🔴LIVE: Best of Bluey Series 1! | FULL EPISODES | Bluey

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[Music] dance Bing r Beach this episode of Lou is called the beach mom beach beach beach a poor mom she's all on her own mom likes being by herself I wonder [Music] [Music] why here comes a big one I'm just going to go for a walk along the beach why do you like walking by yourself not sure actually I just do see you soon Little Mermaid wo look at this shell wow can I go and show Mom yeah all right right off you go Bingo an a wait here really is that Mom with the orange hat over there yeah that's here and I can go all that way by myself yeah I'll keep an eye on you for real life yeah just don't go in the water okay but how will you get there with no legs mermaid oh yeah you can be king neun and you give me legs [Music] wo [Music] actually she's a bit far away but little merma made you can follow mom's footsteps oh yeah thanks King Neu good luck I am the mermaid who got her legs but they only last a day Little Mermaid so enjoy them okay I will woo [Music] seag girl can you please move m i wants to get F dad can you oh that's right dad's back well [Music] then [Music] you cheeky wave you washed away my mom's footsteps oo pippy pipp is coming up for wee oh hey mate where you going little lady pinky pinky M who got her crab L where are you going Pinchy okay see you our inspect mom is getting bigger mom I got a shell to show you oh she can't hear you better keep going I'm coming jellyfish you can't sing me jellyfish I am the my man who got her legs no Castle I wonder who lived here maybe this is where the other mermaids [Music] live hello um would you mind moving I need to show this shell to my mom maybe I will just head back I think I've had enough walking by myself oh that's just a blue SP can't go backward can't go forward what to I going to do mom's footsteps your mermaid's just got to be brave I am the M who got her legs but only for a day [Music] thanks for moving Mr [Music] pelic [Music] Mom did you come all this way by your yeah I'm a merma who got her legs P the jellyfish yeah and the Pelican and I saw a whole hood of crabs you little star listen to [Music] this I love walking by myself oh yeah what is that um I don't know I just do this is nice too though it's hot oh it's so hot mom what are we doing today nothing until you've cleaned your teeth but I don't want to clean my teeth it's boring boring things are still important no they're not you sound like your dad hey squirts Uncle strip said we could use his pool while he's in barley yeah let's get out of here make sure you take all the swimming stuff yeah yeah we got to cover don't just get the fun stuff I mean the bag of stuff boring yeah boring what hey it's nice and cool actually this episode of Lou is called the pool mom is such a f pot isn't she she is mom always makes us do so many boring things she does that is way more fun I am dad what does a a a a a BB you k k k k k k j k k k [Music] spell well stick your thums on I didn't bring them ah okay um how are we going to do this ow ow ow hey Bingo what's going on up there I'm a Gira and I'm eating these leaves and someone Open this gate am I rashy did you bring it no then no dad did we bring sunscream oh no I didn't it's okay we don't need sunscreen yes we do we'll just have to stay in the Shady bit and we'll put our hats on what hats hey Bingo check it out my [Music] tongue can you take that out n keeps the pool clean kiddo can I have my floaties I didn't bring them what um you'll have to stay on the shallow steps spin a but I won't be able to to swim away from the cruly thing dad do you think I can swim from this side to that side all by myself yeah you definitely could no you have to pretend that you don't think I could oh I mean no way no one can swim that far watch this oh hey kiddo sorry not into the sunny bit you've got no sunscreen on aw you'll be right now let's chill some be higher higher lower [Music] okay the water's making my eyes stingy yeah that's the chlorine did you bring your goggles no ah okay well we'll just have to play above the water games kid but I want to dive down and get the sinkies did you bring the sinkies no well that solves that then a dad I want my floaties dad is the shade bit going to get bigger or smaller uh bigger for [Music] sure uh I meant smaller I'm B hi Bor nice to meet you I'm hungry oh hello hungry this is Bor oh tough crowd I want some food oh yeah it's morning tea time yay but I didn't bring any food a you know what kids I think we might be done no I don't want to get out come on Bingo I'm cold well grab your towel kid I didn't bring one just shake I haven't learned how to shake yet come on no I don't want to get out I'm staying in the I can't shake properly L give us a hand with your sister I'm never getting out of this Dad I'm cold Dad I'm freezing Dad I'm hungry Dad I'm staring Dad okay can everyone stop saying Dad I think Dad is actually boring mom is way more fun oh that's nice to hear mom I brought all the swim stuff you left behind yeah oh [Music] Bubba so boring things are important sometimes then yes Mom brought the sinky [Music] y got it okay ready for the torpedo [Music] ready you can't get me cly thing ha what was I saying uh something about [Music] B [Music] can you play games with us no time for games squirt I'm working from home today one sec I just got to pop downstairs [Music] D okay I'm back is this yours yeah play the elevator game I told you kid no time for elevator game it's a work day today I found another one again sorry kids I got loads of work on D I just can't play the elevator game you all play this episode of Bluey is called yoga ball sing go [Music] hey I even think about it die you little rats why do you sit on a giant green ball cuz I wrecked my back changing your nappies bo bo bo bo bo I want to turn doing that bo bo bo bo bo bo bo okay now beat it I've got to get to work no not yet oh so they mixed up Murphy says what smoothie banana you like oh bully need your sleep you must be so tired that big daddy's been sitting on you all day um Bly which tattoo should I get do you like the Unicorn or or the rainbow well Bingo my name is l well L I really think you should get there it is out can we play delivery chair no oh please oh don't use your please face all right yeah Bingo delivery chair the Polie face gets me every time now I need to get these two packages delivered but first I need to stamp them stamp stamp okay now I need to deliver these to H let's see oh mishue okay here's one package oh Mark fredal okay well I better be careful and and here's the second p okay delivery over now I've got to get back to work oh come on one more no can we just quickly play that game where we run down the hall and you saying and you roll the ball down the hall and we jump out of the way oh you mean Raiders yeah Raiders yeah ra all right maybe a quick game hooray not too quick though I want you to play for this long okay fair enough hooray you ready yeah okay go I [Music] can okay game over I have to do some work walk it off [Music] sport hey Bingo oh what's the matter Daddy's playing too rough with me yeah he does play too rough sometimes doesn't he yes did you use your big Gill bu no because I don't have a very good big really show me oh that's all right just do it bigger bigger W there it is come on let's go talk to your [Music] dad go [Music] away what's up you're in trouble no one's in trouble Bingo just says something she'd like to tell Dad that's all sometimes you play a bit too rough with me a bingo really a sorry I didn't realize I think I just forget that you're a bit younger than your sister I'm only four yeah not six like me but Dad we don't want you to stop playing with us oh okay I'm just going to get better at using my big go B okay well let's practice okay so tell me is this rough okay boing yes that's okay okay how about this rough Bo yes that's okay okay what about this Bo okay too rough now I know all right now clear out you lot I've got to Hey where's my ball I'll just be [Music] second oh my how rude can't you see that I'm on the toilet she's here hey muffin's here Mom you remember your promise yes I do because it's a special night and cousin muffin sleeping over you get to stay up a little later hoay stay up late stay up late muffin we're going to stay up coconut have water window W what's up with you muffin oh boy I think muffins skipped to sleep I am a laa eating a Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum did she say she's a llama this episode of blue is called the sleepover you stop Doors door St what's going on Uncle strike remember when you dud were younger and you used to have a little sleep during the day yeah well as you got older you stopped having that little sleep didn't you yeah now we just sleep once yeah at night well muffin is right in the middle of stopping that second little sleep during the day oh Daddy stop okay muff early bed for you wait no we get to stay up late though uh well got to run hey muffin ow CL it off mom you promised we could stay up late I know I did but we have to do the right thing by Muffin she skipped asleep but you promise one game then b a inredible guitar oh I know let's make it a really long game so that we have to stay out late to finish it yeah okay one game then bed great now which game restaurant so husband and Sheila should we have a nice slow dinner at the restaurant sure thing B good evening Welcome to our restaurant known for its Speedy service how many will be dining tonight three very good one two where's the other [Music] one wake up Sheil my name is boo boo boop boop b Boop needs to go to bed no she's fine she just likes plants we are ready Cho CH next's start the museum Jay this isn't a bus here are the menus yes just warning you I think we'll take a long time deciding no you won't oh all looks so good [Music] by coconuts have water in them Jayla what are you doing let go get my red this doesn't mean we're finished Louie maybe we'll just go to the Chip Shop come on family chippies chips get your chips here oh hello would you like some chip hey okay okay please mam don't shake my shop we love some chips please and take your time your friend looks like she should be in bed oh no she's fine well that'll be four dollar backs please if we pay him the game's finished what are we going to do babe I know run Shaya hey stop safe the game's still going that's great babe police did someone call the police yes she went that way [Music] stop w ring I want wa muffin you really are tired free thank you for your time sir I want you to throw the book at her now listen up if your friend buys chippies she has to pay for chippies yes police lady sorry police lady okay girls bedtime oh it's not fair you said we can stay up late Louie it is late look it's 8:00 stay up late no hooray blue if your cousin has skipped asleep it's up to you to look after her muffin should have been in bed long ago look at her come this doesn't mean the game still going I'm coming [Music] flango muffin on the flamingo grade Lou this means the game is still going come on let St up even [Music] later nor Bingo do what I do ah Sheila look the police lady's coming follow me you w't catch us police lady Lou I'm get going to catch you I got you here Sheila okay buoy they'll never find you here thanks buoy now stay quiet I'll check if the coast is clear [Music] sh good boy Bluey morning boy I'm so tired maybe you should go to bed earlier yeah probably muffin blue yes muffin why is there a flamingo in my sleeping bag it's a long story blue don't talk with your mouthful and sit up straight don't slouch it's Bad Manners it's just bad man bingo mom why do we have to have manners because we're not animals I'm happy as long as you eat your veggies hey hey hey elbows off the table thanks Mom can you believe that kids BL take this it's a magic asparagus what does it do it turns people into any animal you want for real life for real life ooh don't play with your food BL it worked okay what hog no no I to be a piglet [Music] pet now that's taken care of I need you to do a little something for me chicken this episode of Lou is called asparagus elephant I love this now be free my Animal Friends noral rules for anyone Pig Bingo you're making a mess come here youly put me [Music] down can't just grab people and swing them around hey holy puppy Mouse you can't Che people's toys it's not nice this is hard work maybe I'll turn you into slightly calmer animals peacock that's a bit better [Applause] hey mind your maners Mr show off okay you asked for it lions that will teach you to show off don't go outside where' they go there you are W now where those Lions one Sunday morning as I went walking by Brisbane Waters a chance to what was [Music] that is that you lucky oh well I guess it's nothing oh Mrs Hilla oh I don't know about this buny what you want to graer get back in the house you two sorry luy Dad no worries Bluey I shouldn't have let my guard down SC get in here you lck that's it you animals need to learn some manners Daddy warus no doing that thing first manners is what want a cracker first is don't speak when someone's speaking squ second man is [Music] hey no running away from mana's lessons now third one is don't eat the next door neighbors that's a really important one Hey where's Daddy warus no fourth m is don't go to the toilet on the rug you big grub this is hopeless I going to turn you all back in the dogs where's my asparagus [Music] [Applause] cracker oh no it's stuck like this forever squ what you want more asparagus wait I've got an idea s okay B Bingo you've eaten the magic asparagus too late to change that but I think if you say doggy everyone will turn back to doggies hone you say Polly wanted doggy reallyy [Music] please want a cracker no Polly want a doggy answer yourself Daddy warus come on bird biger hly want a doggy [Music] come on big it's hard to get a war to sit at the dinner [Music] table dinosaur our no doggy doggy now we need the M teacher w [Music] w h hooray you did it BD big go squ what's going on uh oh uh we're just eating dinner remember H yeah dinner okay well make sure you I finished my vegetables father I should now excuse myself to go tidy the kitchen pip pip well that's more like it Bingo for the last time use the knife and [Music] chicken Bandit I'm just having a quick shower then I'll give you a hand cleaning the room all good I got it covered now where are those naughty kids yeah oh W here they are do that again kids no kids kids no kids kids no kids let's play hotels yeah oh no not hotels this episode of blue is called [Music] Hotel oh Bingo we have a guest I want to be a crazy pillow no you're the crazy Hotel helper a hello no dad have to push the Bell oh okay okay I might just fix that Bell's volume there let's try again that's better hello how are you we're very nice I'm good I'd like a room please oh yes we have some rooms one with a TV oh yes sure this way please thank you Bingo grab a suitcase no my name is Loba dber oh yes grab his suitcase lber dber I have an important cleaning job to do in the morning so it's very important that I am not Disturbed oh of course we have this lovely room it has a sleepy bunny NightLight and some toys h no thanks we also have this room H maybe too many computers and not enough beds and we have this room hey do you mind oh no too stinky and this is the big room it has a bed and a TV oh and there's a lady in the shower is that okay this will do nicely good night H this pillow isn't very comfy yes it is oh [Music] okay help her okay see you in the morning sir yes please see that I am not disturbed until then oh of course I hope it won't be crazy at all oh I'm sure she [Music] won't Ro I am terribly sorry about this well I should say so I have a very important meeting in the morning do you need a crazy p no he doesn't is very embarrassing it won't happen again well please see that it doesn't first time first time was Bon but it's the middle of the night who want night bacon l d I'm so sorry sir this won't happen again so well night bacon does sound pretty good actually as long as I'm up I might as well watch the news yeah the news Lou can I be crazy pillow now come on Bingo try the TV again okay click oh hello I am the TV today on the news a wild stor keep banging people's heads into the bed down the now back to the news we have [Music] thunder blue I want to be a crazy pillow no you're the news and lightning no I'm not playing you're bossing me around slobber dber come back inant ah TV always people shouting at each other click oh all right kid I got to get back to making the bed no Dad wait don't stop we have to keep playing we're not finished hotels well you better sort it out with Bingo kiddo you have to let her make some decisions too you know okay don't stop tidying please Bingo you have to keep playing or dad will stop playing I don't want to play anymore please no please no please Bing I'll do anything no okay all right I'll play really yeah but I want to be a crazy pillow okay yeah pillow hello sir I have your new pillow here for you oh thank you don't worry it's not a crazy pillow well that's a plus my oh my this is very very comfortable and not wriggly at all okay well I best go to sleep now night tickly nose that's OD hey pillow get back here now stay there pillow and where's my blanket a here it is a that's better [Music] hey wait a minute hey this is a crazy pillow I'm a crazy blanky ah run away bed Stu stop I'll catch you with my I'm coming to get you [Music] stop I thought you were going to clean the room a
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 14,304,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, bluey season 3, bluey full episode live, bluey full episode live stream
Id: B_LC6WfTdQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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