Tricky Treat Day 🌈 FULL EPISODE 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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[Music] tricky tree day [Music] perfect wait till true sees this this is gonna be so spooky i'm gonna scare her good bartleby gotcha if you were a plumpkin you'd owe me a treat you really jumped that doesn't mean anything i'm a cat but my mask isn't half bad either hmm are you going for scary or just silly very funny true but we'll see who gets more tasty treats from the pumpkins this year come on true let's go scare some pumpkins [Music] it's just griselda and fruity and we're not wearing pumpkin day masks so why were you so scared i wasn't scared i just wasn't expecting you to be standing right there dog nice nice to see you too frookie lovely hey why were you standing right there anyway you're not scared to go to plumpkin marsh by yourself are you what's me afraid never i came by because i thought you might be a little nervous and clearly i was right but we should probably go before it gets too dark for bartleby's sake of course seriously and before the tasty treats are all gone good point we just have to wait for z i invited him to come with us too oh good i haven't scared anybody yet maybe i can surprise z [Music] true i finally scared somebody you should have seen z jump i did jump but i think technically bartleby jumped higher that doesn't mean anything i'm a cat then you're all warmed up do the pumpkin marsh and the tasty treats um true i don't see any tasty treats maybe we should come back tomorrow you know but it's a little brighter out the pumpkins have been growing treats inside them all year we don't want to miss out on the one day they give them away well i just thought you know it'd be easier to find them whoa check it out [Music] look they're all lighting up that means the tasty treats are ready yes it's tasty treat harvest time me first treat please huh griselda you have to do something for the plumpkin first remember then it rewards you with the treat do something you could scare the pumpkin make it laugh or do some kind of trick a trick oh okay i know exactly what to do sit up and beg the plumpkin for a treat rookie you can do it sit up big come on like this come on freaky [Applause] great job griselda what no i wasn't begging but i did get the first treat thank you pumpkin your turn z it seems like a fairly straightforward process hmm i will now entertain you with a little dance i think you will enjoy wow [Music] yes no i've got more moves yes amateurs let me show you how to do it watch and learn [Music] [Music] wow see that's how you go pumpkin treating [Music] look at all those tasty treats [Music] whoa wait remember we have to separate the tasty treats from the green tricky treats you know never eat a tricky treat what happens next is not so sweet i thought that was just a rhyme no it's true if you eat a tricky treat something strange will happen to you good treat weird tricky treat good treat what could be wrong with these treats what if these tricky treats are actually better than the tasty treats i mean bobby's possible i wouldn't try it b you're just not supposed to eat them everybody knows that oh well i mean there are plenty of the tasty kind good good tricky all done but what are we supposed to do with the tricky treats we'll take them back to the marsh tomorrow and spread them around the vines the tricky trees help the plumping grow oh so they're good for pumpkins and not so good for people or cats hmm i wonder if the plumpkins just want the best ones back they still look very tempting though i better put them outside where i won't eat them here you go tricky treats see you tomorrow what you doing out there b oh nothing i'm not just um leaving the tricky treats outside so i won't be tempted to eat them good thinking but don't leave them where a critter might find them and eat them they might not know the rhyme oh good call we definitely don't want any critters eating them all until i decide if i want to try one first now what are you doing i'm gonna hide my good treats so i won't be tempted to eat them either at least not all at once there now you'll be out of sight and i won't think about eating you at least not until i get hungry in the middle of the night and then you'll be very handy hey hi yeti no you're not supposed to eat the tricky treats everybody knows that [Music] treat no no eat no no no don't you put no yummy i knew it knew they were good [Music] [Applause] [Music] true was right that was strange and he's got my tricky treats did you hear a howling noise while you were upstairs howling noise what kind of howling noise a howling noise like owl you mean like our no it was more like like that bartleby what happened to your tricky treats i yet he took them i put them by my window but he was waiting for them paw promise oh no did he eat one did anything strange happen well he ate one and then he went like this like that that's not so bad and then he turned green and his eyes glowed and his ears went and then he howled and he jumped off i mention that he turned green okay now that's bad oh yeah that's him and now he's running towards rainbow city with the rest of the tricky treats then that's where we're going come on b shouldn't be too hard to find i mean he's big and green and seems to enjoy a good howl there he is no that's not him look at that what are they all this from one tricky treat hey there's someone who's not green maybe he can help well hello there little blue tasty treat just how tasty are you huh tastier than i thought wait that was a tricky treat [Music] he's tricking them into eating tricky treats and then they turn green and start howling true bartleby have you seen all these howling greenies running around huh oh howling greenies what's going on this is what happened the last time someone ate a tricky treat that's why i made up the rhyme a million years ago never eat a tricky treat what happens next is not so sweet i thought everyone knew that by now yeah of course everyone knows you should never eat a tricky treat i mean my goodness the howling greenies must be tricking the others into eating the tricky treats making more howling greenies yikes i'm afraid that's exactly how it spreads how can we help we just need each howling greenie to eat a good treat then they'll become regular folks again seems simple enough there's just one problem if you're still a howling greeny when the moon is full you stay one forever b we need to fix this quick time for wish help cue me low to the wishing tree good luck [Music] good tree good treat oh tricky treat oh oh hi guys did you enjoy some of your good treats big problem we accidentally let a yeti eat a tricky treat yes we oh no do you do a herky jerky dance and turn green and start howling how did you know never eat a tricky treat what happens next is not so sweet whatever everybody knows that okay okay i get it now there are all sorts of citizens who've been turned into howling greenies running around making more and more howling greenies you can imagine the racket with all that the rainbow king says we have to round them all up before the moon is full which is going to happen soon and we have so many howling green citizens to get to and there's probably more and more and more and more okay let's sit and have a think [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you we need to hurt together all the greenies without us being turned into greenies too before the full moon and then somehow get them all to eat a tasty treat that's gonna be tricky the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes i'm ready [Music] wishing tree wishing to please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] [Music] magic power for [Music] magic power [Music] true these wishes are awesome i can't wait to see what the wikipedia says about their powers this is bubbly bubbles like a bubble wand you can step through then you're protected by your own bubble whoa that should help protect us from the howling greenies your next wishes flingo great to see you flango flingo is a launching wish he can send things flying great that's sure to come in handy somehow for your last wish you have sharesie the sharing wish oh oh let me guess i got this it can help you share things with others not truly hmm i'm not sure what i can do with this one but i'm sure it will help zooz zap wishes in my pack [Applause] my pleasure good luck and remember never eat a tricky treat i know [Music] there's one hi oh nice pumpkin day costume aren't you nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's still totally weird there's another one [Music] candy for me oh i'd love some [Applause] [Music] how are we even going to start rounding them all up oh look they're after griselda stay back you goofy green weirdos you don't scare me very much griselda don't let them trick you don't eat a tricky treat [Music] don't beg too big [Music] oh no they tricked frookie well i guess that's not too hard [Applause] true help i want my freaky back ah [Laughter] [Music] i think we're gonna need some help time for my first wish [Music] protect us from the howling greenies is everybody ready [Music] oh boy i hope these work [Applause] kids these days [Music] buffalo did a great job we're all safe those howling greenies could never get me to eat a tricky treat but i'll stay in the bubble a little bit longer if you don't mind alone oh she misses rookie but he's a howling greeny how do we change him back maybe we can use those treats to trick frookie again hey freaky [Music] [Music] thank you true good job pablo back in the back [Music] now we just have to change everybody back to normal but the moon it's almost full and almost everyone in rainbow city is a howling greeny we're going to need a lot of tasty treats luckily i didn't eat any of mine you can have all of mine too and i'm sure z will give us his fantastic that should do it well i guess there's no need to use mine right no need what you have plenty fine you can have mine too but i protest [Music] these should be enough to fix everybody but the howling greenies have spread out all over the city and how can we get the howling greenies to even eat them i bet it'll be very tricky to trick a trickster let's think this through oh remember how freaky jumped up and caught a treat that was tossed to him maybe the others will too and flingo can watch the tasty treats really far so we can reach them all in time great idea the greenies are kind of dog-like time for my second wish [Music] zip zap zoo i choose you wake up blingo wish come true heads up howling greenies okay flingo do your thing [Music] what a tasty treat [Music] [Applause] it worked now we just have to get everybody a treat before the moon is full [Music] [Applause] howling greenies gobble them up [Music] hi well the moon's full anyone else feel like howling i did a little bit of joke there anyways great news thanks to you all the greenies were successfully turned back into their regular cells the citizens and the city are safe but i hope everyone's not too disappointed that they'll have to wait until next year to get their treats but there must be some treats left somewhere sorry b there's only this one wee little treat left you mean i have to wait a whole year until next pumpkin day wait i still have my third wish the sharing wish we're supposed to share one measly tasty treat between everyone let's see what shares he can do it's time for my third wish [Music] i need you to make it so this one tree can be shared with everybody in the rainbow kingdom oh [Music] oh jersey is the best wish ever [Music] now there's lots for everyone thanks jersey are you wait wait wait wait hold on first we should have to sort out the tricky treats you never eat a tricky treat everybody knows that oh bartleby [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 17,258,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, new true and the ranbow kingdom, true and rainbow kingdom, rainbow kingdom, true and bartleby, kids cartoon, kids animation, princess grizelda, zee, kids halloween show, halloween, kids halloween, trick or treat, trick or treating for kids, true and the rainbow kingdom halloween, tricky treat day, halloween for kids
Id: LIkci6zm-tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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