The Truth About Manifesting | Bishop George Bloomer

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[Music] so [Music] good morning i was glad when they said unto me let us come into the house of the lord welcome to bethel family worship center and our online streaming service please remember to like and share this on all your digital platforms you don't want to miss the blessed word that our pastor bishop george g bloomer has for you this morning to let your friends and family know like and share god bless you and thank you for joining us enjoy the service amen the lord is our shepherd and we shall not want hallelujah the lord is our shepherd and we shall not want god god be our shepherd now we need you and the earth from now we need our shepherd like never before be the people shepherd now lead us and guide us and the way we should go god show us the path now we need your guidance we need your leading god you are our shepherd never leave us god your ride and your staff it comforts us god yay though we walk through the valleys of the shadow of death we shall fear no evil for thou art with us your rod and your staff comforts us god thank you for being our shepherd thank you for the anointing this service god thank you for your will being done in the earth god thank you for your will you are our shepherd god lead us now lead us through the cove 19 lead us through the storms in the wars god lead us through the famine like we've never like we don't know what to do lead us now in the name of jesus you are our shepherd and we thank you for anointing our bishop now anointing the service in jesus name amen good morning bethel this sunday morning scripture is entitled christ the savior we will be reading from matthews 1 21 john 3 14-18 romans 5 and 8 hebrews 7 25 acts 4 12 revelations 1 5-6 and she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins and as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so the son of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god but god commended his son his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto god by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved unto him that loved us and washed us from from our sins in his own blood and hath made us kings and priests unto god and his father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen in the opening the song says this is your season make a sacrifice watch god change your life open doors overflow don't let it pass you by you know we're in this series on the spirit world and uh first message quite dynamic but i'm also asking you to continue to do this and probably even stronger now than i did before because now we're at the place where the things that god showed me in dreams are now on the news now on the news um 600 plus students in wake county alone has contracted this virus two counties have already gone back to virtual school and school's just been open about two weeks i told you i'm telling you 14 different variances of this virus and it has something to do with the spirit it has something to do with the spirit and so uh keep the blood on the doorposts share like like share tell folks bishop is on i'm not gonna be before you long because we're gonna go back into the message from last week but i wanted to take a little bit of time to share with you how important it is for you to understand that god gives us the ability to see in the spirit yeah yeah psychics do it they see tomorrow god wants to give you the power and the ability to see tomorrow by the power of the holy ghost and not by strange fire i'm going to pray for you i'm going to pray for you you need prayer i'm going to pray for you pray for you that the spirits that have been manifesting in your lives negatively will cease and that the holy ghost would take the place of fake spirits disguising as the presence and the power of god [Music] i love the lord come on in and share i really love i love the lawn [Music] you don't know what he's done for me he gave me gave me the vic victory i love him [Music] i love him oh yes i do [Music] come on everybody you don't know you don't know you don't know what he's done for me he gave me gave me the big the victory and i love him and i love him so in love with him i really love [Music] the lord i almost want to almost want to take you through the prayer of renunciation because some stuff has jumped on you that you need to get off of you some stuff you've invited that you need to let go but i'ma let the message conclude and watch the holy spirit does is do his job in the name of jesus all right so let's go back in to the service and uh receive part two of this message on manifest it's an amazing thing when you are confronted with something that you thought was the truth to only find out that there's no truth associated with it at all that it is a lie a lie the the story of this outing that we're talking about the scripture says that in the last days some will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies and hypocrisies having their conscience here with an hot iron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meat deuteronomy chapter number 18 verses 9 through 14 it reads like this when thou art come into the land which the lord thy god giveth thee thou shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire or that use of demonation or an observer of time yeah or an enchanter or a witch wow or a charmer or a consulter with a familiar spirit or a wizard or a necromancer for all that do these things are an abomination unto the lord and because of these abominations the lord thy god do it drive them out from before thee now this this might sound funny for a little while uh and i i i i don't mean it to be but i went to a party many years ago and uh got to the party and there was this black girl in the corner there she was so black she was turning purple or blue she had a jerry curl holding on to his last jerry it went into a jerry fro and there she is at the party and the whole time she kept on looking at me and my thing was what the heck could she keep on looking at me and she kept on looking at me now how i know she was looking at me because i kept on looking over there to see whether or not she was looking at me you see her looking at me kept on looking at me kept on looking at me i said she's ugly why is she looking at me skinny and ugly she was not anything beautiful to behold the music got to playing the place was filled with music and the music was the music was going lord have mercy the music got the playing birds of a feather flock together y'all all together tonight and and the music got to going and the music got to playing and folks started drinking in in in in in the drinking the room began to fill up with smoke and as the room filled up with smoke i started getting a little contact started getting the contact the entire environment had changed and uh i looked over there and she was in the corner looking at me and then she looked away from me and i looked away from her and then looked again and when i looked again i noticed every time i looked yolanda she was closer in the room so she was moving up as the music was playing and the night was going on she came closer and closer and closer to me and i'm telling you the truth i started feeling the little buzz in my head she came over took one long drag of that reefer y'all know about narifa and blew that sucker in my face and the next one blew into my nostrils and she captured me i snatched that thing and took a little swag of it then manifestation began to take place her hair began to grow rapunzel rapunzel let down your hair the ash turned into a glow in the shine the nails that she had been biting all night long began to grow and paint mysteriously fell upon it oh she was a little stick when i first saw her but after i smoked that dope and got caught up in the ambiance of the room she was skinny like a stick but after a while she was thick all of this is going on in my mind as what i really wanted deep down inside begin to manifest out of my imagination and me who can't dance was now moving from side to side and there she was she was doing her thing doing her thing whoo she was fine it's fine could be for what was going on in my mind begin to manifest in my reality and this is the truth we wind up going on a three-day crack and reef revenge with cold cold 45 she liked that then we were drinking and carrying on about the third or fourth day the money ran out and the high lifted and i turned over and there she was laying in that bed like a hairless german shepherd dog i had one question who in the hell stole my halibury the thing that was going on in my brain as long as i was up under the spell i could see it once the spell has broken i walk up and down in the shopping mall every now and then i see people walking holding hands and everything like that and i take a look at one of the partners and i said um he's under a spell or she under spell because ain't nothing going on there but the rent it was a manifestation a manifestation of something that was going on in my mind as the enemy began to paint these thoughts in my mind in in my mind in my mind i don't want to go over in my time so i want you to put my time up and clock me take 10 minutes off the off off for the top i know i've been speaking a little at least that long i want you to understand that the enemy is slick i probably should tell the rest of the story right bring my music back i probably should tell the rest of the story says i didn't see this girl james for maybe 10 11 months 10 11 months thank you guys that's good and but i had heard that you know that girl that went to was you as the party with y'all slipped off and disappeared i said i ain't disappeared with no girls and i'm too ashamed to even tell that i was out with a holla berry look alike that was really magillah gorilla i was called up under a spell my street name was blue and they said was it blue we just want to tell you this word on the street you got a pregnant she got a baby i talked him down out of it and said you talking junk but you know how you feel truth it pierces your heart went and talked to a friend of mine who introduced me to her mother mother told me yeah we heard about you blah blah blah blah went to the hospital to see this baby that is mine the baby was born blind and addicted to crack yeah i remember telling my mother and my mother said son what you do in the dark will come out in the light unless god protects you she said but son i don't believe that god is going to allow this thing to hinder you from where you got to go and the things you got to do what my mother said she said listen do right by that boy and do right by his mother i said mommy i said son son don't let your daddy's spirit live in you reject your daddy's spirit my dad had nine children with her and fifteen other children by six women in the practice they reject your daddy's spirit and do right by that boy no matter how embarrassed you are about it and that girl and she said son she said son don't bring none of them to my house that's what georgia blue was in my mother said do right by that child do right by the parent don't bring them to my house but you do right by them this is your bed you made it now lay in it but i don't believe that god is going to allow this to impede upon the progress and block and stop you from doing what you have to do a blind and crack addict baby was born to george bloomer six weeks later the baby is gone the baby dead now let's be clear the first manifestation is me hooking up with somebody that only would want to be with but i went into the land and did what they did in that land and got caught up into some abominable things so that's what manifested but then my mother came the words that my mother spoke manifested also in my life but came out of my mouth and choked came out of her mouth and choked the decree that satan had over me and for my life so when my grandson was talking to me i prayed for him on the phone i said listen this is the world that we live in don't worry about anything like that but i cover you under the blood of jesus and i don't want you to become super spiritual justin i want you to keep your eyes open i want you to see from every i don't want you to get messed up like i was messed up but i thank god for you but the word that my mother spoke i don't believe that god is going to allow this to this is my words impede upon your progress or block or stop you from doing what he's called you to do and remember at that time i wasn't preaching so you know this this is not going to stop she didn't realize that the words that she spoke triggered and stirred up the anointing that was in my ancestral bloodline but god says it's gonna stop with you and i'm ministering to many people tonight that whatever that situation is it's gonna stop with you when i go into the land when you go into the land to which the lord giveth thee thou shall not learn to do after the abominations of those here's here's a problem with the first part of the text we i go into the land which the lord has given you you shall not so he's given you a land with abominators in it it's not giving you a land pure he's giving you a land with abominations because he wants you to be the seed of change he wants you to change things he says thou shall not be found amongst you one that makes his son or his daughter to pass through the fire don't teach your children to commit suicide and sacrificial ritual burnings or divination the observer of times that's that's the horoscope uh enchantments that's this thing that we're preaching about this this secret thing here now this this this manifest thing here or a witch or a charmer a charmer is a person who performs hypnosis who can hypnotize you one who counsels with familiar spirits these are people who speak to the dead or a wizard a man witch or a necromancer again a person who conjures up spirits of the dead for all these are the abomination unto the lord that's what god said this is abomination unto the lord your god and he says that if you do these things these bad spirits are going to come upon you once again i want to read the word i want to read the definition of manifesting manifesting manifesting the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts with the purpose of making them real the act of manifesting either has a ton of complicated rules or is whatever you want it to be depending on who you ask when i first heard about manifest manifestation i heard about it at the altar and either there was a demon manifesting or a person got filled with the holy ghost so you would see a person would change from one form to to uh to another form i've already committed myself to uh watching the hbo series i haven't started yet i'm going to go on a bench and watch that whole series on on on manifest and and the reason why i'm going to watch it is because uh that's satan's evangelistical ground he he he uses theater he uses theater to indoctrinate that's what he does so i put together some pictures for you uh that i want us to take a look at now there's this thing out there called tick tock tick tock that comes from china and tick tock comes from china it was discovered and put together one of their one of their uh social media what have you it was put together by uh uh buddhist monks so it has some spirituality to it and that's the reason why the catch-on is is so good picture number one picture number one shows a girl on tick-tock in manifestation if you can look closely at the screen you'll see that she's in a circle of friends and then they have the the dolls or the figures of the persons and uh laying opposite to one to one another and the candle is burning and they go into their their uh manifestation uh picture number two picture number two is a lady looking out the window she is has the same kind of uh of a problem that uh uh i i don't want to mess his name up when a person said that you're narcissistic it comes from the name of a man who fell in love with his own reflection in water and he kept on looking at it until finally he tumbled over couldn't swim and drowned manifesting causes you to fall in love with your own shadows picture number three is a girl with light yoga in the park this picture is called a girl nature basking basking in in nature let me explain that real quickly um [Music] mother earth mother earth picture number four just a picture of a of a neon light that says love it's a love sign subliminal subliminality there is spells hanging at a place where seances and readings are done picture number five this is a woman meditating praying meditating close to nature so young people picture number six the all seeing eye so so now as i said we had a little almost little chat with that earlier today you didn't know that it was in the paperwork you had a chat today and you discussed real real briefly you know you said something i said something i said well you know the person needs to clean out their third eye and you say why is it even called an eye and it's called an eye because you said you didn't know where they got this from and i said you know well uh third eye is the prophetic eye was the eye of discernment and then you you said what you said why did they call it you said why did they call it yeah i was asking why did they call it the eye and maybe not like the ear or something else like that why was that um the spirit leading us with the eye and not another body yeah and what did i say to you about that it's that we see in the spirit we'll see in the spirit and uh and you said what how how yeah because you ain't never saw in the spirit you see in the spirit right yes sir yeah um here's the deal that iron sharpens iron and if we're not around people that are speaking speaking spiritual things but speaking spirited things we start moving spirited things into our spiritual space and look up one morning and they have flushed us of every bit of god in the most skillful and simplest way it's the truth what i'm talking about all right picture number go back to number six picture number six okay what does it say the all-seeing eye seance and tear it palm says reveals your future yeah so everybody wants to know what's in their future i do is anybody in here want to know what's in your future we all want to know what's it and god wants us to know a little bit about our future that's why he has seers and prophets and the enemy wants you to know what's in your future that's why he has necromancers and tarot card readers number six number six there you go uh-huh what do you say the al the all-seeing eye reveals your future seance and tear it and palm read now originally the all-seeing eye is who god for the eyes of the lord are in every place of holding the good as well as the evil none can escape from god number seven fortune telling number eight seances she's becoming very very popular again you know i i i grew up i'm until my age right now i grew up in the age of rosemary baby young people you don't know what rosemary baby you know google it rosemary baby was uh a movie from this actually it was from like the 60s and uh it was this woman who produced the antichrist i i suggest that you google it and find it rosemary's baby number nine seances on the beach watergazing number 10 number 10 is seance tea parties sean's tea parties and before the series is over i'm going to go deeply into that uh uh with you and number 11 number 11 is how to do a seance and so instead of contacting evil spirits now the young people use it for love spells etc i said all of that to say the thing about a secret or the mystery of a secret is that it can't be kept you know such thing happens like that she went to her grave with that when she went to a grave with that then how do you know she told somebody because secrets are not meant to be kept secrets are meant to be held for or against you put it in the hands of a right person they'll hold your secret put in the hands of a wrong person they'll use your secret against you against you i fathered four kids two in marriage and two before i got married i love them all but if the lord did not stop me i am my daddy's seed chances are i would have been the father of 19 kids by now because i knew my appetite and i knew what was afforded to me and i knew how to get it [Music] and getting saved and getting filled with the holy ghost [Music] brought a conviction in my spirit giants fought a conviction in my spirit and the conviction that came in my spirit wasn't anything that made me afraid of going to hell but i didn't want the people who were around me to see me like that that that's how my conviction weighed on me it wasn't about dying and going to hell it was something on the inside of me that wanted in secret even when people were talking and saying bad things about me that there was individuals say you know what they may have been saying that but that's not true i know his spirit [Music] and i i i know his character i know yeah yeah he human just like everybody else he can make mistakes that but you know what under that is a good heart i harvest that spirit it's the it's the spirit that made me successful is the spirit that put me on platforms is the spirit that made me go global it's the spirit that made me wealthy that type of a spirit in my life because of what my mother said to me i don't believe that that mistake will defy define who you are will mold and shape you into that negative thing something great is on the inside of you [Music] and so when people were saying you know the first two kids that you had and you had no matter where that is that's ishmael you you need to focus on your isaacs these christians talk like this you know so they're telling me that i need to treat the kids who were not born under the marriage like dogs get them away from you and treat the ones that were under the umbrella of marriage like royalty and i found out that the ones that were outside of the wedlock and the ones that's inside the wetlock when they begin to grow up they act like they act they all act like they act they do what they do and they act like they act rather there was a bond of marriage because they still got my dna in them and a part of what they're fighting is an ancestral spirit went to my daughter i said listen i know you might like to take a drink be very careful with that you want to get high be very careful that cause your daddy was a crack addict and his mama was an alcoholic so i want you to understand that those spirits are in the dry places looking for spirits that is worse than them to enter back in sounds like bishop blumen you're preaching against everything no i'm just telling you that spirits are real i'm just telling you that you are a spirit and i'm telling you that god has given you the power to be able to walk into a room and when you walk in there the entire room shifts because you're in that room and i'm here to tell you that the people who are trying to pull you into things have a divine revelation of the success you that you can't even see in this present moment there's something great on the inside of you and you you and your children and your children's children are coming out on top coming out on top so i want to pray for you this morning i i i want to i want to pray for you this morning and and for the older people this is not going to be a prayer that you could easily accept but i'm going to pray for you this morning that you would trust god that he knows what he's doing when it comes down to your children and that you stop badgering them with your manifestation and just cover them under the blood of jesus and watch god prove to you that what he said he was going to do he's god enough to get it done you agree with that right you agree with that right that he's god enough to get it done whether they're gay whether they're gamblers whether they're street whether they're hood rats whatever the situation is that god is god enough to get done what he said he was going to do no more talk of hell talk of love you know what the secret is well god so loved the world you know what the secret is they don't know it what the secret is they don't believe it whosoever believe in him should not perish but shall have everlasting life [Music] maybe maybe this wasn't a great message for you but it was a dynamic one for me the reason why it was dynamic for me is because i'm seeing that there's a storm out on the ocean and it's moving this way because my soul has been anchored in jesus i'm able to stand the test of times and every wind that blows it tries to blow me out or blow me away i'm still standing this morning i pray the prayer of renunciation to renounce every negative thing that is in your life and in the life of your children in the life of your children's children's children that you walk in victory that your days of poverty comes to an end that god will give you witty inventions and great ideas that you have not ever have to go to the dark side or ever have to do a crazy affirmation [Music] and that even if you made mistakes by getting involved in things you shouldn't get involved in run to jesus today and say lord help me and even if i don't leave the sorority if i don't leave the secret society [Music] give me a strategy to win in satan's camp allow me to be a light in this dark tunnel that everybody that has purpose will see me coming with the glorious light of god [Music] i felt that prayer leave me and it will not return unto me void that's my prayer for you today in jesus name amen [Music] no one is telling you not to have affirmations no one is telling you don't speak positive no one is telling you not to go to barnes and nobles and getting you a self-help book not telling you any of those things i'm just saying that the greatest self-help book that has ever been written is the word of god it's not the only but it's one of the greatest and before you run out and try to find out what and how your life works use your owner's manual which is the bible for god created you in his image and after his likeness he knows the way you take your down sittings and your uprisings receive the lord jesus christ in your life you can't walk the owls but you can lift your hands so i ask right now that if you would like to have jesus as lord and savior i'm a sinner in need of your saving grace come into my life and forgive me of my sins wash me in your blood let me know that i have life eternal in jesus name amen if you just prayed that prayer you got born again now confess daily i am the redeemed of the lord i've been purchased by his blood i'm the head and not the tail i'm above only and never beneath that's a powerful that's a powerful affirmation and a powerful manifestation will come out of that receive them today in jesus name amen and amen come to christ all right give the lord a praise [Music] in a few uh in a few weeks we'll be here at bethel in a conference a intel conference only a hundred seats social distancing and what have you i want you to go online and register it is october the 6th through the 8th it's going to be a powerful time in here virtual guest speakers apostle kim daniels that's my that's my girl the demon buster and uh egg heart from chicago and uh prophet andre cook the deliverance team and many many more [Music] a illustrated sermon on doors and dimensions that we have stepped into and changed our life because we were at the wrong place at the wrong time [Music] all of that register our last intel conference registration was fifteen hundred dollars [Music] it's a special master's class this one is the tithe a hundred and twenty five that even not the whole time bring the whole time throw another 25 on it 100 in and uh several virtual everyone can make it to it because guess what you don't have to travel you can get it on your phone you can sit in your car and watch it but you got to pay your registration i hear you over there praying that bishop give you a free registration it ain't gonna happen i know you didn't did you you didn't were you up cause if you did it i gave it to you are you praying it now there you go but i ain't going to give it to you because i need deliverance i'm lying there you go i know you can't afford it and the lord is going to give you back everything that the enemy has stole from you and he's going to multiply it in jesus name so now watch this here in the name of jesus that's what happened you start having conversations with people from the pulpit they go into a whole open conversation you know we do in the service then you go all right well then stop all right here we go in jesus name but you're invited to every one of my services because when you're around it helps me to preach good praise god but i ain't gonna pay you for it because then that wouldn't be right let's see i told you she just wouldn't stop yeah i need to do a affirmation on her right what is it what is it is intel it's it's it's it's i can't see let me look at the big screen it is it is it is uh register today at www.intel2021 yeah all right only uh only a hundred only a hundred in-house and um this was the conference that we were going to have uh october the 27th through the 28th through the 31st and the holy spirit says nothing after october the 10th now schools are closing uh other variances is coming we're right back in the same predicament that we were in when the first virus showed up we're in trouble y'all but in this season god is going to protect his the children of god so i want you to go one more time and i want you to register i want you to register make bishop very very happy be a part of it i'm asking the clerk pastors to send their intercessors and prayer warriors in to register five to ten of your members so we can learn this thing together in jesus name amen and amen well it's offering time and it's time for you to get your seed in your hand and sow your seed and enjoy the rest of your day all right come on [Music] [Music] it's seed sowing time [Music] all right i was waiting a long time for that y'all all [Music] right was that lady what was that lady in um the guy who played in wakunda forever what was his name the movie star huh chapman now chapman played in another movie before he passed away with what's called mom's what was it that was come on [Music] while i'm down here praying [Music] lord search my heart while i'm down here praying lord search my heart while i'm down here praying lord search my heart oh you know when i'm right you know when i'm wrong you know whether i'm right or wrong text bethel two eight four four eight eight eight ninety one eighty three online giving bethel family worship center that dollar sign [Music] ma rainey [Music] cash app general of warfare zell bloomer at paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844-889-1559 get your seed in the ground let's defeat summer blues in the name of jesus god's going to do great things for us monday through friday warfare ecology 4 p.m eastern standard time running strong a powerful powerful time of worship and breakthrough in the name of jesus our feeling program is wednesdays here at bethel family worship center if you ever need the lord has blessed us to help to meet that need it's a brand new time it's at 11 o'clock 11 a.m bring your seat for those you that would like to be in our prayer chain and those that are praying great day in the morning send your prayer requests to prayer at prayer oh you know when i'm right you know when i'm wrong you know whether i'm right or wrong i said search me search me thought i said search [Music] you know [Music] [Music] we open up every sunday with prayer and we close every friday with prayer and uh you want to get under that anointing take a screenshot of that and join us for the sabbath prayer and the first day of the week prayer in jesus name amen and amen looking forward to you being a part of this virtual conference one more time it's very very important i want you there i want you there at home and there here okay ain't gonna be no special deals there's not gonna be any lowering of anything so do it and by the weekend i want us to be at least at a quarter or half full in our registration in-house registration in jesus name all right you're sowing your seed you're tied text bethel to eight four four eight eight eight ninety one eighty three online given cash app dollar sign bfwc or mail it to 515 dow street durham north carolina 27701 cash app dollar sign general of warfare sale bloomer paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844-889-1559 stay under the blood of jesus god's gonna bless you real good i pray that the message is last sunday and this sunday was a blessing and helpful to you throughout the winter months we're going to be dealing with spiritual warfare the messages are going to be like this let's build us a strong strong war chest of warriors in the name of jesus good may the saving grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the full fellowship of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain invite with you now and forevermore enjoy the rest of your day i see you tonight on the prayer line you know whether i'm right or wrong [Music] you
Channel: generalofwarfare
Views: 1,082
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop George Bloomer, Spiritual Warfare, the word network, preaching, Td jakes, jamal bryant, bethel family, durham, north carolina, warfarecology, kevin williams, Zoe Ministries, Larry Reid, Spirits, The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, Oprah, Pastor Shirley Caesar, Manifesting, Manifestation, Shut Up I'm Manifesting, tikTok
Id: GKjhtiF9b3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 49sec (3589 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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