Tulsi Gabbard slams surveillance push by leadership as 'treacherous'

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I don’t trust her whatsoever but I definitely would.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/BigMJ32 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

She endorsed Biden, to be the loudest voice against the true problems of the world just to through it away eventually

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Springboks2019 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

So wish she could have been president

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Spot on.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/WorestFittaker 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Tulsi rules

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FetchMyBeer 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
tulsi gabbard joins me now tulsi it's always great to see you there is something very bizarre going on in america uh right now normally the ship estate is very hard to stare it's like the titanic yet in nothing flat all our key agencies in the so-called intelligence community have turned on a dime and decided that the biggest threat to america is domestic extremism whatever that is i think whatever that is is exactly the glaring problem with this mark is that as this new campaign and focus on against you know white supremacists racist domestic domestic extremists uh is is launched none of these terms are very clearly defined or really defined at all if you look at at the term white supremacists for example i think this is something that that many would agree has been clearly clearly established as you know the philosophy of the kkk and and nazis is people who believe hey the white race is superior and therefore must have power and control over all other races but we live in a world now where we have people in power who say if you're white you're a white supremacist whether you know it or not if you're white you're a racist whether you know it or not and if you follow that approach that means that any white person in america could be the target of surveillance if you look at okay well what is domestic extremism uh is is being extremely patriotic being a domestic extremist you know if you look at our service members and our veterans who have been targeted and pointed out by those in our government as being vulnerable to being domestic extremists well i've served with incredible great patriots as a veteran and soldier myself people who are willing to lay their lives down and die for this great country that we love is this who they're talking about when when they're saying that we need to look out for domestic extremists it's absolutely outrageous and it's offensive it's offensive to those who i've served with including those who have paid the ultimate price and given their lives in service to our country uh this is the danger of of the direction where we seem to be headed in the fact that these terms these these broad targets that they're pointing out really are not being clearly defined at all isn't it also the opposite of what you do if you have a real terrorism movement because the the object of terrorism is to terrorize so as after 9 11 uh the president and the government said don't be terrorized go about your normal lives now the government actually seems to be trying to get hundreds of millions of americans uh worked up over a domestic terror threat that doesn't actually exist the the direction that they're taking is is not only dangerous in how broad and vague it is it's dangerous in the threat that it poses to our constitution and our constitutional rights you know you mentioned 911 and you looked at these broad far-reaching laws like the patriot act that were passed uh you know the secret fisa court and we've seen now for almost 20 years how those authorities have infringed on our civil liberties and our constitutional rights and instead of doing the right thing in our government and in congress democrats and republicans are both responsible for this doing the right thing and saying hey let's let's get rid of those things so that we are actually upholding our constitution instead of doing that in the wake of january 6. you have democrats and republicans saying you know what what we need is to pass more laws that further infringe on our civil liberties that further allow for mass surveillance uh on on americans and so this points to exactly the wrong direction that our leaders in our country are dangerously headed we were told back when all that stuff started that all we'll be don't worry about uh your cell phone it's so we can eavesdrop on some guy sitting in a cave in waziristan who wants to get up to something and he's sitting in his cave plotting it on his cell phone uh they're quite open now about turning these tools these very sophisticated tools on the most lavishly funded agencies on earth on their own citizens and and not only doing so uh through our own government agencies but also looking to these big social media tech giants uh you know whether it's it's facebook or google or youtube or others to essentially act as as proxies and you've seen in some of the reports that have come out recently that our national security apparatus is directly working with these social media giants uh to further encroach upon our civil liberties upon our privacy and to further surveil the actions activities words thoughts political affiliations or or or what not of everyday americans across the country and and uh again moving in in a very dangerous direction that flies in the face of our constitution and that this is being done by leaders in our government who have taken an oath to uphold and protect our constitution makes it even more treacherous are you concerned about uh the politicization let me put it as mildly as i can of something even as routine as a medical examiner's office i mean it seems to me uh somewhat unlikely that three months on that uh they cannot state what officer sicknick died of and it also seems odd to me and again disturbingly politicized that we have no idea at the same time as a policeman is on trial in minneapolis we have no idea of who shot an unarmed woman in the united states capital these facts are known to the authorities but for some reason uh the the people of the united states aren't allowed to be privy to them this this issue of politicizing our government institutions at a very basic level is one of the reasons why the vast you know so many americans uh have lost faith and trust in these institutions because they've seen how they are used essentially as political tools or weapons to serve one side or the other this is also directly linked to the issue we started this conversation with which is if you have these vague terms that really can be applied to a very large swath of people that can change depending on who's in power so who is a domestic extremist really at this point then it becomes well it becomes defined by whoever's in power and who they choose to use our institutions to target absolutely chelsea that's one of the most weaselly words of all uh extremists great to see you tonight uh really appreciate your input also
Channel: Fox News
Views: 724,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tulsi gabbard, domestic terror, fox news patriot act, fox news tulsi gabbard, gabbard, patriot act, tulsi gabbard fox news primetime, tulsi gabbard mark steyn, tulsi gabbard surveillance, tulsi gabbard kamala harris, capitol hill, biden, brian kilmeade, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news prime time, fox news primetime, fox news primetime today, primetime, primetime fox news
Id: WFpdC4n0ZN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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