Wuzzle Wegg Day ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿฅš FULL EASTER EPISODE ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸฅšTrue and the Rainbow Kingdom ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿฅš

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hello [Music] day [Music] is that puzzle wig for me true it is isn't it huh it is ah you know my favorite color is blue right no wait it's yellow no peeking bartleby you can't see your wuzzle wagon till it's finished wuzzle wag day rules don't you have a wag to decorate of course i do i just um you know haven't started yet galloping green bartleby it can take time to get a wuzzle wig decorated just so why do we give painted wigs on wuzzleweg day anyway you mean you've never heard the story of the wuzzle bun a wuzzle bun sounds cuddly like wuzzy wuzzy woo oh yes they were cuddly and magical you see a long time ago wuzzle buns roam free in the many colors meadow [Music] a wuzzle bun used its magic to turn ordinary wigs into magical wuzzle wigs filled with special treats what kind of treats all kinds of wonderful things the rainbow kingdom never had before gravel apples of marshmallows and were there fishy poofs fishy poofs yes i'm sure that's where fishy poops came from partly but where did all the wuzzle buns go no one has seen a wuzzle bun in one million three thousand and seventy two years but we still decorate pretend wuzzle wigs and give them to our friends on wuzzleweight day to celebrate the magic of the wuzzle buns this year i'm gonna give you the prettiest most awesome wuzzle wag you've ever seen true but first um i i have to find it good luck bee ah the mini colors meadow smells like spring now to find myself the prettiest most awesome wuzzle wig ever huh [Music] that way huh okay thanks [Music] okay okay just point i can follow pointing you know [Music] no one saw that right [Music] oh my paws those pushy plants were right it's a wag and not just any old wig the biggest wig ever true's eyes are gonna pop out of her head when she sees this [Music] i'm back and i found you the best wag in the universe you gotta see it to believe it true it's amazing but don't look you can't see it until it's done was a wig day rules i need paint lots of paint and a brush [Music] aren't you just the best wittle waggy ah wittle waggy's so cute bartleby loves waggy bartleby can't wait to give widow waggy to best friend true whoops need more paint stay right here waggy be good for bartleby i'll be right back [Music] where are you maggie true rainbow king crack what's wrong how to paint already no i was working on an amazing wuzzle wake for true and then i just left for a second and when i got back it was gone someone or something took it look at those footprints they're ginormous they're pretty big all right these tracks should be easy to follow we'll have the mystery of the missing legs solved in no time i love a good mystery time to track that wig snatcher we're coming waggy what a weird path it's like it doesn't know where it's going right it's almost as if it's looking for more wigs to steal it all fits wag snatcher gotta snatch wags [Music] this is no ordinary thief it's definitely some kind of extra strong super sneaky humongously hairy big fang wig stealing monster headed right for rainbow city uh-oh just look at everyone innocently walking around with their wuzzle wags right out in the open where the westerweg thief could see them we have to tell everyone to hide their wags until this extra strong super sneaky humongously hairy big fanged wig stealing monster is caught i'm not sure this is a full-scale emergency just yet bartleby true what do you think hmm the footprints are really big and bee's wig did go missing i guess bartleby could be right about a way snatching monster oh i'd hate to spoil wuzzle wig day but if bartleby is right we have to keep everyone and their wuzzle wag safe all right then it is decided attention all rainbow kingdom citizens we have evidence of an unknown wake stealing monster in the kingdom please proceed to hide your legs in a safe place and gather in the square until further notice a wag-stealing monster you heard the king hide all the legs [Music] if this monster is as horrible as bartleby suspects we may have to cancel wuzzlewig day altogether cancel one day but rainbow king please you can't cancel it we're going to find out what happened to bartleby's wag and we're going to have was a wag day i knew i could count on you good luck crew good luck bartleby okay bartleby we have no more tracks to follow monster tracks don't forget that they're wig snatching monster tracks they may be monster tracks without maybe monster tracks to follow the only way we can solve this mystery in time to save was awake day is with wish help oh [Music] to the wishing tree please how do you feel about purple hi z hi wishes happy wuzzawag day true bartleby i'm so glad you came some of the wishes wanted to be painted like wuzzle eggs you all look fantastic but wuzzle day is why we're here bartleby had a special wuzzle egg the best wig ever and we think it may have been taken by a super strong giant leg snatching monster with fangs and claws who just stole my perfect wagon took it back to its mystery lair and we tried to follow it but the monster tracks disappeared i don't know that's what happened oh i know here it is true that we saw big footprints and then they stopped and we have to solve the mystery or the rainbow king might have to cancel was a leg day huh let's sit and have a sink [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you i think if i may first we need to find the snatcher then we need to steal back the way then we need to get away real fast and we need to make it so that they can't steal the wig ever again uh i think what bartleby is trying to say is that we need to find the leg and the monster and bring the wig home so we can save wuzzleweg day [Music] the wishing tree has heard you truth it is time to get your three wishes i'm ready [Music] wishing tree wishing to please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] oh [Music] i sure hope those wishes have extra oomph cause we're gonna need it well let's check them out in the [Music] your wikipedia wish is scanzi a locator wish it's my star wish at hide and go seek scanzi sounds like the perfect wish for finding bartleby's wag and the monster now your next wishes same same one of the best mimic wishes this wish can copy the sound or voice of anything it meets same same really like what really like what whoa whoa whoa whoa okay cut it out okay cut it out no really no really how do you turn this swish off how do you turn this wish off okay same same all done same same sounds just like bartleby perfect destruction we can use same same to distract the snatcher while we steal back weggy from right under its monster nose if it has a nose what about our third wish z craplow a pickup wish it can pick up and carry anything grapple yes the perfect wig snatching device or oh oh oh we should just bam snatch the monster and all its way snatching friends and move them far far away from rainbow kingdom and save was a wig day don't worry b i'm sure these wishes are just what we need zuzip zap wishes in my past [Applause] time to find the missing leg and steal it back oh [Music] aren't you gonna use scanzi i mean we've got to find that monster before it takes my wiggy too far away let's ask around first if there was a strange anything wandering around town with a wag i'm sure somebody noticed great idea true let's crack this case wide open [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] nobody's seen your special egg or the monster that snatched it now can we use scanzi pretty please with a fishy poof on top absolutely time for my first wish [Music] zip zap zoo i choose you wake up scanzi [Music] we're looking for a very special egg that looks like this and a very scary monster that looks like this [Music] i think scanzi's found something and it's going to the many colors meadow scanzi [Music] it's waggy and the monster's got him and he's getting away we're coming to rescue you [Music] scanzi there really was a way snatching monster hey hey you leave my wig alone you terrible wag snatching thing you bubba [Music] uh oh [Music] bobby chasing us i'm sorry i didn't believe you b i hate being so right all the time i changed my mind you can have the wing take it it's still chasing us but i can't see anything from inside the leg it must be following your voice [Applause] shh it's following your voice i can't help it i just have one of those deep irresistible voices i know how to get it to stop chasing us time for my second wish zip zap zoo i choose you wake up same same wish come true same thing i need you to copy bartleby's voice so that monster can hear it no time it's coming this way this way this way this way [Music] it worked oh no we just sent same same towards rainbow city we have to get there first and warn everyone about the monster come on again with the running [Music] well this is just about the most boring wuzzle wig day ever this way [Music] [Music] nobody move there's an extra strong super stinky humongously hairy big fanged egg stealing snatcher [Music] inside that wagon that was probably the wrong thing to say bobblebee we have to fix this and stop that monster ah nobody nope no can do i'm not going anywhere near that thing hmm maybe you don't have to time for my third way [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you grab that thing and keep it away from everyone especially me keep it away from thanks grapplo don't let it go until we know what to do with it where's that beast i'll take care of it i'm kitty nutty tough i'm it's okay b brap blows got it oh i'll feel excellent job grappler make sure you hold that monster nice and tight [Music] you're the wag snatcher but you're so cute and cuddly bartleby this is no wig snatcher it would seem you have found us a wuzzle bun [Music] a real live wuzzle bun like from the wuzzle wag day story indeed i feel kind of silly now i told everyone there was an extra strong super sneaky humongous hairy big fang bag stealing monster wouldn't it be it's okay we all make mistakes your imagination told you something was true but it wasn't but i didn't even get you a wuzzle wag like i promised drew bartleby there was a wig you got for me had a wuzzle bun inside it so i didn't ruin wuzzle wig day quite the opposite you made this the most special one ever [Music] i didn't ruin gay waggy [Music] what just happened muscle button magic i suggest you all check inside your wuzzle wigs [Music] sparkles [Music] you did that whoa i wish you could come every wuzzle wig day jumping jelly green bartleby what a wonderful idea from this moment on we will celebrate wuzzle wig day with a visit from our new friend the wuzzle bun and hide our wigs because it was so much fun [Music] great job wishes now back in the [Music] it b pack solved the mystery and found your leg and the monster all in time to say was a leg day best day ever even if you're the only one without a magic was a wig [Music] happy was a leg day bartleby you painted fishy poops on it and me and you it's perfect thanks true thanks swaggy huh extra special marshmallow fishy poops uh-huh thanks waggy happy wuzzleweg day and see you next year bye [Music] you
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 3,369,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, educational kids programming, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and the rainbow kingdom songs, true and the rainbow kingdom theme song, true and the rainbow kingdom wishing tree song, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes trues birthday
Id: ReeXW_hcDHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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