The Art Of Being Alone With God Pt. 2

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and you know capital was right on it this morning the Spirit of God spoke to me in my prayer time and he said there are lots of people are struggling in the area of sickness and disease and that we're to have altar ministry today to kind of help some of you come across the bridge that you're you're healed but you keep letting your symptoms dictate to you you see David won over Goliath because he maintained a consciousness of victory he didn't have a consciousness of defeat he said I killed the lion victory I killed the bear victory who is this uncircumcised philistine victory see you gotta focus on your victories I paid the bill the last time they threatened to put me out victory I overcame the last thing the doctor saw victory the last tumor shrunk and I don't know how victory what is this situation except another opportunity for me to have victory in my life ha I hear what I'm saying it's it's impossible for you not to experience victory when you are victory conscience but now when you become defeat conscious and all you have in your consciousness is defeat nobody likes me why do I have to go through this nobody knows the trouble I've seen all that kind of stuff you ain't gonna get out you might as well say bye but if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired then you won't you will ask God Lord helped me to maintain a victory conscience don't think about how you're gonna lose think about how you're gonna win and think about the victory that Jesus has already provided for you somebody shout out victory conscience hallelujah you killed the financial problem you killed the health issue you killed the relationship hurt now this big giant you're facing right now come on let's dance I got you - I got you - I got you - I need you to turn the two people and say all is well with me and my house all is well hallelujah so this is Victory Day I don't know what you came here struggling with but I know how you gonna walk out of this place today this is victory this is victory Sunday praise the Lord now you all you got to do it make your mind up you want some of it [Applause] I'm not gonna become a part of you you're sad you're sadness I'm gonna do that that ain't gonna do you no good anything gonna do know about it no good you are around sad depressed and like she said mad God's already forgiven you you might as well forgive myself again so you you you really them to determine your outcome by determining your attitude how you go is based on how you continue to let yourself feel mad at I argument you to have two years ago you can get no better it will affect cortisol levels in your body it'll affect stress in your body and while you praying your prayers and quote in your scriptures and unchanging because you you don't have the platform for change because you're being infected by a bad attitude you better let that situation go you better let those people go you better let somebody else's drama go you better less you better let them you better let all that news you've been looking at go ahead yet that ain't number bad news we're here to talk about the good news of the gospel this morning good news let me see the everything you ain't everything's gonna go your way I had to learn that lesson everything going my way well I'm gonna stay mad until you change ain't everything gonna go my way I had to learn that what I had to learn is you know what father I don't need everything to go my way in order for me to live your way so what I'm gonna do is I'm only of your way which is love even when things don't go my way and then I'm gonna let loveway take away that other way and the next thing you are next thing you know things are gonna be going the way that God wants it to go but don't expect for one month I'm upset cause things ain't gonna go my way and your way long time so you might as well get on the Lord side and just go to way he's already designed for you the lot trying to talk to somebody in here she was right on it y'all need to let y'all need to let some stuff go let it go yeah but you don't understand what I had to go through you assume nobody understands what you go through and I may not know all the intricate details of what you've gone through but this is what I do know Jesus it's greater than anything that you had to go through and his love his love is more powerful than any hurt pain disgusting thing in any betrayal any sickness any disease any any any bad narrative what somebody said about you and then went true and I can't believe that said that about me last time I saw them they all in my face huh mighty love me and I ain't got time for all that baby's pamper stuff let that baby stuff go praise God get out the applesauce and get you some prime be praised duck and let's eat the meat [Applause] hi I'm done I'm done here's another thing I've realized you do what you want to do I realize it you might not do what I'm advising to do but here's what I realize people do didn't want to do now you talk about what you don't want to do by the end of the day you do exactly what you want to do and you know what you have that right because you have our free will and then end of the day you make the decisions that you want to make but it's still not gonna stop taffy and I from loving you enough to speak the truth in love that's what we do so turn to people and tell them all is well with me in my house you can be seated father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you Lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered buying a satanic or demonic force I pray Lord that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen if you have your Bibles once again go with me to the book of 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1 we've been talking about knowing God we've been talking about knowing God this past Wednesday I preached from the title of the art of being alone with God and we're gonna kind of switch over to that the art of being alone with God it's part of the knowing God series the fact that there's something very powerful when you decide that I am going to have an intimate relationship with God there's something very awesome something very amazing that happens when you decide that I am no longer after what I can get from God more than I am after knowing him in such an intimate way that all of a sudden knowing God becomes the solution to a lot of issues that you have in fact I'll start off with this statement that most of life's problems are solved through an intimate relationship with God that most of life problems problems are solved through an intimate relationship with God that we should be in this life as a Christian the reason why I'm a Christian the reason why I have this this relationship with Jesus which is what it's supposed to be the fact that I'm a Christian is this this is the fact that I have a personal relationship with Jesus and if we forget about the personal relationship with Jesus and if we start becoming more focused in on the mechanics and the principles of how to get stuff to work then you'll find yourself trying to operate the mechanics and you don't even know god you'll find yourself trying to operate the the mechanics of faith which is good the mechanics of prayer which is good the mechanics of prosperity which is good I am saying it's good to know the mechanics but I'm saying don't put the mechanics as far as priority is concerned don't put the mechanics above your relationship with God make sure that the mechanics flow from your relationship with God because that's how it happens you having a relationship with God is gonna put you in a position where you'll never have a problem believing him so you don't have to look at the 10 steps to how to believe God if you have a relationship with God believing God will will flow out of your relationship with him you don't need to know the seven steps to the highest kind of faith it's good to know that but your relationship with God out of that relationship will flow a hunger to want to commune with him and spend time with him it is like the wet with the water if you jump in the water you don't have to be concerned about wet to jump in the water wet becomes a byproduct of getting in the water and so likewise if you have this intimate personal relationship with God then all these other things shall be added unto thee there's something about knowing God that will deal with attitude something about knowing God that will cause the fruit of the Spirit to become a byproduct of knowing God there's something about the Christian person saying that I'm in this for the relationship and I didn't become a Christian for the reason that most people became a Christian to miss Hale but salvation is so much lower than you getting saved to miss salvation the purpose of salvation is so that you can develop a deep intimate relationship with God and so that you can know him and he knows you and you begin to rely on him lean on him look to him trust him and God now wants to satisfy his intense love on you and all of a sudden your yoke you'll see what he means my yoke is easy and my burdens our life and you begin to experience an anointing of ease and every area of your life why because it becomes an outflow of your relationship with God I am so grateful for what we've learned I'm so grateful for what we know how to do I'm grateful that we know how to pray I'm grateful we know how to walk by faith I'm grateful we know about confessions but I don't want to operate mechanics and not have a relationship with Jesus I want all those things to be perfected even even better because of my relationship with him every Christian should understand that the blood of Jesus has been shared so it will give you a right to develop an intimate relationship with the father but the blood of Jesus was not just shared so you can be the righteousness of God thank God you're righteous because of his blood but thank God that that was enmity between God and man and the blood of Jesus was shed and peace was on earth and we now have a right to have an intimate relationship with the father just like Jesus had that intimate relationship with the father you and I can have that intimate relationship a relationship where you talk to him and commune with him and he communes and talks back to you praise God jesus said my sheep hear my voice and they know me because I know them so the question in your life as a Christian is how's your relationship with God do you have a personal relationship with him because if you have a personal relationship with him I don't know what all of this is for we don't have a personal relationship with him and we don't know I don't understand what we're doing I don't know why we're at church I don't know what we're doing anymore if we don't have a personal relationship with Jesus what is all of this for what is the singing for what is the praying for what is the communion for what is all of this thing that we we do as Christians what is it for if it doesn't flow out of a personal relationship with Jesus and think with me for a moment what an atmosphere must be like when that atmosphere is being influenced by people that show up in a building and everybody that shows up has a personal relationship with Jesus [Applause] then my preaching on the mechanics simply becomes something that you say oh so that's what I've been doing oh so that's what I know I don't want anymore folks if this is not about a relationship with Jesus if all of this is about his principles where I now become some life coach and will you just come some person that you got issues so you need to come and get you some mo principles I am NOT against principles and I am NOT against the mechanics but there's just something weird about me trying something out that you discovered through a relationship and me just taking your principles and trying out on somebody else and I didn't get it out of a relationship I want what I have to flow out of my relationship and not it flow out of your relationship but I wanted to flow out of my relationship I want to have some discovery and some intimacy and I want to have a real walk and relationship with God that was born out of me praying with him and singing to him and listening to him I want the relationship that was born out of knowing him I wanted to be religious acrobats and I wanted to be where we come in have another son into play church have another Sunday where we can out religious eyes one another in activity I don't want that anymore I want a relationship with Jesus where it becomes so dynamic that when I come in contact with you what you get from me is an overflow of my time spent with him lift your hands up just give God some phrases in this place because some dynamic things are gonna happen here this morning Oh God we want a relationship with you teach us to have a relationship with you deliver us from the works of the law and the works of flesh deliver us from performance based Christianity and bring us all into a personal knowing and a personal relationship with you and we receive that now in Jesus name everybody said amen amen any men so that's that's what we're going I've probably got a little extreme this morning but I so wanted you there what I was saying that I wanted to dress very casual this morning so that you can be hearing it from a person who's a human being in a flesh body maybe some of the visitors half and I shocked some of the visitors with the way we dress we're still looking for a tattoo artist by the way 2nd Peter chapter 1 verses 1 through 3 we're gonna pray we're gonna be letter to the holy spirit this altar is gonna be big place where you come and meet Jesus and you come and and settle in your person relationship nobody cares about how much you know they care about how much you care nobody's impressed anymore with your Greek and Hebrew knowledge or what cemetery a seminary school that you went to nobody cares about that nobody cares about the image you're building on social media nobody cares about that it's all by Jesus now and that is gonna be your only way out is Jesus that's gonna be your all the way up it's Jesus that's gonna be your only way in is Jesus and everything is coming down to this one thing do you have a relationship with him enough where you can trust him cuz it's hard to trust when you don't have a relationship you'd be a fool to meet a guy on the first day and then trust anybody and Trust Trust is something that's developed it grows it matures it blossoms and it requires time and that's what I pray for our church that eventually everybody in here not based on your performance not based on what you did last night how well you did this and how how good you did that how bad you did that I just want you to know that whether it was good or bad that you can keep showing up saying I still have a relationship with God he has a relationship with me and it blows my mind all the time that he can still have a relationship with me and I hadn't been perfectly obedient to what he does and yet he won't let me go [Applause] all right let's get into this second Peter chapter 1 verses one through three ready read Simon Peter a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord according as his divine power had given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and the virtue of verse 2 notice he says grace and piqué and grace and peace can be multiplied grace can be multiplied it can be multiplied grace can be multiplied I don't know how much of it you getting right now but it can be multiplied peace can be multiplied I don't know how much peace you're experiencing right now today but it can be multiplied but how can Grace and peace be multiplied he says through the knowledge of God in Jesus Christ through a knowledge of God and Jesus Christ now I'm needing for you to trade your knowledge about God for knowledge of who he is knowledge of God a knowing of God an intimate knowledge of God and and there's something that happens through this intimate knowing of God not just knowledge about him but this intimate knowing of God what caused grace to be multiplied this intimate knowing of God will cause peace to be multiplied and then in verse 3 he says according as the divine power had given unto us all things underline again all those all things all things all things have you interested in having available all the things that you need that pertain to life and godliness he says that all the things that pertain unto life and godliness how do I that to the knowledge of him not the knowledge about him through the knowledge of him this is an experiential knowledge through the knowledge of him all things are made available through the knowledge of him all things are made available I don't believe that and we can all attest to it I don't believe just by operating the mechanics of certain principles that all things have been made available because you've been operating a lot of mechanics and all things have been made available and you go back and you reevaluate your faith in you reevaluate your your confessions and did I say it enough and all that but what you're saying is through a knowing of him and I believe this intimate relationship with him all things are made available because sometimes having an intimate relationship with him will get you so focused on a relationship that you're not so concerned about the thing you're trying to give and maybe you're trying to get the thing you're not even ready for the thing you only think you are Oh God make me love me you know you ain't ready for it you can't even have a twenty thousand a year you make you a need no million because money isn't amplifiers this is gonna amplify the mess you are but by focusing on knowing him all things are made available I believe that comes through an ism relationship it starts with this statement I made that most of life's problems are solved through an intimate relationship with God and that's what he's saying here all things grace is multiplied peace is multiplied because me just putting on a t-shirt that says I am a Christian now this comes deeper you know we have a relationship with God you're not comparing yourself amongst yourself because your focus is on Jesus turn your neighbors say get focused on Jesus I think about all this stuff you're focused on does God love me is God mad at me how come I didn't get what I prayed for I gave and it ain't came back yet and I don't understand where was Jesus how come that happen why did they first of all realize don't be gettin upset with God when you have trouble cuz he warned you they that live godly shall suffer persecution so a lack of persecution doesn't mean that you're any closer or tight with God but what happens is if you spend time with God see most of the time the situations in the world are not changing if it feels different is because you're changing they still act like a fool except the foolishness is not messing with you like it did two years ago because the Word of God and your relationship with Jesus has changed you from the inside out and you're the one that's changed so it's not coming at you like it came at you two years ago they still carving you out and talking about you and betraying you but it ain't hitting you like it used to because your focus is on your relationship with Jesus and now he recovered with him praise God he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty and I'll saying the Lord you are my refuge and my fortress so he's become a fortress the stuff still coming but he's become a fortress he's become a seal [Applause] you ain't a week look pathetic pain that you used to be you've been heartened a little bit and now you can send all your haters a Christmas card thanking them for ever helping you to mature and to trusting God says I can't trust you I can trust in a God who will never let me down personal relationship yeah y'all ain't y'all you ain't hear me [Music] [Applause] what is this about what is this about this church thing how do we ever get to the point what we're having to teach on Church hurt what the heck is that it's a bunch of people who couldn't get their way because they perceived that they would get something and when their expectations were not fulfilled and they got disappointed Church hurt but you ain't got time to have no church hurt if you're focused on oh Jesus instead of the church [Applause] lots of people would love to become a Christian as soon as they see one they're just having a hard time locating one I definitely don't mean to be mean or provoking I do mean people be provoking but not in the wrong way for votes for voc you to righteousness I want I want to show you something when you understand the true nature of God I think you'll be motivated to go after him go to Hebrews chapter eight I'm going a different place here Hebrews chapter eight and let's look at verse 10 la bas you kid no no no no no no let's go to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 4 in the a.m. PC version guys the app is an amplified version Ephesians chapter 2 in verse 4 verse 4 okay could you put that on the screen I want everybody to see this pastor Ken told me he was meditated in this scripture when y'all went out and just um just tears this came out of his eyes and it it happened to me this morning to just think about look at God he says but God so rich is he in his mercy mercy mercy is it's the bad you deserve but you don't get and and it's the thing you feel condemned about but he says he's rich in mercy so he said I don't know how much bad you deserve but he says he's so rich in mercy you're not gonna get it but God so rich is he in His mercy because of and in order to satisfy the great and wonderful and intense love with which he loves us he's trying to satisfy his great and wonderful and intense love with which he loved us with this intense love this is not a love that's looking for every opportunity to put judgment on you it's not a love looking for every opportunity to make you sit when you miss it it's not a love looking for opportunity to keep you broke it's not a love that's looking for every opportunity to cause problems in your life that is not the true nature of God see the problem with most people they think they still think we're talking about the God of love but this is not the God of love this is the God who is love he doesn't have it he is it he's upset he doesn't have love he is love to encounter him and to have intimacy with him is to encounter the very essence of love it is to have a relationship with the very essence of love and here is God prescriptive but here is God who says that that in order to satisfy this great each trying to satisfy this he's looking for a place to satisfy this in pitched love that he has for us do you understand he said needs to be satisfied and he chose it he chose us to try to satisfy have you ever been really really thirsty he's like I am thirsty to try to satisfy it's like we don't get it the only reason you can't is cause you we won't let him he wants to satisfy this love with which he loved us go ahead he wants to satisfy this love about which he loved us keep going guys next line next verse okay even when we were dead in slain by our own shortcomings how many ever had some shortcomings he still is intense about loving you turning your neighbor said God has an intense the intense love for me so do you think that intense love enjoys seeing you sick do you think that intense love enjoys seeing you broke and without and hurting and heartbroken yes so if God is intense with his love trying to satisfy his love and he's trying to love us with that intense love the only thing that can stop that is whether or not you believe it and receive it enough to say in a time of trouble God loves me the key to deliverance is not am i doing my faith right that's important and I'm making enough confessions that's important am i praying long enough no no no the key is do I believe this intense love that God has for me and when I'm in trouble I say here's what I say God loves now you may think well what is that going to do that ain't got to do with healing it has everything to do with whatever's wrong with you it has everything to do whatever is going on in your life your belief in that love and your relationship with that love has everything to do with everything but do I believe it because you'd be surprised the same Christians that wear t-shirt that says I'm a Christian as soon as they fall messed up do some crazy the first thing they wonder about is I wonder if God still loves me cause I did that do you not understand that is an attack on the ultimate foundation of whatever deliverance you need to have there there has to be it has to be centered in you it has to be settled in you God loves me God loves me okay I'm gonna get very radical here I hope you know how to plate with places in good balance God loves me when I am doing some there's too this thing ever and when I finish it your your stupidity cannot change or affect his love please understand what the scripture says he didn't start loving you when you got saved he doesn't love you more once you gasp eh he has and will always love you with intensity religion tells you now God loves you now that you say and he loves you even more if you get filled with the Holy Ghost with evidences eager or cool shut up not speaking in tongues or do you love me even mark you'll come to church three times a week and oh by the way good GU boogaloo if you participate in one of the departments you have got the love of the Father and you know what you start doing you start you start governing his love based on you feel like he loves you based on what you've done that's performance-based Christianity and he said while you were yet sinners he didn't die for you cause you deserved he died for you while you were yet sinners so you got to settle in this relationship being in a relationship with God settles the issue you're so focused on him you're just not concerned about a whole lot of things you're concerned about right now that woke up this morning and my main concern was my alone time with God I gotta bet fourth bank 4:30 in the morning I'm already fresh went to bed early so why am I trying to get some more sleep let's hey God you up yes son I never sleep a slumber let's talk let's talk I got some secrets I want to tell you about how I've been feeling you know what if you tell him some secrets he'll tell you something you already know you got it so you might as well talk something that's the problem you're walking around with secrets you think God don't know it ain't that's what the relationship is for that's what it's for use it well I'll know about talking to God that's why it's personal time you can talk to him like you want to I don't give a hill of beans about what's going on in Pride and put in public then move me cuz I don't even know if that's you image is so big in this day in time I don't even know what's you I mean people could look awesome and look like they have a great relationship with God I don't know how you even look like here but you you do all the things that you think people are looking for to look like you have an image that have a great relationship with God but that doesn't mean anything that mean anything it's it's you you know you know the truth about you like nobody knows the truth about you except God what a relationship a friend that sticketh closer than any brother that you can talk to about anything and even if you don't know the Scriptures yet he'll teach them to you even if you're on all the scriptures yet you just go Tom's just straight up your God ma'am hi you know I'm trying to do this Lord I've been trying for the last six months to to cut this thing out man cuz I'm you know I mean you told me that I don't need to be in bondage to anything and you know I know you don't condemn me I know you already forgave me because you're just good like that but you know I yo I need some help I need some help so I'm looking to you for this I need some help some of you think well that prayer is nowhere near as the one that's religious dear kind Heavenly Father according to your book that says very emphatically that thou shall hear the cry of the righteous when they come before you in in their whole heart somehow you think that that prayer is less than this prayer but it may be that the prayer that sounds so religious and so colorful and so fixed up that that was a prayer that was developed out of those teachings of mechanics but has lost its relationship with God and he would prefer you say the first prayer that was born out of your heart of sincerity he'll teach you how to talk later lord help me I don't know if you've ever been so hurt you don't even know how to formulate the words to pray and you've been so hurt that all you could do was cry and mumble some words out and some of you think well that's a waste of time you know what that's the most powerful prayer you can have it's called groanings somebody says how you know that's powerful that's what Jesus did at this grave the Bible says he began to weep and Jesus wept you remember that little scripture he wept if you need to keep reading because after he wept that's when resurrection took place and they referred back to him that he prayed when he wept a prayer that becomes so powerful that I can't search for the language to even speak it out but out of my heart one of the most powerful prayers you can pray is the prayer of groaning why because it is born out of this in serie T of your heart and God knows what's in your heart not to justify your sin you know like your friends say but God know by heart what does that mean so you can just keep killing yourself no that's not what that means are y'all following this the the intimate sincerity of a person's heart I know wants this now go to Hebrews chapter eight hebrews chapter eight and I started verse ten oh praise God Oh hallelujah something's happening to you right now the Holy Spirit you have to understand something religion won't be religion won't have the impact on your transformation like the Holy Spirit because religion has not been given the assignment to transform you and when I say religion it's not by your doing that's going to have impact on your transformation real transformation is going to take place by the Holy Spirit and just by beholding him you'll be transformed into the same image from glory to glory by the Holy Ghost we need to start taking taking time to we need to take time to recognize that so many missing things in our life take place by the Holy Spirit that you can't see and until you come to the point of recognizing I believe and allow the Holy Spirit to start doing the work the distraction to the Holy Spirit doing the work is you doubting him enough for you to start trying to do something to transform you and not let him do the thing to transform you okay Alice are you hearing what I'm saying look at this scripture verse 10 and 11 for this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws into their mind I will write them in their hearts and I will be to them a god they shall be to me a people now watch this hold a minute there and that's good yeah go pedestrian whole thing verse 11 after they shall after they shall not after they and they shall not teach every man his neighbour and every man his brother they won't have to say no the Lord that teaching won't have to happen why for all shall know me from the least to the greatest all right now let's back up to verse 10 let's answer some questions here this is the covenant of grace this is the New Testament the New Covenant of grace for this is the Covenant that I will make with the house at Israel and those they say at the Lord I will put my laws in their mind and I will write them in their hearts the first question is what law is he going to put right on my mind in my heart I need to see that what law is that I know most of you know that but let's go look at it first John 3 22 through 24 what law it's almost as if I am hearing God's say I am gonna equip you to do what you cannot do on your own and in order for me to be able to expect this from you I have to equip you honey you know God will never expect anything from you until he first of all equip you to do it God will never ask anything of you unless you first of all equip you with the ability to do it man that just that just that set me free if somebody says well what did God ask you to give a million dollars did he equip you with it now ain't got it well don't worry about it he never asks you to do what you're not equipped to do then in denizen it never has to be your concern we're not gonna ask you to write a check for a million dollars because he is never gonna ask you to do what you are not equipped to do so if he asked you to forgive this person of this horrific act that they did to you he will not ask you to forgive and love without first of all equipping you with the equipment necessary to forgive somebody of such an egregious so if he says to do it you need to know I got the goods by which I can can carry this out alright now now look at this first John 3:22 and whatsoever we ask we receive of him because we keep his Commandments not Moses his Commandments not a commandments of Moses his Commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight 23 and this is his commandment see we thought once we got born again and now we're under the grace of God and we're delivered from the law of Moses we ain't got no more laws or Commandments to keep we don't have to keep those Jesus has delivered us from the law that came by Moses the 613 but now he says he says I got some commandments that ain't a lot ain't no 613 them but it says if you keep my commandment it'll be a fulfillment of everything you couldn't do by your own performance hallelujah glory to God oh boy and this is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his son Jesus Christ and in that is loving one another as he gave us a commandment to love now I hope you placed there the gazon back at me hold that place there and go to Romans five and five now he's not he can't command me to do something Romans five and five he can't command me to do something if he didn't equip me right you gonna quit me to love what's not lovely you gonna put me to love somebody that murdered one of my relatives of my friends you're gonna quit me to love a spouse that net net net net that broke their covenant and and invited somebody else in in my bed you're gonna you're gonna cook tell me to do something like that and not equipment me you're gonna quit me too for to give somebody a shot [Music] I look at this and hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shared abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us so what did he say the day you get born again I'm gonna make sure the Holy Spirit pours in your heart super natural love well why is the first Ministry of the Holy Spirit to dispense love in your heart he says I'm giving you the stuff that makes me me so that when you receive me you have the same substance that makes me me gonna make you you so that the Son of Man the Son of God became the son of man so sons of men could become the sons of God and the Holy Spirit was sent to pour the love of God in your heart so you possess the day you've got with the day you believe you possessed supernatural love in you to enable you to do everything he would command you to do through this commandment of love he's not gonna command you to love and not provide to you the supernatural ability to love the supernatural love itself abides on the inside of every believer you'd be surprised the things you can love and you'd be surprised how quick you can forgive if you don't focus on your old software and stay focused in on your relationship with God he'll show you you can love he show you and you set up your listener this and some of you I cannot forgive the person you're doing the biggest unforgiveness represent is amongst divorcees well that's right let's not talk about Frank he is this the baby sperm donor like you don't have the equipment to forgive Frank you do you have a view you have their equipment to forgive Frank you have the equipment to buy Frank something for Christmas you have the equipment to honor your you're the father of your children you have the equipment to do that you don't have to be teed off at Frank all your life you're a Christian you're not like everybody else you're a born-again Christian who has had the love of God dispensed on the inside of them didn't get a lot a lot of amens on that love and frankly I'm gonna have to meditate on that just a little bit longer give me about another ya know what me and Frank God does like deep Thank You own team understand if I see it right now I got a pistol in my purse right now which he will come up to the all the time I didn't say about that he doesn't treated me the way he treated me right now go back to first John bevel the three whatever 23 to whatever all right now so we all agree that God has supplied and equipped us with his love supernatural love to love what's not lovely alright he says in verse 22 and whatsoever we ask we receive of him because we keep his Commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight verse 23 and this is his commandment that we should believe on the lord on the name of his son jesus christ now here's the question you know you can get so religious about this statement and the only thing only way you can respond from that statement is i believe jesus what does that mean yeah what does that mean yeah you you believe him cuz you said you believe it what does that mean i believe jesus what does he mean when he says here's a part of the commandment that you should believe on on the name or the authority of His Son Jesus Christ well what is that to believe on Jesus is to believe that he died for your sins past present and future to believe I believe that I believe Jesus died for my sins past present and future I believe that that that Jesus when he died made me the righteousness of God I believe that I'm redeemed because of jesus's death to believe in jesus is to believe all that he accomplished the authority that he had took i am righteous because of the authority of jesus christ and that he died and he shed his blood for me i i am redeemed because of that my sins are forgiven I will that so when is the test time the test time come is when you do something stupid and now all of a sudden you don't believe at all that you're forgiven inspect you in fact you spent all day begging God to forgive you so could it be that the believers are not believing we say we do because it's the church thing to say we say we do because that's the religion thing we've got so used to playing Church we don't even know what's true anymore we'll just come to a churches Church time this is the way we go to church go to trees go to church this is the way we go to church early in the month and this is the way we play it you play that too look baby we gave the church the early in the heart you know would even know what it means anymore and you wonder why people out there think we're weird look at it look at it from the outside and this isn't what Jesus ever meant to happen this ain't Church and then we try to compare ourselves amongst ourselves and then we start copying planned Church and we get all the things that we need to perfect church and the answer is not perfecting Church dancers perfecting your personal relationship with Jesus and that need to be done in private [Applause] it's okay now I'm in public let's do it open no this is this is this that I'm talking about is a private matter but if you do this in private he said whatever you done it whatever you do in secret he said I'll do it publicly so everybody can see the overflow and the byproduct of private time [Applause] because if you do it in public being you got your reward the applause of man oh look at that a wonderful praise the Lord look at her I love the way they say that we're all in they won you got it Oh Oh y'all y'all hear me this morning minute I'm just thinking you I'm thinking you ought to be kind of like tired of church I am extremely fed up what did you these Church games I'm not interested in anymore well that's why that's why your invitations don't go down cause you know I don't listen I am so busy I don't even have time to take one invitation you understand me see when you can focus in on your intimate relationship we got you busy about doing what he telling you to do this right you ain't sitting in the office waiting on the invitation and in fact if I want invitation I just invite myself around here somewhere and this put a sign up say we having a meeting tonight nothing you invited see see why is that an issue why is that the issue it's not I have a personal relationship with Jesus it's I want an invitation we think ministry ministry has been has been reduced to you know the littlest in the church game our dinner area God calls you to a ministry night so you can have a night anywhere so you've have an assignment from him to fulfill we're one of the people you bring around you you need no pulpit to do what God called you to do in fact most of ministry is not in the pulpit most of ministry is that your job and it is that that side is with your neighbor is in the park is that the grocery stores in pizza restaurants I know I know I know I know y'all look at me like what is what's going on with him why don't he just why don't he just put his three-piece suits Beth alone and just preach normal sermons and and give us my topic for today is get right or get gone what's wrong why don't you just wonder you talk like perpendicular like the rest of the preachers first of all I don't know what the rest of the preachers doing because I don't want to compare anymore no I got enough I had enough in my whole life we're go home people now I love people and all this up behind got time to be doing this let me see let me see if we can play this bring this on over here see work on over over here we do the same same thing they got an African dance unit with me give me an African day and then you act like the Holy Ghost told you but it was really I saw African dance unit there so I think I already told you it's not good to compare yourself amongst yourself why is it not good to compare yourself amongst yourself cuz why you been to comparing yourself amongst yourself you missing out on the word from God you see there's a difference between a good idea and a god idea you keep taking good ideas and you put your way to God ideas but the god ideas are the one that have the anointing on it and it brings you to a place that a good idea could have never gotten you y'all can tap on door oh boy she kicking up a house under the Baja ah oh I wish I could have seen this earlier I didn't I had to go through the process I had to go through the process so I probably have the passion to talk about what I'm talking about today I had to I'm not talking about what I don't know about I was part of the playing Church the choir the all of this stuff I think God for our choir I think of our musicians and our directors and our praise singers I thank God they break down every now and then and they can't finish the song because they're ministering to God I didn't I think I think God for this church that Wednesday night those storms all over the place in steel we had Bible study people here they were ready to go like nothing was happening outside I think God for those your guys in New York man who blizzards and snow all over the place and is just catch the train to just come church like oh well the pastor's got to fly from Atlanta we can at least catch the train from Brooklyn Wow nobody wants to play Church anymore because playing Church hurts people playing Church gives a false idea of who God is trying to execute the mechanics of what you've seen through your comparison but you don't know God and again I say the greatest sin in the body of Christ is trying to be like God without God and this is his commandment that we should believe on the on the name of his son Jesus Christ and love one another if I believe on his name of son Jesus Christ well I'm gonna love one another what is this thing that we have I tell you the love one another part authenticates my intimate relationship with the god part you go around talking like yeah I know you supposed to love I'm trying I told you before I try as an honest lie you come to church I'm gonna try that's the honest life it's good luck if I have fellowship with love how is it that I can come out with something else other than what I have fellowship with so if I'm coming out with something other than what I have fellowship with then I need to examine what I'm fellowshiping with how can I love God whom I have never seen and hate my brother now you think oh well I can do that I was on our top show I was interviewing this gentleman from Jacksonville he was a SWAT policeman he wouldn t else Church to Pastor Mike in Connie's church in Jacksonville and his son was murdered and when the guy who murdered his son came into the courtroom he said the love of God just swelled up on the inside of me just he just had love for this guy and why we were doing integrals here I see it really what I really say it was I don't know if I can do that and God later on answered he says you can because I equip you to so it doesn't stop there so he wrote he writes this guy letter and he says you know you know I forgive you but my son's gone and I need you to do me a favor could you take my son's place could you be my son and take my son's place until I see him again the guard said when the guy read the letter he just broke down in uncontrollable tears who does that then later on begin to research was it possible to adopt this man and he adopted him and he answered the question he got visitation rights and he says if you'll have me I'll be your son and I got video they're embracing one another this is his dad and that's his son oh just that you know what I said because when I just told you you say what you really say it was which the real set was I don't know if I can do that and what I've been preaching to you is you can but you have been wild playing Church you've been more influenced by the world instead of this love you have taken love to where it has a boundary and fear is that boundary I can't take it too far because they might hurt me they might abuse me and what happens is when fear comes in self-preservation comes in and you no longer trust God to preserve you you now say I must preserve myself and you put the boundary on love you said love can only go this far now and what you were saying was I'm only willing to go this far I'm not willing to go as far as love can go I'm only gonna go this far and you never get the chance to see the miracles that love can produce because you place the boundary of fear over it and went into self-preservation and you start to prover preserving yourself because you no longer trusted God would preserve you so a first sign of abuse that's why I quit loving a marriage that could have been rescued a marriage that could have been successful even today you stopped it right there because I'm too scared to go to as far as love wants to take me because I fear not being preserved by love but we call ourselves Christians we wear the t-shirts we wear the sign we have a membership number we have all that I'd rather run the risk of you tearing my heart out than me putting boundaries on the love that God has because I believe that there's no way that love is gonna allow what you or anybody else does to tear my heart up and I have but I tell you i I have I felt in times that my heart has been broken in so many pieces that there are no pieces left to break and every time I think that the love of God begins to take all those little pieces together and mend them piece by piece bigger pieces by piece by bigger pieces and put it back together again where I can trust him I have to have a relationship with him I can't do this off principles alone I have to know him cuz when it gets that rough I gotta have somebody to talk to that I can trust and who will respond and who will never let me down what is this about if we can't love one another when it took women when did it become I love God with them church folks that's only an incredible 'ti to who you're not spending time with it's only clarifying that there is no relationship with God there is no relationship with love there's just a relationship that you know how to shout like a Christian you know how to talk like one in front of other ones you know how to pretend like one you know how to carry yourself like one you could be in so much pain and you're sort of bondage to the religion of what a Christian is you don't even know how to have the Liberty to open your heart up to another brother and sister I'm just tired of it I don't I don't I don't want them I don't want to be a part of a bunch of bought his heart god I see yeah I still want to be a part of a bunch of hypocrites in church that want to judge other people for being hypocrites to preserve their own hypocrisy Oh Piper says seek me and I promise you you will find me this coming Wednesday I'm gonna preach on what it means to wait on the Lord and to wait on the Lord means I'm gonna look to God before I solicit any human aid and God says for the people who will wait on me and look to me before they look to any human aid he says I promise I'll go to work for you he says you don't help any idea what I have prepared for those who will wait on me he says you don't have a clue what I have in store for those who will seek me in priority above any human aid because I want to do you good and I want to make you happy that's the God that we serve that's the God that we serve he wants to do you good not bad God's not mad at you he's not even in a bad mood where you're concerned so so you really think he wants you staying sick or in pain or in fear that you're gonna die so the answer's no I am so okay being dogged out and talked about for preaching this grace okay so okay because I will see Jesus one day and he'll grab ass and he'll squeeze us and he'll make an expression on his face about the intensity of it and he'll say thank you so much for being courageous thank you so much for having the courage think of that hugging you with an expression of intensity thank you here's where we are today and I'll close there are two ways you can build ministry or your life you can build your life on gold silver precious stone which is righteousness Redemption and all that comes out of your relationship in your heart that that stone was over but the heart of that priest or you can build your life and ministry on wood hay and stone now the promises if you build your your house on gold silver and precious stone when your evil day comes or when that rough time comes after that storms over with you'll still be standing but it was built on wood Hey self-righteousness self effort image then when the storm comes and your houses fall falling until to fall down he says those who built it on precious stone they will receive a reward but those that build it on wood hay and stubble he says they will receive loss he said they'll still be saved but they'll receive loss be careful on how you build your house build it on righteousness building on Jesus Sol and Jesus I'm good I don't need validation from anybody with God right now I'm good been there done that been all the way up here been all the way down there he's all way up here you had to figure out how to stay there when you're always down there you got to try to figure out how to get up hangout time for that that takes too much sweat God has called us to sweat this victory would you bow your heads prayer with me just for a moment so uh so God here we are I just believe you have a room full of people who are like saying I want you I believe Lord we have a room full of people who are saying I'm in it for the relationship I believe we have a room full of people were saying I just didn't know but now that I do I'm in it for the relationship I'm willing to let things go I'm willing to trust you I'm willing to expand my trust where your love is concerned I'm in it for you now Lord my prayer is that you will show us how to do it that you will allow us to become barefooted priests and show us how to walk this walk a walk that involves real real relationship with you deliver us from the strategies of church and bring us into the intimacy of a personal relationship with you ladies and gentlemen could you help me would you just worship God thank him for something would you lift your hands up just thank him for something I find something to thank him for maybe it was something that you heard today maybe the Holy Spirit spoke something to your heart today but can you genuinely lift your hands and just begin to give him Thanksgiving because a thankful Christian is a fruitful Christian a thankful Christian is always gonna be a fruitful Christian and I don't know what may be going on in your life but I believe that the fruit of the Spirit of God is being released over you right now as you're coming to God with this pure transparent genuineness this organic you is coming before God not the church playing you but this organic you is coming before God and he's honoring your Thanksgiving and you're being thankful and you may think well I don't have I don't have much to thankful yeah you do you're alive thank him for your well thinking for your healing is gonna miss the manifest thank him for it your deliverance is at hand thank him for it give thanks unto the Lord for he is good and His mercy endureth forever o give thanks unto the Lord for he is good and His mercy endures forever thank you Jesus now by the Holy Spirit begin to do some things in here this morning by the Holy Spirit all by the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit transform today Holy Spirit give the desires to please you today Holy Spirit put a hunger and a thirst on each of us that this vision may come to pass that world changes nation that each member will have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and they will come to know Jesus for themselves is my prayer in Jesus name Amen would you put your hands together and give the Lord a big hand clap afraid Lord open your mouth and give them a shout if you can open your mouth and shout unto God with a bark of fire where are they now I want to teach you something here we've become accustomed to playing church so much there's no reverence to God anymore at church because it's church we do what we want to do when we want to do how we want to do it there's no reverence for anything well we believe in God that that'll get back right but I want you to prepare your offerings listen to me carefully this is not the time for everything about Jesus but disappear cause now we're talking about offering Jesus talked more about money I believe in the New Testament than he did heaven because he never wanted you to be subject to the spirit of manland that got you to trust money more than you trusted God to give it we don't give out of necessity we give out of a cheerful heart that's a part of mine Thanksgiving to God I give because I'm grateful and I am thankful for what God has already done well people say well brother Dahl I heard you you've retired then and I don't know about that tithes and stuff because you know people over the years in church have said if you don't tithe you're gonna be cursed and Jesus delivered us from the curse so what what is it are we delivered from it or not well I like to tell this illustration when my daddy was alive he said if I ever saw you crossed across the street if I've seen you across the street and don't look both ways I'm gonna whoop you so out of the threat of punishment I would look both ways after that before I cross the street but my father's dead now I no longer have to to live under the threat of looking both ways but I mean you know it is still to my benefit that when it comes to crossing the street is still to my benefit to look both ways so tithing still benefits you you get the blessings of it but you don't get none of the curses let's give because we love God we honor God and we're thankful to God not because if I don't give I'm afraid I'm gonna be cursed but I'm honored and privileged to be able to soul into the work of what Jesus is doing that's the quickest thing people want to say when they want to bring down a ministry or minister money look at what they got I'll tell you one thing if that preacher after talking about how awesome God is and spending time with God and then talking about son if he has no sign of it I don't believe a word he says why should I so whatever I've been in ministry out almost 40 years I can't say about no money maybe I'm smart enough to invest in some stuff that you don't know about but now that can't be the narrative the narrative olve got to be the only way he could have possibly gotten that is he had this spiel you don't argue with narratives like they just think whatever you want to think I'm not gonna stop prospering because you got a problem with it that's crazy that's ridiculous but you out like what you I don't want me to do is to let you in on them stop something from investing in them after we give we're gonna somebody said well you got a district after you after we give we're gonna we're gonna open this altar up for you to come and get save come and get baptism the whole spirit come to join a church finish that open it up for you to come and get healed come and get deliver finish that I got my t-shirt on I'm ready to stay all day well if there's a devil here in you let's dance let's dance my pastors are here we gotta know we are going to drive the enemy's plan in your life so crazy today that he'll think three four times before I even try to come through your house again holy offers up let's let's present this to the Lord right now if you're given by text the information is on the screen father this is our honor this is this is us saying that we love you we appreciate you we're grateful to you and we want to share of that which you have blessed us with we give because we love you not out of necessity but out of a cheerful heart we give that it may be a blessing to the brook where we are receiving spiritual food and we give you praise for this opportunity now and we received the harvest and the promise that you have given over this in Jesus name we pray amen US has received receive this offering to today and as you give tell it to go and to grow now as you're giving listen to me carefully I want to move speedily if if you're here today and you are not born again you do not know Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior and you want to make him your Lord and personal Savior now watch this this is gonna be a lot of stuff going on at the same time I'm not gonna have like close your eyes raise your hands say three amens and then count to three time I hit three get your hands up real quick I'm doing none of that you know what you need to do no games no more church game with your eyes wide open if you don't if you're not born again and you want to get born again would you meet me down down here right now I just get out of your seat right now bring your personal belongings let's get saved right now we're not gonna have no special song for you to walk down the aisle with we're not gonna do any of those things and I'm not have no problem with none of that stuff but I'm just like if you if you want to be saved doing it most people say well I'm gonna do that because you know that creates the atmosphere and the emotions I'm starting with that I'm just saying here's where I am if you are not born again and you want to get born again come now and I'm not asking no more that's that's between it's between you and God you you understand what I'm saying I just it's you you know whether or not you need to get safe you know you have to make the decision you got the free wheel you got the free will and come on come out of Darkness come on into the muck come on into the light come on into the light come on into the light [Applause] that's what we're out with this church we don't wanna play Church anymore if you've not received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues that weird language you hear when you come in here sometimes you think what is that it's one of the most powerful grace gifts that God ever allowed four men have did you know all creation started when words were spoken if you've not received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence speaking in tongues since you've been born again come down and we'll show you how when you pray in tongues you pray about things you don't know about when you pray in tongues my god you you're releasing wisdom all kinds of things are happening because you have gone to another level of prayer than what you've been taught this is far more greater than saying the Lord's Prayer so at this time come on down and I'm gonna give one more if God's calling you to join this church those of you who are watching in our other churches this morning as well here's one thing I am convinced about I used to think it's just okay as long as they're going to church they'll be all right until you start going to some of these churches and I'm thinking dear God that's gonna destroy you you know what's worse than being a sinner it's learning how to be religious and wanting to know the truth and keep going around it if God's called you to join this church and you believe with all your heart that you're supposed to be a part of this church would you get up wherever you are this morning here this morning come on down and join this church so the last two things the baptism the Holy Spirit and join the church come on down right now I'm not gonna say it again [Applause] the mercies of God are so strong and because of his mercy verses of God thank you Lord for your mercy so congregation your your-your-your now mercy your the mercy of God now as we stand I want you to turn to your left right front behind ministers and people who may need that extra ministry to help them out stand now turn to your left right front behind ask them are you born again would you like to be you want to rededicate your life you want to join the church whatever if they need some help you you help them come down here okay you help them come down a little bit [Music] of my heart be the fire inside my face [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're never gonna let you never [Music] we say [Music] [Music] you [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] congregation give the Lord a big hand clap before he job thank you lord so father we declare grace grace over their lives and we think of that every mountain be reduced to a plateau we declare the blessing of God is working in them and for them and through them and they'll never be the same again and Father we give you praise for them now in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen those of you who have come down in this church and all the locations we are proud of you and we think God for your decision at this time we're going to lead you to a prayer room where people will meet you there to give you biblical understanding of how to obtain and how to maintain what you came to receive we thank God that you will never be the same again as a result of this decision so at this time if you can turn if you're in the dome turn this way and follow this gentleman to the prayer room if you're in our other locations if you'll turn and follow those individuals up front to the prayer room they're gonna take you and minister to you and we're excited about what has to happen amen praise the Lord now those of you who want prayer if you want prayer if there's sickness in your body and it has not been resolved you know you've been diagnosed with I mean it's a pretty serious thing and you know you know if you got a little headache go home and go to sleep and take a Tylenol so you fought the off I was in but I mean you got a serious something going on in your life and in your physical body and you know the doctors have treatment for it but they don't necessarily have a cure I believe as we pray for you the Holy Spirit is gonna say some other things to you comes you know I mean you know a lot of things we are we're doing in our lifestyles how we worry how we stressed out how we're eating all that other kind of stuff also plays a part so you can come up and get healed and go back and start doing the same thing so what we want to do is we want to we want to get you healed Bible says you lay hands on the sick and the sick they get recovered but one of the reasons you recover what you're recovering is what Jesus already did you're already the heal no no the symptoms are trying to steal what you already are because of what Jesus is done you got to get that in your head I'm healed already now I am I am receiving what I already am I'm not trying to get it I already have it the symptoms are trying to steal what I already have and so I'm resisting actively those symptoms and believing that I receive what I've already gotten and so if you'll come on down right now it doesn't remain it doesn't matter how severe the case is it doesn't matter what you said I don't care all I know is Jesus has already done it and I'm going to pray for you and we're gonna believe God together and we're gonna believe that you receive healing and healing is available because Jesus made it available and if you will release your faith then it's done it's already been done but just just take it your faith you're coming down here to take what Jesus has already made available the symptoms have to slow up now I need somebody to come and control the line so I'll have people behind folks just hold hold them up and stretch them all the way unless you want to do that unless you want to stretch them all the way around that's fine you want to use all that to do that
Channel: ByGod'sGrace
Views: 4,800
Rating: 4.9097743 out of 5
Keywords: Ministry, Word Of God, creflo dollar ministries, Living By Faith Not By Emotions, CrefloDollar, Creflo Dollar 2019, world changers church international, Dollar Creflo, Preaching, Dollar, The Art Of Being Alone With God, Bible, world changers church international praise and worship, Ministries, Pastor Preaching, Pastor Creflo Dollar, Jesus, Creflo Dollar, World Changers Church, Creflo Dollar Ministries Live, Creflo Dollar Sermons
Id: czU3UUkh_gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 39sec (5679 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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