The Peculiar Teachings of Robert Breaker

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all right welcome back i'm robert breaker and today i've got a message prepared for you that i think will just be fun i'm looking forward to having some fun so turn with me to titus chapter 2 and we're going to go to titus chapter 2 verse 11 through verse 15 titus 2 11-15 i'm gonna talk about the peculiar teachings of robert breaker now why do i call it that well that's what people call some of the things that i preach and teach they say they're that breaker fellow he's kind of weird well he teaches such and such and thus and so or the other thing and they think it's strange and i i've listened over the years to some of the things people said but they they thought robert breaker's weird because he teaches this and i said i need to get a message together on that because i think it's weird that they don't teach it you see i'm not interested in following a man i'm not interested in following a denomination i'm not interested in following a commentary i'm interested in following what the bible says so what i preach and what i teach is simply what the bible says about it so today i'm going to show you some of the things that people call the peculiar doctrines of robert breaker they said that's just so weird and i'm going to go well let me show you where i got it from the bible so i'm going to always bring you back to this right here and i want you to know what i teach and what i preach very seldom do i give my opinion okay i try so hard not to give my opinion i always want to give facts and give truth and then show you in the bible so i'm going to enjoy myself today i'm looking forward to this because i get to talk about what they say robert breaker is off on and show you from the bible no it's it's like this and this is why i say that because the bible says this and i've often wondered if they just don't read the bible and that's why they do what they do amen the bible says a soft answer turneth away wrath so i'm coming to you today and i'm not going to attack and i'm not going to put down i'm not going to name call matter of fact i'm not going to name any names of people that say these peculiar doctrines of robert breaker you know you probably know who some are you probably don't but to me let's don't deal with the man let's deal with the issue or the controversy or the doctrine that that person has issue with and let's look at it in the bible so i could be like them i guess i could uh make videos against people that are against me and say well he says this but then we just be giving our opinions well i think you're wrong because i think this i've always said this and i'll say it till i die opinions are like armpits everybody has two and they all stink so i'm not interested in giving you my opinion i just want to give you scripture and i just thought we'll have some fun today i'm going to have a lot of fun with this one just telling some of the things that people say are these weird little doctrines of breaker and they're not weird at all they're not peculiar at all they're bible and i'll show you in the bible where i get it from and it just makes me wonder if these people even read the bible because if they did they'd be preaching the same thing i am and it wouldn't be peculiar to them they'd be like oh that's where it is in the bible so that's what we're going to do today we're going to look at these peculiar teachings of this robert breaker fella me okay titus chapter 2 verse 11 through 15 titus 2 11-15 for the grace of god that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us the denying ungodliness and worldly lust we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world okay are you doing that are you sober are you righteous are you godly are you denying the lusts of the flesh hmm are you walking in the flesh are you walking in the spirit verse 13 looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ boy i'm looking for the rapture and it's coming and that verse commands me to look for it because he's coming soon verse 14 speaking of jesus who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works you know we're all a little peculiar in our own way aren't we everybody's a little different especially christians a lot of them they have their little pet peeves and so i've met so many different christians and they're all so different it's been fun for me to try to to get along with others and try to see what is this guy more into and what is that guy more and we're all just so different you know the bible calls us the body of christ and in the body there's different members there's the thumb there's the foot there's the finger there's the toe there's the eye there's the ear everybody has a different part in the body and we're just all different we're all peculiar in our own way really but verse 15 says these things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority let no man despise thee well there's some people out there that do despise me so what i'm going to do today is i'm going to try to kill two or three birds with one stone i'm going to deal with the issues not the man i'm going to deal with what the bible says about it in the hopes that people will go oh so that's not a weird peculiar doctrine of robert breaker that's right here in the bible and hopefully what will that do that will make people say oh well i shouldn't attack you robert breaker you're right the bible says that and again it's not about me being right it's the bible is right so i just want to defend not myself i hope this doesn't come across as i'm trying to defend myself against attacks of others no i'm looking at this rather as an opportunity of hey this is what the bible says it's a great opportunity to have a bible study and look at things together from the word of god and as the bible says rebuke right here it says and and speak and exhort with all authority and hopefully if you're a true king james bible believer you'll look at these and you'll go wow yeah i i can't i can't deny the scriptures because if you deny what i give you today i want you to know it's not that you're denying my doctrine who cares what i think it's that you're denying what god says and that's what i don't want i want you to be a true follower of the bible okay so let's look at some of these strange peculiar teachings that's what people have have labeled them oh that breaker well he teaches such and such i think i have seven of them here today the seven peculiar things that breaker teaches and i can't wait to get into it because it's not peculiar it's just the fact that a lot of modern denominations that claim to be christians they seem to forget to preach on these things i don't want to forget we just finished up our bible study on verse by verse through 2 peter and peter says remember remember remember he says hey there's some things that you should not forget well there's a lot of people that are forgetting some things so the first thing i want to say of these teachings is number one the peculiar teaching of robert breaker of kjv only why that breaker fella why he's only king james uh how dare he only be king james only what uh why it's okay to use other versions no it's not they're not versions of the bible they're perversions of the bible and i'm very dogmatic king james i'd ask you to go to the youtube and look up my video on the blood the book the blessed hope look at my video which was a live stream on modern uh scholarship ism and how it's so messed up look up the video i did in a church why king james only it's a long video over an hour and a half and and i go through and i show you why king james only there's only one bible and it's the king james bible and you need to know that you need to know that you see a lot of people today they don't know that and they're following different versions of the bible but did you know different versions of the bible are missing verses are missing words are sometimes even missing whole passages what is that why are they missing words why are they doing that well let's look at where the bible comes from quickly up here is antioch of syria over here is jerusalem of jerusalem now this is a very crude map but here is jerusalem where would i go to look for the old testament well i would go to jerusalem and i would go to the hebrew language and i would find what's called the hebrew masoretic text and that's where i find the true word of god in the old testament well that's where the king james bible comes from the hebrew masoretic old testament text if i wanted to find the new testament of the bible well then i would go to the greek language and it says in our bible itself in acts 11 26 i believe it is that the disciples of christ were first called christians in antioch of syria so i would go to the greek text and that's where our texas receptus comes from it's over 5000 manuscripts that came up here that is known today as the byzantine text and it's over five thousand plus manuscripts that are in agreement and i would go to this and this i would go here for the new testament and i would go here for the old testament and that's what i would do if i wanted a pure bible only and i mean only only the king james bible comes from this all other versions every single one even the new king james comes from different texts all new versions of the bible come from these texts from alexandria and these texts from alexandria alexandria these alexandrian texts in the old testament from there comes the lxx in old testament greek well was the old testament written in greek no it was written in hebrew and from alexandria is where we eventually get the sin iaiaticus and the vat a canus sin is bad vaticanus look at the word in vaticanus that's kind of a bad word isn't it siniaticus a look at the word sin the vaticanus and the seniaticus are what we call gnostic texts and the gnostics were all down here and the gnostics didn't believe in all the doctrines of the bible and so i believe in the true bible the king james bible and i believe that the kjv came from the right fountain and that the king james is god's work but all new versions of the bible won't even go completely to the text that the king james come from they come over here to the corrupted text the vat and the sin i call the people that use these new versions these scholars that would rather have these corrupted texts the alexandrian cult and so i am king james only because i have studied well this bible says to do and i have come to the conclusion that all new versions of the bible are based on corrupted texts that were messed with by the gnostics rather than the true text of where the king james bible came from if you study it out you'll find the same thing there were some people down here in alexandria egypt and by the way do a study sometime in the bible about egypt god never says anything good about egypt matter of fact he tells them come out of egypt he tells the jews don't go into egypt with jeremiah they went anyway god says i don't like egypt so god's going to give us a bible from egypt all new versions of the bible every single one come from this line of text the corrupted text from what we call the critical text is it good to be critical of the word of god no what we need are we need the byzantine text we need the texas receptus texas receptus is latin for received text the text that there's over 5000 copies of that came from the true fount of the true bible so i am very much against new versions of the bible because new versions of the bible are not what god said they're what some man went through and changed and said well i think you meant to say this well even cipriano de valera said it well in 1602 a famous spaniard he said because it is not right to conform the certain with the uncertainty the word of god with the word of men we should not get a new version of the bible which goes through and says we don't know for sure if it's to say this or not because these old texts they didn't have that in there so we don't know i know god gave us a promise of preservation and a promise of inspiration i believe my king james bible is the inerrant infallible inspired perfect preserved word of god because god promised in psalms 12 6 and 7 to preserve his word well it's got to be somewhere so where is it well it would have to be the one that came from the originals or copies of them and that's the line in the bible of where to look for them and that's where the king james bible comes from the apostates the gnostics those that have departed from true sound doctrine while they're down here at the alexandrian cult they're mixing philosophy and paganism in with christianity and their texts they say well about the kingdoms are the oldest texts but they're full of errors and they're corrupt so you're telling me that god didn't preserve his word he gave us a whole bunch of corrupted manuscripts and we're supposed to go there i don't think so so some people say that's a peculiar teaching this king james only thing this robert breaker and i look at that to go i know it's peculiar that you're not king james only you'd rather have 200 other versions that say something different and they don't even agree with each other and even the people that put them out say we cannot say with certainty that this is 100 percent true what god said it's the best we can think that we think the bible once said no i go with the king james give me an example the king james has first john 5 7. and first john 5 7 is a verse in the bible that's in the king james well people say well these older texts don't have it and they're from 400 to 600 years after jesus again but they're corrupted there's a lot of things missing in them that someone went in and got out of the bible but you look at that and you go uh so you go back to the early church fathers 100 years 200 years 300 years after jesus they're quoting first john 5 7. so king james bible has first john 5 7. why because it was in the originals and someone 400 years after jesus took it out but we know it's there because the church fathers were quoting it and guess what we have it preserved today in the king james bible because it was in the originals you don't have that if you don't have a king james bible you have a perverted bible that has things taken out one of my viewers sent me this the other day and i've been reading it the king james only debate by michael holder go to amazon and get that book now i don't agree with him on everything he teaches there are some things that we kind of differ on as far as you know end time events and things like that but i was so blessed and it thrilled my soul to see him write that book about why king james only see it's not just the peculiar teaching of robert breaker it's the only teaching that matters is make sure you get the right bible because i'm going to show you here in a minute if you don't get the right bible you might not get the right gospel okay new versions of the bible do change doctrine and they do change the way of salvation and you got to be careful of that you've got to be very careful but these some people say this breaker fellow while he oh he's king james only how weird not really when you look at it you say how weird that all these people are out there making new versions of the bible and they all say something different how on earth can we hold up this book and say yeah hath god said like they said in the old testament old testament prophets showed up and they said thus saith the lord can you say that with a new version of the bible no you can't because new versions of the bible have been changed and you don't know if that's what god said or if someone changed it and what's what some man put in the bible all you can do is get up and say well this book says so and so but i don't know for sure if that's what god said or not well with my king james bible i know what god said i'm a hundred percent sure well there's other people out there that say well this robert breaker fella he is so messed up while he teaches on rightly dividing the word of truth while he preaches on these dispensations uh how dare he what what a weird doctrine how strange that this fellow robert breaker would tell everybody that uh guess what that that there's dispensations in the bible how peculiar what a strange fella uh except for the fact that the king james bible says the word dispensations uh four times so why do i preach on dispensations because in the bible dispensing is a dispensation it's dispensing to someone something what is it god dispensing doctrine for someone for a different time and there are different time periods in the bible but look at the second timothy 2 15. the bible says we're supposed to do this and by the way new versions change it look at the first word second timothy 2 15 study why new versions say be diligent or do your diligence or do where's the word study this is the command in the king james bible and the only one by the way in the new testament to study god's word and new versions go oh we better take that out we don't want people to study because they do they'll see what we've done we changed god's word and took some things out no i'm going to stick with the king james king james says study to sow thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so we're supposed to rightly divide that means dispensations you get a chance to look at my videos on youtube about dispensations there are many different dispensations in the bible for example here is jesus well first of all john showed up and then jesus did his ministry his three and a half year earthly ministry then after that you had the early apostles doing their ministry and then you had a guy named paul well i read my bible and i rightly divide and i realize wow jesus's ministry is different from paul's ministry now when i say that some people say well that's peculiar what an odd thing why nobody believes that somebody showed me a video on youtube where some computer woman's voice does a video and it says robert breaker is a heretic i mean have you ever watched one of these youtube videos where it's where it's all computer it's a woman's voice and she's saying robert breaker is a liar he does not know what he's talking about why jesus ministry is the same ministry as paul and you're just watching this you're just going that's not rightly dividing um let's go over to romans 15 real quick and let me show you something there is a difference between the ministry of jesus christ and the ministry of paul and that's not a peculiar teaching that's bible if you just read the book of acts you'll find out the book of acts is a book of transition from israel to the church from peter to paul from the kingdom gospel to the gospel of salvation through the blood of christ i mean it's all right there if you just read it jesus christ said in matthew 15 he said i came only to the lost sheep of the house of israel okay so jesus says my ministry to jews paul says well god wants me to go more to gentiles now he went to jews too but he says but more to gentiles and he says it right here in romans 15. romans chapter 15 and verse 8. now i say that jesus christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of god to confirm the promises made unto the father so jesus to jews that's what he's telling us and jesus said i came to you i mean you go into matthew and he's sending out his early apostles and he says only go to jews don't go to any gentiles well that's odd why well because that ministry was jesus as the messiah coming to israel to bring in the kingdom now would they accept him or would they not they didn't so then god said okay now i'm going to provoke them to jealousy romans 11 and i'm going to get some gentiles saved and here's what paul says in 1516 about his ministry that i should be the minister of jesus christ to the gentiles ministering the gospel of god that the offering up of the gentiles be might be acceptable being sanctified by the holy ghost so we have a difference between jesus's ministry and paul's ministry now i have videos on youtube about that jesus is ministry versus paul's ministry and things like that get a chance look those up as well look at this go to galatians chapter one you see some people claim to be christians and who knows maybe they are maybe they have gotten saved but they don't know their bible and so they run around they say well this breaker god what's he talking about well if you'd read your bible you know rather than just saying he's crazy he's a nut he's this he's that the other thing here's an example of the difference between jesus's ministry and paul's ministry something happened with paul and god gave paul something galatians chapter 1 and verse 11 says but i certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man for i neither received a man neither was i taught it but by the revelation of jesus christ so paul's ministry he says the gospel was a a revelation of jesus so god revealed to paul the gospel for us today and it was not the same gospel back here matter of fact the gospel of jesus was the kingdom message the gospel that jesus preached was the kingdom is a coming and you can't go through matthew mark luke and john without seeing that and it's all about and he preached the gospel of the kingdom and he preached to god that's not the same message of paul now there are two different kingdoms king of god came to heaven see my video on youtube about that and see the difference so there was a gospel revealed to paul what is it it's first corinthians 15 1-4 first corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 through 4. now that wasn't preached before paul now parts of it might have been mentioned by the early apostles but they were not saying for our sins they were not preaching the blood atonement of christ as god revealed to paul so when you go to your bible and you start reading your bible you're supposed to rightly divide you're supposed to see okay there's some divisions in the bible what's the first division you open up oh old testament new testament so there's a difference between the old testament and the new testament what's the difference well it says over in hebrews that the death of a testator so when someone dies the death of the testator brings in a new testament oh so the first most basic division in the entire bible is old testament new testament do you believe that there's some people out there that belong to a cult okay a let's call it what it is a cult that believes in keeping a certain day of the week and they believe in that cult and they say uh well that breaker fellow man he doesn't realize we're still under the old testament law why we have to keep the sabbath but that was the old testament for jews we're not back there we're over here so there are people out there that will say well you're peculiar mister not when you read your bible you say wow breaker's just preaching the bible we're no longer under the law what does romans 10 4 say for christ is the end of the law to all who believe what does it say in exodus 31 it says to the jews it is a sign the sabbath under penalty of death if someone works on the sabbath they are to be killed put to death twice it says in exodus 31 is that today well that doesn't sound like grace to me we're under grace today we're not under the law so there's a difference there's some division in the bible there are some dispensations there are some changing taking place people say but god doesn't change jesus christ yesterday today and forever let's say yeah he's the same but the way that he deals with people that's different you see i have three kids two girls and a boy the way that i deal with the girls is different than the way i deal with the boy he's a little more rough and when we play we get a little rough i don't get rough with the girls because they're more delicate i don't want to hurt them so guess what i didn't change but the way that i deal with people can change because they're different in different ways i can deal with different people but i'm still the same okay so you've got to understand this this rightly dividing thing this robert breaker he why he believes in dispensations yeah because the word's in the bible four times and there are different ways in which god look at hebrews chapter one god who wins hundred times in a diverse manner spoke in times past unto the prophets but now there's dispensations in the bible can't be denied so salvation according to paul is by faith by believing faith in what well we'll get to that here in a minute and i'll talk about that as well but you know so far we've already come across a lot of doctrine that's important and how sad that a lot of so-called christians don't even get this right and we've only gone to two points so far if you don't have a king james bible you don't have the very inspired infallible inerrant preserved word of god you have a book that has been messed with by men several thousand years ago and even today going through and changing every new version of the bible is changed why because men is messing with it and changing it better get a king james or you don't have a bible rightly dividing well you need to understand we're not in the old testament i'm not gonna be a seventh-day adventist because they're still trying to get back over there i recognize i understand i believe and rightly dividing the word of truth and i study and i say well that was for them back then this is where we are today and what god revealed to paul that gospel is for me for salvation so i'm going to go with that that's not peculiar if you read your bible but to those who follow a denomination or who don't read their bible and just go by what some some man says that the bible says according to his opinion then that's peculiar but if you just read it you'll go wow well that is what it says and you'll follow the scriptures well people say you breaker man you're so crazy you're so nuts robert breaker why this is one of the things that you teach that is so weird okay what is it this is something the lord revealed to me it's something i saw by just simply reading the bible and i look at i go man i gotta preach on this and i haven't heard too many other people ever talk about this i wonder why do people even read the bible anymore i do and when i read it you know what i believe it god says it i read it and i believe it and so it's settled if he says it i believe it that settles it because he said it i believe in the difference between the who and the what message a lot of people say well breaker you are so messed up oh okay well let me explain to you what i mean by that in this early period of when john showed up all the way out here the message was all about who jesus was and as you're reading through matthew mark luke and john you come to the conclusion because remember he came only to jews that there's a whole lot of questioning about who is jesus and it's all about who is this guy jesus almost sounds like an owl because they asked a question so many times who who who who now why is that why do they ask so often who are you because when jesus christ came and he showed up he showed up as the messiah and they had an old testament which is the christ they had an old testament and that old testament prophecy of daniel was all about hey this promised seed is coming so the jews understood the prophecies of daniel and they knew in their day hey there's a promised seed coming so he's coming and so you read matthew mark luke and john in the early book of acts and it's all about who is he who is this guy who is this jesus fella okay let me give you some examples john 1 19. i want you to see that and a lot of people they don't see this and they get confused because they don't rightly divide and they don't understand the difference between the who message and the what message john chapter 1 and verse 19. look what it says here john 1 19 and this is the record of john when the jews sent priests and levites from jerusalem to ask him who art thou the first question they ask when john shows up is who who and from then on you hear that who who who who over and over and over i mean it's right there in your face and they said uh who are you i mean and and uh they're asking are you the messiah are you the christ go to matthew 11 3. let me show you this as you read matthew mark luke and john it's all about the message of who is jesus and that's a message to jews matthew chapter 11 and verse 3. matthew 11 3 we read these words and said to him art thou he that should come or do we look for another so john is saying okay so are you him who are you are you jesus the messiah matthew chapter 16 jesus asked his disciples matthew 16 and verse 13 when jesus came into the coast of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that i the son of man am who who am i john 7 26 who well says he is the very christ so jesus is the christ acts chapter 2 verse 36 act acts 4 10 it's all about the name of jesus and that's all about the name so all the emphasis of matthew mark luke and john and the early book of acts is all on who jesus is and you cannot help but see that if you read the bible but as you continue reading the bible and you should you understand oh there's a little bit different message with paul and with paul and paul's message it's all about what jesus did and the reason is because the jews rejected their messiah because of that god says okay there's something else i want you to teach and it's not just the message of who i am yes people need to know that i am the messiah that's great but paul the message that i'm revealing to you to preach is what i did for the world and today we're not saved by believing in who jesus is yeah you should believe he's the christ yeah you should believe he's god yeah you should believe he's the messiah that's great but you don't get to heaven believing that jesus was the messiah today today the message is you're saved by believing in what jesus did for you let's go over here to acts chapter 13. and this was the message revealed to paul and it's the message of not of works it's a message of being justified by faith acts 13 38 see there's people over here under the law that were keeping the law and they believed who jesus was but they kept keeping the law and eventually god said paul run over there and tell those people it's not just believing who i am you have to understand it's what i did to save them and that it's not the law anymore that saves it's faith alone in my finished work in my blood in what i've done for them so acts 13 38 but be it known unto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins wow so it's preaching of what jesus did what did he do he died to pay for the sins and by him all that believe are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of moses oh so salvation by grace through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works less than he mentioned boasts well that's ephesians 2 8 9 what paul said so paul's message is what jesus did first corinthians 15 verse 3 says how he died for our sins so verse 3 says for our sins that's what jesus did what did he do he died for our sins so you see as you're reading through the bible there's some definite distinctions and some changes in the early part of the book of acts as well as the ministry of jesus was all about the emphasis of jews you need to believe who he is because he's your messiah and he's come but as you read through the book of acts you see uh oh they rejected their messiah so god says paul come here go around and tell them this tell them that i am the lamb i am the blood atonement i am the one who died in their place i want them to know what i did and i want their faith to be in what i did for them because i died for their sins galatians 1 4 bible says jesus died for our sins romans 5 6 christ died for the ungodly romans 5 8 christ died for us look at first thessalonians 4 14 sometimes and how it says to believe in that jesus died and rose again as you read through paul paul is putting all the emphasis in what he did for us and our faith in that when the early books matthew mark luke and john in the early part of uh acts was all about trust in who he was do you see that distinction some people say well that's just weird breaker well i don't see how you can miss it you read through matthew mark luke and john in acts and it's just who sounds like an owl and you read through paul and it's all it's what he did it's what he did trust in what he did believe in what he did what so you've got to trust in what he did for you for salvation not what you do trust in what he did well here's another one some people say well this breaker fella why he is so crazy his peculiar doctrine why he believes that paul wrote hebrews wow what a silly thing paul wrote hebrews what a dumb thing this breaker fellow to believe that well you know why i believe it well let's go over to the book of hebrews and uh let's look at what it says at the very well even before the very first verse before the even first verse it says the epistle paul the apostle to the hebrews that's what it says in my bible what does it say in your bible my bible says it right here the epistle of paul to the hebrews does your bible say that so yeah i believe but people say well that's just a note that's not inspired oh okay they say show me in the bible where it says that paul is really the author of hebrews oh well let's go to the very end of hebrews and let's look at something hebrews 13. look there at verse 23 know ye that our brother timothy is set at liberty with whom if he comes shortly i will see you uh timothy timothy well isn't timothy one of paul's converts and seems to always be with paul so yeah wouldn't it make sense that paul wrote it if you wrote that at the end and then look at verse 25 well actually verse 24 salute all them that have the rule over you and all the saints they have italy salute you although paul was in italy in rome and then verse 25 grace be with you all amen well that's how paul ends all of his epistles so yeah paul wrote hebrews that's not a peculiar strange doctrine you're peculiar if you don't see that matter of fact even peter tells us that paul wrote hebrews turn over with me the second peter so you see all these things that people say your breaker's crazy he's dumb he's an idiot he's a he teaches terrorists he teaches well these crazy things he teaches and it's like that's all because the bible says that maybe you're not reading your bible and that's why you're maybe you should you know just kind of back up a little bit and say you know what i'm gonna study and see if this breaker guy's telling me the truth before i say something maybe maybe that would keep you from being ashamed for speaking out of turn but anyway second peter chapter three look what it says in verse 15. peter is speaking he says an account that the longsuffering of our lord is salvation even as our beloved brother paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you peter says paul wrote something to you who's he writing to saved juice it sounds like and look what he says in verse 16 and also in all his epistles paul wrote 13 epistles but peter just said remember when paul wrote to you and then also the other 13 epistles so what is peter saying paul wrote hebrews and his other 13. that means there's 14 books of the of paul that were written you know your bible you know god used the number seven a lot if paul wrote hebrews and he did you have seven pre-prison epistles and seven post-prison epistles seven and seven god always likes the number seven so i don't think i'm a little out of line and strange and weird and crazy to believe that paul wrote hebrews i'm just reading the bible and believing what it says matter of fact the book of hebrews is amazing because hebrews has the who versus what message all in it chapters 1 through 8 are all about who jesus is chapter 9 through 13 is all about what jesus did read it sometime and look at that who is jesus he's the creator he's god he's the christ he's the messiah he's the lord i mean you go through the first eight chapters and it's all about who jesus is he's god then you go through the end and it's all but oh by the way he's the author of eternal salvation why he's the sacrifice for the sins of the world while he and it's what jesus did i don't see how these people could say breaker's an idiot and a in full and a jerk and he doesn't know what he's talking about why heretics say that paul wrote hebrews and i simply read it and i say wow i don't see how you can deny it peter said he did my king james bible says right there in the beginning the epistle paul to the hebrews uh he mentions timothy says he's in italy i don't see how you can miss it the hoovers but people do people do and rather than come around to the side of the bible and what it says they love to just throw the first stone and call names and attack and say breakers an idiot he teaches things that we don't believe well maybe you are the one in false teaching and error maybe you need to believe what the bible says just throw that out there okay let's look at another one there are people out there say well this breaker fell oh man so far everything i believe is what the bible says so should we even listen to people like that but they ho ho oh this breaker guy he believes that old testament versus new testament salvation is different why can you believe the audacity oh of this breaker fella of saying that things were different in the old testament and they say it like this they say when it comes to salvation they say i believe that salvation is always the same through the whole bible and people are saved the same in the old testament as the new testament how dare robert breaker say people are are saved differently well first of all i like to say it like this i don't think anybody was saved in the old testament oh what a peculiar teaching well let me explain what does it mean to be saved paul in the new testament tells us what salvation is paul says salvation is imputed righteousness did anybody get imputed righteous in the old testament only person we find with that was abraham it sounds like that was all as an example of when god would give it to people over here but we don't read anywhere else in the old testament where god imputes his righteousness to someone but when we get saved today we get imputed righteousness we get justified anybody get justified in the old testament well in the book of james there's a couple of people but not everybody in the old testament was justified so it doesn't seem to be the same how about when we get saved today ephesians 1 13 says we are sealed with the holy spirit of problems show me the old testament anybody that was sealed with the holy spirit you can't i can take you and i can show you saul who got the holy spirit it came it left it came it left it came matter of fact you got a demonic spirit sometimes i can show you david saying oh lord take not your spirit from me you see there was no sealing of the holy spirit in the old testament when we're saved today this is salvation according to paul by the way jesus became the author of eternal salvation at the cross so when did salvation come through through christ on the cross so was anybody even saved in the old testament remember when people died in the old testament where did they go well if they were following god and what he said they went to abraham's bosom instead of hell they didn't go to heaven paul says absent from the body present with the lord in heaven so when we're saved today and we die we go to heaven they didn't in the old testament there are so many differences between the old testament and the new testament how could someone say such a thing people say the same in the whole bible it's like how am i supposed to take you seriously have you ever read the bible um didn't even go to the same place when they died in the old testament they weren't taken up to heaven until jesus rose again how about this one born again when we're saved we're born again anybody born again in the old testament we can't find anywhere in the old testament or anyone was born again we're saved today while we have a spiritual circumcision take place the old testament while there was physical circumcision but don't say so when you look at the old testament you look at the new testament go man there's a lot of differences but people they go oh that's so peculiar mr breaker to say how no we don't believe that there's some people on youtube make videos and say this breaker guy is the biggest heretic because he says salvation was different in the old testament while he says there were some works involved under the law what kind of a fool no we believe that the whole bible everyone say by grace through faith and you go uh excuse me did you ever open your bible and even read it let me show you some verses okay let's go there okay you want to start this you open this can of worms let's do that let's do that under the old testament law god dealt with israel under a covenant of works now thank god we're not saved by works today today it's by grace grace through faith and not of works but on the old testament there was some works that they had to do all right and that can't be denied now if you say no it wasn't works under the law then you are not reading your bible i want to show you the verses okay this is not a peculiar made-up teaching of robert breaker this is bible okay do you believe the bible exodus exodus chapter 18 and look what it says in verse 20. exodus 18 20. i'm not angry i'm not upset but i am sad that there are people out there that want to fight with you all the time and you give them the scriptures and then they then they just keep fighting well to me they're fighting with god not with me okay this isn't my peculiar teaching this is bible the old testament law says it's works under that time period that you had to do all right let's look at that exodus chapter 18 and verse 20 and thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws and thou shalt show them the way wherein they must walk and the work that they must do so let me get this straight if you have to do a work isn't that works all right let's go over here to 19 5 exodus 19 5. now therefore if you will obey my voice and keep my covenant then ye shall be a peculiar treasure into me above all people for all the earth is mine god in the old testament is speaking in israel and says obey and do what i tell you that sounds like works obey and do okay let's look at another verse let's go to deuteronomy let me just show you what the bible says okay i don't like fighting i don't like debates i don't want to name call and attack and put people down if they don't agree with me but i do believe we should go the bible and see because uh it just might be they're not just against me they're against god and what the scripture says does the scripture say that under the old testament law it was a work set up yeah yeah let's look at the verses deuteronomy 7 11 do these people read no they probably don't deuteronomy 7 11 thou shalt therefore keep the commandments and the statutes and the judgments which i command thee this day to do them well that sounds like a dew gospel you gotta do do do that sounds very different than the gospel today because under paul's gospel it's all done in christ christ did it all he paid it all well under the law is what you do but today it's just simply trust in what christ has done that's not the same thing let's look at another one i could do this all day be honest with you there's so many verses i didn't write down all of just some but look at this deuteronomy 12 14 but in the place which the lord shall choose in one of thy tribes there shalt thou offer thy burn offerings and there thou shalt do all that i command he do well that's works you got to do this god said look at verse 32 what things so soever i command you observe to do it thou shalt not add there to nor diminish from it do do do uh 13 18 13 18 when thou shalt hearken to the voice of the lord thy god to keep all his commandments which i command thee this day to do that which is right in the eyes of the lord thy god you mean i got to do something well not today thank god that's not today today it's not what we do that saves us but the old testament god said look you got to do this you got to do this you got to do this deuteronomy 16 12 and thou shalt remember that thou was the bondsman in egypt and thou shalt observe and do these statutes look at deuteronomy 6 people say well yeah but they they just they had to do it it's just like today we're saved and then we do works uh no no remember they weren't shaved in the old testament as same as the new testament since there was no sealing and there was no pudding in the body of christ they died they went to abraham's book the old testament was very different than the new testament deuteronomy 6 25 look what it says and it shall be well let me read verse 24 first and the lord commanded us to do all these statutes to fear the lord our god for our good always that he might preserve us alive as it is at this day now verse 25 and it shall be our righteousness if we observe to do all these commandments for the lord our god as he hath commanded us so the law was all about doing something and god viewed you as righteous based upon whether you did what he said or not wow that is very different than the new testament where it's not of works i read i read acts 13 right it's not the law it's faith we're justified by faith and not by the works of the law now do you see why he said not by the works of law because at one time it was by the works of the law now people say well i do really like it okay listen god has always had grace on people all right the law was god's grace giving israel a moral law and a way to please god and to do right but it all boils down to this if you want to make salvation the same in the old testament new testament it doesn't work because today it's faith alone back then there were some works involved but we can say it like this it's always been old testament new testament any testament it's always been through blood sacrifice so the old testament when they sinned and they did nobody kept the law all right i'll beat you to it a lot of people say well nobody ever kept the law exactly so what did god write in the law when you do sin bring a blood sacrifice and when you bring this sacrifice for your sins then i will forgive you based upon blood so it's always been through blood but that was animal blood today it's through jesus blood that's a different blood so even that is different there's so many differences between the old testament and the new testament but rather than look at them and get a bible and let's look at the verses and discuss people just want to attack and ridicule and put down say oh you're you're peculiar you're preaching the hair is you it's like okay all i did was show you the verses and it says do this if you were under the law thank god we're not under the law we're under grace so i see a great difference between old testament and new testament i see that it's different people say well that's mighty peculiar because a lot of christians don't preach that much of christianity doesn't show that yeah because much of christianity is wrong but i go by what the bible says and the bible says under the law it was what you do under grace it's trusting what jesus did for us there's a difference so i see a difference i hope you do too there is a difference but well should we even go there shall we go into the tribulation some people say this breaker fella oh this is one of my favorites that they say i'm wrong on okay here's the rapture right here and after the rapture is the tribulation period this is when the antichrist comes into power this is when we have the mark of the beast now the bible tells us that if you take the mark of the beast well when jesus returns here at armageddon you go down and you go to this place to be tormented but i like to say this okay let's go to matthew chapter five i like to say that there is a possibility perhaps that if you do take the mark of the beast you could still get out of it and still come to christ even if you did take the mark and a lot of people said that's not true that's not true why did i say that well i said well look at what jesus says in matthew chapter 5. matthew chapter 5 verse 30 and if thy right hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should and it goes on and i've reading this passage and i said what if this is jesus telling people jews because that's what the tribulation is all about it's called the time of jacob's trouble it's when god goes back to dealing with the jews um but what if someone takes the mark of the beast what if someone says uh oh no i shouldn't have done that oh no you know revelation 14 11 talks about those that have the mark of the beast when jesus comes back in armageddon they're pitched into a place of fire and torment downstairs so if you take the mark of the beast it's not good for you so what if you could cut off your hand if you did take the mark of the beast and then you could have a chance to live in the millennium kingdom people say oh it's the dumbest thing i've ever heard cutting off your own hand well this breaker what was he talking about and and i use that verse and it's obvious to me that they haven't even read the verse okay and they attack me said that's not what it's saying there's a let's actually read it together matthew 5 30 and if thy right hand offend thee cut it off why would you be offended and with your right hand what could possibly happen with your right hand that offends you unless it's somebody in the tribulation that took the mark of the beast in the right hand and they said i i see now that that jesus was the messiah i shouldn't have done that i'm so offended i wish i hadn't done that okay and it says and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell when is someone cast into hell in their body at armageddon when jesus comes back and all who have the mark of the beast will be cast bodily into hell so the context is cut it off or be cast bodily into hell that sounds like tribulation to me and yet people mock and laugh and say oh that's the dumbest thing that breaker got and all i'm doing is connecting the dots and reading the bible and going well laugh all you want but that's what it sounds like it's talking about the context is don't go to hell and don't be thrown in in your body cut your hand off okay it's just funny to me other people say well that's breaker from lava he believes there's faith and works in the tribulation well yeah the bible says endure to the end if you miss the rapture then you have to endure to the end to be saved that's what it says that sounds like works to me why you have to uh either make it all the way through seven years or you have to die as a martyr for jesus christ you have to shed your blood for jesus you have to let them kill you you have to die as a martyr in order to get to heaven because the bible says in revelation i saw the souls of them that were beheaded in heaven there's a lot to get into i mean read revelation 12 17 read revelation 14 12. those in the tribulation they have faith in jesus but they are keeping the commandments that sounds like a faith and works gospel so a lot of people say let's break your gut all i do is read the bible and believe it maybe you should do the same thing before you speak everything about that i just want to throw that out there other people say oh this breaker fella oh his doctrine is just so crazy it's like all i'm doing is teaching the bible why don't you why don't you why don't you get on the same page as god and get in the book and we won't have any arguments okay but they don't but this breaker fell away he teaches that salvation is only through faith in the blood uh yeah why do i teach that uh why is that weird to you why do you why are you against that that's something i'll never understand why am i in favor of faith in the blood well romans 3 25 let's read it romans 3 25 says whom god hath set forth to be a pro-appreciation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the mission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of god by the way you know that's changed in new versions of the bible new versions of the bible change it in such a way that it doesn't say through faith that is blood it's very very different but the king james bible says it correctly salvation is through faith in his blood um i have here king james bible that has the preface to the reader and i thought i'd just share this with you i thought it was great you don't have this in new versions of the bible but the king james bible they believed in faith in the blood what heretics how could they believe faith in the blood here is the the translators to the reader and it says whom god ordained to be a reconciliation through what faith in his blood so king james bible tells you salvation is through faith in the blood do you believe the king james bible i do um if you have a new version of the bible why i bet you i would be willing to bet you the people that put out that new version of the bible didn't believe salvation was by faith in the blood that's why they changed that verse in romans 3 25 because they don't believe in the blood but the bible is very clear all through the old testament and under the law it was through blood and that the sacrifice of that animal and the offering of that blood to god is what gave forgiveness of sins no forgiveness without blood hebrews 9 22 says without shedding blood no remission of sins so it's always been through blood here's the blood of jesus christ so question are you trusting in the blood of jesus the bible literally says through faith in his blood romans 3 25 so if it says through faith in his blood in romans 3 25 then i preach you want to be saved you need to put your faith in his blood oh that heretic breaker how dare he say through faith well that's what the king james said through faith in his blood um why is that bad why is that wrong it's not you see it's all about what jesus did for salvation and it's through faith in that and what in his shedding blood it's his blood atonement look at romans 5 11 you see it's all about the blood atonement of christ leviticus 17 11 under the old testament law told us that the blood is what makes atonement for sin and paul tells us in romans 5 11 and not only so but we also joy in god joy what is joy happiness we joy in god through our lord jesus christ by whom we have now received the atonement paul tells us that salvation is through faith in the blood faith in what the blood atonement of christ and that salvation is by faith receiving something what must you receive you must receive by faith the blood atonement and when you receive the blood atonement by faith then you have and this is a awesome word here joy sometimes i wonder if these people that attack me and say oh this breaker follows a heretic and he doesn't preach like i do why he's wrong and he says the blood saves you i wonder if they're even saved they have no joy paul says when we believe the blood and we accept by faith we receive the blood atonement through faith we have joy if you know me i'm a joyful guy i'm happy i'm happy because i know where i'm going when i die i am 150 sure of my salvation i know that i know that i know that i know that i know i'm safe and i preach salvation through faith in the blood why is that weird why is that strange why is that peculiar when that's what the bible says why don't you preach faith in the blood you claim to be a king james bible believer it says it right there in the beginning of the king james bible the translator said through faith in his blood new versions of the bible change that why are you against the blood of christ why is that peculiar it's not it's just what the bible says see when you look at it a lot of what these people are saying is the opposite of what the bible says one of the things i teach is i teach you don't need to ask god to save you i tell people no don't go oh god just please save me i say look at the atonement and trust god to save you and they say oh breakers against asking god to save you it's like well show me one verse in the bible in the new testament that says you're saved because you ask god to save you you can't show me that there's not one well they'll try to take some out of context and they do but there's no verse that says if you just ask god to save you then he'll save you asking is from the mouth what if you say oh god save me with your mouth but you have not trusted from the heart are you saved i don't have time to read all these verses matthew 15 9. have you ever read matthew 59 i believe that's right i may say i will make sure i get you the right verse but matthew 15 9 talks about people coming to god with their lips but their heart is far from them yeah verse eight i said nine is verse eight matthew 15 8 and this is a tradition today many people say salvation is just coming to god and asking god oh god save you well all you do is ask with your lips but you've never trusted from your heart you're still lost and a lot of guys out there like that just run around say don't just tell us god save you oh the blood's not important don't worry about the blood oh that heretic breaker talking about the blood shut up shut up it's not the blood it's not the blood they're either lost or demon-possessed or in the flesh because i don't know how you can read your bible and not see that it's through faith from the heart the bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved you read your bible and you find out in second timothy 2 22 it says they that call upon the lord from a pure heart calling is not just what the mouse said oh slavery according to the bible calling is something that comes from the heart and there's something that you need to call upon you call upon god through faith the bible says the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise check that out in romans chapter 10. so your faith from the heart in the blood of christ is speaking to god and say god i receive i believe i trust in the blood and that's when you're saved acts chapter 8 verse 37 is talking about how you believe with all thine heart do you believe in the blood of christ with all your heart are you trusting in the blood atonement for salvation if so got good news for you you're saved and on your way to heaven but if you think that's some peculiar strange doctrine that you might not be saved and you need to check yourself you need to check your heart you need to check and see if you even know god and you even are saved well last thing quickly i wanted to go under an hour but it looks like we'll take a little bit longer spirit baptism versus water baptism now there's people out there that'll tell you that water baptism is what saves you and these people say that i am wrong because i say no you're not saved by water baptism they say that's a peculiar breaker teaching well that's not what the bible teaches and i go uh yeah have you read it let's let's do that let's read it together let's go to paul let's go to first corinthians chapter one see i'm not against baptism if you want to be baptized in water after you're saved not to get saved but after you're safe you can do that there's no problem with that but i do not believe and i will never teach that you are saved by the water it's not water that saves us it's the blood the blood of jesus christ cleanseth us from all sin it's the blood that washes our sins away first corinthians 1 17 look what paul says for christ sent me not to baptize he's talking about water baptism but to preach the gospel not with the wisdom of words lest the cross of christ should be none effect he says i'm not baptizing people in water telling them you're saved by water and that's what they did in acts 2 38 but there was a change that took place because acts 2 38 was for jews he says it's not the water look at verse 18 for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of god what is he saying he's saying that the preaching of the cross what the blood atonement of christ made on our behalf to pay for our sins and the trusting in the blood is what saves us but there are people out there that are lost and they are going through the book of acts and they're reading acts and they're saying it's the water that saves it's the water that saves and i'm sick because i was baptized in water and that breaker fell up don't listen to him um maybe we shouldn't listen to you because you didn't get it right let's go to acts chapter 2 and verse 38. they all run around say acts 2 38 acts 2 38 acts 238 if you'll get baptized in water you'll be safe that sounds like works are you telling people they have to do something to be saved what are you trying to put them back under the law or something what is acts 2 38 says acts 2 38 says then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name oh that's way back there in the who gospel still not the what gospel in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost now people say that's for us today no it's not have you even read the context look at the context look at the context verse 22 ye men of israel look at the context of verse 10 jews look at nine men and brethren who is that jews look at verse 36 therefore let all the house of israel know assuredly that god hath made that same jesus whom you have crucified both lord and christ house of israel are you part of the house of israel are you a jew are you which one of the 12 tribes are you from you're not verse 37 now when they heard this they who the jews were pricked in their heart and said unto peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do so peter said to them jews do this so this is what this acts 2 38 message is to israel now let's go back to jesus okay the very book of acts see this is why you need to study and rightly divide if you do you see that in the bible there are time periods that are different there are dispensations there are things that are changing and if you understand that then you can get on the right page and say oh okay we're under paul's ministry now and according to paul water does not save us it's faith in the blood that saves us and even peter saw that look at what jesus says in acts chapter 1 and verse 5. for john truly baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hence so he says okay so there's a water baptism but there's also the holy spirit baptism he said john did this one but this one is the one that i'm more interested in that's what jesus is saying so don't go by the water baptism in john there's another baptism that's going to be more important and that's spirit baptism okay and then verse six will thou again restore again the kingdom of israel uh god are you gonna restore your kingdom now and god says don't worry about that now you go through the book of acts and you read the book of acts and it's all about jews trusting in who jesus is until you get to chapter 10. well actually chapter 9 we see paul saved which is great chapter 10 something takes place first time we see god allowing a gentile to hear preaching and to receive something in acts chapter 10 verse 43 44 all the way down to verse 48 when you get a chance to read that you see peter preaching to cornelius and what happens well peter yet spake these words verse 44 the holy ghost fell and all them which are so they got the holy spirit by believing not by water baptism well that's way different than acts 2 38. now in chapter 11 peter retells what happened when he saw these gentiles get saved and by the way they got baptized after they were saved not to be saved okay look at what it says in acts 11 15 16-17 and as i began to speak the holy ghost fell on them as on us at the beginning so peter is retelling what took place in acts 10 when he saw some gentiles get saved verse 16 then remembered i the word of the lord how that he said john indeed baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the holy spirit or the holy ghost not many days hands so he says there was the water thing but jesus said it's not the water there's another baptism i'll put it as purple because purple is the color of royalty if you will and that's the baptism that is more important than the water old john back here was all about the water the water the water so if you read your bible what do you find you find it's not a peculiar teaching of robert breaker to say that it's spirit baptism that we get today and when we're saved we're baptized with the holy spirit it's not oh we've got to get baptized the water to get the holy spirit that was in the beginning of the book of acts and the transition took place to later now we're saved by faith alone not by water not by works look at first corinthians 12 13 when we're saved when we believe the gospel we receive the holy spirit that can't be denied now you've got some people out there many of them belong to a pentecostal or a charismatic church and they still try to go back to acts 2 38 or else they try to say no no we we get saved supposedly but then we can lose it well that's not in the bible once you're saved you're always saved you're sealed with the holy spirit ephesians 1 13. and then and then they say but you you don't get the holy spirit until you do something you're speaking tongues you're gonna do no no that's not what the bible says first corinthians 12 13 for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether it be jew or gentile whether it be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit this is spirit baptism not water baptism and when we are saved ephesians 1 13 in whom he also trusted after that she heard the word of truth the gospel of salvation after that you believed you were sealed so salvation is by belief and it's when we believe that we receive the holy spirit that's what paul teaches and that's when we receive the baptism of the holy spirit by faith now that's not a peculiar breaker doctrine that's just bible but there's people out there that'll twist the scriptures and they'll go to the early book of acts or they'll go to matthew mark luke and john or they'll go to other parts they'll go under the law and they'll try to say now you've got to do all this and they've got to do gospel watch out for those people because the true gospel of salvation for today has been revealed to paul and it's a done gospel jesus did it for you he paid for your sins now will you trust him or won't you will you receive that atonement or will you not now we got to close with titus chapter two one more time i've done my best today to go through and show you some of the things that these are the ones that i get the most emails on you breaker when you preach that well that's heresy you heretic breaker you're wrong and stuff like that and it's it's funny to me and kind of sad it's because they are following a denomination that doesn't read the bible they're following the teachings of a man who twists the scriptures instead of following the scriptures as they are actually written first of all do you even have the scriptures do you have a king james bible if you don't you have a perverted text that is not the true word of god it is based upon corrupt gnostic text get the right bible when you get the right bible study and read it for yourself don't go by what man says go about what the bible says okay myself included don't follow me i'm just following the bible i'm telling you what the bible says but i want you to make sure you know that's what the bible says there's a difference between the who versus what the early message was to jews message today through paul is for us today paul wrote the book of hebrews the old testament is different than the new testament thank god because today it's faith alone salvation is through faith in the blood of jesus christ you need to know that you need to hear that you need to believe that and when you're saved it's because you believed and then you got the holy spirit you don't get it by being baptized in water that's not what gets you the spirit so we'll close with the very verses we begin in titus 2 11 for the grace of god that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope in the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works see i'm not doing good works to get saved because i am now saved and received the holy spirit i want to do good and so i work for the lord because of what he's done for me but i'm not working to get saved i'm working because i am saved through faith in the blood and then it ends these things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority i have an authority right here in my hands and it's the king james bible and it tells me these things these are not my own little peculiar teachings that only i teach this is what the bible says and so it tells me to speak exhort and rebuke with all authority so by the authority of god himself based upon his holy perfect preserved word if you're teaching otherwise you're wrong because this is what the bible says let no man despise thee well i've done my best to not let people despise me because if you despise me and you hate what i teach i want you to know it's not what i say it's what god said you know don't shoot the messenger i'm just telling you what god said about it now do you believe what god said do you have the right bible if not get a king james bible get one today get you a king james 16 11 authorized version yeah my favorite place to get bibles is from local church bible publishers and you can go there get a local church bible publisher bible and that would be great you can get them other places as well get a king james bible start reading start rightly dividing look into the who versus what and find out why paul wrote hebrews but the jews rejected the messiah so paul said okay god's called me the gentiles read romans through philemon that's the heart of new testament doctrine for us today is your faith in the blood are you saved are you trusting in the blood atonement of christ if not trust the blood for salvation after you're saved you can be baptized in water but you better not think that that's what saves you and there's some people out there that still do they still think well i'm sorry about what we're about to know you're not no you're not water just gets your body wet and you'll go downstairs wet only way to heaven isn't through water it's through the blood and when we're saved we receive the holy spirit we don't get it by speaking in tongues or some other thing that's not what the bible teaches today it teaches when you believe you receive the holy spirit of god and that's the baptism the holy spirit that we get by faith well there it is hope it's been a blessing god bless we'll see you next time you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 42,516
Rating: 4.8414273 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 15sec (4455 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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