How the Day of Trumpeting and the Shofar both point to the Day of the Lord!

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[Music] shabbat shalom we'd like to welcome everyone here and everyone who's watching through Facebook and YouTube this morning we have a special study for you about the meaning and uses of the shofar as we prepare for yom teruah which will begin this evening I thought it fitting that we begin to meditate on the deep reasons why God has used a shofar for the children of Israel to assemble the people sometimes it's a call to war sometimes it's a call to a wedding sometimes it's to announce a king and sometimes it's simply to praise the Lord in joy we're gonna see how all of these things throughout the scriptures has pointed forward to the day of the Lord that day that Joel says is a great and terrible day because it's terrible if you going to war against God's people but it's great if you're God's people and you're being delivered by God's Messiah and so we're gonna see how the shofar is always pointing forward to the holy day it's a new moon day and it's gonna be a day that Messiah comes on in the future so we're studying the different aspects of the shofar and how they prepare us for the day of the Lord and on the day of trumpeting just like Yeshua's first coming was all fulfilled point by point in the spring feast we're going to see the second coming fulfilled in all the fall feast which begins with yom teruah the day of trumpeting the shofar which I have an example up here of a ram's horn it's called a shofar often translated as trumpets in the English Bible is a ram's horn and used for various reasons all of which remind us of the things pertaining to when Messiah will come known in scriptures as the day of the Lord now it should be clarified that there's different sounds that come from a ram's horn there is the takea which is the long blast and the takea GAD all is that last blast that is usually blasted on yom teruah and on yom kippur we see that there is also a blast called the Shivering which has three blasts and then there is the the teruah which is a staccato nine blasts so you hear all of these intermittently announced and called out on the day of teruah covering a hundred different blasts and so we're gonna do that this evening but this morning we're going to talk about how trumpets or shofars herald a time for repentance as well as a time for war and a time for weddings a time to rejoice and the arrival of the king is always announced by the shofar here we are in the last day of Elul and this whole month of Elul is all about repentance and do you know that each morning after the Shalika service we blast the shofar one blast each day leading up to yom teruah and that blast is to reverberate to our very souls it's to awaken our hearts to repentance as we're crying out for repentance or crying out for forgiveness from God and we are seeking repentance with our fellow man as well as with God it's so important that as we lead up to Yom Kippur that we have made amends with anybody that we have wronged or that we're at odds with and that any sense that we have committed against God that we're seeking forgiveness for and that's why after the yom teruah service we usually do something called Tosh league which is out of the book of Malachi and it's where we throw our sins symbolically into the water just like the scripture says that God throws them into the depths of the sea and so we symbolically do this symbolizing that we have been atoned for just as 3500 years ago Moses was up seeking atonement and repentance for the children of Israel on Mount Sinai in this very time of year and it was on Yom Kippur that he came down after that last 40 days and God told Moshe to tell the people that he would make atonement for them and so the day of atonement was commemorated ever since well all of these different aspects of the shofar point forward to the day of the Lord and are going to show us different glimpses of different things that are going to be happening on the day of the Lord in the month of Elul alula spelled all Islam involve lawmen in the Hebrew and that is an acronym the name of this month if you take the first letter of each word you actually have the acronym that is from Song of Solomon chapter 6 verse 3 Aniela Dody Vado D Li which means I am My Beloved's and my beloved is mine and when we say that we're internalizing not only repentance individually through the month of Elul but corporately for the whole house of Israel so when we recite the scripture we're actually thinking corporately that I am a part of Israel say it with me I am Israel and your beloved is yeah and he loves you dearly he's the lover of your soul and your beloved which is yah is yours and he has made a way for you to be renewed in the Covenant that he made with your forefathers back at Sinai 3,500 years ago and this is the same thing that they were doing that we're doing today seeking repentance in this month leading up to the great shofar blast and we know when the Lord descended on Mount Sinai there was his voice his word literally came out like the sound of a shofar and it shook the earth and it elevated the mountain off of its foundation and the people stood at the base of it and they trembled their whole hearts just woke up to really crying out to God and really seeking his repentance and that holy awe incited true repentance to the very depth of their being the month of Elul before the day of trumpeting is a time for repentance and each day the shofar is blowing eloah means search in aramaic did you know that the whole month is about searching out our hearts and each day we search our hearts and blow the shofar calling for repentance and seeking forgiveness the soul-stirring shofar blasts inspire us to come closer to God as we read from Amos 3:6 shel a trumpet be blowing in the city and the people not be afraid it's supposed to wake people up it's supposed to make them think about their are they right with God and make the supposed to make them think about being moved into right relationship with him well this morning we're gonna look at a lot of different aspects of the shofar and the very first thing it's fitting is repentance because it's what leads up to yom teruah the month of you lo before the day of trumpeting is a time for repentance and each day the shofar is blonde isaiah 58:1 says cry aloud spare not lift up your voice like a shofar so our voices in the month of Elul as we're calling people to repentance just like Elijah of old our voice is supposed to stir their very soul to repentance just like a shofar and show my people their transgression God says and the house of Jacob their sins so in love we're supposed to call out to people prepare for the great day of the Lord the day of trumpeting don't wait till Young Kippur because it is said that on yom teruah your name is written in the book of life but it's sealed like your final fate is on Yom Kippur so you don't want to wait until um Kippur you want your name to be written today this means this last 30 days is a time for not only repenting yourself but stirring others to repentance and our voice is supposed to be reverberating just like Elijah the first Elijah and the second Elijah John the Baptist and the third Elijah's message in the last days will be the exact same thing repent and be cleansed of your sins turn from your ways that's what repentance means in the Hebrew tetsu vah means to turn from your sin and return to the source and that's what's happening as we turn people from the source of their sin which first john 3:4 describes as the transgression of Torah we're actually turning them away from Torah lessness and turning them back to the source in the word into Torah observance Ezekiel 33 6 says but if the watchman and you know this word watchman is net serene and it's the word that gets translated as Christians and used today in Israel for Christians so we're to be the Watchmen and if the watchman sees what's coming prophetically like we know there's gonna be a time of war we know there's gonna be a time where all the nations are gathered against God's people and especially against Jerusalem if we see what's coming and we have that spiritual insight and that wisdom and we know we're supposed to be calling each other to repentance and we don't blow the shofar which means symbolically we're not announcing what's coming and we're not preparing each other for it and if the people are not warned and if the sword does come and take away any person from among them he will be taken away in his iniquity but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand that means that if you don't blow the shofar if you don't announce it's a time for repentance when somebody is taken away they are taken away in their sin they didn't have a time to repent because it was our responsibility to call them to repentance so who really bears the responsibility of that iniquity that they died with we do if we have this knowledge that's pretty serious statement isn't it so as we prepare at the end of Elul here today remember that we're to be calling not only ourselves to repentance but one another and sharing not only what's going to happen in the last days but the good news of how God has made a way that your sins can be thrown as far as the East is from the West they can be thrown as Micah says into the depths of the sea hallelujah that is the good news and you know it's that love and that ah as we see God's character of love and what he's done for us that awakens our heart to love him back and it's that love that is a true motivator for change the reward of heaven or of the kingdom to come or the fear of punishment or as the old Baptist Southern Baptist used to preach hail fire and brimstone you know reward and Punishment are never lasting motivators but only seen that true love as it's already been displayed by our Heavenly Father in doing all he can to reach out to his children and provide a way of salvation and atonement for them that's what was our heart to want to change naturally the day of trumpeting is a Sabbath of the Lord it's one of the Sabbath's listed in love Vegas 23 now in three different places in the scripture God says this is my sign between me and my people those that keep my Sabbath's so everybody wants to be known as a child of God or as a person that is claimed by God but he clearly delineates that his people will be known by keeping his Sabbath's and all of his Sabbath's are listed in Leviticus 23 and it starts off with the seventh-day Sabbath then it goes through Passover and unleavened bread the feast of weeks and that is all in the spring and summer and then the next Sabbath is the day of trumpeting which we will herald tonight and then Yom Kippur and then there is two Sabbath's at the beginning and end of Sukkot leading up to the eighth day assembly Shammi neots arendt which means time of rejoicing in the Torah that's when we finished reading the Torah cycle in Deuteronomy and it's representing it being complete upon our heart looking forward to that day at the end of the thousand-year messianic age that Torah is fully written upon our heart and we won't even need to refer to a written scroll because we'll be living out those laws of love naturally well I don't I said to Moshe in the beginning of Leviticus 23 tell the people of Israel see he's got to tell his people this is my sign between me and my people you got to know what my Sabbath's are if this is what separates you out is mine the designated times of whoo the Lord not the Jews now people when they hear that you're keeping passover and yom teruah and yom kippur they say oh are you Jewish it's not a Jewish holy day now Jews have preserved it they've kept in this is why it's become associated with the Jews but these days are the appointed times the designated times the consecrated times the holy times of the Lord Most High these are his days and we become associated with him when we keep his days that he asks us to keep and he asked us to keep them not because it's arbitrary rules but because they're gonna tell us what's going to happen throughout history and each holy day has a significant prophetic event associated with it pertaining to Messiah he says these are my holy convocations my designated times in verse one and then in verse four he says you are to proclaim them at their designated times and that's what we're doing today we're proclaiming the time is coming his holy day is here we're fulfilling the mitzvot proclaiming his designated times and then to skip ahead to verse 24 where it actually talks about this holy day yom teruah it says in the seventh month and here we are at the last day of the sixth month and tonight a sunset will begin the seventh month the first of the month is to be a day of complete rest for remembering a holy day of convocation announced with blast on the shofar so we are going to follow God's Word by faith and we are going to announce it with blasts of the shofar after sundown tonight this is the commandment that delineates exactly when his time is but what if you don't know what the beginning of the seventh month is what if you don't know the God's calendar on the Hebrew calendar what if you're just following the Gregorian months then it's arbitrary days do you never notice how the month on our calendar is not associated with anything to do with the heavens and it has nothing to do with the moon the very origin of the name month comes from moon it means the cycle of the Moon and that moon is a twenty nine and a half days cycle and so we have to know when do we start our month in order for the holy day in the middle of the month which is the Sukkot the first day of Sukkot to be on a full moon you have to start right otherwise you're gonna be slightly off from that full moon so do we observe crescent moon or do we observe in the total blackness and the conjunction of the moon well Psalms 81 verse 3 as well as the Book of Enoch describes us observing in the full concealed moon this word Kassar gets translated as many different things but it actually means fully concealed moon fully covered blow the shofar on the fully covered dark new moon on the day of our solemn feast psalms 81 3 so even david was talking about blowing the shofar at the conjunction moon and that begins tonight which is exciting so we're trying to follow god's calendar as close as we can according to Scripture and we have a new moon study on our website which goes through many different scriptures all that lend credence to how to observe God's calendar according to the conjunction moon so we looked at repentance and the month of Elul leading up to this let's look at the different scriptures that talk about the shofar being used at a time of war Jeremiah 419 says my heart makes a noise in me I cannot hold my peace because my soul has heard the sound of the shofar the alarm of war so what's interesting is in the last days the reason Messiah comes according to Zechariah 14 is to protect his people all the nations have gathered against Jerusalem and if they were not protected according to the Book of Daniel it says that the time of tribulation lasts until the power of the holy people is totally shattered that means they can't defend themselves any longer so guess who steps in when we can defend ourselves any longer Messiah so the whole timeframe two messiahs coming is a time of war and this is why the shofar is another apt description to prepare us for what is to come some biblical examples of the shofar being used at a time of war go all the way back to Joshua and the seven priests who blew the seven shofars at the time of Jericho after seven days of marching around Jericho seven priests blew seven shofar seven times isn't that beautiful and the walls came up crumbling down as the childhood story or song goes we also know Caleb when he when God helped him reduce his army from 3,000 down to 300 able men in judges 716 he gave them each a shofar to blow as they went into battle do you remember the story of them covering their lamps and they came down into the camp and they all had a shofar and then they surprised the enemy they pulled off the pot over the top of their torch and all of a sudden they went from total darkness and the enemy's camp to a hole that's lighting and and shofar blowing and it's very apt description of the day of the Lord both at Sinai there was lightning and shofar blasts and in the day of the Lord it's called a dark day where there will be lightning and shofar blasts and the voice of the Lord so we see amazing parallels there in 4 Samuel 13 3 the story of Saul blowing the shofar as a ward against the Philistines is told and in second samuel 228 joab blew a shofar to stop a war against israel because remember david was king and heparin for seven years before he came up and reigned in jerusalem over all Israel while he was reigning in Hebron we see a divided camp we see Israel still kind of following after someone else after Saul's death and we see a small amount of Judah supporting David because David was from Judah so they would have gone to war together the children of Israel against Judah but Joab blew a shofar to actually stop the war and that's similar to the way you know when Paul describes the Lord shall descend with a shout and the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first and we who are alive and remain that's going to stop the war so it not only announces he's coming arrayed in battle but it's stopping the persecution against God's people so we see both fits and a time to assemble God's people for war but then there's also a time to stop war cause he cleese EST says there's a time for everything so what does the Bible say will be happening at the time of the day of the Lord on the day of the shofar yom teruah we see in Joel chapter 2 a very clear description blow the shofar in Zion we're told prophetically and sound an alarm on my holy mountain I imagine this is talking about the last days and Joel is around 600 BC so he's prophesying 2600 plus years into the future when Messiah will come and all the nations are gathered against Jerusalem against God's people God says blow the shofar in Zion at that time sound an alarm on my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble the day of the Lord cometh not at hand for behold in those days and in that time when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem I will also gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley of jehoshaphat now Jehoshaphat is a prophetic term it actually that name means jaws judgment so instead of it being a literal place it's a prophetic imagery that's being used here he's gonna gather the nation's down and judge them as they are persecuting his people and trying to divide his land so this is what it means to bring the nation's down to the valley of Jehoshaphat he's bringing them to Israel for judgment and will plead with them there for my people and my heritage Israel whom they have scattered amongst the nations and divided my land it's amazing how clear it is because that is really the endtime issue is the world is going to be promoting dividing Israel right down the middle of Jerusalem and giving the east half of Jerusalem to the Palestinians and that's why Zechariah says that half the city will be exiled that means they'll be kicked out of their homes and the houses will be plundered and the women ravished we'll look at that in just a minute yes Donna yes it's much smaller than the original land grant that God promised Abraham that his seed would inhabit in the messianic age but right now God is using this as a starting place to restore his people back to the land and can you imagine even the small thin piece of land they have now which is only about 40 miles across to dividing that at the most strategic point and giving all the holy places that were God placed his name to a people who don't even care for Jerusalem they just don't want Israel to have it and this is the way the enemy works in verse 9 of Joel - Joel 3 it says proclaim need this among the nations prepare war wake up the mighty men let all of the men of war draw near let them come up he's speaking to the nations go ahead come up it's all prophesied what's gonna happen in Zechariah 14 which I was just mentioning says it like this behold the day of the Lord cometh and the spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee that means everything that they were taking away from Israel won't even leave the land it's going to be given right back to Israel and they will redistribute the spoil right there he says for I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle and the city will be taken and the houses rifled and the women ravished and half of the city will go forth into captivity they're gonna be kicked out of East Jerusalem and we know what group ravishes women when they come in and take over and it says and the remainder of the people will not be cut off from the city so they'll still be many Jews and many people of the house of Israel living in the rest of Jerusalem but where they've divided that line right down the middle East Jerusalem they will give and that's half the city then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations as when he fought back in the day of battle what it's saying is back in biblical times the stories that we read about these amazing encounters where God gave the victory to his people it will be like that in the end as well and his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives now we know God is spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and truth he has no form so all of a sudden this imagery changes from God doing this mighty act through the very person who he's doing this mighty act through which is Messiah very exciting to see this we're talking about the day of the Lord the day of Messiah will come it's a day of shofar as Joel said they're speaking about the same event here's another place where it speaks of it in Zechariah 9 14 through 16 and the Lord shall be seen over them and his arrows shall be like lightning so imagine he's coming in there's thundering and lightnings flashing and the sound of the shofar imagined the hearts of men how afraid they'll be we're told in other parts of prophecy that they will cry for the mountains to fall on them and the rocks that's how afraid they'll be and the Lord God shall blow what the shofar on what day yom teruah the day of trumpeting in which the shofar was prophesied to go forth and shall be as a whirlwind of the south the Lord of Hosts shall defend them speaking of his people Israel and the Lord their God shall save them in that day this is talking about a specific day the day of trumpeting in English yom teruah in the hebrew this is the day of the shofar blast he's gonna save them in that day as a shepherd saves his sheep as a flock of his people for they are and then here's some more beautiful imagery now it changes from the imagery of him as a shepherd protecting his flock to like this aerial view of seen these little lights israel's call the light right and you see them sparkling like jewels in his crown his people are like his jewels it says for they are as the stones of a crown lifted as an ensign upon the land now an ensign is a symbol it is can be a flag but it doesn't have to be a flag it the reason that flags were used is because you could see the colours of each tribe easily waving so imagine all these different jewels in his crown sparkling like an in sign it's a beautiful imagery that he's coming back to save his people Zephaniah the prophet in the first chapter verses 14 through 18 says the great day of the Lord is near any time it talks about the day of the Lord the great and terrible day of the Lord the great day it's always speaking of messiahs coming the last great day the great day of the Lord is near and hastens greatly the voice of the day so this day has a voice in it and the shofar is likened to the voice of God this is what the people heard even at Sinai in that day the mighty man shall cry there bitterly that day is a day of wrath a day of trouble and distress a day of waste and desolation a day of darkness and gloominess a day of clouds and thick darkness a day of the shofar and alarm look at it's not just in once passage it's in multiple passages he's saying the day of the Lord is the day of the shofar and it'll be a time where he's coming back to protect us and during a time of war and against the high towers he's his alarm is going out against the cities there that are wicked as well as what would be a high tower today skyscrapers where's most of skyscrapers Tel Aviv where's most of the sin and wickedness Tel Aviv kind of interesting how you can start to see the deeper layers of these surface words and realize wow it's very specific actually it's talking about things in our day I will bring this dress let's see if the rest of the verse will confirm what we're saying and I will bring distress upon men that they shall walk like blind men because they have sinned against the Lord so it's talking about wicked cities where men are sinning against the Lord they should know better because they're in Israel and it's a place where there's high towers or skyscrapers sounds like judgment is coming to Tel Aviv if you ask me neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in of the Lord's wrath so this is all pertaining to what's going to be happening the peripheral things that are happening on the day of the Lord when Messiah comes he's coming back to reestablish God's kingdom to return the Exile of Israel to rebuild the temple to stream Torah forth from Jerusalem and do you think that these wicked cities are going to be able to continue to prosper in that age in that day no it's prophesied that they will be destroyed so we've looked at repentance and we've looked at war in the context of shofar how about that time of weddings Matthew 24 describing the last days Yeshua in verse 30 and 31 says and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven and then so what comes before it when will the sign of the son of man do you know in the verse before it in verse 29 he says after the tribulation of those days so anybody that tells you that he's coming back before the tribulation and to rescue his people are not following Scripture it actually says after the tribulation of those days you'll see the Sun and Moon turn to blood and the stars fall and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven that's exactly what precedes this verse for context sake and then shall all the races some versions say tribes some versions say nations all of the peoples of the earth are going to mourn because their conscience is gonna prick them if they're not walking with the Lord he imagined knowing that you had a chance you had heard the truth but you rejected it for your own convenience for your own life God's Sabbath's were not important to you so you weren't separated as God's people and you knew and now you're mourning that would be a horrible time it actually says in Revelation they'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth so they will see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with great power and great glory and he shall send His angels with a great sound of a shofar on the day of trumpeting and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other now in the word elect is an interesting word because it's like his special chosen ones and who's more special and more chosen than a bride he's coming back not only to rescue his people but he's coming to herald a wedding this is what revelation talks about the marriage of the Lamb ensuing immediately upon his coming these are his elect his bride his pure and holy virgins of Israel they're called in prophecy Joel 2:15 says blow the shofar in Zion sanctify a fast now it's talking about the shofar that's blowing at Yom Kippur call a solemn assembly gather the people sanctify the congregation assemble the elders gather the children and infants let the bridegroom go forth from his chamber and the bride leave her Hoopa so if he's coming to receive his bride on yom teruah and ten days later on the day of our fast it's saying the bridegroom is leaving his bridal chamber and the bride is leaving her marriage Hoopa what's happened in between this is the time that the Jews have been preserving the seven date in the hoopla for the bride and you know what's interesting because yom teruah is known as the day that nobody knows the day or the hour because it's a dark moon and you can't cite it and there's two dark days one at the end of the month and one at the beginning of the month if you didn't know scientifically when the conjunction was you have set aside two days for yom teruah and this has been the case throughout history even David and Saul had a two-day new moon feast and if you subtract those two days from the beginning of the month and Yom Kippur begins on the end of the ninth day of Tishri to start the tenth day you have exactly seven days in between there where the bride will be in the heavenly Kupa and so it's literally telling us that after that seven days in the Hupa on yom kippur or as we say in hebrew yom haki Purim the bride is coming out of the hoopla at that time so what's gonna happen between Young Kippur and Sukkot is the time for the marriage feast but the days between yom teruah and yom kippur is a time for intimacy with the bridegroom this is gonna be a very special time in the Hupa which in tradition a bridegroom would always go away after betrothing a bride and he would return to his father's house and she would return to her father's house and he would go and prepare for the wedding and he would build a marriage canopy off of the side of the father's house so when you shoe says I go to prepare a place for you he's not preparing permanent dwellings or as it gets interpreted mansions in heaven he's preparing a temporary place for the wedding that's the hoopla off of his father's house and then he will come and receive the bride and take her to that place for the marriage of the lamb and the marriage supper of the lamb isn't that beautiful to see scripture describing the intimacy that's going to take place there come back virgin Israel Jeremiah prophecies come back to these cities of yours this is prophetically calling the bride back to establish the must sanik Kingdom on Sukkot the day which signifies Messiah tabernacling with man do you know that Yeshua was born on the first day of Tabernacles he tabernacled in human flesh and his first coming and his feet will touch the Mount of Olives in that great day after the marriage and the marriage supper on Sukkot and this will be fulfilled come back virgin Israel this bride come back to the cities that have been prepared in Israel Jeremiah 31 20 imagery but when we're reading all of these things just like a book you know from first chapter to second chapter if we don't understand the context in which these prophecies are given we miss so much of the beauty of what they're talking about in Revelation it talks about another shofar that's being blown by the seven angels who each have a shofar and that last shofar that seventh Trump is at the time of the Messiah's coming this says in the seventh angel sounded his shofar and there were great voices in heaven now this often gets translated in English as trumpets but you just have to realize just like when you read law in the scriptures I always want you to read Torah and when you read trumpets I want you to read shofar and know that that's and I've looked these things up in the Hebrew and in the Greek and this is the words that were being used especially in the Tanakh you can really clearly see that it was a shofar that is talking about which is the ram's horn actually the ram's horn was the first original shofar of Israel and it wasn't until they went down to Egypt in the Exodus that they brought back a kudu antelope horn which is that long spiraled horn that you see people blowing but those kudos are not indigenous to Israel the sheep are indigenous to Israel and the Sheep is a sign of the children of Israel and so this is why the ram's horn is what's always if you're really going to be kosher this is what you're going to blow as the ram's horn and the seventh angel sounded his shofar in heaven and there was her great voices saying the kingdom of this world has finally become the kingdom of our Lord you can just see how excited they've been because they've been watching this whole controversy between good and evil and God's plan of salvation and Israel being scattered in Israel being regathered and they're seeing all the things that God has done for his children and the angels are just as excited as we are finally the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Anointed One notice anywhere that you see capital L Ord this is just a substitute for yo'd hey Bob hey for Hashem for the Holy Name so that we don't use it in common language so what it's literally saying is they're rejoicing because their Creator as well as our Creator the God of heaven and earth the Almighty one the eternal one his kingdom is finally going to be on this earth and lived out the way it should be because his anointed one is reigning as high priest and king during the messianic age which begins in yom teruah and that's who he's anointed one is now anointed one when it gets translated in greek it gets interpreted as Christos or Christ in English but the original word for anointed one is Mashiach and so this is why there's many different types of mashiac David was mushy acht he was anointed as he was coordinated as King Solomon was mushy ox so there are types of mushy off but there's one great mashiac and he will sit on David's throne and he will unite the Kingdom of Israel more than they've ever been united and he will return the Exile of Israel and he shall reign forever and ever it's prophesied which is exciting to see the angels are gonna be rejoicing with us that that very prayer that Yeshua prayed our Father who art in heaven hallow holy is your name your kingdom come may your kingdom come soon speedily in our day we always pray your kingdom come on earth is in heaven what was he praying for when he said that so often times we just recited and we don't really think about it he's praying for the Messianic age but in his first coming that wasn't the time for it but he was still understanding that and looking forward to it kind of beautiful and this is the time that the Angels will actually get to say hallelujah the kingdom of this world have become the kingdom of yo hey Vava Hey and of his anointed one mashiach and he shall reign forever and ever revelation 11:15 through 18 so not only is it a time of repentance leading up to it in the time of war at his coming and a time for the wedding for the bride but it's also gonna be a joyous time to rejoice just as those angels rejoiced when God's Spirit is once again in our midst when the temple is rebuilt and there's places in scripture that show the shofar has been used sometimes for no other reason than to rejoice when God's Spirit was in their midst especially where did God Spirit reside in the midst of his people usually between the cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant well look at what David did in 2nd Samuel 6 verse 5 when David brought up the Ark of the Covenant from its previous dwelling place to Jerusalem for the first time they danced and rejoiced with blast of the shofar as it was brought up to Jerusalem because God was gonna be in their midst once again and this is why David could write in Psalms 98 6 make a joyful noise with the shofar and in Psalms 150 verse 3 praise him with the sound of the shofar so when we on Shabbat morning have our shofars blasting as we're singing this song about praising God with the timbrel and with the drum and with the harp and with the lute and with the shofar it's wonderful because we're actually fulfilling one of its purpose Zecharia six 12 through 13 says behold the man whose name is the branch Messiah is the branch of the root of Jesse he has shot fourth and he shall grow up out of his place and he shall build the temple of the Lord there's your proof text if anybody says where does the Bible say that the temple is gonna be rebuilt and that Messiah is gonna rebuild it there it is and it's not the only place even he shall build the temple of yo Dave Ave and he shall bear the glory and shall sit and rule upon his throne now this is beautiful because I've actually had a fellow rabbi in discussions with me tell me that he didn't find anywhere in scripture that Messiah would reign as high priest and king and I said well how can you miss Zechariah 6 it's so clear not only does he build the temple but he will sit in the temple which is a holy place for a priest to dwell but he's gonna sit on the throne in the temple so right there it's alluding to it but then it even gets more clear it says and he shall be a priest on his throne it can't get more clear than that he's reigning as king and priest from the temple to offices perfectly balanced and the council of peace will be between both of these offices the Prince of Peace is reigning in peace from the city of peace Jerusalem during the Millennium of peace and he's teaching the principles of peace as our high priest he's going to be writing tore upon our heart and the principles of peace are going to be reigning clearly as he reigns as both king in his civil duty and as high priest and his religious duty beautiful and the shofar also announces the arrival of the King we see in Exodus 19 when the king of the universe descended upon Mount Sinai shofar blasts were heard at Sinai and at King David's coronation in second Samuel 2:4 there was shofars being sounded and at King Solomon's anointing both of these are types of the Messiah to come in david unified all of israel that's what Messiah will do Solomon he built the temple of the Lord where David couldn't and this is something that Messiah will do so we're looking at examples of the future Messiah and we're saying can we find scriptural foundation for the shofar being blowing just to announce the king now in England they blow trumpets and they say long live the king or in this case today long live the Queen right they announced that where did that announcement come from blowing the shofar and saying long live the king do you know that they actually said those exact words at Solomon's coronation they blew the shofar and they said long live the king and this is in 1st Kings 1 verse 34 through 39 so everything is based on this past platform or image of what a true king who will reign like based on King David and Solomon looking forward to the day that Mashiach will reign and all the kings and queens of the earth will give over gladly their reigning duties to him 1st Thessalonians 4:16 through 17 says for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the shofar trump of god and the dead in Christ shall rise first and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together remember Christ is just Anointed One it means mashiac the dead in mashiac will rise first and those who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with him so yom teruah a time that announces the arrival of the king king mashiac is coming he's coming soon and in our day and it will get worse before it gets better there will be a war where all the nations are coming against God's people in the end but we can still rejoice and blow the shofar and praise God for his plan of salvation and we can repent blowing the shofar and we can use the shofar in so many beautiful ways looking forward to that great and terrible day of the Lord but in closing I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the last powerful use of the shofar and that is God's shofar it's going to have such an amazing frequency how to hit his gonna reverberate right down to the graves and to the souls and raise the dead first Corinthians 15 verse 52 says in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the shofar shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed so the very last use of the shofar is God is going to use these amazing frequencies to raise his people up to life eternal from corruption to incredible from Mortal to immortal Isaiah 27 verse 13 prophecies of this great day and it says and it shall come to pass in that day that the great shofar shall be blowing and they shall come forth who perished wow how many times has Isaiah 27 ever been quoted to discuss the resurrection and the shofar being used for the resurrection I've never heard anybody mention it it gets mistranslated so often it's talking about God's children of Israel as they were dispersed scattered out of the land by different countries who took them captive to the south Egypt took them captive to the north assyria our forefathers have died in these lands of their dispersion in the Diaspora and wherever they've migrated what this is doing is giving us hope that not just us in the last day are gonna be resurrected but all of our forefathers through the ages wherever they were scattered wherever they were in exile wherever they perished in the land of Assyria and those who were cast down in the land of Egypt and shall worship the Lord it his holy mountain in Jerusalem so this shows because Messiah is going to descend over the Mount of Olives the same way that he ascended he will descend and this is why when the angels gather his elect to him they're all going to be gathered to worship the Lord in Jerusalem in that exciting to see that beautiful picture all through the lens of a simple ram's horn called a shofar so let's remember that tonight as we rejoice at this time of year that God has put a prophetic foreshadowing of messiahs coming to encourage his people and all the things that he's going to do on the day of trumpeting and some year future praise God for all of his plans for us let's rise and close in prayer Abba Father we just thank you Lord for revealing your plans through your servants the prophets we thank you for giving us the wisdom how to decipher your word line upon line precept upon precept to show all the beautiful imagery that you have hidden with your shofar your great day of trumpeting three gathering your people raising the dead of your people announcing the king calling us to repentance and saving us protecting us at a time of war father we praise you there is no one greater than you and your plans and purposes for us have never been abandoned you remember the covenant that you made with our forefathers and you are fulfilling them in our day and may Messiah come speedily and in our day because we look forward to being recreated in your image and rejoined through a perfect tour teacher our head rabbi high priest and King mashiac we love you and we thank you for this we look forward to this as we commemorate this prophetic foreshadowing on this yom teruah this year we look forward to your great day of the Lord and your Holy Name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 15,656
Rating: 4.9223299 out of 5
Keywords: Yom Teruah, Day of Trumpeting, Shofar, shofar blasts, Day of the Lord, Holy Days, Feasts of the Lord, Leviticus 23, War, Tribulation, Prophecy, Wedding, Bride of Christ, The King, Yeshua, Yahusha, Yahoshua, Messiah, Moshiach, Moshiach ben David
Id: s8iwStBcdcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 47sec (3107 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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