A Royal Stink 🌈 FULL EPISODE 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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[Music] she's [Music] a royal stink welcome friends it's royal request day now what would you like to ask of your king today oh rainbow king we do love the color of our sky but we were wondering well perhaps if it could just be a teensy little more verbal green wait please of course tomorrow i will fill the sky with a rainbow of the most dazzling shades of every color [Applause] you're the best rainbow king true bartleby please come join me thanks rainbow king i had no idea royal request day would have so many requesters it's never good when they do that [Music] [Music] follow me [Music] please sapphire periwinkle he's at it again who's that what again my cousin glammy gloomer he's a gloomy sort of fellow he can't help it can i help you unglue him oh thank you true but he's my gloomy cousin a friendly chat with him should do the trick but i must do it before he makes everyone in rainbow city gloomy but what about royal request day oh you're right someone must hear their ideas and problems today true you could do it me really of course citizens love and trust you immensely now all you need is a crime acceptor it's it's fun to wave around and point with happy royal request very regal [Music] it really is fun how is a queen supposed to be i don't know i've never been a queen okay i'll give it a shot whoa you're a natural your queen is ready excuse me miss queen i keep running into yetis crossing the rainbow path in the never ending forest you should use this yeti crossing sign thank you queen true oh yeah first queen problem solved give me a paw up top oh wait a minute maybe queens don't do that this queen does [Music] yes she does [Music] i had a great zoom balloon but it popped then you need another great zoom balloon [Music] uh sure why not [Music] this is great i thought i heard my name in there somewhere um miss clete your heart is true map my name is mila can i throw a cute little critter from the forest can i keep them of course mila i love pets hooray oh and can i walk in whatever i want all the time pets love walks wow thanks you're the best queen the rainbow kingdom's ever had bye [Music] snack okay who's next with a request royal request day is over b that was fun but a lot of work huh weird i never felt perkier okay we'll take one more request quick we have an emergency [Music] my dear cousin why are you so glam it's a lovely day the sun gets in my eyes and the birds are singing the same song over and over and over oh it all makes me so gloomy glam i'm so very very glum and so gloomy and humdrum why won't people let me be i say happy's overrated and it just makes me irritated i just want to be grump so let me be where did you get that gloom scepter gummy uncle grump gave it to me for my millionth birthday yay it wasn't the one i wanted [Music] [Applause] to wait [Applause] whoa what's that horrible smell that's the emergency the stink is so bad it's driving everyone out of the park yay [Music] wow that smell is amazing it's like a ripe old cheese you like it i think it's the worst thing that ever stunk where is it coming from oh no that's the cute little forest critter she wanted to walk hi um mila quit you're about to stay high in this knee ma'am um i know i said you could walk your critter whenever you wanted he's my pet now my mom calls him stinko isn't he cute excuse him um sure but can't you smell oh stinko no i have a snarfly nose i can't smell anything right now why the stickers smell like a beautiful bunch of flowers even better well i was uh thinking a big fat like this would have more fun playing an inside game like checkers or charades or maybe just take a bath not really stinko loves being outside and going for walks excuse him and he loves to play okay bye [Music] i need to get rid of this sting oh yeah oh much better oh hi okay your dive was better i admit it hey what if we use these flowers to make stinko smell nicer great problem solving queen drew mila [Music] nice flower blanket i liked it better when stinko stunk though wow these flowers are so beautiful thanks green majesty drew your highness ma'am come on stinko [Music] being queen for a day is not working out well is it oh i don't know i think this poncho is pretty kicky come back if we're gonna stop stinko from sticking up rainbow city we're gonna need some wish help right sweet sweet stink pancho [Music] to the wishing tree please [Music] wishes come out come out it's not such a bad smell [Music] we've got a big stink problem outside you don't say oh no i can smell stinko's stink all the way up here yes but don't worry i have a wild windy fern that can blow this stink back outside [Music] why i'll keep it i keep it all how did the sting problem start well today is royal request day with the king but the rainbow king had to go see glommy glooma so he made it royal request day with the queen and i'm the queen oh congratulations your highness that must be hard work yeah it was so hard to keep track of all the royal requests i made a mistake i told a girl named mila she could walk her pet anywhere anytime that doesn't sound so bad but it was i didn't know her pet was a stink critter oh that's where it came from and the whole rainbow kingdom is filled with the stink guess we'd better have a think that rhymed tell me how the wishes could help well i can't get stinko to stop stinking but i could use a wish to help him smell better covering a bad smell with a good one yes and another wish could move the stink away from people who don't want to smell it like your wild windy fern did the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes i'm ready please [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have a good feeling about these wishes let's see what the wikipedia says about them [Music] ah here it is your first wish is smell fur it makes wonderful smells sounds like the perfect wish for making stinko smell better now where's your second wish ah it can suck air in strongly and blow it up just as strong so we can blow away stinko's smell and send it wherever we want it to go i'll send it my way i'll take care of it oh oh that's good last but not least sizer it can make things very big very small that's fun i don't know how changing size will get rid of a stink but i'll think of something thank you z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] good luck solving the stink problem plummy gloom must you spread your gloom all around like this no but keeping it to myself would be a waste i don't like waste [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry cumula buddy pal and we should have warned you about how great that smell is [Music] hi mila hi how's your walk going not so great i can't find anybody to play with tinkle i'm so sorry if i'd done my queenly duties right none of this would have happened but maybe i can fix it with some wish help zip zap zoo wake up [Applause] [Music] spritz him with your sweet smell [Applause] it worked you smell good stinko nice spritzing smell fur [Applause] [Music] stinko's you mean better how long does stink last in a jar do you think okay we tried giving cinco a sweet smell but that didn't work so let's try getting rid of the stinky smell yeah i'd collect it all if i could that's what wish is gonna do [Music] [Music] i hope you've got space for a whole lot of stink [Music] just one last sniff oh [Music] i've got you beak gotcha [Music] true gummy duma is still gloomy he's gloomifying everything [Music] oh no that's terribly gloomy hardly it'll be a nice change of pace from all this cheeriness rainbow king are you all right being around plummy must be making me gloomy too no matter what's there to be happy about anyway did i just say that he's heading to rainbow castle right now to pluma file it i need help oh don't bother this is bad b the king's gotten gloomy we have to help him but what about whoosh i don't know how long he can hold that sweet sweet stink [Music] well that's something you don't see every day isn't it come on b we'll have to take them with us rainbow city needs more gloom no we can't let gloomy gloomify rainbow castle i wish i'd thought of that rainbow king snap out of it oh my paws can't snap wait maybe my tail can hairballs glommy not everyone wants to be gloomy and not everyone wants to be cheery it's true true huh what are we gonna do i have one wish left cizer but how can a size wish help us stop glummy from gloomifying things let's think about this glowing makes things gloomy by zapping them with his gloom scepter but he can't zap anything if he can't find a scepter i'll have size or shrink it down really small i love your big idea yeah small idea you know what i mean sizer i need you [Music] zip zap do i choose you wake up sizer wish come true [Music] sizer let's make glummy's gloom scepter tiny rainbow castle i bet it makes people smile just looking at it i can fix that [Music] what's happening i don't like it when things happen yeah now glammy will never be able to there we go ow yeah i found it oh my eyes are just too good sometimes [Music] it's worse than you think well this is going to be difficult that smell it's not bad might be nice to have this all the time hey did you hear that true that sounded like a request a royal request you're right b if gloomy likes to smell so much as queen for a day i say we give it to him huh i don't have to give up my stink jar do i no i have an even better idea sizer i need you can you shrink down that big stink cloud hmm [Music] wow a super concentrated stink cloud that'll last forever glommy do you think riding this stink cloud would cheer you up long enough to unclumify everything no promises goody goody true shoes oh hey not bad [Music] oh that's better it worked [Music] thank you i guess now back in the past true you did it everything's cheery again how did you enjoy being queen for a day it was harder than i thought your majesty and i made some mistakes that's okay true to tell you the truth even i don't have all the answers all the time who does [Music] sorry mister you just want someone to play with who doesn't know what who'd have thought this thing could solve a problem yeah who knew i never doubted you [Music] i am still so very glum but just look how far i've come if you don't like it that's too bad some stinks stink and some stinks smell what kind you like no one can tell take my jar and i'll be sad we walk and play it's very fun and we don't bother anyone this place is great it's what we like everyone from cats to kings all of us like different things our likes don't need to be [Applause] [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 203,324
Rating: 3.9473684 out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and bartleby, bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom wishes, rainbow king, shows for preschoolers, rainbow kingdom, true kingdom of rainbow, true and the rainbow kingdom season 2, royal stink, princess grizelda, new true and the ranbow kingdom, rainbow kingdom full episodes
Id: Bt0KdRC75to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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