Book Launch (No Not My Son) and Premier of Dr.Tade Talks Show

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[Music] go raka [Music] do [Music] go [Music] um [Music] um [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] good afternoon ladies and gentlemen it is such a beautiful day to be here to celebrate because you're here and you're alive and because we are people of faith meaning we are christ followers would you please shout a loud hallelujah to the king of glory the one that set forth this day and made it happen and preserved our health to be here today come on somebody i would think you would celebrate him a little bit more abby is the puff puff is it the puffball yeah yeah yeah regardless of the puff puff and the small chops and all of that please celebrate jesus the one that made today possible you are welcome and thank you to all of you that have been waiting online and you're watching us please can we all together welcome our online guest today you're watching from wherever you're watching from whatever country or continent you are welcome to the book launch of no not my son and the premier of dr teddy talks as we celebrate dr teddy i carry this afternoon a round of applause for our god a round of applause for dr today's god now a round of applause for all the people that have stood behind beside in front of her with her go ahead without this energy that i brought you will not clap don't get tired keep clapping all the people that have celebrated her and that have supported her now can we please do a a standing ovation and welcome no not my son dr taddy's baby and celebrate dr teddy in the house go ahead and just rise to your feet and give glory to god father you are worthy you are worthy because of you you are we give you glory because of who you are we give you praise because of who you are we will lift our and sing [Music] lord we worship you because of who you are lord we worship you because of who you are as we remain standing i invite pastor ty of ajavi to lead us in an opening prayer tonight hallelujah amen lord we thank you lord we worship you lord we give you all of the praise lord we give you all of the adoration father lord we exalt you father lord our being here today is not of ourselves but because of you lord god almighty there is nothing we can do outside of you so lord god almighty want to call me today into your hands i want to thank you for your very very special daughter i want to thank you for the courage and the boldness that you have given to her to be able to write this book father lord we exalt your holy name father we know the community from which we come from that so many things are shrouded in in fear in secrecy but lord we thank you because we know that even as tadia stood up to tell her story today that that story will transform multitude of lives in the mighty name of jesus because we know that when light is shown onto different things that is when healing comes so father we stand today and we say father even as people read this book let's healing come let understanding come father let's even you know as you just led your people they stood by the rivers they stood by the red sea and lord you opened up the way lord god almighty even for those that have felt like they are entrapped that they don't know where to turn to for advice that they don't know where to turn to to be able to move forward further open up the right seats for them in jesus name let this book indeed go forward and be a central thing that people can refer to and say wow i read this i got better understanding i got solution father let there be the testimony regarding this book in the mighty name of jesus father we thank you for your daughter every wisdom that you have given unto her for these talks we tell the jehovah lord god almighty we pray that as he speaks as she cancels it will not be for herself but will be from the knowledge that the holy spirit has deposited in the inside of her father every wisdom that she needs o lord father release unto her father let today be incredibly successful thank you lord for everyone that you have brought for one reason or the other we know that nobody is here by accident we know that they have come because you have proposed for them to be here father lord god almighty just let your will be done father let everything be done in such a way that i will be able to return all of the glory to you thank you awesome god we declare the occasion of today open in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit that they have your way in jesus name amen thank you thank you so much thank you pastor tayo thank you very much for leading us in that wonderful opening you're welcome here uh my name is ola me champion and it's a privilege to be able to stand here to navigate this successful already successful book launch and uh dr teddy talks uh with with you um tonight i mean this afternoon is not yet night we're going to have a lot of fun and i want you to help us and encourage us in the fun because this is something that you know has been in the thought process in the cooking room for a long time and now it's alive and so it is worthy to be celebrated i'm going to be asking a lot of things of you today the first thing we're going to all do we're all going to do everything together by the way and i brought only a few spoken english words so when the english words run out i'll be needing a translator but i have a good capacity today so i'm going to try to speak as much english so that everyone online can join us now do you have a smartphone if you have a phone i want to see it thank you so much please very good very good now do you belong to any team here in jesus house chicago you do all right i want to beg you who does not belong to any team in this church that we're standing in all right do you have the link the youtube link to dr teddy talks all right i want you to send it to at least five people i'm gonna wait uh dj if you like you can give us music if you don't like we will wait for you five people must receive that link tell them we are live and we want you to join us and it doesn't matter if they tell you we already received it from the group say that's okay i just wanted to make sure you were here because when we do something like this we're not doing it just for ourselves we want the world to see it i'm waiting i'm gonna wait i'm gonna wait this is a baby that has been birthed the only thing is that you know in the community that i come from we name babies about 15 names this baby that i hold in my hand only has one name no not my son and uh and the prem the the talk show is just dr teddy talks but we are birthing this baby together today so at least five people copy the link and just send it out tell them we are live so please join us now you are also on that link the youtube channel on the lower right of the video screen you are watching it says subscribe it's written in red so please just hit the red subscribe button right now so that we can make sure that everyone can get a chance to see what we're doing today all right i'm gonna move on while you're doing that but please don't stop doing it i'm gonna i'm gonna walk by a little bit later on to so you can show me i'm the class monitors as you can see so you can show me who you sent it to i want to say welcome to everyone that is here friends family uh everyone that is joining us live i want to make sure that we are central here with the with a live somebody was going to prompt me on that thank you so much all our online guests we're glad that you're here you also have the same assignment very good thank you so much sam you also have the same assignment online please share that link to at least five people say we're live kindly join us all right this is a book launch of no not my son i have my copy i read it i read it in about two hours i think i couldn't stop because it was so i am a person that enjoys uh things that bring light and joy to people's pain you know anything that will lead us to the healing anything that will lead us to the path the vulnerability so this has been a thorough blessing for me and it will be a thorough blessing for you too we're also premiering today uh dr teddy talks it is a talk show it's gonna be about mental wellness lifestyle and it's also gonna talk about well-being just total well-being and we're going to have fun on that talk show too we're gonna be having so much fun so this is what we're doing today we are glad that you came everybody that is here and everybody that is online you're very important to us and this day will not be complete without you being here so without further ado i am going to go ahead and i want to tell you a little bit about our author is it okay to tell you a little bit about her clap for her first [Applause] you know a lot of us don't read books not to talk of write book i'm one of those people that my books that i listen to now they sort of have to be audio unless it has something to do with work then i'm forced to read it it has to be audio i carry it so it takes so much the concept at all is suppressed by so many what if this doesn't happen what if i can't what if that person says no so the fact that this happened dr tardy we celebrate you we thank you for persevering we thank you for your willingness to be open to celebrate our community to celebrate what you have acquired in the place of your pain and to share it with the world a lot of strong people exist not many would do what you have done today so thank you so much all right we're gonna celebrate her let me tell you a little bit about her dr teddy akira is the director of mental health and business operations at raphael medical clinic she provides support to patients dealing with a variety of behavioral disorders dr tade is also the clinical director at therapeutic solutions located in leckie lagos a center that provides online therapy and psychological testing to clients of all age groups she is the founder of braintech international resource center a non-for-profit organization that provides screening consultations and support for families of individuals with autism and other disabilities an arm of that organization is the michael's army that meets once a month to pray for children and individuals with autism and other disabilities and they also pray for their families she is the author can i say that one more time i'm gonna pause i'm gonna pause she is the author can you say that you see that i'm using english don't say the hotter she is the author can you just call her other doctor teddy akira oh come on it's music to my ears she is the author of the book no not my son an african mother's journey through life with autism she is the host i say it in english she is the host so now we're going to say author host dr teddy akiri at once author host dr teddy akiri we celebrate you she is the host of dr teddy talks on youtube a talk show that discusses mental health issues well-being and lifestyle topics she currently serves as a minister and the coordinator for the women of faith ministry in jesus house chicago she is married to her sweetheart sweerat she is married to her sweetheart dr ayo adey akeri and they are blessed with three adult sons deiji inca and quito you can connect with dr taddy on facebook instagram and twitter and you can just join her on dr teddy talks she's also on youtube where we're streaming from today don't forget to hit the subscribe button like i said i will come and check i will not be speaking english when i come and check i'll be speaking this language for more information please visit her website and my therapy hyphen would you please rise with me as we hear from arthur host dr teddy akeri go ahead and celebrate her [Applause] oh my goodness praise the lord please let's be seated i am so humbled like just just beautiful faces i'm seeing and i just want to say thank you to everyone everyone that is here today and the people that are online are very special to me i'm sure you guys know i have a connection with every single person every one of you knows my story we've been through those journeys together we've prayed together we've cried together you know just so much that we have done together and i just want to appreciate everybody again welcome for coming thank you so much for coming rather um a little nervous i was telling dr yemi the other day i said i feel so exposed and but you know what it is what it is you know um and we just thank god that we have a story to tell it's because you're alive that people can't even talk about you right praise the lord um so this journey began 20 something years ago yunkai is 23 now and uh i i just you know it's it's been a journey i really don't even want to go into it but i have uh i wrote a poem for everyone yeah we said write a write up write something that kind of epitomizes you know your journey so i just wanted to share this with everyone um so it says on my way from oduimila does that sound familiar that's my uncle on my way from odomila i stopped by orita maribadon and married a prince i so joined in ikoyi passed by apapa to badagri and then the big bird came and carried me to god's own country there i was united or reunited with my ibadan prince and i bought him three crown princes one day as i walked along the lakeshore with my prince and crown princes one little prince tripped and fell i rushed to help him up and noticed he had a limp it's just a limp i thought it surely can be fixed the doctor said nothing can be done just take him home he will have that limb for the rest of his life no i said no not my son you get it i rushed out carrying my prince running against time looking for who could help fix that limp i found no one tired and wary i went home and there i noticed a bird with a broken wing at my doorstep it was stranded on the porch it could hardly move it had fallen out of the sky because its wings were broken i picked it up i took it inside my home i nursed it i fed it i tried to teach it to fly it could barely chirp they told me to leave that bird alone don't waste time on it it will never fly it will never sing just let it be i was determined i refused to give up on that bird just like many people i wear many hats but my most important roles are child of god mother i put my life into this one bird and almost forgot about the other birds one day i came home and that little bird waiting on the porch it sung a short song and it flew a short distance to greet me my little bird had grown into a big bird he had learned slowly to sing beautiful songs and fly even if it's just short distances one day i know it will fly it was so high in the sky and one day take over the world thank you [Applause] so that's my story my journey i think um for those of you who are i did english literature for my first so [Laughter] so just i hope you all got it if you didn't get you can see me after that can translate or kind of you know explain it to you but you know so because of this journey i i um it became a passion you know my life story my life's passion and we started uh a foundation called um short is burke braintech international resource center was born out of this pain out of this passion and what does braintech what what do we do what does it stand for it's just you know an organization that supports parents of children with special needs you know and it's not just autism but autism is of course my passion and that's where it started so we do have an arm of that brain tech called the michael's army we pray once a month um thursdays every once a month and we just raise up these children raise our people that have special needs we pray together also we do psychological assessments because what i realized and if you read the book it says more about it was that just going back to the diaspora going back to the motherland there weren't a lot of services there weren't a lot of services for you know children like mine and i just blessed the lord that he was born here in the u.s if he was not i see what happens to children that were born in nigeria no services no school some are at home doing nothing there's a lot of children that are abandoned a lot of children that are eliminated sent to the villages locked in cages you know but thank god you know even the african continent is coming up the the big there's through books like this through us who are in the desperate talking people are beginning to realize that these children do matter these children have destinies and they can become something we do not want to throw them away so the book that i started writing when he was was probably just about five years old or when i started writing the book i did we decided to you know donate part of the proceeds um to braintech to help families that cannot afford psychological assessments so we you know consult with parents consult with the schools help them to set up programs of how you know to have an iep an individual educational program for that particular child how do you teach this one child because every child is different every child with a disability is different and they all learn differently so that that's um what braintech is about just having said that i just want to say thank you again to everyone for coming i appreciate you all um dr amy i hope i did justice today did i forget something thank you again enjoy and have fun [Applause] she did please clap for her can you write a book anybody else is not happy you will write a book before we leave this place today [Laughter] thank you so much you did more than justice and you are going to continue to change the world with this and with the talk show and lives will be touched and it will all point back to god's glory because that's what this story pointed me back to as i read the book and as we unfold later on tonight you'll get the best part of a story we do not forget that you're online and you're watching us and you are so supportive that we can feel the warmth in the room can you please celebrate the people who are joining us online thank you so much now if you came since i harassed people to join the link on the youtube on your smartphone it's good that you're here but i want you to join the link because we actually want the viewership to be very high today because those kind of things matter now and to today you're going to go into the world of algorithm and all types of things on social media good luck to you [Laughter] so please make sure that you are on the link as much as possible have your phone and low so that they know that there's a lot of people watching this this is also how we spread this to the world when you hit that link please subscribe hit the red button and subscribe i'm coming to check later all right we're going to stop now and just look at the works of the hands of our father we're just going to focus stop and see as i invite dr akiri and inca akira for a special presentation [Applause] hi everyone good afternoon this is ianka hi inca i'm here hi everyone hi very good i'm overwhelmed uh today and i say thank you all for coming you know this morning during worship in in the sanctuary i remembered something and i know that god brought it to memory because you and there's so many people watching the channel need to hear this testimony so about 20 years ago we go to jesus house this sanctuary this building and we still had pills and we're doing worship at that time inca was about two to three in fact we met one of his old uncles and he said wait ah where's that your troubled some song and that was singer because when nika hears his sound he runs and i don't care how fast the usher is you can't catch him when he goes from the front from the back of the church to the front not only does he do that he put his hands in his ears and he screams and that morning as we were worshiping inca came into the sanctuary and i was like oh no don't don't you shouldn't come so i i don't want to be embarrassed and and god said be embarrassed because even though he made that noise you will see my glory and from that day onwards i had more confidence in dealing with it because a few weeks before we had seen a therapist who had told us that inca would not even be toilet trained and there are so many things i also i mean this morning was just flushed with memories memories of one day around the house you know um teddy was just so upset i just like you are even six years older you cannot say a word you know but today in canada or should i say inca is going to show you the goodness of god amen he's going to play with an orchestra this is something they picked up on his own after i you know started like training going to school or um it was probably about seven eight years old and uh we went to music and he said picked up the trombone and today let's play inca today he's going to play with a um with an orchestra and then he would do it solo after so it will play the american patrol it's a popular song the american patrol so let's go um [Music] so [Music] wow my oh [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] huh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] um oh [Music] [Applause] and now [Music] and now a special solo for pasta and my uncle abby [Applause] okay [Music] um [Applause] okay so thank you [Applause] thank you celebrate god celebrate god [Applause] inca that was amazing that was awesome in the lingo of today that was lit that was fire awesome celebrate inca please thank you so much for being here and thank you so much for the warm reception that you have given this author and inca and the family would you please help me and welcome the person that's sitting next to you i know you guys have been sitting together for a while but i want each person personally welcome to this occasion today you are a vip you are a special guest you are appreciated you are acknowledged without you we would not be complete here today and i want to thank you so much on behalf of the aquarius for being here to celebrate with us and online go ahead and let the chats light up and welcome everybody go ahead just type in the chat welcome everybody this is a personal welcome on behalf of dr teddy to you go ahead and write in the chat i would like to acknowledge the presence of pastors bio and me at dewalt please give him a round of applause i'd like to acknowledge pastors aki and for me benro please clap for the lord thank you so much for being here pastor stockwey and you're welcome thank you so much for being here i like to recognize the person that i wish my english resembled has but it is not there yet attorney do it go me in the house please celebrate her doctor onyouchi and mrs bibi libichi uh here you are very very welcome she is the host of prayer talk welcome and you will hear from her shortly dr lakon and mrs kemi showa you are very welcome thank you so much and dr segu and mrs bussa de aquata you are welcome everyone watching online you are welcome hola yemi you are welcome welcome yourself i am welcome amen shake my hand okay thank you so much nobody welcomed me you guys i said go around and welcome somebody nobody welcomed me wow what that's how you guys are hello thank you so much i would like to invite uh for a book review now mrs bibi libichi would you please celebrate her go ahead she is the host of prayer talk she is beautiful if your dress would be my size i would take your outfit but i would i would need two of those i think you're welcome wow thank you so much for that warm welcome i am like really hat's off to this young man here i couldn't put the book down that's how great it is so i hope but before you leave today and with what i have reviewed about the book it will excite you not only what you've visioned and seen him done that you will go home with a copy and even extra copy for your friends okay so here we are a book review for no not my son a comforting easy read detailing the light the fight excuse me the fight strong determinations that wins amidst fear shame the ridiculous and the loneliness given growth great and greater dependency and trust on god of a resilient african mother at the onset her son was diagnosed with autism her already unfamiliar new world in the world of the western culture was now casted further down into an unknown abyss called autism moving from the doubt and denial to grief and acceptance of this new dawned unsettling diagnosis unsettling reality she went on after the diagnosis with a black woman's vengeance and stride walking stride seeing to it that her own son speaks more than his own two favorite words hallelujah and glory definitely a must read indeed this book at her own expedition that she takes leads her to a research amounts of research studies pardon me for my back and forth with this because it's not going as i wanted but it led her to a lot of researches studies discoveries of various types of available therapies diet and nutritional needs and resources available free public school and costly private institutions and as well as often times these institutions were present with bureaucracies and prejudices that can literally make a parent surrender notwithstanding however she learning from about ah goodness it's not good to depend on okay notwithstanding learning about and attending in the parent training programs and focus groups that she has learned about she gathered her strength and survive through the series of rejections from schools and the specialists who only advice was for her to give up but she never even pay attention to that because with her experiences that she have engulfed in all her researches and gained she not only not give up on her child and her dream and quest and goal that she has for him to speak full fledged full sentences which you both everyone have tested seen him testify here unbeknown to her she continued her quest and moved on much needed relief that she found and guidance in the parenting focus group that she belonged to these gave her quick stamina to continue her endeavor unbeknown god has staged the experiences for her to not only learn the importance of really being there for her child being a very good spokesperson for him but sticking like a stamp till she gets where she gold her son for and as well providing all the parents and other youngsters equally experiencing the same special needs the opportunity for her to be there to support them a support which she never got but serving as a sort of landing so they can equally have they do not have to struggle getting through the same maze in finding autism this book is really strong i didn't leave it i didn't even put it down from the minute i started i kid you not and then i went back certain different chapters but what i've learned about this strong lady to say that she's resilient strong black woman is literal words to say because i missed all that she was going her personal experiences and to then add this to it i don't know how she's making it i can only say that when i grow up i want to be like her strong lady a true black woman please give her a round of applause [Applause] thank you so much mrs bb libichi please celebrate her one more time so the moment we have been waiting for in my language it's called ikumo jadi that means what's that is that a baby christening or the courage of child outside indirect translation we are about to christen and send this on the winds of the father to every nation of the earth it is time for the book launch and to do that today please invite with me up here attorney doing gomi go ahead and celebrate her celebrate her fasting your seatbelt for the english she overrates me she does but once again i want to welcome everyone here and thank you we're all here to support this strong woman of god and before i start i'm gonna ask god to move me out of the way and let him step in the sovereign lord has given me a well-instructed tongue to know the word that sustains the weary he weakens me morning by morning and weakens my ear to listen like one being instructed no not my son those were my words almost 40 years ago i stand before you not because i have any qualification other than the fact that i know exactly how it feels my second son ayodeji he'll be 40 in two months when he was born the incidence of autism was one in a hundred and fifty thousand that was in 1981. today the incidence of autism is one in 40. just think about it now you ask yourself is that a difference in occurrence or is that a difference in awareness is it a difference in realization or it just happens more often it was a long lonely road and when i read this book it brought back memories unfortunately autism does not have a care heck nobody that knows what causes it so how can you care what you don't know the cause of it is so you learn to walk the road and take each day one day at a time [Applause] who is like my baby sister and she told me what she was going through it was like welcome to my world when i read the book it was deja vu and with all apologies and due respect to the doctors in the house i'm talking about the medical doctors with due respect to dr ayurkiri my husband is a medical doctor and to all other medical doctors on the house dr yemi champion doctor archibald and the others that i do not know you know that medicine is not an absolute science and one of my pet peeves is when a doctor says no you can't when i read today's chapter about what the doctor told her about inca it took me to university of chicago with a doctor whose name i dare to call because i call his name every day his name was bennett 4. he told my husband and i that my son would never make it through high school he would never drive and the best we could do is put him in an institution and then you saw you encountered the trouble and then you saw the light on yinca's face [Applause] and you know medicine is not an absolute science because there is god the great physician [Applause] the doctors walk within the limits and the the limits of the knowledge of the science that god has allowed them to know and then he shows you who is god who is the doctor so let's give it up for inca one more time and we are the privileged ones we live in the united states of america where there are resources the fact that those resources are there is not does not mean that they're at your disposal look at the sacrifices that the akira's made to get their son to where he is today we stayed in the south suburbs of chicago simply because the educational facilities in the south suburbs in district 159 227 were better than what i could get in the state of indiana so i've commuted for to indiana for almost 40 years but you do what you must for your child and that is the story of sadia kerry a woman of courage strength resilience and above all faith it takes strong faith to work the journey after you get that diagnosis of your child has autism i remember crying the tears of why me i remember asking god what did i do wrong and one day just like ayo said you know the embarrassment when you're afraid to go out because your child would act up you are afraid to be in social spaces because you are afraid because your child might embarrass you they call it echolalia they call it flapping but they are extra sensitive to sound they hear what you and i don't hear and they respond in the only way they know how to and then one day just like the holy spirit said to you io the holy spirit said to me you didn't make him i make him i made him just the way i wanted the clay does not get to tell the porter why did you make me like that so i stopped being embarrassed and if anybody asked me why is he acting like that i say hey you might want to talk to god about that ask him i didn't make him i just carried him and it's not your fault god does as he wills habiozi and he never gives you more than you can handle that's the story of no not my son you deal with bewilderment you deal with confusion and then you ask what do i do next because there is no chatted territory it's you you're chatting your way as you go along and then you have to fight and because we are who we are we are africans in a in a strange land we have an accent and then you have to fight because they put all kinds of labels on those children uneducably mentally untrainable uncontrollable and god laughs because you see there are none of those things they are just different and autism does not mean you are it just means you're different and they are not stupid teddy wrote in the book that you encountered her that there are different ways to communicate see i remember when people ask me how do i know there is a god i point to my son and is that his evidence that that that there is a god because he uses the wisdom of this world to confound the wise he'll show you ways to approach and solve problems in ways that you never thought of and you thought spoken word verbal enunciation was the only way to communicate but god has gifted them with different talents of which we know not and he continues to reveal himself on a daily basis through the lives of these children and the bottom line is this yes we live in a world where oral communication is key we live in a world where you academic qualifications has its place you live in a world where people judge you by how you act but in the final analysis god's not going to ask you how many degrees you got god's not going to ask yanka or my deji how many degrees they got god's just going to ask what did you do with the talent i gave you and inca is using his talents to glorify god so this is a question of perspective we are here and i'm grateful that you are all here and i'm grateful that somebody had the courage and the tenacity and the dedication to put something down in a book to chat the way for other mothers who are similarly afflicted because there are so many of us who are walking under the radar just trying to make it one day at a time now let's talk about our people she talked about the privilege of being in the united states of america on my travels back to nigeria i've encountered families who did not know what autism is they don't even know that there's this thing called a spectrum disease and for that matter there are not too many people here who know unless you've been affected but with the incidence of the high incidence and frequency of occurrence of autism spectrum disease there's hardly any family member that doesn't know somebody a niece a friend's child or somebody who has that spectrum disease it could be equilibria it could be flapping the involuntary body movements there are so many people who have been mislabeled or misdiagnosed and that is in the united states of america now let's think about nigeria where medical access to medical treatment to medical assessment to evaluation and all kinds of things that we enjoy here are non-existent so that brings me to braintech international resource center how many in this room have this book oh boy we're gonna fix that today the biggest issue with autism is awareness the biggest problem or the biggest step towards finding some kind of resolution maybe not in my lifetime maybe not in our lifetimes but is finding some kind of resolution to help cope with this problem or whatever you want to call it we want to normalize and make them not feel like outcasts and that's where i'm going with our people in nigeria they're not diagnostic tools there are no educational uh resources and the human resources as past or maybe non-existent except for the doctor that you referenced in the book and you teddy and one other person i don't know of any special ed teacher or resource person in nigeria so i'm soliciting the help of all of you here i'm soliciting the help of everybody who who is under the sound of my voice in virtual space let's help let's get together to create a movement to create awareness for our people so that one we can dis stigmatize autism and the spectrum disease and so we can help to foster an environment where they can get help i serve as a public defender in the state of indiana and i'm an advocate for people with mental health problems i've seen a whole gamut the whole spectrum i've seen people with phds i've seen people with law degrees i've seen people with advanced degrees who come through the court system for commitment and every time i see one of them i say there go my son there go i but for the grace of god mental illness is not a respecter of degrees it's not a respectable social status it's not a respecter of anybody and if not taught early if not addressed at an early stage problems such as autism could degenerate into full-blown schizoaffective disorders so we need help to create awareness we need help to let people know that that little boy that seemed to be so insular in his activities that little boy that repeats every word you say that little boy that was slow to speak that little boy that just seemed so restless and troublesome for the court it's just different and he needs help so for those of us who are parents or grandparents or uncles or this is we have a lot of work to do and we say it takes a village so this village right here is going to help somehow so i'm going to pick on every single person present in this room because we are going to help break tech international resource center to get started so that they can create awareness so they can create opportunities for diagnosis so they can steer a pathway for people who otherwise have no clue what they're dealing with on how to get help so i'll pick on members of my own family first pastor maya how are you i said i will pick up my own family members first so i'm expecting that everyone here will leave this place with a copy of this book you can give it as a resource to somebody but even if you don't read the book we you pretty much get the gist of the content of this book so pastor pyle i'm going to ask you to get up and come help me out here i'm picking on you you're my family member and bashareno whatever however that goes so i'm going to jaropalu for this afternoon you've i mean you you are you've write this book up right okay he has his copy so help me who are we going to pick on that's going to start making a donut we're going to start with the donation [Music] we're going to have people make donations or make pledges to braintech international resource center so pastor help me out here shall we start with you yes okay so pastor just make a pledge it does you don't have to tell me the amount thank you is somebody taking down notes pastor bayer and pastor yemiya aj wale they will support braintech now i'm going to call on the next family member bye stocking barrel how are you doing do i know you so pastor mrs ackerman yes you will support somebody take note they will take notes they will support now who are my other family members here i don't see anybody ah pastor turpa do i see you ah there you are faster happy and faster rally ahead please help me stand up you will support braintech thank you somebody taking notes they made pledges okay now to other family members who else can i pick on so i just go table by table we don't ah already i see you are stand up so how uh teddy please help me out how do they get the funds to you oh there you go that's easy thank god for technology good afternoon honey ah so you support thank you please put her name down thank you thank you so much now my other family members that i don't see you please raise your hands otherwise i'll come to you will somebody please raise your hand oh thank you sir what's your name sir past um evangelist at abco jury god bless you sir uh oh okay all right yes sir ah god bless you sir i knew you could do it evangelist you know sir okay no no no i use titles i'll use titles they support we do zell thank you sir your name sir oh it's so nice to meet you please they support uh you look like somebody who will do this what's your name sir i'm sorry jimmy miller jimmy miller ah hey by me they support yes sir did you get that thank you sir i might as well get everybody on this table before i get to you sir did i miss you i'm fully vaccinated and i got my booster shot so i'm good full name sir is that the first name or the last name oh yeah uh talia thank you sir ah mr joseph there you are it's so nice to see you you we're in this struggle together i i know you from before before okay sir hey everybody mr johnson i don't even have to ask you i got you oh i got you okay sir joey and charlotte thank you sir uh yes ma'am what's your name sumilao moby your name is my name too hey driver because today you are not paying attention oh thank you oh thank you thank you thank you are you together sir oh well then i get to hit on you sir uh please what's your name sir emmanuel and camilla for they support we thank you we are doing this for the benefit of our people in nigeria they need help desperately thank you so much thank you so much um oh i'm sorry boy you are my family it's the master didn't let me see you thank you sir i see you what's your name sir they support thank you so much god bless you george what's your last name sir we got them thank you oh don't worry honey nobody is getting away free here nobody oh pastor pastor misses i regret you where's someone ahead this is faster and misses about my current power oh hey it's good to see you these are my people from indiana i see you like i said i'm fully vaccinated and i got my booster shot too so dr aquata yeah please get up let me recognize my people from indiana uh [Applause] oh there you go thank you oh and you are my newly acquired family oh it goes without saying my chief launcher and the chief reviewer they support you are together abby god will not separate you they support okay my dear sister they have your name let me acknowledge you now what's your name lara lara and peter isabel hey sophie a zombie don't worry god knows your name so uh thank you al may i thank you ma'am what's your name one day about wait a minute do we have a way of contacting all these people who are supporting okay thank you i'm just making sure ma'am i'm sorry good afternoon you do it's so nice to meet you in person i pray with so many people on mic with michael's army and i don't know most of them it's nice to meet you you have some people online uh okay see i have to confess technology is not my thing but you got it you are showing the names are you displaying the names of those who are supporting okay thank you desire information let me read that oh don't come i will touch you don't worry nobody is getting away here the paper ah they are touching it i'm sorry okay the the zell the zell information is study aka okay uh somebody just gave me a very good suggestion how about we just pass the paper around so people can just put their names down you got it or carry a car yeah oh wait wait let me not pass by some people who want to oh no no no no no no no no no it from me oh but i'll get to you let me finish with this table oh this is my orga at the top it's so nice to meet you sir what's your name tony and bucky ike their support thank you so much and you margaret uh your last name my great takiyami are you together forgive me this thing called old age is a bad thing so you got them how can they support from nigeria you see that's the beauty of technology you can support from nigeria with this email oh wait a minute it does not work in nigeria teddy do you you shot you sent the information on the chart oh okay see my turkey people took care of business okay so let's go over here my oh god the top remember i said i'm fully vaccinated with booster shot so you're safe from me what's your name sir thank you good afternoon ma'am yes i know you but she's support [Laughter] don't worry i'm almost done thank you ma'am thank you yes ma'am don't worry god will bless you he will bless your intent so do i have any volunteers on this table the jail of us please they support oh shish she's fully tracked she supports victoria family mrs victoria familola please put the name down matthew thank you matthias dada did you get them okay lick on chemistry buddy can we show my day they support are they are you together man oh you're a visitor i hate on visitors too oh you she got the book thank you so much thank you so much i i cannot thank you all enough for your overwhelming support uh it's it's so nice when we all come together and you know of course i support it's a journey it's a long difficult journey and as a mother of a child with special needs it's a daily journey but let me give you some sounds of hope so you can pass this along to others that whom you know that you might come across there is always hope they told my son he would never make it past high school he did they told him he would we could only live in an institution he does not live in an institution they told him he would never drive my son drives everywhere including cross state my son travels internationally and within the continental united states there is hope i cannot over emphasize enough early intervention it's the key you got to catch it early we were in denial tidier was in denial and a whole bunch of us were in denial because autism is something that happens out there to other people no not my son no not my child but it is and god does not make mistakes he does not make mistakes his grace is always more than sufficient and when you think you're at your weeds end when you think there's nowhere else to turn he'll show up and let you know that his grace is bigger than whatever problem you're going through he is more than sufficient and for yinka and others like him there is hope and the sky yes yinca there is hope and the sky really is the limit for them thank you all for coming this afternoon thank you for your contributions and your generous giving and i'm sorry i had to hit on you all [Applause] please celebrate attorney doing that was fabulous i told you she speaks english she said 1 in 40 that was what i had i had to ask myself what did you say the incidence of artisan was 100 and it was 1 in 40. but i like people who can represent on both sides after a while again she said anything about switzerland i said come on celebrate her one more time it's not all about the english yes you know to be able to represent on every side i love and respect you thank you so much thank you so much for doing that for us now i am going to clarify uh online guests can we celebrate our online guests they are making this live fire they are commenting they are also supporting thank you so much i will clarify every information you need and then i'm going to bring up my dad to come and say a prayer and send these books forth that place when you pray not yet not yet but when you pray remember all the people who made commitment help us pray for them go ahead go ahead daddy and say a prayer praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord as indeed a privilege to be part of the story of uh inca akira and um they all this this village jesus south chicago we're all part of lincoln's story and uh we just want to thank god for uh dr tardy and doctor are you okay for being with us because initially many of us didn't know what actually was happening and but by the gods of god we grew with them with some frustrations i remember a few times i had to sit down with ty there and say just bear with us we are dealing with what we don't really know and uh and when you are dealing with what you don't know and how to solve it can be it was frustrating frustration for them and for the job because we can be having a big program when in car comes in i will just put my head in the and i will look at how you and can we do something about this but as we grew together i understand and i had to apologize that we just didn't know and um the testimony is that this encounter today by the grace of god that he plays with our band now he played with the music band [Applause] so congratulations we thank god for your boldness your courage like i don't want to go into the book what uh and your vulnerability not many people want to paint some of the things you say they have to talk to you about but that was quite good because it will help many people who are those who are being shamed by whatever uh any situation we are dealing with any member of our family it could be our husband could be a wife it could be anything it could be a sibling and i thank god for opening the door and now by that singular act i believe god will bless the publication of this book beyond your wildest imagination braintech will be a world-renowned resource center that people will be able to connect and be able to find so late consolation solution to any form of disorder with any uh not only children with anybody and uh dr akira thank you so much for bearing with us because some of the things i can't tell entirely because i know today is strong that we should fight she has to fight for that baby and i can understand i will say are your place just also the sign jesus house thank you so much for your generosity and uh and but the good thing is we are all celebrating inca's story today the glory but do what he do about the story uh but we thank god and the best is yet to come we watch him doing greater things have been great relevant and impact it will affect its generation for christ in the name of jesus and i want to just us to pray together that uh the [Music] let's thank god for the journey thus far let's thank god for the resilience of the accounts the grace of god the strength of god the ending of god the fortitude the wisdom the resources that god provided for them which they are now sharing with the world father we thank you for this family we thank you for incas testimony today and we know you as a good sin oh god lord we surely sustain it you will complete it in the mighty name of jesus that lord the best days of inca are still very much ahead of him in the name of jesus he will do great exploits for your god all the limitations man i put regard concerning him lord you have removed everything in the name of jesus father we thank you for this publication almighty god thank you for this book thank you for the knowledge thank you for the education thank you for the aid the help it will be oh god for parents around the world not only in africa but even here oh god the lord people will be able to come out of their shadow almighty god to be who you have made them to be your god and not to be ashamed of what you have blessed them with oh god in the name of jesus we pray almighty god that you breathe upon this oh god that this book will travel far and near oh god to all the four corners of this world it's not only the sales but the impact the relevance of gold the inroad we make into homes or gold where help is actually needed we are lord there have been limitations so access to ex assessment to go examination evaluation of god that this all by the goal will be a way out for them of god in the name of jesus thank you america for everyone who has plenty to support oh god lord that you provide all that we need oh god that they would do more than what they are even thinking now because of the story the testimony and when they read the book almighty god they also discovered the need for them to do more to help those who are who need the help of god and father you are the author of the helpless please help all the helpless who go all over the world people who are looking for what to want see to one source of the other law please reveal yourself to them of god help them to connect with you for with you god nothing shall be impossible thank god for mercy but lord you are beyond mercy almighty god lord we pray oh god that wherever all those children are all go we are using inca akira as a point of contact you know for such people all over the world of god even from our own from from this place almighty god to the rest of the world the lord you will intervene america and help them in the name of jesus thank you almighty god lord that this book america will be a blessing oh god in the name of jesus thank you many god that resources that bring take we need a goal to be a world-class resource center law you will supply beyond the launching logo lord they will be open to international grants will go and help will go from foundations all over the world for that we thank you lord we give you praise and lord this will not be the last doctor today we write to god the lord you will inspire again no god to come on with another bestseller almighty god in the name of jesus thank you america for all this and much more you will do for us in jesus mighty name we pray amen please celebrate my daddy he did not allow me to introduce him hasso bayo adiwali the senior pastor of jesus house chicago a father to so many of us we celebrate you thank you so much then all right now let's go over details that are important was everybody who said i will support we are live and this video is going to be available live so if we don't see any if we don't see your hand in my language they say if we don't see your hand if we don't see you we know we're going to review the video and then we'll come but i just want to share with you how we can support the book costs 15 if you're here today and you want to purchase a book and you want it to be signed by author host dr teddy akere you'll get your books signed today if you want to buy here in nigeria it is 3 000 naira and it is available on this platforms amazon and we want to implore you to please buy on amazon another thing that amazon does for us is it helps us to tell the world about the book so not only buy don't buy one copy buy one for you and buy one for somebody autism touches every life whether you have a child on the spectrum or not you have a friend you have a sister you have a brother there's somebody a parent in your child's school or your grandchildren's school who is touched by this so it touches all of us not with the same magnitude or the same gravity but it touches us so buy one and buy one for another person and bless the family and then leave a review write fantabulos if you don't speak english like attorney gome just write fantabulous everybody will say but please write about the book use keywords like helpful informative you know uh very very good excellent use things like vulnerability the world is into vulnerability now gone are the days where we hide our pain we share our pain now so that healing can happen so please use those key and buzzwords and write them so that people will know exactly where to find the book so 15 here it can be signed here and we'll let you know on her website how you can get a signed book if you're buying online also it's available on kindle all right so amazon kindle if you're buying in nigeria it is okay ada books dot com please and then you may be asking what are the ways that i can support you've read already done a very magnificent job about telling us about brain tech and we'll hear a little bit more about it support and donate to that cause the same gmail teddy akeri is the cell information and in the memo mark it to say this is support for braintech or if you want to buy the book today and you want to pay online same email for the zell teddyakeri and mark the memo for 100 books say hallelujah no i don't like you don't let those type of prophecies land you will you carry it i'm going to repeat it you say memo for 100 books that's what we're talking about all right so that's how you can you can support also uh you can subscribe to the youtube channel i'm gonna go around now and see who has subscribed or not and if you have not subscribed we will not allow you to leave this venue also if you don't have a book in your hand you will not be allowed exit from this building except you show us your zell confirmation so take a snapshot of yourself confirmation that's your exit pass from this building today all right comment when she goes on youtube and dr teddy talks he airs all the episodes go and support if you can leave a comment tell them good show today you see how she was standing here me too i'm shy but he's not a parent right very shy oh my god i can hardly talk it's hard to talk though no matter how much you talk it's hard to talk the jitters the butterflies thinking about a concept birthing it you heard her saying it's like i'm exposing myself it takes strength we respect that strength tonight please support that strength and that courage and leave comments positive comments if you have creative criticism do it positively too and say it'd be nice if you invite somebody who it would be nice if you give us money or food i'm kidding i'm kidding all right if you see her post on social media please like please share if you can share because it is how we carry our team that is how do we carry it for us we watch oprah it is her people that carried her her people will not carry doctor teddy please this is ours this is our village this is our community let us all commit to carrying it do you commit raise your right hand and say oh okay i'm kidding microphone is a very important something once you carry it people just do what you're saying [Laughter] all right so share on social media teddy at kerry do you have any questions about how to get the book online or in-house i think that's it right all right so we're about to watch something that is very very very uh warming to my heart so pleasing to my ears i am i am such a strong advocate of mental well-being the reason is because we might say if i'm not with you you can you can you can see you can see so it is such an important topic to me and uh to have someone that can address it not only from a psychological perspective but also cultural perspective i mean it just warms my heart it's different everywhere i was sharing with some people i said we never saw the people who had autism in nigeria because they never let them in the living room they always kept them behind the doors but there were so if you are ready can we please celebrate the premiere of dr teddy talks just like many people i wear many hats but my most important roles are child of god mother wife daughter sister and mentor through these roles i discovered my life's work of being an advocate for mental health join me on the new platform dr teddy talks as we destigmatize mental health in our community just like many people i wear many hats but my most important roles are child of god mother wife daughter sister and mentor through these roles i discovered my life's work of being an advocate for mental health join me on the new platform dr teddy talks as we destigmatize mental health in our community [Music] hello and welcome to the very first episode of dr teddy talks i am dr teddy and i am grateful that you're joining me today through this platform dr teddy talks my desire and goal is to have authentic conversations to educate people on mental health on issues surrounding mental health especially in the african diaspora in doing so i hope we can bring awareness to mental health and destigmatize it in an effort to truly love and support those who are dealing with the different challenges let me tell you a bit about myself and why i am focused on and have a passion for mental health many years ago my middle son who is five years old at the time was diagnosed with autism this diagnosis led me to the path that god has chosen for me which is to be a doctor of clinical psychology and an advocate for mental health through my experiences with my patients i realized that there was a need to destigmatize mental health by the grace of god my husband and i have made it a part of our life's mission to educate others about autism within our community and that community stretches from chicago to lagos nigeria in addition to our groundwork it has always been a dream and a desire of mind to create a platform such as this in order to reach the masses guys there is so much to talk about on this platform i'll be sharing my personal experiences as well as my professional experience with you there's a large community of individuals with special needs out there we will be discussing various issues concerning lifestyle topics mental well-being and how you cope when life pillows raw at you i am so glad that you tuned in to watch the show it promises to be informative educative and entertaining so i hope you become a part of our family not just by tuning in but also by sharing your thoughts with us sharing your comments and joining us to create an awareness in our community about mental health we look forward to your feedback and we want to know the topics you would like to dive into remember this is our platform and a safe place to truly pour out your hearts stay connected to us on social media at dr teddy talks on facebook twitter and instagram also subscribe to this youtube channel to watch all our future episodes i really appreciate everyone the more the reality struck me that this was a lifelong disability of lifelong disability there is no way my son will grow up not being able to communicate i could not even imagine it the panic gripped my heart my heart raced as i felt the fear grip me my chest tightened as i thought of how my son would get through life not being able to communicate how would he get through life i cried no not my son why my son and the lord replied why not your son whose son should it be who in your opinion is more deserving and he said it is not because you or your husband have sinned but that my name may be glorified just stop with that thank you so much for that heartfelt reading you can still sit down emma farrelly i mean don't rob the beautiful body on the floor for people who don't speak my language are you comfortable yes we both work here so that we no further it is so nice to be able to sit here and stand here with you today how are you feeling that's my first question surreal excited and i'm i'm just so humbled by the turnout everybody here everybody online and just the love and support thank you so much everyone for your support along yes please clap ourselves [Applause] along the journey of writing this book you must have come across some sort of obstacles um can you share a little bit about that with us this book like i said i started writing um i think hinka was five years old actually his speech therapist then after we had gone you know everywhere and um finally god brought us to um this wonderful african-american man you know who is a man who is black who has vested interest in the young black man you know after having been to so many doctors and um they told me just take him home and he you know we would just sit down and we'll just talk and he poured so much into me and um he said why don't you write a book you have so much to write about you know he said this is a you know this this is something that people in your community because i shared with him how you know in my community this was not even heard of it was a taboo you know and um then i started writing and yunkai is 23 now so you can imagine when i started and i had so many you know writer's blocks and just because of every struggle you know the disappointments the the hardships the times when i'll just be discouraged like i don't even want to write a book what am i writing what is what is i want to do i don't have time god does heal this child i don't have time for all this i don't even want to you know i don't i don't want to share with anybody i just want my own son to be okay and i just want to move on with my life you know and that was my that was my mindset for a long time and i think that's part of the reasons why the book didn't come out when it should have or well i think it came out when it should have so it did it is supposed to come out now and it is out now celebrate the book and dr teddy thank you so much for answering that um there's somebody sitting in the audience and they are thinking about birthing something it may not be a book it may not be a tv show a talk show but it is something now i know the first two answers to this question is god and the grace of god but i want to ask you what are some practical ways that you overcame or you kept pushing to birth your dream even after you encountered so many obstacles somebody out there sitting here listening online is looking for practical ways to keep going to not give up to know that the message is needed no matter how big or small i will say this first of all auntie auntie doing is mine she's my big auntie and i got to meet her through pastor bio and her brother and sister-in-law um the main rose and i remember just when i was struggling in jesus house just running around going crazy and they said you know have you met my sister um um they call her phone liar and you know like she has a son and you know what so i spoke with her one day and it was as if my whole world all of a sudden everything just made sense because there's one person out there that's going through this that has been through it that can actually guide me and she you know i would call her she would say teddy just call me anytime any little thing if i don't understand i'll call her and i think that's one of the things that kind of give me the strength because knowing that there are other people out there that are going through the same challenges there are other people out there that you can actually impact so if you have your pain and you just hide it then what does it do to other people you know there are other people that are going through the same challenge so practically what i did was reach out to people and then from what i learned from my auntie i started to mentor younger parents so when people came to me i would you know not even just coming to me i would reach out to if if we were in church and i saw a child just acting in a way and everybody was like what's wrong with that child i would go to the mother and talk to the mother and but you know there's a way you approach them you befriend them and you start asking questions some people there was resistance but for a lot of people there was relief that somebody understood so that was a practical way for me to actually um just realize that what is happening in my life is bigger than me you know and like god said is that his name may be glorified is that somebody else out there would not have to go through the pain and the suffering that i went through thank you so much you i respect you a lot and you know i tell you when we're together when we're alive when we're not alive um you wear many hats of course as so many men and women in this room as as they also do um i read through the book and there were a lot of starts and stops you i mean this takes you on it's almost like a thrill you started to work and then you realize that you couldn't really combine this with work and then you had to stop at some point and then you wanted to go to school at some point because that's what your dream is and then you have to stop that and go through this book it's a very easy read you wouldn't put it down actually there were so many starts and stops along the way were you born like this resilient i mean you know all of us want to know when you're just born resilient or has this journey shaped you into the person that you are can you share that with us that's a deep question i don't know if i was born resilient i think every nigerian child is actually resilient the way we're raised right because of the the kind of environment that we were brought up in a lot of us are very resilient so yeah i probably got that from my nigerian blood um the euroba blood you know yes i think i had some of that from you know growing up my parents and um what was the question again the question is uh has the journey shaped you into the dr teddy that we know today oh yeah definitely definitely you know um and you know just reading i talked about my life story of how i grew up with my parents and you know and a lot of like you said stats and stops there were shocks everywhere like you know when my parents got separated there was a turning point in my life and some of those things are unexpected just like when i had a child with autism totally unexpected and it totally threw me off but you know i just went through life believing that no i'm not going to accept this just like i said i tried for how many years to bring my parents back together i was determined you know but then i have this child that i believe that there's so much that he can do i just could not imagine life growing up and having to have him dependent on me and my husband so i i believe that the journey has shaped me my experience has actually shaped me in you know how i view life um how i perceive people how i respect people and just give them a break basically it has taught me you know how to and i think also that also helped me go back to school you know when i finally decided to you know i mean i went to school stopped but then i went back again um did my mba started working but then because of all the issues of therapy here um we had to be in different places i was a soccer mom i had two other sons that i had to take care of but this one i was determined that any therapy that they had anyway in the world we're going to do it the only thing i didn't do was go to pablo you know but i i was so determined that anything that is out there asked my husband we will travel to some strange places you know but we thank god but that that kind of shaped me a lot in just being determined you know moving forward and knowing that yes i have to do this for this child because at the end of the day it's going to come back to you when you have a you know 23 year old man that cannot um shave his own beard or clean himself so those are sacrifices that i had to make but that really shaped my my life today and that god has crowned with resounding success would you please celebrate god the god in her life [Applause] i want to read from the book very briefly and i want you to just talk to parents out here today whether your child is unexpected on the spectrum or not it says on page 59 for parents out there you have as much say in the education of your special child as the educators do i urge you not to be intimidated by their wealth of knowledge they're professionals but never hesitate to stop them and ask questions when you don't understand make notes at the meetings and go home and carry out your research liaise with other parents read all the literature that you can lay your hands on you know i come from a place where we just send the children to school and they bring home the report card we don't usually do much of you know going into the schools and advocating can you just very briefly just admonish parents out here that we have to be involved whether we are caring for a special needs student or not yeah so one of the things i learned on my journey was that you are the best advocate that your child is going to have whether the child has special needs or not and then as minorities um in this environment i don't want to say nobody cares about your child but it's sometimes it seems like that you it would take the grace of god for somebody to pull you aside and tell you this is what this child needs so their services are available but you know like auntie said it is avail it is available but is it available to you will it be offered to you you know there were times when he would need speech therapy how does a child that doesn't talk get speech therapy for just 30 minutes in one week how does that help that child to progress and nobody's going to tell you you know that you can actually fight for it there's something you call a due process that you can go for you can go to meetings and the parent actually has the power when you go to an iep meeting you should be sitting at the head of that table whether your child has special needs or not in any school situation do not be intimidated because one thing that happens to us as uh minorities and i'm just going to use that word minorities because it could be you could be brown black african with an accent they look down on you because they think you don't know you know so sometimes they get intimidated by educated africans especially us nigerians you know so you need to yes well to that and let them know that i know what i'm talking about and even if you don't know just go and study or read or do something and always be in their faces there um his spiritual praise used to call call me and some other women that hell no mamas like oh no you're not gonna mess with my child like that sometimes i don't even know what i'm talking about but i'll just be there saying so why does he need only 30 minutes why can't he get one hour why can't he get two hours okay what about the occupational therapy well mr kerry he doesn't need it yes he does you know i want him i want you to put it in that same because i once they write it down they have to do it and if they are not doing it you can go back into the classroom they will tell you you can't come into the classroom so there's so many things they'll tell you oh you can't do that we don't allow this yes you can go into the classroom and observe your child and see how they're treating him you can't even just pop in there they don't need to you don't need their permission to go to your child's school so when they are telling you those things you need to either call and say what are the bylaws what are the policies board of education you know you have as a parent you have a right to write a letter to the board of education and ask them questions and tell them well this is what my child should be getting so you need to know your rights i think that's another problem with us as you know minorities black people in this country people try to downplay us and say well you know if you don't know you really don't know that it's your right so it's my right there are certain tax laws that we should be getting but we don't know so we don't fight for it so the same thing with educational laws you know there are certain rights that we have as parents that our child has you know that you are entitled to so we need to dig deep into those things and try to find out thank you so much will you clap for that um i want us to be able to get out of here on time but i don't want to not ask this question and dr atony gomi also mentioned it you know you if i am the parent of a special needs child we talk about the shame that you feel because you you don't think your child is acting the way that they should be acting in social environments can you talk to parents who are feeling that and in that same token talk to parents who i know several days you get to the point where you say i just can't do this anymore can you do you have a word for them this evening i have a word it is well you know and the thing is i've been through all those emotions i've been through depression i've been through anger you know it's like what do you call um we call those five steps of grief right because it's a loss when you have a child that you think that you know will amount to something and then they're telling you all those things but what what i want to share with you today is that it's not a big deal you need to be able to step out of that shame i used to be you know just you know how we were raised as kids you have to behave well you sit down in a corner and your mom gives you an eye you better sit still this one is not even looking you in the eye he doesn't even care what's going on with you so where do you start from so it's you know how do i say don't sweat the small stuff um like we say in nigeria don't come and kill yourself because if you die life will go on that is the truth you know so it is you you just need to take things in your stride and become when you go to the grocery store people are staring oh yeah i initially i used to be intimidated but then i started staring back i would just step back i was i was at the airport we were going to nigeria together a couple of years ago and he was just acting and this woman was actually just staring at him and i was like why how do you stare at someone so much i mean he wasn't he didn't care but i was uncomfortable so as she was staring i was staring at her so i do like okay anytime okay wait let us be looking at her so you know and then when she when she realized that i was staring at her then she turned and she smiled at me i'm like did you enjoy the movie i mean it's a show okay it's it's called autism are you guys okay so sometimes you have to be bold you have to be confrontational you know because people will intimidate you they will humiliate you they will bully you if you are not strong if you don't stand up for you know for that child and even for you as a person people will bully you but you know it is what it is everybody says i'm strong maybe i think i was taught how to be strong especially when you're a mama bear and you just want to protect that cub you know i do not want anybody to mess with them thank you so much for that um one more question from me and then the audience if you have a question for you're talking to a doctor you're talking to an author you're talking to a host so there's so many things you can get from her if you want to write a book she said mother if you want to learn how to cook your love right and she's a wife if you have marital questions she's a host and she's going to be talking to us about a lot of mental health awareness issues health issues well-being and lifestyle so if you just have we'll take maybe three questions from the audience and anybody who wants to to ask her a question but before i do that you mentioned in the book it's like pages 80 and 81 the brachiation ladder that you had to use which was a game changer for inca and the aba which also has been a game changer just briefly if you want to hear the rest of it please subscribe to dr teddy talks because these are the things that you know we're going to be sharing you know things we don't have access to tell us just briefly about that and then we'll go to questions with the audience i am going to excuse myself so i'll talk about aba aba is very popular applied behavior analysis is what they call it and it's just how you basically teach a child step by step so you break down those learnings those um learning tools into into bits and pieces and with each success or progress he makes you you know you reward them and you may have to try it a hundred times and that's where that resilience comes in so you want him to ask a question like i want to eat you just you know tell him to say it i want to eat if he even says i you reward him so that he understands that you know there is benefit in communication there is benefit in me using my words and that's i'll say that just that well you can read more about aba because it's very popular now i believe the insurance companies are also reimbursing it the vacation ladder was a very interesting one that we stumbled upon this couple also had a child with autism and they actually gave us the ladder the husband came to our basement and set it up for us you know so we've had so much help and support and and love and it was it had something to do with um expanding the lungs where he would climb and do some exercises that would expand his lungs and there was also some crawling on the floor at some point to me was just ridiculous and i and i gave up on that one but one of the many crazy things that i have tried you know but i think everything like like i always tell people when you have so many plates spinning at the same time speech therapy occupational therapy aba um whatever it is you know music swimming anything and everything i know not everybody has those resources but if you can afford it and there are ways that you can also get those free in your community ah good afternoon my name is uh ottu yeah um i want to say a big thank you to dr tade for this wonderful gift she has given to us i want to ask first is it digitalized because i look around the room we are all almost grandpas and grandmas here uh for the young ones is it digitalized and if uh if it is not how are you planning to because definitely the people that will really need it are not necessarily because i don't think most of us are having kids now is the younger ones that are going to have kids that will need to read this and get aware you know so that they'll be prepared the second thing i wanted to say is that do you think that i mean we are most of us are nigerians here and ghanaians and ghanaians okay but specifically nigerians apologies do you think that our leaders are mentally deranged [Laughter] oh my god i can't answer that i can answer that one let me answer the first question so oh my god please don't get don't get me started so we are the book is available on kindle which is digitalized and and okada books or cata books in nigeria and that that's ebooks so you can actually read it on ocada books and also read it on kindle okay so that answers your question doc and our leaders in nigeria i always say this that anybody that can grow up in the nigerian environment and survive and is still you know a part of the nigerian community like as a lot of us are there's there's something going on there really because the way that we just um you know nigerians are special people we're beautiful people but then the the the kind of um trauma that we go through on a daily basis i don't think any normal person can actually go through it and survive so you do see that in the way we behave the way we you know even when we're talking to each other we're just yelling and screaming but i said right ah about me how are you like he just said my sons will say but he's just next to you are you shouting so let's be the judge of it for ourselves but you know what we're very um spirited people very and um passionate people and i would not be anything else but a nigerian [Applause] so thank you entity good afternoon and congratulations for really affirming work on your part and very transparent i read the book i've not yet completed it i must admit the work that you have done with your son i think deserves commendation not just from an african and nigerian perspective but just universal appreciation of what god can do god bless you thank you sir praise the lord um i mean teddy's she's my sister so you know i'm just absolutely so proud of you thank you um a lot of the talk has been towards like how um a family copes with um the news right um but i just also wanted to say that um what you've said to us um just the opportunity to hear from you i hope it just makes all of us kinda right you know just kinda a little bit more and encouraging our children also to be more sensitive and kinder towards anybody that has you know any kind of um you know any kind of disability no matter you know whatever it is you know just being kinder nicer cutting people a little bit more slack and not being quite as judgmental you know um and i think the more we do that the more we learn the more we understand we can then be like um you know a much better support and a more better community you know just to one another and um i just pray that that your book is going to like help us all to get closer you know to that level and thank you so much for thank you educating us better [Music] [Laughter] my apologies i i want to commend you i just want to say good good good job that you've been doing but i also just want to um use this opportunity with the brothers kitten and dj they've done excellently yes along the way i see it when um inca comes into class and he's you know when he wants to sit down he wants his siblings he's actually calling their names at the back and screaming their names and he wants their attention and i know how it feels but they've done excellently and i just want to give them yeah i've done really really well i'm not excluding you dr accuracy you know my my my sons have been they've been you know my rock yes they've done marvelously well with with with ayo inca they love him you know just with so much passion and they would do anything for him i remember i went to nigeria for a whole month and they had this schedule between the two of them of who would pick him up for they had all his schedules who would pick him up who would take him to this program and then i would call and say oh incas mom we got it mom this is gonna drop him and i'm gonna pick him up and you know they they have been that to their brother for you know throughout but it didn't come out it it didn't it didn't turn out like that automatically and i want to warn parents so you need to be intentional about it you don't ignore your other children you carry them along in what you're doing and also teach them to love and accept their brother and help their brother along and then not forget about them you know they everybody every child will be celebrated so i thank you sevela for bringing that up and um shout out to my my deji my favorite first son he's he's watching right now and um my favorite last son and my favorite middle child that's how i i i refer to them and of course my sweetheart [Laughter] ha sweerat all right thank you so much for hanging here with us you are the best audience you're the best audience a round of applause for yourself because usually when i go to functions like this i have to do another job apart from hosting and write down the names of noise makers but these are just very very compacted and my intelligent delicates and you know professional people just sitting and just following the program we appreciate you and our guests online you've been fabulous thank you so much we celebrate you all right um i want to explain how this is going to work tonight um here we have books copies of books for sale so if you want to buy a hard copy and author host dr teddy akira will be signing the books here for you i brought my own book from homework without the underlining i said you must be signed so that you know i know her you cannot not know me again now [Music] [Laughter] so if you want to get your book signed if you also have purchased a book and you sent your money to zell which you can actually do right now and you want to pick up the copy let's do that you will either give them cash or you would show them your form of payment and you'll get a book so that it can be signed for people who want to like for example now doctor he would want to buy i think about 50 copies to take to household of faith you know and you know pastor elijah you know all the people who are in charge of people's destinies you know guiding shepherding us you would want to i mean it's the spirit of god i revealed it to me so is it a am i lying are you saying i'm lying so if you wonder if you want to purchase large quantities of the books can you please stop by this table and put your name down and we will have a way to get the books for you because we want each person here to have a chance to get a book copy and if we have extra i will bring it to your house personally i will drive it yes i will drive it there all right so thank you so much that's what we're gonna do tonight as we do that you get your book you get it signed you will go and show that signed book or yourself to the people who are giving us food and no you won't have to do that there is food after you've gotten your book signed and you've purchased it thank you so much for being an amazing audience today celebrating dr tadia kerry and and her family now somebody had a comment they say who has a comment he raised his hand really high he asked who is this he's a sweerat he had a comment i'm going to bring up dr ayo adaya kerry as he tells us his comment and delivers the vote of thanks today dr ayo addia kerry please celebrate her [Applause] thank you yeah my comment of course followed up my friend um who asked that question that a lot of people here are probably not going to have an autism child but guess what that child can their neighbor's child can their friend's child can so we have that community it's it's not a one-person job it's a whole community job you know because one of the things that um initially we didn't enjoy but later enjoyed is the fact that you know you can have a community of people who know themselves and the johnsons can say bring income for this weekend and you can have peace so as grandparents as all the parents you can do that you can read the book learn how to take care of the child and then when you identify a family you can support them by giving them some respect so there's so many so many things that we can get there and yes it's an electronic copy you know beside kendo in okada books for those of us in nigeria i actually read it in al-qaeda books i signed up while i was taking my little break and read it in okada book so you can sign you can you can do so from nigeria in al-qaeda books and kindle from here um i want to just say it again and again i know that most of us have escaped autism as in we ourself are not autism autistic and then we have also escaped not having that child with autism but you just think so because when he asked that question about our leaders you know i believe that a lot of the people who end up as conductors and all of that that there's some degree of mental illness there and so that's why again we need to learn so we need to handle you know you you're you're angry that this causing or this brother you have sent so much money to and you have even set up the business and put them in the business and yet they cannot maintain it they don't have the mental integrity to do it you know so a lot of lots of gaps in mental health you know mental health is not all schizophrenia you know it's not being able to connect the doctor some children have been whooped so much and yet at 30 they still don't know what eight plus eight is you know so there's a whole lot that this village can do let's start and um thank you all for now in the vote of thanks but i overwhelmed because i've been on the chat and i heard chats from all over the world seriously speaking all over from the u.s canada nigeria and i just want to say thank you all and so proud that uh social media has done this much we deliberately thought that just a handful of people will sit here because of the covet protocol but thank god because i don't know how we could have hosted all of you because you know you landed us in nigeria you couldn't have escaped or send people here but covey that's helped you so i give you the break and also those ones in the u.s but i i also give you the break and thank you all i see you online i see everyone uh that even i sent to just today i just sent the invite and they're participating so i thank you all and just want to add the ft and yes fdgc girls i'm learning i don't want to mention names of the people that i've seen and of course my jesus house family [Music] you know thank you yes we've been in this journey together i might when i say my jesus house family you know it's not the immediate people who are here now because you didn't see in cow anywhere around through the sanctuary so it goes even beyond now it's the fuji abyss who have left his emails he's a pastor oliver the people who don't know that ginka would be this gentleman is it i mean uh the the description one of his teacher taught me this oh that gentle giant you know that's what she described him as that gentle giant that's you don't want to know him [Laughter] so it's been a journey thank you all and yes uh that evangelist is my brother i mean i'm talking of same mother you know so even my my brother is a titan's uncle is here so family we have family we have chort family we have uh you know thank you all you've been strong you've been behind us and we are glad that uh we are doing the race together [Applause] celebrate dr kerry celebrate her the way you celebrate her and celebrate celebrate her now the three boys later we have had all right have you had a wonderful time today we're still going to have a wonderful time we're gonna eat before we eat i just want to tell you this we have this envelopes here if you have made a pledge and you're ready to remit it today you can also come to this table pick up an envelope and remit it that way you can also remit it at teddy akeri teddyakiri through zell if you're in nigeria we have a zenith bank account i should announce my own bank account the zenith bank account is 239. 472-2643 239-472-2643 for the people online it's already in the chats all right so if you want to pick up a hard copy today can i just say thank you one more time thank you to everyone here and thank you online and thank you for allowing me to just do me i'm dr olympia champion odushala and it is such a privilege to celebrate our own are you here today and you're ready to you want to buy a hard copy of a book and you want it signed by dr teddy is there anybody on this side of the aisle so that we can do it uh all right okay so let's we're gonna we're gonna start here you can come on you can come on we're gonna start here and we're going to are you ready for us are you ready for us thank you [Music] yeah thank you so much kishi everybody celebrate dj kishi is in the house all right if you're ready to purchase your book if you're on this aisle would you please come here and we'll start from here right here very good you got yours already uh very good so let's just start the line here and go straight back let's start the line and go straight back up [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] as you well [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] show [Music] [Music] [Music] i should [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] makes she [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] she [Music] oh [Music] call me [Music] come and do a miracle a miracle today come and do a miracle a miracle today [Music] come and do a miracle a miracle today come and do a miracle a miracle [Music] today you are a destiny changer come and change your destiny today come and change my destiny [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] so powerful [Music] your is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] god [Music] you're a miracle [Music] god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you have shown me so much mercy much more than i deserve my eyes have seen my ears i've heard the wonders of your grace [Music] the words you speak turns things [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] you have shown me so much mercy much [Music] oh [Music] my friends [Music] virtues [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] somebody give me my shot [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] much more than i deserved [Applause] [Music] just open up your mouth and bless his name come on let his friends fill this house lift your hands up [Music] [Music] you are here moving in a mist i worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you i worship you you are here moving in a mist a worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i [Music] in the darkness my god that is [Music] [Music] [Music] i worship you i worship you you are here healing every heart i worship you i worship you [Music] you are here turning lives around [Music] you are here men in every [Music] miracle [Music] you made the broken heart you're the answer to it jesus you'll wipe away all jesus your [Music] jesus [Music] we [Music] is [Music] [Music] you right here need [Music] you are here moving in our you i worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you i worship you you are here moving in underneath [Music] you are here working in this place i worship you i worship you hey we make a miracle [Music] we make a miracle [Music] my god that is [Music] you are here [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] you are here [Music] that is [Music] [Music] jesus your wife [Music] jesus [Music] lying in the darkness my god that is who you are [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'm wishing [Music] thank you um [Music] so you know who you are [Music] to show these excellences [Music] god has given me and i know who i am [Music] we are our chosen generation [Music] god has given me for i know who i god says am am what he says i am where he says i'm mad i know who i am i know who god says i am what he says i am where he [Music] i know who i am foreign [Music] are our chosen generation [Music] we've been called for to show these excellence all i require for life god has given me and i know who i am [Music] we are a chosen generation [Music] [Music] i know who i am i know who god says i am what he says i am where he says i'm mad i know who i am foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] girl i know who i am [Music] it doesn't matter what you see now can you see his glory [Music] it doesn't matter what you see now can you see his glory [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music]
Channel: Dr. Tade Talks
Views: 1,127
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Id: q3VaU9S-t14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 24sec (11004 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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