SOME GOOD (offensive) BITS | Prop Hunt #46

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Jack: Okay, who's with me? Who am I with? Bob: Me. Wade: Oh, you can also use rotation lock on these props. Jack: Hey, this you Bob? Hey Bob! Bob: Hey, what's up? Hey friend! Jack: Hi Bob! Bob: Do you want to... hey, listen...listen Jack: What. Bob: Do you want to find props, or do you want to go drive a truck? Jack: Uhh truck, duh! Bob: Bro come with me Wade: Hey, you thirsty? (Mark: Drive a truck, honk the horn, shoot shotguns out the side) Jack: No! Bob: We have no time for you walking beer. Wade: No, please drink and drive! (Laughter) Mark: Aw man. Jack: I'll hop in the back. You drive me Papa! Bob: Is this the kinda... is this the kind of content that Disney XP is looking for Wade? Wade: Yeah Mark: Disney XP? Yeah. Bob: DXP bro! Bob: Wade and I got that Disney Channel money now. Mark: Right. Wade: Disney DMXP would love this. Mark: Disney gonna give it to you. Wade [in a high pitched voice]: Disney gonna give it to you Jack [in a weird voice]: First we're gonna rock, then we are going to roll ho-ho Mark: First we're gonna rock ho-ho, then we're going to roll (Wade?: You're going to make me lose my mind ho-ho) Jack: Ride the truck! Bob: I'm trying. How do you do that? You're wizard? Ah hey I did it! Jack: Something's moving! x3 Wade: Ah hey! Jack: I don't want- a- hey- Wait wait! Something's moving. I don't know where it is, but I'm searching for it. Wade: I'm just a steadily stool hay. Jack: It's over here! Something over here moved. Bob: I don't think that's right Wade: That hay you're stepping on is moving right now. Mark: Yeah, that's really weird. Jack: Shoot it! Jack: Fucking shoot it! Move! SHOOT IT! Bob: Murder it! Jack: Okay I think we got it. Wade: Yeah, you show that hay who's boss! That's right asshole. They're gonna get you! Jack: Wade, it's moving! Shoot it! Shoot it! Mark: No! Stacy! Ughhhhh uh huh huuuuh Bob: We're going to file the paperwork. It was a police accident It was brutality! I saw it! It was instigated I'm going to tell everybody Bob: That hay-bale had a knife or something and- Mark: What?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO STEEVE?! Jack: I'm sorry. Bob: Oh my God Mark: This is al- Oh my God! Why are you just making me watch this? Bob: We're so intimidated right now. I can't. Mark: Oh no! Jack: I'm scared by talking inanimate objects. Wade: Ugh! Call the police! Mark: I don't want to live on this world anymore! Bob: Sir! Sir, put the gun down. Sir, put the gun down. Mark: NO! Bob: Drop the weapon Mark: I don't have a gun! Bob: Drop the weapon! Mark: It's a lie! Jack: Seize and desist! Bob: Resisting arrest! x2 Resisting arrest Mark: That's a good start to this episode, guys! Guys, that's the quality good Bob: That's the kind of light-hearted humor people come to our channels to watch. Mark: Absolutely Mark: Wade what kinda bit should we do here, huh? Mark: What do you wanna do? Wade: already reached How are you gonna out edgy us? Yes, right does not get any better That was fucking edgy, bro. You have no idea. Yeah Be sure you want a knife prop that round because that had edge Oh shit, son hello fellow atheist abortionists. How are you doing? You ready to go kill some babies. Oh My God my God look at what we all sound oh, well. I need fellow clearly not Running the favors of our own show you know sound like Yeah, sorry having a child enough babies this week came back into the swing I liked everything that waits is like a bad metal song looks way to Lose you know, I don't get a was gonna hear that lady, baby Mehgan's agonize first recording Liza's going to boil for babies Readies boil food sleeping Mark: Babies look at the face way hang on Those two barrels over there awesome to Devaron movie Steady still sitting still farrell oh, baby, baby, baby, baby What sort of my hands pretty good? Is all of us no instruments or anything just all of us wait. I'm one of you Really smart I know why I know I know I look like it. I'm one of you know. Where you hang up? Oh you have the whole eye on the toggle another song baby, baby oil, baby oil, baby, baby, baby Bring another energy. Let's also get together baby, baby, baby, baby, baby anymore, bro So Edgy. I'm an act smart with the members baby, baby baby, baby Baby, oh, holy fuck. Yeah, sorry It's over well sorry we had a bad sorry. I was fucking for today. He's right here It's right here bad baby, baby, baby. So uh oh hey Look he didn't die head bang oh You can probably hate nightmare baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. Oh there you go. Hey there, baby That wasn't supposed to be better than wedding Ah sit over here, baby, baby. Thank you, maybe that's what we Don't have to do a new bit each round is that's a rule having I can't remember our last bit everything is boiled, baby dude, ha ha wages perfectly P.m.. Xp. Oh Yeah, something bad. I can't remember what for all the police persuade. Just alright and just been Oh fuck Now Jack ignore them we're here to promote green onion and your local windmill Come here. Come here. I finally found a way to fulfill all of our dreams. Whatever that spinning bridge always We've always dreamed of having a family And we finally have one our baby is a barrel of laughs I like those others. Oh my God you pick it over I'm sorry Hey No, bringing it out. I'm straightening on hang on white zipper. What did I go into Chaos drinking? I'm gonna set the baby up It's fine. Oh, oh God which one's our baby ah yellow Radiation eat or woody No, it's this one buddy Imposter baby, I'm trying max a real baby. Wasn't a false garlic class the Hunter stuck Oh there. We go. Hey. We're here from child protective services. I'm Officer were driving these babies, okay, wait wait, okay? I got it all right poor you already did baby Oh, no Can you better be using me rabies? Oh? Oh? Sir, I don't mean to kick your babies not know the authority of the child protective services you guys are not trying to protect the services iran, I make the Services don't Bleed I Knew it hey. We're here in my sweat. No. I mean if you want to you want to go there a bit I don't like this bit, okay, all right Was a good salmon, we're sticking with it Is the problem with the way that twitch is trying to get its partners money? Then you maybe you should tell them in an email or something less insane than flowing everyone up I get it That's a bit fun. I get it. Yeah. Oh, I just got it not cuz of his bitch Gives my a material I hate all these jokes I better not You can only hang on here. You can only have one or the other you have to pick be funny your friends Okay, all right all right Hey guys, I found that I thought of a new joke okay where you are. I'm right, okay, all right So you see me right here right? Yeah, okay, right? Hi, I'm paint can I help you? Yeah, oh No, good idea good. I like that. I hear you better than a good joke Okay, you got it okay? Oh No, it's so hard to control my stools All right, okay. I like the only give another well, no shooting fuck that What's that joke hello corny you get you get corn in your shoes because it doesn't digest properly oh Good good. Good. Call wade go for the corn well so many late to stand on Jokes Went untold dog That's why we shot it. All right wait will present our joke to you down at my prime. Yeah Yeah, I'll sit also at which Joke Gotta find some good jokes. Haha. Oh Yeah, I got to exploit the hitting but I'm on good job man. Thanks man. Sick jokes then alright you ready I got I'll do mine first alright alright you go ahead. I got my joke alright. Wait. Wait. Wait as a Proprietor of this event I request that you perform on stage okay us, okay, all right Stage of our designation yeah hey okay? Hey, hey, all right. We're gonna build you guys a hey stage Just hanging all right all right whispering the stage. It's the stage at night all right all right I'll go first. It's our seats actors ready, okay? Oh Right I want to complete me. Well foxy's all right obviously they go up in the balcony wait wait Whoa wait one of you I need a beer right here, or I'll shoot you come on this fuckin seat. Oh, okay? They'll come on the street, right I just wanna All right perform all right. Hi. I'm tight can I help you? Yeah, you're I like melody. Let's close up the crowd a small bit on that one. Oh, it's clever. I like that, okay I'll I see 50 on that one. Okay. All right. What else you got what else you got what I got, okay? All right Yeah, here makes it really funnier here. Have a beer I will kill you get back on stage Don't don't touch me anymore. That makes me really unhappy. Okay. We're fucking bros. I'm your God form right a Colorful personality, huh, wait wait, wait wait. We got to convene Okay, we think it's okay. All right okay? Oh, yeah, I fell out of my seat. It was so funny wow Whoa exhibit C. Edge of a seat everybody? Yeah, okay? Let wait in on it, okay? Go change it. All right you uh Drink me Your beliefs because you are not bleep. Oh You were all ahead ring with me Okay, can I go first sure sure you know I'm a glutton for punishment, okay? That's approaching so well Alrighty then your stage is not secure. I don't know if I can put your Monday. Oh there you go. Oh uh uh oh No, all right here. Okay? Are we good yeah Someone's walking around oh, sorry I oh What's up fine? I don't really get me to do that Wait here asshole I was so ready a kill head real quick and do it again. Oh, no Oh, it's it's over that bitch gun is funny anymore. Sorry good Just a trick the joke was just punchline apparently I missed out trying to zoom in to look like all right wade Masterly navarre you're hilarious idea. Yeah But get up there Get on up up go on You were so eager to take control of the situation I wasn't mad and then what what brilliance lies beneath a dumb facade of your face. Oh shit, oh I have a song I have a song for you, which one it's you I'm visit me mark. I'm March all right, okay mark You're good nice to meet you nice to meet used to all right shake it. Shake. Shake, shake Oh, so what is your apology song? I'm desperate to know hi Babies yes, I do don't you love me who? Please please don't shoot me Babies Dom Nom Nom can I kill him it I please I? Can we confer about this okay here? Let's talk to Mark MmM. What did you think yeah? Whoa, whoa you guys need a minute. You mean I was getting down Okay All the way well obviously they do things in front of mark right, okay? No, really all I talked that's how okay. I've loved are considering here I gotta steer towards you can hear the ocean make mark I thought he kind of just did another song that he kind of did on the tour. Well. I wasn't there So you're gonna have to explain this to me? Oh yeah? I remember song is Satan says Something JJ. Oh I tree them something odd nobody remembers always around all right fine you Whoa man, whoa look right through it it let me go get him yes, we land which was mark. Oh Is that the game now? Hey wait wait Jack? I know how to solve this I know how to solve this no, no, that's Becca Becca Okay What's something ah? That's what I was thinking yeah, I just wanted to spread out I was trying to make sure they didn't catch on to my brilliant plan. Yeah great figure it out We are both marks that plan was good. Bit. His good. Bit meant good bit I can see the title this episode already most offensive video ever yeah, right? sure Of all time wade has never done anything more offensive than the things This instant thing these things is it a group of is it a single group of things or that multiple things that he's done Singhara is the plural No listen you've already caught my spot attack Mark Mark. Let's uh let's be friends. Okay, okay? What's in it for me? Uh? all of the Sharp prickly hey, you want a Over here mark, so you let me have a roll in the hay. I'll let you have a roll into me That's not it first let me ask you a question guys I Just nothing barely made it what can I do for you? That's a good one beau don't you me? Over that piece of garbage, I appreciated is Not what I'm in for I have to don't boil a not shoot me pity. Yokes are deflating bullet in why can't you? shot ah Hey there uh No, no, no, nah. Oh, I'm sorry. It was a good round of bits. good bits in that
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,235,195
Rating: 4.9398456 out of 5
Keywords: prop hunt markiplier, prop hunt funny moments, jacksepticeye, muyskerm, lordminion777, gmod, garry's mod
Id: zRbQRWCroD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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