Bishop George Bloomer at Mt. Calvary Word of Faith Church w/ Pastor Shirley Caesar

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[Music] and you're with us [Music] [Music] that's been don't look left all right [Music] so happy [Music] yes [Music] you need to look at somebody and say i don't look like what i've been through what happened [Music] jesus [Music] you thank you [Music] broken [Music] she took me in and use me [Music] open doors all over the country out of the country bless me in a way i experience is the best and take that [Music] thank you [Applause] and peace [Applause] yes you look like you're still 40 [Applause] fourth fourth [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right here i don't you know my wife [Applause] i appreciate you and my i just friends to say that god can give abraham and all the bible men some more quarters amen [Music] i'm gonna be praised about the lord [Music] is going to be my son my son uh all the way from the project of new york city amen i don't know too many preachers that get a standing ovation after he finishes preaching but last week sunday he preached here and uh by the way that message that you preached last fourth sunday bishop uh halloween now coming up and [Music] [Music] let's say [Applause] [Music] uh now right now right foreign hey foreign oh please [Music] [Music] uh me she is media is [Music] oh [Music] put those together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] father we thank you this morning [Music] [Music] in advance you we thank you right now very long as angels are descending in this house ready to take our requests that directly to the throne pray that god on this believe in afternoon in jesus name somebody blessed one more time of this house [Applause] good happy birthday [Music] [Music] [Music] for us to [Music] this afternoon [Music] [Music] is worship [Music] my god [Music] can we get away oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Applause] uh this house in a house that is a door opener for many who have raced i i came here i didn't have a walk on television and i came in the early early days of the past past year and came to work with the team for the uh outreach crusade ministry and uh i worked that best that i could and uh great preachers and so i just want to honor the woman of god for being a blessing and then bishop said also also that um you know it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right everyone that has a lesson in your hand just waiting so i can see that everyone has instead [Music] bring his mind [Music] let me hear you all right father we thank you in jesus name amen i hope this statement reads like this good morning calgary i am so happy to be here with you today the message that god has given me for you i want you to read it like you know whatever's bothering you like that's about that you know you read pause [Applause] those of you that came from good morning calvary i am so happy to be here with you today the message that god has given me for you reveals how important cavalry is to god and i've brought it you are to him one year and nine months of this pandemic has closed churches schools and businesses and that will run emergency rooms have taken up every icu bed in the country 2020 was devastating 2021 a little better now now that there is a vaccine and still 80 million americans refuse to take it 16 different variants of coronavirus countries in europe shutting down again and america introducing the booster shock to those who have been fully vaccinated furious all around misinformation and conspiracy theories are at an all time high online hosea 6 1 and 2 says come let us return to the lord for he had torn and he will kill us he has split and he will bind us up after two days he will revive us the third day he will raise us up and we shall live in his sight my message this morning is hell is all the way all right that's great father we thank you in the name of jesus bless your people now in jesus name amen amen amen i echo the words of bishop t.d jakes a few weeks ago as there was great great pressure on preachers in the nation uh to reopen up facilities to open the church and rightly so nothing wrong with that rightly so because uh walls were opening up and the saints wasn't going to church but they were going to the malls that's right and they were afraid to come to choirs and put them on facebook you know so we listen to house but the people didn't return all over the united [Music] [Music] has to do with the order of a habit someone said that is one of the strategic plans of the enemy because satan knows that if you are possessed with him as a demon you are possessed of the demon and you die chances are chances that go to hell or rather you get a pass because if you're possessed with the demon that means that you're not in control of any of your if you go home and you find a man in the bed with your wife and you got a gun and you shoot him chances are you're not going to jail you might be going to an unsanitary for a little while because they say that it is you know your snacks because of the pressure that was on you so satan is all familiar with this and what he does he creates a habit in you and waits to a habit forms in you and once they have performed in you then he steps out of you leaving you under the influence of the habit this is the reason why the scripture says sanctify yourself and the god of peace the same divine god i'm gonna say we want to incentivize yourself and the god of peace will sanctify you the body remembers pain you know it is the philosopher said it this way he says remembers what the axe head forgets so the axe is cutting but he has no feelings but the treestone feels the pain and the disconnect so it remembers what transpired remembers what took place and so many of us our trauma our uh our issues our our problems our proclivities our habits our hang-ups are lodged in our flesh and the bible teaches us the lesson on salvation and salvation is not just for you just to get saved but there are three components to salvation you know there's body soul in spirit and so the salvation of your soul's confession that will confess to that of the lord jesus believe in your heart that is raising for the day you shall be saved and the confession of the salvation of your spirit is worship and praise the salvation of your flesh is discipline see your flesh is not going to spend one day in heaven and it's not going to spend one day in hell this flesh is going back to where it comes from back to the dust from whence it came and every now and then your flesh reminds your spirit and your soul that's where it's going so it has a vital resting place your spirit has a final resting place the bible says it comes from god and it returns back to god to the absence of the body as to the presence of the lord's spirit breath the breath of god that you breathe returns back to god the minute you pass away so that means that your soul has a your spirit has a final rest in place and your flesh has a final resting place it's your soul that does it so the bible doesn't say the spirit that sins it shall die it doesn't say that the body that sins it shall die it says the soul that sin it shall die and so now your soul has is salvaged between your spirit and your body which has the final rest in place and it has to figure out whether it's going to uh spend all eternity in hell or all eternity in heaven thus brings us to our little discussion every one of us in here has been given an assignment of god god has given us an assignment there's not a person in this room that does not have prophetic ability everybody's a prophetic ability i didn't say that everybody in the room was prophetic but i said that everyone in this room has prophetic ability if you were made in the image and the likeness of god the image is the likeness of god that means that you have god-like activities there are things that if you seek it into the atmosphere will shake it's the truth if you if you think of negative things all the time negative negative negative negative negative things happen to you the bible teaches us that you are what you say and the subtotal of who you are comes out of what you think so what you think and what you say makes up your world turn to your neighbor says i'm saying some things what you think and what you say makes up your world if if i say to myself i'm broke i'm broke i'm wrong i'm broke i'm broke then you'll be what broke you can be the finest female that walks the planet if you say to yourself that you are ugly you ugly [Applause] and say to yourself i'm pretty i'm pretty i'm pretty i'm pretty i'm pretty and what's going to happen so you're going to be pretty don't change all right let's get forwards to it so all of us have prophetic abilities all of us have uh the ability to see tomorrow uh have you ever been around the person while they're talking you know the next thing that they're gonna say if [Music] and you just said jesus i was just thinking of that oh i just thought about you and here you are but according to the words of the lord that spirit trap that's your spirit leaving your body going around the corner seeing who's coming to you coming back and alerting you to what is about to happen alerting you about to what is about to go on and so often times when struggle and hard times in front of us a lot of times the enemy puts so many obstacles in front of us that we can't see what we saw in our spirit before this situation happened i put it this way if you don't see it before you see it when it manifests you won't recognize it let's do it together if you don't see it before you see it when it manifests you won't recognize it i need to hear you say that what if you don't see it before you see it when it manifests you will recognize it i often say this way that where i am is not where i am it's just where i am now that sounds like brain twist is but it's really really not because there's some things that we pray to god about that god does not move and he don't move and the reason why he doesn't move because he already worked it out before you even prayed he's just waiting for you to get to the time and the day and the moment that he's already working out you see when you deal with god you deal with someone who never had a beginning he always was now george clooney what are you talking about this morning i'm telling you that help is on the way help is going the way help is on the way helping every issue crisis situation that you have or going through help is on the way i want to invite your attention to numbers chapter number 11. the lord speaks to moses and he says moses i'm going to uh bring you into the land that flows with milk and money i'm going to bless you like you never even imagined being blessed i'm going to take you across the red sea i'm going to allow the egyptian army to be drowned in two feet of water after i stack it up 40 feet i'm going to bankrupt them when you're coming out the 36 000 iron chariots that are laced with gold will be the wealth of this experience that you're going to have in the wilderness and then early in the morning i'm going to allow a manner to come down i'm going to allow manner to come down and you'll eat matter in the morning and you'll eat that manna in the afternoon i'm going to allow your sandals to grow with your feet and your garment to grow with you as you grow older that's what i'm going to do i'm going to promise you the promised land but i'm going to take you through the you the promised wilderness but i'm going to take you through the wilderness i'm going to promise you the promised land but i'm going to take you through the wilderness any time god makes a promise to you before you get to the promise the wilderness shows up what i wish i had at any time god makes a promise to you about anything anything if he said you're gonna be blessed the devil shows up to challenge what he spoke in your life if god said i'm going to take the children of israel out of egypt other than god and and out of these spices and out of their businesses that they were running in egypt although they were slaves they were very very prosperous in egypt if god says i want to take you out of egypt and put you into the wilderness for 40 years and let you go around in circles who do you think would have left no one would have left he told them i'm going to take you into the promise he promised them he's going to take him into the promise but in order to get to the promise they had to go through the wilderness i come to tell you that there are those of us who receive the prophetic word over our life and the minute the prophecy went forth all hell broke out in your life i tell it this way that accusations and are the final stage for spiritual promotion you can always tell how blessed you won't be tomorrow how much hell you're going through right now in fact hell and storms and classes is the indicator that god is about to show up in ways that is going to blow your mind uh after moses hears all of this the lord takes them into the wilderness uh you know the 36 thousand chariots that was laced with gold instead of their building of fort knox they built a boat and they made a golden path and began to worship the gold that was supposed to be used to build the temple when they got into the promise uh not everyone glorified god followed the the instructions that god had given moses and aaron and so now they're in the wilderness imagine this for a few moments manner comes down and each family that eats manner manites is different to each family because matter the word matter means what is it a man came down and the lord says all i want you to do is trust me day by day every day morning by morning i want you to see a brand new mercy i want you to trust me day by day man will come down he says i want to take it according to the amount of people that's in your family do not take more than you need because it's not going to make it to the next day i will be your provision i will be your provider they woke up each morning this white corn like thing was on the ground they picked it up and you can boil it you can grill it you can fry it to something it's like two lobster tails dipped in butter so others it tastes like lamb chops you know whatever you feed man it tasted like that until they got to this the bible declares that they became so disobedient to the full and the lord providing and didn't give their need that matter started tasting like boy when god is you up to bless you do not sit in the face of god who is trying to bless you you cannot fight the wind i know there are those of you that are trying but you cannot fight the wind and whoever god's anointing is blowing on you better get with them beside them or behind them don't ever get in front of them becomes very very oily it's nasty that tastes good since you've been complaining so you've had it so long it's sort of like there's certain things that some of us don't eat because when we were young coming up we ate so much of it for me it's spam i hate spam spam was what they gave to us uh back in the 60s and the 70s the government's surplus of canned food pounded eggs and pumpkins and peanut butter peanut butter was so thick it was like a rock stick you did it and let's see you know what i'm talking about yes so you ate peanut butter your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth and so the bible tells us that something transpired reese picked up in verse number verse number 10 of numbers chapter number 11. and let's walk through this for the next three or four minutes and it says this that those were the people we throughout the families every family every man near the door of his tent the angle of the law was kindled greatly moses also was displeased most of moses also said unto the lord wherefore hath thou thinking thy servant the entire ministry resting on the shoulders of one individual why are you holding me responsible for child support for kids that don't even have my scene well i wish they had he said you've given me a task that is empowered impossible as a nursing father buried a sucking child you know there is no milk in the in the breast of men and so this moses is saying i need help from you god and you left me here along with these people who complained about everything and nothing that was miraculously working is miraculously working nothing that so many churches today are in trouble because we're trying to do the miraculous but the miraculous is no longer happening because the people are complaining and praise will get you positioned with god where complaining will never ever happen they drew moses into the complaining and now moses is complaining to god on behalf of the people but watch the text the bible says that moses for the first time was in agreement with what the people were saying it's that you see when leadership gets pulled into what the people are saying when should i have flesh to give unto all these people where am i gonna because it is too heavy for me it's too heavy for me if i keep on giving if i keep on giving i'm going to go back about myself i ain't just preaching to pass the seats i'm preaching to george blumen i'm preaching to every pastor who is watching this virus has brought us to a place where we have better seek the face of god and ask him for the captain of his angel armies to show up to me our need and i come to [Music] [Applause] right you told me to carry them across this red sea you brought us into the wilderness you told me to strike uh to speak to the rock that porter would push forward you told me for every person who was sick to find a snake and pull the head of it off and put it on the staff and hold it up and when they look to the stage would take place you told me uh to tell them don't worry for the night time for a cloud of fire by night and a pillow air conditioning in the day in the heater in the night [Music] [Music] talk to you out of my heart i'm not going to talk to you today the god of abraham isaac and jacob i'm talking to the lord of moses this morning i need your help and until the sense of god began to talk to god in the right home god is not going to move god has no problem with you talking to him like you feel it because he doesn't listen to the words that you say the bible says he tries the reigns of the heart so before you even say it no this is what i'm feeling i'm feeling this i don't appreciate out my family this i don't appreciate our glory by calling myself a christian and not covered under the blood of jesus i don't appreciate having to look through a stream while a loved one is dying and i can't embrace it i don't appreciate he will lift certain things off of your life and you will have victory somebody shall say victory is coming to me is all bad things that i know about myself because i want these people to be blessed is he said listen find me 70 men the elders that are your elders but also elders of the people bring me the type of people that is not just the minister that's not just the minister but as a minister of the media in other words bring me the men who are in your camp that you respect and the bring me the type of people who understand that i'm here as one of the elders of pastor shirley caesar that i serve at the pleasure of the pastor yes the anointing of the holy ghost only works when she's talking when she's not talking the holy spirit is mute this is how you find who is who and what is god has already operated and functioned under one voice and it's not always easy to to to follow suit one of the truth of the matter is this is hidden agendas has always been the thing that takes the miraculous and makes it calm that are yours but also elders of the people that the people respect elders that if you pull them on the side they won't say yeah this is what i believe what else i'm talking about uh tapping that watch this that they may stand there with them and people saying i will come down and talk with me there he said i'm gonna come down when you get all them together and i'm gonna talk to you this is your media people to put a person in every empty slot inside this house i'm about to give you and friend to fruition every vision that you saw in times tasks [Music] of the spirit which is upon me this is the problem for y'all all filled with the holy ghost and dancing seeing visions and dreams he said moses get all of your leadership bring them to the tabernacle i'm going oh [Music] so you don't have to do this by yourself anymore all right two more minutes i need from you i want to read a different translation i wrote it down it's the message translation 10 through 17 and it reads like this moses heard the whining all those families whining in front of their tents god's anger blazed up moses saw that things were in a bad way moses said to god why are you treating me this way what did i ever do to you to deserve this did i conceive them was i their mother so i've done the responsibility of this people on me why tell me to carry them around like a nursing mother carrying them all the way to the land you promised to their ancestors where am i supposed to get meat for all these people who are whining to me give a speech we won't meet i can't do this by myself it's too much all these people this is how you intend to treat me if they've been killed i've seen enough i've had enough let me out of here god said to moses gather together 70 men from among the leaders of israel men from whom you know to be respected and responsible take them to the tent i'll meet you there i'll come down and speak with you i'll take some of the spirit that is on you and place it on them they'll then be able to take some of the load from these people you won't have to carry the whole thing along i have to tell you that if those of you never had a house you're allowed to get a house i come to tell you some of you that never had a car that is note free is about to drive in a no free situation i come to tell some of you glory to god who just never had a surplus surplus in finances a surplus where you have money in the bank that you don't have to touch you've got money that you can uh maneuver i come to tell you that that's about to happen to you now uh if i was a prophet uh i i charge you about 150 for that prophecy and get if i think i'm broke i'm broke if i think i'm wealthy then wealthy things begin to happen to me do you not understand that the entire earth is set up on the manifestation of the sons of god in other words all of creation everything that was ever created is waiting for the son of god a child of god to stand and say this is what i believe and this is what i shall have all those things that do not necessarily work and it shall be well i take you down testimony lane for a few minutes growing up in red project mom and dad nine children together dad went out of the way i had 15 other children but six women in the projects dropped out of school the ninth grade uh couldn't read learned how to read when i was sporting my ged when i was 47 are you hearing what i'm saying all of these was promises but the promises did not happen the promises did not shape until i got around someone that began to speak faith into my life and that's it because i succumbed to what my environment was timeless time equals influence the person that you spend the most of your time with is the person who's influencing you the most that's the truth that's the truth things will shift in your life when you get around positive stuff things go awry or bad when you get around negative stuff and so you have to learn to understand that at the gateway at the door of your mouth there are two angels there's an angel that is going to bring positive and then there is a demon which is a fallen angel that's going to make things that are going he's going to bring the negative teeth it's equivalent to a battery inside the car two positive or bosses inside the party crank it up and blows thing so is he and so is it possible that some of the things that we are experiencing or some of the things that we're going through is as a direct result of how we think and who is around us motivating and shaping our minds the lord spoke to moses said moses i want you to come from the back side of the mountain and i want you to go down to pharaoh and tell pharaoh to let my people go moses moses with his speech impediment is stuttering uh says it takes me a long time to get my word across so the lord raises up someone in moses's life that can be moses is my peace but there's not a person in this someone to fulfill that area of your loss in your life bishop dog jones speaks out of the category a category of about a 175 000 words when he talks and and so he can say things 175 000 ways i speak out on the category of 3 000 words everything that i have to say comes out of 3 000 words he can say no 75 000 ways i can only say no maybe three or four ways what i'm saying but because god has given me great ability i'm able to communicate i would like 3 000 i mean it might take me over 75 000 to get across sometimes you don't have time enough to deal with the 75 three foul what what seems to be a loss in one person's life is a plus in another person's life glory be to god yeah i i met up with two persons that lives on the inside of me called confidence and arrogance everybody said confidence and arrogance now i know that most people that you meet up with they don't believe that they are arrogant they don't believe that they are and most people don't believe that arrogance is is anywhere in the the total salt of their existence but i hope to tell you that arrogance and confidence are twins they're twins and many of them are identical twins and when you have confidence and you have arrogance that are identical twins you don't know when you'll be an arrogant and you don't know when you'll be incompetent well my arrogance and my confidence are also twins but they're fraternal one is a boy and one is a girl which is all i know when those things happen what are you saying michelle i'm telling you i know what has happened uh my arrogance only shows up when i feel insecure when i get insecure when i'm insecure then my outfit shows up and something on the inside of me demands me to tell you who i am what i have where i'm going and how i got there my arrogance never shows up my confidence is there i'm operating and functioning my confidence because in that season in my life i remember that everything that i am and everything that i have comes from god it is impossible for me to do what i do in my own life and in my own strength and then after i got insecure after i i feel horrible because i allow somebody to hold me out of my position and the position of my confidence has nothing to do with what i have it has everything to do with whom i have and i have gone and as long as i can on the inside of me no weapon that is strong against me shall prosper and every negative that rises up against me shall finally and just believe that god is god he says to moses get down from where you are from the backside of the mountain out into each land and tell pharaoh to let my people go now when god is trying to fortify us and god is trying to make us he doesn't use the devil god uses himself he hurts both sides god does not love in heaven playing the game of chapters for chests of the devil the devil on one side and paul kneels that no god is on one side and god is on the other side it was hard all the time the bible tells us in the time of david's days and saul's days that an evil spirit from the lord came to control [Music] that side of the mountain you know stretching over here for six months he wants to turn everything over here he was on the back side of the mountain for 50 years 50 years on the back side of the mountain to get forward to let my people go if [Music] [Music] says israel are now voting to come up out of each other as they come in a lot of egypt they may make these glories are down by the way of the red sea it's the night fight it takes them out in the night time after the angel seeps through the land whenever there is no blood on the door there's someone screaming and hollering because their son of their daughter has succumbed to the spirit of death and six million jews are making their way in the nighttime glowing in the dark down by the wave of the red sea uh pharaoh says government i'm glad they could heal ah wow the glory of god we know what goes by problems begin to happen in egypt uh first problem one of the folks on the south side of egypt and pharaoh and says the pharaoh and pharaoh we're having blackouts in the south side of egypt so we'll go to the handlemakers and happy candlemakers to make families and sir i don't mean no problem but you know what none of the egyptians learned how to make therefore we have no candle makers uh the next one comes and there's a stitch that is coming from the now he's revoking the purifiers to purify the sir i don't need no harm but none of the egyptians knew how to purify the now and so when moses left me that with all of the septation individuals uh pharaoh began to realize that everything he needed great day god was teaching the slaves the train on how to deal with their wilderness experience and so while you're complaining about the situation of the circumstance let's go ahead and bring our people back that was god's way of moving pharaoh to bring his 36 thousand iron chariots to the knowing that god was going to make brothers i'm going to tell everyone inside this room that god is about to compensate you for all that hell that you've been going through every storm every crisis every situation that you have to deal with god is about to compensate you for it i will trust it all with all of my heart with all of my might with all of my mind and in the midst of that i refuse to leave to my own understanding see that's the problem that may happen right now that people that are leading to their own understanding that we live in a time today of fake news a time when men would rather believe alive and true [Music] help he's trying to help us in the midst of our stalls in the midst of our crisis in the midst of ours that him that had an ear let him hear what the spirit of the lord is and so moses gets around the people and the people get into moses and moses go to the goddess and god i'm sick of you i'm sitting away that you in fact the land that you turned over to us was supposed to be sown to their forefathers small wonder why their forefathers didn't go and take the land god said listen i'll let you get it off your chest this is one time i want you to understand one thing most is that your problem is not with me your problem has been the folks that have situated themselves around you [Music] [Applause] [Music] that you cannot even imagine that were gonna happen to you day one was twenty twelve fashion customers day two twenty twenty one the virus is here but the vaccine is also here i'm not preaching the vaccine in the bible oil it's not used that we use all right now for the holy ghost it was used for cosmetic purposes it was used to anoint someone as king or prophet and that it was used for people who were sick this is the reason why jesus had with him a doctor by the name of luca because everybody was not going to get healed through their faith someone's going to get healed through science ah but the obligations of god the word of this yes means all along when it needs all science it needs to go take science and the miracle working power of the miraculous and brings them together so that you can have a greater worst amount in your life somebody said help is on the way back yeah going to do exceeded me abundantly and above all that i can fit dream or even imagine according to the power that works on the inside of me what is the power that works on the inside of you now the it materializes all the creations waiting for the manifestation of the son of god if i speak it it will come to pass if i declare it i will be blessed but i'm still standing on the everything you said uh [Music] is is [Applause] oh yes oh [Music] [Music] in the is [Music] [Music] he said yes i'm in this uh oh tell ya hello has made our voice but just for a quick second ah so [Music] he's on the way [Music] [Music] seven principles or blessings for the year of release deuteronomy 15 says at the end of 37 years i shall make police and this is [Music] [Music] [Music] blessings of the year of the release this is not my teachings this is not my idea this is the hebrew rabbis speaking from the torah lastly eight days ago nine days now the new year began he recounted lesson number one seven four gods [Music] [Music] increase in the size of the amount [Music] [Music] seven parts seven times there's great two things i believe in god for my life is seven parts and seven times [Music] if i can be seven times as great in the area that i'm great if i can be seven times great in the area that i am great [Music] what are the things that i can accomplish father released the seven full blessing and miracle of all this house of jesus as much blessed seven times [Music] fill this house breathing from everywhere and every walk winds up leaders and elders that have the pulse of a heartbeat of a set woman of god of this house partly you'll feed any question as to who has the assignment that you've met too to leave this house in victory and make this place a place of seven parts seven parts seven seven parts individuals in this house will be connected to things that work father said send to this house nothing from the past everything from the future to this house seventh house great musicians great singers fill the choir to the sands bursting [Music] questions keep the doors elders that keep the government of the house financiers that keeps us debt free bless this house seven times as much for every person who's a member of this house attached to them seven individuals [Music] and don't just go in the house through the various campuses that the ministry now is reaching bless the voice of pastor shirley caesar seven times more on the internet in the name of jesus [Applause] seven different components seven times over seven times as much in jesus name amen amen [Applause] [Music] seems like an old one [Music] [Music] you came along [Music] and gave me a song [Music] standing there [Music] you'll be there [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is true [Music] [Music] no weapon formed against is [Music] father i thank you right now in the name of jesus for the glory that is hovering in this room in this house that help is not just coming to this building but it's coming to the eyes [Music] [Applause] um says two days [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus challenge i'm going to challenge a few of you to see offered this morning thank you jesus i want to chat with you [Music] get to see real quickly with a c of 107.107.78107 again one let's move quickly and as fast is is um is hold up [Music] those hands [Applause] shall thank you help is all the way that's me bishop one of those ten persons [Music] response [Music] dollar [Music] 37 [Music] jesus bless you so much in the name jesus i feel the presence of god in this place [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this week [Music] hoping and praying that you will be able to stay bishop wright's son is having a powerful service in today as he oh come on down here [Music] [Music] my
Channel: generalofwarfare
Views: 441
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: YP1i-weJ0rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 59sec (5819 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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