Tanning Station for the Hunter! [Enshrouded Ep. 19]

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welcome back to enshrouded I'm joined Again by Crimson today and this morning there was a big patch to enshrouded at the time of recording this episode and I just wanted to give you guys a quick update first of all about the doors on my Hobbit house they did a patch that now allows you to shoot an arrow through the doorway when it's open uh which I didn't even know that was a thing so I'm glad they fixed that but unfortunately now I had to destroy the two blocks down here uh just to be able to walk in the doorway because the uh hit box is different for the doors now so it still looks kind of rounded but that's a little unfortunate and just to give you guys an update for those of you who followed my Hobbit house tutorial here so yeah that's the newest update and the plan for today's episodes uh is to do let's see we were going to do in need of a tanning station and vuka encounter and by doing the vuka encounter we're kind of hoping to figure out more about this Southern Caravan from last episode that we couldn't figure out what to do in there aside from the fact that there was a vuka brawler uh over there but yeah if we go to the vuka encounter and then go to journal it does look like uh yeah group of people suffered a vuka Ambush one of them dropped a weapon the vuka must have taken the loot to a nearby camp and we're guessing the weapon is this new uh axe that we found last time so maybe we did them in a backwards order but the plan is to go to that uh yeah the plan is to go to that vuka and counter first today so yeah just going to go to where Crimson is on top of the pillar of creation over there and we'll just Glide down from that uh from that point all right I'll just go ahead and set my vuka encounter Quest as the active one here and we can head in that direction are you yeah I guess you are you're down on the ground there let me uh um oh there's a whole pile of vuka over here okay well I'm almost there sham okay yeah there you are okay ah nice yep new location here vuka Camp all right so let's see what this has nice all sorts of ooh a new uh vaporous staff interesting new things from the vuka there we've got a chest up here that's kind of uh little hidden in the terrain there o there we go Wolf's Hydra and transcendental screen so a shield and that was uh the new weapon or whatever so new lore and Quest complete fuka encounter okay so there's Wolf's Hydra interesting it's 37 damage and it's basically a melee weapon that does blunt so that's pretty cool all right and then do we have anything if we go to the map now yep vuka Camp there I don't know if we have anything at the southern Caravan area if I go to the journal yeah we've just found oh three out of the four pages but we still need one more page this page has not been discovered yet so that page and then maybe that location will not show up as a question mark anymore but that's cool okay so yeah by finding the axe that's three out of the four but this location did not unlock anything more over there this was just kind of its own little quest in and of itself so I guess now Crimson if we wanted to we can head over to in need of a tanning station I'm going to go ahead and set that one as the active Quest here and that was for the carpenter knows that a fearsome hunter from The Nomad Highlands yeah she was sent to Raven's keep all right this Hunter might have owned a tanning station so that's where we're headed that's where we're headed now looks like yeah I might be kind of over this uh might be kind of over this stuff yep there's a big cat up here oh another one of the Tigers yep oh a couple of them oh wow yeah they do a lot of damage they stun you for a while the water AA is amazing we both have water Ora now uh to keep healing the health that's what the blue orbs around us are right now look at that being within the proximity of each other they uh they do a lot of healing there I wouldn't say they necessarily stack but they do their own instance of healing separate from each other so that's nice so they're they're kind of the equivalent of just having a bandage all the time which is really nice especially for me because I prioritize my Mana bar and not my health bar with all the uh all the skills and things nice there we go go yeah the updraft is nice when navigating terrain that's for sure turkeys more turkey nice oh yeah look at them oh there's lots of indigo as well uh it looks like down here okay so it's got to be yep it's got to be whatever this area is right up here this Camp looking thing yep Raven keep here it is okay so what do we have over in here some skeletons it's very uh empty there is a return Beacon up here so that's good go ahead and activate that and then head up here so it just says explore Raven's keep that is our uh that is our goal right now do those open yep nice okay oh gosh okay I've got my ice wand here which will be good hopefully for them oh man all right's big boy yep big boy join the party there's my water Aura doing its job look at that this is amazing that was very worth it all right big boys taking care of th oh nice we've got a uh another flask of fell just do a quick little equipment repair looks like we just have some cloth scraps and other things there let's see let me go back to the outskirts here there was another little like Tower section yeah there's a little okay yeah I'll head off that way wow fossilized bone arrow and greater health potion this is this is lots of stuff here okay oh yeah you're up there I see yep oh hey you knocked them down to me there we go I'll take care of the rest of them there we go all right and then we had a there's like a tunnel over here o anything up there to read up here something to read okay yeah let's see what that one has to say Ravens keep log day 147 number of inmates 53 another Revolt today inmate Lupa rils them up spat into the quarter Master's face during lunch left a burn mark on his cheek shroud is creeping closer don't know how much longer the guards want to stick around if this abuse continues oh okay so this seems like uh this seems like it was a jail or something I found a silver chest where are you at oh you're up there at the very top how'd you get up there is there a there's a little grapple thing on the outside ah yep good got a masterful mace and a forest Longbow oh very cool okay yeah so some of that stuff and yeah this uh basically that journal page was saying that this area is definitely like a prison um yeah did you make it to the top of that Tower anything interesting up there there's nothing up here okay I don't not sure we were supposed to get up there but yeah oh there's something oh oh gosh I was looking straight ahead I wasn't looking at the Trap well this looks like it might have been the jail there's something over here in these doors oh this is very dark do I have a wisp light I do I have a wisp light there we go let's go ahead and use that oh a button okay cool a button on that wall and does that open was there something else that you were able to open oh yeah that door over there there's also a thing over here yeah this was clearly all the all the inmates and stuff this looks like quite a big uh quite a big area all the bunk beds and things and yeah we've got this area through these doors to go wow this is huge okay there's stuff up here yeah looks like you've got some stuff down there as well let me just loop around and check out this whole area this is interesting yeah it is saying location below so this is clearly probably where we're headed uh considering we're heading down in here this this is huge oh my gosh okay oops there you go that guy has been taken care of yeah there's lots of stuff all over here oh and something to read right over here okay no better than us we're all alone in this desolate hole they left left us to rot in the cells hope they all choke on dust and me too I said I was innocent they'd be chaos without her they call her the matron Lupa even the rowdiest of rats whimper when she steps near she spews when she speaks liquid leaks from her lips acidic and vile always a hint of ethanol in the air she has a plan there's no breaking through the gate but Hollow walls and says a caravan behind her cell she got help from the outside a sister I hear perhaps we can break through wow yeah so this was just a giant jail that everyone was stuck in yeah so we've got another button to go through that door so I'm guessing maybe we find that over in this area yep ooh it's a lever this time interesting so not a button anymore wait yeah there was one right in this room this was the this was the lever and then that opened the door right in front of us here to continue it says location reached now interesting okay okay L to open this door is there a lever to oh yeah I don't know how we get in there I don't see uh yeah cuz there's obviously a chest in there but we've got the metal grates here I don't think we can break through that wow okay well oh there's a green guy over here another big guy up there okay let me come up there and help you with that oops oh yeah okay yeah it's good that we discovered that the ice is what really takes these out fast they really don't like the ice damage more metal scraps from that one yeah I don't know if we find a way to open that door there is a good chest in there down down below I'm just not sure ah there's something to read over here in one of the one of the jail cells up here let's see oh few things to read actually Lupa wait I found lupa's something you find something on uh on this l scalper oh yeah there we go Quest updated Okay cool so obtain the tanning station from lupa's liar so that should be uh that's a that's a little ways off now as well let me finish reading this I will reach you Lupa I can no longer wait with baited breath I traveled to Umber Hollow to confront the contractor at knife point he told me that you'd escaped out of The Frying Pan Into the Fire he said you'd been arrested and locked up in Raven's keep do not worry his throat is slit his body cold he won't bother our family again they all wither and die the same mirrored pieces of the same puzzle Raven keep cannot hold you sister I will set you free stay sharp and ready for my rescue we shall have our revenge and unite this land by your side Kindle okay so yeah you pick something up from that vuka then I found a a knockback spell O Okay interesting and yeah we've got a bunch more stuff in here so we may as well explore just a little before uh ooh this one's got the shock damage uh oh are you glitched in the help where are are you I can't even see where you went uh oh okay like yeah you uh you got you got shoved into the terrain there was a little uh a little uh wand in that chest into and behind the terrain oh man oh and here we go we uh we now come out and where are we now looks like yeah we're just kind of another way out here and another thing to read over here glory to matron Lupa we broke through the wall Lupa simply blew the stone apart behind the rubble there really was a cave we flung ourselves right into a group of vuka but the matron in her blighted Rampage she nearly skinned me them alive she tames all beasts they cower and Flinch in front of her infamy we won't stop here we'll claim the world Raven's keep is just the beginning Lupa sister will take sur's rest whilst we build a lair of our own to Eclipse umber Hollow glory to matron Lupa all right and oh a grappling hook up there Ah that's one of the double ones here uh-oh I did not make it up there okay uh I guess I guess I didn't Sprint enough when I was uh when I was doing it so yeah it is night time now and it's telling us oh there's a flame Shrine up there nice okay um yeah I feel like I should get get back up there but I can't I am uh I am very stuck down here yeah it's hard to explore everything at night here but that's how it seems to be ah look at this this is the uh the cave for these uh the Tigers here this is what the de looks like yeah it kind of glows uh Green in the dark there all right so where are we headed now if I go to the journal and I go to need of a tanning station yeah yeah the residents of raisins keep have escaped they did Escape okay they fought through hordes of vuka to break out led by their new matron they seem to have moved to lupa's Lair perhaps the tanning station can be obtained there all right and that is all the way ah up over here so yep a little ways away by The Elixir well um and shroud rout and stuff that we did last time so I guess we just keep heading in that direction yep it looks like this will just be a long journey through the dark I don't think I have any more wisp lights to use uh over here but it looks like we'll have to do a Gliding Over the shroud I'm rested for a little bit longer so looks like there's a camp right down there but yeah let's try to make it to the wow this is this is one sight to see at night time let me drink up a water and I guess we'll get ready to just kind of leap over the Shroud here there we go now it's morning this will be nice wow there's like mines and shroud underneath us this is some crazy terrain a huge castle structure right over here and I feel like we got to explore this area a little bit this is like right on our way what is this can we toss down a flame alter yeah we could try to do that we've got some more vuka over here and yeah we'll have to get back at some point to repair some things as well so wow this is a lot of vuka okay that's what this area looks like is just another camp for them yeah it's looking like there's not too much interesting in this area it's kind of uh kind just another location here some cool new blocks though that hopefully we'll unlock soon these look pretty neat I love the uh love the texture the Sandy texture on the outside that they create let's see yep there you go okay ooh two of them okay what do we have in here here just some furniture this looks like a pretty abandoned place there's another lockpick required on that one if you have them ah that just goes that just goes right out to that area and then Yep this kind of Loops back around yeah so not really anything interesting in this section just yet but oh you missed a thing there's a chest back here yeah there's a couple little chests just with like prayers of the flame scroll bandages uh flasks things like that that I've been finding but uh but it doesn't look like passages or any uh any really good chests so a cool spot though that's for sure nice uh nice location here yeah I think I'll head a little closer to uh do this other quest for obtaining the tanning station oh there are so many chests just hidden on like the the top spots of this to any uh any silver ones or anything or just the wood ones with bandages and things uh just the wood ones so far okay yeah I mean maybe there will be like a quest at some point that'll tell us to go in that direction but I guess we'll see another thing I'm really curious about is uh if we chop down these trees these big uh like wide bottom ones uh do they give us a different type of wood there was a there's a silver chest in the very top of the uh the tower here with ooh flout what did it have Fowler Fowler pants Fowler pants ooh uh is that what uh yeah I've got Fowler trousers here so yeah you take those I think I already have some but that's a good find cool yeah so these trees just give you normal wood uh nothing nothing special there it looks like I'll try to kind of maybe border around the outside of the Shroud here the graphics in this area are just crazy cool I love the lighting more of like the yellowish grass here this is really cool it looks like maybe it's in the Shroud or maybe like up there on that on that Cliff up there yeah this big uh this big thing on the Mesa right in the middle of the Shroud there so I'm going to try to walk over this direction and we can go around the Shroud and then it looks like there's a big bridge right there that's how we can get over to it yeah we're near and up on it over here that would be my guess as that's what it is we've got ooh another Cliff right up here and yeah lots of caves and things um maybe we continue going around over here actually there's a tunnel over here oh do you think this might be like a cave passage of some sort possibly if it keeps going up then yeah maybe nope it's just uh just more spiders it does and it's a dead end yep okay okay I think I found the way up yep it looks like it right over here this path just kind of wraps us around the cliff here yep that would be it okay yeah I feel like there's always a way to kind of double jump and parkour our way up stuff but then they always do have a way to like just walk up things that's what I found uh sometimes it just takes a bit of looking yeah the up is really overpowered if you're trying toit your way up but wow just look at this at the terrain and stuff this is so cool all right we've got some uh some little friends following us you should build on top of those like mushroom looking oh I totally should yeah do a little uh a little Stone House on the top little mini house that would be really cool actually yeah wow this biome is just really something this is cool we've got a little house up here and yep we're getting pretty close bounty Barn interesting so anything uh anything in this area we got some tigers here lots of cats yep oh we've got a little chest up here another wolf small and a Mystic hat interesting so new type of armor set then that it looks like uh we start unlocking in this area oh this looks cool I love the way they did the roof on the barn here might use some inspiration from this for uh for other build building and stuff uhoh you died yeah oh no all the way back at Raven's key too okay um do you want to uh I can place a flame alter over here if you want to travel to one of the flame alters and extinguish it so I can place one here so I've got an alter down over here so you should be able to get back and then get your gravestone now and uh yeah this place is pretty cool it looks like we have a new type of crop over here oh we have wheat grains and straw from that and looks like we unlocked the [ __ ] stra straw block and one more at the workbench and the scarecrow at the farmer oh this is really cool nice all sorts of new recipes there so looks like we just continue onward toward the toward the village over here I also have like another Waypoint on my map somewhere that I'm wondering where it is there we go now I just have the uh H oh yeah Bounty Barn there we go now I've just got the quest over here it looks like do we loop around yeah it looks like we kind of loop around this big rock here maybe let's see what we find over here yeah this has got to be it it'd be cool if they took some of the aspects of uh night Andale and put them into this game as well where like you get really hot if you're not in the shade in the desert it could be cool uh if you yeah getting really hot in the desert and then getting really cold in the mountain biomes when they develop those later maybe that'll be something they add in the future there is something we can climb over here um I feel like I'm going to just to see if there's anything uh interesting up in this area yeah something there and then something to climb up here and then a grappling hook right over here uhoh yeah we can only have one person at a time on the oh there's a shroud rout up here ooh look at that good find all right don't mind if I do another skill points there a guy run up on you oh and I'm dead but good I got the skill point and at least I'll I'll spawn back at the flame alter all right I'll meet you up there again uh soon for my my gravestone you could have just let me revive you these guys aren't that tough oh that's true I H I didn't know how many there were perfect and yeah then it looks like we head right across this bridge over here and that's got to be that's got to be where it is we've got more little uh Farm plots down in here more Indigo and that's just plant fiber there interesting some little spots down in here there's a thing to read up here oh cool oh and a bronze Arrow there yeah I'll take that let's see delete some of my other stuff could uh go ahead and eat one of those those guys yeah bronze arrows in that chest that's is cool okay a thing to read you were saying yeah where is that oh yeah right at the beginning of the bridge here nice okay where's the material that kid is playing tricks on me again I told Phil to bring some regular stone blocks for the bridge repairs sure he didn't seem happy but he's young and spry he can carry them with ease of course he just drops them and scurries Away you're sure to find them on your own pop don't break your back such a rabble Rouser now where are the blocks all right well looks like uh that activated a new Quest here somewhere mixed Stones here yeah and it looks like uh that's that's a whole new thing that's actually not too uh not too far it looks like in need of a tanning station we might uh end up find them uh soon there I found them you did down there mhm okay regular stone blocks good find all right right in this chest oh look at that all right let me go ahead and keep deleting some stuff here might make another little quick trip back at the house look at that regular stone blocks unlocked this is super cool yeah I feel like in the last couple episodes we've unlocked so many blocks and things and that completed the Quest for the mixed Stone there it looks like and uh Crimson you want to extinguish the altar over there or I can extinguish it and we can just place a new one like on this bridge right over here back real quick okay cool I will uh I'll craft another one and then uh and then I can do a little deposit run here all right so we are back now with our inventories mostly empty and ready to take on this area here and uh I just wanted to update you guys because uh I basically uh did this little thing before and the footage was not usable and so I'm doing it again here just as a repeat you can see the quest says place the tanning station because we actually got it um and then I realized that my thing was not recording properly so we're going to go ahead and do this little section again just to show you where I got the tanning station and how that's obtained remember we got the new blocks from underneath the bridge there and then we essentially enter this section and uh yeah I'll try to repeat what I did just to show you guys how that all works so yeah there's all the level 20 enemies in here now which is pretty crazy now that we're already up to that so there is a scavenger matron in here which we already knew about from reading the passages before um but yeah she's up there there and uh that'll be another another boss fight and we have to take her out and I think the uh tanning rack the tanning station was up in that area so I think I saw it behind her yeah we just got to take out all the surrounding stuff over here and then to get up to the matron fight there's a little uh little thing we can climb right over here and uh she really does not like the ice so that's always been really effective and then we just have to be really careful for the poison there all right there we go matron has been taken care of and we get some new the Mystic chest Fowler boots scavenger head saw some really good stuff from that and this is where you can find the uh the tanning station there so by collecting that that's essentially what updated the quest if we go to our Journal need for a tanning station so there we go we found the tanning station now we have to place the tanning station essentially and now we're basically caught up to where we left off with the uh recording that went bad so there's something to read down here if we drop through the floor and it's right I think yeah right over here they terrorized the roads I thought the Boneyard pass was safe but Lupa has all trade routes in an iron grasp they jump out from behind the rocky pillar rabid and wild trembling with rage they recognized my face found the nursery supplies in surat's rest I knew they'd be my demise one day Catherine was right there's no slipping through the new patrols they are everywhere they've confiscated almost all of my wees at least I hid my chest before they caught me but just how can I make it out of here now that's from Benny and by reading that we essentially unlocked this new Quest captured by Lupa where we are supposed to be able to find a new chest here and if I go ahead and show that on the map that's down in this area so uh yeah that was an important one to read that unlocks another Quest there more explosives in there and I think there are a few more chests in this area uh if I remember correctly so uh on the very top of this Tower over here and I thought that had some pretty good stuff in it so I just wanted to be sure that uh that we showed where that was so we can grapple up to here and then climb up to here and I think this chest was pretty good yeah Shepherd's lightning at 40 power and a stone rot sword at 28 power so yeah some good stuff in that loot chest so now essentially it's time we go back to the base and go ahead and place the tanning station and see what the NPCs have to say all right yep the hunter definitely has something to say up here so let's see tanning station found amazing you really did it this tanning station will be key to our survival come on place it down so we can get to work all right cool so let me go ahead and I've already got one of them in my inventory here ooh this is actually this is large wow all right well let's see if we could uh we can find a space for it maybe it ends up going over here somewhere or uh like in the middle of these chests for now we're already due for a bigger base and there we go Quest complete in need of a tanning station and what are we doing here this is where we can craft leather wow that's cool interesting yeah it doesn't look like we have too much there but it looks like by placing that the carpenter now has something to say sun Temple stories heading to Kindle was be on your guard my auntie Ellen was cursed in one of them some temples struck by the ghostly skull from below she said teeth chattering is true well most likely you know Ellen always a taal teller but never a liar isn't Emily from round the Kindle wastes maybe she knows I bet she'd babble okay Quest updated Sun Temple stories and yep let's see what Emily has to say about that here we go purses okay haunted Sun temples why I live near one it was awful see our temples are hallowed halls and burial SES honoring the Ancients the spark here is fed by prayer and shields are dead from harm but as the Shroud spread its light dled maybe our faith wavered when the catacombs came alive Metal clanks Dark Whispers I held my prayers inside the tavern ever since so spooky ooh okay and it looks like yeah that's a whole another Quest here Sun Temple stories ooh we get a new is that like a boss head or something there and yeah that is all the way out here so we're starting to unlock a lot of stuff on the map I think with that said that probably uh lends itself to a pretty good episode here I don't want these to get uh too crazy long because there's been a lot of stuff going on in them lots of Adventures and things so with that let's just do a quick recap of what we have so far we've got the cauldron for The Alchemist which will be another one a seedlings for the farmer here that we'll do and then yeah all sorts of sun Temple Hearts of Iron oess research captured by luta fortification all sorts of quests going on so with that hope you all enjoyed another fun episode huge shout out again to all my channel members be sure to join the Discord server through the link in the description and don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 2,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, combat in enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2024, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded game, enshrouded beginner’s guide, enshrouded quest guide, episode 19, enshrouded in need of a tanning station, enshrouded starter house
Id: SW-HWb8Kmkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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