#47 - Torah Parashah Re'eh ("See" with Spiritual Eyes)

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this morning tour portion is called who knows what that's your eye now you know where to look each week it means to see and we're going to be talking about seeing intellectually as well as seen spiritually and ultimately we want to move from just a head knowledge of Hashem and his ways to a total spiritual understanding and application of it in our own lives so this Torah portion can be found in Deuteronomy 11 verses 26 through chapter 16 verse 17 and a little overview of this Harshaw we've got about five chapters and in the last part of chapter 11 where we start our tour portion you're going to see the blessings and the cursing reiterated from last week and remember Israel was told to go up on to Mount Gerizim six tribes on Mount Gerizim six tribes on Mount Ebal and they would pronounce the blessings and the curses of keeping Hashem's ways curses that we naturally bring upon ourselves if we live out of harmony with the source of life blessings if we learn to live in harmony with the source of life so we're going to look at this and it's interesting that when they actually do it you don't see the blessing literally felt out there implied if they go more into detail as into what happens if you don't keep Torah chapter 12 is how to live in the land where the yo devolve hey Hashem has placed his name in Chapter 13 we see how to live by God's Word without adding to it or subtracting from it moshe a really goes into detail about how important it is to just keep what God has given us not adding to it or subtracting from it and warnings about those who would draw you away from the truth in chapter 14 we see laws for conduct and the laws of kosher or kashrut which we call eating clean animals and also the laws of tithes taking care of the priests in chapter 14 and in chapter 15 we see the laws reiterated of the shemitah year which is every seven years and also caring for the needy and the servant and we're going to incorporate this into our understanding of what we need to be doing during this month of repentance do you know that caring for the needy and the poor is a big part of the righteous deeds that accompany true teshuva there's not only a repentance of turning away from the errors of our ways and returning to the source in torah but as you see that the very foundation of torah is selfless love and love is a verb it's an action word it's serving all of God's children so the righteous deeds are equated with sadaqa with that charity that I mentioned earlier that goes hand in hand with teshuva and then in the very last chapter chapter 16 we see the laws for observing the holy days throughout the year and it goes into detail about the three holy days in particular that all men are to present themselves in Jerusalem three times a year so with this month of Elul that were entering into first in mind the creator of the world has a plan and this plan unfolds as we begin to observe his holy days you can see that every holy day every mo deem every appointed time is foreshadowing a future event and the spring feast our foreshadowing Messiah's first coming the fall feast our foreshadowing messiahs second coming and in this Torah portion we see that every choice we make either fits into the plan or it doesn't it's either going to naturally have the cause and effect of bringing blessings into our life or we're going to experience the natural cause and effect of being out of harmony with the source of life and selfless love so here's a little diagram of this month that we're entering into and as you can see this is when mo che a sins for the final 40 days did you know that he went up onto Mount Sinai three different times of 40 days fasting without food and water and we're entering into the period of Moses final 40 days up on Mount Sinai and he finally descends after making intercession for Israel and knowing that God is going to atone for Israel sins and he descends on the Day of Atonement and gives them the good news well this solar eclipse is occurring Monday the first of Ahlul we know from the Dead Sea Scrolls as well as the scriptures that we observe the new moon the new month in the conjunction of the month that way also the holy days are in the full moon period so this would be Monday and you start counting 40 days of repentance and we're to blow the shofar each day of these 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur so we've got a little man blowing the shofar here it ends on the 10th of Tishri which is yom kippur so this is a very significant month each day opening with a shofar blast and we recognize three main attributes in this month that we're also going to see hinted at in the Torah portion and it's a month of enhanced relationship with Hashem so we're going to be talking about relationship it's a month of teshuva which means to return not just to turn from your wicked way because you could turn from one wicked way and go right into another wicked way right it's all about returning to the source and it's a month of kindness and righteous deeds called sadaqa so we're going to see moshe as he's reiterating these laws he's actually going through a theme of relationship and then repentance and then a theme of righteous deeds and then reoccurring doing that three different times throughout the Torah portion this morning you goal is a month preceding Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah is when our sages say God created the earth it is also known as yom teruah the day of trumpeting in which Messiah will return in the fall in some future fall and 40 days before Yom Kippur Ehlo begins and is considered a month of desirous drawing near to Hashem in relationship repentance and righteous deeds according to tradition several biblical verses hints at the centrality of these desired behaviors as eloah is actually an acronym it is spelled with an olive and then you have a lawmen and then you have a vaalu sound and then Alam it again so I'm writing it down this would be queit to our s sound with the vowel underneath it and then this would be our L sound this would be a whoo sound put the dot there another L so we're going to look at different scriptures that actually the sages have found that there is an olive followed by lawmen followed by evolved followed by Allah mid and it hints to these three central aspects of e Lowell here's the Song of Songs 6 3 everybody knows this because we sing it on era of Shabbat Mikado D Thomas Holman says mahabodhi window D Li I am my beloved and my beloved is mine do you see the olive the lammott evolved and the final la med this might be able to be seemed easier if I do it this way I need little D then go D Li you see e lo hidden within the scripture and all about relationships all about intimacy Hashem desires for us to draw near to him and this is why he gives us the laws the laws are not rules and restrictions the laws are laws of love and how to purify ourselves and return to be beings of light so that we can draw near to him because light cannot coexist with darkness so right now as much as you would like to have intimacy with us we're not ready for that kind of intimacy it would be like a consuming fire to us so he gives us his laws which prepare us to return and this is the process of being recreated in his image the image that Adam was created into and lost through sin he is taking us through a process of purification to come back so that we can have intimacy with him this is the most widely known acronym and this verse is often inscribed on decorative wedding bands and it's interpreted by the rabbi's as an expression of the subliminal and mutual love between God and the people of Israel this particular verse is suggestive of communication also because no relationship is built without communication and we communicate with the divine through prayer the next verse is Deuteronomy 30 verse 10 and it says then Hashem your Elohim will open up your heart it's like he's going to be circumcised in your heart and the heart of your offspring to love Hashem your Elohim with all your heart and all your soul in order that you might live and you have whom all Adonai Aloha it's lavaca that revolve is all red and you see the olives lama de los Lamas and what is it talking about to circumcise our heart to draw into repentance where we have a soft enough heart to be willing to change because without baby skin on our heart we're just going to continue in our rebellious way so here it's amazing ile ole is even hidden within Deuteronomy 30 verse 6 and identifies our need for teshuva for repentance circumcision is symbolic of the Covenant between Hashem and the people of Israel and in this verse circumcision of the heart is envisioned as preparation for living a fuller life this is what your show is talking about when he says I come to give life and give it more abundantly the weekly portion that includes this verse is always read on the last Sabbath of this coming month of Elul shortly before Rosh Hashanah just to remind us that we need to if we're going to enter into this period where we are going to see mushiya calm and be anointed as high priests and kings we need to have a heart of repentance and to return to Torah the final acronym that we found is in Esther chapter 9 verse 22 and it speaks of sending portions to one's friends and gifts to the needy and what's amazing is this covers the deeds of the daka the deeds of righteousness and you can see the olive I've enlarged the low-mid the valve and the lammott here and although the original context of this verse relates specifically to the celebration of the festival of Purim where we send out gifts to our neighbors and to our friends who we know are in need it also embodies a timeless lesson in generosity and kindness which fulfills Torah and develops human relationships and in the taking of responsibility for the weaker members of society so it's beautiful that we have a little hidden within text about relationship and intimacy repentance and the need for doing righteous deeds so think about these three things and over the next 40 days and how you're going to live out each aspect of these three aspects and we're going to look in the Torah portion this morning and I'll point out where he's actually talking about relationship and where he's talking about repentance and where he's talking about righteous deeds these three elements together helps to overcome the evil decree or the accusations against us leading thereby to redemption in Jewish tradition the archetype of redemption is the exodus from Egypt the exodus is celebrated with the singing of the song as the sea you know the song of Moses in Revelation it says that the Saints will sing the song of Moses in the last days at the coming of Messiah and wouldn't you know in Exodus 15 were records that Moses and the children Benet u3l sang the song to Hashem they said I will sing the word first thing here is sheer and you can see all of l'a mid Vaz Mahmud eloah even hidden hidden within the song of Moses which incorporates all of these aspects so this is something beautiful that's just hidden within the Hebrew that I like to bring out before we get into the tour portion as we go through it you're going to see I've made two columns there's certain blessings that come from certain observances of drawing near to Hashem in his ways and then there's the cause and effect of disobedience or living out of harmony so let's look at this in verse 26 he says see rah a and in the Hebrew this is singular he's speaking to you individually and to you later you see it becomes plural for the nation of Israel for all God's people but here he's speaking to each one of us individually see I am sitting before you today a blessing Abraha and a curse a kilala the blessing and in Hebrew it says it baraka the olive Tov which we know Yeshua says I am the olive and the Tov it's connected by a dash to the blessings so the blessing is inherent in Yeshua if you listen to the myth vote of Adonai your God I am giving you today and the curse now here where it says kilala there's no olive tall connected to the curse interesting that in the Hebrew you would only connect to the blessing if you don't listen to the myths boat about a night your God but turn aside from the way I am ordering you today and you follow other gods that you have not known when out and I your God brings you into the land you are entering in order to take possession of it you are to put the blessing on Mount Gerizim wine Mount Gerizim and why the blessing there why not on the blessing on Mount Ebal wait in Judaism we'll ask a lot of questions we always have to test all things anybody know what happened up on Mount Gerizim this is where God first made covenant with Abraham and he showed him a 360 degree view of all of Israel and said this is the land that I'm going to give to you and to your descendants after you and so this is where the promise was made if you will keep my Torah there's this if-then and Abraham it says he kept all of the Torah this is even before it was written down right so what's amazing is God takes the descendants of Abraham back to the very place where he promised Abraham that he would give him the land and that they would be blessed and he hasn't pronounced the blessings right there on that spot and when we took the group to Israel we went up on to that spot we found the cave where Abraham spent the night and we saw the 360 degree view and then we looked across at Mount Nebo and we see where Joshua actually built the altar and the tabernacle first stood after entering into the land and very amazing to bring this home it really brings it to life both are west of the yard een in the direction of the sunset in the land of the Cain and I living in the Aarav across from Gilgal near the pistachio trees of Moray and sure enough to this day they're still Oaks of more a up there for your to cross the yard een to enter and take possession of the land a deny your God is giving you you are to own it and live in it you are to take care to follow all of the mitzvahs and the Mishka team the rulings I am setting before you today so how many mishima team or how many like we've talked about before there's 613 mitzvot in Torah right and some of them are positive you shall do and some of them are what we call negative Commandments which means you shall not do something and you know how many positive and negative Commandments there are within Torah all of these mitzvot some of them we understand some of them we don't understand some of them our mission 15 some of them are who keen but there's 248 positive myths modes of which there's only 126 applicable to us today because we don't have a temple and we're not living in the land and so even within all of these positive myths though there's only certain ones that we can keep in the land what's interesting about 248 what's anybody know what's interesting about that number that's the number of ligaments and joints and bones that we have in the body so it's to connot 8 with everything that we have like that word may Odetta in the Shema with everything that we have our whole beam let us keep all of the good things that we are supposed to be doing the things that we're supposed to abstain from the negative Commandments there's 365 one for each day of the year so when you add 365 and 248 of course you come to 613 out of those 365 negative mitzvahs only 246 are applicable to us today in the Diaspora and without a temple and without the priest and some miqo'te for ladies some are for priests so there's only a certain amount of them that we can actually but the beautiful thing is all of them are fulfilled in loving the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul and loving your fellow man as yourself so in the Torah out of the 613 another way that we break down these 613 mitzvot is we say that the first to when Hashem spoke on Mount Sinai and he says I need yo hey Bob hey I am yo hey Bob hey that's the first commandment and we heard this and then he goes and he says you shall have no other gods before me and that second commandment is also connected with and you shall not make any graven image or any likeness of anything in the heaven above or in the earth beneath or in the waters underneath the earth for I the Lord your God am a jealous God it's relational he's jealous for us to remain connected to him and no other but what's amazing is after those first two Israel they said we don't want to hear any more tell them to just talk to you mo che so we have two Commandments there the rest of them that motion he wrote down in the Torah are 600 in 11 and so this is where we get to full 613 2 of them we've actually heard with our own ears or our forefathers did and 611 of them were given to Moshe and he wrote them down on Mount Sinai in Chapter 12 verse 1 he says here are the laws and the ruling two are to observe and obey in the land out of NIH's the god of your ancestors has given you to possess as long as you live on earth you must destroy all the places where the are dispossessing and serving their gods so all the high places all the places of pagan idol worship whether on a high mountain or a hill or some leafy tree break down their altars smash their standing stones to pieces burn up their sacred poles completely and cut down the carved images of their God exterminate even the name from that place and you know if Israel had done this in 1967 when they took back Jerusalem we wouldn't be dealing with the problem of persecution over the Temple Mount and dividing the land that we're dealing with today they all often lost on the Temple Mount should have been according to this tour a commandment taken down but you are not to treat than to treat out an eye your God this way rather you are to come to the place where Adonai your God will put his name where is that place where more specifically he places his name he told David on Jerusalem and you can find that in second chronicles 6 verse 6 where he says I've placed my name I chose Jerusalem for and this is why at the last chapter it's talking about all men going up to Jerusalem three times a year to observe these different feasts Passover chavos and Sukkot but here he's just hinting at it here it doesn't say true Salaam but later we learn it was true Salaam he says he will choose it from all your tribes so which tribe got to get the inheritance of the area surrounding Jerusalem Judah that's right and you will seek out that place which is where he will live and go there now this is also where Abraham took Isaac to be sacrificed you will bring there your burnt offerings your sacrifices your tents that you set aside for Adonai the offerings that you give the offerings that you have vowed your voluntary offerings and the first form of your cattle and sheep there you will eat in the presence of Adonai your God you know many of the offerings that we're supposed to bring up on the holy days are for us to eat in the presence of Hashem what's beautiful about that is when it threw out thousands of years whenever somebody has broken bread with another it's an instrument of peace it's an instrument of relationship and we have peace a covenant of peace with our God and we can eat he wants us to eat in his presence which is very intimate very relational it says an you will rejoice over everything you set out to do you and your households in which I don't know your God has blessed you you will not do things the way we do them here today where everyone does whatever he thinks is right in his own opinion so now you can see motion moving from that all the language of relationship and intimacy in the beginning of chapter 12 to now what would be repentance he's saying you need to make sure that you don't do what you think is right in your own in your own mind trust God followed his ways there's so many times that we justify not doing certain Mitzvah right and we say well that's not what it means to me today or that's not important or God changed that or as much of the Christian world promotes the law was nailed to the cross and so we're doing what seems right in our own opinion and we're breaking this commandment but God says do not do the things the way we do them here today where everyone does what is right in his own opinion because you haven't yet arrived at the rest and this is what rabbi Scholl was talking about in Romans chapter 4 there remains yet a rest for my people that rest comes when we enter the land they were getting this dissertation from Moses in the last month of his life and they were about to go and take the promised land and this is so important for us because we're about to go into the promised land and this is why Hashem is opening your heart to Torah to begin to write it today and then ultimately mashiac will be teaching Torah for a thousand years in the land so that we can arrive at that rest and receive the inheritance which Adonai your God is giving you but when you cross the Jordan and you live in the land Adonai your God is having you to inherit and he gives you rest from all your surrounding enemies so that you are living in safety then you will bring all that I am ordering you to the place once again what's the place Jerusalem we're out of my your God chooses to have his name live this is the second time he read her it reiterates it once you're in the land and you're living safely bring your offerings up to the place where he choses to place his name and here it goes even further it's not just where he places his name but where he chooses to have his name live his name is a living name your burnt offering sacrifices your tithe and the offerings from your hands and all your best possessions that you dedicate to Adonai and you will rejoice in the presence of Adonai your God you and your sons and your daughters and your male and female servants and the priest the Conan the Levite staying with you in as much as he has had no share or inheritance with you in the land be careful here's a third time a warning not to offer your burnt offerings just anywhere this is what happened with the Samaritans they started revering Mount Gerizim and saying they'll Jerusalem is too far away and justifying we can offer our sacrifices here on Mount Gerizim and they still do that to this day but he says don't just offer your burnt offerings anywhere that's why we don't offer burnt offerings here in addition to the fact that there is no temple but he says do it in the place Adonai will choose once again hinting at Jerusalem in one of your tribal territories there is where you are to offer your burnt offerings and do everything I order you to do and it was there that Messiah Yeshua was the ultimate offering and we see this in - that you cannot have an offering any other place but it has to be in Jerusalem so as we go through the parsha we always like to look at the passat or the parties and the shot is the literal plain meaning Moshe is preparing Israel for the land to enter the land to live in the land to be blessed in the land and in the Ramez which is just beyond the literal we like to see hidden glimpses of God's character and we see that in that he is an intimate God who's desiring relationship with his betrothed but we also see hidden glimpses of Messiah in the offering that has to be offered in Jerusalem and the application for us today is intimacy or relationship with Hashem comes through repentance and through righteous deed as we go down to the draw which means to see deeper by comparison we see certain enlarged letters like we looked at with Ahlul you know certain acronyms in the scriptures that is one of the aspects of the anomalies that you find in the Hebrew but also there's gamma trio which is numerical values that are given to the Hebrew language and here we see that the word for being understanding to see with spiritual eyes is to have true understanding vina in the Hebrew you've got the base in the noon and the hey it adds up to 67 ulul even to drive the point home further how much even these Torah portions are built into the timeframe in which we study them Ahlul has an demetria of 67 as you can see they all to the first letter right lammott is 35 is six and lammott is 30 so you've got 67 hidden in a Jewish mindset when one word has a numerical value the same as another word it lends deeper understanding to what that word is all about and so this is kind of exciting to see all of this unfolding because here Moshe begins chapter 12 with dealing with relationships he's saying I want you to not go after other gods right he's a jealous husband he's saying I want you for myself it's not because he's selfish it's because he knows what's best for us he's the source of life and we can only have life eternal if we stay connected to him but then he goes into the aspect of repentance and here now in verse 17 we see him moving from repentance and that theme to looking at an aspect of righteous deeds what is this righteous deed that we're supposed to do in this month of Elul he says you are to not eat on your own property the tenth of your grain the new wine or the olive oil that you set aside for Hashem or the firstborn of your cattle or sheep or any offering that you have vowed or your Ontario offering this would be like a free will offering or they offering from your hand no you are to eat these in the presence of Adonai your God this is intimate language but he's talking about tithe as a righteous deed tithing is very important if we are going to really put our repentance into action we have to give to God that which is is and ultimately everything is Hashem but we're just showing true acknowledgement of it if we give a 10 for his service for his priests for his temple for his work it says you're to eat these offerings and the presence of Adonai your God and the place out and I will choose the for time he's alluded to Jerusalem you and your sons and your daughters your male and female slaves and the Levite who is your guest and you are to rejoice before out and I hear God and everything you do to undertake why is Levi a guest where God chooses to places name is judah's inheritance but the temple is central and the priests are allotted a certain amount of land around the temple and of course they are given if all 11 tribes come and bring a tenth how much do the Levi's have 110 percent so even that allows the Levites to not only have an equal portion 100 percent but then there's an extra 10% that they give to his him as a burnt offering so they're able to tithe it's really beautiful as long as you are living take care to not abandon the Levites he says in verse 19 this is the way that we show our righteous deeds our sadaqa in action so every Friday night we have a little sadaqa box and the children give of their money and then when it reaches a certain amount we usually send it to help the poor in various places around the world and so Shekinah has enjoyed doing that as a ritual and our family since she was born when I don't know your god expands your territory as he has promised you and you say I want to eat meat simply because you want to eat meat then you may eat meat as much as you want it's the place where out of my your God chooses to place his name is too far away since the fifth time he's alluded to Jerusalem as a place where he placed his name how important do you think it is for God to get through to us that Jerusalem is the place where he's placed his name it's not just arbitrary if it's too far away like right now a lot of times we're not able to go it's all three times we might go to one of those times a year he says then you are to slaughter animals from your cattle or sheep which out and I has given you you eat on your own property as much as you want eat it as you would the gazelle or the deer like something you've hunted the unclean and the clean alike now this is speaking of people not eating unclean or clean meat this is talking about if you're unclean let's say it's a woman and she's in her time of need ah she may eat it just take care not to eat the blood for the blood is the life and you are to not eat the life with the meat don't eat it but pour out on the ground like water do not eat it so that things will go well with you and your children after you so this is a little hidden blessing in here if we will abstain from blood and this was one of the Noahide laws because the the lust for blood grew before the flood and it got to the point where they were cannibalizing each other so one of the very first things that he told Noah was your sons no matter who they're from Shaam Shem ham and Japheth they shall not eat blood yes Steve Pretty Polly quite disturbing he asked as well as making the blood today that's right demonic practice only the things set aside for God which you have and the vows which you have vowed to make you must take and go to the place which ad and I will choose here's the sixth time he says there you offer your burnt offerings the meat and the blood on the altar of how tonight your God the blood of your sacrifices is to be poured out on the altar of Adonai your God and you will eat the meat obey and pay attention to everything I am ordering you to do obey and pay attention to everything I'm ordering you to do so that things will go well for you it's all about God desiring to bless us and to see us blessed so he's telling us the things that will rob us of that blessing it will go well and with not only you but your descendants after you forever as you do what out and I sees as good and right now mo che begins to theme all over again see how we went from relationship to repentance to righteous deeds now as he's finishing up this abstaining from blood as was also one of the deeds that we should abstain from he goes back into the relationship theme verse 29 when Adam I your God has cut off ahead of you the nation's you are entering in order to dispossessed and when you have dispossessed them and are living in the land be careful after they have been destroyed ahead of you not to be trapped into following them it's like he's talking to a betrothed bride and he's saying keep your relationship with the one true God and him alone do not follow after these other gods that the heathen nations will be worshipping so that you inquire after their gods and you ask how did these nations serve their gods I want to do the same see if we're going to keep our relationship close to Hashem this is one of the admonitions that we have to be careful of you must not do this he says to Hashem your God for they have done to their gods all the abominations that Adam I hate they even burn up their sons and daughters in the fire for their gods now in this outline here you can see this is we've gone through 11 and 12 the blessings come from hearing and doing the mitzvahs the Shema the curse comes from not hearing and doing the blessing comes from eradicating idolatry and false names of false gods wherever we go as God's people the loss of blessing comes from following false gods called idolatry and other names the blessings we found in Chapter 12 come in when we come to the place where God will choose to place his name when we bring our offerings to Jerusalem and we go there for the Modine three times a year we lose out on a blessing when we don't come to Jerusalem the place where God has placed his name so you can see this direct cause-and-effect blessings or cursings he also mentioned that we are to give what God wants for an offering we're not supposed to do what seems right in our own eyes we're supposed to tie the tenth of all that Hashem entrusts us with we are not supposed to hold back what God has entrusted to us we lose the blessing we are not to eat blood the curse comes when we do eat the blood there's another place in Torah where it says he who eats the blood will be cut off from his people and lastly we're not supposed to copy the habits of the heathens and worshiping their false gods this could be likened to following the ways of the world it brings a curse on us we lose that blessing anytime we remove ourselves from Hashem covering which is life and love and blessings and health and prosperity everything else is a domain of death and that's why I romans 6:23 says the wages of sin which is transgression of the Torah all these things that bring blessings is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Yeshua our Messiah so let's follow the same theme and look at chapter 13 where we see warnings about those who would draw us away Moshe he says everything I'm commanding you you are to take care to do do not add to it or subtract from it very important how many times do we add to God's law quite often and how many times do we justify subtracting from it the last 2,000 years we see two different groups that one adds to it and the other subtracts from it and Hashem wants us to walk that straight and narrow path of keeping his word he says if a prophet or someone who gets mess messages while dreaming arises from among you and he gives you a sign or wonder and the signer the Wonder comes about as he predicted when he said let's follow other gods which you have not known and let us serve them you are not to listen to what that profit or dreamer says for a deny your God is testing you in order to find out whether you really do love yo Dave Ave alone with all your heart and being you are to follow yo hey Bob hey your God you're to fear him now remember what fear in a previous poor portion we looked into what fear means and what is it it's a relationship where it isn't it's holy ah it's in infatuation yes it's to be totally infatuated in holy off for our God to obey his myth phone this is like a husband who writes a betrothal covenant called the ketubah and he goes away to prepare the Hupa for the marriage off of the father's house and when he comes back he wants to find out if the bride has been faithful if she's kept herself chase if she's listened and obeyed his word the words of the ketubah covenant and that's what the commandments are that's what the Torah is says to obey his mitzvot and to listen to what he says to serve Him and here's another relationship word to cling to him it's just like your bride loves to cling to you hang on your arm this is the way we should be as the bride of Hashem clinging to him and everything we think everything we say everything we do this is total relationship language and that profit or dreamer if he lead you away from following your husband man you know hashem and had been infatuated with him obeying his ketubah covenant listening to what he says serving him and clinging to him anybody who takes you away from that is to be put to death because he urged rebellion against that and I your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from a life of slavery everything else outside of that covering is slavery we have experienced true freedom in Yeshua in delivering us from our propensity to continue to rebel against Torah that's the beautiful thing about the Spirit of God is that it truly does circumcise the heart and you want to obey God's commandments and you want to listen to him to serve Him and to cling to him he says if anybody urges rebellion he is to be put to death anyone who brings you against out of my your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from a life of slavery in order to seduce you away from the path Adonai your God has ordered you to follow this is how you are to rid your community of this wickedness if your brother the son of your mother or your son or your daughter or your wife whom you love or your friend who means as much to you as yourself secretly tries to entice you to go and serve other gods which you haven't known neither you nor your ancestor gods are the people surrounding you whether near or far away from you anywhere in the world you are not to consent you are not to listen to him and you must not pity him or spare him because you may not conceal him rather you must allow him to be put to death your own hand must be the first one on him in putting him to death and afterwards the hands of all the people you are to stone him to death because he has tried to draw you away from Adonai your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt out of a life of slavery this is very strong language this is because if people knew that this was the penalty for going astray would they ever go astray and there's no account of this ever happening but God uses strong language sometimes because of the hardness of our hearts where we're at so that Israel would realize the severity of not being led astray this is now going into an area of repentance if you hear it was told in one of your cities which I deny your God is giving you to live and certain scoundrels have sprung up among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their City by saying let's go and serve other gods which you haven't known then you are to investigate the matter inquiring and searching diligently and if the rumor is true if it is confirmed that such detestable things are being done among you you must put the inhabitants of that city to death with the sword destroying it completely and everything in it including its livestock heap all it spoils in an open place and burn the city with its oils to the ground for out and I your God it will remain a tell a tell of the heap of ruin forever and it will not be built again so when you see these places like Tel Aviv what is that telling you no pun intended it was a ruinous heap before because it engaged in idolatrous worship and when we rebuilt it what happens those same spirits inhabit that and now it's the world capital of homosexuality and all manner of abominations right there in Israel a hell was meant to remain at Tel a ruinous heap never to be rebuilt then out and I will turn from his anger and show you mercy and have compassion on you and increase your numbers as he swore to your ancestors so this these passages both have an aspect of repenting when we recognize that we've gone astray but also there's certain deeds that need to be done to ensure that these sins do not remain with the people of Israel he says then out and I will have compassion on you and increase your numbers that's part of the blessing as he swore to your ancestors provided you what you Shema you hear and do what add and I says and obey all his mitzvot that I am giving you today that's doing what Adonai your God sees as right so what is righteousness it is not what's right in our own eyes but it's what's right doing in Hashem XY's and Hashem always likens righteousness to acts of loving-kindness serving our fellow man he says in as much as you've done it to one of the least of these you've done it unto me so this is how we serve God by serving each other now chapter 14 goes into the aspect of describing the clean animals because how are we going to draw near to Hashem if we are harboring any darkness or any uncleanliness he has to first teach us what things are bringing a defilement upon ourselves so that we can do away with those things he says you are the people of Adonai your God you are not to cut yourselves or shave your hair above your forehead like they do the pagans do when mourning for the dead you know the pagans would also mark their body to remember their dead loved ones and this was the origins of tattoos so we're not supposed to cut our body we're not supposed to mark our body and we're not supposed to shave our head the way that they did when mourning for the dead because we are a people set apart as Holy we are the coda Shing for Adonai our God Adonai your God has chosen you to be his own unique treasure this is relationship language it's like a bride is the most prized possession of the husband you're his own unique treasure out of all the people on the face of the earth you are not to eat anything disgusting the animals which you may eat are the ox the sheep's the goats the deer the gazelle the Roebuck the ibex the antelope the Onyx Oryx and the mountain sheep any animal that has a split hoof and chews its cud this is a clean animal that you may eat but you are not to eat those that only chew the cud or only have a divided hoof what are some of these animals who has a divided hoof but doesn't chew its cud a hog a pig and what chews its cud that doesn't have a split hoof what a rabbit that's right one and what's another one huh camel yeah so rabbits and camels not clean because it has to have both the split hoof and shoe it's cut and then it gives us that example for example the camel and the hair and the cony are unclean because they chew the cud but they don't have a split hoof while the pig is unclean for you because although it has a separate hoof it doesn't chew the cud you are not to eat meat from these or even touch their carcasses so Hashem goes even further don't even make yourself unclean by post association with them of all that lives in the water you may eat these anything in the water that has fins and scales you may eat but whatever lacks fins and scales you are not to eat it is unclean for you what's a good example of that the catfish or the bottom feeders they have fins but they don't have scales or not to eat them you may eat any clean bird but these are these type of birds you're not to eat and then he goes through a list of different types of birds of prey because these birds are eating other birds the Eagles the vultures the Ospreys the kite they're actually the scavengers of the earth they're not just eating other birds they're eating all dead flesh just like the crabs and the shrimp and the bottom fish do on the bottom of the sea God has created certain animals to be filters but you wouldn't eat the filter after sitting for a year in the bottom of your sink would you it's the same way a Shem has created it so that we can perpetuate life he can clean the earth up for food it's not even considered food that's why even before the Torah was written down do you know Noah knew what was clean and what was unclean he said of every animal every species they shall enter the ark two-by-two a male and a female but of the clean animals they shall come by what number seven and the Torah wasn't even written yet it was just oral at that time so this show is that Torah is nothing new it's something that's pre existed and Adam knew it Noah knew it Abraham knew it and kept it Enoch all of these so we can see that this is pre existed many people think that this is a Jewish thing to keep to observe what we call cash route or the laws of cleanliness but just like Shabbat this is something from creation that comes down for all mankind and then he goes on to list other kinds like owls and pelicans and Omer on sand storks and herons and who pees and baths all wings swarming creatures are unclean for you they are not to be eaten but all clean flying creatures you may eat you are not to eat any animal that dies naturally although you may let a stranger staying with you eat it or sell it to a foreigner because you are a holy people see how he's distinguishing now those people want to be part of the holy people there's a way for them to be grafted into Israel right they don't have to remain unclean but if they're not even interested in being clean and they're you know then it's like that Texas is God winks at their ignorance but he has given the Oracles to a special called out peculiar people so that we can be a light to the nation's and when the nations are getting sick and you notice that God's people are not getting sick what do you think they're going to say I want to learn why you're not getting sick this is why during the civil war those that were Jewish that had the habit of washing the hands they didn't even know about germs I had no microscope in 1916 1864 during the Civil War and yet all the Jewish the patience of the Jewish doctors were living and not getting gangrene and all the other doctors who were not observed the laws of Washington they would go from one gangrenous patient to another transferring and cross contaminating this disease and they had a much higher death rate so it's beautiful how just trusting God even before stop modern science proves it to be correct the same way with eating pig it took modern science 3,000 years to discover after Hashem had Moses write this down that pork is actually the highest carcinogenic meat that means and that's on top of being the highest parasitic meat so you've got two different health issues they're carcinogens caused cancer and parasites causing numerous host of other issues but it took so long for this routine something seemingly not understandable that defies human logic what's the difference between them I don't understand I'll just observe it by faith and then there have health 3,000 years later we can see why it's actually healthy for us why Hashem gave us this instruction yes Jeff all the animals at work yes galaxy very good now this chapter this is Deuteronomy 14 remember endeavoring Moshe is reiterating the whole of the Torah he's kind of summing it up in his last month this is the month before they enter the Promised Land so what chapter in the Torah is he referring to when he's reiterating the laws of clean and unclean animals anybody know in Leviticus there you hint what chapter you should know these chapters because if a friend of yours says well where is that found do you want to take them to the source right it's not just that we're following tradition or have it Leviticus chapter 11 is the chapter that covers all of the clean and unclean meats and Deuteronomy 14 is just reiterating these and then it's amazing how all of a sudden he changes from this relationship focus of what's going to keep us apart from our beloved creator with being making ourselves unclean in verse 22 he says also at the end of verse 21 it's kind of like he changes focus he says you're not to boil a young animal in its mother's milk now this isn't an issue of clean or unclean so why the change in focus because all part of relationships with the source of life we need to have compassion and if we're killing a baby and boiling it in its mother's milk which is meant to give life we are totally devoid of compassion and understanding why God has created man and animals to care for their young so it's not an issue of eating not eating cheese and meat together because even Abraham served curds along with the tasks that he sacrificed to feed Hashem when God came down and manifested himself as a man and had two other angels with him Abraham actually served him meat and dairy so this can't be talking about meat and dairy there's been some that have misunderstood this this is talking about an issue of compassion okay so they didn't because I've been there's a lot of crossover where they're probably copying things that they learn from the Hebrews but they're doing it to false gods so we know that it wasn't in error because Hashem not only received it but ate it for Abraham so we see another myth vote in another place of Torah where he says you shall not when taking eggs from a nest that you're out in nature and you're find a nest in the tree you don't take the eggs and the mother at the same time why once again the only time you're going to catch a fully mature bird is when she's protecting her young she's going to risk her own life to hover and dive and to get close as you're taking those eggs away she's trying to save her little baby and so a sham is teaching us compassion for the mother and for what's instinctive in the mother so if you have to preserve your own life that's one thing so you take eggs not to waste them but to preserve your own life if you're starving but you shouldn't take the eggs with the mother very same thing is not cooking a kid in its mother's milk it's an issue of understanding and honor and respect for the mothers which is I think a beautiful thing that Hashem cares even for these intimate details because what is he doing he's changing our mind he's making us more receptive and sensitive and that's what it means to be circumcised to be sensitive to life in all its forms we shouldn't unnecessarily cut down trees and waste the beautiful things that God has created in a symbiotic relationship with man to take the carbon dioxide that we emit and produce oxygen you know man that wastes the resources of the earth that God has used for our well-being what are we doing but actually killing ourselves so if we had a respect for life in all its forms animal human plant life how great this world would be it literally would be the GaN Eden that's he for Garden of Eden yes Bradley yes that's true your dad is a wise man nothing like being put on the spot right in the middle my dad says is that true or not yeah then he goes into tithing again every year you must take one tenth of everything your seed produces in the field and eat it in the presence of Adonai your God how are you going to eat it in the presence of a tonight you take it to Jerusalem in the place where he chooses to have his name live this is the eighth time we've seen him talk about his name living there in the city that he would choose there we will eat the tenth of our grain and new wine and olive oil and the firstborn of our cattle and sheep so that you will learn to fear to be infatuated with Adonai your God always but if the distance is too great for you so that you're unable to transport that first fruit offering because the place we're at and I choose a place is named the ninth time we see that is too far away from you then went out and I your God prospers you you are to convert it into money so ideally what we would do let's say we have a farm here or like the culture owns corn you know you have a tent that you set aside you save up you sell it you save the money because you can't carry all these bushels of corn to Jerusalem you take the money to Jerusalem and you buy what offerings you want to offer to the Lord and what drink offerings and and what food you want to eat in the presence of the Lord in Jerusalem you rebuy it in Jerusalem so that way you can travel a long distance but notice he doesn't say it's okay you don't have to come he's saying is still important for you to come you just don't have to transport all these goods he says in verse 26 exchange the money for anything you want when you're there cattle sheep wine other intoxicating liquor or anything you please and you are to eat there in the presence of a tonight your God and enjoy yourself you and your household see he once for his beloved betrothed bride to enjoy herself when she comes into his presence kind of like when you go on a date what do you do it's usually around food right let's eat together let's talk let's get to know each other and there's no better place and no better way to get to know Hashem that to be in Jerusalem and observing his Mitzvah yes Kevin Oh the second time friends Viji yes yes that's right on the well there's different firstfruits throughout the year so we do it three times a year in the springtime we have the barley that we bring to the first fruit before Hashem in the place where he places his name so we have to come to Jerusalem as a piece of unleavened bread it's on leaven because we're eating the barley you know pretty much without leaven raw or made into flat cakes the next time is fifty days later Chuvalo you're bringing the firstfruits of the wheat harvest and then in the fall you have what's called the feast of ingathering all of the fruits of the trees that you have the olive tree the pomegranate the fig the date the grape that's why wine was included there last week in last week's chapter we saw seven things being mentioned the wheat barley the grapes the figs the pomegranate the olive oil and the date and the date honey so that's why it's three times a year that we go to Jerusalem because there's different first fruits three times a year oh and the second type would be set apart just for your expenses to get to Jerusalem if you're living are away from Jerusalem so you can actually set apart a second pin and that will funds your trip to go so it's kind of like you prepare an advance so that you can make this trip three times a year otherwise when those times come we say oh it's too bad I don't have enough money and we justify not going but if we really did set aside a second time tithe a second 10% we would have the means necessary to go to Jerusalem and to observe this commandment very good point so now he goes from this aspect of relationship to the righteous deeds of giving again look at verse 27 don't neglect the Levi's staying with you because he has no share or inheritance like yours so tithing is one of these aspects of a righteous deed at the end of every three years you are to take all the tenths of your produce from that year and store it in your town then the Levi's because he has no share or inheritance like yours along with the foreigner the orphan and the widow living in your towns will come and they'll be able to eat and be satisfied so that a deny your God will bless you in everything your hands produce so even giving and setting aside for those in ministry the priests and for the widow and the orphans has a cause and effect of blessing you yes discussion he back on earth it's called the garden of peace by rabbi Arusha LOM really fully changed a lot of my thinking one thing sir he keeps talking about that he was actually blessed movement for she is collecting yes we're supposed to be poor that's right this is why the bride in Revelation stands on the moon because the bride has no light of her own she has to fully be facing the Sun to fully mirror his glory his life that's right beautiful and again if this was your baby walk every year or the yellow pages really struck me industry time for tea it's a principal by beholding whatever you behold you're going to become more like by beholding we become changed into that same likeness so this is why it's so important for us to dissect and share and clarify who God really is what his character really does incorporate and what things it doesn't incorporate otherwise we'll end up emulating the wrong characteristics and we are a bride that is mirroring and this is the process of being recreated in His image that's right and ultimately becoming one at tone mint is literally at 1 min this is his desires to have intimacy with the one creation that he's created in his image that he can have intimacy with it's beautiful this is the true motivator if when we realize this we fall so deeply in love with him then everything changes easily it's when you're not truly in love but you really don't feel like changing and we also see that on the horizontal plane right and the humans if our spouses are not feeling loved what happens you might tell them an area that you think that they should change but are they motivated to change no not until you be the example you be the change and show that unconditional love of the father and then they reflect that and the love is a great motivator that moves the heart to change beautiful so chapter 15 now we are going to see a few principles here mainly focus on the shemitah year yes Jeff Sharon go ahead so first setting and that's God the other people shall not consent even more arguments again Peter Sheldon spare me Michelle Joshua Milton fine audience and half so what comes to mind here's a woman yes she was cause and ultra government on the actual act of adultery so forth is he with the pharisees and sadducees they knew where he is she could turn around on you would ask her stuff because they were involved in this before the force of the other gods and not bringing the man but they were guilty the same attract issue has shown compassion on this woman because you could punish her without bringing the person of this nation the act is a night Ryan says you're not guilty of the same thing she'll go ahead and throw the first stone because nobody else to kill her without you because they're showing that coming in herself so he showed relationship and all in one all of you pay exactly very good and she saw no condemnation in his eyes while he did not condone the sin he simply said go and sin no more and this is the way that we should deal with one another when somebody's dealing with an issue of sin in their life they're not going to be motivated if we just reject them or if we expose them or gossip about them or all of these things are going to feel like just leaving and continuing to do that but if we can show the love of God in that kind of compassion where we don't condone the sins but we help them to go and sin no more by coming alongside of them and lovingly mentoring them by the spirit that those people that's right in the very man also there yeah she probably was very good client devices they were to be covered yes very good now we move from this chapter on clean and unclean animals and goes into reiterating the laws of the shemitah so that the end of every seven years you are to have a shemitah here is how the shemitah is to be done every creditor is to give up what he has loaned to his fellow member of the community now the laws of shemitah are being reiterated just like the laws of the clean and unclean animals except from Leviticus 11 where the clean and unclean animals are found this is found in Leviticus 25 covers the shemitah and the year of Yeovil the lyric year of jubilee it says that someone at a creditor is to give up what he loaned in the seventh year to his fellow member of the community he's not to force his neighbor or relative to repay it because at a nice time of remission has been proclaimed you may demand that a foreigner repay his debt but you are to release your claim on whatever your brother owes you in spite of this there will be no one needy among you because I don't I will certainly bless you in the land which I don't know your God is giving you as an inheritance to possess if only you will listen carefully to what Adonai your God says and takes care to obey all these myths vote I am giving you today yes I don't know your God will bless you as he promised you will lend money to many nations without having to borrow and you will rule over many nations without them ruling over you and you know the years that Judah had to spend in Babylon and that the northern ten tribes were taken away by Assyria this was the exact number of years that they did not observe the shemitah in the land it was like there's a direct correlation cause-and-effect so God here is also telling the bride's that he desires us to be the head and not the tail like Deuteronomy 28 13 says he wants us to be the lenders and not the borrower's why because when you're in debt to somebody it's a type of slavery and God's people are always free he freed them from Egypt he doesn't intend for them to sell themselves back into slavery now he goes into righteous deeds again if somebody among you is needy see how he's just going from relationship to repentance to righteous deeds over and over again if one of your brothers in any of your towns and your lands God is giving you is in need of something you're not to harden your heart or shut your hand from giving to your needy brother no you must open your hand to him and lend him enough to meet his need and enable him to obtain what he wants guard yourself against allowing your heart to entertain the mean-spirited thought that because the seventh year the year of the shemitah is at hand you'd be stingy towards your needy brother and not give him anything as you know he's not going to pay it back if it's close to the shemitah for then you might cry out to adonai against you and it will be your sin rather you must give to him and you are not to be grudging when you give to him this is a principle of giving another Texas God loves a amen so you saying don't give with a big grudging heart God is giving God by nature love is giving by nature if you do this I don't know your God will bless you in all your work and everything you undertake for there always be poor people in the land that is why I am giving you this order you must open your hand to the poor and needy brother in your land and this is one of the three main aspects of true teshuva if we're really returning to the source and we know we have an unlimited source from the source that were entrusted with how would we withhold anything so our giving is really proof that we have entered into teshuva that we have reconnected ourselves that we've returned to the source as if your kinsman a Hebrew man or woman has sold to you he is to serve you for six years but in the seventh year you are to set him free and it's interesting that this Earth's history is about almost 7,000 years old and for 6,000 years we have been slaves to sin but look at the key hidden aspect our application of hidden glimpse of Messiah in the seventh year which relates to the seventh millennium we are set free from sin through the living Torah teaching the principles of Torah to us we truly have torah written upon our heart in such a way that we never need to refer to a scroll or a book again and sin goes by the wayside and this is why at the end of the thousand years it says sin and death are destroyed in the lake of fire along with the dragon the beast and the false prophet because we are truly set free in the seventh year moreover when you set him free don't let him leave empty-handed but supply him generously from your flock and your threshing floor and your winepress from what a deny your God has blessed you with you are to give liberally to him remember that you were once a slave in the land of Egypt and Adonai your God redeemed you that is why I am giving you this order but if he says to you I don't want to leave you because he loves you in your household this is the way that Israel would be slave owners totally different than our Western mindset of what atrocities happened with the african-americans in America when a man could not afford to take care of his family and provide food on the table he would often sell himself to indentured workmanship to another wealthy landowner and he would sell himself for seven years he'd all be your servant for seven years and this is what's called slavery in the scriptures the Jewish mindset is if we have a servant in our household we treat them like a son if we only have one pillow we give him the pillow we treat them so good that they don't want to leave at the end of seven years we set them free their debts been paid and they say I want to continue to be a part of your family much like Eliezer and did with Abraham this is a true way to treat people you empower them you don't keep them suppressed so that they're dependent on continuing to be a slave they're actually free as a member of the household after that and they can stay with you yes Steve probably arose certified it was a black man who had a black play in a lightly and he actually excited the black blade was to be a permanent play and the government allowed people doubting too that when they were they would go forward as their cast version for the song that debrief and he did know you're a slave forever that he's no yes deviating from the tour of Scripture that's right exactly black and enslaving another black man really amazing it's beautiful to see these principles coming out of tour because all of Torah is laws of love and caring for one another he says if that person that you set free does not want to leave because his life with you is a good one then taken all and pierce his ear through it's a symbol right into the door like making a threshold covenant with him and he will be your servant forever do the same with your female servant don't resent it when you set him free since his six years of service he has been worth twice as much as a hired employee then out of my your God will bless you and everything you do all too and then verse 19 says all the firstborn male in your herd and your cattle and in your flock you are to set aside for Adonai your God you are not to do any work with a firstborn from your herd or shear a firstborn sheep each year you and your household are to eat it in the presence of Adonai guess where in the place he chooses to place his name this is the tenth time we've seen this referred to but if it has a defect if it's lame or blind or have some other kind of fault you are not to sacrifice it to Adonai your God rather eat it on your own property the unclean and the clean I like me eat it like the gazelle or the deer just don't eat its blood but pour it out on the ground like water so here in chapter 15 we've gone over the laws of the shemitah and how they relate to our fellow man as servants and those taking loans from us God says he will bless us if we follow this when we don't what happens that loss of blessing which also entails protection we lose our protection and this is why Assyria and Babylon was able to come in and take Israel captive and besieged Jerusalem because all because of not keeping the shemitah year and now in chapter 16 we see him specify these three times a year he says observe the month of a viva viva is a Hebrew word it means green in the ear when the Barney's green in the ear this is when we start our religious calendar and keep pace off to Adonai your God which is 14 days later right on the full moon for in the month of a V I deny your God brought you out of Egypt at night so everything moves from darkness to light you are to sacrifice the Pesach offering from flock and herd to Adonai your God and the place where at and I will choose to have his name live 11th time you are not to eat any Hamas this is leaven for seven days you are to eat this barley with matzah the bread of affliction for you came out of the land of Egypt in haste thus you will remember the day you left the land of Egypt as long as you live no leaven is to be seen with you anywhere in your territory let alone your house so we know sometimes people clean their house and then they go and set their living out in their garage because they want to take it back in after the week of unleavened bread what is that symbolizing kind of like covering up the sin and having an intention to continue in sin later on this is so symbolic that if we will actually not even have it in our territory we would do well it would imprint upon our minds the enormity of doing away with all sins yes and well they wouldn't sell it to their neighbors in the land in the territory it would have to be traders passing through heathens that yeah they would sometimes sell it to the that's true but they wouldn't keep it in the earlier we're not supposed to keep it in the territory he says you may not sacrifice the Pesach offering in just any of the towns even in Israel that out of my year God has given you but only at the place where where God will choose to have his name live the 12th time because this there is where you are to sacrifice the lamb what is it pointing to this is a hidden glimpse of mashiac the Pesach lamb can only be sacrificed in Jerusalem and it's going to be in the evening when the Sun set at the time of the year that you came out of Egypt you are to roast it and eat it in the place Adonai your God will choose in the morning you will return and go to your tent for six days you are to eat matzah and on the seventh day there is to be a festive holy day for Adonai your God so the first day of unleavened bread is a holy day you don't do any work in it and the seventh day is a holy day you don't do any work in it and it's kind of like bookends it's commemorating this whole week of unleavened bread you are to count seven weeks from the Sabbath after Pesach you're to begin counting seven weeks from the time you first put your sickle to the standing grain so as soon as Shabbat would be over they would usually go and put in their sickle and then they would start counting the Omer 50 days leading up to Shavuot you are to observe the festival of Shavuot stove weeks for Adonai your God with a voluntary offering which you are to give in accordance with the decrees to which a deny your God has prospered you this is the wheat harvest you are to rejoice in the presence of Adonai your God you and your sons and daughters and your male and female slaves and the love iam Levites living in your towns and the foreigners and the orphans and the widows living among you so what good is it if we keeps the Holy Days ritualistically and we're not helping the poor this says we have to help the widows and the orphans keep these feasts as well by giving them what is needed in the place where God will choose to have his name live since the fourteenth time remember that you were a slave in Egypt then you will keep and obey these laws so if we see somebody encumbered by debt it's a type of slavery and we have compassion on them instead of rebuking them we realized we were once slaves in Egypt and we need to care for them the way we would have liked our forefathers to be cared for and then it goes into the third holy day in which were to present ourselves before the Lord in Jerusalem this is called the feast of Sukkot you are to keep the festival of Sukkot for seven days after you have gathered the produce of your threshing floors and winepress so this is everything that's produced from May onward May and June all the way till the end of September yes Archie gone back the first time said you don't count that way for yourself when the sickle affirmative standing cross that ring that was a big leap offering to Boston that's a after that's right it's no you start counting after the weekly Sabbath when it says in Leviticus 23 you shall count seven complete Sabbath it says the day after the seventh Sabbath you shall observe so the only way is it has to be the weekly Sabbath not the week of unleavened bread on the single any birth they would do that on the first they would do that on the first day of the week so let's say like Yeshua 2,000 years ago the year that he was crucified Pesach was on a Wednesday and then you have feet Sivan and bread the next day on the Thursday and the the sickle is going to be put in to harvest the grain on the first day of the week the day following the weekly Shabbat and this is when you start counting up to Shavuot this way every shovel load you are actually keeping it to the day after and Leviticus 23 says it has to be the day after the weekly Shabbat seven complete weeks that's why it's called the feast of weeks and it wouldn't work as such like when you start with observing the day after the feast of unleavened bread then you get an arbitrary day midweek it can't be the day after the weekly Sabbath so the reason that Jews keeps a sixth of Sivan today arbitrarily is because that was the day God gave the Ten Commandments on Sinai so they're commemorating the day the way it was that year it actually fell on a sixth of Sivan and they're just keeping the sixth of Sivan arbitrarily ever since then but if we are going to fulfill Leviticus 23 then it's going to fall on a day after the weekly Shabbat after seven complete weeks when you sing to it all of those they all be tied together but stay out neatly south towards South then they deflate that to say well how so versus Sabbath or piece of abundant Brava so that utilizes that were that was an ottoman competitive okay all right but indeed this affinity contingent ever since yes and that's where we have to decide whether we're going to keep the Torah or whether we're going to follow the man-made additions afterwards and so we have to go through the mindset of what was God intending we cannot fulfill the mitzvot of keeping shovel owed after the seventh Shabbat if we don't start it in the right time and so this is where we understand why other people do things another way but we're trying to once again that's right yep which was the first proof which would have been the first day of the week or right up you know right after sundown Shabbat yeah so it fits in that year and each year it's going to be in a different time on the Hebrew calendar in verse 13 we go on to Sukkot he says after you have gathered all the produce of your threshing floor there's only two things that come from the threshing floor barley and wheat so this is saying everything from Shallotte through the rest of the year through the winepress which is the last harvest in September we are to gather and present Atsuko that's another type of firstfruits he says rejoice at your festival you your sons your daughters your mail and your female slaves the love iane and the foreigners the orphans and the widows among you seven days you are to keep the festival Friday night your God in the place Adonai your God will choose because I don't know your God will bless you in all your crops and all your work so that you will be full of joy three times a year all your men are to appear in the presence of Adonai your God in the place where he will choose at the festival of matzah at the festival of Shavuot and at the festival of Sukkot they are not to show up before Adonai empty-handed but every man is to give what he can in accordance with the blessing Adonai your God has given you so just looking and summing up in the parsha a we see spiritually not just intellectually but spiritually all these areas of relationship with Hashem and what Moses reiterated was their enhanced through eradicating false gods in our life not following the idolatrous errors of the Gentiles and meeting Hashem at his appointed times even this last aspect of come to me where I've placed my name basically telling you come home my beloved this is a bridal language this is relationship language even his holy days is more Deen very intimate times they're like days so we can put that so underneath the relationship category and we look at the issue of repentance being returning to God's ways and Moshe says don't follow our own opinion help keeps the whole house of Israel clean from idolatry stop serving other gods we need to repent and do teshuva in many areas of our life and then the aspects of righteous deeds that were brought out in this Torah portion are acts of kindness and sadaqa by tithing so that God's priests can continue the work of taking care of God's house ties by setting the site of tenth of all that God brings across your threshold don't eat the blood this is another way that we can do righteous deeds to respect that life comes from God and to have compassion for the widow and the orphan and the life giver as we saw in the mother than the animal so in the spirit of Elul even this torah portion is amazing and how it's covering the three aspects of Elul relationship repentance and righteous deeds this coming week on monday starts the month of Elul and the forty days of spiritual preparation before Yom Kippur we can meditate on reconciling our relationships if there's any relationship that you've had with somebody that has been broken this is a perfect time to try to reconcile them as the whole house of Israel needs to be reconciled there's a lost house of Israel and there's Judah and we're even doing a reconciling work in bringing them back together we're to return to the one true God in repentance and we can perform righteous deeds over the next forty days we should feel we should do it all the time actually should be a way of life for us but if you're not accustomed to doing extra acts of kindness for the poor and the widow and the orphan this is a perfect time for fulfilling the Torah in acts of love and you will receive the blessings that God intends for you our relationship with God is enhanced through our loyalty to him repentance is returning to God and his way of love through Torah and we exhibit his character of righteous deeds in action ourselves when we take care of his children it's the same as serving him so with this but this be kind of your meditation for the next 40 days as we count the days leading up to Yom Kippur and with that let's stand and we'll close in prayer and enjoy a nice lunch together father father we thank you for revealing your loving nature your character and your desire to restore us to right relationship with you Father we ask for your help to be cleansed from all unrighteousness David has said created me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me if there's any areas that we are out of harmony father or any areas that we have erroneously attributed characteristic to you that should not be attributed to you or there's any way that we have gone astray in our understanding of your scriptures father we repent and we want you to reveal to us only your words only what you would have for us what your will is and what your way is father we want to follow you and be recreated into your image and we ask for a special empowerment of your spirit of love that as it flows through us we would become more compassionate that we'd be more giving after your nature of selfless love that would be more caring for one another and that we would exemplify your principles of love and action and everything that we do and say father may we glorify you and may we be brought together in a cod in oneness as we grow closer to you may we grow closer to each other and your Holy Name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 20,112
Rating: 4.8568234 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Parsha, Parashah, Parashah Re'eh, Re'eh, See, See with Spiritual Eyes, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Messianic Torah Study, Rabbi Yitzchak, Pastor Isaac, Tefila, Tefillah, Teshuva, Tzedakah, Relationship, Prayer, Loyalty, Repentance, Righteous Deeds, Redemption, Elul, Month of Elul
Id: BuTwxgRNkg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 40sec (5500 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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