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It's good to see Mark playing this again. Been quite a bit since we've seen this!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/jimbozak 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2017 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DialgoPrima 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dinkleberry44 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

Excellent vid as usual

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MrStealNoOnesGirl 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2017 🗫︎ replies
Bob: Oh fine, nobody wants to be on Bob's team, whatever. Mark: I'll be on your team, Bob. Mark: Oh jeez, uh- whoops. Jack: I also like how I have errors and purples everywhere. Mark: Oh my god. Jack: Despite taking 20 hours to download the map. Wade: *laughs* Mark: This map sucks. Jack: *laughs* Bob: It works for me perfectly. Mark: Oh Jesus. Jack: Nooo! Bob: This map is fine! Mark: *laughs* Oh Jesus! Wade: Oh my god. Jack: Don't say that. Wade: I can't see anything Mark: Keep going, keep going guys! Mark: Just keep going with this, it's good! Mark: I'm not even playing right now, I'm spectating. Jack: OH! What the-? Wade: It looks fine for me! Mark: Oh my god, oh my god, the CABINETS are errors! Mark: The gas station is an error! Bob: Hey, am I an error? Don't shoot me. Bob: Don't shoot me, I'm right next to you, Jack. Jack: No, you're a pot. Bob: Oh, cool. Wade: What are (unintelligible)? Bob: WADE'S GONNA KILL ME! *grenade* Bob: Goddammit! Oh, it was you (Jack)! Jack: *laughs* Wade: Wow! Wade: I like how I get accused! Bob: Wade... Jack: The comedic timing was too good! Mark: Oh my god, this is gonna be so hard to watch! *laughs* Jack: Do you have, like the entire inside of the building is all pink? Mark: Yeah. Oh yeah. Bob: No, no. Mine's fine. Bob: Mine's actually is totally fine though. Bob: I have literally no errors right now. Mark: Bob, Jack: Really? I'm seeing purple. Mark: Come downstairs, I love this TV program. Mark: Everything's purple. Everything. Jack: Yeah. Mark: Should we try to get a new game then? Bob: Yeah, I suppose. Wade: Do we? Yeah, I can do that. Jack: I'm in! Bob: Erm, that's not how it works. Mark: Wait! We're starting?! WHAT? Jack: Can we pick teams? Wade: Is everybody in? Mark: Wait WHAT THE FUCK?! Mark: I GAVE UP BECAUSE YOU GUYS TOLD ME TO STOP! Wade: Jack restarted the thing. Mark: Ohhh. Ok, oh phew. Wade: He turned it to "Maps Only." Mark: Well, I'll do that then. Alright. Wade: OH MY GOD! I THOUGHT THAT'S WHAT WE ALL AGREED TO DO! Jack: I didn't stop the fucking GAME! Bob: *laughs* Mark: WE DIDN'T AGREE TO DO ANYTHING! Wade: WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FUCKING HUNTERS?! Mark: I don't know. Guys, I'm in. Wade: Great, everybody's in. Bob: Alright, I'mma pick Hunter. Mark: Alright. Bob: "Hunters WIN!" Jack: *laughs* Mark: Alright, I'm in. Wade: Did we just end up with the same teams as last time? Mark: I don't know. Bob: Yes. Jack: This map is awful. Mark: I'm with Bob. Bob: Oh my god. Wade: What do you mean?! This is a 5-Star Map! Mark: Yeah, but it was brand new, so maybe only one person rated it. Bob: It's so white! Oh no! There's an invisible walls! Bob: Oh, it's not invisible if you do that. Bob: Oh Christ, hang on. Jack: Invisible if you just believe. Bob: I need like 35 more seconds. Hang on! Mark: Aye yai yai! Woah. Jack: Well you only got 13! Bob: SHIT! Mark: THAT'S not what I intended. Jack: And now it's less than that! Mark: Woah. Bob: I'm fine, this is fine! Everything's fine! Jack [squeakily]: Everything is appropriate! Mark: I can't see shit! Mark: The map is too small. Jack: Here we go! Wade: Welcome to Prop Hunt, everybody. Mark: Wait. Oh fuck. Bob: Fuckin'... Fuck! Bob: Cock-Fucking Fuck! Wade: I feel like I've played Gmod Guess Who on this map. Jack: I feel like I should see you guys already by your expletives. Wade: Oh hi. Mark: Fuck. *explosion* Mark: Fuck! Bob: No NO GOD JESUS MAN! Wade: AHK! Mark: Oh, I thought that was me. Jack: Why'd you kill yourself? Bob: See? Wade doesn't ever like to have any fun whatsoever! Mark: That sounds like Wade. Bob: If Wade played Tetris, he would just stack the blocks neatly, Bob: and finish the level, like a FUCKING DICK! Wade: *laughs* Jack: Bob, you're dead, you don't get to talk anymore. Bob: Oh. Jack: *laughs* Wade: Wait. Hey Jack, am I hanging out the window for you? Jack: No, you're just on the ground in the corner. Mark: Bob! How am I? Bob: Oh my god, you're a wizard! Mark: Yeah, did I do it? Jack: How the FUCK am I gonna find you? Jack: Every house- Bob: Could you scoot toward the middle of the- Bob: OH! Don't scoot! Oh! Stop moving! Jack: Oh wait. Ok. Mark: Ok, stopped. Bob: You're a wizard! You're a straight-up wizard. Mark: Yeah? Yeah! Yeah! Okay, alright, good! Bob: Ok, well... Yeah! You're good! Wade: Is there only two houses that are actually searchable? Mark: Yeah. Bob: Aside from the fact that the rest of the room looks a little bit like an apocalypse, Mark: *laughs* Bob: it's pretty good. Jack: Ok, so he's back in the other house then. Bob: Just ignore that. Mark: Nonono! God damn it Bob! You sold me! Mark: You got rid of me. *laughs* Jack: Yeah, "You ratted me out, jeez." Bob: Oh no. Sorry. They'll never find you. Bob: They're not even close. Mark: I see someone out the window in the WRONG HOUSE! Mark: HA HA HA! Bob: You're in the WRONG house! Mark: Yeah, WRONG HOUSE, LOSER! Mark: Why don't you go across the street, NERD? Jack: Why don't YOU reveal yourself? Bob: Better recheck your house number. Bob: I think you got the wrong number, brah. Mark: Wait. Yeah. Wade: I think you're in the right place, Jack. Jack: Nothing looks- Mark: Maybe you need to call 911 to get yourself out of this sticky situation! Jack: NOTHING LOOKS WRONG HERE! Bob: Yeah, uhh. Wade: Oh, "Sticky" is a clue, he's goo! Bob: Like I said before, Jack: He's SEMEN! He's semen on the roof. Mark: I'm an old sock under the bed! Wade: He's semen on the roof! Bob: *giggles* Wade: "Semen on the Roof," the sequel to "Fiddler on the Roof." Jack: I'm knocking shit down just by standing still! Bob: Semen on the roof! *laughs* Mark: *laughs* Bob: That's actually the, uh, the concurrent sequel of "The Semen of the Fiddler on the Roof." Bob: And it's written from the perspective of his unborn child. Wade: "Semen of the Fiddler on the Roof." Jack: The Martin Scorsese epic! Mark: It's also known as "Diddler on the Roof." Bob: "The Semen in the Fiddler on the Roof." *laughs* Jack: "Fiddler on the Roof." Bob: "The Semen in the Fiddler on the Roof." Mark: *laughs* Bob: Or, "Semen on the Roof." Jack: Where the fuck is he? Gimme a hint! Wade: Is Mark in the room with the lamps on the floor and the-? Bob: Also see the campy revamp of it, Bob: "Semen around," not as serious, Bob: Some found it offensive, but honestly, some good songs. Jack: Are you done? Mark: And- and the sister movie, "The Semenist," Wade: Oh boy. Mark: was also a classic, that was regarded by-. *BOOM* Mark: Woah! Bob: Is that the one where- Wade: *laughs* Mark: Oh jeez! *laughs* Bob: *laughs* Well, Jack: Sick of listening to your crap! Bob: All we have to do is tell horrible jokes until they decide to kill themselves! Mark: *laughs* Bob: And THAT'S how you win! Mark: That DOES make it pretty easy huh? Jack: It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to get into this house and not knock shit down! Mark: Okay. Bob: *still laughing* Mark: You guys were in the complete wrong house! Mark: Like, you were just... Bob: You were in, you were in the other house, yeah! Wade: I was dead. Mark: Oh, yeah, Jack, you were just in the wrong house. Bob: "The Semenist," was that "Exorcist"? Was that-? Mark: No, I was going for "The Pianist." "The Pianist," "The Semenist." It didn't come across. Bob: Ohhh. Bob: I sort of meant the heart-wrenching, uh, the heart-wrenching movie that featured a great performance. Bob: Uh, by that actor I don't know, "Semen's List." Mark: Yeah, yeah. *laughs* Jack: Semen Neeson? Bob: Semen- Semen Neeson in "Semen's List: List Even Harder." Bob: No that would be "Semen's List 3." Jack [Duke Nukem voice]: Cum harder. Bob: Cum- *giggle* "The Semen-" Jack: Was that too on-the-nose? Bob: That's a little much, okay? *glass smash* Bob: That's in time! Mark: Woah, what the fuck just happened? Bob: I don't know if you figured it out yet, that's my entire life. Wade: Who's shooting and breaking stuff? Mark: Wait a minute... What the fuck did that? *glass smash* Mark: Woah! Who's here? Wade: Wait, what? Jack: What's happening? Wade: Who's smashing? Jack: Yeah, good question. Bob: Are you in the same house as me, Mark? Bob: Or are you in the other one? Mark: No, I'm in the other house. Mark: I'm in a HAUNTED house! The dishes keep breaking at random! Wade: *laughs* Jack: Oh yeah, when you walk past shit and it just, like, falls over and breaks. Mark: Yeah. Bob: So you saw that, did ya? *shattering* Wade: What in the world?! Mark: *laughs* Wade: Mark, is that you, just breaking everything? Mark: Yeah. Jack: Wait, Bob, go into that little shed. Jack: See if you can find the thing. Bob: Yeah yeah! Wade: Stop breaking my brothers and sisters! Jack: Is that how you get in? Mark: Oh, wait. Bob: Yep. Mark: What are you talking about, Wade? Was I close? Mark: Was I on-the-nose? Wade: Maybe. Maybe you were close. Mark: Maybe I was close. Maybe YOU are- Wade: Maybe I'm a liar. Mark: Maybe you're a DEAD, man. Mark: Ok. Wade: Ahh! It hurt! Bob: I really just wanna find the basement. Wade: Please keep hitting that! Mark: *laughs* Mark: Alright, Wade, I've got your number. Jack: What are you doing there Bob? *glass breaks* Mark: I've got your number Wade. Mark: Woah! Jack: What the FUCK is HAPPENING? Wade: Oh I see you! There you are! Bob: I'm not doing anything. What are YOU doing? Wade: Oh, now I don't see you. Hey! There ya are- nope. Wade: Heyyyyy! Jack: I'm just hearing explosions everywhere. Bob: Nah, it's fine. Mark: It's really bright on this map too like, really bright. Wade: Hey friend! Jack: You find the basement? Wade: Where ya goin'? Bob: No. Mark: Hang on, hang on guys *BOOM* Bob: Found the laundry room. Wade: I don't see you anymore. Mark: Alright, wait, okay. I think Wade's in this house- oh. Mark: Hello. *glass breaks* Mark: Woah! Mark: Jeezums. Jack: Yeah, you just walk by shit and it smashes. Mark: Huh. Mark: Alright Bob, we gotta start making calls here. Wade: Oh, hi. *BANG* *all laugh* Mark: Wo-o-o-o-oah Jack: Made the right call! *all laugh* Bob: Yeah, all you gotta do is- Wait, Mark. Bob: Look at this flag. Bob: Over here at this house for a second. Mark: Oh shit. Mark: Hang on, I gotta be patriotic for a second here. Wade: Oh Jack, you are golden. Bob: Oh wait, it's okay. Wait, no Mark. Bob: Come look at it from this angle please. Mark: Yeah? *both laugh* Jack: Is it frozen? Bob: Yeah, it's like, it's like it's waving in the air, but it's stuck. Bob: It looks super fucked up from the side. Mark: It fills me with PRIDE! That's good. Wade: Jack, that is absurd. *BANG* Jack: I know right. Hehe, I feel a little bad. *laughs* Mark: Is it absurd? Wait, hang on. Is it absurd though? Is it? Absurd? Jack: It's a little absurd. Wade: It's almost as ridiculous as someone being a giant red cooler running around. *both laugh* Wade: Toying with Mark. Mark: "Toying" with me, huh? Bob: Are they toying with Mark or me? Wade: No, I was toying with Mark, and then you came outside and shot me. Mark: Um, he MIGHT be a pair of glasses, maybe? Jack: *error buzzer* Mark: That means I'm right! Jack: No. Bob: No, I see him, he's out here. Bob: Aw, I fuckin' shot your brother earlier. Jack: *laughs* Don't shoot my fuckin' bro! Mark: What is he? What was he coming in? Bob: He's a little coaster on the ground. Mark: Oh wait, I saw him run by. Jack: I'm an ASHTRAY! Wade: *laughs* Get it right! Mark: Saw him running by. Bob: I shot the thing that you became! *BOOM* Mark: He's a dirty coaster. He's a DIRTY COASTER! Wade: OH MY GOD! Mark: I helped, Bob, I helped! Bob: You're just a nasty little shit-disk. Jack: Well I was originally an accordion in that room you went into. Mark: Ahh. Bob: Aw really? Jack: Yeah. Bob: Shit. Um, I can't see where the fence is and is not. Mark: Alright, Bob. Where you goin'? Bob: So apparently I'm not going over there. Mark: Yeah. Jack: That's o-fence-ive, never mind. Bob: Alright. Jack: Listen closely, Wade! They'll give away what they are. Wade: Ok. Bob: I'm going bold, I'm going bold, Mark. Mark: Ok. Jack: He's a FONT! Bob: *laughs* Got me. Wade: Yeah, that's a good call. Jack: He's an "ERROR" sign! Wade: He's Comic Sans. Bob: I am definitely an error sign. Of all the things. Mark: Don't listen to the- Mark: Don't listen to the EXTREME noise! Bob: *laughs* Wade: That's very obviously coming from this house. Mark: Don't listen to that! Jack: *laughs* Bob: *laugh continues* Mark: That is NONE of your concern! Bob: This is fine. Don't come in. Bob: I don't need your help. Jack: This is fine. Mark: Don't come in my room, mom. Please leave. Bob: Please, go away. Jack: Oh, I found the basement! Wade: Now, do you really want to go find them, or do you just want to hang out in this cool basement? Jack: Yeah, right! Bob: It's like a 300 degree, black-and-white picture of a valley. Mark: Nice. Jack: Dude, there's a bar in here! We should just get drinks! Wade: Yeah, I agree. Bob: I wonder if that's copyrighted. Wade: Thank you. Bob: I'm gonna keep looking at it. Wade: Next! Bob: Mark, are you still alive? Mark: Yeah, I'm still alive. Mark: I'm in a good hidey hole, I think. Wade: Thank you for smashing that one over my head, it made it taste better! Jack: No problem! Wade: *drinking noise* Thank you! Jack: Do you want- Do you want Jacopic Beer? Wade: I want THAT- Oh, well you grabbed them both. Wade: Yeah, that's fine. I don't care. Jack: I don't know what that is. We have Pep. Wade: Wait, do you have Top-Shelf over there? Jack: We have Crush. Jack: We have Lithi-Cola something. Wade: Oh yeah. Jack: Non-copyrighted sodas. Bob: Yeah. Wade [drunk]: I'm kinda hammered now, but just- Bob: Right here. Wade [drunk]: You closed the door in it, behind me. Bob: I was pretty interested to see how that spot was gonna work out, but I guess no one's gonna come play with me. Mark: No, it's fine, don't worry about it dude. Mark: Someone will like you eventually. Bob: Why don't you just come in? Jack: Nothing looks off in here. Bob: Why don't you just come on in and have a seat? Mark: *huffy grunts* Bob: *laughs heartily* Mark: *grunts* *laughs* *coughs* Bob: Why don't you just come sit down? Bob: Why don't you come have a seat? Mark: Yeah, Mark: Why don't you have a seat? (x3) Wade: What does that mean? Bob: Are you also a sitting thing, Mark? Mark: *bupping* Nope. Bob: *giggles* Jack: Oh, you're reacting to HIM, I thought you were reacting to ME. Mark: Uh, I don't know WHO that was, but... nothing! Bob: Someone's out in the street, and someone's in the wrong house. Wade: Hmm... I take it that means I'm in the wrong house. Bob: Well since only one of you is IN a house, *BANG* Jack: FUCK! Mark: WOAH! Woahoho! Jack: Did I get close? Mark: No, no, I had slipped. I slipped, so, like I- Mark: I JUST managed to get behind you and then around the back of the shed. Jack: SHIT! Mark: Yeah. Bob: Wade! Mark: I mean NO! WADE! Wade, don't think about this! Jack: You're in the right direction! Mark: HeyYYy! Hey hey hey. Bob: Mark, come towards me! Mark: Ok, alright. Where are you? I don't know. Bob: I will protect you. Bob: Uh, sure, you know where I am. Mark: Okay, alright, I'm coming to you! I'm gone! Jack: I don't know what he is. Bob: What's the taunt button? Wade: Jack, what is he? Jack: I don't know! I didn't see anything move! Mark: *giggles* Wade: What did you shoot?! Bob: Mark, I'm flashing my light, come to me! Jack: Ohh. Mark: You don't have a- Oh! I DO see your light! Mark: Holy shit, I see your light! Holy fuck! Bob: *laughs* Mark: I'm coming Bob! OH GOD! There's no line! AHHH! Bob: Come to me Mark! *laughs* Mark: Oh! AHH! Bob: *laughs harder* Jack: They're outside Wade! The other side of the house! Bob: Mark! DON'T come to me! Mark: I'm coming to you! Wade: I can't leave- Wade: OH GOD! I'm- Jack: No! WHY?! I just gave them away! Mark: *laughs* Bob: Yay! Wade: I accidentally Right Clicked! Mark: *laughs harder* Bob: Hello friend! Mark: Oh, you would not believe the ADVENTURE I had, Bob! Bob: *laughs* Jack: Fuck's sake, Wade, we had that! Mark: *laughs* Bob: *laughs* Wade: I know. Mark: You're just a BENCH! Jesus. Jack: He was a bench at the back, near a tree. Bob: I know, I was just a bench sitting out in the open! Bob: Hey, the other benches were all near trees, okay? So I was just playing my character. Don't be judgey about this. Mark: Oh man. Yeah. Mark: It was fucking ridiculous because I had just managed to slip out the door of Jack, Mark: and then like Wade just BEELINES towards me, I don't know how I got away! Jack: Ah fuck! Wade: I don't know how you got away either! Bob: Hey! I see someone is in a shed! Jack: Ah shit stains. Mark: Uh oh! Jack: Shit stain! Come on man! How did this-? Mark: Wait, ok, I got you covered. Wade: Oh come on Jack! No! Jack: WHY?! *laughs* Mark: Is that- Is that what I think it is? Bob: *laughs* Mark: Is that what I think it is? Bob: *laughs* Mark: Alright, we'll give you another shot. Jack: You guys see nothin'! Mark: Wait, nonono, let's play, we'll close the door. Bob: Here, yeah, what if I open- OH GOD! Hang on! Mark: Woa- OH NO! Bob: I'm stuck. Jack: *laughs* Mark: There, ok, we're good. Bob: There we go, here we go, wait. Jack: I can't move! Bob: Can we open this other door and help you? Mark: Uhh, wait, I'm trying to push you in. Ohh boy. Jack: I can't even close THIS door! Bob: Oh, we'll push it, we'll push you in! Jack: Ok, I can't become anything else. Jack: Let me fuckin' move! Mark: What if we give you an object? Mark: What if we give you something? Bob: We're working on it! We're wedging you in there. Bob: It's fine. This is fine. Jack: I'm pressin' stuff! Mark: There you go! Bob: There you go, you popped in! Mark: Ok, alright. We're gonna look away! Mark: We're gonna close the door. Jack: Okay. Wait wait. Jack: Ok, I'mma hide really good in here! You guys won't even know. Mark: Alright. Alright cool. Wade: *laughs* Mark: Alright, you have a good one! *smooch* Have a good day at school. Jack: Ok, wait, you can look again! You can look again! Jack: You can look again. I changed. I changed. Mark: Oh, I'm gonna go look, let's see what happened. Mark: Alright, 3, 2, 1. Wooop! Jack: I got stuck again. *all laugh* Jack: I don't know how this happened! Mark: It's just the magic closet! *laughs* Bob: *laughs* *shovel clangs* Bob: You know what? I don't think he needs any help. I think we should just leave him be. Mark: Yeah. Woah! Bob: And, you know, we'll come back and check on you in a bit, okay buddy? Mark: Yeah, we'll come back. You just cook for a bit. Jack: Okay. Mark: You cook. Yep. Jack: Guys... Jack: I can pick up shit, but it won't let me BECOME it! WHY?! Mark: I just hear the clanging. Bob: *laughs* Bob: Yeah, it's just like, wham, crash, bash, oh no. Jack: WHY?! This is my fucking HELL! Mark: *laughs* Jack: Oh, fuck's sake. Bob: Wait, so, where is the basement? I'm interested in that. Jack: When you go in the house, it's on the hall, it's one of the doors in the hall. Jack: It's just like camouflaged against the wall, it's a brown door. Mark: Ahh. Jack [to Wade]: Bye, bye, buddy. Bob: Every step I take is like, I'm a god damn giant, destroying the universe. Mark: Hey Bob, I saw something. Wade: No you didn't. Mark: Yeah I did. Bob, you wanna come out and see the Magical Changing Shed again? Mark: *laughs* Jack: No! Don't look at my SHAME! Bob: *laughs* Jack: I'm changing in here! Jack: Or at least TRYING to! Mark: Bob, why don't you check behind that tree in the corner? Wade: No, not this tree! Bob: Oh, oh hey. Mark: *laughs* Wade: There's nothing behind this tree. Jack: No! Look at me! Look how silly I am! Mark: Let's play a little game. Jack: Oh I goofed! Guys, look, I can't move, I goofed! Bob: What if I slowly walked this way, around the tree? Wade: Not this tree. No. Bob: What if I slowly look, this way and- Bob: Oh no, there's nothing here! Wade: Not behind this shed. *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* Wade: Ah! Why are you shooting at me?! Mark: *laughs* Bob: I'm not shooting at you. *BANG* Wade: No, I'm just a tree. Jack: I'm shooting AROUND you! *BANG* Wade: Hey, have you ever heard of Connectico Motor Oil? *ratatatatata* Wade: It's the best! *ratatatatata* Jack: Have you ever heard of- Mark: He's unkillable! He's unkillable! Wade: Get your oil today! Connectico Oil! Here to stay! Mark: He's unkillable! Wade: Connectico! Mark: Oh, there you go. Jack: That was just embarassing. Jack: And I'M the one stuck in the ground! Mark: Yeah, that was bad for me. Alright, so what we'll do- Oh, fuck. Bob: I'm gonna ride you to victory, Jack! Let's do this! Mark: Alright. Jack: Okay, okay, I'm not moving. Bob: Is this working? Jack: No, I can't pick up anything. I can't move Bob: Here, I'll push you. *gasp* I'm inside you! Bob: Huhh! Alright, there we go. Jack: Guh! Bob: Shouldn't YOU be the one making that sound if I'm inside you? Mark: Alright, I think this is gonna be a mercy, okay? Jack: Just fucking kill me. *KERPOW* *Ch-ch* Jack: Thank you. Bob: Oh my god! Mark: Woah! Jack: Oh wow! Bob: Oh it lit on fire, oh fuck! Oh gosh! Mark: Woahohoh! Bob: Everything's burning down! Wade: Can I help? Mark: The shed is ANGRY! Jack: I was the fire all along! Jack: Piece of shit, fucking game. Jack: Messin' with my life. Jack: My fun. Mark: My life, my fun, my world, my game! Wade: I tried to help you, Jack. Jack: I only care about M.E., My Enjoyment! Wade: Oh. Mark: It's called "Sean's Mod" for a reason, guys! Jack: Yeah! Wade: Yeah! Mark: Yeah... Jack: Ok. Bob: Oh fuck's sake! Jack: I hear a cliggity clang. A pliggity plang. Outside the housie-doo. Bob: Nah, it's fine. Everything's fine, nothing happened. Bob: Everything's fine, don't worry about it! Jack: Is it? Bob: Yeah, it's fine. Jack: *laughs* "Everything's fine," *clang* *clong* *cug*. Wade: So, Mark, you wanna talk about this? Mark: NAAAOOOOO!! Wade: Oh my god, you scared me! Mark: *laughs* Jack: Oh my- That scared the shit outta me! Mark: *laughs* Jack: Holy fuck! Wade: I jumped so high! Mark: WaAAhoohoohoo! Wade: When you screamed, I just jumped! Bob: *laughs* Mark: Sorry, I panicked! I panicked! Wade: It was one of those moments when I threw my mouse. Jack: It made me jump in real life. Mark: *laughs* Bob: Oh my god. Mark: Oh Jesus. Wade: Mark I'm stuck. Jack: Bob, are you here? Mark: Good, you should stay that way. Bob: Are you the one in the bar, Jack? Jack: Yeah. Bob: Nah, I'm not in there. Jack: Heh, "Are you the one in the bar with me?" "Yeah, I'm not in there." Mark: NO-HO-HO-HO!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! Wade: *laughs* Wade: So um, you didn't scare me this time, buddy. Jack: The fuck is happening? Bob: *laughs* Mark: Alright, okay, alright, okay. Jack: Someone's giving birth! Bob: *laughs* Mark: I'm not gonna panic, I'm gonna take this like a man. Mark: I'm gonna just stick my ass up against this radiator and- Jack: It's a bit too late to- Bob: Oh no! Jack: Oh hey! Mark: Fuckin- geh- Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Mark: HA! Hoho! Jack: I did it! I just randomly shot that chair. Wade: I just saw that garbage can rolling behind the house! Bob: How the fuck? It looked fine! Mark: I know! *laughs* Jesus. Jack: No it didn't, you were sideways. Bob: It was fine. Jack: You were side-ways. Wade: Funny story Mark, last round I did the same thing, that's how I knew it was you! Mark: Yeah? Aw, shit. Mark: *laughs* Oh jeez. Wade: *laughs* Bob: *laughs* Jack: Okay. Be smart. Jack: That's not smart! Bob: B-6. Hit! (Battleship) Jack: *chuckles* Mark: Nice. Wade: Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh. Jack: Sick joke, dude! Mark: Was that from Battleship the game or Battleship the movie? Bob: Battleship the movie, bro! Mark: NICE! Jack: Yeah, fuckin' Liam Neeson up in this. Mark: Nice. Fuckin', Rihanna up in this. Bob: Fuckin' McSteamy from Grey's Anatomy, bro! Wade: Well. Wade: I'm stuck, but I think it's okay. Bob: I see a chair running around. What's going on over here? *Jack licks the top row of his teeth* Jack [ leans into the mic and says,quietly]: Nothing. Mark [quietly]: Nothing. Wade: I'm stuck, but it's fine! It's fine Jack. Bob: Oh. Wade: There's nothing to worry about. Bob: I- This chair looks a little suspicious, but- Jack [leans in]: Whatcha doin', buddy? That's fine! Bob: In the context of a- Jack [overblowing mic]: THAT'S FINE, BUDDY! IT'S FINE, DON'T EVEN WORRY ABOUT IT, THAT'S FINE! DON'T EVEN- [Wade is deadeded by Jack's critical ear rape attack!] Mark: *laughs* Oh my god! Bob: *laughs* Oh my god. Jack [overblowing mic]: DON'T EVEN FUCKING WORRY ABOUT IT! DON'T FUCKING WORRY. Mark: Jesus Christ! Jack [overblowing mic]: IT'S FUC- IT'S FUCKING FINE. Bob [yelling]: HEY, I CAN HEAR MYSELF IF I YELL! Bob: Oh, it went away. Mark: *laughs* Jack: *laughs* Wade: *gone* Bob: Oh oh AH! OH! Jack: It's fine. (x7) Bob: *laughs heartily* Mark: JESUS! I'm watching through the window! This is NOT FINE! Jack: AW FUCK! AH SHIT! Mark: Bob, what's happening in there? Bob? You might want to- Uh oh, Bob! Jack: No, it's fine, it's fine. Now it's fine. Bob: *laughs* It's fine. Bob: It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. Jack: Now it's fine. NOW it's fine. AH GOD! I CAN'T SEE IT MOVE! Jack: Can't fuckin' see shit! WHERE IS THE EXIT?! Bob: *laughs* Jack: WHERE'S THE OFF RAMP?! Wade: *laughs* Bob [laughing]: It's not in any of the places you've gone so far! Jack: Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh!!! EH!! EH! EHH!! Bob: Aw shit! *BOOM* Mark: *laughs heartily* Bob: Oh fucking god! *laughs heartily* Jack: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Wade: So... Wade: Um... Jack: Ohhh! Bob: *still laughing heartily* Mark: *rolling laugh* Jack: Fucking! THIS SUCKS! Jack: I was fine. Mark: I opened that door, hoping you would come out. *laughs* Bob: *laughs* Jack: Fucking. Thanks for playing, Bob, thanks, thanks. Bob: Oh, fucking shit, god damn. That makes my sides hurt. Mark: Oh man. Bob: Yeah, I was nice, right? I was cool? It's cool? Jack: Yeah. It's that other one. Mark: Yeah, it's me! *laughs* Jack: Mark FischPoop. Bob: WADE! Wade: Woah, woah! I knew you were gonna accuse me, Bob! Bob: Yeah, it's almost like that's an accurate thing to accuse you of. Jack: Wade, I think you're pretty solid, Wade. Wade: Yeah, but I can't actually move, so... Jack: I mean, they're in the same house, but, you're pretty solid. Wade: I'm sure I'm fine. They'll never- They wouldn't dare look here. Jack: They'll probably leave. Wade: Oh hey, they looked here. Jack: Ohhh... Jack [harsh whisper]: I think us talking out loud may have ruined that! Wade: They can't hear us. Wade: With the power of imagination- Jack: Someone's outside like a fuckin- Jack: Someone's outside like a macaroon though. Wade: Yeah, I hear them stomping in the snow. Mark: I'm watching. Jack: Apparently it's probably that- It's probably that 'Plier! Wade: Yeah. Bob: I don't understand. Bob: I think Wade's a tiny thing underneath a thing, but I'm not sure. Jack: He's not. He's not. Wade: No, I'm not. Mark: So he's a- Jack: He's actually pretty easy to find if you're not stupid. Mark: Yeah. Wade: Yeah. Bob: Well then, I must not have looked in the right room yet, 'cause I know I'm stupid. Wade: Yeah, that's quite accurate. Mark: Hmmm... Hmmm... Jack: Yeah, probably. *muffled boom* Wade: I'm sure I'm- GAH HA! Mark: *laughs* Jack: *laughs* Bob: You're right! Once I walked into the right room, it was IMMEDIATELY clear! Jack: I told you. Wade: Oh hey, there's Mark in the window. Mark: Hiiii, I'm here too, guys. Bob: *laughs* Wade: Jack, we had great scores! I feel good about it. Jack: Ooo! *"Crazy La Paint" by MiniMusicMan plays* *music descends* *music descends out*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,328,378
Rating: 4.9630985 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, prop hunt, prop hunt gameplay, prop hunt funny moments, prop hunt multiplayer, prop hunt markiplier, funny moments, gmod, garry's mod, gmod prop hunt
Id: B0p2EJBiITo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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