Wishing Heart Hollow & More Full Episodes 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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pushing heart Hollow Catch Me If You Can too [Music] thank you rainbow King leap Behind Green true you're fast what can you do rainbow three super out speed cumulo [Music] [Music] that was some excellent Cloud flying intruded most of the work but I chewed her on like a champ right everybody right everybody yes that's right Barnaby now I won't be long in the wishing heart Hollow I'll be back in time for our yummy picnic lunch and we'll have it all set up happy wish searching rainbow King bye-bye oh the wee wee wishes and the wishing heart Hollow it's here that wishes grow we have so many goodies Boogie woogies chewy chew chippies peppy Peppers Tangy Tom Tom tart sazumi juice and yep I even packed your favorite fishy poof crackers fishy poof crackers thanks true group hug you me and the poofs these are happy tears Bartleby [Music] oh hello Rocky I'm off to get some wishes wish me luck oh I'm not lucky King this area is full of wishes who's ready to come with me to the wishing tree ah well don't you worry I'll check back again on my next visit oh but you you're full of energy you're ready to come with me now [Music] wonderful what's happening over there these plants are dry and wilted they need water right away but don't see any water around here I must find some quickly drips perfect that's one two three oh fishy poofs fishy poofs how could I ever live without you I can't that's how what I think you want your crackers well he can think again I'm guarding this picnic basket with all my nine lives don't worry Bartleby the king should be back any minute now any minute 177. for now open up oh my this is terrible I'll never gather enough water with my scepter at this rate I must contact true thank you true I need your help true I need your Rainbow King what's wrong I need to get what's I've never heard of before his message isn't coming through clearly talk more clearly please must find water quick giant plants I'll never get out help yes we need help to hear you too uh oh this is bad looks like the king is in trouble Bartleby we have to take a closer look yeah yeah wait you mean by going into the cave like entering um oh you know I'm not a big fan of caves true is it because they're a little dark smart like frighteningly dark well thanks Drew hmm we can't do this on our own we need some help I agree agree agree agree foreign [Music] are you ready to take us to the wishing tree then let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi wishes [Music] [Applause] greetings are you studying some wishes indeed I've been here all day listening to a whisper wish and a tip to wish to hear which one is the quietest which one is it I am not sure I've not heard a peep so how can I help you true we set up a picnic for when the rainbow King comes out of the wishing heart Hollow but he hasn't yet nah he's in trouble down there where it's all dark and spooky trouble the rainbow King let us take a moment and we will figure this out together foreign [Music] what kind of trouble is he in we were talking to him by face bubble but his message kept breaking up all we could hear was that he needed to find water then he said something about giant plants giant plants Giant and then he sat there without help he'd never get out great gravity we have to go and uh you two are going to go rescue him right yes but getting a him will be hard the cave is full of pits so I need some wish so to get across them definitely caves can be very tricky to navigate it's also dark in there so we'll need some wish help to light the way you said the king mentioned something about finding water and giant plants if he can't find water maybe the cave is dried up so we might need some wish help to find water too it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow these are some great wishes true let's see what the whistle pedia says about them [Music] [Applause] [Music] your first wish ah here it is its name is it is a stretchy wish that is strong enough to walk on but it can also be a bit sprungy so watch your step I love scoring new things you never know when you might need to bounce and your glowy wish is well glow can make like that is super bright or really faint this wish can also be a bit of a fright y cat hey me too maybe we're related and your last wish is squidsy it's super grabby its tentacles can do all kinds of things like reaching places that are very hard to get to I don't know how squidsy will help me find water in a cave but I'm sure I'll think of something we're off to help the rainbow King thank you wish tree for sharing these wishes with me [Applause] okay bye see thanks for all your help but wait I want to come with you huh you want to leave the wishing tree yes the rainbow King needs my help too I look up to him he taught me everything I know about the wishes but most of all he's our friend well the wishes be okay without you I'm sure they will I will be back soon all right understand then let's go help the king yeah it might be better not to look down interesting thanks um Z how many deep dark pits do you think there are in this cave hundreds hundreds thousands millions that sounds like a lot I'm feeling anxious Barnaby we don't all have to go in the cave we don't no [Music] I need someone to stay up here me me me me and protect the picnic basket I can protect my fishy poof crackers from shoe Yeti shoe good luck myrtleby ready to go Z let's go [Music] careful whoa this is where bird will be tripped thanks true look cool let's check it out fascinating glowing crystals rainbow King where are you hey true look man easy onesie maisie's onesie make one true many truths let's go Z oom [Music] now this is a big chasm I have the perfect wish to get us across [Music] ZIP down [Music] can you help us cross over the chasm hi [Music] Yay good AIM now to test it nice and spongy but it feels sturdy come on see look hey that's Rocky he's stuck and he needs our help you'll never get past bartleby's snap trap see I heard that now to make sure my fishy poof crackers are still fresh there daddy I know it's you great catch Hey listen have you seen cutting the picnic basket will be harder than I thought hmm no but worth every fishy poof cracker this is very difficult I'm gonna be very hard chop dude true what can we do to help our little friend hmm have an idea we'll bounce over then get Rocky to do the same [Music] let's start bouncing across it's working keep jumping okay Rocky jump down too it's okay you can do it [Music] well done nice job alongi time to go back in the pack Ed you're welcome Rocky we'll see you again after we help the rainbow King [Music] Dom oh [Music] right [Music] I detect a strong absence of light here now for long I have a light wish lipstick wish come true I will glow are you ready to roll us with your glow ah don't be shy I'll hold you woglow [Music] what was that sound [Music] logo it's okay you can come back now the wishopedia did say that woglow is a scaredy cat sometimes this is one of those times isn't it I think so Z did you hear that there you are there's no need to be scared we're here I can't reach you see can you try with your staff hop on would a cuddle make you feel better Perfect Light thanks Wall glow and thank you Rocky if it wasn't for you wall glow would still be down there in that crevice foreign [Music] how is that big yeti able to get around so fast [Music] these are the giant plants I saw in the king's message Z this is where he was deep cave Leaf Snappers they usually have an underground water source but these ones are dry rainbow King can you hear us hmm what does that really tall plant have in its mouth sure that plant rainbow cakes no no no no no no ate the rainbow King that would be terrible but hang on a second Z let's take a moment and think [Music] we still have much to learn from the rainbow King I look up to him he taught me everything I know about the wishes and he is our friend sweet yellow Sunny sunshine you made it my friends I miss him so much it is like I can hear his voice beside me he is beside you see sure welcome back your majesty I'm glad you're all here I'm going to need everyone's help these plants need water badly and we can't possibly leave until we find some unfortunately these tiny grips and drops are the only water I was able to collect with by scepter this big fella was so thirsty He Slipped it right out of my hand thank you let's think about this if water drops are falling from the ceiling maybe there's more water above it if squitzy can make the whole bigger then more water can come out then the water will come down like a rain shower that's it I know you're tired but I need to get to the top can I bounce up your leaves thank you oh your leaves are so springy [Music] time for some wish help [Music] wake up squishy wish come true squidsy see that drippy spot that's where I need you to go but I don't think I can reach it Rocky Ian help me can you bounce down to me like you did before [Music] whoa hey that gives me an idea if we bounce together we can get high enough to put squidsy on the ceiling ready [Music] squidsy can you make that drippy spot bigger so more water comes out oh [Music] can you try again you can do it squidsy I believe in you oh is it gonna work [Music] [Applause] [Music] way to go now back in the pack age squizzy did a wonderful job of getting water to the plants but how did you ever find me down here DeLonghi and woglow got us most of the way here but we couldn't have made it all the way without our good friend Rocky great job Rocky now let's get back to our picnic [Music] what um fishy poof deliciousness hello Bartleby King you're you're back I am hmm uh chuo chippies oh I love Jewel chippies I thought you wanted to stop the yeti uh yetis from eating our Royal picnic hi what happened you know they're not so bad after all so I thought I'd be a nice kitty and share this besides I know what it's like to be hungry you don't mind do you rainbow King oh not at all Barkley being kind to others brings kindness in return doesn't it true it sure does Rainbow King Rocky fishy poof cracker [Music] what a great every color of the rainbow day queens of the day and night I'm so excited to meet the day queen and the night Queen [Music] making the sunrise each day and the moon rise each night is such an amazing incredible terrible wonderful amazing did I already say amazing important job it's amazing all right sun comes up and I'm wide awake moon comes up and I'm the castle looks golden gorgeous oh thank you for your help true and bottle me you're welcome and your timing couldn't be better here comes the day Queen now [Music] uh true you okay true true foreign [Music] [Music] it's delightful to see you again your majesty and your sister the night Queen should be here any minute rainbow King why do the Queens only visit at sunrise and sunset the day Queen's power comes from her brightness bottle it fades at night so if she's away from Sunshine too long she won't have the energy to lift the sun each day just as the night Queen must stay in darkness to lift the moon so my sister and I can only be together at dawn and dusk oh it's so sad I get to see my best friend all the time oh oh and speaking of Here Comes [Music] please night Queen how glorious that you're here Jay Queen seeing you is always the best part of my evening thank you for inviting me rainbow King yo you're welcome ah you must be true and Bartleby I've heard so much about you you've heard of me too I wow oh and here we go again night Queen it's midnight marvelous to have you visit and what a beautiful moonrise you've made though the day Queen Sunset is marvelous as well oh thank you your majesty nothing beats a perfect sunset oh dear sister surely you must agree The Moon Rises more spectacular I'm afraid I must disagree with you sister a sunset is the most beautiful [Applause] what do you think true yes which one do you think is best I um well they're both great [Music] if only that were so but clearly my time is the best daytime is the best time the shimmering sun in the bright blue sky night time simply can't compare you really shouldn't even try night time is the best time simply can't compare compare tonight it's just so so [Music] when dreams take flight count all the stars that twinkle so bright daytime is [Music] perfect crazy sky is perfect don't you see we can finally be together all the time I just have to stay on my side well I stay on my side this is the best thing that's ever happened everyone please excuse us I must finally convince my sister that daytime is the best time I'm afraid that's impossible because nighttime is the best time goodbye this is most unusual most unusual indeed maybe it'll be fine daytime and night time at the same time more like crazy time a little but it's okay I think oh yeah please please go to sleep well I can't believe that worked so tired oh yeah you get the energy from the Sun or nice calming Moonlight whenever you oh it looks like one of the buses fell asleep on the night side and the ones on the day side can't pass what come on Bartleby excuse me bus it's time to wake up excuse me bus but could you please pull over so the other buses can get by oh I get it oh [Applause] true I need your help in a happy farming Valley sure farmer monster I'm on my way oh kill me foreign [Music] ER monster what's wrong I know it's not too much Sunshine Plants love Sunshine they sure do oh this sun was wonderful at first my berry crop grew bigger and juicier than ever oh giant Berry where have you been all my life but now there's too much sun my berries dry out just like that oh that plump delicious juiciness gone okay maybe this half day half night thing isn't working out we can't leave the sky like this let's go explain the problem to the Queens they'll understand right I still can't believe her be strong true you're dead true and good night I was just telling day how lovely the night stars are but they can't compare with the shimmering sun isn't that right true right thanks Vee your majesties both day and nights are amazing and everything but could you please put this guy back the way it was please oh true but that would mean I couldn't be with my sister huh the sun and the moon will stay where they are until we decide to change them which we won't ever yeah well what now true I think we're gonna need some help [Music] oh yeah [Music] what are you doing greetings true and Bartleby look at the wishes half of them just fell asleep and the other half are full of energy I don't know what's wrong that's why we're here Z the day queen and the night Queen stuck the Sun and Moon together big time and night time all the time most unusual and I need some wish help to get the sky back to normal whoa that is a problem come let's sit and have a think about this [Music] how can the wishing tree help well I need a wish that can make the nice side brighter and the day side darker but even better would be a wish that can unstick the Sun and Moon completely the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes [Music] your wonderful wishes [Music] with me appreciate your wonderful wishes [Music] tiny wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] those are some fantastic wishes true let's see what the wishopia says about them [Music] your first wish is reflecto now this is a wish you can really reflect on I don't get it moving on flecto is a mirror wish that can show your reflection it can also bounce light in any direction hello handsome that means flucto could bounce Sunshine from the day side of the Kingdom onto the night side to make it more like daytime there that will really brighten things up your second wish is zeppelo it's a blimp wish zeppel can take in a lot of air and fly way up in the sky big and floaty wish hmm maybe I could use zeppelo to pull the sun and moon apart your third wish is shumpy it's a protection wish it opens like an umbrella but can bathe you in sunlight while it's stormy and dark around you or cover you in deep shade if you want out of the Sun Hmm I'm not sure how that wish can help me unstick the Sun and Moon who would all think of something you always do true Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] okay bye see good luck true Myrtle Beach [Music] okay Barbie Let's shed some light on Rainbow City flucto it's time to reflect [Music] [Applause] are you ready to bounce some sunbeams oh great let's go [Applause] the sunlight's working but our beam isn't big enough bigger so I can bounce more light down to the night side morning baby oh it was good when it lasted all right back to where that's it we covered all of rainbow City great work flectober [Music] I don't know about you true but neither will I foreign phew thanks flecto ber true I have bad news I've made a model of the Sun and the Moon and by my calculations if they're not separated soon they'll smush together into one big Sam Moon with no sunlight or Moonlight at all [Music] I have to fix this it's time to see if zeplo can separate the sun and the moon no I hope it works true good luck this time we're gonna do it hey we're falling wait wait probably just a dream [Music] so we wakes up lean with me [Applause] good work cumulo come on time for some wish power [Music] wish come true [Music] blue the Sun and Moon are stuck together can you help me fix it let's set it up oh all right I'm going to guide you between them then you get really big and push them apart okay ready [Music] now [Music] is it working I only see wish tummy it's a nice tummy let's give zepplo a helping push [Music] [Applause] are you okay thanks for trying but the sun and moon were just too big to be pushed apart you should get some rest [Music] foreign work have you separated the Sun and the Moon not yet whatever you're trying next to we have to hurry or son there's only one thing we can do now we have to get the Queens to help us didn't we already try that we did but we have to try harder thanks see [Music] thank you thank you both for meeting me I know you love being together and I love having you both together but we have to fix the sky your highnesses what's the problem yes we're having a wonderful time but it's affecting the rest of the Kingdom if you only could see both sides you'd know but I can't possibly travel to the night side I'll lose my glow and I certainly can't travel to the day side I'll lose my darkness use your glow who's your Darkness I have a wish that can stop both those things from happening I'll you should be the protection wish to guard you from each other's time of day then I can take both of you anywhere in the Kingdom to see what's going on well I don't know hmm you've both said your time of day is the best but how will you know for sure unless you see both sides for yourselves huh well when you put it that way how could we say no great come on out shoopy [Applause] [Music] wish come back we need to get over to the day side of the Kingdom can you protect the night Queen for me oh my fantastic [Music] hi cumulo stop is Happy farming Valley [Music] [Applause] my word is it always so dry here no happy farming Valley is usually green and Lush but oh my glorious sunlight is drying it out you always tell me how people are so happy during the day [Music] but I don't see that sister neither do I it's terrible look at me they're seeing the problem for themselves now so right you're doing great Shelby now can you protect the day Queen and go to the night side Sunshine at night at night would you look at that what's everyone doing on the ground are they sick oh no they're just sleeping but they should be doing that at home in their beds sister you always tell me how quiet and magical and enchanting the night time is but uh I don't see any of that here neither do I it's not right it's working true oh don't fall asleep on me huh right [Music] thanks cumulo and thank you [Music] we see the problem now true too much night is too much for anybody and too much day isn't good either it's time to make things right ready ready the day is bright the night is calm Sun Moon to where you belong foreign [Music] thank you Queens daytime is a great time the shimmering sun in the bright blue sky we run and Skip and jump and play it's a fun adventure time of day night time is a great time soft Cool Breeze get comfy get back it's quiet time we wind things down in clear our minds taking the colors in case of the flowers marble at rainbows after soft summer shower relaxing and calm it's when dreams take flight count all the stars that twinkle so bright daytime is a great time it is a great time Stars the Sun the moon they're both the best time I like us both being the best me too now true you did it what is that it's a face bubble he's never used one before no I think we found another way for you to see each other more here we go your majesties no matter where you are you can talk to each other by face bubbles ah now I'll be able to see you in the night time and I'll be able to see you in the daytime hugs this is the greatest day and night ever we'll call you soon bye for now bye day queen bye night queen bye a royal stink it's Royal request day now what would you like to ask of your king today oh rainbow king would you love the color of our sky but we were wondering will perhaps if it could just be a Teensy little more purpose of course tomorrow I will fill the sky with a rainbow of the most dazzling shades of every color [Applause] please come join me next rainbow King I had no idea Royal request day would have so many requesters it's never good when they do that [Music] back in a moment everyone true Bartleby follow me please Sapphire Periwinkle he's added again who's that what again my cousin glamy gloomer is it gloomy sort of fellow he can't help it can I help you ungloom him oh thank you true but he's my gloomy cousin a friendly chat with him should do the trick but I must do it before he makes everyone in Rainbow City gloomy but what about Royal request day oh you're right someone must hear their ideas and problems today what me really of course citizens love and trust you immensely now all you need is a crown acceptor it's to wave around and fight with happy [Music] happy very Regal it really is fun how is a queen supposed to sit B I don't know I've never been a queen okay I'll give it a shot you're a natural your queen is ready Excuse Me Miss Queen I keep running into yetis crossing the rainbow path and then I've running Forest you should use this the sea crossing sign Queen true oh yeah first queen problem solved give me a pop up top oh wait a minute maybe Queens don't do that this queen does [Music] yes she does [Music] I had a great Zoom Bloom but it popped then you need another great Zoom balloon oh yay [Music] uh sure why not [Music] thought I heard my name in there somewhere [Music] um miss queen your heart is true map my name is Mila and I thought a cute little critter from the forest can I keep him of course Mila I love pets hooray oh and can I walk in whatever I want all the time pets Love Walks wow thanks you're the best Queen the rainbow Kingdom's ever had [Music] snack okay who's next with a request Royal request day is over me that was fun but a lot of work huh weird I never felt perkier Bartleby oh okay we'll take one more request your highness Cupquake we have an emergency [Music] my dear cousin why are you so glum it's a lovely day the sun gets in my eyes and the birds are singing the same song over and over and over it all makes me so gloomy glam I'm so very very glum and so gloomy and hum drum why won't people let me be I say Happy's overrated and it just makes me irritated I just wanna be corrupt so let me be where did you get that Gloom scepter gummy Uncle Grump gave it to me for my millionth birthday yay it wasn't the one I wanted [Music] [Applause] gummy glue my weight [Applause] whoa what's that horrible smell that's the emergency this thing is so bad it's driving everyone out of the park yay [Music] wow that smell is amazing it's like a rifle cheese you like it I think it's the worst thing that ever stuck where is it coming run Mila oh no that's the cute little Forest Critter she wanted to walk hi um we're true your majesty highness knee ma'am um I know I said you could walk your Critter whenever you wanted he's my pet now my mom calls him stinko isn't he cute excuse him um sure but can't you smell oh stanko no I have a snarfly nose I can't smell anything right now why does stickle smell like a beautiful bunch of flowers even better well I was uh thinking a big fat like this would have more fun playing an inside game like Checkers or charades or maybe just take a bath not really stinko loves big outside and going for walks excuse him and he loves to play okay bye I need to get rid of this thing oh yeah much better oh hi okay your dive was better I admit it hey what if we use these flowers to make stinko smell nicer great problem solving Queen true [Music] stunk though wow these flowers are so beautiful fake screen Majesty Drew your highness ma'am come on stinko [Music] being Queen for a Day is not working out well is it oh I don't know I think this Poncho is pretty kicky Jake we're gonna stop stinkle from stinging up Rainbow City we're gonna need some wish help right sweet sweet stink Poncho cute please [Music] wishes come out come out it's not such a bad smell [Music] s crazy we've got a big sting problem outside yeah don't say oh no I can smell stinko stink all the way up here yes but don't worry I have a wild windy Fern that can blow this stink back outside [Music] why I'll keep it and I keep it all how did the sting problem start well today is Royal request day with the King but the rainbow King had to go see glummy gluma so he made it Royal request day with the queen and I'm the queen oh congratulations your highness that must be hard work yeah it was so hard to keep track of all the Royal requests I made a mistake I told a girl named Mila she could walk her pet anywhere anytime that doesn't sound so bad but it was I didn't know her pet was a stink Critter oh that's where it came from and the whole Rainbow Kingdom is filled with the stink guess we'd better have a think that rhymed tell me how the wishes could help well I can't get stinko to stop stinking but I could use a wish to help him smell better covering a bad smell with a good one yes and another wish could move the stink away from people who don't want to smell it like your wild windy Fern did the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes your wonderful wishes please [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I have a good feeling about these wishes let's see what the worshiped says about them [Music] ah here it is your first wish is smell fur it makes wonderful smells sounds like the perfect wish for making stinko smell better Now where's your second wish ah whoosh it can suck air in strongly and blow it up just as strong so we can blow a waste and go smell and send it wherever we want it to go send it my way I'll take care of it oh oh that's good last but not least Sizer it can make things very big very small that's fun I don't know how changing size will get rid of a stink but I'll think of something thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] solving the stink problem must you spread your Gloom all around like this no but keeping it to myself would be a waste I don't like waste you [Music] [Music] to go [Music] come back [Music] [Applause] just wants to play sorry cumula buddy pal and we should have warned you about how great that smell is [Music] how's your walk going not so great I can't find anybody to please Mom I'm so sorry if I done my queenly duties right none of this would have happened but maybe I can fix it with some wish help [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Applause] it worked you smell good stinko nice spritzing smell for [Applause] it stinko's smell it's stinking up oh this thing's even worse now you mean better how long does stink last in a journey I think okay we tried giving Cinco a sweet smell but that didn't work so let's try getting rid of his stinky smell yeah I'd collect it all if I could that's gonna do [Music] wish come true okay I hope you've got space for a whole lot of stink [Music] Just One Last sniff [Music] ah my jar myself [Music] [Applause] gotcha thanks Drew and I got my jar back where do we look stinko doesn't stink anymore oh true gummy Duma is still gloomy he's gloomifying everything [Music] oh no that's terribly gloomy hardly it'll be a nice change of pace from all this cheeriness of rainbow King are you all right being around dummy must be making me gloomy too much there to be happy about anyway did I just say that he's heading to Rainbow Castle right now to plumify it I need help I don't bother this is bad B the king's gotten gloomy we have to help him but what about whoosh I don't know how long he can hold that sweet sweet stink well that's something you don't see every day isn't it come on [Music] Rainbow City needs more no let me gloomify Rainbow's hassle I wish I thought of that rainbow King snap out of my Paws can't snap wait air balls gloomy not everyone wants to be gloomy and not everyone wants to be cheery it's true true what are we gonna do I have one wish left Sizer but how can a size wish help us stop glummy from gloomifying things let's think about this Glory makes things gloomy by zapping them with his Gloom scepter but he can't zap anything if he can't find a scepter I'll have Sizer shrink it down really small I love your big idea yeah small idea you know what I mean Sizer I need you [Music] come true [Music] Sizer let's make gummies Gloom scepter tiny Rainbow Castle look I bet it makes people people smile just looking at it and fix that [Music] what's happening I don't like it when things happen yeah now glammy will never be able to [Music] good sometimes [Music] um this is terrible uh true it's worse than you think well this is going to be difficult that smell it's not bad might be nice to have this all the time hey did you hear that true that sounded like a request a royal request you're right B if gloomy likes to smell so much as Queen for a Day I say we give it to him I don't have to give up my stink jar do I no I have an even better idea besides I need you can you shrink down that big stink cloud [Music] wow a super concentrated stink cloud that'll last forever glummy do you think riding the stink Cloud would cheer you up long enough to unclomify everything no promises goody goody true shoes oh hey not bad [Music] oh oh that's better it worked and now for glenny's wand [Music] thank you I guess now back in the pack true you didn't everything's cheery again how did you enjoy being Queen for a Day it was harder than I thought your majesty and I made some mistakes that's okay true to tell you the truth even I don't have all the answers all the time who does sorry Mister you just wants someone to play with who doesn't who'da thought this thing could solve a problem who knew I never doubted you [Music] wanted you I am still so very glum but just look how far I've come if you don't like it that's too bad some stink stink and some stink smell what kind you like no one can tell take my jar and I'll be sad we walk and play it's very fun and we don't bother anyone this place is great it's what we like everyone from cats to Kings all of us like different things our likes don't need to be [Applause] [Music] a very big mystery [Music] [Applause] yes who is it somebody sounds hungry my normal berries [Music] true I found one spartleby [Music] [Applause] [Music] found another car came your highness oh that's great news it means more numble berry pies for Yeti spring Yeti spring yes the yetis will be waking up from their winter sleep they'll be very hungry and they love normal berries can't eat butt off our head there finally no another pie crust is ready special delivery normal berries Bartleby can you please go get the number berries berries right away your highness right away your highness thank you the knuckleberries are here the basket is empty empty I don't get it the basket was full and then all of a sudden poof it was empty oh look at that oh well at least there's one little Berry left hi there little Berry oh you smell good delicious wait petrifying purple someone has taken my normal berries we have a mystery on our hands don't worry rainbow King we'll find your missing berries we'll track them down because detective true and detective Bartleby are on the case we are oh yeah I mean we are Splendid best of luck Detectives [Music] foreign detectives yeah true but a detectives they solve Mysteries by finding Clues and following them we just need to find our first clue [Music] hmm what's this [Music] a big wet glue too don't you think those are footprints bee hmm whoever took the normal berries must have dropped some and then stepped on them leaving giant Berry Footprints when they ran away we've solved the mystery this is great can I have the first number Berry handful quite be because where are the berries I oh oh yeah let's keep following the footprints [Music] [Music] no more Footprints true well then we better split up and look for more clues another clue a purple puddle that could be from knuckleberries [Music] nice pop puddle okay and uh when was the last time you ate a normal Berry oh you love number berries uh why are you shouting am I sorry okay the buses might be able to answer you if you don't Shout [Music] oh look look more Berry footprints wow I am great at this detective stuff hi there did you see the passenger who left those berry Footprints no I can't see who gets on I keep my eyes on the road but I did hear some big squishy footsteps on my last trip a clue do you remember anything else um oh that passenger kept saying Yum Yum Yum another clue could you please that's where that passenger went sure I'm going that way now hop on [Music] thanks you're welcome good luck baskets I love baskets look I'm in one now I'm in another one and this one's better oh is this one better or is this one better than this one look a glue a normal Berry do you think these baskets were full of them well they were but then they weren't we were supposed to deliver them but the bear he's just disappeared so now we have to send them back up to a bunch of munch of Island Bartleby I wonder if the berry Bandit emptied these baskets is this could this be another clue if you don't mind we'll catch a ride up with this empty basket sure thing my true and bartlebees um how are we gonna get back up there all right oh yeah [Music] look at that [Music] not again they're gone I just came back from Barry Island and I whole crop just disappeared the whole crop well almost all of it left [Music] they really are all gone what are the yetis gonna eat now they're going to eat no more berry pies because we're detectives and we're gonna find them true we're all out of Clues [Music] and we better get some wish help so we can catch the berry Bandit [Music] hi Camilo to the wishing tree please [Music] [Music] uh Z oh hey Troon bottleby what are you doing Z I'm searching for Heidi a camouflage wish it Blends in anywhere so you can't see it now I can't see it no help you look for it [Music] Joe where did you go that was fun Heidi thanks thanks Drew so what brings you here today a berry Bandit all the berries in the kingdom are gone and it's Yeti spring what that's awful it is so Bartleby and I are detectives following the clues like squishy berry juice Footprints we're trying to find the berry Bandit but we ran out of Clues sit let's have a think [Music] how do detectives usually find Clues they look list or it'll be I need a wish that will help me hear better and one that will help me smell better the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] please share your wonderful wishes thank you [Music] hear your wonderful wishes with me appreciate your wonderful wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes what a fun group of wishes let's see what the wishopia says about their powers [Music] your first wish ah is snorkel it can sniff out smells that are barely even smelly nice snorkel I'm sure snorkel can sniff out some new clothes for us whoa kirya is a hearing wish it can pick up sounds from really far away foreign [Music] Bandit makes and follow them to find him and your third wish is Roser it can make any plant you find in nature go larger [Music] thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me some Clues and catch that Berry Bandit yellow [Applause] thanks Camillo what wishes glow you stubbed your toe no I said thanks cumulo it's loud here isn't it let's see if here you can hear any clues over all this noise [Music] I love saying that [Music] that was definitely Amplified try another sound not this time we're still not hearing any sound Clues can you try again uh-huh that's it that's it [Music] let's go find that sound hi [Music] [Music] you go that way I'll go this way I'm going that way I mean this way [Music] [Music] I can hear you very Bandit wow this place is amazing hey Drew can I have my next birthday party here Bartleby are you chasing or playing Mario's picked up a Sound clue let's go [Music] which way did the berry Bandit go oh you don't hear it at all now they stopped making noises thanks for all your help yuria [Music] [Applause] [Music] a basket [Applause] aren't empty baskets great true B that's it the basket is empty because the berry Bandit ate all the berries that's why hiria couldn't hear it anymore and if this basket was on the conveyor belt that must mean the berry bandit has gone back down to one the ground wow I am a good detective I told you I told everybody let's follow the footprint footprint footprint footprint oh no more footprints [Music] we look listen and sniff we sniff Clues out too okay so I'm not a dog with a great sniffer thankfully I'm a cat with great looks you're welcome did you smell anything silly I do smell a fake scent of normal Berry but it's not quite smelly enough for me to tell which way the snow went we have a wish that can help us with that snorkel get ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] snorkel can you sniffle the sniffs from this Berry and then follow that smell people wow snorkel is a super sniffler [Music] the berry Bandit caught you very handed so where are the rest of the berries and why did you take them from everyone uh Bartleby true please I'm questioning our suspect in a non-showdy way I might add this isn't the berry bandit look at the size it's eating berries this little cutie probably just found some spilled berries and stopped to eat them oh cutesy cute cuteness okay it didn't steal the berries but it probably saw who did you're right see a bear-eating creature with big feet come this way or that way um could just point to where it went thanks snorkel can you sniffle any Berry smell that way and we're back on the clue Trail enjoy your Berry cutie did we take a wrong turn instead of a right turn or a left turn we must have all that's here is a big wall of Rock there's that sound again [Music] eating lots of normal berries now we found our berry Bandits what are we gonna do Drew excuse me yetis but those berries well they don't all belong to you [Music] yeah maybe we should go I'm a ninja cat not a humbleberry taking things without asking isn't good the rainbow King and firmer monster are pretty upset about the missing berries [Laughter] Miss rainbow King remember you miss the rainbow King you speak Yiddish oh that's the craziest thing I've ever heard I do speak a little yeti-ish did I mention that that I'm a cat a baby Yeti thank you very much my normal berries yes but I think you should come to the Yeti's cave right away I'm on my way thank you [Music] oh my Yeti friends must have woken up early so early that your normal berry pies weren't ready for them yet and out those pies the poor things must have been so hungry well done detective's true and Bartleby you solved the mystery yeah another feel bad yeah they feel bad about eating all the berries in the Kingdom oh and me too I feel bad too don't worry my big furry friends we understand now thank you but what if the yetis wake up early next spring what if there aren't any pies or Noble berries won't they sneak around and take them again sapphire blue true that is a problem any ideas I have one a big one ah ah mama yeti baby needs his berries [Music] you're going to go from Fairy eaters eaters to Berry farmers [Music] oh that's a great idea [Music] this could take a while time to use my last wish [Music] [Applause] come true grocer let's turn that Sprout into a bush a bush with normal berries wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're welcome now just grow some more bushes and you'll always have knuckleberries ready for Yeti spring and what's better than normal berries numble berry pie [Music] great job rainbow King you know there's six of us right [Music] it's such a perfect day for flying you're right true I love feeling the wind in my fur personally Bartleby I love the feeling of wind in my face foreign I think it's time for our Fantastical free-falling Loop and scoop let's do this [Applause] [Music] you are the best cumulo Rainbow City does look extra pretty today cumulo wow this is spectacular wouldn't it be great if everyone in Rainbow City could see the view from up here well that reminds me I'm working on a special surprise for everyone in Rainbow City you need a giant fishy poof cracker ah thanks true although you know if I ate the giant fishy poof cracker by myself I would beat the world record and then there wouldn't be enough left for the rest of the town so I guess you really didn't think this thing through true actually I'm making something way better than that it's just up ahead [Applause] [Music] relaxing try I love it what is it it's my fantastically fabulous Pony float oh I get it it's a boat that floats yup way up in the sky I'm building it so everyone can see the Rainbow Kingdom the way we see it just like when we fly with you cumulo I just need to finish a few last details need some help it's okay I got this oh great well I've got something I gotta finish too hello fishy poof crackers oh this is good it's okay I got this it's okay I got this whoa [Music] that's okay I got it [Music] it's okay I got it it's okay I got this [Music] foreign [Music] 101 ways to eat a fishy poof cracker that's a world record you know nailed it so so what do you think could have gone for 102 but uh why not I'm going for 102. be right back don't take too long too we're ready to hi Mila hey Rocky is that your body flow can we ride it can we you bet you'll be our very first passengers [Applause] so how did this body go floaty it's easy first I need to spin the left balancer [Applause] then the right balancer [Applause] and then I just need to lift the lifter to get you way up high good and that's when I put on the safety break so the body float doesn't fly away ah okay well let's go for a ride come on Rocky prepare for liftoff left balancer go this is a little tight it's okay cumulo I can do it myself I'm gonna need my spanner though just apply a little pressure oh there we go that's good now for the right balancer so [Music] oh Bartleby just in time watch this lifting the lifter now wow your boaty float is really floaty true yep just as I planned I've never seen a body float like this before but as far as body floats go yours is the body floatiest thanks Bartleby [Music] hmm that's a little higher than I thought it would go yeah and it keeps going Higher and Higher and Higher and Higher and Higher and Higher and Higher as I am I forgot the safety break [Applause] [Music] stand on my head [Music] I got it I got it what's the opposite of got it don't got it you install the get back down button right true actually no Bartleby I didn't so how are we gonna bring Mila and Rocky back down we just need teamulo to fly up there and get them cumulo [Music] oh cumulo oh cumulo [Music] oh that's weird Camilo always shows up when you call we'd better go look for her it's me have you seen yeah wow white fluffy Cloud about um this big a white fluffy Cloud about that big you say well there's something in the bushes that matches that description yeah that could be cumulo I guess thanks for your help come on Bartleby kilo why are you hiding oh well the money flout is so amazing we're having so much fun hi guys well it sure sounds like they're having a lot of fun out there we still need to get the body float down in case something goes wrong meal and Rocky are in trouble and we need to get up to the body float can you flies up there cumulo [Music] did we get bigger something's different maybe you can't fly us up there after all [Music] don't go she's really getting small and she's raining I've never seen her do that before neither have I but lucky for you you've got those awesome yellow boots this is serious Bartleby we need wish help to the wishing tree but how are we gonna get there without cumulo they're not going to like this bee we're going to have to use our feet Drew that's hilarious you're funny wait you're serious ready B on your mark get set go hey wait for me [Applause] [Music] to have taken the bus I don't think the bus goes to the wishing tree yeah we should talk to the rainbow King about that to make our way to the top should be easy we made it not quite Bartleby hey we're here time this has got to be the top just a little bit further now he did it Bartleby I'm proud of us okay oh thanks Joey V we need wish help help true Bartleby what happened my body float flew away with Mila and Rocky on it and cumulo started raining and and shrinking and then cumula ran away but we found her and then we couldn't fit on her and then she tipped over and we had to walk here and I can hardly breathe ah good idea okay let's sit and have a sink [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you first we need to get Mila and Rocky safely back to the ground they're stuck on the boaty float but the problem is I can't get it back down without cumulo what happened to cumulo cumulos ranks super small as small as us and she ran away so we need to find cumula and bring Mila Rocky and my body float back to safety the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] wishing tree please hear your wonderful wishes with me [Applause] please [Music] that's awesome [Music] wait till you see what the wish of penis is about their powers [Music] first up is floto Florida amazing it's a bubble wish that can float you as high up as you need to go perfect we need to go as high as the body float please this is zoomy a telescope wish zombie zoomy can help you see Tiny objects that are far away like tiny little cumulo welcome aboard zoomy it's easy to see you'll be a huge help me I've been waiting for this one this is squashy one of the rarest wishes of all squash is so small I think we might need Zuni to see it ah squash is so cute it's your wish power to look adorable yes kill and Minnie but also Mighty don't be fooled by its eyes squashy is super powerful through the process of which Moses squashy can soak up lots of water and then squeeze it back out through its porous epidermis in other words squashy can squish yes exactly just remember to shout squashy squish I'm sure all you wishes will be a big help I can't wait to see you in action Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Music] mind true thanks Z come on Bartleby let's go find cumulo [Music] Milo and Rocky [Music] we're coming to get you oh don't worry about us true we're having a great time and the view is spectacular oh no I can't see it hey they disappeared they're stuck in that cloud we'd better get up there before something goes wrong time for my first wish [Applause] [Music] come true photo we need to get up to the body float foreign [Music] oh these clouds look the same to me which one are Mila and Rocky hiding in I found you somewhere [Music] it's this thing anyway [Applause] flying way too fast now only cumulo can fly that fast floto thanks for your help but we need to get back down now we've gotta find cumulo [Music] thanks for the ride Flo time to pop back into my pack [Music] okay this is the last place we saw cumulo when she was crying hey look two bubbles these must be Cloud tears Bartleby cumulo must have gone this way let's go foreign stops here [Music] where are you I don't think we'll ever find her we've looked everywhere don't cry true you'll find a way you always do oh well thanks bee but I'm not crying a raindrop cumulo must be close and I'll be aware she must have shrunk down so small that we can't see her but maybe there's a way we can find her time for my second wish [Music] zap zoo I choose you wake up wake up which comes true hey zoomy can you help us find cumulo she's somewhere up in this tree the lily let's expand on that what do you see true I see anything nothing yet just a lot of leaves [Music] there you are thanks zoomy I've got it from here please [Music] I'm glad you're safe but please don't hide cumulo I need you I know I didn't ask for your help but the body floats just sometimes I think I can do things all by myself that's how I am but I was wrong I'm sorry Chino I always need your help yeah me too we missed you cumulo come on cumulo that's it I can't get the booty float down and save me on Rocky without you [Music] [Music] we need to get you big again cumulo and quick what's the plan true I have one wish left squashy how is Squish power gonna help cumulo I think I might have an idea but we're going to have to find some water thank you are you ready cumulo it's time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I choose choosy squashy squish come true okay squashy let's get Squishy with it farting you [Music] whoa that's a lot of Water squashy Squishy [Music] now come over here to where Kimmy commutes it okay squashy squish [Music] it's so good to have you back to normal you look better than ever thanks for your help squashy Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack [Music] that does not look safe [Applause] we've got no time to lose [Music] I'm still having a lot of fun but my arms are getting tired I wanna be that when I grow up okay baby it's time to stop [Music] hey Rocky how's it going great I think we're done with the body float now though stay with them thank you Mila Rocky I need you to let go let's go we got you [Music] ready three three two one now three yes wow clouds are really super fluffy thanks drew that was a really fun ride you're welcome excuse me Jose thanks keep me alone let's hear it for the best cloud in the sky yay [Applause] [Music] I'm okay thanks again keep you low come on Rocky let's go practice our parkour thanks quinoa you were amazing laughs yeah great job cumulo well true it looks like we saved the day again except um the boaty float is broken can you fix it true I can with the help from someone special [Music] foreign spanner please cumulo single file please enjoy the ride keep your hands within the balloon rails at all times next okay yeah sorry Little Helpers but you've got to be at least this tall to ride well played all aboard how's it look at you almost ready B just need to do one last thing okay cumulo you've got this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] super duper dance party [Music] that's sorry true it's okay Bartleby we have lots of other decorations to put up that won't pop phew thanks Drew and when we're done the Colosseum is gonna look super super duper for the rainbow Kings super duper dance party yeah thanks for starting the decorating but it's time to let a professional party planner take it from here that's for me and my decorating won't be the only thing worth seeing at this party you are really good dancer Griselda I know and when we're dancing setting up and the party's in full swing Every Creature everywhere will know it too time [Music] well I'm glad you're having fun now stop drooling on me here let me help thanks for the dance crew my pleasure B true hello how's the setup coming for my super duper dance party great your majesty we're almost done decorating and best of all DJ bingo bango will be coming soon to spend some tunes All Eyes in the Kingdom will be on him all eyes here's my chance true would you mind running down to the transit station and bringing him back here of course your majesty I'd be happy to go she wasn't so busy with all these decorations but don't worry rainbow King I'll go get Wingo clango Bingo Bango that's what I said Tata [Music] is my chance to hear Bingo dingo's music before the party the promise of Griselda to go get bingo bango for us it was wasn't it maybe a bit too nice [Music] on behalf of the rainbow King I bid you welcome Boingo Bongo no thank you huh what no no not you oh how nice freaky stop thanks little doggy oh it's you finally yep the name is hello Blingo blongo oh it's bingo bango that's what I said and I'm Griselda we're all excited to have you play your music at the super duper dance party sweet I'm a little nervous but I'm ready for it don't worry when I'm dancing to your music all eyes will be on me oh cool I guess now let's go to my grand hall where I I mean we can practice I want to hear what you've got wow the Colosseum looks so great now yep we decorated our hearts out the balloons are up the streamers are ready the scratching post is out you know for whoever feels like scratching okay that last one's test for me [Music] I thought this should be back with bingo bango soon I'll wake you then now grismals pretend you're the crowd just watching and I walk out into the stage got it music can you please play something that I can dance to but will make everyone else want to dance from the top trip [Music] nobody can dance to that not even a great dancer like me I am supremely annoyed I'm sorry if I can't play for a great dancer like you well then maybe I'm oh terrible DJ I'm sure you can do better you certainly don't want to disappoint the rainbow King and all those people at the party okay you can start the music again hit it Gringo Congo rude I was having the sweetest dream about my fishy poof crackers when you woke me yeah they were dancing right on the tip of my tongue oh fishy poof crackers so fishy so poofy so Gregory your dream sounds tasty oh we have a problem Griselda and bingo bango didn't show up at the Colosseum and I don't see them here I spy with my kitten eye something that is bingo bangle shaped he's oh wait come back [Applause] well that's just great now we don't have any DJ for the super duper dance party what happened why didn't you meet bingo bango I did meet him he came to my castle to practice but he didn't play very well at all really that doesn't sound like him then he said he was a terrible DJ and ran off just like that where are we gonna find another DJ I don't think we need another DJ just need to help bingo bingo feel better we need some wish help kill me [Music] [Applause] [Music] look you Milo are you ready to take us to the wishing tree then let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks cumulo hazy greetings true and Bartleby what's that you're using this is my wishes scope it lets me see inside a wish to learn more about its temperament temper huh the type of Personality it has see this witch has a bubbly Center that means it loves to laugh observe [Music] thank you wish so are you both ready for the super duper dance party not really our DJ bingo bango left oh no you can't have music without a DJ let's take a moment whoa so why did Bingo Bengal leave Griselda said he wasn't playing very well and when we saw him he looked really upset yeah he even told Griselda he was a terrible DJ hmm it sounds like bingo bango has lost his confidence confidence of course confidence yeah what's confidence it's when you know you can do something well so if I feel like I'm really good at doing Kitty Netty jump spin kicks then you have confidence yes I do jump and spin and kick [Music] but if bingo bango feels like he can't play music anymore then he's lost his confidence we have to help him get it back I'm also great at doing jump and spin and Falls nice moves Bartleby confidence I think putting bingo bango in a good mood would be a great first step and he was so quiet when we saw him he might need something to help him be louder and remember he needs to get his beat back those are all important for a DJ it's time to get your three wishes [Music] with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can tell you more about them let's check the wishopedia [Music] hmm ah yes here it is shim shim is exceptional and oscillating oscillating that means it's long Wiggly arms can you shimmy all over the place that's great we want to cheer Bingo Banger what so I'll get shim shim to wiggle until bingo bango giggles I'm sure it won't take long now your second wish ah here Pom-Pom it can make the quietest Whispers very loud the perfect place for a quiet DJ is it all you can eat where is your third wish ah here it is bee Paul it's all about bouncing at different speeds and different patterns I don't know how bouncing will help bingo bingo feel better but I'm happy to give it a try thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] thank you [Music] Come on Barbie let's find bingo bango and help get his confidence back good luck there's Bingo Bango [Music] uh oh it looks like he's heading into the never-ending Forest we have to stop him oops I know just what to say to cheer him up bingo bango Z bingo bingo it's you we really love your music why well I'm a terrible DJ okay that did not cheer him up my name is Drew and this is Myrtle Beach we came to bring into the super duper dance party I can't play there oh I'm sorry yikes we really need to do something time to use my first wish [Music] can you do a little jiggle wiggle to make bingo bango giggle [Laughter] [Music] it's not working let's try again wiggle bigger shim shim I'm wiggling like jelly eat chicken wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle I'm giggly and jiggly and Wiggly and like jello whoa that bump made a really fun sound me try [Music] yeah great sound boom boom boom that gives me an idea bingo bango loves musical sounds if we make more maybe that will cheer him up [Music] I know you're trying not to laugh come on I see a little smile let's make it bigger okay okay you got me you made me laugh even though I didn't want to you're good thanks you too shimshim wait a wiggle time to go back in the pack are you feeling better now yeah thanks enough to start playing music at the super duper dance party oh I don't know oh I want to but what if I I'm really terrible why don't you try making music right here no crowds just us okay ah here goes that's it you can do it I can't I'm terrible I can't do oh no bingo bango wait no stop following me I see him he's hiding behind a tree I've been a tree Hider many many times it's not a good sign bingo bango that was a good start you just have to warm up a little playing music is what you do best and what I used to do best no I'll just disappoint everyone confidence is still really low is it ever how can we get him to play at the dance party if we can't even get him to play for us not for us with us [Music] ooh great sound when I strum Simpson Bingo bangle joined in and made his own sounds if we play a whole song maybe he'll join in again great idea true let's make some music [Music] hey [Music] that's it everyone can join in don't be shy [Music] I said whoa [Music] sounds like we need more practice we need someone someone to give us a beat to play to wait I have an idea my bee polish can help us keep a Beat by jumping up and down [Music] wish come true bipa are you ready to make a beat that helps us move our feet all right people let's see you jump whoa maybe not so fast can you jump to a regular meat boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom oh yeah [Music] [Music] okay here goes [Music] bingo bango you're rocking the house everybody's dancing you are a great DJ thanks true that means a lot so what are we waiting for there's a super duper dance party that needs super duper dance music uh you first well I don't know how to get there [Music] wow listen to that crowd sounds like they're ready to dance are you ready to make them dance bingo bango well I think so maybe hi yes yes well I'm ready yes wait no on second thought no you're still not ready to play at the party I was ready for that but no I'm not so sure oh hello Django clango it's bingo bingo that's what I said you came back I guess the super duper dance party has a DJ after all I don't know some people think I'm not good enough Griselda when you told bingo bango he couldn't play well he believed you and felt really bad about it he did I didn't mean to make him feel bad but if he doesn't want to play no biggie I brought my own DJ to the dance party anytime now foreign [Music] what's his name play and let everybody dance yay I just wanted all eyes to be on me Griselda Everyone likes to dance but when we all dance together that's when we have the most fun I'm sorry to tell everyone there isn't going to be a dance party what's wrong look [Music] so that no one we heard before it wasn't people coming into the Colosseum it was people leaving when bingo bango didn't show up they decided to go home great clouds there's nothing super duper about this Bingo bango's here Your Majesty we can save this party but how true there's nobody left you're the only one who can save the super duper dance party bingo bango can you do it save the party yes I said dance dance dance dance dance dance I don't get it I'm playing great now but nobody's coming back maybe they can't hear you don't worry I've got this wake up pom-pom-pom wish come true okay Pom-Pom are you ready to Pump Up the Volume let's send this music all across the kingdom [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] dance party thanks troop I couldn't have gotten back on stage without your help yep any minute now everybody will be dancing it would help if someone got them started look you've got fans you were right true dancing with others is fun great dancing Godzilla now this is what I call a super duper dance party thank you true happy to help your majesty [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 1,054,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, cartoons for kids, cartoon, cartoons, for kids, rainbow, true and the rainbow kingdom full episode, true cartoon, true and bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom grizelda, grizelda, bartleby, rainbow king, zee, true and the rainbow kingdom zee, true and the rainbow kingdom episodes, true song, true in the rainbow kingdom, kids cartoon, netflix jr, guru studio, true, rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom
Id: mJz7JvgYLrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 7sec (7927 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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