Sit & Share Bible Study w/ Bishop George Bloomer - 9.28.21

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you [Music] god bless you welcome to bethlehem's live stream hey hey everybody tell somebody that bishop is on the air what a great sunday we had and experienced and i think we're going to have a little touch of that on today if you would for a quick moment i'm getting a little sound back from that thank you so much um and then we're at uh shirley caesars on sunday morning message help is on the way but our streaming message uh this sunday was the power uh what was it the power of the secret the mystery mystery of the secret are you using your prophetic abilities to see tomorrow today so you know what's around the corner and what's coming are you are you developing your prophetic uh fine tuning and perception i think you are thank you for the responses and the and the comments [Music] and the messages that you sent to me about the message on this past week [Music] this sunday i want to talk to you about i'm going to sort of kind of like take another break and talk to you before we go into the last part of the underworld take a little break and talk to you about communion communion uh today is tuesday and yesterday was monday and monday was the last day of the uh feast of tabernacles which brings us into the seventh day from tuesday till next tuesday that hovering of the smoke that is in the tabernacle the blessings of the lord and i want to um i want to [Music] um talk to you about two things so uh those who have your models let's look at let's look at zechariah 14 13 13-21 that's one of the scriptures we're going to read to you tonight and then i'm going to talk to you a little bit about uh communion and leviticus uh 23 32 to 41. um uh just a little bit we had uh prepared for you in the year of rest uh yeah yeah this is this is this is this is without a without a shout of a doubt that this is the year of of rest and i want many of you to rest in the lord and be blessed so let's call a neighbor and call a friend and um um and tell someone that we're on the air bishop is going to be ministering in a few seconds so happy to be with you on on this evening all right with my hands lifted up [Music] and my mouth filled with praise [Music] with the heart of thanksgiving i rest thee [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise with the heart of thanksgiving [Music] i will bless thee alone i will bless thee oh lord i will bless thee with the heart of thanksgiving [Music] i will bless thee [Music] [Music] with the heart of thanksgiving [Music] i will bless me [Music] for the heart of thanksgiving [Music] i'm gonna bless you all alone i'm gonna bless you i'm gonna bless you i will bless you i'm gonna bless you i'm gonna bless you [Music] i am [Music] i'm going to bless you i'm gonna bless you [Music] i will bless thank you jesus share like like and share share like and like and share and let us fill the airways with evangelistical energy a night when people would get saved the night with people would rededicate their hearts to god [Music] oh [Music] it could have been me outdoors [Music] all alone without a friend just another number with a tragic end [Music] but you didn't let none of these none of these things be [Music] save me by your power and you keep on keeping [Music] thank you lord [Music] for all you've done for me [Music] could have been me [Music] could have been me outdoors no food no food or clothes all alone without a friend [Music] save me by your power and you keep keeping me up thank you lord for all you've done i want to say thank you lord for all you've done i wanna say thank you lord for all you've done for me [Music] for me [Music] thank you lord for all you've done for me [Music] for me [Music] for me [Music] for me lord i thank you for what you've done for me could've been dead thank you lord keeping me alive [Music] all you've done for [Music] for some of the people the verse should go like that it should have been me outdoors no [Music] all alone without a friend just another number with a tragic end [Music] you save me by your power and you keep on keeping me thank you lord [Music] for all you've done thank you lord [Music] lord for all [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you jesus wonderful wonderful do that again [Music] something is happening for somebody [Music] hallelujah [Music] it's another day [Music] that the lord has kept me hey one more day that the lord has kept me he has kept me from all evil [Music] with my mind stayed on jesus it's another day that the lord [Music] has kept me [Music] he has kept me from all evil with my mind stayed on jesus it's another day [Music] it's another day [Music] it's another day [Music] that alone [Music] has kept me [Music] did they give you one of these [Music] if it had not been for the lord on my side tell me where would i be [Music] [Music] tell me where would i be where would i be you know he kept my enemies away he let the sun shine through a cloudy day he rocked me in the cradle of his arms then i knew i was sheltered from the storm oh [Music] tell me where would i be where would i share a like and like and share and tell everyone that bethel is on the air right now is bible study in the name of jesus two things i want to deal with tonight uh real real briefly um yesterday ended the feast of tabernacle several times a year you shall come together for a feast and you shouldn't come before the lord empty the scripture says [Music] zechariah 14 verses 13 through 21 and it reads like this and it shall come to pass in that day that a great remote from the lord shall be among them and they shall lay hold everyone on on the hand of his neighbor and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor and judah also shall fight at jerusalem and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gathered together wow gold and silver and apparel in great abundance wow and so shall be the plague of the horse the mew of the camel and of the ass and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents as this play it should come to pass that everyone that is left of all the nations which came against jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the king the lord of hosts and to keep the feast of tabernacles and it shall be then whoso would not come up of all the families of the earth unto jerusalem to worship the king the lord of hosts even upon them shall be no rain and if the family of egypt go not up and come not that have no rain there shall be the plague wherewith the lords will smite the heathen come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles this shall be the punishment of egypt and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles so so you're telling me that um out of zechariah 14 uh chapter 14 verse number 19 that there's a punishment that is associated with all of the nations uh that if they don't go up to [Music] worship at the tabernacle punishment of egypt the punishment of all the nations that come up upon and keep that don't keep the feast of the tabernacle and in those days this shall be upon you what else on horses these are the folks in holiness unto the lord and the pots in the lord's house shall be like the bows at the um before the altar that's that's scary and and then verse number 20 21 says what yeah every part in jerusalem and in judah shall be holiness unto the lord of hosts and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them and see if they're in and the way i got stuck at is in verse number 18 if the families of egypt uh uh go not up and come not uh there shall be no rain and if they that they come out in the plague whereon the lord shall smite the heathen that come not up and keep the feast of the tabernacle so so god in this season is not only requiring uh discipline and worship from people who are born again he's requiring it from heathens people who ain't even say requirement of of of them and he says no rain is going to come if there's no rain there's drought with drought takes place there's a famine and with this famine there's sickness and disease and so on and so forth like that the cattle begin to die the water is stagnated things begin to happen and all of this is because we do not keep the feast of the tabernacle what catches my attention here is the text says that the plague and it shall be a plague of the horses and the muse and of the camel and of the asses and the beast of all the field you know this plagues shall come and it shall be devastating of course right now we're in the corona plague and we've been plagued with the plague for almost two years and it doesn't look like it's subsiding if if anything is going in changing his clothes and coming out in a different garment and wreaking havoc everywhere so to better understand the new generation of readers i've asked them to jot it down in zechariah 14 and in the message bible and uh it reads like this but this is what will happen to all who fought against jerusalem god would visit them with a terrible plague people's flesh were rot off their bones while they were walking around he says this he says uh but this is what will happen to them that fought against jerusalem i want to drop the word jerusalem resurrect the word you this is what's going to happen to those of them that fought against you who are in the will of god god will visit them with terrible plagues and when i talk about plagues and talk about financial plague relational plague uh uh health plagues uh yeah plagues where it just nothing comes nothing is coming together for you uh because you come up against the household of faith and refuse to worship god uh pick it up and read it for us people's flesh will right off their bones while they are walking around their eyes will rot in their sockets and their tongues and their mouths people will be dying on their feet mass hysteria when that happens total panic fellow soldiers fighting and killing each other now i i want you to look go go back a little bit and and says but this is what will happen to them that fought against the church fought against god fought against the people of god god will visit with them with a terrible plague people's flesh now i want to dramatize this one more people's flesh will fall off their bones while they are walking around that speaks of something that that that is being glorified today their eyes are rotten in their sockets and their tongues in their mouths and people will what die on their feet uh-huh mass hysteria and mass hysteria shall hit i can take that peace alone and dramatize it for you in the name of jesus that peace alone i can take it and dramatize it um for you what does it sound like it sounds like uh the living dead look what it says look what it says a terrible pledge the flesh shall fall shall rot and fall off their bones that's a zombie while they're walking around their eyes will be rotten in the sockets and their tongues in their mouths and people will be dying on their feet that's a zombie mass hysteria when this happens people are running to get away from the living dead and you watch that all the time that's one of your favorite shows is it no don't say you've seen this it's one of your favorite shows isn't it right you like it right okay so uh keys what what do you like about it what do i like about keys what do you like about it oh i like the the drama and action of it the drumming action of what oh they'll kill him killing who the zombies killing zombies because it's always a point where they it's almost like they got almost because zombies gonna take over but then they kill what season are you in to right now oh i'm benjamin from season one again so you um the bible says in the last days there will be [Music] a great fall in the way from what we know to be the truth of god's word and i don't know are you feeling thomas so how can you watch a program like that it's just a tv show okay it's just a tv show okay let's read about the tv show this is what will happen to all that fought against jerusalem how do you become a zombie in the movie uh when you get bitten right [Music] right yeah uh uh are the zombies alive on day what walking around there walking around [Music] dead man if that if that was the sound of of of of the of the drama who would be walking in that would then would that [Music] trying to get away from what from the zombies and the zombies [Music] okay well let's go back and find out who the zombies are in this text here keep going he says this and it shall come to pass they that don't go up to worship god [Music] so the zombies are who [Music] and it shall come to pass that everyone that [Music] in that day yeah i'm 13. listen uh and it shall come to pass the end that day a great a great turmoil from the lord shall uh shall they hold everyone on the hand of his name yes so now neighbors are fighting neighbors zombies are trying to get humans humans are trying to get zombies everyone this is just in my neighborhood right next door okay good now verse number uh uh 14 says you also shall fight in jerusalem but praise shall fill the church judah needs praise right praises open-handed to throw to your enemy choking the hell out of what's trying to choke the hell out of you verse number verse number 13 the neighbors laying hold on their neighbor okay man shall rise up against the hand of his name also shall fight his rules and the wealth of all the heat and around about but the wealth of the zombies the heathens who used to be wealthy who are now part of the living dead their house is still there their gold is still there their silver's still there the arraignment the clothes they used to wear are still there how do you become a zombie by getting bit and becoming contaminated so we got zombies sitting in our church don't believe nothing about god but still there every sunday [Music] uh number 19 19 said this shall be the punishment of egypt and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of talent so how do you become a zombie huh and getting bitten is metaphorically speaking what hearing false doctrines believe in unbelief unbelief here we go that's good uh-huh and then they should there be upon the bells of the horses holiness unto the lord and the pots in the lord's house shall be like before the author what are the bulls before the toast the balls before bose before the altar is the plagues that are poured out of out of heaven it's terminals more turmoils uh huh watch this here yeah every part of jerusalem and judah shall be holiness but at the same time the holiness people are going to remain holy while the unholy will succumb to this plague that is on them here we go and all day that sacrifice shall come and take up them and seek their end my god and in that day there shall be no more the canaanite in the house of the lord of hosts canaanites represents demons there shall be no more demons in the house of the lord because the praise of judah goes up and keeps the house the atmosphere clear but when you step outside of praise you step into turmoil you step into grief you step into despair great day watch this here we're closing now we're back into the zechariah msg version but this is what would happen to all who fall against jesus describe to all four against jerusalem fought against the church vote against the people of god visit them with their terrible plagues god's going to use a plague to deal with you people's flesh would ride with their bones zombies walking around zombies zombies in their mouth zombies zombies mass hysteria when that happens okay and so we have people who um are literally dying on their feet right now because they refuse to take the vaccine they got bit by a false doctrine that moved them away from the protection and the covering of the holy spirit that is inside the temple wow and now they're giving the heat to fables and what have you can you give me the definition of zombie these are the messages that are coming up in the teachings on the underworld you don't want to miss sunday morning services just a second i'm talking about communion and we're going home zombie a willis and speechless human held to have died and been supernaturally reanimated the supernatural power that according to voodoo believed may enter into and reanimate a body a dead body so now while the television and the movie industry is telling you that this is something that is fake the definition of the zombie is real there are zombies today and some of them you know what what does it say what does it say zombie a person held to resemble the so-called walking dead a person held to resemble the walking dead the walking dead so it can be a person who can't focus goes into crazy daydreams hallucinates or what have you uh-huh a person mark strange in appearance or behavior someone who got locked into the 70s is still wearing platform shoes and bell-bottomed pants and jerry curls etc or just like golf people a willis and speechless human held to have died and then supernaturally reanimated a mute someone who can't talk can't convey properly watch this here synonyms zombie incapus sucker bus vampire so ichabod's sick of us those are zombie spirits these are spirits that have sex with you without a body vampires blood drinkers uh-huh demon demon devil devil theme uh-huh doppelganger no no go away the other one theme theme now the reason why i'm talking about you is very very strongly because i used to be a zombie anybody poked out a weed head a pill popper is a zombie unable to control your emotions your thoughts your ability your act all of that you are a zombie doppelganger doppelganger um fetch angel um [Music] zombie nation and the bible declares that when you've had a great relationship with god and somehow or another you get away from it you move into the space of being a zombie and i want to break that off in your life tonight in the name of jesus and one of the ways to do it is through communion so this sunday i'm going to be ministering on the uh the origin of communion with this cup and with this bread you do discern the lord's body until he comes the apostle paul said what i give unto you today was first delivered unto me in the night that jesus was portrayed he took bread and he took wine and he said this is my body which is broken for you in pieces take and eat all of it because often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do deserve the lord's coming communion was something that was always served to awaken to bring life back into that which has become zombie eyes to bring life back into it this assignment and alignment over the next seven days [Music] that's why i read two scriptures to you tonight you know longer i'll be off by now [Music] i'll say this to you one more time the feast is over but the smoke is still in the tabernacle i pray that the shekinah of his glory will descend upon you right now and cause glory to take place in your life don't miss sunday morning's message i'm about to rebuke the zombie and cause you to come back to your original forgiving self fearfully and wonderfully made in the image and the likeness of god in jesus name amen [Music] it's been a year and 10 months every tuesday and every sunday never preach this much at my church i don't know what i'm gonna do but i thank god for you bethel the lord is regenerating us reuniting [Music] pray for your pastor pray for the leader of this church pray for all of our churches and clerk play pray for warfare college pray for the conference that's coming up that's right next week it's like eight days from now pray for that prayer for the success of it and all of you registered registered they told me they had a registration day today and register uh it's the sixth through the eighth section of the eighth for the conference you you you get um you go online and you find out about it and you you go ahead and sign up for the conference today is the last day for the 125. i think you ought to go ahead and do that today it jumps up after today that wasn't so wise and the wise way to spend money that god has given you so you still have a few hours to make a wise decision as you're coming to the conference i pray that none of our bethel members would leave me here alone by myself i pray that all of you would be there along with me and visitors okay that's good love you very very much i can't wait to unfold the message of the zombie with a guy like that playing behind you man you know we need to repent for watching all that stuff [Music] that's true he said you got to have the information you have the information you can't you have the information without looking at it so he's giving himself a pass [Music] you see how the devil works this works with you and he almost drew me into it and stuff like that so so so stay away from this crack i need to go and smoke it because i need that information [Music] yeah if you know about it but you talked about crap because of what i know what you know about it i just know that they'll draw you in did you smoke it you never smoked it yourself [Music] yeah you know you don't know what you're talking about [Music] that's a drawer you just enjoy everybody that's not true that's a myth doesn't matter that's a myth so if you smoke crap one time you draw it and you lock them and that's a good fair technique to keep the kids from doing it but many have done it several times and said i don't even like it then you didn't do nothing for me you know others did it you know crack lives matter too does it yeah that's it cracked lives matter a huge campaign for that and crack lives in black lives crack lives as lives and it's misinformation that draws people in all right i said enough tonight i'm i'm shouting out to all the mothers at our church love you very very much continue to pray for the bishop uh we had a tremendous zoom on last night with our worship team and our music and arts department it's really really nice i think some great things are going to happen may even see them during the night at the conference love you very very much get ready have your scriptures together it's going to be a fantastic fantastic week remember friday we closed the week and sunday we opened the week up you throw your prayer requests and get it on the altar especially this week because we're going to be in warfare again pray for my mind to stay clear and uh me to stay focused and not succumb to any of the attacks that the enemy tries to put on me i thank you god for all of the compensations that you have restored upon my life after dealing with so many attacks what could have been me outdoors no food no clothes you didn't let these things be you saved me by your power and you keep on keeping me and i thank you and i thank you for everyone else who has gone through tremendously and have come out with a testimony of joy happiness and a determination to stay with jesus no matter what thank you for it now in jesus name amen and amen i'm going to return back to talking about jerome and ministering on the roma because it's so important that we talk about and minister on the jerome because it's going to keep the blessings of the lord hovering in your house and that is your teromacy your two and a half percent of all that comes to you goes to the priest that he may consume it that the blessings of the lord would not leave your house some of you started off with in that bethel really really good and through the challenges and through the coroner and through which all it kind of slowed off on it i'm asking you to pick it back up and become very very strong in it and with it in the name of jesus before the year years out i want to have another uh time of fellowship with the entire clerk family all the prayer warriors all the intercessors all the worshipers all coming together and uh having a great great night on the phone and on zoom so get ready for that we'll let you know when that's going to be shortly after the conference and pray right now for um uh alan yolanda who roster has gone home to be with the lord 27 years old married eight months on his way to the church to do a job hit a truck over gone gone these sudden deaths are too much for me too much for me god i'm asking that you would send blockages in the name of jesus to stop this from coming this way in jesus name amen all right you ready to do your offering ready to do your offering tonight you're gonna get your tithe and you're offering in in the name of jesus there's four ways that you can sow your seed [Music] you see it there it's on the screen you want to sow your seed to bethlehem in the name of jesus cash app dollar sign bfwc515 text the year of textbook lethal to 844 888 9183 online giving www dot bethel or 515 dollar street durham north carolina 27701 all right i'm watching those right now who are sowing your roma seed when you sow your seed to bethel it goes through that system you sow the teroma many times bishop can see it you saw in your teroma i'm recommitting myself to my bishop to my pastor to my god to my ministry by seating in the life of my supervising priest cash app dollar sign general of warfare cell bloomer bishop dot com paypal me uh ggb ministries text let me do that again all right cash at palestine general warfield cell pluma bishop uh dot com pay pal me ggp ministries text to give text bloomer to eight four four eight eight nine fifteen fifty get your seat now and you are sewing your jerome scene and your offering in jesus name milo daley search my heart [Music] while i'm down here you pray lord [Music] i'm search here praying lord search my home oh you know when i'm right you know when i'm wrong [Music] wc515 text the gift text bethlehem to 844-888-9183 online giving or mail to 515 dow street durham north carolina seven seven zero one oh you'll know when i'm right there [Music] [Music] me ggb ministries or texts to give text bloomer to 844 889 15 15 59. i said search me set me up i said search me search me lord search please [Music] [Music] whether i'm right [Music] all right send your prayer request to prayer at once again i want to challenge you that are watching to be a part of this up and coming virtual and in person conference i want to challenge you there uh get your uh registration and tonight is the last night of the early bird it goes up and so make your plans to do this right now you go to eventbrite and get what you need from there for this to be a great blessing to you in the name of jesus watch warfare ecology monday through friday monday through friday four o'clock eastern standard time great great times in the lord especially now that the new year the jewish new year has already started we have some information that we want to really really share uh with you about this and then join us those of you that have physical needs and you need just a little bit of help to make it the lord has blessed us through warfare ecology to be a great blessing to you in our food giveaway on wednesdays on wednesdays and so we just thank god for you and for all uh that needed now i know that sometimes when you're helping the needy you gotta feed the greedy god is gonna prosper us and bless us that we have more than enough to be a blessing uh to you so we're praying for you we're praying for you we'll continue to pray for you okay cash app dollar sign bfwc515 text to give text bethlehem to 844 888 9183 online giving www dot for or 515 dollar street durham north carolina 277 zero one your jerome c is appreciated bethel it's appreciated as you release that seed you stand in agreement with me to make some extraordinary things happen for you in your life all right let me do a shout out tonight for those of you that's doing the jerome i want to give you a quick moment to get your droma in uh your attendance that you're watching tonight should be a toronto i'm watching bishop your thumbs up is a toronto sea tonight in the name of in the name of jesus and so let's let's let's get in and get ready to do it and i'm going to give you a shout out in a few few minutes uh cash app dollar sign general of warfare cell bloomer paypal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to 844-889-1559 bishop i love you here's my taroma i was watching tonight here's my jerome i'm watching i'm watching i don't want just eight of you either come on everybody everybody everybody that's watching everybody that's a part of it let's reunite this thing let's re-calibrate this thing so that the glory of the lord according to the word of god will remain in your house kevin williams done such a great job with that teaching this afternoon and i got convicted i stayed convicted because you know i've been pastoring this church for 20 something years only had two anniversary services you know i'm not out to get you to take anything from you but he also let me know that if i don't you won't be blessed the way you need to be blessed i want you to be blessed the way you need to be blessed over and above shake down press together come pressed compound that the blessings of the lord overtakes you so get your toronto seed in the soul and let's do uh a a offering shout out tonight first one in quite a while quite a while dollar sign general of warfare zell bloomer paypal me ggp ministries text to give text bloomer to 844 889 15 59. if you're visiting with us and you want to sow into the life of the bishop or into the life of the bishops missions uh you can do so now in jesus name amen he didn't have to do it but he did it he didn't have to give it but he gave it and i thank you for the taste of my life all right we have kimberly mirillo carmen carolyn william alicia and felicia you didn't have to do it but you did it [Music] [Music] the song that's going on in your mind i can hear it right now what's wrong with that oh i got love on [Music] [Laughter] bless you bethel listen we are who we are and ain't nobody gonna change us from being who we are stay free stay healed stay delivered stay set free by the power of god enjoy the rest of your night love you very very much and see you sunday morning right and almost early in jesus name amen
Channel: generalofwarfare
Views: 375
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mDrLwn_lBx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 41sec (3701 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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