The Pillars of Creation! [Enshrouded Ep. 18]

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welcome back to enshrouded today I'm joined Again by crimson and uh between last episode and now I went back to the pike meat area and got myself some of the guard of the north armor set as well which I'm pairing with the wizard hat because I like the Critical Strike damage that it does so we should be decked out for some more Adventures here today if we go into the journal just to remind you all we've got the hearts of iron where we're finding iron for the blacksmith we've got Obelisk re search we've got the fortification for the city block and we've got finding masonry tools for the carpenter as well as the blacksmith request here and uh I think we're going to start out by finding the masonry tools because if we go to the map here that was right over in this location and the carpenter was basically saying it was by the pillar of creation uh which was that big pillar over here this big Mesa off in the distance and I'm honestly really excited to head over there because that was another potential building location that I wanted to check out to possibly do a large Castle later on so yeah with that said if you're ready Crimson we can uh head off in that direction nice and uh see what we have over there so we've explored up to this point we've taken out the Elixir well that's right over here in the Shroud and it's probably right over past that the big question is how do we get up on that pillar if there's a pathway or something else that's what I'm curious to find a bridge there is a bridge right up there yep there's also like a flame maybe this is a flame Shrine over here um let's see here worst case if I if I mess this up and don't find a way uh you could put a flame alter over by where you are um yeah at the camp there but I think there's a I don't know what that is it almost looks like a little flame Shrine in the hill over here so let me go off in this direction and just see what uh what we have over here think I'll be able to make it to over here yep perfect all right yeah I feel like coming over this way ah yeah there's like a little uh there's a little Camp over here actually glimmer Rock mine yeah Crimson maybe you want to come over in this direction I can place a flame alter over here but this is actually really close to finding masonry tools I've got a flame alter down over here in Cas case we need it but yeah glimmer Rock Mine this place kind of reminds me of the uh the mark of sth area over there oh we've got another one of the big uh big green poison blade guys E I should be over in a bit but all right I think I'm handling it pretty well so far here we go everything over here is actually only level 11 so we just hadn't uh found this spot earlier there is lots and lots of copper in here nice for this mine yeah just's a few mine shops it's definitely not as large as the uh Mark of sth place where we got the I think it was The Crucible for a smelter for the blacksmith I think that was the quest there but yeah I'll kind of see what's uh what's down in here haha sneak attack there we go yeah this ice oneand definitely is a good one to have around for these scavengers they really don't like it I don't like the fire one too much either but yeah I'm not finding many chests or other things in this area yeah reach the Pillars of Creation so and it's saying it's really not that far away this was what I was extra curious on was uh was this place over here if this was a flame Shrine because it's saying basically that the location is like right here but I'm guessing it's like way up there so ooh gate to The Pillars of Creation this is it this is it Crimson I thought this might have been a flame Shrine but yeah this is where we got to go so uh yeah I'll wait for you but this is cool I'm really excited to see what's here as I've said I haven't gotten a chance to do any of this in the demo or beta or anything in the game so this is all just super exciting each day yeah location reached so in oh don't go in there don't go in here no don't go in the in the Deep shroud rooms oh oh yeah there's like little uh little lava that's what it looks like that's lava I wanted to like uh go look for stuff and then I almost died ah yeah okay I've got lots of bugs o what is this stuff we've got like a green glowing stuff on the ground is this anything we can mine just gives us dirt ooh and it looks like Limestone as well so maybe we just continue up in this direction I have no idea how long we're going to be in the Shroud for these baby bugs little bugs they're actually they are Level 16s which is uh highest level we've had we were at level 15 before but yeah level 16 now for everything Pillars of Creation here we go that's a lot of experience to got yeah that was a lot from exploring this location this is crazy well we are no longer enshrouded we have a return Beacon this is kind of like the cinder Vault there there's probably lots of Loot and things uh in all of these all these this is really cool what you got in there this is really cool oh wow it's like a huge volcano this is really neat I wonder if we are allowed to build here if we could place a flame alar on the very top of it that would be really cool I bet heck of a cool spot I bet you could build at the top there but yeah probably not down here but yeah up at the very top of the flame alter boundary doesn't like uh go too deep into the ground so we have to find uh like a research Camp or research camps and that's where we uncover the tools strange structure huh this is kind of interesting yeah this is all just a bunch of lava I'm guessing maybe it's over here then there was a little tent over there there is a little research Camp uh up up over here I set it as a waypoint and it's yeah it's looking like we actually head up up in this direction just make sure yep there's a little chest over here though do o greater shroud survival flask how many minutes does that give us in the Shroud plus 4 minutes maximum shroud time that's not bad at all that's cool oh there's a thing to read over here looks like we continue up here this is a cool place man wow all right yeah what does this one have to say new theories I must reconsider my studies before I believe this mountain of Pillars of Creation to be an active volcano the pit of lava is proof I figured the top of this Mass must have been ripped open during the prehistoric eruption shaping the land As We Know It And The Strange structure well perhaps a place of prayer and Solace built by the Ancients in the earlier age sadly I was not the first to see it another Expedition arrived before me Eastern folk led by a Nala they believe it's a Gateway of some kind truly interesting I rethink my theories Caspian well okay then we've got another little ooh shroud meteor shower what is that shroud meteor shower plus 13 damage of shroud magic damage I can't wait to use that huh oh is it a spell yeah it's like a it it looks like prayer of the flame scroll uh kind of a thing but you can use it apparently it does uh shroud magic damage nice all right yeah we're getting pretty close over here it's only 60 M away wow yeah I'm going to hack open some of these barrels real quick because uh I just feel like there's a lot of good stuff in here yeah I don't know if the button I just oh cleaned bandage yeah there's so much great loot over here cleaned bandage that's something we haven't gotten before plus 6% healing per second instead of plus 3% so basically a bandage that's twice as good oo and look at that alchem alchemical base we uh unlocked some better recipes at The Alchemist by picking that up okay I don't know if this door opened because I hit the button up there behind us probably yeah if it wasn't open before yeah yep good find all right and we we got bunch of balls of lava it looks like we go to the right going this way yep that's what it looks like and we go right out here love the spikes there's also a door right over there I don't know if that opens with a button or not I'm just going to go test it out here just to see oh yes it does just open on its own and it looks like we just have more Loot and a chest in here night gloves wow that's a pretty big uh physical resistance there that's cool might be worth it yeah I'm gonna go ahead and take them another armor set here yeah lots of stuff here though so much loot it's kind of like uh ancient Spire I guess but for a different type of quest here so let's see I don't know it seems a lot more uh like linear than vertical yes yes definitely I mean we are kind of going up because obviously it is a uh it is a big volcano that we're kind of climbing here but yeah it's definitely a oo yeah we wouldn't want to fall down there that's pretty crazy looks like we kind of latch onto this wall and go sideways here oh I just double jumped oh yeah that would work too I guess I was kind of nervous I was like o if I missed the jump though uh that would be kind of crazy tin bars wow okay Eternal chain heel at the ooh Eternal chain heal oh that's cool maybe the Healer skill will be worth it now to to kind of Branch out in that direction greater health potion yeah this is a good spot to farm uh just good like Health Loot and other things yeah tin bars copper bars it's probably how me make bronze and other things too ooh does that actually go in there ways wow this is alarming amount of rubble yeah I wonder if it actually does go uh if it does go somewhere yeah it does say location above for the masonry tools chest in here I don't think there's anything in there a forest Longbow and wooden tooth another little Hammer weapon H Forest Longbow is that's not too great at 25 it is actually pretty good but the 30 power of the wolf snaro is better I think yeah blunt damage entirely for the for the tooth thing there that's pretty cool all right yeah more loot there's a staircase here how did you get up there oh did you go up that stair uh right over here okay I think we need to find a button though okay cuz oh yeah those are locked okay going to open yeah let's go around to the other side then there might be one uh down here because yeah we haven't uh maybe or is there any grappling or anything up here that we can find I do see a button uh I don't know if we shoot that one I don't have ammo right might have to head back for ammo there's a little light yeah that little light one right up there oh never mind I guess that's just saying one out of two active if you come up to where I was there's a grapple Point okay yeah so I'm back up here now from down there and yeah here's the closed door and yep good find Crimson grappling point there so we can kind of swing across perfect and I guess this is how we get to a bunch of stuff yep and there's a button right over there nice that probably open the door we can obviously jump down let's uh check out this top level it looks like just a bunch more Loot and things uh start out there yep so there's that and then I'm curious to see did that open these doors here hey it did look at that o and we have tumble weeds you can actually kick them around that is really cool that's neat okay nice so yeah that opened those doors there and I wonder if that goes if we take it up here there's also oh yeah this was that glowing thing ancient Obelisk here was that the Obelisk research I don't think so the Obelisk research is still yeah it's like very far away but um it is saying that this is oh no we we still have a little bit to go to finding the masery tools but what does this one say is it something we can read it is is okay eight markers added wow our eye toward the Stars forever shut energy Welling from the deep inside the core a light erupts reaching the boundaries of space itself a door to be opened by the flame touch the brightness of Sparks will walk a path lined by fire and illuminate what is shrouded in Shadow never let the Stars be extinguished never douse the sun rise above all a legacy to last an eternity okay what is glow dust glow dust uh I think that was yeah that's another thing we can craft Through The Alchemist like bug dust and stuff it does look like we had uh continue heading up this way from where that obisk is there continue following the path and we are getting closer it looks like especially as we start looping around here yeah yep there's something up there that's uh that's glowing I think that's a return Beacon this over here I don't think so this is the supplies that's got to be the masonry tools yeah there we go masonry tools at the blacksmith we can make them and now we have found them so I wonder if that has finished the quest there ooh refined stone block nice heck yeah I'm so happy to be unlocking all these new things there's a thing to readest updated all right ooh wow clean bandage shroud meteor shower that was what I was talking about before yeah yeah you should get it and try it let me just see what we have to do on the Mason tools it looks like uh they should be brought to the carpenter so he can build more crafting stations okay that's good to know let's see what this has to say I completely fumbled it the ominous structure we cannot decipher its meaning Caspian the keton asked about our progress I just stammered and made made something up said it's a gateway to the stairs that The Alchemist built to open a path into the sky fueled by the energy of the fire I think he brought it I don't want Caspian to figure this out before us I plundered his masonry tools and hid them in our own Camp okay if the rain Crim was here she'd judge me but oh well guess the dam is keeping her busy Nala okay interesting hey do you have a Lockpick um I might I don't think so but uh I have some metal scraps so I can definitely craft one o how'd you get up there just run around oh Hill a little bit I see and then the path kind of continues here oh this place is really cool I kind of want to see like how high we can get up to the top if that's even a thing uh because clearly we did the little we did the little uh tool thing there yeah we can get out up there and everything so what do we got up here yeah the lockpick there let's see go ahead and make one of those and shepher staff just a Shepherd staff okay yeah well it's 34 power as a rare it's actually not too bad o this is a good time for me to use a wisp light if I have one I do I found vas so it's night time uh I'm going to use this whs light look at that look at how much light that provides that's oh yeah another vuka camp and look at this we're practically entering kind of a new biome over here yeah I wonder what this biome is here oh they they definitely are resistant to the ice the fire they don't like though okay oo look at that raw bird meat or uh where was the where was the vcar there it is the vuk car take the blessing and now I probably will be doing uh lots of damage for a little bit uh-oh yeah also ooh eggs consumables boiled egg and one more at the farmer interesting o fossilized bone dust in one of the uh one of these little things to search up here with the vuka yeah that's pretty crazy okay yeah definitely some new some new things here my backpack's full so I'll have to go uh do a little deposit run here soon but we've officially kind of made it into a new into a new biome up here uh ooh I see a little chest on the top of this hill over here if there's a way we can get up here here we go it's always nice uh sometimes exploring structures at night because uh certain things will glow in the dark and it makes them easy to see oo look at that Fowler trousers yeah I'll definitely uh definitely take those let me delete something out of my backpack I don't need the glow dust right now or some of the rubble yeah 37 physical 37 magical and 13 Mana uh those might be really good for me for some wizard stuff that's perfect and yeah Crimson because there's two of us uh if you or I want to go back and extinguish a flame alter over there and we could place one uh a new one up in here that might be worth it for some future stuff but wow wow look at how Cliffy this is you place a flame alter up there I'm going to go extinguish this old one and then uh and then meet me back at the house nice okay cool I'm back home it looks like The Carpenter's got stuff to say retrieved masonry tools you got me some masonry tools perfect let's place them nearby so I can get to work all righty let's see here let me put them in my hot bar is it just something that I can kind of place it look looks like it let's see here yeah maybe I'll use x to kind of snap them to a wall not enough free space ah we could put them right above the workbench actually let's try to do that is there a way that I should rotate it in particular probably not okay let's put them like maybe right there will it allow us to uh yeah craft and repair and then pick up there and awesome all right so Quest complete and now with the masonry tools we can uh make all sorts some new things you can see here all the stone stuff here where we can make we still need this mint mushroom meat interesting uh but yeah lots of new types of furniture and uh yeah chairs new benches lots of cool things with that ah looks like the hunter has something else to say as well a tanning station hear me I need a tanning station to preserve fur perhaps someone in The Nomad Highlands could have won preparing fur and leather is far easier in those Sun bleached lands without the blizzards I'm used to maybe hunters from the area would have a tanning station ask around for a lead interesting okay so we got another Quest there from the hunter new quest in need of a tanning station there oh yeah yeah we went ahead and place the trophy here so it adds Comfort to the house but it is huge from the pike me boss fight yeah and I don't yeah we'll have to move it at some point but it looks pretty cool and hey we get another minute of uh rested buff oh and look at that the farmer got something to say too wow okay probably some of the new things we uh unlocked there Almanac crops okay let's see Flame born the climate here is still new to me Kindle waste Dunes were once my home I wonder what could bloom here with an almanac of plants and seedlings we could grow fantastic new crops I left mine at a camp as my Caravan fled from danger could you return it to me please ooh and we unlocked some stuff for uh yeah some new recipes at the farmer there look at that there's the chicken soup and uh wow all this stuff intelligence here and again we need the oven here and that's uh that's what it looks like we get from uh from finding her from finding yeah the alic look at that okay so many quests this is awesome so let's just see where uh where we are on the map here we've got the fortification there to find the new blocks the blacksmith's uh request there and that one is actually not too far from the uh yeah from the from the place we just left off so let's do the southern Caravan and then possibly the blacksmith's request uh cuz I think we we might have some time for those or at least a southern Caravan here that's pretty close to uh to where we just left off all right so we're back where we left off here's how this area looks in the daylight here absolutely beautiful in the biome here quite cool all right and Crimson you were were you trying to you're trying to fly to the top of the of the pillar of creation there the big volcano I am almost up so if you want me to just place down another I could extinguish the alter down here and you could place one up there temporarily if you're almost there just so we could see we could uh it's worth a shot to see if you can actually place a flame alter up there for one and then uh I'd love to see the view from up there that looks awesome oh look at this wow I mean the the top isn't exactly uniform but that doesn't really matter totally okay oh look at that yeah new types of plants thereus seed Ling look at that there's some peppers on the on the slopes where I climbed up over this way okay yeah I'll come over there and see those look at this view though look at all of that that's what we're about to discover in future episodes nice bell pepper seedling nice okay yeah look at this area this is so cool this would lend itself to a massive Castle creation here is that a bob tree what oh look at that yeah totally new types of plants and everything over here and yeah the big volcano in the center here that could actually make for such a cool castle build and Fortress cuz then we've got this big volcano in the center that we could almost put like Cliff Dwellings built into the sides of the volcano that Overlook it and then the castle around the outside here with a huge Tower and like there's just oh my gosh you could do an evil reverse Tower if you wanted that' be pretty sick no this looks this looks amazing I am so excited yeah we've got like we got the limestone a few other things up here wow just incredible just to be clear it is kind of hard to get up to the top of this place yeah yeah so you you flew up with the glider there otherwise yeah you'd be able to like pickaxe your way up kind of on these little tables here pickaxe and double jump could certainly work but yeah definitely uh that is awesome wow I am so excited I guess now it's about time we go to the southern Caravan section I'm just going to go ahead and set that as a way point and it's acting like it's right down in this area maybe um let's see ah this has got to be it yep location below this is the smoke from the fire that was over here I'm just going to land on the Rocks kind of up here just to have The High Ground in case yeah this was a this was a whole separate location looks like a big Camp kind of essentially what we were thinking of doing with the volcano there lots of little Cliff Dwellings lots of little homes on these Hills oh my gosh this game is literally just a builder's Paradise here absolutely insane hey I found a VAB brawler o okay oh wait where'd he go where you at did you run away oh yep he's he's over here look at the big guy okay then yep oh that uh look at that 542 damage from the fire although he has so much health holy cow all right yeah keep them distracted and I'll use the fire on my staff cuz it's not like that all right it's getting pretty low now nice now I've just got ice left so let me let me get a little closer with my fire wand here oh yeah he hates the fire nice good work all right anything interesting that he drops ooh yeah that new axe there that looks cool I think it's a double-handed axe yeah take that out I want to see it that'll go with your helmet really nicely with the guard of the north helmet oh yeah oh actually it's onehanded a single-handed that look awesome what are the specs of it starting out with starting at 34 damage wow there's at five % Health Lee on hit 5% damage as health that is that is awesome hey I have a thing for you yeah ooh the white wolf sword oh yeah cuz you don't need it anymore with that that goes Super well with your armor Alex sweet well that was definitely worth coming down here for is it saying yeah it's still saying something for the southern Caravan here with a question mark um it's saying way point reached but I think we got to do something over here it's not a quest uh per se so there's something in the journal with it but it was activated by reading a bunch of the passages and things so I'm curious to see what's over here I do see a lot of things like kind of cascading up on those Hills here and we do have yeah we've got kind of a path out this way some more vuka over here let's just see what these guys what these guys want I think these vukas already put your um your Cliff Dwellings to shame yeah right they uh this is a cool base I love how everything's so large and spread out and these the vuka over here are actually uh they're actually at level 18 so 16 and level 18 now we're getting uh we're definitely getting up there ooh wheat grains look at that new uh new seedling unlocked there this is very cool all right o and little chest over here great Mana more of the Shroud stuff here o look at that there's a little uh what is this turkeys is it a turkey this is cool it's a turkey is is a turkey is the is that what gives you the meat that we got from the vuka there I kind of want to see but I also let's see there we go there's the staff that'll take care of it what right these these things are kind of hard to kill I feel like the bow because it doesn't lock on to oh there we go I can uh free place the staff wow they've got a bit of Health here yeah feathers and raw bird meat nice so that's how we can kind of farm feathers I bet there's some good Arrow recipes there yeah Grimson and I have been looking all over for possible journal pages or Clues to what this area is uh but the best thing we found is if we go to the journal here we've only found two out of four of the journal pages and and we can't find any journal pages in this area but essentially I'm guessing you know this is supposed to be like a big vuka arena area here and I'm guessing we have to find the two other journal pages in order to know what to do in this place uh because maybe there's hidden treasure or something so yeah if anyone has any idea in the comments uh let me know I recall that maybe we found the first two journal pages over in these camps the hillock or whistful Fields uh down in there that uh that kind of pointed us to area so we might go and scour those areas again to see if we missed a couple journal pages yeah that's just how important it is to kind of look around and read things because uh we still don't know quite what to do here so with that said uh Crimson would you like to go and do the blacksmith's request let's do a one more little pit stop by the house yeah we'll just make a quick quick stop by the house here repair some stuff go ahead and sleep oh the Knight as well which will be good and then we can head out to the blacksmith's uh request area which seems like a fairly large Quest so it'll be another uh Hefty episode again but lots of fun adventure oo The Alchemist had something to say as well we forgot about from before A Black Cauldron an alchemist is nothing without his cauldron mine erupted into flames long ago but our dear Emily Frey has filled me with hope she tells me stories of iara uh I think that's how you pronounce it a remarkable Mage from The Nomad Highlands she must have fallen to time but we could use her Black Cauldron to make an Alchemy Station Emily fry can tell you more okay A new uh new Quest there and it looks like let's uh let's go see what Emily fry has to say about that let's see here about iara ikara yes I know her reserved I said other people drained her lonely I think but masterful at brewing potions she had her shop in rattle Bleak yeah rattle Bleak I'd love to Marvel at her work she could whip up any potion like it's nothing all right interesting here so that's another Quest now we've got um looks like yeah right here Black Cauldron there wow so many so many cool things so yeah let's do the let's go and do the blacksmith's request then so yeah we're back on top of the volcano now and it looks like like the blacksmith's request is just right over here it's not too far away that should be some fun exploration just make a little stamina regen stop over here and then yeah it looks like it's kind of right down there yeah Crimson if you want we could explore this big rib cage thing on the way uh it's not too far yeah there's a cool uh there's a cool spot here this big rib cage it looks like it has like a hollowing in the center oh it looks like it's just a a point of interest um wow that is pretty that is pretty crazy though we've also got a mine ooh we've got uh we've got Tigers does do a bit of damage but uh nothing too bad ooh lots of raw game three raw game from that that's actually not bad at all okay can you build here build where in the in the rib cage I don't know uh you probably could yeah can you pickaxe it what does it do if you uh if you pickaxe it oh is it just made out of like dirt it is yeah you could build a house inside of it ah fossilized fossilized bone yeah look at that herbalist gloves and four more at The Alchemist with fossilized bone check that out I guess it was worth hopping down here definitely no that was a that was a great uh great suggestion yeah and shroud is one games where it just uh it feels like you can everything you know everything is something you can find out it feels like it just has so much content so much uh so many quests and fun things to figure out and do yeah there's the peppers it looks like yeah this is the blacksmith's request right down here so investigate the strange letter all right and there is a h trade Outpost blazing rock all right oh yeah and we've got some we've got some stuff to take out here oh this the life steel is great I love the life steel yeah that new uh new axe looks awesome more little things to loot and then yeah there's something to read right over in here and a poster board there so we'll get to that soon too it looks like a cross between a hyena and a cat oh yeah the tiger things yeah yeah yeah they're good good source of the of the game though so that's a good way for uh for food all right yeah something right over here to read what is this Fierce creatures the [ __ ] caught in a rainstorm we are simply searching for a place to stay dry and rest we heard them scratching and growling around this cave they must have smelled us because they attacked unprovoked one of them ripped Kristoff oh wow one of them ripped Kristoff's head clean off his body dropped to the ground like a wet s of grain and his Club slipped out of his hand before he had a chance to use it the Beast was covered in thick matted fur with huge Tusk jutting out from its mouth and when it roared the sound was so strange and ear shattering vcar oh wow okay that's the vcar blessing hey there's your there's your lore page you wanted yeah I will be haunted by it for the rest of my days interesting and there we go investigate the missing shipment so that that clearly uh by reading that we now have a whole bunch of stuff here missing shipment all right cool also I think I found the dude's mace at the top of the tower there oh okay is there something up there yeah I'll head up there shortly there is another thing to read over here yeah Rafa you said they'd be here on Monday by noon well I waited for ages to pick up that parcel for Al Oswald Anders prepared a wagon and everything since you said it will be heavy all for or nothing tell the Conway Brothers to send a raven when they get here although if they tried to cut through umber Hollow we might shrink for them for good in my defense I told them not to take that route I might be it might be their last okay and then yeah there's something at the at the very top here uh no I don't cuz I I cleaned it out oh okay and there was a mace you set up there though there was a mace it's not very special oh okay it was just one of the one of the great mace gotcha so we have to find we have to investigate the missing shipment though that's the next on the task we've got some more vuka over here I found I found explosive powder ball net oh that's cool yeah we can make those I think but let's take care of these guys and then see uh see what's up over here so we finished what we could in this section and it almost looks like it's in the Shroud down there or something this looks like it's a ways away yeah let's try to land on that little uh on that little section there like right down here oh there is a Elixir well Elixir well it is saying location below so I'm going to yep let's take a leap of faith and do this this might be a tough death here but I'm going to go ahead and eat some stuff and I'm following you down oh gosh umber Hollow Yep this is the place this is the place that's what it said in the in the journal was was umber Hollow here Y and a couple things to read there so all right let's see here fine I admit it shortcut through umber Hollow was a bad call but we had no choice that lagered Hank snoozed so we'd be late to trade Outpost blazing rock with some quick thinking and I'd lose my gold coin we can't have that see of course Hank slept through his night watch resting in Jasper Isles stupid Reckless we lost the goods upon fleeing no matter we'll write our own letter and the gift well blacksmith won't know anything I'll sign something lovely get my creative juices flowing Hank can help guy will be none the wiser easy you see okay look in that chest it's crazy in this chest ooh antler bow and a little silver storm ah that must be the the shipment then well it says location reached here explore Jasper Isles interesting and then yeah there was another uh little page over here I only dozed off for a second or two I swear I thought my brother would wake me but no the foul breath of an outlaw ripped me from my dreams I woke Matthew and we dashed out in our rush we even dropped the gift the note that girl wanted us to ship what now ah whatever so what if some creeps rough us up so what if we lost the stupid Pres time to improvise Matthew said we'll write our own letter nice looking paper pristine he won't know you see so now we just have to sign but there's an issue I forgot her stupid name Rachel rean if only I didn't drop that cursed letter back in Jasper Isles okay Jasper Isles and that's yep explore Jasper Isles that's what that's where we're kind of headed next so can we we head over to the uh The Elixir well really quick I need to re yes let's go ahead and do that Elixir well because yeah our shroud time is getting kind of low down here and I'm not seeing uh I'm not seeing much also I'm curious to see what happens if we cut down all this green growth here in the Shroud previously it gave us uh shroud liquid but the Shroud over here in the desert is like totally different I'm wondering uh what this stuff is ah this this is is that that all that green uh there it is look at that the mint mushroom meat War Banner yeah and and that's that's how we unlock all the other Furniture stuff magician trousers and four more oh my gosh this game is just getting way too exciting all right you are down let's see at that Elixir W there okay let me head right down to where you are and we can try to hopefully get that shroud route although this might be a difficult fight cuz this is our first Elixir well in this new biome so oh gosh okay yep one of these ones ah golly okay oh and we have a flying Critters now look at that damn flying bugs yeah all right we've got a return Beacon so uh hopefully we make it let's see what this one has yeah we should probably do this one uh on camera this will be fun to see to see what one of the Elixir wells in the Shroud here uh gives if anything different there'll probably be some good loot in here as well I like the I like the green Mossy look to everything down in these new uh it's very cool that they make the locations unique like that it doesn't feel too uh repetitive or anything it's quite nice so there's the route uh right down there if we're if we're tough on time here for the Shroud I still have a bit of time left oh B monstrosity check this thing out Crimson new boss fight monstrosity a monstrosity yep yeah check this uh check this big monster guy out uh whoa I wonder what this thing does holy Sho things that that that not so good okay it's a it's a Siege monster wow this guy is uh this guy got a close range explosion so be be wary okay yep yep that attack wow this is like I'd say this is still easier than Pike me uh than the pike me boss oh yeah but uh this is kind of cool totally different this guy's big and slow so it feels easier than the yes exactly he's not trying to jump or lunge at us it's just a big slow monstrosity nice all right what is this guy uh what does this guy have is there a search thing ah nothing nothing to oh he's got the trophy there a shroud core o and the the Fowler chest there that was uh that was uh something that'll go with the pants that I picked up from before nice then another shroud route for more skill points perfect hey there's like weird uh weird orbs following me do you know what what they are weird orbs following you huh let me uh come down and check o see this I don't know what this is or why it why it happened oh oh that's it that's my water Aura your water Aura see you're getting three HP oh I am you just unlocked water AA with your skill points that is cool that looks neat oh nice I just need I need more in intelligence to make it more impressive yeah yeah well that's pretty cool yeah with that now that we have our shroud time back um we could uh we could go ahead and head back up to the surface and uh continue the the blacksmith's request there so yeah it's saying it's right off in this direction still looks like it's in the Shroud though it's actually not too far away that was a good idea to do the Elixir well uh on our way over yeah it's right in right in over here location above oh okay uh oh look at these things look at that it's like a big red mushroom shroud thingy kind of like what we saw in the revelwood but uh looks like it's a lot worse oh yes it does now yeah when I'm up here it says location below so we're clearly uh very very close to whatever it is yeah oh gosh took a lot of fall damage there location above location below yeah it's like it's got to be right in here I'm on a pathway oh now it's saying location above still so yeah we're definitely we're definitely close here we go Jasper Isles yep explore Jasper Isles so this has got to be the place am I trying to head over to where you are I can't even see here there's a thing to read also there's a ton of dark deep shred deadly we're just going to take a leap of faith and there we go also there's a thing to read here oh cool yeah little poster board on the side our dearest Amber wherever your spirit walks please know that you've shined brighter than the ancient flame whilst you bless our lives all right just a little uh H yep there's something down there all right down right down in here Crimson there's another thing to read right there a bunch of things to read actually maybe I'm going to read them before uh before I take whatever's down there but that might very well be what we need for the for the quest here see what shooting these guys with arrows knock them out of the sky it looks like it does yeah we have one here to father I know we didn't part in good terms and you know I'm bad with words when I look at the sky I recall how you taught me to Glide remember how I was so scared to jump to drop down the ledge of the harbor you were there you held my hand guided my strike when I hammered my first Iron sparks flying you never wavered I didn't mean to raise your Forge and burn it all I was angry livid I have a mother's temperment uhoh I've got a little dude thanks yeah all right as you always say I am sending new smithing tools they're good really good I tried them right I'm stalling we both know I'm good at goodbyes a true Anders at heart like mother relle okay so yep those are the smithing tools and then we've got another little poster here Downstream of something foul to all who use to fish in these Waters there is a blight further Upstream I have seen livestock and Woodland creatures wash past in the Rapids on occasion however yesterday I thought I'd hooked a large catch when I reeled it in it was a rotten corpse ooh corrupted by some kind of blight it skin Skin and Bones twisted and barely recognizable as I stood there in shock two more surfaced and floated by me what kind of Destruction is befalling these lands wow interesting yeah this was clearly like a big stream in the waters yep some corpse in the boats there and this is what we're after it looks like and of course my backpack is full here but there we go the smithing tools look at that new recipe and now all we have to do is place the smithing tools oh nice did you just get a skill point yeah I did just get a skill point from that that's cool got a little chest behind here a shadow Bane a new type of bow uh back in here as well but this is cool wow these locations just keep getting better and better we've got some more shroud over here some little tunnels crazy cool stuff ooh and another thing to read back in here where are you my sister dearest Lupa when we got separated I was beside myself with fear I searched and searched for what felt like days only to encounter ralton a thief from umber Hollow who said you'd been taken by the contractor why is he taking children down into the W wretched Place despite his cruelty this thief assured me you were still alive Alit a prisoner he promised to SL you this note sister I know you well enough to say that you will not remain Shackled for long when you do Escape return home and we shall have our revenge lovingly Kendall okay so a a contractor that was uh pretty cruel uh basically kind of uh imprisoning people that's uh that's that's kind of that's bad all right just like a slaver yeah that's that's kind of what it it seemed like and yeah so many new locations here vuka counter need of yeah so much stuff here that we're starting to unlock and I'm still on the Shroud so the Fast Travel is not possible there's another thing to read by me over by you okay let me head up there if I can figure this out um how do I get up from here is a question I found a legendary ghostly Shield thing oo that's cool yeah I'll try to trying to get up there if I can I'm not finding any uh oh there are stairs over here uh right over there I just have to break my way through right here this is where I got to go and then there's a door and then we can loop around this way and that's how we get up okay and yeah you said there was something right over here for reading I do see it here okay well lber Hollow rumors hello Emma it was strange meeting you in the market somewhere you should not have been in the first place but I managed to slip this note into the shipment to Umber Hollow and hope you find it before someone else does even though we only spoke briefly I could tell you are a decent woman so the rumors of umber Hollow being a deplorable place where cruelty abounds cannot be true can they I have heard so many stories of thievery and Corruption I sincerely really hope we can both come to understand one another now that the world is changing before our very eyes we might just need one another to survive please write me back from Carlos interesting oh and the chest there o that looks cool a purple Ward there nice that was that Shield you were talking about that looks really awesome there's a little chest over here oh yeah the acid bite nice oh yeah that that uh that other spell but yeah I think did you uh you find most of the stuff over here doesn't look like there's a ton what is that did you try to shoot it uhhuh ooh that was uh what was shooting that stuff that was like what the uh thing was shooting yeah there is something to read in here another the scavenger matrons yeah the scavenger maton shooting that uh acid and poison there oo creation of a lake my son allow me to tell you A Tale of creation this has been down through our people for many generations so listen closely when I am done the story will be yours to pass to your kin Our Lake fell from the Stars your people are wanders by nature and when we came to these lands they were dry and arid we cannot find our way to water so we turned our voices toward the heavens toward the Ancients and they answered the sky crafted open sending a bright light to this very spot the light met the dry Earth and opened this Lake which quick L filled with water to sustain our people and now you ask where are the Ancients to scrub the Shroud from these lands where has the water gone the lifeblood of our people my son we are all asking the same questions wow okay so much lore this is uh this is pretty crazy well I think we are officially out of the Shroud right in this little middle section here yep so I think with that do we want to head back place the uh smithing tools and then uh call it an episode that sounds reasonable all right let's see yep the blacksmith here has something to say of course here we go mystery solved smithing tools for me how strange well I have plenty of use for them lost my old set of fire set them down next to me will you thanks a lot flamor let's use them to craft new armor an original letter found what do we have have here a real letter you found addressed to me relle thank you flamor I will cherish this always anything else all right so the smithing tools let's go ahead and place those down um let's see they fit nicely right above the forge yeah they kind of do right there Quest complete if we go to the journal we still have lots more here so definitely some good stuff for future episodes and I think in future episodes I will be uh kind of taking on these one at a time because these quests are starting to get fairly long with lots of stuff to read and I'd still like to read things because reading them uh first of all gives us clues about where to find all this stuff and how to unlock all sorts of other quests along the way which is uh super exciting but yeah stuff is starting to get pretty rich here so what do we have at the blacksmith now that we have the smithing tools Guardian set and the mercenary set yeah check those out and plus 180 Health holy cow the mercenary set you might really like that one this is crazy that chest piece still this is insane and then uh yeah we've got all the new armor sets at The Alchemist that we have unlocked there as well so I just wanted to see um see what those there yeah the magician set look at that and the herbalist set there yeah another long episode but a lot that we got done in so much exciting stuff so I think we'll be taking the future episodes a little bit slower uh in terms of the pacing just to really get these quests uh one at a time because so much is starting to unlock and happen here but this is really cool I've got a lot of my ideal build locations unlocked here and so uh definitely stay tuned for some awesome live streams and building projects and things and uh build videos and such with that said huge shout out to all of my channel members be sure to join the disc server through the link in the description don't forget to subscribe and I will see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 3,199
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Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, combat in enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2024, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded game, enshrouded beginner’s guide, enshrouded starter house build, episode 18, enshrouded pillars of creation, enshrouded quest guide
Id: OaJZJeXuzYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 4sec (3364 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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