Sunday 4-26-20 - (REPLAY) Sunday Service w/ Bishop George Bloomer

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I will try I will remain [Music] we said I hope [Music] [Laughter] Oh you Oh [Music] [Music] oh yeah we do [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah we do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you Jesus hallelujah come on can we worship God together this morning hallelujah hallelujah is simple you have to do is thank you Jesus say thank you Jesus Lord I love you you're a good god you're an awesome God hallelujah [Music] Lord I come before you kneeling at the altar asking what shall I do I've got prayers that need answers problems that need healing see what see what [Music] he will answer you Lord I come before you see what [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah come on Elizabeth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on just take a moment and lift your hands open up your mouth to God [Music] [Applause] [Music] my soul come on can we say [Music] [Music] your will do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] my soul says yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes to your will and to your way each and every day my soul my soul my soul everybody wherever you are lift up holy hands I will bless the Lord at all times [Music] my soul who my soul says yes yes yes [Music] my soul says yes [Music] but Seoul says yes [Music] you will into your way each and every day father we thank you we bless you this morning but this is the day that you have made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together hallelujah I am asking you admonishing you to turn your living room into a sanctuary wherever you are to pull in now your portable altar and set it in the place of your threshing floor and prepare yourself to offer up sacrifices of praise unto God hallelujah for this is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it the old songwriter said this morning when I rose I didn't have no doubt I want you to know this one thing that all of this is coming to an end shortly shortly boy do I have a word for you on this morning that I want to preach to you today so that you will understand Kingdom principles and the power that goes along with following God but I've given you some instructions for the past four weeks five weeks now and the instructions are simply this go in shut the door shut yourselves in go into seclusion for a little while until the anger the indignation has passed and then make sure that there's blood on both sides of the door and on the doorposts for this is what he said he said when I see the blood I'm going to pass when I see the blood I'm going to pass over you he says in the place where you used to do your regular business go and purchase that ground and in the place of what you used to do business turn it into Kingdom business a place where you offer up sacrifice buy a threshing floor build an altar offer up sacrifices and when the Lord sees your heart he will stay the plague from coming many preachers have you watching are on social media many preachers have now gotten into some idea that nothing is going on they've all abandoned a phenomenon something that has happened to us that has never happened in our lifetime I prophesized to you three weeks ago and I told you that they were going to open this country up prematurely I told you that the Lord showed me folks walking around with no mouth and no nose I assume that was a mask that they put on I told you that governors would be fighting the President and mayor's would be fighting the governors and city council will be fighting the mayors that whole cities will all have a problem in when shall they open up the Spanish flu the Spanish plague of the 1800s go online and pull it up they ended it prematurely and began to dance in the streets they said it was over and in a three-week period of time 30 million Americans died it is very clear and important that if you don't remember history you're bound to repeat it I tell you follow the instructions follow instructions Isaiah 26 2000 shut yourselves in go into seclusion until the anger and the wrath has passed over for the Lord will surely come from his place to this place to avenge his people for the wrong that they have done the scripture says that he's going to knock the mighty men off of their horses and trampled him down up under their feet he speaks in that text of reparations you know your 40 acres and a mule he speaks of all the evil that has been done to you be very very careful because God is going to fix it and restore unto you that which the enemy has taken away from you disproportionately african-americans Latinos and Asians are contracting the disease more than any other group on the planet on the planet more than more than Russians more than more than folks are Italians from Italy from Singapore from Australia and local governments are contemplating opening up beaches where there's water and wind opening up beaches what do they not remember just happened to us during spring break where tons of young people were partying on beaches only to go back to their cities and contaminate thousands tens of thousands of individuals we almost had a million people affected by this right now I know you want to hear something else but that's not how the word of the Lord works the word of the Lord works by recapitulation and again I say and again I say and again I say wait on the Lord and be of good courage and he shall strengthen now and again I say they're opening up barbershops beauty salons nail shops bowling alleys movie theaters and the crazy thing about it is in many of the aristocratic communities their merchant societies won't allow those things to open up yet in the loke income areas they allowing them to open up african-americans and Latinos and Asian's Asians are disproportionately dying and contracting it like I'm not a conspiracy theorist but during the Spanish plague they wanted to wipe out a whole society a whole culture let's not talk about syphilis amongst the African Americans how they wired it in their blankets and passed them out on military y'all it'll wake up you better wake up so card gave me a word for you this morning all the neighbor called a friend tell them Bishop is on the air watch my pastor today he's still preaching on things that matter on on things that matter I'm scratching my head trying to figure out what I'm gonna preach this is it there's no deficit in the word of the Lord for me this morning I'm just giving you a little bit of time so that you can settle yourselves in and get ready for this word get ready for this word on this morning because I believe absolutely that is going to be a powerful one now if there's a prophecy that I don't want to come to pass is the prophecies that I've been prophesying to you but for the life of me I just can't help myself I'm sharing some things that I go home in two days after I say it is on the news it's it's amazing and I don't want to be right I don't want to be right but I saw a number in my dreams Terry a number round about 20-something million people did ah not able to bury them crematoria 'ls burning around the hours unbelievable and a smoke in the air that's replacing the gases that used to be in the air in New York City is clearer than has ever been the Hudson River looks like right now the Hudson River looks like a a beach in Miami because the boats are not running on it for the past 30 days the fuel is not leaking the Sun is able to come out it's not a million two or three million cars on the road at the same time in rotation so fossil are the the carbon is not going up in the air it's an amazing thing how things are shifting and what have you say for the first time in New York City during the six-day rainfall there was no wax or oil in the rain street you cuz you could walk down the street and see no bubbles on the road which is just the waters just flowing clearly because something is happening in the atmosphere and and and this is what the this is what God says on the scripture he says and he will give you signs in the heavens and in the stars the Sun and the moon and in the ranging of the waters I told you in his first begin that I don't believe that this is the the tribulation period a post pre amid I believe that this is just God sending us a warning and I also know that this is God coming against all of the gods that we worship and you want to figure out who they are see what's closed down and you want to see the gods that have power see the ones that they open up see the ones they open up I don't see anything essential about a tattoo parlor open it up nothing absolutely you could wait a while to get your next tattoo III think so so are we ready so those of you that's been shut in and those of you that are dealing with cabin fever I told you a few weeks ago that there will be protests in the streets there will be battling fighting going on I saw on the news this week how that in Detroit Michigan groups came out with flags and guns demanding the cities to open back up to open the economy back up when these other countries haven't even reached the curve yet so they are reporting on a day to day basis right now the numbers are somewhere around 75 people dying every minute globally in the day contracting the disease and dying the two numbers mixed in together if we opened up the country who won't do business with everybody else is shut down what is going on what is going on it's sort of like when Pharaoh decided that he was going to send his magicians and his sous a is in to reverse the plague that God had sent and he only created more problems so here Bishop George bloomer again today and here my prophetic utterance to you today we're not to open up in the m's if we start moving to open up we should open up into Jay's June July not in the MS but probably the country will open up by Friday probably opened up by Friday and be cool for a little while see Corona gets on the Amtrak Corona rides the Greyhound buses and the Chinese buses that goes up and down 85 and 95 it gets on Delta Airlines it flies American care Southwest come on everybody pick you see Corona Corona sits on the top of the corona cap for the beer that you drink waiting for you to consume it it's not against whites blacks it has no preference it's just here to fulfill its assignment and the way you can defeat it is by following the instructions heck I'm bored too it's almost costs two times that's how long it has been I am bored to death there's a scripture in the Bible that teaches us the power of embracing boredom yeah you wanna have a good time we're gonna have a good time so I think we're ready for the word to say take the words that I spoke to you and have it in place ain't no need to worry what the night is going to bring it'll be all over in the morning whoo it'll be all over in the morning the question is when is morning the question is when is morning the morning is not the tomorrow or the day after tomorrow some folks have already experienced their morning I know I have experienced it when you get peace that passes all human understanding that's morning when your bills are paid that's morning when you didn't have enough money to pay your rent for the next three months anyway and Carolla shows up and they give you a stay of bills that's morning when you get a letter in the mail from the from the insurance company and says you don't have to pay insurance March April and May that's morning whew that's morning that's morning I tell you I tell you morning is going to show up in all different types of ways when you just lost your job and you was getting ready to take your kid out of daycare and Corona showed up Yoli that's morning I know y'all don't like that that's morning that's morning when you was not eligible to get food stamps and the government sent you a check for a thousand dollars for each adult and 500 for each kid inside the house that's morning that's morning that's morning Negroes that have problems with children as running around actually can I borrow your kids for this month can I have that child can I claim your child that's morning early in the morning it'll be all over the old [Music] in the early in the morning right away ain't no need don't worry what the night is for the bridge in the morning in the morning in the morning in the morning it'll be all over [Music] come on get up and worship right now God you will not fix it you're gonna turn things around for me and you and you and me [Applause] [Music] in the morning in the morning it'll be all over it'll be old get up in a bo [Music] give a video [Music] [Music] come buddy give the low [Music] new year come on give the Lord a break brains avoid twisting crazy boys 90 acts crazy boys excellent rating then everything that hath breath praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord yeah yeah I was there when they set out to be let's go into the house of the law let us exalt his name together [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you somebody need to take a moment and give God praise I know you have not been around the fellowship of the Saints in person so let's turn our house into a sanctuary and corporately and collectively let's give God praise hallelujah [Music] [Music] I'm learning how to give God praise by myself and I'm learning the meaning of two or three gathering together I usually say it but now I'm learning the importance of it you don't mind that camera right they take that camera and swing that camera around the auditorium because there's a swing it's just wing it so you got to bring it down smooth swing it around swinging around sneaking around swinging around swing it around swinging about got to bring down some it swing around swinging on sweet swing it around spin around sweet smell this place is empty this place is empty and unfortunately the people that are in here are people that don't praise them when the base is place is full I mean ain't like they like I picked out a group of individuals that know how to lift up the name of Jesus the Negroes that are in here with me right now don't praise him when the place is full y'all hear what I'm saying was empty we by ourselves but I will bless the Lord at all times and His praises shall continually be in my mouth because he is a mighty God he is a mighty God a mighty good God you know through this time of seclusion and and and quarantine and stay home and whatever you want to call it I noticed that when I turned the radio on and I listened to some music the songs that we were singing prior to this happening are not working now that this is happening is almost back to old church [Applause] there's like a this is like a men's like is like God is calling us back to himself in an unusual way there was a song that says get right with God and do it now get right with God right down at the cross Jesus shed his blood get right with God get right get right with God right he will show right down at the brooch Jesus shed his blood right with God get right with God do you know that in the church world the church community those kind of terms and those kind of songs are offensive those kind of songs when I was coming up will lead you into a dance in the shower you was happy to be saved you was happy to be delivered you was happy there is [Music] there is the friendship [Music] no don't those kind of songs are offensive to some people they said what they were they talking about because they want love songs now and they don't want anything that's going to remind them about anything that is it is bad [Music] dropping into a key that I can sing in it and I noticed that the saxophone player the saxophone player picked up this act like he's gonna get a piece of that there are some of these songs a flag [Music] I'm running for my life give anybody at you what the matter is tell them I'm stay sanctified I'm hoping feel I got Jesus on my side I'm burning for mm I feel I got [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus amen well Beth oh happy to see you too logging in online and being a part of our streaming services and we reach out to those of you who've been watching around the world and across the United States of America we appreciate you so much thank you for your support thank you for your eyes and your listening ears to be a part of the save the Lord and what God is saying and what God is going to be saying this morning in Jesus name well I pray that you already settled inside your house and settled inside your home and you're prepared for the word of the Lord on this morning you made a pencil and a pad to follow me in throughout this time of Shedden and I'm asking you to do that because God keeps from giving me prophetic words and I want you to be able to put a date next to it what you heard was actually said and spoken and so that when that thing unfolds and comes to pass we'll know that we're in the right lane and the right position with God in serious days in serious times and I want you to prepare yourself for the stay of the Lord you'll find me reading this morning out of out of Isaiah chapter number 41 Shh Isaiah 41 verse number 10 and you'll find me reading out of Exodus 14 10 and then you'll find me reading my main scripture out of numbers chapter number 11 a little bit of instructions that comes from there in the name of Jesus so I hope you have something to write with you hope you have a Bible to get ready to do this in the name of Jesus some glad morning when this life is over I'll fly away to a home beyond the Celestra shores I'll fly away I'll fly away Oh glory I'll fly away whoo when I die hallelujah by and by I'll fly away at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burdens of my heart's rolled away it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy oh the day there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins and sinners plunged beneath the flood lose all their guilty stains precious memories how they linger how they ever fled my soul who in the stillness of midnight precious sacred secrets seemed to unfold father we thank you this morning and we pray that as your word goes forth that those things that we just echoed as songs will be answered as prayers as your word goes forth on this morning that somebody's heart would be touched somebody's life would change someone would experience deliverance and breakthrough someone would experience a debt cancellation and wealth transfer do it all for us today in Jesus's name Amen and amen all right I want us to go to Isaiah 41 verse number 10 Isaiah 41 and verse number 10 and it reads like this chapter number 14 starting at the tenth verse it reads like this because there were no graves in Egypt has taken us away it's not the word that we did tell thee in Egypt saying let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians for it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians than that we should die in the wilderness my God my God watch this here and Moses said unto the people you know and Moses said unto the people fear not stand still God's gonna show up yes for the Egyptians you see today you shall see them again you shall see them again no more no more forever my God my God my God I'll ask Richard numbers chapter number 11 starting at the eleventh verse and it reads like this and Moses said unto the Lord for has the afflicted thy servant and wherefore I have I not found favor in thy sight and Moses said unto the Lord why are you doing this to me what did I do to you that you would do this to me you don't like me anymore have I lost favor in your sight that you would lay the burdens of all of these people on me verse number 12 are these my children have I conceived them saying to me did I'd get somebody pregnant and run off and not pay child support as a nursing father bears the sucking child unto the land which thou swear'st until that are you putting children in my hand that needs milk knowing that my breasts can't produce it I wish I had a church in here today where in the world am I going to get enough meat to feed six million individuals in the wilderness uh-huh they complained it give us that we we tired of this manner we tired of this manner coming down and we can take portions we got to live but day by day when we were in Egypt we had our leeks when we would Egypt we had our potatoes we were in Egypt we had our tobacco when we were Egypt we had stuff when we were in Egypt and now you put us in this predicament in this situation watch this here huh huh I'm not able to bear this by myself alone it's too heavy for me it's too heavy for me watch this and if you're gonna deal with me like this God kill me I pray thee kill me now out of hand if I have found favor in thy sight and let me not see my wretchedness my god uh-huh and the Lord said unto Moses here's God's answer and the Lord said unto Moses gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel gather to me seventy men of the elders of Israel who thou knowest to be elders of the people and officers over them uh-huh and bring them into the tabernacle of the congregation that they may stand there with thee watch this here uh-huh and I'm gonna come down I'm gonna come down talk with y'all no I'm gonna come down and talk to you in front of them because they need to know that I still talk to you that many congregations don't know that God still speaks to their leader whoa watch this here watch this here huh and the spirit that's on you George bloomer I'm gonna put it on before uh we gonna be we gonna get we gonna get this cart from in front of the horse and put the horse in front of the cart we're coming back stronger than we've ever been before the proof is in the pudding watch this here watch this here uh-huh and I will come down uh-huh [Music] them and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee that thou bear it not thyself alone and he says and I'm still not done with these Negroes the way these Negroes dealt with you watch this verse here watch this verse here sanctify yourselves the word sanctify means to set yourself aside unto tomorrow so he say listen sanctify yourself unto tomorrow if he's asking them to sanctify themselves unto tomorrow what he's actually asking them is to do is go in a fast empty your belly out you want meat I'm gonna bring me to you so today don't eat nothing and I know you ain't nothing cuz I'm not gonna send that down I'm gonna prepare you for what you think you want watch this here watch this here huh he said and you shall eat flesh you've been bothering me about that you want to eat flesh so flesh I'm going to bring to you I feel this message this morning here we go huh who should I give it flesh yeah was well with us in Egypt when we were eating meat that was offered up to idols it was well with us in Egypt we was drinking a wine that was fermented in whorehouses and sodomite houses and picked up the spirit of Egypt it was well with us there we're having a problem because we're we're we're we're having we're having to go cold turkey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're feeling now four four four idol gods God says sanctify yourself don't eat nothing today tomorrow imma feed you watch this here uh-huh who should to eat for it was well with us in Egypt therefore the Lord will give you flesh and ye shall eat you gonna give you flesh and you shall eat I'm almost done here we go you shall not you shall need eat one day nor two days no five days ten days nor 20 days uh-huh watch this here but you're gonna eat a whole month till this meat starts pouring out of your nostrils great day in the morning this is what you want this is what you want I'm gonna give you what you were home folks used to say be careful what you ask for because you might get it watch this here and meat is going to be lonesome to you in other words you're going to get to a place where when you see meat you're gonna want to throw up just by looking at it you're going to want to give up your physical ghost I want to take forethought this morning out of numbers chapter number 11 and I want to talk for a few moments where when Moses says have I conceived these people have have I begotten them verse number 12 the dow should've that i should carry them with me in my bosom as nursing father bearing children that desires sucking from the breasts no one do you know in other words got white wine right why'd you put me into this predicament and the Lord said unto him get you 70 men your elders and the rule is thereof and ones who were submitted to Authority and meet me at the tabernacle and I'm going to speak to you there Father we thank you in the name of Jesus as this word would go forth on this morning we pray that the word that would go forth would be a word that you selected for your peoples hearing and as a result of that we pray that every stronghold that the enemy has had on your people would be broken in the name of Jesus that yokes would be destroyed because of who you are then prove to us who you are now in the name of Jesus and we give your name praise in Jesus's name Amen I'm speaking for a few moments from this thought help is on the way help help is on the way I want to say it one more time help is on the way it's not the first time I preached a message like this but I want you to know that God is about to show up in a supernatural way and do monumental things the stories that we talk about are threefold that all comes together in a cluster or in fact is sort of like bundling it together a bundle is a word that is associated with bringing together your internet your telephone and your your your your your cable systems all together there's a good part about bundling is one price there's a bad part about bundling if you don't pray the price you lose all three things one would have to be very very careful when they are allowing things to come together that simply don't fit we have the story first and foremost where Moses is called of God and the purpose of Moses is to deliver the people out of their bondage and bring them into the land that was promised to their forefathers red flag goes up immediately when you talk about land that was promised to your forefathers for the first part of the question is why didn't you fall for father's get the land that was spoken to them and where was God when my forefathers was trying to come against the admitted Mennonites and the Girja tights and amirite sin the Jebusites and the Giants that were in the land where was God if you'd go through history in the text you'll find out that's two other generations tried to get the land that Moses is going to bring the children of Israel into and so that not just going into land that was sworn unto their forefathers but they're going into a land that they're going to have to set order in and in order for them to set order God has to teach them he has to train them and carry them through a boot camp and if you can pass the test in boot camp then when you get into the battle there's certain things that you already would be aware of he wants to teach them how to see in the dark he wants to teach them with the art of camouflaging how you're there but no one knows that you're there in them Zeus book the art of war there's a principle there and the principle in the art of war goes like this when you are far appear to be near and when you are near appear to be far and when you're dealing with the enemy always use a borrowed hand oh I wish I had a church in Italy in other words that the God that we serve is going to step in and it's going to look like it's us when it's not us and sometimes it's gonna look like it ain't us when it is us you know Jed Clampett said oh doggie I come to tell you that we're in the season right now where God appears to be far when he's near and he appears to be near when he's far and he's using borrowed hands I want the society and those that are watching right now to understand that Corona is a borrowed hand got to the sent an angel in the land to do what he was going to do but he wanted to send a borrowed hand so that when you see it you'll think it's viral you think it's something else and God is able to stand back and say it was me all the time hallelujah and so the Lord glory be to God began to prepare Moses because Moses was a one that was born in Egypt but he is a Hebrew who is raised as an Egyptian a Hebrew raised as an Egyptian and understanding Egyptian culture understanding Egyptians traditions he was raised to be a prince in the palace of the Pharaohs of the Exodus he's over large sections of the building committee he's designed now to build Egypt to make Egypt what is supposed to be and in order for him to take that job and to take that position of glory be to God it says something about his character his character at that time is flawed because he's over the construction he's over all of the architects he's got to build the Pharaohs a great great city and imagine for a few moments in order for him to do that that means that he's over all the slaves not realizing that he's a slave himself it is God who pulls him out in order to bring him in when thou are far you appear to be near and when thou are near you appear to be far and so Moses finds himself in this predicament that not only is here is he a a Hebrew perpetrating as an Egyptian not only does he not have any of the Egyptian blood flowing through him at the same time he is placed over his own people to crack the whip as a major taskmaster so it is now hard for the people to receive this one who's going to bring them out and this is the one who puts stripes and whips on their back backs with Kat and ninetails you see I want you to understand that for many of us who are going to be great in life sometimes we start off dirty sometimes we start off down sometimes we start off low down and that's where the testimony comes in that all right that out there that likes goodie two-shoe testimonies tell you how they got saved when they was five years old filled with the Holy Ghost when they were eight and never did anything wrong that's good for them but there's a group of us glory be to God that was down and we came out of the muck and the mire of sin had to go through prison had to go through illiteracy had to go through drugs had to go through perversion had to go through all different types of things in order to get our position in the kingdom and then when we were raised up in the kingdom glory be to God we had folks from our past to stand back and say I remember you when your glory be to God I remember you ain't nothing your mama ain't nothing your whole family ain't nothing but that's just them talking because if they tell the truth they can see the transformation that has taken place and how that God has given you and me and us a testimony by coming out of the muck and the mire of sin when when when folks want to have a conversation about life and when I have a conversation about success I want to talk to the type of people glory be to God they've been through pure hell and have come out on top I'm not so concerned about those who was born with a silver spoon in their mouth I'm concerned about individuals Borba to God who use plastic forks you only hear what I'm saying and plastic this is Moses situation and so glory be to God when Moses begins to grow up his Hebrew heritage starts standing up on the inside of him no one has to tell them the story I know that everything you know about Moses came from the Ten Commandments the movies and they ain't none of that in the Bible if you want to know what really really happened you got to go to the Bible no one pulled Moses on the side and show them the rag of death of his past and said Moses Moses I am your mother that never happened that never happened when God gets ready to do what God is going to do he doesn't need anyone to come and God really Terry you didn't need anybody to do that for you all he has to do is step into your dreams yes sir and pull you all the way back to what happened and bring you up to date on where you're supposed to be Moses wakes up one morning and he leaves Egypt and he goes on the back side of the mountain he's on the back side of the mountain for 50 years to get forwards 50 years on the back side of the mountain to get her forwards let my people go you only hear what I'm saying got Negroes joined in the church and been here but for six months they want you to turn the whole church over to them you only hear what I'm saying it took Moses 50 years on the backside of the mountain to get let my people go and if you know anything about the history of Moses he couldn't say let my people go that easy because he had a speech impediment he wasn't stutterer so let my people go which was four words would take him 14 words to get it out about you only hear what I'm saying he's going through a transition and when he gets on the backside of the mountain after he goes through his transition after he finds the woman that's supposed to be in his life after he works for her after he stands on the backside of the mountain the Lord shows up and says Moses is now time for you to go and get the children of the Israel out of Egypt and bring them into the land that I swore on to your great great grandfather it's about to come to pass but God is like this when he is close he appears to be near and when he is near he appears to be far he's always working and so while he's telling Moses to go down to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to let my people go God is telling Pharaoh that when Moses get here tell him no God is working both ends of the spectrum and as this thing is swinging back and forth is God on both sides you know he's Alpha and Omega you know he's the beginning and the end you know he's the first and the last you know he's the author and the finisher of your faith I know you know that and so after Moses goes back and forth and forth and back and back and forth it is God who is establishing glory be to God a resistance so he can evacuate the children of Israel that wouldn't have left had the conditions been still good so God had to create a bad situation in order to get his people out of a good situation I want to say it one more time God had to create a bad situation in order to get his people out of a good situation I mean all y'alls dealing here he had to create a bad situation in order to get his people out of a good situation have you ever been in a good situation and then God created a bad situation to get you out of a good situation so that when you got over into the situation it wasn't either good or bad it was just toe up toe up for sure and then God showed you his goodness and then you leaned back and said you know what had it not been for the Lord who was on my side I don't know if I would have ever been able to make it but thanks be to God that gives me the victory through my Lord Jesus Christ Moses is now ready to bring the children of Israel out I don't want to carry you too long but you know the story the Lord begins to prepare the children of Israel because he's preparing them not for the Exodus but for the evacuation I want the United States of America to begin to understand that God is not preparing us for an exodus he's preparing us for an evacuation when the stock market slides all the way down to nothing huh when food shortages and the trucks can't keep food on the horn or in on the shelves long another when we begin to see that the medicine is beginning to run out when we begin to see deficits on every hand things are gonna get so bad that you're not going to be able to stay in the condition that you're in and is in that hour that God is going to show his hand whoa I said it and that's the situation that God is going to show his hand we're serving a god that's trying to prove to you that he is still God alone and by himself he does not need the assistance of demons he does not need the assistance of devils he does not need the assistance of Lucifer though his comrade from back in the days when they work together all he needs is to speak to the winds and the waves because they all obey his will he knows how to speak to the very elements and he's taught us as created individuals that when you don't like something stop agreeing with it and agreeing to it but begin to speak to that situation and it might take a little while but the words that you speak out of your mouth is going to cause change to take place I use a borrowed hand and so now the children of Israel are ready to come out oh it's on that dark gloomy day it's on that day after the prophetic word had gone forth glory be to God in the land after the frogs had entered into the city after the boil showed up on the Egyptians body the lice had come and done his thing after the locusts had come in eating out all the prata after the Seas had turned to blood and that there was a stench in the land after cattle was laying on the side of the road with worms and scroll Lots coming out of them after the conditions had got real bad they only had one choice we gotta follow the voice that says there's a promise over on the other side and so on that night they got up and they made their journey across the Red Sea over into the wilderness when they get into the wilderness it's a whole nother ballgame it's one thing to be called glory be to God to go and to carry people through their storms in these situations it's wonderful to be the man for a little while it's one thing glory be to God I missed the president President of the United States of America to be the president of the United States of America to come on the wings of a Barack Obama glory be to God who came out of the great recession for eight years who brought the car industry back who bought the airline industry back who helped with the wood with the bubble that was on top of the earth glory be to God with a housing bubble and people were losing their houses and homes and there was no job in unemployment it's wonderful to step into a situation like that when the stock market is up higher than has ever been when employment is lower than it's ever been when all the things are in place that you don't give the person who just left credit for because you it couldn't happen for you in three years when it took 40 years for internally here on set for the shift to take place and in that situation it's wonderful to be the president of the United States of America who wouldn't want to be the president of the United States of America not having to deal with Iraq mr. Bush not having to deal with 9/11 mr. Bush y'all in here what I'm saying not having to deal with all different types of problems that comes along this man comes up out of nowhere and he's in position and he tells us he's gonna lead us to the promised land and many people do not realize he's gotta lead us to the promised land or the man who left us left us in the promised land we were already there we had brand new cars and brand new homes and our credit started shifting once again it seemed like things was good uh-huh and we thought that if anything was going to happen the Russians were going to come against us okay was going to come against us but that was not God's plan wind our clothes appear to be far and when our far appear to be closer ah God was not going to send planes going crashing through New York City to collapse the new buildings that was built God was not going to send tornadoes and hurricanes in this time to tear up so that FEMA can stand in place what God says what I'm gonna do in this season I'm gonna touch everybody on the planet with it nobody is going to have the opportunity or the ability to complain about it ah when you look you're gonna see that I am everywhere huh they woke up one morning glory be to God one one morning one morning one morning and someone was sitting over on the side with a little coffee with a little cough or a little tickle in the throat uh-huh running nose and running eyes a little pain in the chest not realizing what's going on because of crazy negro somewhere in the forest and wet shops of China were sitting down there out of all the things that you could eat of all the stuff you could enjoy of all the food that you could have never what you dare doing eating bats y'all to hear what I'm saying eating critters bats that hangs upside down and filth on their own selves y'all in here what in the world is in your mind and God says I'm going to take this little thing and I'm going to fling it across the world and they will complain as to where it comes from and who said it and who's gonna do it and who's against it and they're not gonna see that it's my hand all the time ah let me tell you something Corona who Corolla 19 has done to this nation what the Russians could never do you ain't hear nothing about no Russian you ain't hear nothing about no Germany you ain't hearing but you ain't even hearing about who gonna be the next president you ain't hear nothing nothing about other other than the fact that this are unsane enemy of virus that is in the land who God's hand is on now we're pushed over into the wilderness of our existence and Moses gets on the other side it was who being the deliverer hey Moses hey Moses Moses you're delivering us you're going to bring us off that was wonderful Moses is our champion look at Moses I you hold his hand up and the water divides into Oh Moses the see Potter look at Moses when he strikes the rock in water Moses can give us water in the wilderness look at Moses glory be to God but Moses can't give us stakes Moses can't give us Lambchop Moses can't give us chicken ah and we remember the chicken the lamb chop we remember the life that we had in the so called quote unquote bondage that you said Moses we were in so I want my family to eat and I want to eat and Moses stood back and said now wait a minute God you told me to bring these people across this this river across through the wilderness across the Red Sea into the promised and we got here and you did pretty good for us we've been here a few years and the kids clothes are blowing on their body and when their shoelaces pop mysteriously it binds itself together you send down manna every day to give them something eita and when it's real real hot you send clouds to poulos by day and when it's cold you sent us pillows of fire to heat us by night but these Negroes still ain't happy if you ever get around a person glory be to God who's just not satisfied they're just not satisfied how do you satisfy unsatisfiable I just made up a word unsatisfiable person how do you pull someone out of something that's just grumpy and just nothing you do is enough for them ah God knows in heaven I dated some girls that was Bishop blue state folk I've dated something don't you shake your head like that I've dated some girls that was just like that no perfume you can give them that can sweeten them no candy you can give them at Valentines Day rise wasn't the box bigger or did why didn't you get it from See's candy right well I don't like Russell Stouffer's you could not satisfy them under no circumstances and you try and had the goodness of the goodness been good you know left that heifer a long time ago but it was something about the business of the goodness that held you there you could plug up your ears and not hear the fuss because the goodness of the goodness the children of Israel was ready to go through the problems that they were going through in Egypt because of the goodness of the goodness but then when they got on the other side and Moses began to hear the cries of some six million Jews in the wilderness he goes to God and he says Lord what is your problem with me out of all the people that you could have selected to bring the children of Israel out of this problem you selected me out of all of the deliveries you could have called you called me I thought I was who with you and you was cool with me I thought you and me had this thing and we had something together after all you will allow me to have power and from time to time you will allow me to use your likeness and your presence I would come down out of the mountain and the children of Israel would see me and mistake me for you I thought we were cool what happened God said Moses why are you talking to me like this he said because all these damn people that you got in this wilderness it's carrot me through pure hell there carry me through pure hell I know that you hold me but they're making me wonder whether or not you have called me Moses what are you talking about God you if you're God you know exactly what I'm talking about it was cool being the deliverer but now I got to be the governor and being the governor means I gotta make decisions and when you make decisions you can't keep everybody happy I know exactly what I'm talking about the pressure that has on leaders and the pressure that's one pastors right now is they're hearing the cry of the Saints and the cry of the saints are saying we want meat I wish I could preach this thing here today they say we want me I'm not talking about steaks and they want the meat of the word and they're tired glory be to God of the manner that is falling down through the internet they're ready to come together together and receive meter and now the preachers are saying to God what are you doing why don't you give us enough anointing and give us enough power to speak to the winds and the ways and command kuroda to only show up Monday through Saturday but Sunday's is a no-fly zone y'all they hear what I'm saying so we can at least come together it's destroying our tithe it's destroying ours assimilate ourselves together there are those that are getting weaker and not stronger and they're demanding meat from me ah is these people my fault that I conceived them I am I their baby's daddy why are they upset with me they're acting as if I bored them and did not pay my child support god I don't know why or you would take a person like me who has been faithful to you and allow me to go through the hell that I'm going through I'm not just speaking about Moses right now I'm speaking to pastors and leaders who are watching right now who are going through pure hell you're trying to figure out should I open up this church or should I keep it closed should I provide meat for the saint because they can no longer handle the manner that is coming down or the manner in which they're being fed something is wrong I come to tell you today hold on to God's unchanging hands stop listening to the president stop listening to the governor stop listening to the politicians and begin to listen to the voice of God he said get 70 of your men and bring them to the temple I feel the Holy Ghost in here bring them to the temple and when you get them into the temple I'm gonna speak to you in front of them you see the problem that you're having is that they don't think that I talk to you anymore because they no longer see the glow on you like it used to be how can I keep the glow on me when I'm going through stress huh how can I keep the glow on me when I'm going through pain how can I keep the glow on me when I'm going through these situations I heard the Bible says in Isaiah chapter number 60 the message version of it it says arise from the depression and frustration over which circumstances have kept you rise from frustration there's something in the air that makes me so tired I just want to go and lay down and when I get up I'm tired of being tired I need to rest from my tired I need to rest from resting huh y'all in here what I'm saying that his storms everywhere storms all around there and so he says this word to him he says I want you to understand this principle and when you get this principle I'm gonna bring you through bring your brothers together your men together and set them around here and I'm gonna take a portion of your spirit and put it on them the reason why pastors are having problems is because when they were in the wilderness when they were in when they were in their camps they didn't teach them how to put blood on the side of the door they didn't teach them how to put blood on the doorpost they didn't teach them glory to God so now that you're in the wilderness of Corona your leaders are fighting you their leaders that are calling and saying pastor we need to open up I know if we don't open up winning on the end every to open up again well this is the Lord's Church and Jesus is Lord ah the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it I've come to tell you huh every pastor who's got your head down every pastor was worrying about your church huh you gonna be in trouble huh if it's your church huh you won't be in trouble huh cuz God ain't never gave you no church it's the Lord's Church and Jesus is Lord upon this rock I'll build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it he said I'm gonna take my spirit and I'm gonna put it on you huh and you are the people together huh it's gonna get the job done now I'm preaching the for the first time in a long time huh to a whole lot of folks huh that might not understand what I'm talking about and I'm preaching this way because I can't because in my church the church that God has given me to Pastor huh all of my people have my spirit ah I got a feel in the house that ship is on the way in this hour our people are all together and as they are all together huh yeah you got the spirit of that person that you can sit back there keep your oh you're leaving yeah stay focused Bishop all of my leaders have a little bit of my spirits every now and then someone leader will say to another leader huh who do you think you're talking to you ain't bishop how you think you bishop because my spirit is on you and when you get the right spirit on your heart then the church was say long we're going into the sixth week of this shutdown and everything is in place I'm speaking to the members every day we're in fellowship like we wasn't when we were in promise huh we're doing a better fellowship while we're in the wilderness huh the bills are still paid we have not laid off anybody we put nobody on furlough you only hear what I'm saying the offering is still coming in we might be down a thousand huh but I'm hearing stories where churches are down 20,000 50,000 and just can't make it huh why simply because your spirit is not poured into your vessels huh when I come to tell you this morning the Lord is calling you and all of your people to come together so he can talk to you in front of the people huh why do you think overseer Kings happy that the Lord keeps on giving me vision five and six days before it happens he wants you to know that he's still talking to me that he's still fellowshipping with me that he's still spending time with me Jesus Jesus I woke up this morning half with my mind stayed on Jesus huh I feel the Holy Ghost in here is that to be something that God is trying to get out of you huh and so I'm speaking to leaders I'm speaking to pastors I'm telling you to hold fast huh and grab the horns of the altar and stay right there until thought gives you new instructions cuz he said this if you let the people talk to you into just nothing for a few moments huh talked you into giving them meat before they're ready to meet y'all didn't catch that huh if you let them talk you into giving you meat before you're ready to meet huh huh they gon die he said the folks that won't stop talkin huh tell them to sanctify themselves don't eat nothin today huh cuz tomorrow about this time I'm giving your stake I'm giving you upstairs I'm giving you pigs feet I'm giving you a pork chops I'm giving you chicken out I can't I'm giving you whatever you want and I'm not gonna do it just for one day I'm not gonna do it for two days I'm not going to do it for ten days I'm not gonna do it for twenty days I'm gonna do it a full month I'm gonna feed you till you can't take no more and when you see it you won't feel like throwing up huh that's not what I won't stay in the will of God because help is on the way grab your neighbor rap your neighborhood or look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor is home the way God's gonna shift it turn it open it's on the way I know your mortgage is behind helps on the way I know your car's about to be repo'd help on the way help on the way help on the way help on the way he will bring you out with shown up victory he won't bring you out with a dance hat the scripture says that when you come up out of the Egypt you will not come empty-handed got something to receive something from the Lord [Music] our victory the other side according to purpose huh [Music] help help help is on the way angels are coming is leaving here is going going through in this season huh while you at home huh going through the family going through it the husband hadn't been around that Negro huh this month the whole marriage 30 days with him is making you pull hair out of your head frightening our grip disagreeing with stuff [Music] help help with the children help with the marriage huh help with the family folks in your house I got quarantine and they can't go there chil is driving you crazy there's no order in the house huh problems on every hand Family Worship Center haha quoted Curtin International assimilation that help is on the way hat I just got an email I just got a download I just got a flash I just got an instant message and they said help is here right now you need to do is reach up and tell the Lord what you Walter I felt Cano hit me for a little while and those words came to my head what you want baby I got it what you need you know I got it that when this lift [Music] everything [Music] [Applause] it's the [Music] [Music] [Music] your secret weapon [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cannibal cannibal Shia get up and start walking get up inside the crib get up and start the ferry get up and start speaking get up and start cleaning [Music] [Music] the way is hot the way you talk the way it's up the way he won't fix it he won't fix it he won't work it out he gonna turn it around he'll straighten it out fix it Jesus fix in law [Music] make sure make sure you don't meet before you meet make sure you don't demand meat to eat in place of reading the presence of the Almighty God he says if you do people create the type of sickness then of course things to flow out of your nostrils sounds like covert 19 to me he said if you go before the right time you might get what you're asking for but if you go for that glory be to God it's gonna kill you I don't wanna die I wanna live did you plan the glory of God I don't wanna go to the land of nothing to the land of the dead waiting to go to the land of the living I want to stay in the land of the living and make my departure at a good time so he told me to tell you complaining embrace the boredom happy since you're happy self down focus your mind on the things of God in a few days he won't send help and when help gets here huh your churches still gonna be in order your finances won't be straightened out huh all your bills are going to be paid stick with the Prophet here the prophetic utterance that is coming from God be ready for what the Lord is saying huh cuz this is the hour of supernatural victory the building is empty right now the building is empty there's not anybody in the building right now just a few of us to make the service boat good this morning but I come to tell you when all of this is over and when we get back here is gonna be a brand new day a brand new way a new experience cuz the person I was a week ago he's already left the building I don't even know who he is I've been changed by the power of God my help has already come and I'm praying to you that's your help will come so wherever you add at home clear the floor and tell somebody in your house huh oh it's dancing time now it's time for us to get our groove on it's time for us to give God a praise as if we were in the church I've come to bless him right now clear the house move the furniture huh push something back grab a hold to something and go ahead and give God a praise right now where you are he's worthy to be praised [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all the way [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] follow you that at home and you don't dance that's alright right now I will take you to an exercising class then you would even get up and do something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] his eyes are on the sparrow and I know he watches over me songs of Solomon says winter is gone the rain has passed the sound of the singing of the birds have come and the sound of the turtle the turtle dove can be heard in the land [Music] helps on the way helps on the way [Music] Oh [Music] I'm here in the sanctuary but I can hear you at home and I hear what you're saying thank you Lord thank you Jesus ah ah dah bah thank you lord his eye the sparrow oh and I know he watches I know I know I know I know I know he watches I know he watches he watches over me oh yes he does oh yes he does oh yes he does he watches over me God is watching over you and me yes he is yes he is he watches over me yes yes he yes he is yes yes he watches over me darling watching over you and bringing this out seeing us through over me help is on the way help is on the way reach up and claim it to create and declare it in your life in this moment [Music] he watches over me [Music] Oh Oh with me over seeing me through bringing me out covering me [Music] [Music] God is watching God is watching God is watching over me over me God is God is watching yeah yeah God is watching God is watching over you and me whoo God is watching God is watching over you and me [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh God he's watching over me watch it watch it watch it watch it go watching [Music] [Music] someone is watching this morning you turned on first time you've seen this guy went on online mm-hmm yeah mm-hmm just like that do you just like them if I could sing I'd sing and you I would do that but I everybody needs to stick and stay in it there's someone watching right now and first time you saw this guy online it's not like what they're doing I want to introduce you to the person that helps me to do this his name is Jesus Jesus he's the lily of the valley he's the bright and Morning Star he's the fairest of ten thousand more than precious silver or gold he's bread to the hungry water to the thirsty he's a battle-axe in the time of battle doctor in the sickroom lawyer in the courtroom he's everything you need he's everything you need he's everything you need he's everything you need why don't you try him I believe you'll like him and when you get to know him you'll never leave him Romans 10:9 and 10 says if I would confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in the heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth the mouth confession is made unto salvation right where you are Jesus saved me save me you can get to a long friend save me I want to be born again you said it it just happened just happened just happened nah keep watching us and when we open back up come and see us mmm everything you need everything everything you need he's everything you need he's everything you need he's everything you need he's everything you need he's everything you need I know that to be a fact cuz everything I need I go to him and he provides this for me welcome to the royal family remember help is on the way now let's give God praise in Jesus [Music] I'm gonna pray my closing prayer for you right now chin up let them be the lifter of your head and the strength of your heart the need provider and the waymaker and you will be satisfied amidst all of this uncertainty help is on the way in Jesus name Amen and amen god bless you let's give the Lord a great big hand [Applause] I felt the presence of God in this empty sanctuary and I felt the presence of death lights in the room and while preaching the Lord just brought your faces up before me I am praying for you loving you believing God for you in unbelievable ways yeah may peace that passes all human understanding fill your heart and your surroundings in the name of Jesus amen pastor loves you so much remember tonight is the night of a thousand warriors tonight is the night that I want every member in the church on the prayer line do not forget eight o'clock on the prayer line special prayer for discernment every every member in the church I'm taking names and addresses and passing out I won't tell you what I'm passing out this is not the time to get complacent and get weak this is the time to get strong in our bunkers remember Friday night is the closing of the week that's our week prayer on Friday night Sunday night is the opening prayer for the week I'm on every single day every day warfare ecology the generals daily briefing Monday through Fridays at 4 o'clock it has been tremendously successful growing everyday on several platforms Mother's Day is coming here at Bethel Family Worship Center and we're going to be on line streaming they open up the entire country I won't be here I'll be online waiting for God to say go I am NOT coming out to die listen to me the only time I've been out of my house was to go to the grocery store and to go back in this Corona thing got me so I don't even want to touch a doorknob I'm staying at him and away from all this foolishness hallelujah Mother's Day is coming and you can be a part of the mother's picture gallery declaring and telling you how much you love your mother whether she's alive or has gone home Big Momma the art that raised you all of that Mother's Day Mother's Day is coming this Mother's Day celebration is gonna be awesome it's gonna be awesome in order for you to get your pitches in you go to something something something maybe they can help you with that you know I can't keep too much in my head for those of you that are having prayer requests we're getting tons and tons of prayer requests so the Lord told me to build an altar get our construction people to build us a small little altar for me to put in my threshing floor and I want to lay your requests on the altar and the end of this month I want to pray for you what's the what's the prayer well how do they get the email okay there you go send prayer request to prayer at Bishop bloomer com I want to pray for you in the name of Jesus this is serious I don't want the world or other ministries and my television audience to get their requests in before you the disciples went to Jesus and they said to him they said master teach us to pray as John taught his disciples to pray I could imagine what Jesus was looking at them and say what John's disciples pray to me you don't have to pray talk to me I'm right here with you let's get this request on the altar and let's pray for miraculous miracles and breakthrough to transpire in your life thank you so much every time the anointing lifts off of me I don't know I start feeling like I want to tell jokes I don't know what it is I'm very very serious when when the word of the Lord is anointed of God is on me and the minute it comes off I mean I don't know what it is okay so I'm not gonna joke today I want you to know that I really really love you and appreciate you as I was preaching today I told you that Bethel you have done phenomenal and well we didn't furlough anyone we haven't fired anyone we have laid anyone off your giving has been great under the circumstances and we are afloat and doing well I don't want that announcement to make you relax or rest I want with all diligence you to make sure that what belongs to God gets to God in the name of Jesus so there's three ways to give is offering time now three ways to give three ways to give text to give online given and cash yet three ways to give keep it there for a few moments keep it there for a few moments go and snatch your pocketbook go and get your credit card mm-hmm whoops tears watch this or run out to the car and you lift your pocketbook in the car go get it bring it in three ways to give this morning the tithe is holy and it belongs to the Lord it's God's it's not yours I want to challenge 21 of you to this morning to sow a seed a sacrificial seed of $100 to be in that group that normally does it get that seed out and be faithful over what God has given you you make you ruler over many and sow that seed either by soccer bachata those of you that practice without fail at aroma giving there are four ways that you can give cash app zel and PayPal and texts to give for those UV cash app dollar sign big guy bloomer zel bloomer at Bishop bloomer comm PayPal PayPal me ggb ministries text to give text bloomer to eight four four eight eight nine 15:59 get your two Roma seed get it in and the priest shall eat a portion of your dough and the glory of the Lord shall not depart the house it's just as simple as that simple as that three ways to soul three ways to give here at duffel Family Worship Center get you seen get you see somebody said oh they take a long time doing the offering no we don't not in person we take a little long time on online because people are not assembled together in order I want to give them the opportunity to sow that seed so that seed text to Bethel four eight four four eight eight eight 91-83 online giving go to Bethel dot org cash FB FWC five fifteen dollar sign and sow that seed so let's see I got about five or six calls this week and maybe about ten or fifteen last week about other ways to give we're gonna get that together for you I promise you other ways to give and so you can give by different avenues new day it's a new day people give differently for ways to show your to Roma seed for ways to show your to Roma seed - yeah - yeah - yeah dollar sign they got bloomer sell bloomer at Bishop bloomer comm PayPal PayPal me ggb ministries text to give takes Blauman to eight four four eight eight nine fifteen fifty nine and stay right there so your seed let's not forget Wednesday night Bible studies sitting share Bible study I'm doing it in my home in the den in the living room at my own at Tuesday night I'm sorry I'm so sorry I keep I know I keep on saying Wednesday night because of Wednesday night yeah I know I Tuesday night sitting she Bible study is that seven o'clock it has been a glorious time from 7 to 7 15 look forward to seeing you seeing you there then join us Sunday morning at 10 o'clock for our morning worship right here right here the minute I finish this word I'm gonna slip right out that door somebody's gonna open up the door for me I ain't touching no doorknob either touching nothing and greeting nobody hey same thing if you look like you got Corona I'm standing back I say hey I want to stay here and be here I'll be around amen remember tonight Sunday night tonight tonight tonight tonight the special prayer a special prayer get the number write it down special prayer tonight special prayer tonight and I want you to get your prayer request in your prayer request in sin prayer request to prayer at Bishop bloomer calm I want to pray for you pray over you pray with you all right we're out there three ways to give three ways to give three ways to give you a Z three ways to get types Bethel 2 8 4 4 8 8 8 9 1 83 online giving with Bethel family org or cash at dollar sign B FWC 5:15 in that wonderful I want to thank our reader for reading for us today elder Valerie Morrow doctor Morrow's with us today thank God you did a fantastic job give her a hand clap one of the amazing things is the years that like that when the sanctuary is full and I say give a hand clap that's how it sounds the same eight people that clap their hands I'd say come on y'all clap your hands you know but thank God for you yeah I'm Bishop George bloomer and I approve that message promise you four ways to give your to Roma you're to Roma seed for ways to give your to Roma cash at dollars on big God bloomer zel bloomer at Bishop bloomer calm PayPal PayPal dot me slash ggb ministries and text to give text bloomer to eight four four eight eight nine remember I'm on every day every day on warfare ecology we're now studying the book a few days ago we had bishop mark house with us we had on relationship Monday we had a Delia we have an Adele yer tomorrow on relationship Monday on Friday Thursday we had mark house and apostle Shirley Brown is fantastic it's fantastic questions are coming in from everywhere so join us every day now you're supposed to be home so you're there what are you doing stop watching as the world turned in General Hospital how those programs tool on TV today General Hospital still on come on Terry is the soap opera still oh come on now come on which one did you use to watch all my children yeah Monday through Friday a men Bishop wants to pray for you he wants to pray for you and so send your prayer requests to Bishop at Bishop bloomer calm okay I want to pray for you now remember last time tonight 8 o'clock clerk International assemblies all of our friends and churches from across the nation and around the world we're all gonna be together at eight o'clock for this special prayer for discernment we're asking God to give us the Issaquah anointing in the name of Jesus all right three ways to give to Bethel he knows how much you can there [Music] three ways to kill [Music] [Music] now they have a saving grace of our Lord to save it Jesus Christ the full fellowship of the Holy Spirit the comforter rests remain and abide with you now in your home in your set back in your shut-in in your time of seclusion in your consecration may you find and see God as another level and at another level in the name of Jesus may your food be blessed and provisions be granted unto you may you be blessed in every area of your life and every burden that rest is on your shoulder no and if it's there he knows how much you can bear see you tonight on the prayer and then I'll see you again on Wednesday night god bless you in Jesus name Amen [Music] you
Channel: generalofwarfare
Views: 920
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop George Bloomer, Spiritual Warfare, the word network, now network, preaching, teaching, Jesus, Td jakes, benny hinn, jamal bryant, paula white, bible
Id: _Ryk8OUKvGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 54sec (8094 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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