fruit before the Lord in the fall if you don't have your barley ripe you can't start your first month because at Passover you wouldn't be able to waive the barley so the earthly witness is the agriculture which will confirm the heavenly bodies and this is how we know that we're always in the right month to start our year in the spring which we just started two weeks ago because the barley was green in the ear two weeks ago in Israel and the new moon was in place and so we're gonna look at how to calculate all of these things this morning he says let them be for signs in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so and God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night made the stars also so even the constellations will be in a certain place above the horizon when certain holy days are taking place David understood this and he wrote in Psalms 104 verse 19 God appointed the moon for the holy days the moa deem so what should we be looking at the most vote to understand the holy days not just a solar calendar but we need to return back to a lunar calendar this is Israel God had taught how to reconcile live by a lunar calendar that is reconciled with the solar calendar by adding an extra month every three years roughly and this way the seasons would always be in there perfect time because otherwise the lunar calendar is ten days shorter than the solar calendar and if you only observe the lunar calendar you would get ten days off each year until pretty soon your agriculture is not going to be ripe in the season that you're supposed to bring a wave offering before the Lord so if you're off ten days every year every three years you have a perfect 30-day month that you can add back in call the thirteenth month in Hebrew we call it a dar - this is the purpose for that to keep the agriculture of witness in harmony with the heavenly witness so he says he made the moon for the Modine why didn't he say he made the Sun Moon and stars they're all applicable but our focus is to be on the moon remember in Revelation the Bride of Christ is standing on what her foundation is in God's holy days as observed by the moon she's standing on the moon she's clothed with the Sun representing the Sun of righteousness and on her head she has a crown of twelve stars representing a mindset of total unity with the whole house of Israel this is the true bride Psalms 89 verse 37 says it shall be established forever as the moon a faithful witness in heaven the moon is a faithful witness that is established for not just yesterday but for all times for ever and ever so through Scripture we have not only two witnesses but we have multiple witnesses that the Moon is the focus of how to start the month and observe the holy days correctly now let's look at the Dead Sea Scrolls the Book of Enoch tells us how God revealed to Enoch how he created the Sun Moon and stars and how they revolve perfectly it around one another and how they should be observed so that we will always understand his holy days Enoch chapter 77 verse 12 speaks of this angel Oriel who's coming down from heaven to give he knock this deep understanding this vision and he says lore'l showed me another regulation when light is poured into the moon so here's the earth and the moon is on the other side of the earth right and when the Sun is on the opposite side they're in perfect line with each other and the shadow of the earth blocks the Sun it's light from hitting the moon this is what he's talking about when the light comes around the contour of the earth and its first ray hits the moon this shall be the beginning of months for you now you can't see that with your naked eye that first ray of light is right after the conjunction but it's it's too close to the Sun setting and you cannot see it so the next day you can see the first little Crescent and that's what they used to confirm because there's two dark days the end of the last month and the total dark day of the first day of the month so you have the last day of the last month the 29th or 30th day they alternate from month month and then you have to determine which is actually the first day you're not gonna tell us that when that first ray of light hits us after the total darkness that's to be day number one for us he says when light is poured into the moon how it is poured into it from the Sun all the time that the moon is in progress with its light it is poured in the presence of the Sun until light is in 14 days completed what does it mean completed we are in the 14th date today this is very applicable to us because if you look out in the sky tonight you're gonna see a full moon it's fully completed with light the light started hit hit it from total darkness and then over the next 14 days which brings us to today it will only be full if you started the month with the conjunction moon not with a crescent moon you'll be a day off if you start with a crescent moon its day 1 so he says then he says and when it is wholly extinguished what is holy extinguishing mean no light is on it total darkness its light is called new moon so here he's telling us the conjunction is the right way to observe it but because of the influence of Babylon on the people of Israel and the pagan cultures around it which worship the crescent moon the Israel went from using the crescent moon to confirm the day after that yes yesterday was the first because we see the Crescent today - actually saying AHA this is the first and so Israel's calendar got off by one day and do you know this is still how they're observing it to this day and this is how I was raised to observe to sight the crescent moon to blow the shofar at the crescent moon but then your holy days are not gonna be at the 14th day completed in light completed means totally covered there's three words that he actually uses here completed is full of light extinguished is without any light he says for on that day light is received into it it becomes precisely completed on that day that the Sun descends into the West while the moon our sins at night from the east so when the Sun sets and then the moon starts to rise in the opposite direction that's in the middle of the month when there's a full moon when it's a new moon the moon is right next to the Sun this is why you can't see it and it sets with it and that's why you can't see the Crescent because that first ray of light that the Sun is hitting it it's right in front of the Sun and you can't observe it so the turns extinguished consumed and new moon in this verse are always the same that the month starts with the conjunction moon and this is the new moon that is the start of the month verse fourteen two verses later he goes on to say and when it speaking of the moon is wholly extinguished that means totally dark it's light is consumed in heaven we are returning back to God's calendar we're emptying our mind of everything we've been raised with everything that we've been taught and we're letting the Scriptures speak for themselves you know this was Peters favorite book The Book of Enoch he loved this book and it's quoted by Jude Yeshua's brother as well as Peter and in various places in the New Testament when the moon is wholly extinguished totally dark it's light is consumed in heaven and on the first day it is called the new moon so the new moon basically after that first ray of light hits it that evening you say this is the beginning of the month that's the following evening is when you say this is day one from that day light is received into it the first ray of Sun around the earth not visible to the naked eye so here's some examples in Scripture now without this understanding look at how we can understand what David was speaking about in Psalms 81 verse 3 and 4 he says blow in the new month this the more four month is Kadesh the word for moon is yaara so sometimes you see them used interchangeably because people always referred to the new month as the new moon but the the literal object in the sky is yira and the month that it starts is Kadesh so here he's saying blow in the new month - shofar when do we blow the shofar in the new month at the casa in Hebrew it means fully concealed are fully covered leading to the day so in this fall we have a day of trumpeting right it's a new moon holy day we should be blowing the shofar in the conjunction moon because it's leading up to the day that it's referring to is all the fall feasts yom kippur is ten days later and to rightly calculate the full moon feast of Sukkot you have to start young to rule on the correct day of the conjunction moon he says for this was a statue for Israel and a law of the God of Jacob the book of Jubilees is another one of those Dead Sea Scrolls that were removed but that Yeshua and his disciples had and read from and studied and in Jubilee 72 it says that Noah made wine therefrom and put it into a vessel and he kept it until the fifth year after the flood he's basically letting it ferment until he's gonna use this wine as a wine libation over the altar because he's gonna make a sacrifice to the Lord on a particular day and when is this day the first day of the new moon the era of the first kodesh here it uses all three it's saying the first day of the new moon is the beginning of the month and this is God's true new year this is what occurred two weeks ago this is the spring so we saw an example in psalms of the fall because that's called the civil calendar this is when God created the earth was in Rosh Hodesh in Tishri one right that's a new moon and this is when young crew is but then after delivering us from Egypt and this is why it's applicable for us today speaking of Passover God said to make the aviv the first of the months it's six months exactly opposite to this period in the falls this is the seventh month now this is the first month and it's talking about noah actually observing the first day of the new moon of the first month god's new year and he celebrated with joy on the day of this feast so this existed even before god revealed it to moses this is a special time it was prophesied that israel would forget how to observe the new moons and years this further blew me away because if israel is perfect in the way that they are observing the calendar god wouldn't have any rebuke or prophecy telling that in the future they would go astray right but look at what Jubilees chapter 1 verse 15 says they will forget all my torah this is what had happened in josiah's day in the reading of our haftorah and they're gonna forget all my commandments and all my judgments mishpokhe team and they will go astray as two new moons we're gonna start observing the new moon in our beginning of months on the wrong day and that's gonna cause us to go astray according to our annual Sabbath's our holy day and our calculation of the Jubilee years and thus our feasts and our ordinances will be astray we might be a day early we might be a day late this has happened we're seeing prophecy fulfilled and gods waking us up as he's returning us to Torah to see with new eyes the way that he originally had his people observed because when you look in the heavens when the moon is in its various stages you can't hardly discern one part of light from another the next day right but when the moon is full everybody knows it that's something that's undeniable this is why God would use the full moon for two of his feast the feast of unleavened bread and the feast of Sukkot both fall on full moons this can only be gap calculated and occur properly if you start with the conjunction moon not with the crescent otherwise she'll be a day off and you'll see that that full moon is not quite full and why are we off a little bit and I've wondered this in the past years as I'm meditating out in my suka you know looking up at the heavens and saying father why is that moon not completely full because I started on the wrong date because that's the way I was taught so here's a little example the moon through its various phases I have another example I didn't bring today but it shows all twenty-eight so there's twenty nine and a half days in a lunar cycle and each day is slightly different and I have a picture of showing every phase of every day of the month but this is good enough for an example you have your new moon total darkness then the day later you have the crescent moon which confirms that this was not the last day of the previous month because there's two dark days remember you have to get the second dark day and the new the crescent confirms it so this is the true first day of the month then you count 14 days up and at the evening of the 14th after the day of the 14th you will see a this is when it's waxing and it starts waning and it's light gets less and less until you have an old moon and the crescent is the opposite direction at the end of the month so even if somebody knocked you out and you woke back up and you looked up into the heavens when you understand God's time pieces you could say okay I'm at the beginning of the month or I'm at the end or this is this date you would actually know you wouldn't need to refer to a chart God doesn't do anything secret he says he reveals his secrets through the prophets to his people and so we can look through his witnesses in the heavens and his Witnesses on earth exactly where we're at in the year and where how close we are to his holy days here's how it looks I'm going around the earth from the new moon you can see that it gets a little light on it from the Sun the Sun is over here and it's shining and as the moon comes around the earth the ray of light hits it and it's the first day and it gets brighter and brighter until 14 days later you have a full moon and then it gets waning until you go back to a new moon this is the last day of the month and then when the first ray of light hits it it becomes the first day so it's gonna be in its dark state for two days in a row so let's go back to that first mention principle about Passover and now reconcile this with how you should observe Passover God told Moses in Exodus 12:15 seven days you shall eat unleavened bread even the first day you shall put away leaven out of your houses what's the first day of the festival we're gonna find out you know the question is is it the fourteenth is it Pesach or is it the fifteenth that we start eating unleavened bread last night when we observe the Pesach Seder what did we eat unleavened bread why because the Scriptures told us to we're gonna find out some people wait until the 15th and they call that the feast of unleavened bread but we will see that the Scriptures starts us on the fourteenth with the Pesach lamb you eat it together unleavened bread bitter herbs and the roasted lamb for whoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh so this festival of unleavened bread is only a week it's not eight days that some people have tried to you know make Passover something separate this is what we're gonna find out seven days you eat unleavened bread anyone who doesn't the soul shall be cut off from Israel very serious commandment here because it points to Yeshua and in the first day there shall be a holy convocation the first day a holy convocation in the seventh there will also be a holy convocation so two holy days on each end of the seven-day feast no manner of work shall be done in those days save that which every man must eat that only may be done for you and you shall observe the feast of unleavened bread for on this day I brought you out all the hosts of Israel from Egypt therefore you shall observe this day in your generation by ordinance for ever what day did God bring us out of Egypt our forefathers which today the 14th or the 15th the 14th because the day begins with the evening right and then at midnight was when the destroying angel killed the firstborn of the land and Pharaoh woke up in the middle of the night because of the wailing of the people and then he said Moses Aaron he called for them so now it's almost morning time get out and they carried their dough without leaven in it and this is why we start eating it on the 14th day he says therefore shall you observe this day in your generations by an ordinance forever in the first month now he's gonna tell us when to observe this first day of unleavened bread did you have a question down yeah we're gonna look at that in a little bit but it's evening is sundown yeah absolutely and we'll even define it more clearly very important even for our observation of the weekly Sabbath to observe it correctly because some people are erroneously teaching today oh you only need to keep Sabbath day holy and like we even have people here in this community that have promoted they're working Friday night and they're only keeping Sabbath holy in the light part of the day but the day says evening in the morning were the first day from creation so it starts in the evening and goes through the light period the light part is the last part of the day not the dark part as contrary to Gregorian Roman thinking so here he's talking all about the seven-day feast and how the very first day you shall have unleavened bread with it so it's part of the feast of unleavened bread and then he tells us not to start it on the 15th but he says on the 14th day of the month at evening shall you eat the bread until and this is another key word until the 21st day of the month so I've made a little chart here and you have the lamb that would be taken into the household on day ten and he had to be perfect one-year-old because they haven't made it yet at one years and Yeshua of course was pure and perfect in every way this was all to point to the spotless Lamb of God and you brought him into your household this was the day that Yeshua came into the household of Judea into the city walls of Jerusalem and all the people hailed him they said Hosanna Hosanna it was on this day that they took the lamb for themselves and this is what it represented and then for four days you had the lamb so that takes you from here to here then what God is telling us is on the fourteenth at evening you shall sacrifice the Pesach lamb and we will look more at this but from evening when you sacrifice it if you have one two three four five six seven ends here now currently everybody's teaching that this is the holy day and this is the holy day and you observe this whole day but if you're starting here you have one two three four five six seven seven days of unleavened bread it says until until up to the 21st day this is what Josiah was reconciling the people with taught him how to start the calendar with the month in the conjunction moon so that they're counting on the fourteenth day would be perfect so that um after the fourteenth in between the 14th and the 15th would be the full moon here this is when God brought them out of Exodus on this 14th day now let's look further it says in the first month on the fourteenth day of the month that evening you shall eat it until the twenty-first day and it has to go exactly seven days not eight days Genesis 1:5 said the evening and the morning were the first day so this evening starts the day it doesn't end in so what's happening now in Israel is they are and even in Yeshua's day looking at Passover before the evening of the 14th day they're basically killing the Lambs right here in the midst of the fourteenth day not in between the evenings like what's commanded at the beginning of the day this is gonna make all the difference because if you start then at this Eve this becomes your first holy day and this becomes your last holy day so we're a day off but that's also in part because they are observing the crescent moon and they're starting a day off late too well let scripture just continue to interpret itself I am NOT adding any speculation or opinion to this we're just dividing the word properly as the scripture tells us line upon line precept upon precept now in the Christian world has said the law we don't want anything to do with it it's done away with right so they've got another problem they're subtracting from the law my people in Israel have been known to add to the law it's called talk a note what Yeshua was speaking out against was when men would hold the traditions of men above the commandments of God nothing wrong with traditions but when we put them above God so that we start observing things our own way and it gets us off from God's timings that's when the problem occurs and that's called adding to the scripture and Deuteronomy 4:2 says you shall not add to it nor shall you subtract from it so walking the straight and narrow path as Assembly of called out believers we have to have spiritual eyesight to understand where some things have been removed and we need to restore them to the people to restore Israel and some things have been added and we need to say wait a second maybe that's not the right way let's go back to the word and let's see what God says and that's what we're doing here Leviticus 22 six and seven says the soul which has touched any such thing shall be unclean until evening this is the laws of impurity that is in Leviticus but I use it as a proof text for understanding what the evening really is because look at how it's going to define a person that has touched something let's say a dead animal or you had to bury your loved one or you somebody slipped you some pork or whatever happened she you became unclean for the day you're unclean until evening and you shall not eat of any holy things unless you wash your flesh with water so you realize you became unclean now I'm gonna spend the rest of my day cleaning myself washing myself completely symbolically cleansing myself of that impurity and when the Sun is down he shall be clean it's telling us what its own definition of evening is when the Sun is down so even though it's talking about laws of uncleanliness we can use this to understand God's mindset as to when the evening really is when the Sun is down so the Sun comes and it's the light part of the day and it's getting less and less light it hits the horizon and when it goes down and this guy becomes dark that's the evening now there's a part of time during that process that's called between the evenings that's when the Pesach lamb was supposed to be sacrificed leviticus 23:5 says in the fourteenth day of the first month at evening is the Lord's Passover it's the fourteenth day not the fifteenth day once evening has come at the after the fourteenth day this next evening starts the fifteenth day so this would have been said you are to kill your Passover lamb on the fifteenth day at evening but it's saying on the fourteenth day at evening so it has to be in the beginning you know it's interesting that God has given us a lesson in all these heavenly witnesses in that we are children of Adam we've fallen into sin and he created us as beings of light but instead we through our sin have become children of darkness right until you return to the light and everything in his plan of salvation is moving his people and through his people reconciling the whole world from children of light back to I mean from children of darkness back to light so when you look at the day it starts in darkness the evening begins today and moves towards the light right the month the month even or the week let's say you got six days of work right you're focused on common earthly things the seventh day is the day of light where the Shekinah glory comes in twelves amongst us he's moving us to the light through our weekly observance of Shabbat now we go to the month starts in darkness now we understand it's complete darkness the true conjunction moon and it moves towards the full moon telling us that he's moving us from darkness to light in the observation of his ways how about the year see how this principle once you get the principle in place you can start to see that everything starts in darkness and moves to light just like the beginning of the world began with Adams fall but he's moving us to the Millennial Kingdom to that light the solar year according to the Book of Enoch begins at what we call today the winter equinox it's the darkest part of the year where the sun's light is above the horizon the least amount of time the darkest part or the darkest day of all year and what does it move towards full summer where it's the longest period of light and the shortest amount of darkness this is the cycle he's moving us from darkness to light I think it's beautiful to bring out and understand in this context so here we see Beth Hodesh in the month ha Rishon of the first so this is talking about the first month and then you have Bhairava for asar ten so four and ten is 14 Lia desh from the month from the kodesh from the beginning of the month that it was talked about here you're counting 14 days so we're interpreting this by going back to the original Hebrew and not just letting the English translations tell us not assuming anything then it says Bain ha ha een this is the word ayan riche vicked that we get Erev from Erica means mixed even the word Arab comes from this because Arabs are mixed people the light moving from light to darkness is a mixed time of day and Bain means in between or the separation between light and darkness just like God did at creation he said let there be light and he separated the light from the darkness and the evening and the morning were the first day well here in the videos 23 it's referring to that same in-between period between one day and another main hovering and it's interesting this ammonium connotates plural like that's the end of one and this is the beginning of another but it's still part of the same evening so it's in between the evenings Pesach Leigh I don't I he doesn't say anything more about how to make the Passover or anything it's just like this is the time it's likely basically establishing a calendar it's all about the days and then he just says Pesach lay out a nine this is when the Pesach to add and I shall be made very beautiful in the Hebrew this is what it looks like it's the end of one day total darkness at the beginning of the next day in between that period is in between the evenings that we saw bein Halim referred to in leviticus 23:5 exodus 12 established that it had to be on the fourteenth day leviticus 23 as confirmed as a double witness it has to be on the fourteenth day and the evening is the beginning of the fourteenth day now we look at what happened with Joshua when he entered into the land and brought the people into the land of Israel what if he do and the children of Israel the first thing they did when they crossed over the Jordan they camped at Gilgal and they kept the Passover why it was exactly forty years from the time that God had brought the people out of Egypt that original Passover he takes him across the Jordan and takes him into the land and it's Passover time it's a full moon everybody can see it it's undeniable and so what do you do first thing you do is praise God observe his holy day because he has truly delivered us not only from the Egyptians but from this wilderness sojourn for forty years he's now fulfilling his covenant of it bringing us into the land and it tells when they did it how did Joshua who's a type of Yeshua remember Moses couldn't bring the people into the land just like Moses Yeshua's first coming he was a meek and humble servant like Moshe but he couldn't take us back to the land in that first coming he's gonna come back like Joshua arrayed in battle and he's gonna bring us back to Israel the 40 years in between represents the 40 Jubilees in between you she was first coming and the you she was second coming and how does he observe it a third witness on the 14th day of the month not on the 15th at evening beginning of the 14th that evening in the plains of Jericho and they did eat of the old corn of the land on the morrow after the Passover so what he's saying is here they have observed the Pesach they they have roasted lamb and matzah and the next morning on the 14th what happens they eat more and leavened bread and parched corn in the self-same day and then the manna ceased on the morrow after that after the 14th day because they had eaten so that was the last day of manna and we call this a holy day the 15th is observed as a holy day this would have been the day that the manna stopped but I wonder because remember it said the first day and the seventh day shall be holy unto you are we even doing that incorrectly could it be that the 14th is the holy day and the twentieth because we're starting in the evening numbers 9 2 and 3 says let the children of Israel also make the Passover at his appointed season in the fourteenth day of this month between the evenings here in numbers it uses that same phrase leviticus 23:5 did bein ha Otterbein better of him and shall keep it in his appointed season so we're seeing confirmation witness double witness triple witness one after another i just leave these up at the top as proof text here's that vain ha ha by eeem vain ha by eeem in numbers now Genesis we go back to it and we say God saw the light that it was good and God separated the light and separated the darkness bein here's that word bein in between light and ha or is light who vain and in between whole set the darkness the light he's using the same Hebrew word bein talking about in between the light and the darkness this was so exciting I mean father just has revealed this this week it is now this is something that I kind of studied out any kind of convicted me on years ago but I never really put it into so many proofs as I did for this tour portion or this haftorah in which Josiah's or any turning the people to a proper observance of the Pesach he says in the evening in the morning were the first day establishing that order forever after and God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide vain is the word there to divide even the waters so he's dividing the light from the darkness just like he divided the waters above and the waters below it's showing a different use of vain and that's what I like to bring out is to see all of its uses its dividing the day so it's a confirmation yes [Music] yeah the water the bane means to separate or to divide whether it's light in darkness or whether it's waters it's proving that this hebrew word means to separate and we're talking about the establishment of separating that one day from another so we're commanded to tell the story of what God has done for us at the Passover Seder order Seder means order it's the order of telling the story of what God has done for our people and the word Pesach hints at the telling how we're supposed to tell the people the proper order of things just like the proper way to observe his holy days the pay is a mouth and Fox means speaking so Pesach is all about restoring us back to the proper telling and the continuum of telling to future generations of not only what God has done but how to observe what God has established as a memorial for all generations the scripture says we will only get it right if we understand his calendar so we have to get the Gregorian calendar out of our mind we have to get rid of all the holidays and the counterfeits out of our mind we also have to get rid of the things that have been added to tour that make us possibly observe the month from erroneously by one day this also good the news we call in Hebrew basura it is just like Pesach Haggadah the telling of what God has done in sending his word the embodiment of the living Torah and how he lived it out perfectly so now we're gonna move from seeing just things in past tense to seeing how via schewe if we're correct on this how did you shoe a live out Passover he would have had to fulfill what we're seeing exemplified in Scripture Matthew 26 verse 19 and 21 says the disciples did as Jesus or Yeshua had appointed them to do and they saw that same word to make the Pesach not just to keep it but they literally made the Pesach lamb the way they were supposed to they sacrifice it between the evenings they roasted it fully and then if you do that you have to eat it right that's part of fulfilling torah many people don't talk about Yeshua and his apostles eating the lamb because all the other Jews we're gonna sacrifice their lambs then the next day on them in the middle of the 14th so there many people are not thinking that in individual homes people are roasting their own lambs but do you know Josephus I found a quote finally that proves that the people were simultaneously keeping their own lamb and observed making the Pesach and roasting in their homes and eating it on the evening and all the Jews publicly up at the temple we're doing it the next day they're basically doing it simultaneously there's individual lambs in the homes and there's these public display of the sacrifices up at the temple by the the priests and in that day a lot of faults a priest gets not the tzaddik lion anymore its priests that have been placed in by Romans and and others the Sadducees so Yeshua is literally living out the Torah and making the Pesach with his apostles now says now when the evening was come he sat down with the twelve and as they did eat he said verily I say to you one of you shall betray me you know what's interesting he came into Jerusalem on the tenth the same day that we choose the lamb to bring him into our home and he becomes like a member of the family and we all fall in love with him and the kids love him and he's perfect and clean the kids have been bathing him and he's been inspected just like he sure was inspected over the last four days and then imagine how that lamb feels on the 14th day it's a type of betrayal when this little friend is now going to be sacrificed yeshuaa is that lamb and he's sitting down at this evening and he's not only eating the lamb which is pointing to himself but he's saying somebody's gonna betray me I'm the land that's been foretold is betrayed in every household pointing to me the symbolism is so deep and so beautiful here's the original command from Torah in Exodus 12 18 in the first month on the fourteenth day in evening here's yoshua remember it says when evening had come he had made ready the Pesach you shall eat unleavened bread at that time on the fourteenth day until the 21st day of the month now I'm gonna skip this for a little bit and let's look down at the future in Ezekiel like I told you last night at the seder there's actually prophecies that talk about us not only observing Sukkot but Passover in the Millennial Kingdom thought this would be interesting to show past and future and any issues day how did he keep it when you have those three witnesses together it's undeniable past present future the Millennial observance it's perfect a vision given to Ezekiel of Yeshua's kingdom he's reigning as high priest and King in the temple rebuild and he says the Passover will be as observed in the first month in the fourteenth day of the month you shall have the Passover a feast of seven days unleavened bread shall be eaten so we are correct in the Millennial Kingdom the feast of unleavened bread starts on the fourteenth and goes until the 21st these seven days this is the way it was in the original command in Exodus this is the way it will be in the Millennial Kingdom so did you shoot fulfill this now let's look at mark 14 first we look at Matthew 26 so we're gonna look at two Gospels to see the the way that it's written and the first day of unleavened bread which we know has been confirmed as the fourteenth now we see it here we see it here and in numbers as well and Leviticus when they killed the Passover so they actually killed the lamb many people say oh you sure didn't eat lamb oh he didn't ever observe the sacrifice he would have had to to fulfill Torah and to live it out in mark it hints at that it says that the first day of unleavened bread when they killed the Passover his disciples said to him where will you have us go that we can prepare a place to eat it now the Jews had not even killed all the Lambs in Jerusalem yet because remember you sure was killed at the time that they were killing the other Lambs so this proves that it's his disciples and him who have killed the passover lamb and they're saying now where do we eat it we've made it ready and he's tells him to go and to find a man who has a room prepared for him then came the day of unleavened bread so now it's evening time the beginning of the 14th when the Passover must be killed and then eaten and and unleavened bread eaten with it then led they schewe from Caiaphas unto the Hall of judgment this is john 1828 and it was early so here is evening they've made the Pesach lamb and now they're saying where do we go and eat it and they eat it between here and midnight and remember he goes out at midnight just like in ancient Egypt no one was to go out of their homes because then they place themselves on the domain of death right that Angel of Death is sweeping through Yeshua's willingly giving himself as a sacrifice by going out of the house at midnight and this is where Judas meets him and where the the throng take him to be imprisoned here the next day is when he's being tried and it's not yet the time that the Jews have killed all of their sacrifices at the temple and so it literally says that they led you schewe from Caiaphas unto the Hall of the judgment now this is in the middle of the 14th day and it was early and they themselves went not into the judgment Hall lest they should be filed that they might so that they could still eat the Passover the Jews have not eaten the Passover yet here he's being led to the judgment hall they're going to eat it this evening they're killing it between three o'clock or maybe between noon and six o'clock if you get have a larger span and that's when he was killed but they're not gonna eat it until the evening time one day late so what he's doing is for us he's establishing the importance of every letter of Torah so as Christians coming back to Torah he's basically saying you have subtracted this this is what you need to add back in you need to observe all cause for Judah he's saying you've been doing it wrong but I'm gonna meet you where you're at so that you'll recognize me I will be killed when you're killing your lambs so he fulfilled both He fulfilled God's Word and he made himself recognizable to Judah by being sacrificed when they're sacrificing the lambs even though they're late in sacrificing their lambs we see him eating the lamb and making it ready with his disciples on the proper time the evening before then he goes through the midnight in Garden Gethsemane the next day he goes to the judgment hall they don't want to come to the judgment hall because they haven't yet eaten the Passover he's already eating it in accordance with the Torah perfectly but he's gonna be slain when they're slaying the lamb and they're slaying the lamb according to their tradition what they've added in and so in one fell swoop he's reconciling both the house of Israel who's done away with the law he's returning us back to a knowledge of how to properly observe these things just like King Josiah and he's meeting Judah where they're at in their sacrificing the Lambs on the wrong part of the day but he is even dying in his death he's dying for both those sins doing away with Torah and adding to the Torah and we see that even in the millennial kingdom it will be observed perfectly according to Torah the way issue observed it and the way that God originally commanded it through Moses to Israel so Yeshua is our Passover lamb John said in first in John 1:29 behold the lamb of God when he saw them there at the Jordan River who takes away the sins of the world as we said before sin is defined in 1st John 3 4 as the transgression of the Torah and how do we transgress the Torah by adding to it and subtracting from it the house of Israel the northern ten tribes have subtracted from it in all the lands of their dispersion they became like Gentiles and they forgot the Torah juda house of Judah has added to it with their talk a note he's dying for both those sins isn't this beautiful he's revealing more fully what that sacrifice was all about he didn't magically cleanse you from sin he's teaching you what he's doing in returning you back to Torah so that you can be an overcomer like he was an overcomer if he had magically cleansed you of sin from the cross you wouldn't be struggling with sin today right but he's our example we're to have the mind of Christ to be an overcomer through self-denial through fasting and prayer the way he did and to not add to the Torah and to not subtract from it just the way he exemplified to both houses of Israel in his ultimate sacrifice gives me chills to think that the father is revealing this to us at this time of year at this exact Passover to return to Torah to do away with those things that have been added to it and to come back and reconcile the things that we have not been taught growing up in the Western society so with that let's stand and we'll say the blessing over the haftorah deep meditations as we seek to follow God's Word and not man's praise to you at an eye our God and sovereign of the universe rock of all creation righteous one of all generations the faithful God whose word is deed whose every command is just and true for the Torah for the privilege of worship and for the prophets and for the Shabbat that you add and I our God have given us for holiness and for rest for honor and for glory we thank you and we bless you may your name be blessed forever by every living thing praise to you how tonigh for the Sabbath and for its holiness Abba Father we thank you Lord for revealing to us your ancient paths jeremiah said the very one who wrote this haftorah that our forefathers have inherited lies and that we must return to the ancient past and it's only in returning to your word not what's been added to its sense that we can see clearly how to observe your holy Modine father and we thank you for the in living embodiment of your word yeshua our messiah who confirmed as a double witness exactly how to live out your torah which are instructions in how to love you and how to love our fellow man and the beautiful words that you have given through the prophets which show that your word will not return to you void but that we will be observing these things through the millennial kingdom through the messianic age to write on our hearts the full meaning of your torah and how to observe it and in so doing you will restore us back to your nature of selfless love thank you Father we are humbled and we only ask that you give us the power and the courage and the strength to live this out in the midst of so much error and so much judgment from those who are wanting to hold on to that error we are a few remnant people holding on to your word by faith seeking to live it out in our lives and so we ask for your ruach ha'qodesh your Holy Spirit to empower us to see clearly to have spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear and the heart and courage to walk it out to live it out in the midst of a dark world Yeshua said that he was the light that came to the darkness but the darkness did not receive him and as his followers and as his body we are a light to the world and yet the world will not recognize us either and so we ask for your protection for the whole house of Israel for your remnant dispersed in all the lands around the world strengthen them father unite our hearts and bonds of love and encourage us in how to encourage one another and how to live out your Torah more fully in these days this is our prayer father and we thank you for this in your holy name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 24,698
Rating: 4.889401 out of 5
Keywords: Haftarah, Passover Haftarah, Passover, Pesach, Hag Hamatzot, Feast, Unleavened Bread, God's calendar, Feasts of the Lord, New Moon, Conjunction Moon, Body of Messiah, Exodus 12, Leviticus 23, 2 Kings 23, Jeremiah, Josiah, Return to Torah, Called Out Believers, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Torah study, Pastor Isaac, Rabbi Yitzchak, Learn Truth, Lunar calendar, Full moon
Id: dgPStpBTfmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 44sec (4424 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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