#39 -Torah Parashah Chukat (Laws beyond human understanding)

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morning's Torah portion is called hot everybody say who cuz it's that guttural head that the H comes from the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and the word who hot comes from the root word in hebrew hulk anybody know what a hulk is who God is plural Hulse is singular a hulk is a type of commandments a type of instruction in the three chapters that we are and we'll look more deeply at the different types of the spiritual commandment and what each of the purposes are but just to give you a little overview in this week's Torah parshat chapters 19 is talking about the mysterious red heifer in chapter 20 it talks about Aaron and Miriam death and also the striking of the raw and we're going to look at the significance of them lacking water and what was happening simultaneous to that and then in chapter 21 we have this strange symbol of the bronze serpent after the people have been bitten that heals the people we're going to look at all of this symbolism through the lens of a mushy off this morning we see in the Hebrew the very first verses and get my pointer to work my devar adonai el ma che Van Haaren Mayo mare and spoke God I don't know - mo che and - Aaron - say now it's leading in why it hold on this is where we get the word whole cost from this is the whole cot hot hora of the Torah which the LORD commanded saying speak unto the children of Israel that they bring the red heifer without spot where and there is no blemish and upon which has never come a yoke so there's some really interesting things about these laws called hoo-ha what is the hole or a hook ah that's another way to say it not to be confused with the Arabic hookahs that they smoke in anybody know what a hookah is yes know that the Hupa good yes Oh comes from Hope which is one of these laws that defies human understanding sometimes cause asked us to do things that are moral and we understand they're very logical why we should do that like taking care of our fellow man there's other things that he asks us to do that are beyond our understanding and we need to observe by faith who team this is a plural they're not obvious they're not rational laws they're called also in the English translated as statues or ordinances there's things like the red heifer that we're looking at today or Cache shrew who knows what cash fruit is the law of clean foods and keeping clean speaking to a rock like we saw him say to Moses at the beginning of the wilderness sojourn speak to the rock and it will bring forth water does that make logical sense you know but it's a law looking at a serpent for healing is that logical it kind of defies human rationale but if we do it by faith we are blessed there's other laws called adult and even the Ark of the testimony was called an arc of a boat it means therefore a witness it's to tell you about something symbolic like this involved foreshadowing of the holy days or the bowl of manna was to always be preserved in the Ark of testimony as a those as a perpetual testimony Ozzie see this is like our testimony a witness like the other day I was at a gas station and girl said shabbat shalom to me and I turned around I said how did you know she says yours easy so it's neat it's a witness and there's certain laws of the ask us to observe so that we can be a witness and a light to the world the third set of Commandments out of all in the Torah there's 613 mitzvot or Commandments that the word for Commandments and they're broken into who keen adult and Mishka team mister team are obvious they're logical they're irrational moral laws such as what gets translated into the judgments so a lot of times you'll hear him say and you shall keep my Commandments throughout all of your days and my statutes and ordinances as a witness through all the nations and my judgments Bishop our team our laws of relationship laws of charity taking care of your fellow man such as no theft or no murder and so if you were to look at this like today we're going to be looking at the theme of faith and trust in God if you looked at these three types of laws that comprise all 613 laws you see that the first ones that we're looking at today who came they require faith because they're not something that you can rational or that you can observe with your eyes necessarily you don't know why he asked us to do what he does so they require us to really step out in wine faith and to trust him and to observe his Torah a don't those things that are to be a witness they reveal our faithfulness if we are going to be faithful What did he say if you love me keep my Commandments there'll be a perpetual testimony and the in time witnesses are to be a testimony to the world and so they are symbolically showing what it how did John symbolize the in time saints that were witnesses here are they that keep the commandments of God and have their testimony in Yeshua this is two witnesses two faithful witnesses mishpokhe team they don't require any face they're pretty obvious don't kill don't steal don't cheat don't lie these type of things the moral laws they're called mish my team or in English you see them written as judgment so this just helps you understand more of the whole of the Torah as we throughout the year study all 613 different kinds of mitzvot sometimes you're looking at hope sometimes you're looking at odds sometimes you're looking at mish pots and today we're going to be looking particularly at the hot in Genesis 26 we see that Abraham kept all three of these type he kept the statutes and ordinances he kept the a goat and he kept the mission-team even before they were ever written down remember the Torah wasn't given at the time of Abraham right and yet God says because Abraham has hearkened to my voice and kept my watch what I did is I broke down some of these key words in Hebrew the Hebrew meaning for you when he says my watch me Merritt that's like a guard somebody who's going to keep watch at night to protect you so Abraham was protecting God's commandments by harkening to his voice and observing them he says Abraham kept he listened to my voice he kept my watch which means you're guarding the commandments my mitzvot in the Hebrew that's like all 613 you say mitzvot you're talking about all of them my statutes so actual orden Hebrew is hoja the word that we see here in this Torah portion this morning and my laws my Torah so if you were to read this in Hebrew you understand a lot more that Abraham is guarding God's commandments all of his myths both including the ones that he doesn't understand in the Torah it comprises the whole thing and you know this commandment that we are going to look at this morning with the red heifer in the beginning of this chapter is the only commandment that King Solomon could not understand why do you think he couldn't understand it certain things are spiritually discerned through mashiac it said that Moses understood it but even King Solomon in all of his wisdom and he hand wrote the whole of the Torah every King had to write a Torah for themselves and read it aloud to the people every year so imagine how that would be written on your heart after handwriting it kinetic learning and then oral learning auditory learning when you're speaking it to others and yet with all of his knowledge and all of his wisdom he didn't understand the meaning of the red heifer because it is understood through the lens of Messiah Yeshua which Moses was a type of so let's look at this numbers nineteen one says I don't I said to Moshe and Aaron this is the regulation from the Torah this is the whole hot from the Torah which Adonai has commanded tell the people of Israel to bring you a young red female ever without fault or defect because this had to symbolize Yeshua now God has both masculine and feminine aspects that's why some sacrifices were a male lamb some things are female this is one case where this is a female just like the Shekinah glory is part of the essence of God it had to be without fault or defect and it's never bore a yoke there's interesting symbolism in this never boring a yoke because this was to atone for the sins of Israel and purify them if had become contaminated by death and Israel was not willing to be under the yoke of God's commandments they strayed from God's commandments yet Messiah came and lived out Torah perfectly he was under the yoke of God's law but not under man's Authority so you see he didn't wear a yoke of the fall system of the babylonian system of the man-made traditions and talking notes that were added to the law says you're to give to a leather who was a laser yes and after remembered Nadav and Avihu died by bringing strange fire into the temple who's next in line the third son because now they dad who was the firstborn is not going to carry on the high priesthood he who cannot so it goes to a laser and a laser why do you think he was the one to sacrifice this red heifer and to burn it on the altar instead of Aaron because this atonement this purification atoned for the sin of the golden calf Aaron had thrown the gold of the people into the fire of the golden calf so he was no longer fit to make the atonement for that particular sin all the other sins he was able to tell him and intercede for but Aaron was a part of building that golden calf for that false worship right so it has to go to his son who did not worship the golden calf and it says it is to be brought outside the camp now most things are sacrificed and burnt inside the camp inside the actual outer court why was this brought outside the camp do you know Yeshua when they let him to be crucified they led him outside of the walls of Jerusalem so it's very interesting these little hidden things symbolizing 1,500 years before and then it is to be slaughtered in front of him and needs to take some of the blood with his finger and he would sprinkle it towards the tent of meeting seven times now this is in the wilderness what did they do once they came into the land and Jerusalem was established for the place where God placed his name and for the temple they would take this red heifer out from the walls of Jerusalem across the Kidron Valley to the Mount of Olives and that's where they would sacrifice it and then the priest would sprinkle towards the old city towards the Temple Mount towards the temple this blood seven times so you have two different periods of time Israel in the wilderness and Israel actually in the land and they did things slightly differently in each place then you see the heifer is to be burned to ashes before his eyes there's two aspects of symbolism with this burning very interesting that the gold had to be burned or melted to melt it down for the Golden Calf so this is one of the reasons why this had to be burned but also whenever something burns it takes that offering up in its ashes just like the altar of incense it becomes like a fragrant aroma the humble obedience of men in burning the sacrifice it actually ascends to the Lord and what did you schewe Messiah do after he was sacrificed he ascended to the Lord so the only way that you can make an offering ascent to the Lord is by burning it and then so all of these things had types and symbols in the old day that were pointing to mashach so that they would recognize them in all the different elements of his sacrifice many people only think of him as the spotless lamb but they don't understand the whole sacrificial system which some sacrifices took care of guilt I'm took care of there were peace offerings some were sin offerings there was five different types of offerings that atoned for men in different ways then it says the colon which is the priest is to take cedar wood hyssop and scarlet yarn three things and throw them onto the heifer as it is burning up so the cedar represents our pride it's the most lofty of all trees so you can take a cedar wood representing us crucifying the flesh doing away with the false ego the self they eat the pride of man and you're becoming a living sacrifice so you throw the cedar wood on and the hyssop represents what we're to become it's the most lowly small of bushes a plant of but the smallest tree in other words that they could get wood from represent our humility and the scarlet yarn was what was always tight around the scapegoat and would prove the atonement had been ratified after the Azazel goat on the day of atonement was taken out to to the cliff where they would push him off this red thread that had been around its neck and had been tied to the temple door miraculously turned white and this would show that God had accepted the sacrifice and had a tone for their sin and what's amazing is that this happened for thousands of years this red thread would turn white as a proof after Messiah was crucified they continued the sacrificial system from 31 ad to 70 AD until the temple was destroyed but that thread never turned white again it showed that the true atonement for their sacrifice had been sacrificed and no longer was the blood of goats and bulls going to atone for men's sacrifice our firm instance so this really perplexed the priest for 40 years almost another amazing thing is the doors of the temple would not stay shut at night and the wind would come in and blow out the one candle of the menorah that was closest to the veil that will always stay lit it was perpetually lit that candle that could not keep lit and of course the veil represents Messiah so the light that is closest to the veil it would not stay lit of course the veil had torn at his crucifixion so you see for different symbols which really should have walked the people up that he was the Lamb of God is yoking on the immerser that behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world in numbers 31 Eleazar the priest said to the men of war which went into battle this is the ordinance of the hoja of the law of the Torah which the LORD commanded only the gold the silver the brass iron den the LED everything that may abide in the fire you shall make it go through the fire and it shall be clean nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation and all that abideth the fire shall go through the water there's two types of purification that we're going to look at the water and the fire this first one deals with the fire and then you're going to see Moses bringing water from the rock in the wilderness in the next chapter the priest was then to wash his clothes and himself and after he can re-enter the camp so this is one of the enigmas of this red heifer sacrifice is that how can a sacrifice that purifies the people by the ashes when they would bring this heifer they would take the ashes and they would put them in three different places one they would keep in the Mount of Olives another they would distribute amongst the 24 factions of priests because there was different orders throughout the year for different priests each one would have two weeks broken into one week segment and then another size addition of these ashes were dekap in the temple wall and whenever somebody would become defiled by coming close proximity to death they would bring out these ashes mix them with water and go through the purification process go ahead the pre-casters you made the basic concoction or everyone thought had to go and mix yeah because see why and making something been amazing question how can i combination any ideas on that why would an offering a sacrifice that purifies the people contaminate the one who's making the offering so the priest becomes contaminated and yes the completely washed change his clothes he has to do it outside the camp because they would contaminate the Mishkan the tabernacle you know what's amazing in the understanding this is what what perplexed King Solomon he couldn't understand how can something that makes you unclean and doing it purify the people but it's only understood through mashiac if you see that those who came against him brought false accusations against him they were contaminating themselves by not accepting the gift the free gift of his life on their behalf and so in a way by sacrificing mushiya they were contaminating themselves and yet in the sacrifice came the purification and atonement for all men so there's this beautiful enigma this amazing depth that defies human rationale and yet is explained in Messiah Yeshua yes maybe I mean that's right because of our Jewish brother and that the spirit of grace and supplication will be poured out upon them in that day that he returns and they will recognize him and they will mourn as one mourns for a firstborn child because here they have preserved the written tour so well but miss the living Torah the word became flesh mm-hmm and that's why this is going to be taught for a thousand years through the Millennium so that tour can be more fully written upon our heart because how could we go into eternity with any misunderstanding as to the character of God and his plan of redemption for us everything's going to be explained through his character and one of the things that we love to do in every Torah portion is we go through the different levels of interpretation of the scriptures all the parties is where we get the word paradise from it's actually an acronym that comes from 40 Bru words which are a shot Ramez Josh and sowed the shot is just a plain meaning like the surface story you know okay this is how you sacrifice the red heifer and Moses I want you to talk to the rock and this type of things it just looks like a plain story but literally what they're doing is revealing God's character in every story how God deals with fallen man and we see hidden go into the Messiah and then we learn how to apply it to ourselves today and that's the beauty of the Ramez which is just beyond the literal in the dross where we get the word Midrash from it means that we dialogue we compare notes we compare scriptures line upon line precept upon precept and when you're reading the scriptures in Hebrew so much more it comes alive we see enlarged letters and anomalies sometimes extra dot we see is the symbolism of what each of these things means and we see go mafia because Hebrews not only a phonetic language but a picture language and a numerical language and so you also see deep correlations between words of the same numerical value and then of course there's also tor code and then in the sewed this is like more of the esoteric or mystical knowledge that can only be downloaded by God himself to give us more understanding as we meditate and fast and pray on his word to have understanding into these Hohhot that are beyond human rationale he is the one that reveals the sewed of the Word of God and in this tour portion we see God is not only the life Giver but we're going to see him as a purifier in the red heifer and the healer and of course the word was flesh became flesh and dwelt among us and so we see the ultimate fulfillment in Messiah Yeshua it says the person who burned up the heifer is to wash his clothes and himself in the water but he will remain unclean until evening a man who is clean is to collect the ashes of the heifer and store them outside the camp in a clean place so this is why after they entered the land they would they chose the Mount of Olives they are to be kept for the community of the people of Israel to prepare water for purification from sin so these ashes were mixed with water for this purification process the one who collected the ashes of the heifer is to wash his clothes and be unclean until evening for the people of Israel and for the foreigner staying with them so whenever you see this for Israel and for the foreigners it's talking about it's pointing to through the blood of Messiah the whole world can be a part of the bride of Messiah everyone can be grafted in it's kind of like Israel is the bride and if you want to be a part of the bride you have to be grafted in and so this is what Paul talks about in Romans 11 and this is why it says even for the foreigner staying with them this is to be a perpetual regulation sometimes we feel like foreigners to Israel we don't even realize our own divine identity and that we are descendants of the whole house of Israel and you promised that just as he scattered us amongst the nation's in the last days we would be gathered back and we're feeling that in our hearts and our minds our love for Torah our love for the land our love for Hashem so this is very beautiful that God specifies even in advance not just for you Israel this is even for the foreigner anyone who touches the corpse no matter who did body it is will be unclean for seven days he must purify himself with these ashes on the third and seventh day there's no words that are just arbitrary in the Torah so why the significance of the third and the seventh day remember the study that I taught on the seven days of creation and how each one pointed to a different millennium in history a day is like a thousand years to the Lord if you look at the third day the third Millennial day what happened on the third millennial day what I know right before a thousand years before that it was okay let's look at creation we'll look at the type first thing we'll look at the anti-type in creation what happens on the third day God said let dry land appear right and let that dry land bring forth food vegetation for food so if you use this model from the third Millennial day you see then Israel entering into the dry land of wilderness just like God said let dry land appear he's taking them out from Egypt and taking them through this wilderness experience and it's in the dry land the wilderness experience I'm hearing a bell going off it's in this trial and experience that he brings forth our spiritual food there's both physical food in the wilderness and spiritual food wasn't there he gave manna which is the physical food he gave Torah at Sinai which is our spiritual food and when he shoe comes on the scene he says man shall not live by bread alone that's like saying food is not your most important focus but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God the spiritual food the Torah that was given this is what is to be food for eternal life and so here in the third day we see the written word coming upon the scene this is why the third day is so important for the purification the written word was to bring them from the mental pagan mentality of Egypt into a more purified state that they could draw near remember the whole Torah is a teaching instructions from the father on how to draw near but you can't draw near if you're harboring darkness because light can't coexist with darkness so on the third day it was the first step to that purification of being able to draw back near to God then on the seventh day this is the day that we're right on the cusp of we're about to enter into the Millennial Shabbat when the higher returns the living Torah is going to be teaching the written Torah and writing it upon our hearts in fulfillment of Jeremiah 31:31 where he says into the house of Israel into the house of Judah I will write my Torah on your heart this is called the New Covenant and this is what we all want to receive through the Living Torah so this is we're also a purification comes from the third Millennial day and the seventh Millennial day and this is why even the red heifers ashes were pointing forward to these two time periods it says but if he does not purify himself on the third and seventh day he will not be clean so what happens to those who are not willing to receive the Word of God through Torah or receive Yeshua you could have the written word but not have Yeshua and contrast way you could have claimed Yeshua right like he says many will say to me in that day Lord Lord didn't we prophesy in your name didn't we cast out demons in your name and he says depart from me ye workers of tor lessness this is what gets translated as lawlessness in your English Bibles so here's people can claim the name of Christ and not show their love by commandment-keeping and by following his word or they can hold legalistically to the word without the spirit of love and not have Christ and lose it also so here it says anyone who does not clean themselves on the third and on the seventh day he will not be cleaned anyone who touches the corpse no matter whose dead body it is and does not purify himself as he filed in Africa 9 and this is why John and visions saw the same as having both the commandments of God and the testimony of Yeshua which is so beautiful the person that will be cut off from Israel because the water of and that is word for purification is nidaa in Hebrew Nidan who knows what need eyes [Music] remember the laws of need ah a woman goes through need ah once a month yeah so it's the flow of blood and this is talking about it's using the same word the water for the need of purification was not sprinkled on him he will be unclean his uncleanness is still on him the statute regarding the red heifer has been regarded as one of the most mysterious in Scripture while its purpose was purification from sins paradoxically it defiles all who are involved with the preparation of its ashes and the water of purification and one thing that I didn't mention is that when a pure red heifer remember it couldn't have two hairs that were not perfectly red it had to be perfect you can have one hair that was of a different color and not two so the priests would actually inspect this red heifer to make sure that it was without blemish and why would you say that a cow is pure without blemish you know it's one thing for it to be cleaned already clean meat but to talk about its purity it's actually a glimpse of Messiah and when the Sun would hit the red heifer just like when somebody has red hair and the Sun hits it sometimes it looks bright gold its exact color of gold because it atone for the sin of the golden calf when the Sun hits it it looks just like the golden calf it's really amazing Zechariah 13 as we're talking about the living water that purifies us they reminded me of what the Prophet Zechariah says in chapter 13 verse 1 prophetically he's speaking down to the millennial kingdom when Messiah is reigning and remember the prophecies of Ezekiel that says living water is flowing from the throne of Messiah both to the western sea which is the Mediterranean and to the eastern sea which is the Dead Sea and it heals the waters of the Dead Sea so we know that this is literally the earth and the in the Millennial Kingdom it says in that day which day that seventh millennial day which is set apart for purification just like it told us here in that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David why to the house of David because Messiah comes through the lineage of David of the tribe of Judah right and he's sitting on David's throne and living waters flowing out from that throne and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for what purpose for sin and for nidaa sakurai use the same word and it's not talking about a woman's uncleanness but it's the same type of impurity the things that make us impure the things that we've defiled ourselves with the blood is where the life is and we have used our life a lot of times not for God but in rebellion to God's Word we have sinned we need living water to purify us so it's amazing that even Zechariah understood this and he's looking forward to the Millennial day just like we are to interpret the water purification we'll come back to this text we are now in verse 14 so this is the law when a person dies an intense anyone who enters the tent and everything in the tent will be unclean for seven days so through Adam when Adam sinned how long does it take for total purification and restoration seven millennial days right here you see the principle even hidden in Torah every open container without a cover closely attached also becomes them cleaned and whoever is in an open field and touches the corpse whether of someone killed by a weapon or of someone who died naturally or the bone of a person or even a grave they will become unclean for seven days see this process of sin leading to death there's a cycle of seven millennial days that God is going to deal with in and at the end of the seventh millennium that sin and death are destroyed Revelation tells us that along with the Beast the dry in the false prophet sin and death will be eradicated forevermore at the end of the seventh Millennial day for the unclean person they are to take some of the ashes of the red heifer burned up as a purification from sin and add them to the fresh water in a container a person is to take a bunch of hips up leaves dip it in the water and sprinkle it on the tent of meeting and on all the containers and this could even be a tan senior household let's say they're living in tents around the tents of meeting so somebody becomes unpure you the priest brings out this water of purification takes the hyssop and sprinkled it on their personal tent and all their containers and on the person who are there and the people around him and or even the person that happened to have if he killed an animal or if one died naturally or the grave this person would be purified as well the clean person will sprinkle the unclean person on the third and seventh day it reiterates it it's like a double witness it wants you to get the point the third and the seventh day are significant and the question is left to us to figure out why on the seventh day he will purify him then he will wash his clothes now in Revelation it tells us that we're going to buy from him Gold tried it in the purified in the fire and white raiment new clothes we're going to be going through a process of purification in the Millennial Kingdom and the person who remains unclean and does not purify himself will be cut off from the community because he has defiled the sanctuary of Adonai the water for purification has not been sprinkled on him he is unclean he and it's kinda way that the same way if you internalize this with Messiah the water for purification that was intended for our purification who is the living water from Messiah and if somebody doesn't receive that he remains unclean this is to be a perpetual regulation for them the person who sprinkles the water for purification is to wash his clothes and whoever touches the water for purification will become unclean until evening anything the unclean person touches will be unclean and anyone who touches him will be unclean until evening now this chapter ends with the laws of the red heifer and the purification process and then fast-forward 38 years ban between chapter 19 and chapter 20 all of a sudden in numbers 20 you're looking at Israel at the end of their wilderness sojourn right before they're ready to go into the land and many people don't catch that demarcation line but if you write in your margins you can write 38 years between the end of chapter 19 and chapter 20 and after 40 years unfortunately there's still more need for faith and for trusting and for character development even though they never hungered or thirsted and even though not even a strap on their sandal wore out no clothing wear out they were the same clothes for 40 years and God provided for them and yet they still showed a lack of faith in chapter 20 it says the people of Israel the whole community entered the sin desert in the first month they stayed in Kadesh it is there that Miriam died now Miriam is dying at the end of this 40-year wilderness sojourn and there she was buried and that's all it says about her death and Miriam was a great leader amongst the women remember when they crossed through the Red Sea she had wrote a song and summit with the ladies after Moses gave the song of Moses she chanted certain like chorus lines from the song of Moses with the ladies and it's interesting that it doesn't say that anyone mourned her death you know in if you fast-forward to verse 29 at the end of this chapter you see that Aaron dies up on Mount hor and since they mourned Aaron for thirty days the whole house of Israel and I have that here on this text so here they're mourning Aaron and then if you fast-forward to the end of the Torah in Deuteronomy 34 verse 8 it says the children of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days so the days of weeping and mourning for Moses were ended so here they mourn for Aaron they mourn for Moe shame but no morning for Miriam no normally they would any leader so the sages bring out and this is what's beautiful about learning from our Jewish sages that the lack of emotion in revering a person who is taught them led them cause because of the lack of Tears imagine normally you're crying for thirty days to mourn a lost loved one the loss of tears came caused the lack of water look at the next verse verse two now says immediately after Miriam died and there she was buried the end doesn't say anything about her mourning because it because the community had no water now they assembled themselves against Moses and Aaron so when we lose our heartfelt emotion for one another we actually bring a curse into our life and in this case because of the lack of tears all of a sudden there was a lack of water where there was not a lack of water before these are the hidden correlations that we learned through our studies with the that's right that's that correlation and now what do they do after 40 years of crumbling in the wilderness and they're supposed to be learning every time they crumble they brought a curse upon themselves anytime your Fosco negative and your words go negative you're harming yourself more than you're harming anybody else and they had to learn these lessons over and over to the point where the original generation that left Egypt they all had died out by this point it was only the children of the original people that left Egypt and two other people Joshua and Caleb that's right and so here they go again they don't learn the lesson they don't understand the correlation between no waters and the lack of their insensitivity and their tears so they begin to quarrel with Moshe and they say we wish we died when our brothers died before the Lord why did you bring out a nice community into this desert to die there we in our livestock why did you see all the accusations their frustration is being taken out on Moshe why did you make us leave Egypt to bring us to this terrible place without seeds or figs grape vines pomegranates or even water to drink Moshe shame Aaron left the assembly they went to the entrance of the tent of meeting and they fell on their faces beautiful example when we get accused or when people are angry and they take out their anger on us instead of being reactionary which is what we do in the flesh if we will be humble like Moshe and go before the Lord he prostrated himself down right before the tent of meeting seeking the Lord in prayer and Aaron with him and it says but as they fell on their faces the glory of Adonai this is his Shekinah appeared to them and out and I said to Moshe take the staff assemble the community you and Aaron your brother and before their eyes tell this rock to produce water you will bring water out of the rock and thus enable the community to drink and all their livestock to so the first time at the beginning of the 40 years how did God tell Moses to bring water from the rock by striking it that's right so do you see the difference sometimes we have hardness of heart and it's like we're striking Messiah with our sins who's the rock of our salvation King David says in Psalms the Lord is the rock of my salvation right we initially when we come to him we're striking him with our sins but we're not to remain there we are to grow into relationship a close relationship to the point where all relationships rise on communication we're supposed to talk to him speak to the rock ask God what's your heart desires if it's in harmony with his will he's glad to grant him and yet what Moshe does this was the sin that caused Moshe a to not be able to enter Israel otherwise Moshe would have led the children of Israel into the Promised Land and it's very similar to that when you look at Moshe as a type of Messiah's first coming and joshua yahushua as Messiah second coming what was Matthias intent could if all people would have recognized and spoke to the rock instead of striking it maybe he would have led them into the Promised Land at that time so here Moses wasn't able to bring the children of Israel into the Promised Land because of this sin and it says that he told him to speak to it and you'll bring water out of the rock but Moshe took the staff from the presence and in his frustration he said listen here you rebel and he assembled all the children of Israel around are we supposed to bring you water from this rock then he raised his hand and he hit the rock twice so that's a glimpse of some times we stand in a certain area in our life we break covenant we are not following God's instruction in Torah but we're supposed to learn from our mistakes the grace is supposed to keep us alive so that we can learn from our mistakes and not strike the rock twice we might struck it strike it once but here now he's striking it twice very significant and he says water flowed out in abundance so God still granted him water even though he's doing this in the flesh this shows the mercy of God and all of the community and their livestock drank I have a picture of this rock this is in the Sinai desert the Midian the land of Midian where Moses was shepherding for his father-in-law Yitro remember for 40 years he was in this wilderness he knew this wilderness like the back of his hand he knew Mount Sinai that's where the burning bush occurred he knew this rock to this day these rocks are all water they're worn down by water you can see the water gushed forth from this and if I took an aerial view you would see that it looks like a lake bed of sand around it where the water had dispersed and settled because you're having the water not only 2.5 million people there all of their sheeps and goats and bowls and all of their livestock so this is put in perspective you can see how huge this thing is this is where he struck the rock twice it might be a first Corinthians 10 verse 4 where rabbi shai will says and all did drink the same spiritual drink on that day he's referring to this day that water gushed forth from the rock for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was mashiac and that beautiful so we're not just hypothesizing that these things symbolize him the red heifer symbolizes him the water symbolizes him and when we get to the next chapter the bronze serpent is point this sucker to symbolize him he who knew no sin is going to become sin for us and be held up on a cross prophet Isaiah prophesied in chapter 53 5 he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised or hid for our chastisement the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed so just like Moses struck the rock twice he's taken the stripes that we deserve upon himself and healed us in so doing John 4:10 says Yeshua answered and said I'll know it's the gift of God and why do you say to me give me drink look at John 4 because it's cutting off part of that John 4 verse 10 he's talking to the woman in Samaria at the well and he says it says she schewe answered her if you knew God's gift that is who it is saying to you give me a drink of water then you would have asked him instead for water and he would have given you living water this is the kind of water that we crave the water that leads to eternal life yeah I noticed that numbers when University with God even to speak to the rock very good correlation what would have that communication look like if he had all agog command it would have been requesting water it would have been asking for the living water very good points that you bring out you see a direct correlation there it reminds me of the text that says ask and it shall be given to you seek and ye shall find knock and she'll be opened unto you the same way God is wanting us to inquire into the deeper things of his nature and asked for the living water but verse 12 out and I said to Moshe and Aaron because you did not trust in me and this is the whole issue trust in that purification that the red heifer brings through its ashes the water of purification which leads to the living water trust in the rock of our salvation trust in he who knew no sin who became sin for us all three chapters are bringing out three different stories they're all symbolizing the coming Messiah and he wants us to trust in him but I don't know I says to Moshe and Aaron because you did not trust in me so as to cause me to be regarded as holy by the people see we're an example to everyone and by Moshe is striking that rock twice he wasn't teaching the people that God is to be revered and he's so holy that we should whisper his name and then we should ask of him the living water and said he strikes it in this restoration so he says you didn't cause me to be regarded as Holy and that's what God is calling for all of us in our lives to do as a living example to be a light to the world and to cause others to regard Hashem as holy he says because you did not you will not bring this community into the land I have given them there's the proof text this is why Moses could not bring the children of Israel into the land this is Miraval spring which means dispute spring this is where the people of Israel disputed without an eye and he was caused to to be regarded as holy by them now Moshe a sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom the were descendants of Esau and they live just across the Jordan River in the area of Jordan today where etre is at the area of the this is what your brother Israel says to you see he's getting ready to go a little bit further north and cross the Jordan River at the point of the north of the Dead Sea so if we drew there's a little spring up in the north of Israel let's say that Israel is like this and it goes down to the Red Sea down here this is where the current borders are and this border along in you have a little spring up here which feeds the Sea of Galilee and then it empties all freshwater sea of galilee and it comes down here to the Dead Sea and Israel Mount Sinai is down here and these are the two fingers of the Red Sea Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba and so this is where of course it doesn't come up this high because they this is where Goshen was that's where Israel is living so they cross over here they come to Sinai then they're coming up and Jordan deposits to draw a line between Saudi Arabia and Jordan it would roughly be there and this is where the resided and so Joshua ended up bringing the children of Israel right across here and this is where Jericho is and then Jerusalem is here and this was the very first thing that they conquered when they call in to the land over the Jordan River so now they're requesting from Edom they're down here in the Sinai desert and they're moving their way north on their way to enter in the land so they send a message to the king of Edom this is what your brother and isn't it beautiful even though it's been many many years since Jacob and Esau they're still recognizing Edom as brothers this is what your brother Israel says you know all the troubles we have gone through see there was messengers throughout the land there was gaunt people going from Egypt all the way up to Caesarea all the nations including the Canaanites the Hittites the pepper ice they had heard of the renown of Israel and how God was with him and taking care of them over the last 40 years so he's alluding to that you know all the troubles we've gone through that our ancestors went down into Egypt we lived in Egypt a long time and the Egyptians treated us and our ancestors badly but when we cried out to the Lord he hurt us any sense in angel and brought us out of Egypt interesting that he says they sent an angel now here we are in Kadesh a city at the edge of your territory please let us pass through your land we will not go through your fields or your vineyards we won't drink any water now imagine not only do they know the Lord's with them so they're worried about conquering their own land and taking it away but there's 2.5 million people and all their livestock and they're thinking if they walk through our lands they're going to decimate what little agriculture we have because we're much smaller than them botted bless Israel during their sojourn in Egypt so they're requesting nicely to pass through their land along what's called the Kings Highway now remember in Ezekiel there's a prophecy called the highway of holiness where during the Millennial Kingdom when everybody is streaming to Jerusalem Jerusalem is raised up there's a highway called the highway of holiness where people will travel to Jerusalem to worship the king so right now they're called on the Kings Highway which was a trade route this is where many different nations would come and pass through for trade on the east and it says we will stay on the Kings Highway not turning a side either to the right or to the left until we have left your territory but Eitam answered you are not passed through my land if you do I will come out against you with the sword the people of Israel replied we will keep to the highway if we do drink the water either we or our livestock we're happy to pay for it just let us pass through on foot it's nothing but Edom said you are not to pass through and they came out against them with many people and much force thus even refused to allow Israel passage through its territory so Israel turned away they traveled on from Kadesh and the people of Israel the whole community arrived at Mount hor now Mount hor is right on this side about here you're looking over into the land I don't like Moses did with Mount Nebo and is from the Hebrew word par which looks like this if you want to spell mountain you have a hey and a race that's how you spell mountain now the only difference from is that vowels change you have a little dot up here which makes the o sound so you have basically means a mountain within a mountain or mountain on top of mountain and literally out there in the desert there's these mountains that are kind of flat on top but there's a little place on the mountain it looks like a little mountain on top of a mountain that's called ha and I was there a couple years ago and this is where Aaron it's like this little pyramid on top of this flat and you can see it's just desolate territory so you're looking over at where God told Moshe and Aaron Aaron is going to go up to Mount hor and die there and it is said that when Moshe took Aaron up there there was a cave already prepared for him and there was a light on in that cave because God is so merciful and loving he didn't even want Aaron to have any fear of you know how the fear of the unknown is always what fear is all about so a little lone going into death knowing that you're going to die there and you're not going to enter the land but then going into a dark cave on top of it so it was a very peaceful environment and I said that he could just and there was a place for him to lie down and just go to sleep in the Lord and he provided that up here to this day they have a kind of a commemoration of altars Aaron's tomb yes Lydia everyone yeah exactly that's the way they wanted to go and they would have crossed more through here let's say under the border of Edom and come up a little closer to the Dead Sea and then cross over they still cross over because Jericho is the first place that they hit but they just they wanted to go through the Kings Highway which went up higher and it was an easier route doesn't look like much of a difference but when you're in this harsh land just following the path to make all the difference in the world versus going up and over and down that's right and King David prophesied in Psalms 83 about the last days of the nations that would gather against Israel he says East Edom will make a pact with a distance of Ishmael so there's two bowhunters Esau and Ishmael and both of them are symbolized in that first seal in Revelation the bowhunter that conquers all the nations around Israel and then ends up persecuting Israel in the last days well became known as Palestinians the sense of Ishmael became known as Arabs do you have Arabs and Palestinians joining forces for the first time in history with one cause there against God's people and David oxide was three thousand years ago in Psalms 83 and he says along with Edom and Ishmael will join the Hagah right who was Hagar she was an Egyptian which means the Egyptians that means the Islamic Brotherhood is going to take over Egypt so they did and then he says Moab let's see she moab and ammon these were the sentence of law who resided in this area of Jordan there's a couple other names oh he says Gaza will join them who would have known that Gaza would be given back to the Palestinians in 2006 here David prophesied it at that time it was still Asiya so whenever you see Phyllis Thea mentioned prophetically about the future if the place where Gaza is today which is right down here along the Mediterranean so here Aaron is going up to Mount hor at the border of the land of Edom just like I said right here at the border so this was Mount Nebo Mount hor would be right about there and he says Aaron has to be about to be gathered to his people because he is not to enter the land I have given to the people of Israel in as much and now he tells why just like he just told mo che why he won't enter the land because he struck the rock twice he said in as much as Aaron rebelled at the mayor boss spring K Karen and LA's or his son bring them up to Mount hor remove the garments from Aaron so these are the high priestly garments so they go up on top of this mountain and imagine Aaron's son is there and they're saying their goodbyes Lords going to take me son here and pass them on the priestly mantle to you puts the turban on his head what's the golden plate on the turban that says holy unto the Lord puts on the breastplate the ephod the linen garment all of these things he's changing on to his son a laser and there he died Moshe did is out and I ordered they went up onto Mount hor before the eyes of the whole community Moshe removed the garments from Aaron and put them on a laser and Aaron died there on the top of the mountain then Moshe and a laser came down the mountain when the entire community father Aaron was dead they mourned Aaron for thirty days the whole house of Israel and this is the basis for us today in whether you refer to yourself as a descendant of Judah a Jew or any of the other tribes of Israel that have returned this is the origin of the thirty days of mourning that we observe to this day in Judaism and we see them doing that again from O'Shay later so just a little bit longer I was thinking we could either take a break but I'm going to just push through 21 and then we'll just break for lunch at that time because we're going to go right into the symbolism of the bronze serpent now chapter 21 the king of all rod a pain and I who lived in the Negev heard that Israel was approaching by way of autumn so he attacked Israel and he took some of them captive Israel made a vow to the Lord if you will hand this people over to me I will completely destroy their cities how didn't I listen to what Israel said and hand it over the Canaan iime so they completely destroyed them and their cities and they named the place to hormone which means complete destruction then they travel from Mount hor on the road towards the sea of sooth in order to go around the land of edom but the people's tempers grew short because of the detour the people spoke against God and against Moshe why did you bring us up out of Egypt to die in the desert there's no real food here there's no water we're sick of this miserable stuff we're eating imagine they're talking about the manna which is called angels food and talk about what is they all say don't look a gift horse in the mouth or biting the hand that feeds you I'm sure there's a lot of euphemisms that Israel here is just shoving it back in God's face ungrateful for the way he's taking care of them and look at the curse once again the negativity a faut leads to negativity of words the negativity of words lead to wrong actions in rebellion inciting others like we looked at that model last week of course rebellion and it ends up bringing a person to their life they remove themselves from the blanket of protection that when you abide by yaws laws you're under a covering of blessings good health protection once they remove themselves they're on Satan's domain and look at what happens in response poisonous snakes bit the people and many of israel's people died the people came to Moshe and they said we have sinned we're sorry now by speaking against out an eye and against you prayed to a denies it he rid us of these things Moshe once again interceded as the true intercessor like Yeshua our high priest was always interceding on our behalf and he prayed for the people and Ivan I answered Moshe make a always in a snake interesting that it says poisonous snake and put it on a pole so we made this out of bronze actually and when anyone who has been bitten sees it and looks upon it he will live and this is what's amazing Moshe made a bronze serpent and the question would arise how can a serpent represent or symbolize Messiah the serpent was the one who deceived Eve in the in the Garden of Eden so how can the serpent that Satan used actually be lifted up on a cross to symbolize Messiah and his healing but it's only when you understood that he took that sin that the serpent caused and all of us did all the sins down through the lineage of Adam he became then he who knew no sin became sin so in essence he is symbolized by this serpent there's a text in John 3:14 and 15 just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness and anyone who would look upon this serpent was healed even so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life amazing symbolism and we are called to look upon him why because he's the greatest example the greatest reflection the greatest revelation if you will of God's character of love of selflessness of humble service second Corinthians 5:21 says for he has made him to be sin for us so he literally becomes takes on all the elements that sin has caused that we might be made the righteousness of God in him that is total selfless love the fact that you'd be willing to take on the sins of the world I'm sure he didn't even know at the time that he was taking this on you know on the cross when he was feeling the weight of the sins the transference of sins upon himself he says my God my God why hast thou forsaken me because what does sin do it separates you from the father Isaiah 59 verse to thy sins have made a separation between thee and by God he was willing to take that eternal separation upon himself for the father as the word of God to save all of God's children I'm sure he didn't see past the cross he didn't see past the grave he didn't know necessarily what would happen he felt that separation and he felt like he was being forsaken but this godforsaken one it's we who through sin feel like we are being removed from God so it's just a mental I see he's taking that sin and his mind is changing and he's starting to feel this great separation and that's what he was experiencing on the cross and he was willing to become sin for us even though he never sinned in one iota that means he never transgressed Torah he never get away with Torah so that we might be made the righteousness of God that means total right doing all of God's Word being lived on in us and through it that's the purpose so if you claim Christ's sacrifice and yet you reject Torah you're continuing in your skin in essence you're rejecting the sacrifice that's why it's so important if you love him keep his Commandments yes Kim reality and southern yeah but say he prophesied about the same darkness I don't think I want to see all the services necessary but every bone in volumes on water mm-hmm that's right it was said totally was so attrition like everyone a servant is a minister and this was over absolutely and that darkness was a supernatural darkness that came is talking about it was not as many people would just assume I solar eclipse let's say because if you understand the holy days of yah when does a year begin a v1 when the barley is in the state of Aviv green in the ear right and all months begin in the conjunction of the moon the darkness and they move towards the full moon so whenever you're in the fifteenth of the month you are at the full moon state so that's why Passover which is in the 15th of Nisan and the piece of Tabernacles which is in the fifteenth of the seventh month these are both full moons east on a full moon you cannot have a solar eclipse [Music] physically impossible you only have a solar eclipse when the moon is in front of the Sun so you understand what is a lunar eclipse that's where the Earth's shadow is in front of the moon so that means the Sun is behind you right that can only happen on a full moon so you get lunar eclipses on full moons you get solar eclipses on new moons this was a full moon you can't have a solar eclipse this means it had to be God darkening the earth for those three hours it had to be supernatural very good point that's true amen the joy that's important yes a lot of people knew it was for the greater good and that's the model for us to have the mind of miss Chiaki you know like Paul says that's the same mind be in you which was in Yeshua Messiah what is it to have the mind of Christ to have a total selfless mind where we're willing to lay down our life one for God right to limit the living sacrifice so this is how we love the Lord our God with all our heart mind and soul hold selflessness to him and also to our fellow man the second commandment is like him did you shall love your neighbor as yourself and this is what he did says no greater love hath any man than this that he lay down his life for a brother for a friend yea I love good downloads and talking about way back to the very beginning whenever news and is a vulgar to deserve em and there was a lot of the early rabbis they did solve economic problem there will be enmity between Colonel de Bourbon they shall bruise your heel and you shall crush his head now genesis 3:15 he between you and the woman and between were seen a person who so bruise your head and you shall bruise him though knowing that this is one that we moved to have certain discomfort I would be if they were so aware of the property at that time life including the then they were actually simple acting they were their effectiveness yes absolutely I wrote a little mental note to myself humanity of the whole has been bitten by the snake the self that was introduced at the eating of the knowledge of good and evil what is evil but self seeking also seeking self gratification self exaltation leads to self-destruction ultimately and humanity has been bitten by that venom the minimum self focus and it leads to self-destruction and death but the gift of God is eternal life and it is seen through selfless love complete selflessness and we need to be delivered but we can only be delivered from self if we will get outside of ourselves and look at the Savior and that's why whoever looked at this bronze serpent who represented sin was healed in the wilderness it's so beautiful that that's the whole plan of salvation in a nutshell we can end right there and just meditate on that for the rest of the day it's so powerful and so humbling because it doesn't mean with him doing it all for us there's a work yet to be done in our life if we're truly going to accept his sacrifice on our behalf how are we going to live how are we going to glorify Him how are we going to crucify the flesh and live as a living sacrifice and we be the selfless love that we want to see in the world we have to be the change and it begins with each one of us individually and that's what we're here for together is to encourage one another that's the true spiritual path it's not about head learning or intellectual assent to knowledge it's about humbly that's why he says I desire humbleness and meekness humbly encouraging one another toward his likeness this is what it means to be recreated Adam fell through sin into self seeking then the mixture of good mixed with evil here we're at the end of six thousand years Adam was created at the end of the sixth day in the image of God it's time for us to be recreated in the image of God and that's what our purpose is is to encourage each other in that spiritual walk to prepare others also to be a bride without spot or blemish for Messiah and this can only be done by returning to the ketubah you know the Torah is a marriage covenant that was written that health who the husband is what price was paid for the bride what he expects of the bride how we keep ourselves chaste and clean all of these laws that people want to do away with are actually beautiful instructions and how to be a bride without spot or blemish so maybe we'd be inspired and encouraged and let's stand and we'll just close with that in prayer because it's such a beautiful meditation and may we be good brothers and sisters encouraging each other along this journey preparing each other and others in the world from a five soon coming so that we can look upon him and be changed back into his likeness Abba Father we just thank you Lord for revealing the depth of your love and your selfless character through your rock ha'qodesh this morning and through these experiences that you have had with Israel you were constantly revealing yourself in patience and in love and in long-suffering and we just desire for empowerment father to be overcomers just as you promised through your prophet John he who overcomes I will make a pillar in my temple and if he who gains the victory I will allow to eat of the tree of life we desire that father we want only life we don't want any mixture of good mixed with evil we don't want any death or darkness we only want life and love and your light to shine through us so that's the world like you should says if he be lifted up in our lives he will draw all men to himself and may he be lifted up in our lives so that all that people see is your selfless nature that he exemplified so beautifully on the cross saving us from our sins father we thank you for this sacrifice we thank you for your gift of salvation and we ask that we be strengthen to walk the spiritual journey in these last days and prepare us Father and cleanse us and purify us so that we can be a bride without spot or blemish and be ready for Matthias soon return and your Holy Name we pray amen
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 34,905
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Keywords: Torah, Parsha, Chukat, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Messianic Torah Study
Id: tbhOYRejuN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 31sec (4411 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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