Patterns and Code Breaker 🤯| Full Episodes | Learn Colours - Cartoons For Kids | Colourblocks

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[Music] welcome color blocks I imagine you're wondering why you're here I perple have had an amazing idea you can all help me decorate my Castle Gardens in a style fitting for royalty I've made a little practice space for each of you to invent a wonderful new pattern which whichever one I like the most I shall use to decorate my Gardens it's a competition let the pattern competition [Music] begin time to make an awesome pattern exciting wait what is a pattern um check this out red blue stripes Stripes Stripes I've got an idea for a pattern huh green I can make a pattern zig zag zig zag Zig yellow wave wave wave this makes me happy wave I'm making a high energy spotty pattern spot Gap spot Gap spot H again and again spot Gap spot oh I get it a pattern is the same thing again and again making something that looks nice in a spotty pattern you repeat the spots and in a wavy pattern you repeat the wave [Music] save the line Zs and zags and so does the next line and the next they repeat Stripes again and again the stripes repat H everyone's already got such exciting patterns what type of pattern should I make think red think I know I'll make a spat pattern [Music] red big Splat two Splats big Splat two Splats big Splats repeat two Splats time to judge your patterns m yes o yes oh I like that one o you followed the brief well M nice ha I have finally decided which pattern I like best my favorite pattern is all of them all of them that's right they're all wonderful so why don't we put them all together what make one big super duper Mega pattern wow I think that's a great idea let's make patterns two spats Stripes Stripes Big Spot you were right purple this really is the best pattern ever and there are lots more we can invent let's get [Music] ping color of kings and queens yes purple is the color of Kings oh well what are these new colors are they yellow green or something in [Music] between and these birds they're blue greenish blue bluish green and green hey purple green oh I love what you've done with the place tell me how did you do it we found it new way of mixing you just add a bit more of one of the colors watch yellow and blue and a bit more yellow mix to make yellowish green let's try another mix blue and yellow and a bit more blue mix to make bluish green and we can also change things that have already been colored this Leaf is green but but with a touch of blue it becomes Bluey green this is already green but with a touch of yellow it becomes a nice yellowy green how fantastic I can just imagine lots of different purples decorating my castle cool I'll come and help you purple oh how kind we can pick up red on the way I thought this would brighten up the back wall [Music] a mural that's a big picture of all My Favorite Things W so cool exciting I was going to color it all bright purple like me but then I thought lots of different purples would be much more fun we can certainly help you there purple blue and red mixed to make purple not as bright as my purple but every purple is Pleasant what about these plums I'm imagining something Bluey purple blue and red and a bit more blue mix to make Bluey purple I love it oh I imagine that flower to be a reddish purple oh oh we can do that red and blue and a bit more red Mi to make redish purple oh my aren't you clever let's get purpling oh a bit more blue has made the purple car Bluer and more red has made that purple car redder but had too much red and it's not really purple that shirt's more of a red with a little bit of purple and that shirt's blue with a little bit of purple it's Indigo and violet let's show them our new way of [Music] mixing purple and blue and a bit more blue mix to make purple blue or as I like to call it indigo blue and purple and a bit more purple mix to make Bluey purple and this one's violet oh thank you color blocks my mural is complete it goes from Blue to the purplish blue of indigo and the bluish purple of violet to purple in the middle midd then reddish purple purplish red and then red at the end it's so cool I love it but there's still one thing left to cover ah yes the brightest of all purples me yes purple is the color of Kings fantastic am I on time it's okay red the color Courier hasn't arrived yet a journey of color Discovery oh I love [Music] it all aboard the cola carrier yay I get to sit down first exciting here's my seat and I'll sit here under sky blue please fashion your seat belts and put your travel trays in the upright position we're ready for take off the sky is the limit as we take to the air there are lots of new things to discover out there new mixes new colors some dull and some bright so come and clamber of for the color block flight [Music] we're all on a color Journey a flight of Discovery we're having fun but we've just begun there's a world of new things to see I'm red ready to fly I'll fall through the sky with my friends yellow and blue who's that in a tree naturally me green is here to join in by Royal command I ask you to land so purple can take it place don't forget me I bring the energy orange always wins the race we're all on a color Journey a flight of Discovery we're having fun but we've just begun there's a world of new things to [Music] someone's made a new sign oh they're friends of mine say magenta the printing cream who's next it's pink with milkshake to drink and a pink straw to sip it through there's a space in between yellow and green it's the place for lime to shine look who's out and about you can hear Brown shouts it's color exploring time time I'll sit by you orange we're all on a Col Journey we're having fun but we've just begun there's a world of new things to see we've mixed different colors and learned to make something new we've discovered silly colors making patterns colors sorting it's a color world for me and for you we've mixed and added more finding colors in between but we're still on a journey always touching always learning there's still a world of things to be seen here come black and white to join our fight and the way watch them go and two extra Pilots Indigo and violet looking for a new Rainbow red orange yellow green blue Indo Violet one more block to go deep blues down below is everybody here yes but there is still empty spaces that's right it's time to discover other new colors What a Wonder light we're all on a color journey of Life of Discovery we're having fun but we've just begun there's a whole wide world of new things to [Music] [Applause] [Music] soon welcome to the next stop of Red's Co um there's not a lot of color here what is this place red H I'm not sure hey what's that a red carpet this looks familiar oh yes here is where I did my very first coloring in colorland a long time ago everything looks so right I've discovered different kinds of Reds since I colored here bright Reds pale Reds dark Reds dull Reds and even in between Reds let's make this look more exciting by recoloring all of this in different Reds H these cherries would look better in a darker red I'll need Black's help with this red and black mix to make dark red thanks black follow me H some of these roses could be a bit lighter yes a nice pale red I could use a bit of white for this red and white mix to make pale red that reminds me of someone oh that's pink like me what fun have a nice talk see you these roses are very nice red but they're not quite finished they're not oh you're right green they need you green thanks green now they're perfect so much recoloring to do ooh over there I love the balloon in the middle but maybe it would stand out more if the balloons on the side of it were not as bright yes these need gray red and gray mix to make a dollar red the two dollar balloons make the heart balloon look more colorful now what else should we recolor follow me this lollipop would look better with a touch of orange fit and ready to go red and a touch of orange makes orangey red nice now let's try even more orange we'll need a touch of orange and another Touch of orange oo that's an even more orangey red now we've got a red lollipop an orangey red lollipop and an even more orangey red lollipop so many different types of red purple red orangey red [Music] a you recoloring everything was a big job well there's one thing you forgotten huh I thought I'd recolored everything you gave us a tour so we wanted to do something for you in return wow you've recolored my boss in lots of different Reds there's bright red dark red pale red that's pink dull red orangey red ready orange purplish red and ready purple thanks everyone Now All Aboard we need to get to the Red Canyon to watch the red sunset wooo let's go I never sunet I [Music] do who wants to have some fun with colors we do let's start with some yellow sand fun on the beach wow yellow your sand stretches for Miles hang on this isn't a beach it's a desert huh a desert I'm too hot I'm thirsty don't worry red here's some water there now it's a beach ta I'm going to explore oh I'm not sure this is a beach no it's a desert island we're trapped with no way off uh except maybe through that door ha I'll color it red [Music] a it's so red red red where are you Red I'm here oh we couldn't see you against all the red let's try a yellow door good idea yellow W so bright oh Deary time to try a blue door blue good idea black a dark blue [Music] door we're under the sea the deep blue sea and there's my new friend deep blue greetings mes hello oh wow I love meeting new colors me too you should also meet sky blue blue with a touch of white makes sky blue wao Hello Color blocks fancy seeing you here there you are sky blue you don't happen to have any parachutes do you I'll just check uh oh there here they are parachutes coming up blocks away ah what a lovely view oh these elephants are in a jam H it looks like they're stuck hi Grace do you want some help with the elephants mhm oh yay happy to help wait there a minute red means stop let's get you unstuck green means go go elephant go stop go go go last throw nearly there elephants keep going traic Jam sorted o yay no problem Grace cool down we go wooho wooho we're back here what an adventure time for a sunset let's do it together good idea [Music] so beautiful lots of in between colors amazing but uh we still need to get off the [Music] island huh I'm not sure I can eat all these blue Brees by myself huh if only there was someone I could share them with huh I wish the other blocks like the sea as much as me huh blue whale wait that's not blue whale huh all that I can see see see is the surface of the bright blue SE SE SE hello by the depths cool to meet you my name's blue blue way well I never I'm deep blue and look I'm a darker blue than you and I'm a brighter blue than you yes well everything's bright up here up here on the surface when you go underwater it gets darker the deeper you go want to see yes please down we go right let me show you around this is my deep blue diving helmet these are my deep blue boots and this is the deep blue sea wow it's so beautiful so dark and well deep blue wao we're stuck oh uh uh what do we do now H not to worry I know just who to call Deep to Sky deep to Sky can you hear me over copy this is Sky reading loud and clear hello everything all right over um actually Sky the old sub's a bit stuck don't suppose you could give us a lift could you over oh of course where might I find you over look for the bright blue boat over bright blue boat bright blue boat oh I can see it very bright and easy to spot help is on the way over and out that's got it so cool what is it that there is a magnet I mean the color it's a blue like us but different it's sky blue like me I'm sky blue I'm a p blue than you and I'm a brighter blue than you lovely to meet you Fanci of flight that would be amazing blocks away this is so cool autopilot on let me give you a tour this is my sky blue Pilot's hat this is my sky blue notebook and this is the sky blue sky dreamy isn't it w look how high up we are I never realized how big the sky is and you look so bold and bright against it it's very light up here a bit too liked for me not to worry deep let's get you back down buckle up there we go this is my bright blue boat this is my bright blue anchor and this is my bright blue bowl of blueberries would anyone like [Music] one these are delicious very nice let let's do this again [Music] soon see you next time hi Ro that [Music] orange yes oh nice shot orange we're so excited to do your Fitness class before the class begins I have to color the whole gym orange y Orange uhoh it's okay okay I just need an energy boost oh no I'm out of oranges I'll just J over to the orange tree for more won't be long orange still has lots of coloring to do oh we can help her after all red and yellow mix to make orange look our orange isn't as bright as oranges are orange oh never mind let's try again this time let's add more yellow that'll make it brighter red and yellow and a bit more yellow mix to make orange H it's more yellowy a yellowy orange but still not the same as Orange's ball maybe we need even more yellow it's lucky we've got lots of basketball to get the mix right red and yellow and a bit more yellow and even more yellow mix to make an orangey yellow it's still not right oh I know more red red and yellow and a bit more red mix to make H now it's ready orange let's try again red and yellow and a bit more red and even more red mix to orangey red oh it's still duller than oranges [Music] ball oh no we've made a mess of Orange's gym and she'll be back soon that's all right let's play a tidying up game we'll put these back in order the redder ones down your end and the more yellowy ones at my end exciting here we go oh put that one there yes yay the place is tidy and we've got all the basketballs in order orangey red reddish orange the orange we made yellowish orange and orangey yellow you've been mixing oranges yes sorry we couldn't mix anything as bright as your orange though this is fantastic stick so many different types of orange yellowy orange reddish orange I love it yay orange loves our different orange colors let's finish coloring and start the class orange red a bit more yellow here we go come on you let's get moving yeah touch the sky let's go can you feel the energy the orangey readyy yellowy energy welcome to DJ ducky disco dance floor I can see DJ ducky but where's the dance music and what's with the co hats you'll see now everyone find their spot around the Dance Floor DJ ducky says go around in color order exciting I'll go first red well I'm like you red so I'll go next H and I'm like you orange so yellow goes here this spot has blue all over it naturally I go between you two because yellow and blue mixed to make green I imagine this must be my purple spot the Royal Place between blue and red cool we join up in a color circle it's like a wheel a color wheel ooh nice who wants to be the first to dance in the middle I'll go first pick a partner up to you who's going to be I pick the color next to me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] green I love that combination they go so well together that's because blue and green are close color friends we're similar colors oh me next pick a partner up to you who's going to be I'll pick the color next to me too orange hello neighbor oh hello they look good together too that's because yellow and orange are close color friends too where similar colors oh who's next me me me partner up to you who's going to be it's obviously going to be me I'm next around the wheel and I have the best Royal dance moves uh I uh pick [Music] Green but Red's not similar to Green at all green is on the other side of the color wheel you're opposites green is opposite red but that's who I want green if you're sure wow their two colors really stand stand out they look so bold together they're opposites but they do go well together now I want to pick someone similar Purble oh about [Music] time time for the next track offices ooh I see it let's go similar oh yeah similar all right yeah let's [Applause] go opposite W opposite opposite [Music] [Applause] similar and [Music] opposite nigong Violet has the rainbow finder found a rainbow um no but it is something rainbowy our friend the chameleon with colorful stripes it's found something else orange orange and a bit more orange we found a rainbow a rainbow where ah it's not a rainbow just a giant rainbow shaped slice of orange yeah brilliant isn't it feel the orangey energy oh it's not much fun being rain chases when there are no rainbows to chase tell me about it oh don't give up come on let's get energetic let's color our own rainbow we're coloring a rainbow make it bold and bright just paint seven colors and get the order right we're coloring a rainbow make it bold and bright just paint seven colors and get the order right let's start from the top this color means stop let's go with the color [Music] red next color is me I'm full of energy time for the color orange we're coloring a rainbow make it bold and bright just paint seven colors and get the order right we're coloring a rainbow make it bold and bright just paint seven colors and get the order right first red then orange that's red then orange now for something fun as bright as the sun here comes the color [Music] yellow this color Grows free so naturally next up is the color green we're coloring a rainbow make it bolder bright just paint seven colors and get the order right we're coloring a rainbow make it bold and bright just paint seven colors and get the order right first red then orange add yellow and green first red then orange add yellow and green cool as cool can be like the big blue sea time to add the color blue any rainbow you view will containers too we're Indigo and violet we're coloring a rainbow make it bold and bright just paint seven colors and get the order right we're coloring a rainbow make it bold and bright just paint seven colors and get the order right first red then orange add yellow green blue indigo violet and there's a rainbow just for you wow what a rainbow seven colors all in the right order Oh No Gray rain clouds and that means rain oh oh rainbow the rain is spoiling it the colors are all mixing into each other don't worry look the rain is stopping and our rainbow is even better than before we started with seven colors but the colors all mixed into each other making new colors in between I can't see where one color stops and the next one starts our rainbow has lots and lots and lots of colors we colored a rainbow you know what saw painted seven colors then found a million more [Music]
Channel: Colourblocks
Views: 492,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colourblocks, colorblocks, colours, colors, kids videos for kids, cartoons for kids, colors for kids, colours for kids, learn colours, learn colors, cbeebies, patterns, codes, patterns and codes, code breaker, full episodes, kids, kids cartoons, cartoons, 123, compilation, compilation for kids, learning colours, red, yellow, orange, blue, colourful, rainbow, colour wheel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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