#31 Haftarah Emor and the SECRET of the ZADOK Priesthood

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[Music] you [Music] this morning Sakura portion is called amor and it more means to speak a lot of times in the beginning of any passage and Torah you will hear leg poem F at the night and motion and the Lord spoke to Moses the bar saying so this is one of the most common introductions anymore it's always about speaking but today God is uniquely speaking to the priest he tells motioning to tell Aaron how the priests should live a life of holiness how they should observe the holy days how they should wear certain garments and we went through all of the symbolism of the priests and related it to our our home lives in the Torah portion but in the con Torah you're going to see in Ezekiel 44 how God relates to speaking to the priest in speaking specific to the line of priests who remained wholly down through the ages and who taught is real correctly and this was called the by ecstatic so originally sons of Aaron could be priests not all Levites were priests but all priests were leave Isis and those Levites had taken the place of the firstborn of Israel who were meant to be a kingdom of priests to the Lord well you see that not all of those priests remain faithful and during the time of conquering and oppression by foreign nations especially the Greeks they would try to assimilate their pagan doctrines into Judaism and some of those priests would go along with what they agreed wanted them to do because of fear of death but one family that would not that had been faithful from the time of David all the way down to the time of the Maccabees to the time of Yeshua was the lion fanatic and that's where our haftorah focuses on today in the Torah portion we see Leviticus 21 22 23 and 24 each speaking of laws for the priests to be holy in different ways chapter 21 talks about the laws of the priests to be holy by not being unclean by 1900 stewing unclean things and chapter 22 covers the laws for the priests to be holy by being set apart from the rest of Israel the rest of the world chapter 23 he talks about the laws were being set apart by observing the set of hard days of God which are the holy days and all of these we can internalize for ourselves as we seek to be a team of priests Leviticus 24 covers the laws for maintaining the holy place the mcbowser well what's unique about looking at the line of SATA and this line of Aaron's sons down through the ages and their faithfulness is we're gonna season in prophecies pertaining to the machine that most of the world have never seen that they don't understand so it's going to be very beautiful to develop the Torah and how it curls to the Torah portion that parallel discusses the various laws that pertain to the priest the kaneen in both the tour portion and the haftorah ezekiel prophesize in the chapter 44 and our haftorah about the service of the pony in the Millennial temple which will be rebuilt after the final redemption the Prophet describes the priestly vestments the personal care whom they may and may not marry and their special purity requirements which preclude them from coming in contact with the head corpse unless it is to take care of a next of kin Ezekiel also discusses their calling as teachers and spiritual leaders this is the purpose of the priest to rightly be able to divide the work in so doing they're also called judges because to judge is not point the finger at somebody but to be able to rightly divide the word of God and share no matter what the situation is in life the Prophet conveys God's Word you shall give them no possession in Israel for I am there Lord says the cone need you not to see the portion in the Land of Israel instead they are taken to sacrifices as well as the various ties it needs to kill 44 if you have your Bibles turn that first 15 with me and this hot part is very sharp but it is full of death that we're going to expound upon it's only 16 verses 15 to 31 it starts off saying but the Levitical priest specifically the sons of Satta who kept the charge of my sanctuary when the people of Israel went astray from me shall come near to administer to me so this is a key statement here so loaded because what is telling you that now all of these priests are specifically going to be the static line that can come near to the Lord which means those are the only ones that can officiate if the high priest and enter into the most holy place well with our understanding of Messiah Yeshua all of a sudden when you say since God's Word will not return to an invoice this has to apply to us I usually as well how can any priest come near to God unless they are of does a decline since God's word has now been established that only the Zach life from here on out we'll keep charger to centuary for one they will be the ones who are faithful even when Israel Moses trade to so in a way there is an example of being an overcomer just thank you it was and they're the only ones that can come near to the father to present the blood of the sacrifice to minister to him and they shall stand before me to offer to me the fact of love it I mean the fat and the blood declares the Lord they show you to my sanctuary and they shall approach my table to minister to me and they shall keep my charge so we should understand who's Atticus Zadok was such a righteous man God says now only those through his line will come to draw dear to me to approach me it's important look at that as an example to follow us at example in the word Tzadik comes from the hebrew word sucky and we all want to be as I didn't say men which means righteous people the right of exotic looks like a pretty man it's the one letter that looks like the guy is mainly with his hands up pray for the Lord and humbleness this is the letter that starts at extinct Zadok or you might have heard multi-sided multi meaning King Sadiq meaning righteousness who was called both Kings IV king of righteousness in English in common milk isn't it and issue is to officiate in the order of Melchizedek also multi-body which is not just a person but a title of a king who is also a high priest officiating in righteousness for the people when David first set up its cabinet exotic and a human the son of a bi are renamed as priests Zadok Aidid King David during the revolt of his son Absalom who was subsequently instrumental in bringing Solomon to the throne and officiated at Solomon's coronation after Solomon's building of the first temple in Jerusalem Zadok was the first high priest to serve there and there is over 60 high priests down through from the temple being built down to Yeshua as time all through statics life many people don't realize all those high priests were salvington Oxman zabbix name that is what to prove righteous and what a great name for a high priest because this is the model that you should simplify it as well 1st chronicles 12:1 says now bees are they that came to David to zip black and Zadok and it goes through a list of people who came home and then verse 28 it says ends at a young man might even Bower and of his father's house 20 and to captain's so that it was the first young priest to recognize God's a 19 on David which is very interesting because as we are seeking to be a kingdom of priests we have a unique identifier john saw in vision the final generation of israel awakening holding on to the commandments of god and having the testimony of issue uh which means there's a few descended from Israel who recognized by faith the anointing on the king who will sit on David's throne so we are like static in that way to recognize God's anointing on the one who would sit as a king and a priest men were fleet to David in his day coming from all over to join his forces Zadok recognized that the Spirit had left Saul and his ministry was now all hype and flesh with no call or touch of evidence and is that except I don't want any part of that kind of ministry it's dead God has gone from it I'm going with David who has the spirits of nineteen so is that it what's David at the clock and never to leave him again for the rest of his life he was completely faithful through every rebellion exotic stood with him a man proved righteous David and captured the previous heart and exotic never so we're going to look at a parallel of Zadok as a model or an example for us in being faithful to God and recognizing his anointed one but also there's a special hidden prophecy of you coming through the line of Zadok as well and fulfilling that priesthood as a kingdom of priests we need a faithful high priest for Samuel 235 says I will raise I will raise me up a table priest that shall do according to that which is in my heart and in my mind and I will build him a sure house whatever the Scriptures talk about a house or Palace is literally talking about the temple the McMansion so God is saying he's going to raise up a faithful priest this is very similar to Deuteronomy 18 where God tells Moses I'm gonna raise up a faithful prophet like unto you ma che who's going to be meek and humble out put my words in his mouth so the Messiah has to be a prophet filling Deuteronomy 18 but he also has to be a faithful priest God has prophesied through the prophet Samuel and it is this faithful prophet priest who he will build the ultimate temple form for the Messianic age and he shall walk before mine anointed forever so this isn't just talking about we are a human person this is talking about God's official anointed if he's gonna walk before he's anointed forever Jeremiah 3:14 says turnable backsliding children he's calling to all of us as descendants of Israel returned to Shuba and I will bring you to the Zion we sang this this morning and I will give you Shepherd according to my heart this is beautiful you know the word pasture comes from pastoral horse putting the Sheep out to pasture take some care of that it's literally talking about God's anointed shepherds who will lead Israel as they await and back to the truth in Torah but there's false shepherds out there that would like you to think that tour is done away with so you have to be wise and understanding not only a faithful priest as our example of the priesthood a faithful Shepherd for the model of those that will need Israel he says that those faithful shepherds will speak according to his heart and they will teach you with knowledge and with understanding in our hot car today Ezekiel prophesied that is that a priesthood would be very much alive and well in the last days he says in verse 15 and 16 the sons of zac that kept in charge of my sanctuary when the children of israel went astray from me they shall come here to meet you to me they shall stand before me to offer unto me the fat in the blood says the Lord God they shall in turns my sanctuary and they shall come near to my table to minister unto me and they shall keep my charge verse 17 says they shall be clothed with linen garments no rules shall come upon them while they minister with their linen garments so no mixture this is hinting at there's not going to be any mixture in the true priesthood wool represents the animal or the lower self the flesh when you mix it with linen it represents this lower self mixed with the higher self a little bit of God a little bit of flesh but God says my priesthood is made of pure linen there shouldn't be any mixture we should seek to align ourselves with the higher principles of God's consciousness in us not which means the flesh verse 18 says they shall have a linen terminus on their heads and linen undergarments around their weights they shall not find themselves with anything that causes sweat and when they go out into the outer court to the people they shall put off the garments in which they have been ministry and lay them in the holy chambers and they shall put on other garments lest they transmit holiness to the people with their garments now remember we're in chapter 44 so anything from Ezekiel 39 through 48 is talking about the Messianic age the Millennial Kingdom so this isn't just a instructions about this Attucks and the past this is instructions when the temple is rebuilt in the Messianic Kingdom a site is going to have a priesthood and they're going to be able to line up SABIC and they're going to be following these instructions these 10 chapters are beautiful in Ezekiel they tell you all the dimensions of the the temple how the priests are going to officiate the sacrifices that they're going to be bringing all of these things I encourage you if you're not familiar or didn't realize that Ezekiel 42 48 we're talking about the Millennial Kingdom read it in your spare time so be thinking about this as we read this they shall not shoot their heads or let their locks for a long they shall surely trim the hair of their heads so no shaved head it's like the pagans or not having long hair they're going to have their hair trimmed no preshow tree why when he enters into the inner court they shall not marry a widow or a divorced woman but only virgins of the offspring of the house of Israel or a widow who is the widow of a priest they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the common this is one of the reasons why we set apart Shabbat it's one of the first things that Israel comes back into a knowledge of setting apart the holy from the common and to show them how to distinguish between the so this is attic priesthood we'll be fearless against sin and we'll have power to lead people into righteousness and holiness verse 23 says they shall teach my people the difference between what is holy and what is not to cause them to discern between what is clean and what is not these are the marks of the Zadok the priest verse 24 says in a dispute they shall act as judges like we mentioned earlier isn't it interesting you have prophet Zadok was actually called a seer you know when you read it and through the story of David and 19 is attic he recognized in him something more than just increased he said Jaco in popper Oh a top Jaco n means the priest hobro a means the seer that means you have prophetic insight to see you're like a prophet you atop you are so he basically spelled out for what God revealed to him what he saw at him the priest and a seer you are and they will act as judges we have a prophet priest seer judge all-in-one Institute and they shall judge it according to my judgments this means they shall rightly divide the Torah Torah will be written upon their heart they know how to apply it in the daily life we all need people like that that we have experienced before a new situation maybe and we say you know I don't see a mitzvah a commandment for this specific thing but I'm dealing with so if you don't have an answer for it through prayer and meditation and asking who do you go to - if they answered me go to your rabbi and he has dealt with all different applications of the Torah and so in a way he's acting as a judge and this is passed out from the time of Moses down to RA and the rabbi's are still acting as a technical judge and anything that's new that they prescribe maybe due to technology they didn't have to worry about turning on lights back in ancient Israel maybe has to do with new medicine or advances in science now what do we do we write it down and if the rabbi doesn't have an answer he will go to the rabbi who taught him because there's always a hierarchy until you find the answer and you make the judgment on how this should be lived out how this should be applied and it's written into a book called the Gemara let the Gemara is part of the title now but originally it was just a mission up now the time of it is and ara which is the ancient oral practices that God gave ancient Israel as well as these new things that deal with situations as science and technology increases and so it's wonderful to read the Gemara and see all these past questions have been brought to pass stages and to see their answers then it gives us more understanding he says they shall keep my laws and my statutes in all my appointed feasts so once again just like the Torah portion it's relating to the holy days that's a very important factor of being holy and they shall keep my Sabbath's folded they shall not defile themselves by going near to a dead person however for their father or mother or their son or daughter for a brother or unmarried sister they may be filed ourselves after then they have become clean they shall count for them seven days and on the day that he goes into the holy place into the holy court to minister into the holy place he shall offer his own sin offering declares the Lord this shall be their inheritance I am their inheritance in that beautiful God is saying rather than worry about the land and what it can produce for you and how to take care of you what house you can build in it I have been a feeding your inheritance I was going to take care of you I'm going to provide all your seeds it might not be your house to live in my temple it's so beautiful who wouldn't want to be as a decreased and you shall give in no possession in Israel I am their possession they shall eat the great offering the sin offering and the guilt offering and every devoted thing in Israel shall be theirs of all kinds and every offering of all kinds from all your offerings shall belong to the priest you shall also give to the priest the first of your dough that a blessing may rest on your house the priest shall not eat of anything whether bird or beast that has died of itself or is torn by wild animals so this is where the Torah portion ends it's all focused on the tzaddik priests now we can easily parallel that with God speaking to the priests in the Torah portion but I want to take it further for you this morning in our high priest Messiah Yeshua there's five scripture references from Ezekiel 40 through 48 where God speaks of changing the whole ironic priesthood and clearly declares that of all the sons of Aaron only the sons of Zadok in the Millennial Kingdom would be God's priests allowed to come into God's presence and to minister the blood sacrifice before the Lord so if this is a requirement for the priests shouldn't this also be a requirement for the high priest so we have to now look at Yeshua through this lens and see if he fits the model he's our Passover lamb and he ascended to heaven to minister the blood sacrifice before his father so having read these messianic prophecies of the Old Testament which indicate that the Messiah would be the fulfillment of the high priests family of Zadok of the Aaron priesthood besides being from the family our seed of David through Judah no you know that Aaron came through what tribe Levi and David came through what tribe Judah so this means the true Messiah has to come through both tribal lineages which is difficult if a family has only married within their own tribe or if you lose the records of our ancestors and you don't have that to prove it so since the temple has been built first and foremost are the temple housed the records of all the genealogies going all the way back to Adam when the temple was destroyed those liquor records were lost so this also has to be a person that lived or existed before the temple was destroyed and it has to come through both lines so let's see how it fits we're gonna see a great mystery revealed of just how Yeshua the king and High Priest of heaven was also the fulfillment of the tzaddik High Priest family of the Aaronic priesthood but before we can it's extremely important to understand that with the removal of the tzaddik High Priest family by the Maccabees about 160 BC from the rightful position of authority as High Priest of the Jerusalem Temple and the corruption of the Aaronic priesthood which followed all in violation of the Word of God that those who were of this high priests family of Zadok hid their identities because the Greeks were against them they had put other people in the place of the priesthood and these that increased oftentimes either hid their lineage or retreated out to the Qumran caves like the Essenes were part of that original is a decline which tells you why John the Baptist spent so much time out there with the Essenes it's very interesting we're gonna see this even in the story of Zechariah and Elisheva why his lineage was hidden and this also includes Mary for in the days of King Herod if the real exotic high priest and his family had been found out they would all most likely have been killed high priest Anna's and Caiaphas were Roman politically appointed positions the real question behind the scene which opens up the New Testament in Luke 1 is just how would God restore his high priest position to the tzaddik line and this is why those lineages are listed in Matthew 1 and in Luke 2 many people don't realize Matthew 1 is talking about Joseph Mary's husband's lineage not because a priest could come through him because he comes through the line of Solomon in which God could declared no descendant of like Joachim these unfaithful wicked priests could ever have a son that sits on the throne of David and so God had declared it that means he couldn't have a literal son and but he had to be Torah observant what is showing is that he came from the Lion of Judah and Mary's gonna marry him as she came through the Lion of Judah and so they're being Torah observant Mary is actually living out Torah that's the purpose of showing Matthew 1 but the purpose of showing Luke 2 lineage is showing Mary's lineage not just comes from the line of David but it also comes from the line of Levi and this is where we understand the story of Elizabeth being her cousin and she's married this high priest and we'll look at that in a little more detail in a little bit unless God somehow miraculously intervened by giving a son to this high priest family of Zadok the family could not continue but this attic high priest family had to continue according to scripture to fulfill but we read in our haftorah the divine plan for messiahs coming to earth as the prophet like unto Moshe as well as the high priest and the millennial kingdom of the tzaddik lion but how would God cause all this to happen for the real Zadok High Priest needed to one day pass the mantle of his priestly Authority to whoever this Messiah would be yes Michael when it comes to David they're telling me they besides he didn't actually come here actually he did come from David I'll show you how in a little bit so this will help you we're gonna show three different lineages that Yeshua came from literally not just spiritually because it's so easy to say things in a spiritual way oh he spiritually did this he spiritually did that just like the church says we're spiritual Israel and in that way you replace certain very important principles that are literal in the scriptures he literally came through the loins of Melchizedek he literally came through the loins of David and he literally came through the loins of Zadok all three lions through Aaron's priestly lying through Levi now how could one person fulfill all of these in addition to the other prophecies pertaining to Abraham and to Eve and we will look at that as we go along the mystery Zadok high priest and his wife had been hiding their identity in the first century for many years they had no children no son to pass on this high priest mantle of authority to for their next generation because his wife was barren and both were well advanced in years what would God do this is the opening scene of the renewed covenant which would be the catalyst that changed the world and you can read about this in Luke 1 5 through 20 the priest Zechariah had drawn the law to serve God on the altar of incense now only somebody who is a vis a decline who was in line to be the high priest could even officiate at the altar of incense then when it was your turn to officiate as the high priest it had to be by divine recognition so that's why they drew lots and what God was saying is it's time to reveal who is the truths attic priest amongst all these other priests who are doing their course who is really the one that fulfills the tzaddik line and so Jessica Raya drew this lot every day morning and evening for the last 160 years or more different priesthood serve God at this position at the altar of incense most in violation of God's Word from Ezekiel because remember it was about 160 years before that they removed as true Zadok priesthood from the temple but there was still one left who was incognito and that Zechariah the Greeks didn't recognize that there is one true still in place this day something different happened God sent his angel Gabriel to speak to a priest as he ministered at the altar of incense to tell Zechariah two special things one that he was going to have a son to carry on the tzaddik line and that his son would be called Jochen on now what's interesting about this one of only four people in the scriptures that God tells you the name of who your son shall be called Jochen on 160 years before was the last high priest of the tzaddik line before they got removed so what God is doing is saying I'm now going to continue this pure Zadok line and he's going to be the one to have the authority to pass this mantle on to someone else and of course we know the rest of the story who Jochen on pass that mantle to and that was at the end 19 of yeshua so this is why Yochanan even this name john if you looked back with me through the genealogies of the tzaddik line you would see two very common reoccurring names yochanan is one of them of Zadok priestly line and Yeshua Yeshua was not the only one called Yeshua there was other Yeshua's in that Zadok line so the angel Gabriel announces this amazing revelation to Zechariah and then takes away his ability to speak so that he in in his excitement can share this and then in so doing be exposed to the Romans and be taken out of position so for the next nine months until his son's circumcision his voice did not return God will never lie or confuse us if we understand the scriptures in their rightful place we'll understand exactly what God has been doing down through the ages from the very first prophecy in genesis 3:15 that the world would be blessed through the seed of the woman remember that's the seed of the woman that would bruise the Serpent's head so we're gonna see in this understanding of Zadok how in multiple ways God uses a woman to bring the blessing of the truths that a high priest into place all the way from Eve down after a hundred and sixty years of temple corruption God was pointing out the real mysteries attic high priest which was Zechariah how do we know this in Exodus 30 verse 7 God tells us in his word the position of serving God at the altar of incense belonged to priest Aaron and his future son who would next serve as high priest by sending his angel while Zechariah was serving God at this altar of incense position God was telling us everyone who reads the story afterwards clearly who this priest Zechariah really was God in recognizing priests acharya at the high priest position was saying loudly this is my priest who has the right to minister to me at this position God was also telling him through his angel Gabriel that he would have a son so that the line of Zadok High Priest would now be able to continue also just why this special son who thirty years later would begin his service as the next static high priest had to become named Yochanan as I shared with you now a priest didn't begin the official service of ministering until 30 years old so even Yochanan was fulfilling torah by waiting until he was thirty and he was six months older than yeshua and so that's why there's that six months gap where he's got disciples before yeshua has disciples yeshua waits to take disciples until he turns thirty also and then he's entering into a high priestly type of ministry at thirty years old so in our haftorah we read that God in the Millennial Kingdom is only going to acknowledge the high priest from the sons of Zadok God told us about Jochen Anne's parents priests acharya and his wife le shaiva were both of the line of errand and righteous before God walking in all the ordinances of the Lord blamelessly in Luke one verse five and six this is an amazing statement from God because Zadok means righteous so when he's saying that Zechariah is a tzaddik or as Adi as we mentioned he's saying he is not only a righteous person but he's of this line of Zadok from Aaron both were mikvah and filled with the ruach ha'qodesh le Sheva while Yochanan was in her womb and Zachariah at the time when he named his son Jochen on at the son's circumcision listen to Zacharias words he says his circumcision of John he shall serve him in holiness and in Zadok in righteousness so he's actually in 1900 Kanaan as the next-in-line official high priest of the line of Zadok now only a high priest can pass this mantle on to someone else just like a prophet would pass for the Prophet Elisha Prophet passed on his mantle to Elisha same way Yochanan is now going to have the authority to pass this mantle of the high priest instead of him fulfilling it on to someone else the next miracle God did was to give divine conception of a child a son to a virgin named Miriam who has betrothed to a man of the tribe of Judah hebrew scripture says miriam was a close relative of Elisheva because Miriam was of this same Zadok high priest lime as Elisheva so if you look she can only marry somebody from the line of David if she's from the line of David but she can only be related to Zechariah and le shaiva if she somehow also has this same lineage in her how can that be what's interesting she had a father Miriam had a father named he and he was a prince of the line of David but he Lee because he was a prince he was allowed to marry outside of his tribe and he married a woman named Hannah and Hannah was a daughter of a high priest this mother and this father is what made Miriam the perfect recipient for God to use in addition to her holiness her mother's line had the Levitical line her father's line had the center that shall not depart from Judah in this way her seed could be priest and King perfectly and fulfilled what's interesting is Judah how did he have two sons Sarah and Perez she had relations with a woman named tomorrow who was Tamar the granddaughter of Melchizedek Judah had gotten her as a wife for his sons but his sons because he had married a Canaanite woman his sons were not holy and they weren't fit to take to produce priestly lying and so what did God do he didn't let them conceive he didn't let them consummate the marriage with Tamar so Tamar and sits back in her father's town with the veil over her head and Judah later finds her and thinks that she's a prostitute she's with her and she knows who he is they are the ones that have the line of David so she literally comes from the line of Melchizedek as well as Judah as well as Levi as well as attic and through a woman he had said that the world would be blessed Eve genesis 3:15 as a promise that the one who would come would come to a woman we see that tomorrow is a woman Eve is a woman and Miriam is a woman three specific ladies that he parks to play in Yeshua being all things to all people and fulfilling all of the prophecies Miriam it can be betrothed to a man of the house of David because her father comes from the house of David the hebrew scripture says miriam was a close relative of ali shiva in the look 1:36 because Maryam was from the same that her mother Hannah that was Marian's family secret which God has now revealed God wants the stream to be released so that the whole body can understand it and even the Jewish world can start to recognize you sure and it's not gonna be totally understood until he comes and they recognize him in themselves when he comes to fulfill his right as the king of the throne of David and he returns his ex house of Israel and rebuilds the temple then all of the Jews and all the house of Israel and the world and every knee shall bow and recognize yushua as king of kings and Lord of lords yeah I'm articulate records in that's one of the things about the beautiful about the Jewish nations they have preserved all of these different family trees and family lines as well as the high priestly life Zechariah was the mysteries out of high priests Oh Miriam also carried in her womb the seed for the highest position of this high priest family Godhead so amazingly none at all bridging all the details in an absolute perfection and this will be a sign to you it is said in Luke you will find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in the sukkah so it was the first day of Sukkot that they were in Bethlehem and she's gonna need to tabernacle and literally the word is technically within human flesh on the day of tabernacle and he's born in the house of bread Baberaham that's the living bread and he's wrapped in swaddling clothes return the used undergarments on the high priest because he is the next high priest in line and so even at his birth all three of these elements are coming into place most likely be strong and close toward Zacharias you know the undergarments of the priests were linen when they were soiled they would be torn into strips some of those trips would be used as the wicks in the menorah and he's the light of the world literally the circum flow through those wicks and give light and it's why a priest would wrap themselves in the linen so he has all of this happening even at his birth was this babe wrapped in his newest high priestly garments or slightly the Old Testament messianic scriptures prophesized that the prophesied promised Messiah was on the seat of Eve from genesis 3:15 this seed would carry the fulfillment of two special tribes of Israel Judah and Levi the line of kings and the line of the tzaddik high priests Yeshua had appeared in the word sent to the West the seed in the loins of Abraham in Genesis 14 18 on Great King and high priest Ashura has fulfilled these Messianic scriptures concerning himself but just how can all this be proven there's lots of documentation we could take ours now I was talking about the difference called the priest talking about Zachariah his lineage miriam her lineage but we will just in brevity for a few aspects here this morning because we all value the blood of Yeshua shed for the forgiveness of our sins it brings us into eternal life forever with God our Father the word from heaven changed priesthood it places a priest in authority as his high priest over all the other families of the erotic priesthood as well as all the other children of Israel God specifically stated that only sons of high prices attic would be able to minister to God to come to the presence of God and the blood sacrifice so imagine after his sacrifice remember when he says do not touch me I'm not yet ascended to my father he had to present the blood to his father but he could only present the blood of the sacrifices he was of the lion according to Scripture Yeshua as the living Torah is not gonna break tour just because it's inconvenient he's gonna fulfill it in every single point God specifically stated that only the sons of the high priests attic would be able to administer to God to come into the presence of God and to offer the blood sacrifice so we're gonna look at these changes made to the erotic priesthood looking specifically to of these five scriptures about design in the Book of Ezekiel Ezekiel 3:3 right before a Haftarah this morning it stays and except to me son of man thus says the Lord God and these are the ordinances for the altar on the day when it is made for sacrifices burnt offerings on it and for spring cleaned on it now have a hide the most holy place is a symbol a type of what is in heaven of the very throne of heaven so when you enter into the most holy place why you have to be a high priest to to offer or miss sprinkle the blood you have to be exotic slide so you can see what she was actually doing as being racing the grave as the firstfruits that has the wave offering for the father that was always symbolized at the time of the barley wave offering and then Jesus arising in a synonym as not just a high priest of the order of Melchisedec which a lot of people have to decide of just said well he's of the order of up to the next spiritually they haven't one understood that he's literally in the order of Melchizedek and two that he's literally fulfilling Torah by being of the line of Zadok to be able to sprinkle the blood in the most holy place in the heavenly throne most holy place says you should give a young bull for a sin offering to the priests the Levites throwing the seed of Zak who approached him to minister to me says the Lord God the priests the Levites the sons of my sanctuary of Israel went astray from me they should come near me to minister to me they shall stand before me to offer to me the and the blood says the Lord God God said that a blood offering to be accepted by him would now only come from a son exact question would you sure himself also keep these same decreases ordinances by which word changed the whole Veronica priesthood a brilliant special authority to only the sons of the high priests attic yes in every point to be a perfect sacrifice he had two knots in one area and a definition of sin in accordance with first chakra for sins the transgression of the Torah so he wouldn't even be a fifth sacrifice or increased all his blood wouldn't atone for our sins if he wasn't of the Zagg line that's how serious it is and that's what's so beautiful about what God's revealing now about even how perfectly he brought me sure and only you sure could have fitted this smile and no one else could fit the bill of being the future Messiah the only reason why the Jews are not recognizing him currently is because they're awaiting for the rest of the prophecies to be fulfilled yes he was the prophet like unto Moshe is the priest after the order of Melchisedec and yes he came through the pristine lions the line of David but he has to set up his authority God's kingdom on earth return the excess of Israel and protect his people from their oppressors and rebuild the temple when he comes to do that everyone will recognize him and then they will begin to understand more fully the nuances of what God was doing by bringing him through this exact line on both sides of his family dream issue I think self came into the presence of his father and God in heaven when he brought his shed blood offering to the mercy seat in heaven as the high priests in offering to be accepted on behalf for all of our sins for your sins for my sins for you shoot to bring his blood before his father in heaven he had to qualify by the same rules which God gave to his release the sons attic for his blood to be accepted for our sins he had to pass the exact same qualifications and we were both in the Torah and in the prophets too on this very different portion Yeshua besides being priest of God Most High he also had to be a son of the priests family on earth he also had to be in the seat of his attic for his blood sacrifice to be accepted by its Father in heaven this is beautifully profound in our Torah it says that only the sons of anak can come into the presence of God Yeshua is priest of God the most high but a true the seed from his mother Miriam he is son of the tzaddik high priest family and therefore he qualifies to bring his blood into heaven and to set it before his first presence I find us to be so beautiful there is no accidents just as surely you know when you became a believer in the scriptures probably one of the first Bible studies use was how you fulfill the prophecies pertaining to his first timing as being like an emotion the suffering servant the place where he'd be born all these things he's before a point-by-point well in his second coming even any of his ascension there was so much that people didn't realize that he had to fulfill point by point even to be able to ascend and present the blood sacrifice before the father and injury turn as the Messiah who will reign as high priest and King a dual office is strong it's so much more beautifully unfolding and we even ever realized in John 20 verse 17 is the text that I mentioned earlier where he told them do not cling to me for I have not yet seen did to my father remember the priest could not be unclean if almond touches a priest when she's in her sick of me it makes him unclean also then he cannot go we need to the most holy places sprinkled the blood so he's not saying anything mean he's just saying everything in the Torah please don't do anything that would make me unclean I have yet ascended to my father I have to go and purchase this blood on your behalf now this text is John 20 verse 17 takes on a whole new significance of how deep it is because think of one thing warning this perfect sacrifice atoning for our sins yeshua the king of righteousness was the perfect physical fulfillment of this righteous scene which ran through true tribes Judah annalee like this see Noah in Genesis 7 1 then Abraham and I could have put Noah in here but just for the sake of brevity I kept it short literally going through this line you're seeing this prophesy indeed and in the days of Noah there was a problem with seeds he was being contaminated so much so that God says Noah is the only one left to righteous and all his lineage in the English Bible gets translated as in his generation but it means in his lineage it was literally a concern that in she would not be able to common to the world maybe there was no one left without contaminated a seed so God allowed the world to be cleansed at that time and save Noah and his family and true Noah with Noah son Shem who because he was born before the flood one hundred years before the flood after the flood he's got this antediluvian blood keep living like eight hundred years after the flood and people all say we don't know who his father or his mother was my father knew him my grandfather and my great-grandfather loan this has always been around we don't know he's teaching the principles of righteousness from Salem this is before this was called Jerusalem and he's known as a righteousness this is not a name this is a title for shim who was officiating and as a high priest a Tony for God's people and teaching he's awaiting the perfect seed so he can teach these principles because they don't know when the shock is gonna come and he has to wait it's honey generations Noah is what just racially from Adam Tim she would be 11 she has to wait and another 10 generations before Abraham comes to the scene because even though his sign and Eber helps him in his Yahshua and in Salem that's the one to pass on his God to the next one in line who was righteous who believed and in the one true God was Abraham so Tara didn't get it by milk is that Tara's father didn't get taught by milk is that but Abraham after being hit in a cave for ten years from Nimrod spent 40 years with the functions of that learning that have been and Enoch through his father Noah so that he could be a righteous High Priestess from his lineage couldn't it be mushy and yet he doesn't mckissick doesn't die at the time of Abraham so the high priestly toll does not get passed on to Abraham it goes and his son gets taught yet sack but no kids and I still lives through Isaac's life and it gets passed on to Jacob now Jacobs unique because milk is it that guys during the years of Jacob after teaching Jacob it's been Jacob that is revealed by divine inspiration that for the first time the firstborn blessing should be divided up into three different segments there's a double portion of wealth which went to Joseph's family Ephraim got the firstborn blessing the priesthood it was revealed through divine inspiration should go to Levi alone and the scepter for rulership should go to Judah and so you see that this beautiful priestly lying from Adam all the way down came through Shem and Abraham Isaac and Jacob and then was split up so that God could preserve a lineage for the Messiah in case one or the other got wiped out there was intermarriage between Judah and the line of Melchizedek between David's lion and Levi and it comes all the way down into Yeshua so beautifully he's the perfect fulfillment the righteous seed which ran through all of these lions the seed showed up from the very beginning went through Noah Abraham Melchizedek down through Isaac and Jacob even through Aaron's grandsons Phineas of Eliezer and then we see it in King David in his seat he in Psalms 110 verse 4 and in the high priest Zadok and his seed last we see it in Jochen on and then we see Jochen on past this mantle to you sure he says you sure there's one that's coming that is greater than I I'm not even fit to tie his sandal and at his mikvah he anoints him it's a type of anointing and passing of that mantle in order to fulfill all righteousness this is the king priests mystery fulfilled in Yeshua that is only hinted at when you read Ezekiel 44 our haftorah then when you develop it more with fuller understanding you see how beautiful and how perfect God has fulfilled Torah through Yeshua sending his seed the Word made flesh Yeshua is the fulfillment of three family lines monkeys Adi from Tamar David's line from Judah and zabbix Lenny Levitical lineage so here is a little family tree just of Mary's family and if you look down at the bottom we'll trace our way back up most of these people you do not know unless you're a historian because these were the different high priests of Israel but you have Yeshua let's see as my I guess my laser is not gonna work and you have two lines through Miriam his mother's line Hanna sometimes called Ana they oftentimes drop the age I just like in Spanish H is silent you see it with he also her father she Lee becomes recorded in a lot of English translations as Eli you'll read in her family lineage so her families both her father Davidic Prince Haley Prince Alexander 3rd also known as Haley OS and some historical documents he's the son of Metapod and he's of the line of Judah Miriam's mother from Levi goes up being sisters with Elisheva and Yanni being daughters of a man named Yeshua who was a high priest he's called Yeshua the third who was the 59th high priest and lived from 36 to 23 BCE and of course he was the son of a bet and he was the son of both us and so on and it goes all the way up boats his father Hana Nell he had to flee to Egypt because of the Greek oppression against the true Zadok high priest and he was the one that in our Jewish documents is reported as being one of the high priest who actually sacrificed the red heifer to purify the temple vessels so this means he was very knowledgeable he knew exactly how to use the the red heifer ashes to purify the temple vessel but he ended up fleeing to Egypt to avoid death and so he became known as Hanna male the Egyptian this is the unknown lineage of Yeshua that's not ever talked about because this lineage is not mentioned in Matthew 1 or Luke 2 but now as Paul Harvey used to say you know the rest of the story it is what Yeshua inherited genetically from his mother's seed the sieve of Eve prophesied all the way back in genesis 3:15 the seed of a woman carries the answer to this mystery Eve and Tamar and Hannah and Miriam this is what God physically passed into Yeshua through Miriam seed not only the fulfillment of both the line of David's kingship and etics high priesthood in the flesh but also Merriam's part of this divine love story was to bring forth the one into the earth who carried the three Mantle's of authority revealed in Genesis 14 18 priests of God El Elyon Melchizedek remember he paid a tithe to Abraham Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek even while Abraham was being recognized by Melchizedek spiritually a 19 ham who was in his loins all of these Judah even Levi which shows that Levi is a lesser priesthood than Melchizedek because Levi was in Abraham's loins when he paid a tithe to Melchizedek so it's like Levi recognizing a higher authority of priesthood and yet the show goes through all three of those he's known as king of Salem king of righteousness monkey zadig through his mother Merriam's bloodline as a daughter of Zadok priests probably granddaughter to the previous mysteries attic high priest Yeshua automatically was born a son of Zadok priest and this is exactly how you sure fulfilled all of these prophecies Luke 1 76 and 77 says a new child will be called the prophet of the highest you're the ultimate prophet because you're the prophet like unto moshe a fulfilling Deuteronomy 18 God has put his word in your mouth but you're also a priest of the line of Zadok that can approach the presence of the Father for you will go before the face of the Lord if only that it can go before the face of the Lord it's hinting that you're not only a prophet you're a high priest to prepare his ways to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the remission of their sins I hope this rest of the story has blessed you this morning in conjunction with our haftorah it's there's no accidents and there's no words or numbers used in the scriptures that are not for our deeper understanding and so it's fun to extrapolate and to dig deeper and say why father would you now narrow down this priesthood from Aaron's line to just Zadok if you sure it doesn't fit in whenever there's a question like that we have to search it out God has given us intelligent minds to ask intelligent questions and the scripture says he does nothing unless he reveals his plans through the prophets this means this was already revealed in the prophets of old he was already telling us how he would fulfill the plan of salvation through the seed of a woman without it Stan will close in prayer ah the father I thank you for revealing to us in our day as the final generation these amazing glimpses of fulfillment of Yeshua as the Messiah that was the promised seed of a woman that have been hidden from previous generations help this information to go forth father and to help others recognize the validity of Yeshua even though he didn't set up your kingdom in his first coming he is coming again and we can claim all of your promises for just as you fulfilled them point by point in his first coming you will fulfill them point by point in his second coming and you have fulfilled them point by point even in his very DNA and in his lineage so that he can be all things to all people he is a high priest touched with the feeling of our infirmities and we thank you for sending him father we love you and we just ask that as we behold your beautiful character as revealed through Yeshua we would be able to be changed into its likeness so that we would be found as a bride without spot or blemish for mashiac bridegroom when he comes we love you and we thank you for this and your holy name we pray amen you you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 10,654
Rating: 4.8303885 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Haftarah, Haftarah teaching, Haftarah Emor, Ezekiel 44, Zadok, Zadokite Priesthood, Messiah, Prophecy, Yeshua, Yehoshua, Yahusha, High Priest
Id: nsaf6rgAmSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 9sec (3789 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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