Wake-up my little bunny | Simon | Full episodes Compilation 30min S2 | Cartoons for Kids

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hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny here com Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny bunny let's play holiday time right I'll go and wake up the kids okay and I'll finish packing the car wake up my little bunny come on Simon we're going on holiday yeah holiday holiday come on get dressed Simon your clothes are right there I'm going to put Gaspard in the car [Music] holidays what's this hurry up Simon we have to go otherwise we'll miss the boat but I'm so tired all right come on I'll carry [Music] you Gasper's making bubbles [Music] are we there yet we still have a fair way to go before we get to the boat and then we'll see Grandma and Grandpa yeah super holidays are great just can't wait with grandpa and grandma we take your boat and it floats and it floats now G bir go to sleep now SP go to sleep small baby small baby small baby hey no way I'm not a baby anyway your song is really rubbish that's not true my song is super awesome no it's not it's the worst song ever hey boys calm down now [Music] tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle stop it Simon stop it you'll make me once to pee mmy gasa's going to peas pants well I don't care anyway I'm wearing a nappy in any case we have to stop at the petrol station pee PE Time [Music] [Music] Daddy I can't reach it wait I'll help you oh no we've got water everywhere don't worry Daddy there's supersonic tryer yes great idea [Music] Simon wow I see the sea look there's our boat wo it's Beau [Music] beautiful Come with Me gasbar Oh Daddy Mommy gasbar turned all green I don't feel very well the boat is moving too much oh goodness I think he's going to be sick quick let's get him outside [Music] come on come on now breathe in deep Gaspard oh no I think he's really going to be sick hey what's that over there mummy did you see that did you H wow why those are dolphin dophins M wao the Dolphins they're flying we even better from over there yes hey Casper you know you don't look ill anymore yes oh what was that we've arrived kids Grandpa Grandma oh hello there Simon oh Gaspar so how was your trip oh was great hey Mommy Mommy when are we going back home I really want to take the boat again but Simon you've only just got here follow us we'll show you the way to the house I just can't wait I love holidays hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny let's play Super Rabbit [Music] [Music] day Super Rabbit what are you doing Simon today guest bu is superhero day oh yeah amazing so I'll put some my coste [Music] too well look at that is that Super Rabbit oh and over there's Captain rabbit here's your hot chocolate Simon uh no mommy today I'm Super Rabbit and I want a superhero banana uh please Mommy me too please Mommy one banana for a superhero oh all right ber okay here you go thank you Mommy Daddy can you help me open my banana oh yes of course let me help you my buddy oh well I'm going to do it all by myself cuz I'm a Super Rabbit [Music] a plate full of mushy [Music] banana and a bit of super hot chocolate too ah woo now I'm even stronger come on bunnies off to brush your teeth now yeah my superhero Super Teeth oh me too me too I've got superhero Super Teeth oh [Music] yeah loads of toothpaste foam oh I'm going to make toothpaste [Music] fil oh look there Simon wow super [Music] bubbles why I'm super rabbit and Captain rabbit you've got toothpaste everywhere so do you Simon oh now Gad we're off for a mission let's go what's our mission Simon what is [Music] it uh our mission it's uh uh come on Simon quick go and get dressed mommy is going to take you to school oh no way it is superh day today and I have to keep on my super robber costume Daddy but are you sure superheroes go to school oh of course superheroes all go to school yes that's right and they even go to Nursery oh come on please Daddy well all right then oh yes but at least take off your pajamas yeah right my pajamas see you later Super Rabbit have a super good day daddy have a super good day captain and rabbit a super kiss for a super Mommy have a great day my little bunny enjoy yourself to you Mama do over here guys ta super rabbits well you came just a Super Rabbit that's so amazing well of course I did today superhero day super RAB it says boohoo to you come on into the classroom please oh quick we've got to get to class oh so you're keeping your costume on Simon you'll be in trouble cuz you're not allow the teacher won't be happy huh really ah good morning good morning huh who's that good morning uh good morning there miss well look children Super Rabbit has joined us today Super Rabbit okay calm down calm down Super Rabbit please take your seat okay Miss huh well the teacher didn't say anything to you of course not because today is superhero day [Music] Simon it's super Dy and super M hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny bunny let's play I just L surprises here you go bunnies here's your ice cream thank you Grandpa thank you [Music] grandpa oh my ice cream oh elv is e in your ice cream hey that's not nice Simon but of course it's funny my ice scream have you finished your ice cream bunnies it's time to tidy [Music] up are we going to the beach now oh it's still too hot we're going to have a nap first oh no not a nap naps are for babies but after the nap there will be a surprise so what's the surprise grandma oh you'll find out after your nap little bunny see you later oh surprise wow hey Gaspard what do you think the surprise is Gasper are you asleep gper oh I'm going to have to oil the bar door oh Casper Casper Grandma HD the surprise in the barn let's go let's go come on let's go oh the surprise well if you're sleeping I'll go by myself yeah yeah okay I'll go by [Music] myself oh no Alie stop please be quiet you're going to wake up grandpa oh look at the yummy treats service just love super we did it Elvis come on quick let's get to the [Music] barn hey Simon hey Simon Simon wait for me I won't see the surprise as well come back to sleep you're going to get us caught I'll go and check out the surprise and then I'll come back and tell you okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's okay [Music] now Elvis was that you shaking me like that look Elvis the surprise is here right well if we want to go to the beach I'm going to have to go and wake the boys up now what are we going to do grandma's going to find out that I'm not in my bed h Huh oh what's going on in the barn oh but what is this [Music] huh it looks like some cheeky little bunny has been playing [Laughter] drums what's going on tell me tell me did you see a surprise what is it what is it no no I didn't see it but go back to sleep quick grandma's going to wake us up quick it's time to go to the beach come on children wake up oh grandma grandma what's the surprise oh come on come on look I bet you just can't wait to find out huh oh yes Grandma we really can't wait [Music] and open your eyes wide little bunnies taada wow a huge rubber ducky come on quick quick let's go to the beach well you know I just love surprises come on come on casid yeah hey everybody look here comes here Simon here Simon my cute little bunny here Simon here Simon Here Comes Simon my little bun let's [Music] play sulky [Music] pants I'm going to catch you gasar there's no way you'll catch me ha you're not fast enough Simon [Music] hey we said we weren't going to run through the tunnel you know I can't fit I told you you'd never catch me oh you wa see if I don't catch [Music] you got you you're right now gasbar hey that's not true Simon you didn't touch me if you did I didn't feel anything haha there now I touched you hey no way that's cheating I'm not it and I don't want to be it Gord you never want to be it and anyway you're just a baby I'm not a baby if you're going to be like that I'm not going to play with you anymore yeah well you know what you're a little old saly pants h you okay gasbar I don't want to play with Simon no Simon I'm not going to play with you I don't care I just came to get my ball hey Simon gasbar what's going on huh it's gasbar he's suling that's not true I'm not sing [Music] [Applause] hey hey nobody can catch him he's running super fast and he shoots and it's a goal oh no not in the tunnel oh it's gone too far in I'll never be able to get it gasbar gasbar I lost my ball in the tunnel can you come help me no I won't come and help you oh come on gasbar please no no no and no oh come on no I'll never ever ever ever ever ever play with you for the rest of my life a [Music] oh no it's gone even further now oh come on gasbar can you come and help me please oh please no is no well then if you don't want to uh I'm going to ask some other little kids H there hey hey hey hey can you guys please help me my ball is stuck over there oh no we're making a castle but you can play with us if you want oh no thanks I want to play ball come on Gaspard I really need you no you said I was a baby so now I'm soaking okay even if I tickle you tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle that doesn't make me laugh for real gas doesn't want to laugh gas would rather be wor gasb really likes to so gasb is a soy pants guess what is a Sil pants Simon wants to have some fun Simon likes to laugh and run guess what only likes dur an come on gasb we're going to have fun gasb is a SO gas really lik to runs you're so funny Simon so you going to come and help me get the ball now oh right but you still said that I was a baby I'm sorry gasbar it's not true you're not a baby come on let's play there it is it's a good thing you're here little suky bants hey [Music] YY come on kids time to get home oh no not now otherwise I'll suck hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little funny bunny let's [Music] play the train [Music] trip quick kids our train is here this is our coach climb in bunnies hey daddy mommy I've washed my blankie I think it's over there next to the car right get on the train I'll go and get it run daddy woohoo run hey kids I've got it here Gaspard oh thank you Daddy you're really the best daddy here we are our very own sleeping compartment it's going to be be just like our house where all four of us are going to sleep Yoo we're going to sleep in the train wow look how super fast we're going Gaspard oh [Music] yeah it's all [Music] dark that was really funny yeah but it was still a little bit scary H what huh oh oh Simon where is he Simon's disappeared I am the ghost of the train uh mommy taada I got you there Gaspar right kids it's dinner time shall we go yes super so what yummy thing would you like oh well I'd like a sandwich oh yeah yeah yes just like Simon a sandwich it's super good there you are enjoy your meal oh hey can I carry that can I here Simon take the bottle of water instead yeah all right I get to carry the water the water bottle oh these holidays are going to be just great where's my sandwich oh boy oh boy the sandwich it's flying what's going on here huh I don't understand it disappeared and then excuse me sir can I have my bottle back please please yes of course here you go young man oh thank you sir did you see that gasb the man didn't even see that the sandwich is flying so cool it's like we're having a picnic in the train yep we're already on holiday and it's night time so now it's time to go to sleep come on Darlings put on your pajamas brush your teeth and into bed but mommy there aren't enough beds for all of us ah ha there you go our beds were hidden wow super hidden beds I'm the ghost of the [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] train daddy what's going on bunnies oh there's a monster in the toilet Daddy and it even goes [Music] no that's not a monster Gaspard it's just a toilet flushing well I definitely knew there wasn't a monster good night bunnies good night Daddy good night Mommy and tomorrow we'll wake up in the mountains oh super ah super [Music] [Music] hey gasbar daddy mommy look at the mountain wow it's so nice oh the train stopping are we there we've reached Clear Water Mountain 5 minutes stop huh quick we get off here [Music] oh quick quick the Train's leaving pH we made it hey but Simon you're still in your pajamas oh Mommy and Daddy are too hey just look at us we are the pajama family Mommy does that mean we get to spend the whole day in our pajamas hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon here come Simon my little funny bunny let's play I know how to S hello everyone faster Grandpa the sailing lessons are going to start we have landed dear Captain uh-oh now don't forget your helmet Simon thank you Grandpa Simon is Simon here yeah I'm here I'm Simon hello hello Simon I'm Lisa here put on your wet suit in your life jacket please wow super thank you huh hey hi there Simon hello Mary hi oh my gosh this w Su is super cold and it's super wet so then shall we go yeah yeah let's go okay kids line up to by two hey Mary want to be with me oh yeah super idea all right now everybody follow me so here's a boat so one of you looks after the tiller which turns the boat and the other one looks after the Rope when you pull on it the boat speeds up okay oh yeah amazing out at Sea you'll see some big boys just like this one you'll have to steer your boats around them easy peasy yeah yeah uh easy peasy perfect we're good to go in your boats now kids yeah you know this is the first time I've ever driven a boat and you oh I've driven loads of boats you'll see it's amazing most important kids if you fall into the water Don't Panic you'll be able to float boat with your life jackets and I'll come and get you huh cuz we might fall in the water well yeah I've fallen in loads of times yeah well I really don't want to fall in the water come on now everyone push your boat into the water I'll push and you go pull on the Rope over there uh [Music] okay harder Simon pull harder okay you a you're all right Simon yeah yeah I'm okay but uh we have to push together all right you ready yes super hey hey wait for me wait for me Simon uh uh give me your hand thank you Simon Okay so now I'm going to drive the boat and you can look after the road hey why didn't you get to drive the boat then huh no no sit down quick Simon pH come on pull harder Simon so we can go faster oh yeah it works ah look out look out the boy but Mary what were you doing look we smashed into the boy but that's because you were blocking Matthew but you were the one who was driving everything okay kids are you managing remember do everything think together is agreed okay yeah we'll try to okay good luck kids okay Pull the Rope like you're supposed to Simon yeah and you drive straight then and don't crush into a [Music] boy yes we did [Music] it we're going to fall in the water come on we're off again Super Sonic [Music] Speed yay oh oh just watch Mary we're going to pass them yes we are the fastest look out they're going to crash into [Music] us we have to go Lisa no wait a minute we just have to unhook our boats be careful Simon thank you Mary you did it you did it well we ended up in the water are you all right kids oh yeah everything everything's super and tomorrow we'll do this again hey Simon oh yeah of course CU we're the superest team of them [Music] all so then my little Captain did everything go well oh yeah it was super duper amazing and we even fell in the water hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny bunny play the school trip lat Bye Mom bye Bye Mom see you later my little bunny have a great time hey Simon you coming oh yeah yeah coming Lou hi there Simon oh hello Ferdinand hey do you want to sit next to me okay but we're also sitting next to Lou oh yeah super bye-bye Mom see you later goodbye [Music] Simon yeah this trip's going to be super amazing y yay and besides my mom put loads of really good stuff for my picnic M so children are you ready perfect let's go [Applause] so are you ready for our trip to the forest y oh please miss please miss are we going to see lots of animals oh yes perhaps we'll see a few oh yeah maybe a fox or a huge wild ball the orange Fox smelly light the socks or a wild ball who's about to roar or a wolf full gray with just one thing to say oh [Applause] amazing we're here are you sure there are animals here Simon come on follow me please kids uh uh please miss do you know where the place is with all the animals you know Simon I don't know if the animals are going to want to be seen they're the ones who decide they will I know they'll want to oh it's starting to rain did everybody remember to bring their rain gear yes Miss taada oh look at that tree it's called an milk tree ooh oh I'm sure we're going to find a wild ball huh huh hey hey over here over here just look at this guys look there amazing wow wow but it's just a little Beetle there are loads of those in my own garden children time for our picnic oh super picnic time oh I just love picnics they're so amazing you'll see Lou after the picnic I'm sure we'll find real wild animals in the forest oh no we're all going to get soap children come on quick we have to go back to the bus come on come on oh no come on getting quick right while we wait for the rain to stop we'll have to picnic in the bus yes yes oh no I left my sandwich in the forest oh well if you want Lou you can have half of mine oh thank you Ferdinand and I've got some cist L like some oh yeah thank you Simon look here Lou hey want some of my apple drink Ferdinand oh hey yeah thank you [Music] Simon you really have me there Simon herey Fernand I've got another one for you and this time it's not a trick I'm sorry children but it's still pouring with rain so I'm afraid we're going to go back to school oh no oh please miss oh please miss can we wait a bit longer we really really want to see the animals but I don't think the rain is going to stop Simon oh yes it will it has to stop do we do now go away rain do we do now go away rain do we do now away rain come on everybody all together now do [Applause] [Music] do away rain do do now well look children it appears the sun was listening to [Music] you oh hey Lou just look over there oh wow it's so pretty hey you see Lou I told you we'd see real animals in the forest oh look Miss look Miss look what I found oh that's a wild strawberry [Laughter] Simon hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little buny bunny let's play the forest fairies yay we're going camping yes and we're going sleep in a tent it's going to be super duper great come on let's go Grandma yes yes we'll go right now you ready my little bunnies ready well then let's go Yoohoo and tonight kids I'm going to show you the forest fairies fairies oh but fairies don't really exist Grandpa what of course they do and you'll see they even have magic powers wow this is so tasty oh yeah it's so tasty and now that it's dark the forest faers will have to come out to play so let's go and find them bunes oh yeah that's right my darlings let's all follow Grandpa all right all right and I'll take the [Music] torch hey wait gasbar all light took the way okay so be careful now kids you mustn't make a noise the fairies are easily frightened right then sh oh yeah okay [Music] okay oh uh uh you see Grandpa there aren't any fairies but you have to turn off your torch Simon then you'll see oh oh just look wao oh the fairies wa those aren fairies gasmart those are fireflies oh really fireflies so Grandpa now you see that fairies don't really exist oh oh you're right Simon those are indeed fireflies but there really are fairies out there I promise prise you but they must have left because we were making too much noise that's not true grandpa you're just making the stories up no well it's certainly true your grandpa does like telling stories but Grandpa you said just now that fairies had magic powers oh that is absolutely true Gaspar oh yeah so what kind of pows do they have well for one they can change the animals in the forest wo Grandpa they can change them yeah well that's possible Grandpa lend me your torch Simon thank you now you see all those little fish well tomorrow the fairies will have turned them all into little Froggies that's true wow super all right we're going to find out come on let's go and get something to catch them with good idea and we'll leave them next to our tents yes oh all the little fishes swim me too fast I just can't catch them oh behind you Simon where's that oh are you all right there [Music] Simon look everyone I managed to catch one well done Simon ah yes well done now back to our tents it's time for bed yes and tomorrow we'll see if the feris have visited us yes of course you will there you sleep to us and if you want to be changed don't make any noise okay otherwise you will scare off the fairies good night children good night Grandma good night [Music] [Music] Grandpa hey Simon are you asleep of course not grandpa is making way too much noise Grandpa you're snoring too loud hey look there gusb bar there are more fireflies no it's not it could be fairies Simon it's not that's impossible fairies don't exist W oh oh look aspart W hey Grandpa Grandma what's going on is everything all right bunnies look look the tiny fish he changed into a frog oh yes it was the fairies they did visit us so you see Simon Grandpa was right fairies do exist after all uh oh grandma look at the Frog so Grandpa those tiny fish they were actually baby frogs that's it yes and they are called temples Simon but sh bye-bye little froggy oh hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my little bunny bunny let's play I've made a mess [Music] Tada what are you doing Simon I'm doing some drawing with Gard I was getting a big marker and there hey Gasper what are you drawing well look Simon I've drawn meu and me IU Super Rabbit oh but Simon he's missing his ears yeah but Gasper I haven't finished it look [Music] taada Simon you've drawn on the wall oh no I've drawn off my paper oh no no oh that's not good at all Simon mommy and daddy aren't going to be happy don't worry Gish I can get rid of it really easy part Simon hard Simon oh it's even more of a mess I know I'll try with a sponge oh yeah with a [Music] sponge T oh goodness it's even worse everything okay boys you having fun uh yeah yeah we're having lots of fun perfect see you later boys we need some water Gaspard let's go let's go oh okay Simon come on help me yeah yeah I'm coming here let's put some soap in it there we are it's ready I'm sure we look them off now oh there we go wow that's amazing Simon we've just got to put the bowl away oh yeah okay okay just wait a minute darling I want to wash my hands and I'll be right back this way gford [Music] go this clar go split we can go but don't make any noise W faster gas but faster careful Simon you're getting it everywhere sh Gasper quick we're going to empty a bowl in the sink yeah yeah in the sink hi Gasper [Applause] higher oh no I made a huge mess oh no it's Daddy he's coming oh quick we have to hide the bowl go oh [Music] no come quick now go oh don't believe it uh are you okay Daddy I've really made a mess of things kids you you made a mess oh yeah I forgot to take off my boots and look at the mess I've made well I'll just clean it up gasp daddy think he's the one who made the mess oh but it wasn't him it was us with our ball oh boy oh boy that's not fair what should we do do you think we should tell him the truth mhm Daddy hey now what's wrong boys go on you tell him gasp oh no no no Simon you go first oh we have something to tell you Daddy what's the matter why have you got those long faces kids well actually I drew on the wall and then we wanted to clean up with a bowl full of soap and water and when we were carrying it well uh we spilled all over the floor so it was us who made the mess not you yes it's true daddy sorry h no problem we'll clean it up together oh yeah yeah so have you seen the this famous bowl uh well I put it away in the fridge hey what are you guys doing in here I've been waiting outside oh mommy just look you made a mess everywhere oops I have messed up hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes Sim here Simon my little bunny let's [Music] play the yucky blankie hey Simon Simon hey can we play tag oh yes super idea gasbar then tag your it Simon look out gasbar I'm going to catch you I'm going to catch you no you w [Music] ta [Music] wa something smells really bad uh no it smells fine to me oh it does not it really stinks it's your blanky gas Bard you no it doesn't my blankie smells really nice well I'm not playing with you if you keep your blankie well all right all right I'll leave it in the house there oh you coming gbod yes it's coming Simon you're still late Simon you'll never catch me I'm going to catch you it still smells like R fish hey you kept your blanky uh no I didn't oh there it is you hid it you've got to throw it in the bin right now Gaspard no never yes it has to go in the bin never give it to me no first of all it's my blankie Mommy Mommy Simon wants to throw away my blankie well because it smells like a stinky old sock don't worry we can wash it we're going to wash it way I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to wash it stop you bunnies are way too hyper come on we're going to the park super the [Music] yes hi Simon hello hey will you come play in the castle with me yes okay coming here yeah we're playing in the castle Gaspar has is blanky and it smells awful but wait wait I know what to do wow Gaspard your blankie is so pretty will you give it to me huh uh never I'll never give it to you Lou super great idea Lou mommy look after my blankie I'm going to play the castle hey L we need a flag for our Castle oh yeah you're right let's find one coming coming oh wait there gaspart we have to find a flag for the castle can you go and look for a big stick oh yeah a big stick I'll find one I'll find one and make it as big as possible okay and we're going to find something to make a flag with I found an enormous stick oh super gbod perfect hey look I found a super flag oh that's great Lou tring guest Bud bunnies you ready for a snack oh super snack time you coming with us Lou oh okay thank you [Music] Mommy M come on let's go we've got to put up our flag now just wait there gasbar you've got Apple everywhere oh oh hurry up mommy they're going to PO the flag without me oh [Music] there you go I wiped it all off well uh hey don't forget this evening we're washing your blankie Gaspard hey stop there this is our Castle you can't come in but we can all play together can't we no we don't want to play with you okay that's right it's our Castle hey but this Castle's for everybody yeah it's for everybody no it's not for everybody it's all ours well you guys are super duper mean you may be big but you're really really mean what's that smell y it's disgusting super Gaspard you've got your blanket that smells like old socks that really [Music] stinks we got the castle you see my blankie is super powerful yep your blank is too super powerful long live the yucky blanky yeah
Channel: Simon Super Rabbit [English]
Views: 9,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simon, simon cartoon, simon rabbit, Simon bunny, here comes simon, simon full episodes, Simon english, simon kids show, simon and gaspard, simon super rabbit, simon netflix, cartoon for kids, kids videos for kids, videos for kids, kids shows, videos for toddlers, cartoon for toddlers, rabbit cartoon for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 4sec (3184 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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