The NEW Political Correctness Rules

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[Music] hi because the world's a circus right now what it takes to be politically correct has changed significantly and if you're not up to date on the changes it's only a matter of time before you slip up and get cancelled which you would definitely deserve but because you don't want that let me give you the updated political correctness rules so you can stay in good standing with a pc police political correctness used to involve respecting your fellow human beings and treating them with dignity but now political correctness requires you to see them as disease-carrying monsters who aren't safe to be around thinking it's unhealthy to have a health condition called obesity is now politically incorrect now it's politically correct to support rioting instead of having nuanced thinking that distinguishes rioting and violence from protests and peace just mindlessly support writing to be politically correct you need to be dumb enough not to question the severe lockdown response to combat a disease that carries a 99.96 survival rate because questioning that means you're insensitive to the people who have died from the sickness believing a new vaccine is dangerous until proven safe is politically incorrect to be pc you need to believe it's safe until proven dangerous thinking for yourself is now extremely politically incorrect to be pc you need to think what the mainstream narrative tells you to think otherwise you're being insensitive and putting everyone's lives at risk to be politically correct you need to pretend bill gates is a doctor and trust him questioning his financial gain in vaccine investments and his agenda to vaccinate everyone doesn't make you an open-minded curious person it makes you a dangerous politically incorrect conspiracy theorist it's also politically incorrect to remember that bruce jenner won the olympics in 1976. being photographed without wearing your mask is a sin towards political correctness instead put on your pc virtue signaler anytime you're being photographed besides it means you're brave because you're too scared to be pictured without it you need to think defunding the police is a great idea otherwise you're a politically incorrect racist as you know we have a serious problem with police violence towards the black community so it's politically correct to assume that taking funding away from the police so they have less training and less pay and therefore will attract worse candidates with even less training is a great way to make our community safer it used to be that listening to and respecting someone who has a different point of view than you was a politically correct thing to do now it's completely unacceptable behavior the new standard is to savagely attack every fiber of their being in hopes of ruining their life anger childish insults screaming and a complete unwillingness to understand them are all fantastic science is now politically incorrect because science can detect differences between different things using objective measurements and observations those who feel inherently insecure about who and what they are can get angry so pc culture has it you need to use your imagination instead of using science it's now politically correct to be in a constant state of fear having fun being playful and being brave all go against the pc culture because now if you're not feeling afraid you're not respecting the severity of the situation that's it for the updated rules now you don't have to worry about using your own thinking or free will to navigate your life because you can just follow the pc rule book and these rules will probably change within an hour so you're not safe but stay tuned for updates yeah looking pretty strong but seriously i do eat a lot of protein that's why i want to thank mass zymes by by optimizers for sponsoring this video for me eating a clean high protein diet helps me look feel and function the way i want but here's the problem you're not what you eat you are what you absorb and a lot of people have compromised digestion issues and reduced enzyme production which means they're not absorbing a lot of the food of the nutrients they're eating which means they're pooping out their expensive food that's why i love math signs with all my heart and all of my both biceps mass items contains more protease per capsule than any other enzyme product on the market protease is the enzyme that helps you break down your proteins the toughest macro nutrient to digest and it contains a total of five different kinds of the strongest proteases and it also contains the enzymes you need to help you break down your proteins and fats as well which means you're going to be absorbing a lot more of the nutrients that you're eating so you can look feel and function the way you want so a faster muscle recovery more energy less inflammation and better digestion are for you check out mass times just go to jp and also math times comes with a full 365 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose just go to jp to get yours [Music]
Channel: AwakenWithJP
Views: 730,099
Rating: 4.9229484 out of 5
Keywords: jp sears, awaken with jp, ultra spiritual life, how to be ultra spiritual, how to get offended, conscious comedy, political correctness, pc police, cancel culture, comedy, joe biden
Id: bXrnqcNgL00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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