Road To Revival | Let The Prophets Speak

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welcome to all nations Chicago online my name is Pam Ross and I'm so excited to welcome you back to another extremely exciting and unusual Sunday service you know we're in a series called the road to revival and if you were with us last week apostle Stevenson ended his message on second Chronicles 2020 if you believe the Lord your God so shall you be established and if you believe his prophets you're going to prosper so today we're gonna hear from dr. Stevenson the Prophet and some of his ordained prophets here at all nations Chicago it's going to be special be ready to take notes dr. Stevenson hello and welcome to our Sunday morning worship experience I'm so excited to present this edition of the road to revival and I want to deal with you today concerning the prophetic independent you know no other ministry gift comes under the kind of pressure like the Prophet during seasons of emergency it's often the criticism point of people in the body of Christ and also the secular world when emergencies happen about where is God and they rely on the prophets to clarify to interpret and to show where God is and so I wanted to give an opportunity for us to do with first Corinthians 14 29 says which is let the prophets speak and there is a word from the Lord and in the road to revival we are reliant upon revelation right now the how-to of God the steps of God the order of God and when we first went into quarantine there was like a sail ah like a pause a weight where it almost felt like for me at least that the Lord was silent for a while and then out of nowhere there was a sudden release of like a ocean of information concerning what he wanted and what he was doing and what he was saying and right now around the world there are people better concerned about where God is the loneliness the isolation the depression the anxiety that has reached a peak around the world not just in America beckons the prophetic mantle it beckons and it summons the the mantle of the Prophet through history this is not the first pandemic that has happened Egypt had one Israel had one Jerusalem had one and throughout each of those periods biblically speaking God used the ancient and the holy mantle of his prophets to let his people know where he was and where he stood on the issue it is not the will of God that people feel like God is ignoring and God is silent about what's coming after this or it is not the will of God that people feel like the future is at stake because he controls the hearts of men the Bible says at the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and he turneth it every which ever way he will so I believe that through this God is doing so much and we're just going to go through what we sins and feel God is doing particularly concerning the hot spots in America because what the Lord has shown me is that there's very deliberate planning and mapping and events coming to the hotspots of what America is calling a disaster but God is calling seats of revival what the Lord has shown me is desperation has hit the earth and America is not used to desperation we've seen desperation in Africa we've seen desperation in certain parts of Asia but America has not had desperation whoa in a very long time but desperation has hit this continent and because desperation is here the only next place to go from desperation is deliverance and I believe that what the Lord is doing is trying to deliver a culture that has been medicating itself with unusual toxicants and unusual inebriates and unusual I want to I want to use the word fabricants fake medicines to try to solve and heal the pain that they'd been in this is a moment for the profits to give the opinions the moves the plan of God the other thing that we want to speak to prophetically is that they're leaders around the world of every sort that are grieving their calendar they're grieving their plan they're grieving what they had intended and hope for the year called 2020 but there is still a word from the Lord this is a season of the repositioning of the Kings and the princes and the rulers of the earth to begin to rely on God for the spirit of wisdom to approach the assignment that was given them so look up this is not a season to give yourself over to your emotion and give yourself over to your sadness and the enemy would have it that the but the body of Christ would lose their mind through this the enemy would have it that the body of Christ would give over to a lunatic power and a lunatic spirit but we declare unto you today soundness of mind consistency of thought focus and concentration on a level that you've never known before and that because you were able to say law through this that the plan of God will be more consistent more specific and more confirmed what I sense in my belly is that these are days of confirmation for the body of Christ that these are not days of despair like you had hoped or imagined but these are days with the Lord it's reaffirming his promise and trying to test the hearts of man to see who will believe the report that came from him at the top of the year the word of the Lord came to us that this was the year of expanse and this was the year of everywhere and this was a year with the plan of God was going to go from heart to heart and breasts to breasts and nation to nation and we've seen that by a forceful reengagement of the internet but the profits now are having to amplify their value to show and to give but people have gone the how but the what and the why and the wind when I preached last week I gave the definition of desperation which is a combination of the Y and the wind desperation is a marriage of the Y and the wind the Y of the heart and the wind of the mind trying to figure out when something goes going to happen to turn but I declare unto you Zion the Lord has not forsaken you there will be days of regather e and there will be days of reassembling and the prophetic anointing is going to be the main strain even as it was in Acts chapter 2 with the fire and the cloven tongues fail when the Bible says that suddenly of God came upon the 120 it came upon the 120 that was willing to wait even though there were those that were afraid and cautious there was 120 that were willing to wait and when that happened the interruption of the Spirit of God came and then momentum was birth and then apostolic phases happened throughout the book of Acts and the church was born from 120 that was willing to wait and I declare unto you that that is a prophetic number the number 120 we're going to see some things happen for physically with that number and God is saying look to Pentecost there's going to be days of the outpouring of the Spirit and there will be turnings of the of the hearts of men in America because of the spirit of prophecy finally revelations 19 teen worship God for the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus America has never seen what they are about to see as far as the revealing of the Son of Man is concerned he is about to reveal himself in such a way where the agnostic tendency of this culture is grabbed and the heart of God is passionately revealed from the young of the older rich and the poor the the handmaidens and the servants in American culture this is why we need the prophetic anointing right now I'm going to introduce to you right now men and women of God that I've had the privilege of laying hands to and introducing them and to authoritative and government to a prophetic ministry these are sons and daughters of this movement that are submitted and that hear the word of the Lord well it is very important that every local church in America have relationship with prophets of God not just one but multiple that understand the importance of the counsel of the Lord the wisdom of God back in vacillate and deliberate and that can discuss the plans the purpose is the agenda the attitudes the move of God as it pertains to the local church but also the nation the city the culture and these are men and women of God we have about 20 or more of them because of one of the dominant anointings on this house is the prophetic anointing and so we have very many seers in Watchmen and what they do is a police and they patrol the lanes of the Spirit they surveillance the lanes of the Spirit to see what saith the Spirit of God in this hour and we have prophet Arian Johnson a powerful man of God we have Prophet Marcus Allen one of the first prophets that was birthed from my lord we have prophetess mu County was a powerful warrior and a seer one who predicts very mightily in the kingdom of God accurately we our prophet Darius Brown a Levitical prophet a holy prophet of God who harrell's the ancient sayings of the Lord all of these men and women of God hear the Lord very accurately and they handle every day the Oracles of God and it need not be said that this is an evangelistic movement alone it need not be said that what's gone on in the Earth only merits masks and food it needs to be said that the word of the Lord is what men contend for when it comes to the future and we have prophets of God that have been hearing from God that want to just release to you what the road to revival is and what the road to revive will looks like okay well apostle you just said a whole lot but one of the things I want you to expound on because this series is called the road to revival and to the average believer when we think about revival we think about evangelism to go out and get and we think about pastors to Shepherd how does the Prophet how does the prophetic voice how is that thread woven on this road to revival so it is our ancient biblical heritage that in any emergency when the Lord wants to express himself that his ministry of choice is the Prophet but in the road to revival the parable and the allegory that's been coming to me scripturally is the situation where jesus walks in and people think that this is an evangelistic jesus a pastor oh Jesus but he walks into a situation where there was a young girl who is seemingly dead the family is around her and they're weeping and they're willing and he kicks them out in quarantine and then he says words Talitha koum me which means servant awake daughter awake that is the prophetic parable that we're in right now I don't think that was Jesus the shepherd or Jesus the teacher Jesus the shepherd would have consoled the family Jesus the teacher would have explained to the family that what was going on but what happened was I think Jesus the Prophet the same one that showed up to the woman at the well move this girl into a moment of isolation to wake her up to cause a life to reenter her the only thing you said to the people that were around her was she's not been but she's asleep and what we're dealing with in the road to revival is the revelatory confrontation of a bride that because of routine has been sleeping and I think that prophecy whether we realize it or not Talitha koum a is a prophetic word daughter handmade in arised it is a prophecy and what we saw in the Bible was that the the young girl the the vibrant girl woke up because she responded as it were to the word of the Lord and the voice of the Lord so I think that's the peril that probably most speaks to we are you know many people would probably say that we are in a season like the woman with the issue of love but I believe this is the coming season where there is a a slumber glory that has been confronted through the emergency and there is as it were an abrasive address from the son of man sleeping I love the idea of even you talked about the woman with the issue of blood and he encountered her on his way and took the time with her but still had to fulfill that assignment of a waking this young lady and reviving her I find it also interesting that there were people in the room that had declared her dead and so are we dealing with people that are looking at the Bride of Christ and they don't see a revival they're calling her dead the the level and Jesus said this kind of goeth out only but my fasting and prayer and people say that in general sense is but there was a direct statement about the power of doubt and disbelief and Jesus confronted doubt more than anything else during his 33 years in ministry and on the earth and so right now the the level the enemy understands the power of revival so while the Lord is moving and orchestrating and arranging things the enemy is trying to arrange an awaking things in the culture and one of them is doubt though the level of doubt in cities on organizations in leaders that doubt a reasonable doubt to make sure that they don't have Jesus said when the Son of Man comes will I find faith in the earth because faith in the earth is even different from faith in the heart the faith has a responsibility a stewardship responsibility on the planet to make sure that the sons of God are moving in the wavelengths that they should and so right now doubt is at an all-time high we've not seen this level of doubt and subsequently disbelief since 9/11 so the objective is to bring down to such a peak where men do not turn to the gospel but it is the intent of God that those that turned away from the gospel because of the distraction of routine turn back to the gospel you know one of the wonderful things I love about this place being here Sunday after Sunday is seeing these prophets and yourself front doubt with the word of the Lord people come in for a lot of reasons some come in to worship God some just come in because you're curious of what they've heard about the well and what happens is the word of the Lord from the mouth of a prophet telling you about you and the god that made you will confront your doubts now I know you all are stirred absolutely I think the majority even of the people the prophets up here their testimony is they came to the whale because they were linked about the power of the prophetic word many of the critical positions on our team glory were linked by the power prophecy it was the power of prophecy that linked and drew in the heart to a place of submission out of doubt or indifference I can't begin to imagine there was a Sunday that I asked people randomly how many of you received a personal prophetic word from myself or another prophet and that's why you're here and half the church stood up and that it does not mean that that's what this church is built upon but it is a powerful culture because what it shows is that the directness of God the intentionality of God the care the compassion of God the Bible says we have not a high priest that is not touched with the feeling of our infirmities and that is demonstrated through prophecy very powerfully because when you have a God that that exists outside of the realm of time he reigns eternally but takes the time to deal with your wound and deal with your fear and deal with your mother and deal with your pain and deal with your father and deal with your past even deal with your dreams the things that happen upon the bed what it does is it confronts the heart in a way that no other ministry form can do that's the power of the prophetic word yeah I was gonna also mention one of the key purposes for the prophetic word is reconciliation and many people even in this house were in a transitional season or they were either running so a lot of times what you will get is you would get a lot of Jonah's or people that are in transitional seasons of their life and what the prophetic word does it's like being estranged from a father it's almost as if if God is a father and and and he's always been ever-present but you've not been as present or as available to him it almost like we have to explain who God is and and and really reconcile and bring the heart back to their - of a person's original intent into their original purpose there is a design that is that it that that God has for each and every believer and our objective as prophets is to make that clear and make that present so that they're able to understand why feel like ya been anointed not just that there had also been like a lack of resource and potential for the provide resource and money and allow the body of Christ to come to a place we'll be able to sit at tables and chairs and to advance the kingdom in ways that they have not been able to do in previous seasons I think the pandemic is also what I've been saying from a leadership standpoint is there have been several crisis's that the culture that the nation has been in that's been concealed under the veneer of convenience and routine and regularity and so what this has done is made us face a pastoral crisis a missional crisis a prophetic crisis a leadership crisis even a racial and an ethnic an ethnic crisis the prophetic crisis though is this there had been spirit feel and I quote unquote moves of God that have allowed the eyes and the ears profit area now we're discussing this yesterday the prophets of God in the body of cries are not just the eyes and ears they are also the immune system of the body of Christ and so there certainly thank you Jesus there are certain viral issues that have been going on in the body of Christ I think for decades that have not been addressed because she would not allow herself to be reviewed forensically and she would not herself be reviewed from a prophetic standpoint now granted the prophetic has in America at least and also some other has gained a bad reputation because of what the Bible calls filthy lucre it is often attached to greed and charlatans but what I think is that this pandemic has shown that people even if they're reading and investigating the Bible they've not had an appetite for the voice of the Lord and so this pandemic is shown right now what we have our fundamentals we're fighting with fasting we're fighting with prayer we're fighting with devotion and if you don't have that right now the only other thing you're giving yourself over to is the other recesses of your cerebral self in your mind so the prophets of God are very key because everybody Christian Muslim atheist everybody wants to know tomorrow's answers today is how they find peace and nobody know Manto has been able to produce that upon the planet like the prophets of God is it interesting that the prophets of God he said they are the the immune system and what I would really like for you to unpack that a little bit more how does the prophetic voice in a church even in a life in a personal life how does it help you to be immune from viruses like fear and doubt and even insanity and hopelessness the stage the foundation of all prophetic ministry is the purpose of God where God has a purpose so what happens is God reveals his purpose to a prophetic ministry this this church is a seeing church there is a prophetic anointing upon the whole movement so the purpose of God is a starting point what we do is we travel backwards now and we run into the warnings the confirmations besides the direction points of what needs to happen so that a person and organization a city a nation can travel into the purpose of God it is not our job to be the devil's detectives I think that's one of the reasons why many spirit-filled circuits are suspicious of the prophetic movement is because they think that all we do is expose sin what I think that is a awful misrepresentation of what we do when we're dealing with sin as the prophets of God sin is as old as the planet so that's not a new thing when we're dealing with sin it is with the power of redemption at its core so we don't prophesy to expose people to embarrass them to make sure that they know that we see that's not the intent because whenever we're prophesying to being personal credit to ourselves we've done what Isaiah called and Jeremiah call prophesied from our hearts when prophets prophesy for personal merit they've gone into error what we do is we prophesy from the counsel the eternal wisdom of God and when we have to deal with a root issue a root cause when we have to deal with a sin issue in a sense cycle what we're trying to do is reach Redemption so that the work of grace can go alive in a heart so I think that that's what's going on in the body of Christ as the immune system we have grown accustomed to subconsciously prophesied to symptom so we prophesied two things that can be seen and felt and heard by the natural eye but prophets of God we our strength our it's not the natural eye our strength is the eye of the Spirit and the voice of the Lord in the belly so as we prophesy and we reach that woman at the well to say hey the man that you're living with is not your husband it is not with the intent to build an audience for ourselves or to be more known or to have it known that we are accurate it is what the intent to transform this woman so that she can run from this well to the city and tell people I met a man who told me listen that story is why we're called the whale because when she went to the in that example she went to the city and said I met a man that told me everything I ever did whatever he said to her was enough to surmise that these were the issues and the concerns of her life as addressed by Jesus Christ the holy prophet I love that she did she said everything I ever did and and what she did is she revealed her purpose and rebuild her land it led to revival it led to her entire city to revival now we've seen what what the prophetic anointing can do and the voice of the Lord can do for a life what can it do for a city what can it do for a nation because this is what are the whole world is going through the same thing right now how can the prophetic anointing deal with the heart of a nation not just the heart of a person I think from a from a pastoral sense and it's really important that you know we as that pastors really embrace prophets because it really gives them my I into the needs of their city because a lot of times what you will see is they can when they're only focused on just the main thing or just from a day to day Sunday thing they're gonna miss several different types of people that could carry resources that will be able to preserve the city you know and I really I really feel like even now that God has really even opening up the hearts because like dr. Matthew said there is there's been such a disrespect to the prophetic office because of how it's being use and I think right now God is bringing light to the hearts of pastors to be open because what is what it's gonna entail is the right types of people the right connections that need to be made in order for the not only just the the church to prosper but for them to prosper in the midst of the city seasons rise and fall on the back of leadership and one of my favorite lessons prophet Ayers can chime in one of my favorite lessons as a lover of the prophetic anointing a passionate lover of the prophetic anointing is the story of Samuel when he came looking for David and there's so much wisdom in that story because what it shows is even those that see can almost rely on their intuition more than the voice of the Lord he almost anointed the wrong person to be king and so when you're dealing with the prophetic as it pertains to cities there is an identification responsibility on the prophets of God for who should be in charge who should be saying what who should be doing what and the pressures to prophesy even concerning political roles and responsibilities are very vast but I think that that's one of the measures and one of the potentials of the prophetic anointing as it pertains to city cities the other thing is in the book of first Corinthians Paul says if if an unbeliever a one unlearned come in amongst you and you are all speaking with tongues they'll say you're man but if you all prophesy they fall to their faces the next verse says their heart is confronted and they confess God is among you I have believed for the last 21 years that there is not a heart on the planet that does not respond to an accurate word from the Lord a powerful word from the Lord I don't care what it's been through I don't care what has been taught to believe and/or receive when the prophetic anointing is moving in accuracy the heart is confronted in a way that's that that is powerful the Bible says that when Samuel was dealing with song when Saul walked away from Samuel God did something that we had never seen before he gave Saul a new heart so when you're dealing with the city and you're dealing with the nation the church is the heart of the nation but when you're dealing with the government you're dealing with DC you're dealing with the heart of the culture what it's being trained to believe in receive and there's no way that a heart can turn without the prophets anointing the church is the heart of the nation the church is the heart of a nation I love that prophet Darius you had something yeah I think even to what the prophets said I think another point to what the prophetic does to a city it really reveals the motive of a God and I think when when that's made aware people are able to have hope right I think we're living in a time where the nation a great deal of the nation are unconsciously dealing with grief and they are grieving right and and we know you know Hope deferred makes the heart sick right and these hearts are sick and they don't know what good is going to come out of this Ryan I think when the prophetic word comes it does just reveal the motives of the leaders and those who are around but it also says that God has a plan right and it doesn't it doesn't just convince my mind now it convinces my heart because I think that's that's a place as to even the beautiful anointing of the pastor is able to work I mean just just beautifully and just being able to convince right the heart and I think that's another point of the prophetic it's able to bypass a person's understanding perspective and it comes in it convinces the hardened okay it's funny because as believers we know what we should be believing right now but but so many of us are struggling to believe it because of what we're seeing profit area I was gonna say much of what we see and we experience from the prophetic anointed today pretty much stays in the realm of personal prophecy so it's edification exhortation and comfort and even when we teach people about the prophetic and how to prophesy one of the things that we confront all the time is God does not only talk to people right buildings chairs all of those things can receive the word of the Lord so what the prophets do and we see this time and time again throughout the Bible where the Lord would send a prophet and say this is what I want for the nation right this is what I want for a people this is my purpose this is my plan for people and he would give them instructions do this don't do this go here don't go here and if you would do this it would cause these people to actually prosper because they have followed the instructions of the Prophet and that is what we are supposed to do not just for you know our friends yes you know personal prophecy is good at people individuals need instruction from God but even as a collective group of people we need to know what is the purpose of God for why we're gathering what is the purpose of God for this organization why is it that God created this and the Lord is he's so strategic that he not only does he create our individual purposes to fit into his grand plan he does that literally with all of creation the moon the Stars the planets literally all of those things are created in such a way that they all fit into and respond to right because remember we had the Joshua right he literally talks to the Sun and tells it to stand still and it obeys now we consider that an inanimate object right it's not living breathing like we are but even in and of its it obeys and responds to the prophetic word and the purpose of this and plans of God for what he wanted to do in and for those people the voice of the Lord is the accountability of the entire universe it came from his voice it is managed by his voice and the Bible says in the book of Hebrews that by the word of the Lord the worlds were framed and so when we're dealing with planets and we're dealing with geography when we're dealing with the the functionality and the character of the planet we only have the voice of the Lord to rely on and God sounds like his word right now I think that it is a landing spot for preachers and teachers and leaders to only rely on the scriptures and while that is our fundamental eye on the preaching of the word we have to rely on the prophecy of the word and the prophesy from Scripture which Scripture which Peter says you know we have this sure word of prophecy which is given to us as a light in dark places so right now when we're dealing with chaos when we're dealing with the mists arrangement of anything happening under the Sun we have to have men and women that prophesy the word of the Lord to confront the heart and to also provoke the future to make sure that it stands and obedience the future has to obey the word of the Lord and they're men and women boys and girls everywhere that are in a strong concern and worry about what where the future is how to maintain it how to protect it but through the mouth of God's holy prophets there is a way to protect and patrol the future God intended and got a plan not just for men and women and families but for cities around the world the events that have been scheduled by hail will be averted by the mouths of God's holy prophets as it was in Isaiah's day in Ezekiel's day in Elijah's day in the day of Amos in the day of Habakkuk in the day of Malachi and the holy prophets of God those Manto's are act and reverberating even in the earth right now and as top of God's people and God's churches to rearrange them to regulate the chaos that's trying to go on in the earth I feel the faith of God even in the room in this atmosphere now and I know that those that are watching are feeling it faith to believe the prophets so that they can't prosper what do you do you know if you're if you're a part of all nations any of our campuses you are in a prophetic environment you received a word of the Lord even it might have even been concerning this year and now you're finding yourself in a pandemic you're finding yourself in quarantine how do you war with the word how do you how do you use the the prophecies that you've already received how do you unpack that and hold on for your future well the scripture says put me in remembrance of my word and I think that it's very important that we contend for the things that God has spoken over us and and spoken over our lives one things that we oftentimes don't really realize and a lot of times in prophetic houses this is a very common problem is timing we don't understand the timing of the Lord and and just because it's things did not materialize in the time that we expected it to or perhaps even the time that we we maybe maybe thought you know it's very important that we still pray and contend with the word the Lord there's a parable where where the widow was complaining and Angie and God began to the the the the King began to say give this woman what she desire unless she wearing me with her with her coming and I think that that's important for us in this hour is that we make sure that we still contend and still pray you know and if the faith is not there is very important that we go into and into it with gratitude and with worship because what that does is it censors us to a place of beginning so that we're able to put God and remember not that God is for God but it what it does is it settles us it aligns our hearts with his and our faith with his so that we're able to walk confidently with assurance knowing that he's gonna do what he said he's gonna do another I think piece to this when Timothy Paul says Timothy to war according to prophecy is know generally when we talk about the sword of the Spirit we think of the Bible as Scripture but the Bible says that the word of the Lord it's a lie and it's active and literally what prophecy is it's the Rhema word it's the word of God made alive and so we don't necessarily just have to war with well you know Hebrews 1 and 2 says this right we have an act of alive word a promise from God that we can then take and use it to fight against the forces of practice that try to bring us into doubt and unbelief and say ok well maybe God changed his mind then we we have that worker say nope devil God say he's gonna do this this and this right no devil God told me it was going to be like this I know things don't line up these don't look like what it said but because this is what God said and his word would not fail it would not return to the boy I want to stand upon this to see this thing actually come to pass I was going to say right now what I would warn people there are so many variances that are happening there are people in the last decade that went to a process of so much pain they went to a process of loss it seemed as though their life was crisis but what the Lord was doing he was allowing them to become masters in crisis and so now when there's a crisis they have actually become leaders and stewards of how to process through crisis so that kind of a person in this season everything is happening really correctly there's a form of breakthrough there's a form of blessing and then the enemy may hit them with guilt because all of a sudden then they in a season of reaping but then other people are lost so for such a person I would remind them that it's stewardship that the Lord is dealing with them stewardship of the blessing the breakthrough and the harvest that you've come to and the responsibility to be a guiding map for those who are trying to figure it out and then for those who this crisis has come as a form of paralysis where days are shut down like a form of a survival mode I'm not breathing I'm numb I don't know what's going on I can't even process the level of grief because what we are going through has never happened so the the the the direction that I would share is you have to know that you serve a God who is in your corner you have to be convinced that you have a God who has the blueprint of your life and even in Jeremiah when he told Jeremiah to go down to the potter's house he didn't tell him to go up he told him go down to the potter's house because sometimes in the going down there's a breakdown there's an evolvement of a lack of control and when he got to the potter's house Jeremiah observed that they're part of the the vessel was marred it had no shape it was broken Jeremiah could not even understand what it was going to look like but he realized that it was in the hands of the Potter it was marred but it was in the hands of the Potter and so we have to even be careful giving reactional reactionary advice in this season for things that we've never seen before and we have to be in a place of encouraging people that I don't know the answer to this we cannot be masters of a season we've never been in I don't know the answer to this I don't know how to help you in this Spain but this is what I know you're not in your own hands you're in the hands of a Potter and he going to make you again another the fear is this is the fear that the unspoken elephant in the room what is another going to look like after this crisis what is another and we have to be careful even as the prophetic people that we do not give God the diagnosis when he's not really revealed a blueprint every day we have to look at the news to find out what's going on with this crisis God is taking us back to that place of the daily surrender so I would say daily yield daily go back to remind yourself that he's more than enough anything and anyone who's telling you that God is not enough is the spirit of error and deception he is enough when he said on the cross it was finished he meant just that whatever you will need in this side of heaven the grace the strength the peace the joy you have to be willing to submit your will willingly not in the place of contention but say God I don't understand it but even in my misunderstanding I lay it down help me one of the anointing that is upon this movement is the anointing of warfare but it goes beyond the binding and the loosing it goes into the realm of self-control the discipline of the heart the mind and the emotion and the psychological self that is a form of warfare I think the misconception is warfare is only humans against the enemy but it's also self against self and one of the most powerful warfare statements in the Bible is it is written Jesus responded in the wilderness time every time an inquiry a provocation a temptation was prevented with him with that phrase it is written and these are it is written days when men and women of God are having to grab ahold of the written things both in the logos and the Rhema to come that the powers of hell and deception went so these are not days that have caught God off-guard but if we have no foundation we're reacting as if because it shocks us that it shocked him but will you understand the concept of divine sovereignty we can come about combat the powers of hell whether it is written I am so thankful for each of you I think you've really solidified you've anchored me you've anchored a lot of our viewers to be aware of the word of the Lord and the power of the word of the Lord to combat doubt and then even to understand that what God put in place is still standing in place because his word is still standing in place we're getting ready to declare some things
Channel: All Nations Chicago
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Length: 43min 56sec (2636 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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