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Anyone reminded of this > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA4CTzhrLu8

When jack was shouting 'no!' ?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2017 đź—«︎ replies
Mark: Alright Wade Jack: There's just a lone watermelon in the way/room M: Wa- Wade, I'm not going to make fun of you like everyone else did. because you i-id you are arguably just as bad as I am at this... Wade: YEAH Mark: YEAH M: So TOGETHER... J: Oh god there's two of them Bob: OH! Fuck me! Jack: There's two of them M: We can do this B: Why is this like this? B: AGH! M: Okay, you lead the way. Taunt: YEAHEHEAH W: I think they're this way. Mark & Wade: *giggles* M: That sounded like you Bob Jack: NO... Jack: NO... B: It kinda did Taunt: COME TO PAPA M: Come to Papa. Come to BIG. PAPA. PUMP Mark: Come on Come over here Wade: OH IT'S THE G-MAN Mark: Oh...I don't think that's them... Mark: Where you guys at? Bob: Nowhere? J: Uhhhh... Nowhere B: Everywhere Mark: Uh huh M: Big Papa Pump doesn't like being LIED to! J: But I wanna be a horse dick we-we-we've been here before, we can't be the horse di- *MARKIPLIER BURPS LOUDLY* "-ick" J: I know. Why do we return to this misery? M: *wesouoich M: It's not that bad J: Well see you later *Bob sucks in air* M: Wait What bob: *laughing THEN COUGHS* Mark: Wade, I feel like I'm being made a fool of! *BOB LAUGHING* Jack: WE BOTH WERE! Mark: Neither I or you. Wade: Wait a minute. Jack: Ooohhhhhhh fuck. Wade: *muffled hmmmm* *Taunt in the background* Wade: Wait Mark, are you the one taunting?! Mark: Yeah of course I am! *Bob and Jack then others start to laugh* Mark: Wait were you looking for my taunts? *others still laughing* Mark : You idiot! Wade: What do you mean me- you- me *mark laughs* Wade: You're right. *Wade laughs* Wade: When you're right, you're right boss. *Mark laughing* Jack: What do you mean- *??* Mark: Uhh boy we are not looking good today Wade. Mark: We are not looking good. W: Well no considering I've been trying to track you this whole time. *Mark and Bob laughing* *Taunt* Wade: Oh come on! Stop it Mark! *Bob and Mark laughing* *Bob laughing* Mark: Alright, I'll stop it man. Mark: Are they taunting? Are you guys taunting? *Bob in background ooooh* Bob: I'm not taunting. Wade: One of them is taunting, one of them is outside. Bob: You guys have been all over my steez this whole time. Mark: *confused* What? Mark: Okay Wade, are they out here? Wade: I think one is on the other side of this wall, Wade : Or right around here. Mark: Okay Wade: Probably the other side of the wall. Mark: Alright. Mark : Other side of the wall, like the fence? *Jack makes a soft weee sound* Bob: *starts laughing* *Bob makes a teehee noise* *Mark starts laughing* Mark: I don't like being made fun of. Mark: *growls* Come on guys–Woah. Geezus, I can get up there... Mark: Oh! Wade: Oh no, I'm stuck, oh god Mark: Hey Wade, look at me! Wade look at ME! Wade: uh, UH Wade: I can't get outta this box! Mark: WADE Bob: I see you riding that horse, Mark. Mark: Waaaade *Bob laughing* Mark: Look at meeee! Wade: Mark, I'm comin'! Mark: Hi-ho, silver! Yahooooo! Wade: Oh hang on, lemme get a thumbnail, Mark: Thanks. WEEEEE! Bob: Whip it real good, Mark. Mark: Put my face on it! Put my face all big. Put my face all big on this. Wade: Yeah. Jack: *fuck...* Mark: Yeah, OK? Wade: Ah, your face is gonna go right HERE! Mark: YAH! *Bob laughing, inaudible chatter* Mark: Thanks man. Bob: Wait, can I get a thumbnail too? Mark: Aww, I just got off Bob: Go back up there! Go back up there! Mark: Alright. Wade: Oh I thought I- I saw you- Mark: Yee-haw! *falls off* Wade: You can do it Mark. Mark: Yee- yee- Yee-haw! Bob: Yee- yaw hooooooo. Mark: Yippie-ky-yay-yo. Bob: I mean I guess I'm sorta on your team now cause I'm- *pause* Pretty sure that if I run you're just gonna shoot me, so- Mark: Uh, no-no, we won't shoot you. We won't shoot you. Bob: Yeah, you say that, but Wade does not agree to that. I'm like, 98% sure. *Mark laughs* Mark: Wait, help us find Jack. Bob: *laughs continuously* Mark: We know he's the smarter of the two of you so we gotta get... Mark: We gotta combine our heads. Bob: Alright Bob: I'll be the saw blade of destiny, come with me to find jack. Jack: Fucken *??* Mark: Alright (Bob makes toy car sounds) Mark: *laughs* It's a Roomba! Mark: You're a fuckin' Roomba *Bob starts laughing* *Bob makes rrrr noises* Bob: I'm a Roomba rrrrr *Mark and Wade start laughing* W: but where does the dirt go? B: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr M: *laughing* M: It's-it's-it's hilarious B: ertss errts errrrrrts M: *laughing* J: Where the fuck are you guys? M: Wade I can't believe you don't find this halarious like i do. W: I'm enjoying it, don't get me wrong M: I'm just so easily amused! J: (inaudiable) W: The rotation is what really sells it M: *laughs* J: *laughs* M: It's really convincing! B: You still with me? B: I don't know what sounds I-Oh my God M:OOOOHHHH MY ROOMBA! B: Fucking cleaning the floors! M: Goddammit Wade! B: You're welcome! W: He broke. It was time J: Well, well, well J: Welp B: Were you in the same spot the whole time Jack? J: No no I was following you guys around. B: Oh okay W: Oh.. *Bob laughs* J: I was for awhile I was a big giant box that was- M: Hey W-Wade do you think we can be this thing? *laughs* *Bob laughs* *Wade grunts* J: *inaudible, somthing about watermelons* M: Wait hang on... Let me get... Let me hop in. Oh shIT- *Mark and Wade laugh* J: What are you guys doin'? *Mark and Wade continue to laugh* M: Wait turn on rotation lock! They'll never know! *Wade coughs* W: They'll neeeever see, oh this one's coming to join me! *Mark laughs* J: tHIS one? *Mark laughs* B: Oh my god. *Bob, Wade, and Mark laugh* M: Oh no! I think they spotted us! W: That's cause you didn't have rotation lock on! M: Oh sorry. B: Yeah no dude if you had rotation lock on, come on man! M: I just turned it on B: WoAH. Wade I think you and that other car are becoming one right now. *Mark laughs* W: Yeah we are TOTALLY *inaudible as Bob, Mark, and Jack laugh* M: Jack! Jack help! J: Does this help? M: Help! *Bob continues to laugh* Help please! M: Oh god B: Here *mixture of whimpers and car noises* B: We'll just give you guys cones J: Yeah, I'm tryin– I'll try and push you guys out J: Wait, which one is the real car? *Mark laughs* W: I don't know B: The one– the one that's in the– the one that's in like a reasonable position is the real car I think M: Wait, Wade, you're a tank, I'm your turret *noise* B: oOH shit *Mark noise* J: Oh no I'm stuck *another Mark noise* W: I'm falling through the earth! J: *quiet 'Goddammit'* *and Mark noise again* J: I'm stuck *still noisy Mark?* B: I got– oh no I'm stuck! *Mark plz stahp* M: Now we're all stuck guys (B: now I'm unstuck, okay) B: Mark, I'm gonna try–Mark Mark, aim your hood at me, I'm gonna try and land a cone on you M: Okay W: Hey J: I'm tryin' to push you B: *tries* *fails* Alright it doesn't go that far M: Alright yeah, that sucked B: Hyuh! Yeeeeaaaah M: OW it's inside me W: I can't see any of– J: Keep clicking– keep turning– B: Yeeeaaaah M: Bob, stop stuffing me with your cones B: Hyuuh! *throws* M: Geezus! B: WOAH! Geezus christ J: *inaudible but still stuck* M: Wait, yeah. Wait, hey! J: OH OH OH! M: Wait, hold–aww I thought I made it *Jack inaudible* M: Woah, I'm free look! B: Oh hey but–wait, no, Mark B: You need to have my cones inside you or you're not complete M: Wait, wait W: OHHH, Mark J: Wade, you're just getting pounded into the ground M: (overlaps) I'm off to work guys! *car noise* W: Make us proud, Mark! *car noise continues* W: Make us prooouuuuud J: That's just sad B: C-can I get a lift buddy M: Yeah, sure. I'm your Uber driver J: Oh me too M: Hop on guys B: lets do this guys B: Mark the Uber driver, take us- M: *Car noise* B: Take us downtown to- B&W: Aw M: *laughs* uh J: Fuckin no stars for you B: hang on, hang on, hang on M: Rate me five stars! Rate me five stars! B: Hang on, no, hang on B: Hang on M: Please! B: Hang on, hang on. Let me- B: Let me- we can do this, we can work this out, let me get on the- aww I'm stuck B: Alright, there we go. Let me get on the hood W: *throws cone at Bob* huh! M: Okay B: and then let me, let me know when you're gonna- Would you stop that?! M: Woah J: I'm blocking off traffic B: let me, let me know when you're going to go, Ok? M: Okay I'm gonna go B: Okay go. M: do you want me to crawl go? Alright *Car noises* *Wade laughs* W: that cone is blocking- M: I seem to have hit an obstacle *continued car noises* W: man the traffic cone B: th-these fucking cones! *Mark laughs* B: OhMyGod I'm stuck, I'm so stuck B: Woah hey *More Car noises* * weird noise that sort of resembles a car stopping* M: Alright *Everyone laughs* J: Fuckin B: Ohh jeez M:Alright, Wade. We kinda dissapointed- wha- Wade M: Why did you look at the Car first? M:What are the odds? W: Actually that would be the worst place for us to look. M: *still laughing* Oh, Ok. Alright then M: they're concentrating W: There's a melon down here (inaudible) There's a rolling mellon! J: *breathes* M: Huh? J: That's always there B: *laughing* M&B: *laughing* M: Ohh. B: *laughing* Did I really just get away with that? M: I dunno W: All I saw was a melon B I was a dresser. I went right between you guys. W: I knew I saw a dresser down here! B:A fucking dresser and then I tried to become one and I like flew into the air and then you guys were in the wrong room and I was like M: *laughing* B: *making weird noises* M: I want an instant slow-mo replay if you actually showed up in my screen *giggling* W: I saw (inaudible) M: Oh, hi. Hello. Who's that? J:Nooo M: Who's that? Huh? Where yah going? Where the fuck did you go? J: Fawk M: Where did you go?... What? B: OH no. NOO. Anything but this M: Wait.. Oh, I see what happened *laughing* J: Are you SERIOUS? *giggling* hoh my god J:I feel BAD for you. Don't have kids, please M: Here (x3) B: *laughing* M:Wait, I'll give you a peace offering. M: I don't know how I missed that, but.. J: I can B: Um M: Yeah J: WHOAH M: There yah go B: Uuummm M: FRIDGE ON THE RUN B: Ummmmm J:You're holding a giant error! B: Ummmmm M: Oh wow Wade where did you get that gun? W: It was in one of the balls M: OH. J&B: Oh Wade you're holding a giant error to me *Bob laughs* M: I see a really impressive gun Wade M: It's really big! M: I bet it hurts when you shoot him >:D B: Why-... W: Let's find out >:D M: woAH J: You kill me- B: -Why an error B: Why is this working?! B: Jack, what do I look like right now? J: *impressed* Oh my GODD *Jack and Bob laugh, a LOT* *Both still laughing* J: WHY?!xD B:Why is this working!? J: I don't know! M: What the fuck?! *Bob laughs very loudly* *Bob screeches in laughter* W: oh M: I did not notice that!! *Bob still can't stop laughing xD* W: I didn't either!! M: How did....?!?! B: I was watching you fucking chase jack around M:It's so weird because when you walk in- -from this angle it almost looked normal for a-*laughs* B: Hey guys how's it going. W: Ya! Ya it did M: Yeah it was super weird J: I put the *something* inside you Bob. B: I couldn't even see outside of my own... *dies* oh there we go W: *angry shooting yelling* M: Oh jeez M: No don't error me bro! M: *quietly* don't error me. J: *laughs* M: Alright. J: That was an embarrassing round, not getting better for you guys. *laughter* M: Hey... it's ok M: oh, im out of, oh M: Alright it's fine. B: Oh hey buddy W: hey..... are you..? B: Whats up tire friend? M: Wait, Wade. B: oh no no no no no J: Oh my. *Laughter* M: NOOOO!!!!! *Bob laughs loudly* M: NOO!!!!! J: You're fuckin' flawless dude M: Nooo! J: C'mon here J: Check the horses donut hole M: *laughs* B: Alright Wade I'll give you - give you- you go first, okay buddy? M: Wait Wade, come to the horse W: Alright, oh *Bob laughing M: We're gonna give this bad boy wheels W: (inaudible) B: Wade doesn't fit through doors right now J: *laughs* W: I can fit through doors now *all laugh* M: Aw, that's not a wheel *laughs* B: Aw, hey M: We'll make do. We'll make do B: You guys were going for the same prop M: Wade get on the right leg, ill get on the left leg M: This bad boy is gonna go places * everyone starts to laugh
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,086,397
Rating: 4.9573131 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, prop hunt, garry's mod, funny, multiplayer, jacksepticeye, muyskerm, lordminion777, prop hunt markiplier, prop hunt funny moments, collab, game, gameplay, online, pc
Id: O3kSQlw0GUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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