KING DAVID's throne in EUROPE - by Stephen Spykerman

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[Music] you [Music] the author very famous who are you America which reveals the descendants of Israel in America through our signs in America and the heraldry that was in Europe became certain symbols on our currency and in our government and so a great book I highly recommend to everyone he's also the author of Christian and Jews the two faces of Israel the unveiling of the mysteries of the kingdom very important book this is a book that you can read and reread and then he has a two-part series called a game-changing revelation the hidden ancestry of America and Great Britain and so what we've decided this morning is to treat you to something that he's never spoken to anyone before he's not only going to go into who are you America but each going to introduce it with a new teaching that he has about how King David's throne in the blessing though is to be a comment throne has never used it and how it continues to this day in England and we want to give him a warm Wenatchee welcome hello everyone shabbat shalom thank you for inviting me it's a privilege to be here it's a joy to be here and Isaac is my blood brother his fame went before him long before I got to meet him and look what he's accomplished so much wonderful to be here with him and with you so here we are Mount Zion the camp of Israel all around that tower at the Tabernacle showing the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud we're going to talk about that pillar of fire and that pillar of cloud a little later because it also believes enough features in American heraldry and you know American heraldry is all coming from the words that Jacob spoke over the 12 tribes over his twelve sons as he was dying he spoke those words which are all recorded for posterity in Genesis 49 chapter 49 and those amazing words covering each and every one of his sons which were to grow into independent tribes who are all allotted their own independent territory in the land of Israel by Joshua the son of nun and he wasn't the son of a nun by the way he was just a son of noon which is his father so we are going to look at some of this about King David because King David had a our Father in heaven established established a royal line with the descendants of King David and the promise was given that the house of David would always have a descended seated wait for it seated on the throne of Israel not on the throne of judah the son of israel and that's a very important key now come on boy oh yeah now I've got a text here which I can't read from here but you have it up there I'm gonna have to stand and and read it to you Israel was to become a great nation these are the twelve signs that demonstrate the main characteristics that will identify the lost tribes of Israel today and not many people know that now these are just chosen twelve there are many many more I've just chosen the key ones the first one is ours to become a great nation the Israelites were to reassemble in a new home it's allow us to inhabit islands and coastlands located northwest of Jerusalem Israel was to become a nation and a company of Nations for a Commonwealth of Nations itself us to become a military superpower it's ours to possess the gates of her enemies Israel was to acquire great wealth and become an economic giant it's ours to have a last population Israel was to be a royal Kingdom Israel was to be recognized by the emblems of a lion and a unicorn and ezreal the Israelites were to be unaware of that to origins and Israel's birthright inheritance was to be deferred and all those are backed up with scriptures and I've only cited some peace scriptures but there is tons more to back these 12 signs up and in a way it's like if you had to go into a courtroom and you had to defend the premise that America is an Israel nation a Hebrew nation well then you could call these twelve witnesses before the court and prove from each of these 12 witnesses that the United States of America is an Israel nation in fact the United States America in in Hebrew is called her sort of Assad Assad which means covenant covenant of the States right and in Britain the the Britain means but a breach arm that the people of the Brits the people of the Covenant that is what Britain means British means British covenant ish ish man so the British are covenant men so the name of the Covenant is on your nation and the name of the Covenant is also on Great Britain from which have sprung Australia New Zealand Canada the United States believe it or not many many other nations some 60 nations have been birthed by Great Britain through her great Empire and Israel was one of them the State of Israel was birthed by Great Britain and then of course they messed it up but they started in a very beautiful way with the with the establishment of a state for the Jewish people that was a British idea and and there was the 70th anniversary recently so let's go on to the next slide oh I see how did that happen I got go this way that's it now Abraham's wife Sarah she was to be a model of Nations and this is a scripture that's often forgotten and says I will bless her and also give you a son by her and then I will bless her and she shall be a mother of Nations Kings or people shall be from her the scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh comes that's Jacob's blessing on Judah and your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you your throne shall be established forever that's the throne of King David for thus says the Lord David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel thus says the Lord if you can break my covenant with the day my covenant with the night so that there will be not day and night in their season then my covenant may also be broken with David my servant so that he shall not have a son - II ain't honest soul and with and with the Levites the priests my ministers as the hosts of heaven cannot be numbered nor the sand of the sea measured so will I multiply the descendants of David my servant and the Levites who ministered to me yeah Hoover calls in the above witnesses from nature itself to establish on the line and confirm its covenant with King David of Israel well last time I looked we still have a day it's day today tonight there will be a night and the Sun and the moon and the servants in the sky they are still carrying on and so here we are there is a promise that is an immutable irrevocable promise that David's own will continue forever and the and the final word is again given in the promise and the words that Jacob spoke over Judah until Shiloh until Shiloh the Messiah comes so that is in the world today a person who is a lineal descendant of King David ruling over an actual song and that person or that person's descendant has to hand over the crown and the throne too mushy of been defeats when he comes to establish his kingdom here on the earth so that's an irrevocable promise and so if you're going to find that if we want to verify this promise we need to find that song and this is what we're going to do now once I have sworn by my holiness I will not lie to David his seed shall endure forever and his throne as a son before me it shall be established forever like the moon and like the faithful witness in the sky for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end upon the throne of David and over his kingdom to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward even forever the zeal of Jehovah of servoz will perform this Isaiah chapter 9 verses 5 to 6 now Queen Elizabeth the first of England acknowledged the temporary nature of her crown as she once stated I wish I could be alive when Christ the Messiah returns because I would like to be the first monarch to take my crown and lay it at his feet so that lady has been ruling over the United Kingdom for I don't know how long she is 91 now and she is fittest flee you know she's never really been ill spot of flu maybe but nothing nothing serious and she could go on for nother 10 15 20 years her motherland her mother lived to 102 and she seems a lot fitter than her mother she can stand at a reception for five hours I got sciatica she doesn't I can't stand for five hours but she can and she has this extraordinary fitness about her and she seems to be growing in stature as she gets older so she is a lineal descendant of King David she is number 121 she is a hundred and twenty first lineal descendant of King David and this is confirmed by the heraldic authorities in the City of London and I have a chart at home that actually gives the linear the lineage from Queen Elizabeth the first the second actually isn't she's a second Elizabeth for right from from King David all the way down the various lines and and until it gets to her now Abraham's wife Sarah was to be a mother of Nations I think we done this slide Emily yeah it's an important one because not many people realize that Sarah who only had one son Isaac that she was going through Isaac to be a mother of Nations not one nation people today saying that the Jews are all the rest of Israel right but they should read this scripture but Sarah is going to be a mother of Nations Abraham was a father of Nations and he was the father of the faithful and so you know the question is where are Sarah's nations today the prophecy is she'll be a mother of many many nations where are they who are they and maybe we'll find out some more as we go on now what happened then you know about the Babloo of the Babylonians who invaded Israel and who took the King Zedekiah captive and they collected all his relatives and all his sons and anyone related to the lineage of David was collected and King Zedekiah was put there and all his sons were killed in front of his eyes enormous enormous tree cruel and then after all his sons and male relatives had been killed he had his eyes put out and then he was taken in change to Babylon where he died in a Babylonian dungeon he was the last king of Judah Israel and Judah had already parted friends nearly two hundred and something years before and in fact no it was not it wasn't 500 years before and Israel had already the northern nation of Israel had already been taken captive by the Assyrians the fearful Assyrians the Syrians have been defeated by the Babylonians and now the Babylonians in Jerusalem and they killed said Akaya not in prison said a guy killed all his relatives and sons and the temple they destroyed the city they pretty much wiped out now was that the end of the line of Judah did that mean that the word that we just seen the prophecies we've just read about the Sun and the moon and the sea and so forth always being there as long as David's descendants sit on the throne of Israel so in in 2 Kings 25 for 6 to 7 so they took the king and brought him up to the king of Babylon a tribler and they pronounced judgment on him and then they killed the sons of said acharya before his eyes put out his eyes put out the eyes of Zedekiah and bound him in bronze fetters and took him to babylon that the king of babylon was convinced that he had rooted out and destroyed the throne of David and the house of David and that was Davis's plan with all the male heirs to the throne of David slain was God promised the King David broken no course not was there no one left to inherit that throne King Nabucco nazarov Babylon would not have been aware of the laws of Israel which in certain circumstances allowed for female succession of and inheritance the very thought would have been completely inconceivable to him as females of the royal line of Babylon would never be considered for rulership or government just as in Saudi Arabia you will never see a female ruler in Saudi Arabia it's the same in Babylon and in most nations it's inconceivable that a female person should rule the nation but that is just not acceptable the very idea of female succession was reprehensible to all of the male-dominated pagan societies surrounding the Land of Israel at the time nevertheless in the Book of Numbers God instructed Moses if a man dies and have no son then you shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his daughters and this divine ruling has become known as the law of Zelophehad Zelophehad difficult word but that's the law and whereby a woman may inherit a throne when there is no male heir and this is in direct contrast to the select law operating on the European mainland such as France and Germany you'll never see a female king or a ruler in Germany or France where you've got a female ruler mrs. Merkel that she doesn't sit on a throne right not a royal royal stone so this code of laws of the salian franks and other Germanic tribes specifically excludes women from royal succession and it's no coincidence that in Great Britain as well as in the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries the ancient laws of Israel applies as in all these kingdoms a queen may reign in her own right and some of Britain's greatest monarchs have been Queens the big question now is did Selleck aiya the last king of Judah have any daughters we see in Jeremiah chapter 43 and verse 6 a mention of the Kings daughters and the Prophet here relates how he and Baruch his servant his scribe and secretary were traveling with them to Egypt so there is Jeremiah traveling with the king's daughter and his secretary to Egypt and the prophet Ezekiel prophesied that the throne of David would be overthrown no less than three times and he gave this prophecy in Ezekiel 21 verse 25 to 27 and thou profane and wicked Prince of Israel whose day is come when iniquity shall have found an end thus says the Lord God removed diadem and take off the crown this shall not be the same exalt him that is low and a base him that is high I will overturn overturn overturn it and it shall be no more until he come whose right it is and I will give it to him so the son of Judah is going to be the crown is going to be taken of Judah's head and it's going to be given to ruler and Israel it shall deny the crown they were the one who is a based and that they had been taken captive and nobody really knew where they were right but God knows everything you know that and so he was going to give the crown to those who were based in Israel and take it from Judas head and give it to a a sign of David at the centers of David in Israel amongst the ten tribes and so the remove the time and take off the crown they shall not be the same exalt him that is low and paste him that is high so Judah has to be faced as history history itself testifies to the fact that from here on she has ceased to be ruled by lineal descendants of David thus it is Israel that has to be exalted and fourth it is Israel that will be ruled by the royal descendants of David I will overturn overturn overturn it and it shall be no more until he come whose right it is that's the Messiah that is Mashiach Ben David and and what was to be overturned it is this diadem the crown the throne that is to be overturned not just once that is to be overturned three times so now we're looking for a royal dynasty descendants of King David where there have been these three overturns better detective work if you like right here is a coronation chair that is the official coronation chair of Great Britain of England and inside the coronation chair you have a stone and that stone was the shepherd stone of Israel it was the pillar stone of Jacob and all the kings of Judah were crowned on that stone and you find if you search hard enough you find the scriptures to prove that that the king being crowned stood by a pillar well that's the pillar that Jacob set up after he went to his uncle Laban having seen the vision of the ladder from heaven with angels ascending and descending on that ladder and seeing the Hvar above and giving him a special word and so that is that stone and in in in the scriptures that stone is called the shepherd stone of Israel now and you'll find that in the blessing on Joseph in Genesis 49 so because the Shepherd stone of Israel is mentioned in connection with Jacobs blessing on Joseph that means that Joseph is going to be responsible for that stone and of course the stone is called the shepherd stone of Israel and well as the shepherds got to do a shepherd always has to go with his flock and the Joseph's people you know where the Joseph's people end up and we'll talk some more about that but wherever that stone is that's where the people of Joseph are wherever that's Onis that's where the people of Joseph are you see what I mean so now the first overturn was found to hustle on to the Torah here this island there tarah in Ireland Tara was the royal capital of Ireland at the time and it was ruled by a sign descendant of David was nameless airhead do hate and is from the zero line of David and you know that you remember the the the birth of of the two the two sons the two royal sons that that were born to Judah by his wife the wife that he didn't want to take but through circumstances he was made to take her and the Sarah came out first Sarah put out her hand his hand and the Midwife put a red cord around that hand but then the hand was withdrawn and then Faris came out and and the Midwife commented on it that he it was a bit pushy Faris describes the Jews very well watching and and she made a profit prophecy over the two to two royal children two boys and she said she prophesied that one day the two lines would be reunited and of course that's happened in antara in Ireland and it was Jeremiah who traveled to Egypt and he got to one of Pharaoh's palaces which is called upon hast kupunas I've seen a picture of the ruins and the Alps in the neighborhood referred to that palace as the the Palace of the Kings daughters and the Kings daughters are those two girls that Jeremiah took they're the two daughters of Zedekiah from there via Spain he ended up in Ireland ended up in Tara and he took with him this villa stone and he took with him the harp of David and because of that the harp of David has become the symbol of Ireland today and in fact the the beer that they brew in Ireland you know Guinness Guinness beer has got the Harper David on every bottle right and and so that that explains that that heritage so here we have a picture of the actual coronation chair in Westminster Abbey in Great Britain in London and it was prophesied that Jacob's Pillow stone will be overturned three times before returning back to the Land of Israel so Jacob's Pillow stone moved from the kingdom of Judah to Ireland in Tara now I believe that Tara is a synonym for Torah and there's any in the Irish chronicles I can't pronounce what they're called because it's a Gaelic is very difficult name but the irish chronicles record that there was a prophet who came and this prophet brought the princess and the princess made their their prince or their king and thus the king was on the line of sarah from judah and the the girl was from the line of Faris and the two lines were reunited so Jacob's Pillow stone brought brought moved from the kingdom of Judah to Ireland in Tara and there it was overturned and went to Scotland in scone which is an abbey the abbey of scone and all the kings of Ireland were crowned on that bill of stone Jacob's Pillow stone for a thousand years the kings of Ireland were crowned on that stone then the stone moved to Scotland and for five hundred years all the kings of Scotland were crowned on that stone then the stone moved to London third time three times it moved and all the kings of England were crowned on it you see so for nearly a thousand years so that covers that covers you know the Babylonian invasion was about five hundred and fifty six or 64 something so that covers two and a half thousand years and it's perfectly covered in the genealogy of the royal kings of Ireland and there were all kings of Scotland and the royal kings of England so it matches perfectly that there are many more signs that we will show Elizabeth a second she is the temporary custodian of the throne of David it doesn't belong to her it doesn't belong to anyone it belongs to our Father in heaven and he decides who sits on it so the queen of Great Britain holds the crown by divine stewardship she is merely the present-day custodian of God's promise to King David as she possesses both the sceptre and the crown until he comes whose right it is and he is coming we know hopefully he won't be long so here we have the crown and this is the coronation crown of England and all the all the kings and queens of England's have been crowned with this crown is called the st. Edward's crown and it is a magnificent crown and there's a whole story behind it and the story that is never told and the story that almost nobody knows is edited out it is days right I'm going to show you the story of this crown basically this crown is in design it's meant to copy a be a representation of the of the camp of Israel you remember the camp with Israel basically that sort of shape might be in that shape but whatever shape it is we know in the north you had the tribe of Dan who is ruling the brigades of Dan in the east you had Judah ruling the brigade of Judah and their standards the standard of 10 and the standard of Judah were higher than those of the other tribes are the side of them Judah had it's a car and Seville on either side of him so Judas standard would be higher because he was ahead of the Judah brigade Dan was ahead of the Dan brigade Dan was in the north to doubles in the East Ephraim was in the West with Manasseh and then Benjy Benjamin and then you Reuben in the south and then of course in another passage in Ezekiel father God mentions that he has four phases he has the face of a man he has the face of an ox he has the face of a lion and he has the face of an eagle and so those are the emblems of the the brigade heads now this crown has four raised arches and these arches those four arches represent the four gates of the camp of Israel and then the base of the crown is surrounded by twelve stones by 12 jewels now the people who are experts in this field and I'm not one of them they have found that seven of those jewels match those in the breastplate of the high priest the chosen me spot of the high priest contains twelve stones and this crown has twelve stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel which was surrounding the camp of Israel and and then you see that top the the race arches the forest arches representing the brigades of Israel you have an all a goal in all which represents the world and then a top that golden all is a cross which represents our future king the future king of kings of Israel it represents our Messiah but she opened a gate and so this this is this this crown it's just something else and people people don't know it people don't understand it which is just such a shame now before coronation of the of a new king in England there is a procedure and the duels are kept in the dual house in the Tower of London and on the evening Pradas coronation this crown is taken out of the jewel room and put in under armed escort and driven to the house of the Archbishop of Canterbury well it's a palace actually and which is adjacent to the Westminster Abbey where all coronations take place and the bishop the Bishop's Palace is is like it's like the house of the high priest the palace of the high priest is the head of the Church of England and so this crown is placed in a special room and this is a picture of that room and that room is called the Jerusalem chamber is it fitting that the crown which represents the whole house of Asia the crown which represents the candidate show and and and in fact also the Millennial Kingdom of Israel with if you consider that Yeshua is on top of it and it's going to rule the whole world through Israel and that crown is placed on that table and the armed guard overnight and then it is taken from the juice Unchained oh it's taken into the Jericho Paulo I know diesel ice our ancestors and to the land by Jericho right across the Jordan in that area and so from the Jerusalem Chamber this crown representing the whole house of Israel the candidature is taken on a velvet cushion in procession by those priests and palates through the Jericho chain and jericho power and from the jacob parlor that is a room that connects directly into the Westminster Abbey and the abbey represents the temple if you like and there is a side door so if you come out if you were to come out of the the next room you be opening a door that leads directly to another door that opens the door to the the temple or the Westminster Abbey but this crown is so holy it's not allowed to go through that room because that room is called the canine room and we can't mix this crown with any Canaanites can we so they take this crown on its velvet cushion outside the Jericho parlor into an open culture and the crown is open to wind and rain and whatever the weather is providing on the day and is taken in procession to the east or of the Abbey has to be the eastern door right and the eastern door a very very long passageway very very high monumental high roof and if you've ever been there is just the most magnificent Cathedral you can imagine and so it's taken in procession very slowly towards the high altar which is a long way away and as that crown is taken in procession you see the West window above and the West window is something else because it's glass in like a glass in lead since our ancient window and in this window you have all you have Abraham a picture in full-color of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and then you have all of Jacob's sons in order or first etc and so that is that window so there's the first goal and then the second goal and then I think it's a third role and at the end of Jacob's family you have Moses and Aaron all in full glory you know and with the Sun on it fantastic it looks fantastic and so this crown is being walked towards this window and then it is put on the altar the Crown's put on the altar and then we saw the picture of Her Majesty the Queen she sets in the coronation chair and there she is crowned by bishops and her attendants etc underneath a hopper by the way underneath her Hooper and so and she's anointed with oil most of the kings in Europe are not anointed with oil but in Britain she's anointed before and all the traditions of the coronation service of the kings of England and the Queens of England are taken from the coronation service of Solomon even the songs say doctor priest they sing and so forth everything is pointing to Israel the origin of the nation the origin of the of the Kingdom and the royal dynasty everything points back to Israel where it originated isn't that incredible I always find it incredible here's the West window you can't see it terribly clearly on this slide but you want to see it I mean it's it is as high as this room higher than this room the window so it's high in fact when you get close to it now the amazing thing is that iris I made an appointment with Lord Michael Allenby in the House of Lords and he I wanted to bring a mayor and photographer to the House of Lords and take some photographs and I I think it was a divine appointment because you know it's my idea to do that and just swing him out but he was at the other end of the phone and he was willing to listen and and he said yes so I call that a divine appointment don't you yeah yeah no we'll get to that but you know I say this my idea wasn't my idea the idea came to me and we know where it came from I know it came from so one of the paintings I took and I was so blessed by this was in the picture of the Moses room in the House of Lords and the British Parliament is the only Parliament in the world that actually has a Moses room and this is a painting of Moses coming down the mountain bringing the law you know and it says he's bringing it to the Israelites and it is just a beautiful painting and it's just large as the end war when you come in so it really hits you they also have a marvelous painting here Daniel preaching in Babylon again the painting larger than that then garage door you know and so it's quite amazing to have a Moses room they haven't got one in the Knesset in Jerusalem I do know though that in the Senate or the Congress they have a very large painting or sculpture of Moses the lawgiver in in the Congress and when you walk through the passageways I hope to be able to get in there myself with a photographer to take a picture of it but maybe we have to wait for that now here we have the Queen's throne in the Parliament at Westminster the Palace of Westminster and this is her royal robing room so she has that if not a little room it's a huge room it's bigger than this and it's longer than this maybe not quite as wide and that this zone here shows the lion and the unicorn of the arms of Great Britain and I may get a close-up later and explain the meaning of these arms but there is a fascinating thing I discovered and never knew it was there the course is marquetry flowing around the Sun and Dada squares in the marquetry and you see that every square is filled with the Star of David but why is the Star of David round the throne of the Queen of England why I mean there's not just been there for her reign but many reigns before there's a Star of David and it's all the way around this way and that way and all the whole zone is sounded by the style Stars of David and inside the Stars of David you've got the symbol of the Tudor Rose now this symbol the Tudor Rose has only ten petals and the Tudor Rose is a royal symbol for the ten tribes of Israel hence the ten petals but the Rose of Sharon has got 12 petals and this is for the whole house of Israel and in front of her stone she's got 12 petals on every one of these symbols inside the maghen Davis and then the other symbol there is a variation it's not exact it's a variation of the breastplate of the high priest and in fact the breastplate of the high priest is a symbol of the British Parliament now that's extraordinary all the chairs in power and have the breastplate of the high priest at the back of them in the House of Lords they're read in the House of Commons they're green and everything there is telling you we are in jail and nobody understands it and nobody knows it maybe maybe a few people but I mean everyone should know don't you think she'll be taught at school and all this that it isn't this is the gated entrance to the House of Lords and or you've got all these emblems and I haven't really got time to explain them all but I'll get to it later perhaps now here we have a close-up of the Queen's throne in the House of Lords and you have two to two angels or Arch Angels in gold either side of the song and that all the symbolism is about Israel and I'll get clear the pictures for you for you to look at now when the Queen opens Parliament's usually has a husband by her side so we got two sons and then she reads the the program for parliament in the following year and the government writes it for her and and she just has a similar ceremonial function of reading it and and for that she needs the robing room to be rolled before the function it's only used once a year and there there are the Arch Angels either side in gold and there's the coat of arms above the throne and the coat of arms has on this side a unicorn on that side align align is upright like that and the Unicorn is also upright like that and the interesting thing is that the unicorn is chained to the ground and the lion is freestanding and the unicorn has got a golden a golden band around its neck a ornate this fluidly around it and then a golden chain is attached to it and and and she or he is chained to the ground so the unicorn can leave the unicorn is still in captivity but the Lion of Judah in history is not amazing and so we'll look some more similar material and this is the the the Parliament building it's like a type of Sun heating and the the the the Westminster Abbey it's like the temple the palace that the palace of the hype that did at the head of the Archbishop of Canterbury it's like the palace of the high priest and you know the Levites were in charge of the government and they had their their buildings of bureaucratic buildings so on this side you have all the Whitehall and all main government buildings are there in Whitehall and so the whole structure of the of the of the Abbey the Parliament the palace of the high priest right it's not a high priest but you know what I mean and then all the vertical buildings of government the whole of that City of Westminster is built on the lines of the temple complex in Jerusalem it's not extraordinary why why why would they - that's why would today I mean the Westminster Abbey's nearly a thousand years old why why would they do that you see what I mean and then then you have the palace Buckingham Palace you know located over there to the to the right just north of the Parliament so it's just extraordinary even at the arms of Westminster give you an indication of the breastplate of the high priest the tudor roses with their ten petals in in red and in white using two lines of judah there and it says the custody a cost custody Civet artem Domini so the custody of the city is in the hands of Jehovah and so it's quite extraordinary and you realize this you know an amazing thing is in this in this Westminster area which is about the same size as a temple complex 36 acres surrounded by the Thames on this side by canal on that side and a little stream and so it is just like the temple complex is separate from the city and even the toilets in Westminster have the arms of the high priest and the Lions of Judah either side and the tutor roses in the middle even the toilets a crafts clock of the coat of arms of Westminster indeed and you know it's exactly like it was in the temple complex in Jerusalem because every gate leading to that complex had the arms of the Levi the high priests whatever gate he went into the arms of Levi marked it as a sacred complex and then every building had the arms of high priest now here you have an officer sword the officers in in British Army for several centuries are commissioned by by the Queen or by the king and their sword is a symbol of their commission because they carry their commission in the name of the king or in the name of the queen who is the head of state and every sort of every British soldier who is an officer class soldier as the megandave the Star of David just below the hilt on his sword and that's been going on for over two hundred years and I discovered I was interested whether America had the same tradition but it's only one one group of soldiers who are given a sword and that's the Marines and the Marine sword all the Marines sword also have the nagging disease just below the the hilt you have to ask yourself why why is that so why do that this dizzy intrinsically is our symbol why put it on the sword of the moon why put it on the sword of a British soldier if it doesn't have any meaning they're the gates of Buckingham Palace and you see the line of Judah on the left you see the unicorn of Israel on the right on top you see a line on vasant sideways and this line is City is standing on a crown that apparently I understand was the personal symbol of King David himself so that is on the Royal Regalia and the Royal Arms of Great Britain that is King David's personal emblem because King David was from the time of Judah but he couldn't use the emblem of the tribe which is this upright line and so he had to come up with something else so David's line is sideways on all fours and he is standing on a crown so that's that's how David distinguished his lineage from the lineage of Judah the tribe and you also have a Canada gate in around Buckingham Palace there's all these case for these great symbols and that's the Canada Gate where you have an ox which is a frame on that gate here we have the funeral of the Queen Mother which I was privileged to attend and you see on top of the funeral there is her crown and you see I don't know if you see it a close-up but this crown has got the fleur-de-lis on it and you can see the thirdly country put your glasses on I promise you it's there now the thirdly and you know I really couldn't place the firmly at all I had placed pretty well all of the heraldic images that came from the words of Jacob and the words of Moses Jacob spoke them in Genesis 49 Moses spoke them of the tribes in Deuteronomy 33 now all I did is collate those words to try and find the tribes because they were addressed to individual tribes and the individual tribes adopted those words as their emblems their personal emblems and so here we have the fleur-de-lis which is a foremost royal emblem all the kings that are still there and all the Queens that are still there of the royalties of Europe they all have got the third league and the French when they had Kings the thirdly was their ultimate symbol of royalty and so here we have the thirdly on the the crown of the Queen Mother and so when I was there I want to know where does everyone come from why is that one there and so I didn't know and I didn't know where to look or what to do so I prayed and I asked fathers show me where does that fleur-de-lis come from what does it mean and so forth and I prayed and prayed and I was not getting an answer and I prayed for two months maybe even a bit longer and I was asking him please follow it's the one that I need to know this one anyway one day I was reading the Sermon on the Mount in the book of Matthew and then I had the you a camera moment because there I was worried not about what you shall eat or what used to wear look at Solomon he was look at the lilies of the field lilies of the field even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these and I thought Solomon Solomon the fleur-de-lis comes from Solomon so then I went to my concordance and I found 14 references to lilies the fleur-de-lis and 13 were about Solomon or connected with Solomon directly whether is in the Song of Solomon or wetters when he built the temple or whatever the fourth and 13 applied to Solomon and 13 is a very very special number and we're gonna go in that later it's a sacred number so and the 14th was about Israel so I thought 13 Solomon 1 Israel or Solomon was king of Israel but the thirdly belongs to Solomon so I believe that's the fleur-de-lis with Solomon's personal seal and you know that's why all royalty have adopted the fleur-de-lis especially in the West and you find it in every one of their crowns also the coronation crown of England you have a large cross bejeweled cross alternating a golden furtherly and it goes all the way around the crown now talking about the triple lines are to done every one of the children of Israel camp by his own standard and besides the emblems of his father's house so the children which are were really into heraldry they were really into standards everyone had their standard every family had that standard every tribe had their standard you see there really entered and that's numbers to two and they should camp a some distance from the tabernacle of meeting and Judah this is the blessing of Jacob Judah is a lion's whelp from the pray my son you have gone up he boughs down he lies down as a lion and as a lion who shall rouse him the scepter shall not depart from Judah and so forth so then you have three mentions of a lion in Jacobs blessing on Judah so that's why the lion is a symbol of Judah but when you look at the British coat of arms and the Danish coat of arms they got Triple Alliance compact coat of arms which also a reference to Judah and also reference to David the original of the heraldic symbols of the twelve tribes of Israel are found in the words that Jacob spoke on his deathbed as he addressed his twelve sons and Moses to address each of the twelve tribes of Israel just prior to his death here you have the Lions Gate in Jerusalem and those little Lions are carved out in stone on the Lions Gate and they're that they're the Lions that a part of the Triple Alliance atutor that's why it's called the Lions Gate here you have the windows showing the lion and the unicorn in the Palace of Westminster so this is in the Parliament parliamentary complex you find these kind of windows and there's the line of Judah on that side with the flower representing the ten tribes of Israel and on this side we've got the unicorn and I'm not sure if you can see it clearly but the unicorns got this golden band and there is a chain that goes down the bottom and he's tied to the ground then you have triple lines of Judah in this quarter triple lines of Judah in the top left quarter you have a line from the Zehra line of Judah and you have the Harper King David and they're the arms of Great Britain God brought him Israel out of Egypt he hath as it were the strengths of a unicorn he shall eat up the nations his enemies and he shall break their bones and pierced them so add all this through with his arrows pierce and through with his arrows he crowds he lay down as a lion and as a great line who shall stir him and then a top scripture about the land a unicorn his glories like the first thing of his bullet the bullet being Ephraim and his halls are like the halls of unicorns unicorns being Israel with them he shall push the peoples together to the ends of the earth and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim and they are the thousands of Manasseh now the Jews have never ever pushed the nations to the ends of the earth but if a man asks I have only in the last World War you know you had the American GIs and you had a British GIS and they had a badge on there on that shoulder and the American GIs had one half of the world on their badge and the British gi's had the other half and at the end of the Second World War they were in charge of the entire globe every nation on earth was subject to them either to occupation or through having delivered them from the Nazi or the Japanese yoke etc so yes they did that Jilla never did that and I was saying Judah never did whereas Judah preserved the scriptures it was Joseph that is the Ephraim our nation's who distributed them all around the world is in the days of empire whenever the British gunboats were now it's the missionaries who went in there trained with a Bible and they brought the Bible to the four quarters of the earth and preach the gospel such as it was that still people became familiar with the Bible and has such a number of them became familiar with the Torah now these are the royal arms of Great Britain how quickly could goes through that in a way we've touched upon them of course we got the Triple Alliance of Judah we got the line of the houses era we got the triple answer Tudor we've got the Harper King David we got the line the line of King David you got the unicorn of Israel the line of Judah unicorn of itself and we got King David's personal emblem which is a line on passant on top of a crown and so this this is the arms of Great Britain and everything about it points us to Israel and King David and at the bottom it says Jew a mantra God and my rights it can be loosely translated as God and my birthright and then the motto says oh nice Rocky Molly balls which means evil to him who evil thinks and to me that smacks a little bit of you know blessed are you if you bless us if you bless me you're blessed cause I'm from Israel if you should bless Israel you are blessed if you curse Israel you're cursed evil to him who evil things on its rocky Molly pause so we see even that motto points to Israel and points to the scriptures they have the arms of Judah again the line of Judah okay and there you have the arms of Flanders a lion there you have the arms of Belgium three lines there you have the arms of the Netherlands three lines there you have the arms of Denmark triple lines atutor the arms of Finland a single line bearing an axe the arms of Iceland they've changed their arms they haven't got the royal family anymore but that used to be their arms and then the arms of Sweden there are the arms of Finland on the left the arms of Scotland on the right which is two unicorns and the line of Zahra in the middle and then you've got the arms of Luxembourg three lines those are all but it's very effect that they portray the symbol of the Lion of Judah they were all ruled by a descendant of Judah and they're all Israelite nations and here's a beauty this is a beauty this is a mosaic from a ceiling in the Polish synagogue so taking this from a Polish synagogue where the line of Judah can you see it the line of Judah is blowing the shofar of the unicorn of Israel right it's a triumphant victory picture this one and because the line of Judith burnished the Horn of the unicorn of Israel and and then you have this this this flower pot with four flowers with the tutors for children roses in there representing the children of Israel being dispersed to the four corners of the earth and it's from those four corners that our Father in Heaven is going to bring them back bring them back to his land bring them back to Judah and not be reconciliation in the whole miss Baja of Israel hallelujah you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 29,594
Rating: 4.7825465 out of 5
Keywords: Stephen Spykerman, Mount Ephraim Watchman, Israel, Judah, King David, King David''s Throne, King David's throne in Europe, Royal lineage, Ephraim, Menassah, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Called-Out Believers, Called Out Believer, David Monarchy, Commonwealth of Israel, Pastor Isaac, Two House, Two Houses of Israel, Davidic Monarchy, Israel's migration
Id: tcs0SctsCEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 52sec (3952 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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