the biggest throw in Among Us history...

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eddie i'm eating italian food [Laughter] why was that information specifically for eddie i think i'm half italian ethan if you're eating korean food would you tell me probably curtis i have a gift for you for uh the first time meeting okay yeah all right ready listen closely okay what a good crack oh you broke your knees [Laughter] yeah curtis pull up my stream come look at my arm i just broke it for you let's go haven't played among us in a sec well i mean kind of yeah my birthday my birthday was a little bit ago i really hope i'm not the first to go uh oh uh oh pink who's pink who's pink bruce okay okay gonna do my two electrical tasks if somebody's not dead in here oh i hate downloading this in electrical it's so stressful it's so incredibly stressful i don't want to die i'm doing uh i'm doing pretty good to be honest report that was a that was a really oh [ __ ] that was a really long oh drew laughed yeah i didn't like the way he was shuffling near me i have trash if anyone wants to come watch me next round so okay do we have visual tasks on no yes no we don't no wait what do you think this is the amateur hour dead i thought when i was doing weapons i could see the gun so i just assumed other people could no oh well [ __ ] that was a pretty long round i pretty much went around almost the entire map because i started on the right and just made my way up and across i have two more tasks and i went into med bay to do my body scan and eric's body was there ethan i trust you because i feel like we were passing a bunch also chris maybe got into killing me i'm thinking it might be tony i was with around i think you and brian ethan and then i went uh i saw i don't i think he went like up above me and then i just i just saw tony and med bay last pretty soon before everything went down and i feel like if you found a cold body tony was in red bay with that timing to line up tony and kurt curtis both have the same hat also that's true that is weird they're pretty dubious looking hats yeah yeah it looks like they're gonna it looks like they're about to tell me some watches in their coordinated before the stream okay all right i'll see you guys later i'm sorry oh man why did you why did you leave uh i'll tell you later okay still need to do my med base scan i'll probably do that last i'll go and do um i'll go and do weapons real quick and then and then i will go to the thing go go go go hey somebody come on there we go mid bay med bay come on and go to med bay shoot now i'm just going to go to cams because dunzo everybody's coming into camps huh wow there's mr mel burger oh so eddie's dead we were definitely right on on either tony or it was drew yeah maybe drew left because he knew he'd been maybe it was me i don't know i'll never tell i have all of my tasks done same i yeah i just finished my test as well kurt uh yeah i still have one more task i thought i was in the middle of it which task was that is it reactor in the top left is that what it's called yeah well reacting on like the left the top left is like the engine uh i'm a reading reactor that's where i gotta go okay well maybe we'll just check that out for myself i feel like i i've seen you been walking around you're just walking in the walls i forget the names and i'm playing on ios it's hard to walk around that's fair all right well i'm just gonna i'm just gonna maybe follow curtis from a distance for the rest of the game yeah we can do that if you want okay if anything happens to me just know i was following curtis at a distance okay so let's let's follow curtis are we are we skipping yeah we're skipping i'm skipping okay it could be chris though what if the wait where's chris where's chris where's chris [Laughter] no no oh my god it's both of them isn't it that's very funny what happened curtis vented right in front of them like yeah yeah chris where did you go i literally was like i kind of want curtis to get one last kill before we uh you have a meeting and then and then he [ __ ] stabbed me in the face do you guys want do you guys know what happened to me oh i'm sorry dude little sus o'brien i am a little suss of brian okay oh oh [Laughter] i leaked the code i'm sorry [Laughter] oh the reaver wait i think we've got everyone in here i just did so many things i just did so many things i had reverb on all of my sources my audio sources were bad i leaked the code i mean it's a full lobby yeah well there's already 10 people in here right so they can try and join but then i just heard [Applause] hold on guys all right jesus does not go still too oh okay is it better now is it better now what about now no i think you're in a wind tunnel oh my god why are you guys hearing the sub alert what is happening dude okay look how fun why are they hearing sub alerts did i don't like this this is real this is me i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be now there's no need to hold it there was a dead body on shields so i'd love to show you the explanation for this was it care to explain eddie would you like to talk about this wait i want to talk about the body at shields yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how many of you are doing is a bit and who actually accuses me okay i was like yeah yeah it was a bit from the jump it's cool who wasn't there thought you were actually accusing me no i was a [ __ ] okay i saw two people on the right side of the ship shortly before the lights went out brian and i was as well yes and then i saw tony up on the top right but i don't know if he went down right now tony tony was bottom wait you saw tony at the top right yeah he was on weapons let's let curtis talk for a second chris what'd you say yeah i well i don't know i was doing weapons and then i was the lights went off and then i got scared and that's all that happened all right curtis is a crewmate i trust him yeah curtis ever sounds actually scared i think it was actually yellow and green that we're doing okay wait wait wait wait yeah really quick really quick i just said i was just trying to recount for tony because i absolutely saw him and brian just said tony was the only one i didn't see which is a weird thing to say round one immediately he thought i was accusing tony there i think it was a really okay so that wasn't me accusing tony oh god ethan i can hear your sub why can you still hear it what the [ __ ] okay so eric brian and drew were all at the right correct yeah we were all and i was doubling back because uh curtis was coming out and drew was there as well and i was worried drew is going to be i'm disconnecting and i'm quitting out of discord and then i'm coming back into discord hell uh what just what just happened can you guys still hear my sub alert i don't know why that's happening all right that would be extremely obsessed of me to throw that photo no more pooping in my pants for me this is me holy [ __ ] so it's not brian yeah it's not brian so i just saw brian in storage and then the lights went out i went up into uh electrical tony was there i fixed it oh no yeah wait okay also i when i saw brian walk down into storage ethan was there and drew has found his second body of the of the two rounds oh so interesting oh one second wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait eddie your body with him wait danny what were you saying danny sorry i was just clarifying the body was in storage yeah uh by the gas by the gas can because i just filled up gas can went to turn the lights on and then i circled back and brian's dead wait eric whatever you're asking i don't weren't you just in med bay eric no no i was walking in that direction after like toured i checked for it but i i was not because i came up from doing my scan and then someone just walked into med bay i'm pretty sure that was you i didn't walk into med bay no i didn't i was in the cafeteria and i was checking around and maybe i was in that area but like i would i did i before that saw brian walked down into it and saw ethan down there i don't know because i know that i'm weird because it's positive that someone walked into med bay with me and i'm almost 100 positive it's you but what does this have to do what does it have to do with because eddie was saying that he was in storage i don't know how it's possible that you can eric if you're a crewmate this is like so i mean i'm not gonna i'm not gonna vote you i just don't know how you got into storage because i thought i saw you in that video i was around admin and saw brian dip down into storage and when i dipped from down admin i saw ethan at the wires not saying it was ethan i'm just saying i saw him down there and then i dipped up to check for everybody okay well then let's account for this who saw me wires in storage i did not see anyone in med bay i saw like four or five people in electrical i don't think you saw me do wires and sort and this is going to make me look sus but i didn't i didn't i i didn't i didn't have wires in storage i went to do wires in electrical because i was an electrical when it all went down that is true okay so are we are we are we a little sauce on eddie i don't know what's going on right now so i am so obsessed with eric because this is weird as [ __ ] eric magnificent eric never comes danny kurt there's no need to hold it in no more hiding who you happy this is real this is me i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be now shine on me all right that looked sausage how that looks sus as hell where is it also i've got some some some sauce i need the map i don't know so it was cur cur standing in front of the body let me just say what i saw i reported i get i get to talk okay i come and he's just standing in front of the dead body we're not reporting it and then i reported it okay hold up okay so go for it we're on the map what's and then i walked by really quick i saw the report thing pop up for a second i was like that's weird i don't see a body so i just did my task and then i finished my task i seem to see the body and then and then tony shows up and i say okay i'm gonna wait how do you how do you see i think i think before chris talks eric if you are not an imposter this is the throw of the century i don't know okay don't wait dude eric let me defend eric really quick i was intellectual with erica alone in the dark curtis how do you not you see the report button but you don't see the body and then you see the body i was doing tasks i went down to lower engine as i was crossing before i do that i had to fix wires ethan was top right in security i walked down saw tony and eric down there so maybe one of them vented but like ethan's alive and was in security when i saw him last oh i did wouldn't stop accusing me then ethan you have eight seconds i was in security but then i went back up towards cafeteria i'm running curtis yes i'm voting curtis just because i don't [ __ ] what the hell why didn't you vote for chris we lost what the [ __ ] we're gonna lose they're gonna get a double kill me lost [ __ ] where is he where is he i just saw dude if you vote for me it's eric because it's not [ __ ] me and you guys lose you still don't know this time and then it was you know the other killer is though because we didn't vote someone else out but it's for sure chris if it's not i won't care that much because it's not a big deal yeah it's true it's just the game regardless i didn't really see chris at all that time eric why do you think i was muted that whole time why do you think that it's chris i just wanted them in half in front of me we were on top of chris went to to do the task up in weapons and he did he finished the task faster than i've ever seen anyone and then he was gone when i was on my test so eating gonzales i don't know who the other killer is so keep keep a lookout but for sure it's chris because i needed to get one kill that game right [ __ ] me [ __ ] me [ __ ] me is anybody in there nope okay they're not okay well that was that was for sure weird i can't i can't get i can't get two where's tony i'm gonna i'm gonna pretend like i don't trust him okay oh [ __ ] the lights [ __ ] oh no hold on tony yeah i just [ __ ] saw him kill uh eric right in front in front of me where were you that whole time though me yes i was running around i was doing a bunch of the uh the test it was going up did you see it phil up that sounds like such a lie i'm so sorry i didn't mean it i wasn't i wasn't looking at the taskbar because i thought we weren't looking at the time i completed it and then i got shut off because of the lights i was trying to get to the cafeteria to go up left because i was throwing out the leaves in the top left of the cafeteria okay wait you reported the body you're saying he said yes you're saying it's curtis yes and curtis huh okay i was with ethan the whole time you respond with huh i i was i was with ethan the whole time and eric and ethan didn't kill well maybe kill there but okay i'm gonna okay tony [Laughter] i just told the truth curtis have some convictions forever why do you remember i love what your talking point was i was with them the [Laughter] because you saw someone kill them that was the funniest imposter oh alexa you're not allowed to be oh my god the funniest the funniest thing was was keith and goes i saw curtis kill and then the kurds like i was with those guys the whole time [Music] you
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 201,517
Rating: 4.9890399 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, among us, among us multiplayer, among us funny moments, among us crankgameplays, among us best kills, among us imposter, among us twitch, among us highlights, among us sus, sus, among us crewmate, among us tasks, how to be imposter in among us, among us throw, among us funny, among us best imposter, twitch highlights, among us memes, among us gameplay, among us best imposter plays, among us best imposter moments
Id: ptpk9BrwDQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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