The Ni Ni Tree! 🌈 FULL EPISODE 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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the nine eye tree looks like we're officially ready for camp out yeti style almost officially ready nope too hard too soft too leafy ah ah that's just right [Music] maybe too good a job hmm i think this cat nap needs a yeti wake-up call oh herb [Music] the campers are here [Music] hi everyone welcome to camp out yeti style oh excited to learn all about the yeti tradition oh is that a yeti tradition it is having fun is a yeti specialty so is recycling your sleeping bags are made entirely out of fallen leaves and when you wake up in the morning you've got a nice healthy breakfast well that yeti tradition looks like a lot of fun i want to try that sure everybody grab a yeti buddy and have fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah everything looks good enough to eat that was delicious thank you uh now uh what should i do with my plate is there garbage yetis don't believe in garbage they reuse everything including the plates which are edible oh okay oh you know theirs tastes pretty good for a plate huh i was right everything is good enough to eat now that we've seen some yeti traditions do you think they'd like to learn some of ours definitely what were you thinking well when we camp out we like to gather around do some dancing and roast number berry marshmallows oh yeah i love that and the best part is we do it at night oh the yeti's only like daylight they never go out after dark never ever oh message received guess we'll only have to collect half the number berries now would you like some help getting ready for night time oh come on bee got in your dessert place now that's hospitality can i ask you why you don't go out at nighttime you're scared of the dark hey me too that's why i always carry a security blanket and a security snack and a security best friend always so what do you do to feel safe when it gets dark [Applause] whoa is this a nine-eyed fruit i've never seen one before so pretty we're gonna get ready oh the yetis have been using the nine eyes for thousands of years it helps them feel safe at night nine-nine oh my god [Music] it's too bad the yetis can't join us at our camp out yeah well i heard they don't like being outside when it's dark well maybe they need some lights like those ones up there hey that gives me an idea look how bright we made it now the yetis can join us for camp out yay [Applause] i'll call them oh yetis we found some nice lights for you hmm [Applause] how can you hear how excited they are nailed it oh and here they come now to thank us [Music] maybe it's too bright for them that's probably it i'll be right back is everyone okay we heard howls and happy owls don't worry true i'll turn off those bright nine-eye lights no [Applause] the yetis are scared of the dark and they need those nine eyes to feel safe oh i feel terrible it's not your fault you didn't know but those yetis won't be able to go night night without their nine eyes let's just turn those nine eyes back on there must be a switch or something we can't turn them back on we have to get new ones from the nine-eyed tree what about these little lights couldn't they work instead those lights are nice but they're too small and not nearly bright enough no the only thing we can do is get more nine eyes a great plan um we'll wait till morning and leave when it's sunny right [Music] i don't think the yetis can last that long in the dark b where's the nine-eyed tree oh yeah deep in the never-ending forest how deep oh so really deep can you show us the way don't be scared don't worry we'll be fine we'll stick together and i'll go get some wish help oh cute [Music] we'll be back before you know it till then stay together yeah there's safety in numbers unless you're a fishy poof cracker do the wishing tree please cumilo [Music] thanks jimmy lo back in a minute the campbell night is ruined true bartleby is everything all right i heard howls no everything is not all right those are yeti howls why are the yetis howling because they're scared of the dark not that there's anything wrong with that that's right and the citizens accidentally put up their nine highlights and now everyone is upset they put out their nine highlights but the yetis have been using those for thousands of years we know first things first let's sit and have a think [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we need to find the nine-eyed tree so we can bring back more nine eyes to the yeti village but snicks too scared of the dark to show us the way so we need a way to light our path through the forest and keep snake and bartleby calm the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes i'm ready [Music] wishing you wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] tiny wishes [Music] today [Music] [Music] true these wishes are incredible i can't wait to see what the wikipedia says about their powers [Music] first up we have woe glow hi again well glow i could never forget your bright personality [Music] as you know logo is a light wish it can illuminate any space no matter how dark it is even say i don't know the never ending forest at night dark don't worry b woe glow can brighten any path next we have bumbershoot bumbershoot has fantastic parachute powers bomber suit can fly you down to the ground safely from any height that'll come in handy if we get stuck somewhere really high uh-huh are we planning on getting stuck somewhere really high and finally we have gravity gravity is super sticky and stretchy it can help you grab things from far away that's amazing i'm not sure how we'll use your power grabba diddy but if you like adventure stick with us zoo zip zap wishes in my pack [Music] let's go find the nine-eye tree oh no we don't have any wishes to help the yetis oh i have an idea be right back okay we'll meet you on kimilo bring snacks [Music] okay ooh is that the snack bag no snacks just ingredients for a glow potion to help the yeti stay calm until you get back great idea let's go hi yetis this is my friend z he's here to help ah um hello true i didn't realize there'd be such a big crowd i'm used to posting in front of small groups you'll do great z pro tip maybe don't go overboard with the science talk but not all my talk is science talk well good luck with that snick are you ready to show us the way to the nine-eyed tree [Music] [Music] don't be scared i'm here to bring you radiant energy uh i mean i'm here to bring you illumination [Music] i'm here to bring you light observe [Music] stick if you're saying this is a gloomy dark and spooky shadowy forest i'm right with you it is getting pretty dark out here but i've got just the thing it's time for my first wish [Music] zip zap zoo i choose you wake up low glow wish come [Music] can you light up this gloomy forest for us this um gloomy dark spooky shadow so many scary words for us see much better all right okay you know huh things are looking up i can see the ground i can see the trees i can see my fishy poop crackers oh can we stop for a quick snack breakthrough sure b how about a little rest whoa glow [Music] one for snake and one for true and one for the giant scary plant [Music] don't be creatures it's just this cute little flower's shadow see okay it's gone thank goodness everybody relax don't do that shadow thing again okay true not all shadows are scary b some are fun here you sign whoa glow on my hands hey it's me i'm famous rainbow king delightful daffodil i'm so pleased you like my shadow puppet show you're so good at making us not scared drew i couldn't do it without my lovely assistant whoa glow glue oh sorry i know what's in here somewhere nope not that yes pollen from rainbow king's favorite flower and celestial particles [Music] i mean star sprinkles [Applause] a good scientist always knows when to check on his experiments [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice try forest you that might sound like a huge waterfall but ah sure it's just ah okay i do not remember a waterfall being here we've never been here before b no yeah that's why i don't remember it snake is the nine-eyed tree down there oh yeah she said all we have to do is follow the river how are we supposed to get down there easy we're going to jump i was afraid you'd say that bartleby we're gonna have to be brave the yetis are depending on us to bring the nine-nine light back to the village time for my second wish [Music] zip zap zoo i choose you wake up can you help us float down safely from here well glow you sit on my shoulder okay bumbershoot we need you to get as big as you can uh-huh okay everyone one two three [Music] [Music] now back in the pack [Music] okay gang we're on the lookout for a giant glow-in-the-dark tree come on [Music] next is something i call lightning in a bottle first we take frozen rain pellets [Music] add a tuft of storm cloud a sprinkling of negative electrons and shake [Music] forming in front of a big crowd is kind of great i don't know why i was so worried voila lightning in a bottle [Applause] [Music] hey snake my paws are getting kind of tired is that nine-nine tree close by oh yeah yeah [Music] well i guess that's the nine-eyed tree oh thanks for your help now back in the pack [Music] uh true why is the nine-nine tree so dark i don't know let's go take a closer look stick says the nine-eyed tree is all lit up during the day then why do you think it looks so different at night oh it's sleeping of course it's all dark even nine-eyed trees go to bed so how do we wake it up dance [Music] wow so beautiful look at all those nine eyes but true they're so high up how are we gonna get them down it's time for my third wish zip zap zoo i choose you wake up grab a daddy wish hi grab a ditty i need your super sticky power to help us catch all those nine eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for your help grab a ditty it today now back in the pack [Music] we're sorry to wake you nighya tree but my friends and i were visiting the yetis and we uh somebody threw water on the night night lights and they just went out wasn't me just saying anyway the yetis are a little afraid of the dark not that there's anything wrong with that hmm is it okay if we borrow some of your nine eyes oh thank you nine eye tree we better get back to yeti village sweet dreams nine-nine tree [Music] i'm sorry all my potions are destroyed there's nothing else i can do to bring you lights hey there's some light those look like night-night lights hey it's true bottle van snap hi we're back now we have enough nine eyes to light the entire yeti village and i wasn't afraid of the dark or my shadow well maybe a little i just want to say how truly sorry we really are it's just that we got so caught up in the yeti traditions we didn't realize we were causing any harm well isn't there anything we can do to help the yetis now hmm [Music] liners [Music] 99 [Music] nice [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 1,446,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, educational kids programming, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and the rainbow kingdom songs, true and the rainbow kingdom theme song, true and the rainbow kingdom wishing tree song, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes trues birthday
Id: oubI2koYq0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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