Yeti Sitting ๐ŸŒˆ FULL EPISODE ๐ŸŒˆ True and the Rainbow Kingdom ๐ŸŒˆ

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hello [Music] yeti sitting [Music] [Applause] next up yeti village are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet every day yes we just left but i can't blame you for being excited i can't wait to babysit the yeti triplets me too yeah three yeti babies equals three times the fun which is why i packed all my toys i just didn't know if they'd be into squeaky toys or tin foil balls or silly faces i'm sure the yeti babies will love your toys thanks for bringing them bartleby and thank you griselda for coming along to help oh it's no problem after all i am a pro when it comes to babies look i brought my how to raise a freaky book written by the most fabulous writer i know me whole chapter on baby talk i'm fluent listen his little baby bart'll be excited to see the yeti wetties oh she's good yeah you are a baby expert mm-hmm i raised spooky all by myself and he turned out perfectly babysitting is going to be easy right well we just have to remember though not to actually sit on the babies okay grizz no baby sitting look i have a whole chapter on how not to sit on the babies last stop yeti village we're here [Music] this is going to be so great [Music] hey hi erg we are so ready to babysit your fuzzy little triplets i've got my free training book and i brought all my toys [Music] they're almost cute enough to be princesses oh okay the babies just had their nap a little marble and they eat some number berries hello and raiders and now they're ready for playtime did someone say playtime nope not that not bad no no yes yes what should we play fetch chase or tail round and round some other martial view with kisses rookie can play that for hours whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh stop no bye see you at sunset we'll make sure they're in bed by then all right cuties who's ready for some true tickles hey where'd they go i am croc correction i had grok [Music] nobody touches the crown [Music] okay grok that's a good girl uncle barnaby's arms are getting a little tired i'm just gonna put you down for a second okay who wants to go for a kitty back ride [Music] there you are you silly girl [Music] i think we should take these little bundles of fun outside where things are less freaky who wants to go for a little carriage ride [Music] wait we need toys my freaky shmookum's never leased home without his favorite chew toy b what do you have well let's see i got the squeaky mousy no uh yarn ball any takers hmm tough crowd let's see [Music] [Applause] i know you can't go wrong with a tinfoil ball the babies [Music] [Music] oh phew just wanted to go to the playground okay who wants a push from uncle bartleby after he has a rest that is such a cute pose okay now stay i've got to face bubble this ready say i'm a cutie the only thing cuter than a princess is a princess with a yeti baby [Music] okay come on babies let's be careful you have to come down because i can't find the page for what to do improving climbs too high [Music] okay that was fun and you know what else is fun a nice walk by the river you're right drew that sounds way less jumpy and crashy see isn't this fun [Music] i think she wants to sniff around the tree freaky loves sniffing trees oh yeah oh uh thank you grok but we should put that down now okay wait i meant to put it back where it was good boy floof now show rock how to play nice with trees that tree is heading for the bridge [Music] that's a lot of water we'd better go find those triplets and see what they're up to i'm sure there's something about all of this in my how to train your freaky book [Music] [Applause] come out wherever you are over there there you are you stay right there i'm coming to get ya [Music] [Applause] [Music] they make it look so easy this is nothing like training we need wish [Applause] that was close [Music] thanks cumulo [Music] will you be okay keeping an eye on the triplets totally i'm in control as always great we'll be right back to the wishing tree please go go [Music] hi true hey bartleby how did the babysitting go we've got a big problem the yeti triplets went rolling off in their carriage and then we found them but then they started pulling out trees the river got clogged and the whole yeti village is flooded and griselda's just floating there and the babies are definitely not sleeping and erg and snake will be home any minute now on balanced equations that is a big problem but sit and have a think [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well the triplets are safe so first we need to stop the flood in yeti village good idea you should tackle the biggest problem first there's so much water that everything's floating yeah and running on logs is way harder than it looks it is the triplets make it look so easy they're impossible to catch so we need a way to round them up the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes i'm [Music] tree ready tree please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] please [Music] [Music] i have a good feeling about these wishes now let's see what the wishipedia says about their powers [Music] this is grapple hey ho grappler grappler has mighty grabbing power he can grab onto anything and lift even the heaviest objects perfect grapplo you can help us unblock the river oh your next wish is hugsy oh yeah this is a fun one i see hugs he loves wrapping anyone in super tight hugs who doesn't love hugs hugs hugs you can help us round up the triplets and last but definitely not least we have twisty a super strong wish twisty great to see you again this one is a force of nature twisty can twist up anything even a strong tornado that's incredible i'm just not sure how twisting could help with the flood or baby eddies but i can't wait to figure it out zooz zap wishes in my pack [Music] let's go fix yeti village thanksy crazy you're welcome good luck good job watching the babies griselda oh no problem you know i always knew i was a great babysitter but now i know i'm a fantastic carrot sitter too time for some wish power true you got it you know take us to the bridge please [Music] time for my first wish zip zap zoo i choose you wake up [Music] see that bridge over there oh ho there's a big tree that's stuck underneath can you grab on to it and pull it out oh great [Music] okay grappler get into position hey ho now oh [Music] [Applause] hey look the water's going down [Music] yay i can stand dry ground i just kissed the ground [Music] bye cubielo see you buddy grapplo that was really impressive up top grab blue [Applause] cutest plumber ever now tuck yourself in [Music] okay now to round up those babies and get them home before sunset where are those cute yeti babies anyway [Music] that didn't really answer my question which way did they go you're complete for [Music] okay but where's gronk that came from over there okay oh yeah don't worry babies uncle bartleby will get you down i'm true how is uncle bartleby gonna get them down um [Applause] well give them something that babies love hugs time for my second wish zip zap zoo i to you wake up [Music] these little yetis need your super huggy power oh yeah now's your chance hugsy it's cuddle claw [Music] nice squeezing hogsy you can let go now [Music] thank you grog and now to buckle you in to make sure you stay put that okay you go yeah then relax here comes europe okay time for round two [Music] that was fun wasn't it that's two babies down and one to go hope your snuggle supply is high hugsy no need true huxy can sit this one out my book has a whole chapter on what to do when your freakies off his leash come here floof you'll be a good baby yeti when training your freaky offer truth is a reward [Music] i've got some yummy snacky wackiest [Music] [Music] come on hugs go true [Applause] [Music] nice catch true thanks drew [Music] you're all such good yetis yes you are yes you are thanks for everything hugsy now tuck yourself in well that's that now let's get these yeti babies home in bed you're getting sleepy already see i knew babysitting was going to be easy yeah it's a good thing you brought your book or zelda and bringing your toys was a great idea too bartleby we're a pretty good babysitting team oh what a wonderful sunset i love the way it feels on my face huh sunset and now look there's ergan snack returning from their big day out ergan i really hope they don't see that big pile of trees over there it's messy pile of trees oh no we can't leave the yeti village like this cleaning up trees is not in my babysitting book elda bartleby you need to get those yeti babies back in bed before organ snake get home but true who's gonna clean up that mess i'll take care of those trees okay true we're on it it's time for my third wish i choose you wake up twisty wish come true [Music] hi twisty we need your help and fast you see all those trees over there we need to clean them up before mama and papa yeti get home i know you can twist up a tidy tornado to lift them they're getting closer we'd better hurry up twist twisty [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay twisty let's put those trees down [Music] great job twisty let's go join bartleby and griselda i'm sure they have the triplets snug in their beds by now [Music] okay twisty now's our chance [Music] great job twisty thank you so much for your help zoo zip zap which is in my packs [Music] [Applause] [Music] you sure kept us on our toes i hope you two had a lovely time we had such a fun day with your little triplets oh boy they sure do know how to play and good thing i was here because absolutely nothing went wrong here's my card you got something for us oh you shouldn't have it was our pleasure love is silly juice balls thank you so much to the best babysitting team ever [Music] [Music] you
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 937,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, educational kids programming, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and the rainbow kingdom songs, true and the rainbow kingdom theme song, true and the rainbow kingdom wishing tree song, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes trues birthday
Id: QMsz9EtO1yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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