Bluey Compilation | S2 Full Episodes | Sleepytime, Bus & MORE |@disneyjunior @BlueyOfficialChannel

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[Music] dad [Music] Bingo Excuse me yes over here o I need Crown oops oh yes can we get the B please can we get the bill blue inside voice can we get the bill is bingo going to eat that chip uh no I think she's finished SC Hey where's my chip dad ate it what I was saving that chippy I know I said I was sorry kid it's my fault I thought you'd finished I was still very hungry how can we make it up to you Bingo yeah name your price I know dance mode a not dance mode this episode of L is called Dance I'm so excited right you get three dance mode Bingo and then that's it okay bra dog come on finger music should we put Mom in dance mode um yes okay I'll do it this w kids she's not with us it woo shake it chil morning Wendy that was so funny you still got it babe you get yours Louie the next dance mode is going to be mine to choose one okay not you okay are you going to use your dance mode in here Bingo no I want to save it for somewhere special plus there's no music here oh yeah ah what a shame next please how can I help I just need to change the address on this okay I'll need to see two forms of ID please two oh hang on let me have a look oh music bingo Can I please use dance mode on your dad well it's just fre please okay yes oh thank you thank you thank you well I've got my gym card sort of got my picture on it uh no I can't use a gym card mate oh no dance mode uh are you okay I'm fine just ignore this now um what about my li cut oh I'm sorry we can only accept look if you could just stop dancing for a moment I would if I could mate hey Wile time hurry up that was glorious yeah yeah yeah when are you going to use your last dance mode Bingo last one but I haven't even used my first one yet what's that nice uh let's um go this way instead come on come on come on not the sea up there oh look W shake it shake your Tails he's playing music with songs wow is this a good place for your dance mode oh yeah do it Bingo dance oh hang on yeah hang on hey look uh you seem like you cheered up Bingo maybe we can forget about that last dance mode a what no fair okay look I'm going to buy your last dance mode off you for uh 10 no no no 20 bucks pend it no W $20 bucks you can buy a yes no button yeah yeah yes no button that's thing sounds good please Bingo pretty [Music] please uh okay all right let's go pH this is not good parenting oh here it is look Bingo you push this yes and if you push this one no what do you think do you want it yeah should we get it okay well that all worked out didn't the kids yes yes yes yes yes yes oh Bingo what's up you want to tell us what's the matter honey do you not like your yes no button no but you said you wanted it fre inside voice but she said she wanted it so why is she upset is it because because people keep taking things from you without asking yes I thought so like when I took your last chip yes and I took one of your dance modes yes well I took one too but I asked we all ask and she said yes didn't you Bingo yes see so what do we meant to do then this is confusing Bingo sometimes does your outside voice say yes when your inside voice really means no oh yeah like this I'm sorry Bingo me too yeah me too can you think of a way that we can make it out to you well hang on yes hey this is going to be fun oh boy we ready ready Bingo this seems to happen to us a lot just dance like no one's watching ready ladies and gentlemen I'm doing this for my [Music] kids here we [Music] go yes yes yes yeah let's take this to the map who likes to [Music] Dan [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Ding and then the baby chick hatched out of her Eggo and the first thing she saw was her mommy chicken yay B sleep now a I not tired night bingo night Dad so baby chick snuggles up to Mommy chick and drifted off to sleep the end okay sleepy time now just one more Bingo please okay one more then sleepy time hooray this episode of boy is called sleepy time and what's this planet called Mercury good and the big hot star in the middle the sun that's right clever a girl now sleepy time where's floppy oh here she is floppy mustn't forget floppy mom I want to do a big girl sleep tonight and wake up in my own bed you do your best honey but remember I'm always here if you need me okay sweet dreams [Music] ooh [Music] blue can I have a drink of water okay honey [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] wow [Music] oo [Music] biscus [Music] dad can you sing to me 99 bottles a thing on the wall 99 bottles a thing and if one of these bottles you happen to fall there'll be 9 eight bottles thing on the wall [Music] huh [Music] m [Music] [Music] h I have to go I'm a big girl now remember I'll always be here for you even if you can't see me because I love [Music] you [Music] mustn't forget floppy [Music] a [Applause] [Music] h [Music] D [Music] Bingo w monkey oh Lon your turn kids can you come here please oh do we have to yes come on but why do we have to we're deciding what cake to make for Bingo's birthday what do you reckon Bingo rocket ship no thanks princess no thanks sewing machine no keep going ooh what about swimming pool no thanks thanks A J ples no keep turning duck cake yeah duck cake oh bingo are you sure that looks hard to make yeah I'm sure why do you want a duck cake cuz it made my Tail Wag can't argue with that duck cake it is good luck what I have to make it I have to take Bingo to mini hockey oh look my tail L mini hockey too plus you remember my clown cake I remember he was not a funny clown all right I'll give it a crack du this episode of BL it is called duck cake make sure it looks exactly like the picture I'll do my best don't worry dad I can help you you can help by clearing this mess up a why do I have to I only did the zoo Hospital Bing I did the motel okay you clean up your half Bingo will do hers when she gets back see you soon mom how do animals with no tails know when they're happy good question Bingo okay let's do this [Music] who okay just cut these body bits hey Dad can I help you now did you clean up the zoo hospital no I want to help with the cake you can't just help with the fun stuff kid a but the fun stuff's more fun what if I give you stickers to tidy up that might make it more fun ooh stickers okay Penguins giraffes monkey house I'll give you one gold sticker for each oh okay but I'm not doing bingos yeah yeah I know just your side oh that was easy duck cake dad I cleaned up the monkey house I a star now oh yeah okay here you go thanks keep going ooh shiny okay Bandit time to cut the head come on well duckhead don't have to be round you finished yet yep this is not finished you asked if I was finished and I am but you don't get the rest of you Stars until you've done the whole thing o I decided I only want this one look how lovely it is plus it has icing on it Louie come on Tidy the rest but why do I have two cuz it's your mess if you don't tidy it then who will uh you me all right okay yeah I'll do it even though I have to make a duck cake for your sister the hardest of all cakes I'll just tidy up your mess instead I'm about to start are you sure this is what you want uh yeah look I'll give you $ two bucks to clean the whole zoo really I can buy a star Pony not till you've done the whole lot but not Bingo's half no not Bingo's [Music] half oh hang on you meant to do Icing at the end it's all good dad have you finished not yet I just want to know how many Star Ponies can I get for $ two bocks Star Ponies cost $50 kid so or how many can I get none mate a if I clean up my Zoo will you give me enough for a star py I'm not paying you 50 bucks to clean up your mess blue a why not because I shouldn't be paying you anything you should just do it but why should I do it cuz you just should but why should I just should cuz I'll let you lick the beater [Music] finished okay here you go at last you were mine okay Moment of Truth Bandit attaching of the head now I know why you should do jobs why is that I think I believe in you mate you can do this it's good it's very good a too easy a duck cat oh that's not good are you okay Dad yeah mate I'm okay don't [Music] worry Dad yeah mate maybe we can make the duck's neck into a sort of head oh okay let's give it a go I'll just clean up the hey what did you did you clean this up oh um yeah thanks [Music] blueo okay let's give this another go uh you go ahead I just want to try [Music] something finish we're back Bingo take your hockey boots off outside please okay wow blue did you tidy all this oh uh yeah Bingo's half as well uhhuh thanks [Music] blue c sorry don't worry honey you don't have to clean that up okay Mom uh here's your duck cake mate I did my best I love it really yeah thanks Dad did you help make it BL [Music] BL [Music] M [Music] dad [Music] Bingo dad can you play with us sorry Kido I've got to get to work oh I wish you didn't have to work that's what grups do I'm afraid well I'm glad I'm a kid enjoy it while it lasts please can you play with us I can't mate I'll see you later hey kids I bought some new felt pens Island huh this episode of blue is called rug [Music] Island I caught some fish o nice shelter Bingo thanks I'm going to get some peppies bi's doing wee l oh man I must have fallen off my ship what is it Bingo it's a grown up let's eat him get off don't worry we're friendly I'm not BL stop fighting him grownups don't belong on rug Island oh please I just want to get back to my ship well you can stay with us until your ship comes back or until I get really hungry I got to say this place looks pretty chill what's the breakfast listen grownup if you want to stay on Rock Island you have to work a man ripped off this is how we pick our own food too easy fruit that's a snake get off me [Music] spear spear huh it's okay fish ah I see carrot yeah you got it what one you can do fire uh grown up huh yeah my but fish fish C C cook plate thanks have some beetro oh thanks banana h a don't forget the salad oh wonderful salad oh The Greenery I love rug Island yeah it's great isn't it maybe you can stay here forever really you'd be okay with that yeah well it is tempting life's so simple here it's like the outside world doesn't [Music] exist a what was that look a white chocolate egg [Music] wow I'll get it lucky a grown up we have to hide where'd it go he's walking on water it must be some sort of grownup magic what does he want well he wants the ball I mean the egg it's his no way we're keeping it well yeah but we have to give him his ball back Bingo but it's not a ball it's an egg well yeah but just in the game [Music] oh I told you Bingo grownups don't belong on rug Island hey Bandit what's with all the pens oh um it's hard to explain uh just need the ball uh yeah well the thing is Bandit H yep yep here you go SN get it off me get the grown up they under [Music] attack you up oh I was just trying to get my ball back it's not a bow yeah it's an egg for good bravery and wrestling the chocolate egg you are now not a grownup congratulations hooray now let us lick the egg oh hi there oh it's my ship they've come to take me home but this is your home you can't have two homes yeah you're right what am I going to do you should go really are you sure yes it's okay I'm just glad you came to rug Island a come here I'm going to miss you maybe you can come with me no this is my [Music] home wait here it's a present for you a [Music] thanks [Music] what did she give you [Music] everything [Music] dad [Music] Bing the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round bus stopping doors opening hello passenger where are you off to museum please oh okay doors closing wheels on the bus go round and round there's not much traffic today so we should be there very soon oh great unless something slows us down of course but that probably won't happen doors open oh no here go my granny this episode of blue is called I forget come on granny tomorrow on please listen here you two I don't want any trouble out of you I don't know what you're talking about Good gravy is this seat taken ly it's all yours where are you heading love oh just to the museum oh you should catch the 19 bus it will get you there faster n Janet you want the 21 oh I don't know what you're talking about actually I catch this bus because I'm secretly in love with the bus driver oh really he's a bit hairy isn't he not for me oh well wonderful you do can get married and have bush babies I'll let him know no I'm not ready to tell him yet but you have to we're almost at your stop oh for goodness I will tell him I just need more time okay oh wellow we can slow the bus down for you next stop please driver huh but the Nick stops The Sausage Shop thought you were going to Mar on no I need some sausages okay here we are doors opening thank you I changed my mind ah okay Do's closing next stop please driver but the next Stop's the library yeah I need a cookbook okay doors opening the go actually I can't read passengers should only ding the Bell if they intend to get off is that clear tell them you love him no what do you mean no I mean yes it's clear good doors closing the next stop is the motorbike shop oh good what you want to buy a motorbike yep okay bus stopping Do's opening there's the motorbike shop go and buy a motorbike ow there's no pink ones right that's it doors closing no more stops until the museum and then you're all getting off you have to tell him now Dar you're running out of time oh where's Bootsy going I can't I'll do it tomorrow oh today is better than tomorrow oh whoopsie bus stopping off I can't find Poopsy who's boopsy a [Music] snake oh there you are boopsy get it off get it off NY boopsy quick P oh now we're going to be late for Mar St the poison out Mom hey why's the bus moving uh re is driving oh okay what re is driving there's something on the bus [Music] go stop come back here that's my bus quick don't something the J it time for an an J it come on Rita back to your seat honey whoopsy the scary wheel [Music] why don't I take this Rita okay you have fun love stick it back in the thing okay okay there the steering wheel's fixed now what do I do hit the brakes where are the brakes they're down there the big brown block what big brown block I love a good lington R is eating the bright [Music] let's stop please driver We Can't Stop excuse me a r that's not helping made it hello hi how you going not bad tell him get it tell me what nothing I'll um tell you tomorrow there's not going to be a tomorrow we're going to hit that cast Factory w our said next stop we have to jump grab the grannies come here y CHS but my [Music] D the coins we're alive I can't believe it this isn't my song there something I've been meaning to tell you but keep putting it off till tomorrow but now I think I'm going to tell you today I'd like to get married and have your bus babies oh there you go Rita thanks Janet I did it Janet I told him oh well done Deary I'm proud of you thanks I'm proud of myself now you go and have some bus babies oh no he's already married to a giraffe what oh stretchy pants I was so scared we almost in a costed Factory we say about that I'm on okay [Music] here [Music] dad [Music] Bingo come on kids let's murder why do we always have to motor so we can get a good spot at the campsite how long will it take to get there a long time what if I get bored then you get bored hey you haven't packed the kids stuff yet ah I was just going to bang it down by their feet are you sure what's this the kid stuff oh biscuits this episode of Louis is called road trip okay we're a bit later than I hope but we're still making good time fingo keep your eye out for gray Nomads gray what Dad Dad no we're not there yet a but I'm born you're born I know you're born I was there when it happened Dad there a real eye now Mom look because I'm such a champion I brought the tablet so you kids could play computer games Compu G hang on where are they they must be in the boots Bandit find a place to pull over what I know I packed them what is that oh no we got to go but what about the tablets get him what why gr no come on okay okay that was too close what are gry nomads the Nanas and granddad's in big slow Caravans if we get stuck behind them we'll be the last to the campsite and we'll have to Camp next to the toilet block E I like the gray Nomads their horns are funny but what about the tablet look mom forgot to pack them kid a don't worry I know plenty of non-computer games we can play hope you got 4 hours worth games like what games like ice Bight yeah me first okay but please Spy a hard one Bingo it's boring when it's too easy okay I spy with my little eye something color blue me yes Please can I play computer games what's so fun about them well there's one way you have to make chunky chimp jump over barrels you don't need computers to play jumping games just use your fingers whoop but there's no barrels to jump uh yeah but you can jump go oh yeah one point two points three points hey you can't play you're driving oh yeah 7 8 9 10 100 a million 100 I win all right this is not an actual stop family so everyone just stay sorry those things there's nothing boring about this is there blue no biscuits time to go come on what we go it's the Finish bye great don't worry gang we're still making good time oo big peanut Mom have you got another car game look I'm a bit out of wait try you got it we're winning y oh no the Train's winning I'm trying it's too fast that was fun a hang on what's this oh Road works I need the toilet okay come on I'll take you for a bush we don't be long we'll be as long as we need thank you Mom do you know any Bush we games oh I'm all out of games sweetheart a but I'm bored look BL sometimes you're just going to be bored but what do I do about it you just be bored you know look around something always pops up a c Stak Grand back in the car come on chill the beam it's okay they're still behind us the guy hasn't turned the sign yet he's turning it a sweet let's go I need a we okay come on honey hang on what no hello Grand finished I like the great NAD stickers Bor again H never seen that before Pingo a table this is been here all along mom look what I found ah the tablets tablets oh wow do you want to play computer games uh no I want to play petrol station yeah I'll be the customer hello customer would you like to buy some sunny I told you I pack them now it's not a good time for me oh poor Bandit we were making such a good time yeah but look no okay well that's $100 box please okay now I'm making good times there you go let just do that hey wait they're turning off they're turning off where are they going they're going to the big Peanut the what the big peanut why AR we going to the big peanut well um it's just we're almost in the clear but it's a big peanut I know but okay let's go to the big peanut peanut peanut you're a good dog wow it's a pretty big peanut isn't it yes gread it is would you like a big peanut sticker I've got a spare one oh yes please oh bingo you can start a [Music] collection
Channel: Disney Junior
Views: 4,395,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bluey, bingo, bluey season 3, bluey and bingo, bluey disney junior, bluey disney, bluey disney jr, disney junior, disney, bluey and friends, bluey song, heeler, heeler family, bandit, chili, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey australia, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, new bluey, bluey holiday episodes, bluey holiday compilation, bluey compilation, bluey family compilations, bluey and bingo compilations
Id: KR-WjhkUDr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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