SO DAMN FUNNY!! | Prop Hunt #20

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our props again alright alright yo me we got this oh yeah they didn't send a chance if we see a giant shark we know it's not real one yeah sure mark what do we think of I don't know hey don't you be is this just what you move over okay there we go where did you go oh okay do I look reasonable do I look horrible no you look fine for mine how do I look you look completely natural I thought this is where you are going straight off the bed I saw this last round no I didn't even notice this is fantastic I love it so I'll give you guys a huge starting hint since this is a little unfair yeah neither of us it's in the water yeah flashing around there in socre town so I just fancied having a smoke city soak city that's what it was yeah soak city like a bunch of splashing around like a bunch of fish they couldn't wait full-time hidden in the same room that we might actually survive yeah and if we win we get to be props again [Laughter] don't worry Wade I'm happy man they've gotta be in there right hi I don't know where we are we are I don't even know when we are yeah it is I don't see anything yet well wait that's cuz you're bad at games your best bet would just be to throw grenades randomly and hope you can't and hope you don't kill yourself what if what if yeah man she never actually left the room yeah what if I was just something really douchey and tidy he definitely left the room there's no way I would have left him when I catch a sense I never letting standing still oh I see 30 seconds left I did not look at the top I should have just stayed where it was as that barrel oh wait we're Oh lady eye in the sky this is some cow poop I don't think it's any sort of poop mister I think it's a there's so much poop I am breathing poop enough that they'll never see it I'm taking this yeah apparently you are goodbye goodbye goodbye [Laughter] I've certain calamity into not calamity because I I messed up and apparently I'm in a good spot I wish I could see what's going on Bob died first so you could find where I am I can find a hilarious way to die huh are you someplace like really obvious or something when it's obvious it's hard to find oh hey hey you come back here wait Bob some bananas and I'm killing something you're killing mark what are you on my screen they are stuck in the wall I wonder if we get to be props again for no my sweating uh okay there you go have fun with your little prop Ennis we will we haven't made a face this episode my lip is still split open from the face we'd pull when we try seduce a woman ohh let's seduce the whole audience out that all right are you ready think on that [Music] okay what these times just gonna let me do it by myself and do you booty over smashing plants like a loser somehow it doesn't sound as cool is that your me impression wait really [Music] [Laughter] water what you guys know whatever there what are you doing watching you watching you jump all you didn't make that jump all you missed it again oh you made that side though that's good up see you later you enjoying yourself weed oh I'm loving this someone just went in the building someone else is underwater he just dropped one of the girls in that room Oh someone just opened the gate on the other side Bob I think they're trying to mess with us play your game the ones in the building I can't see them they're moving around all the little shooting he's shooting one of the drawers I'm not in this room don't mind me drop that snot me there's something fishy going on up there getting a bit low on help over there I see I don't where am I in this room I can see everything you do but I'm not in the room I don't like it out of you pool put that shot stick away that's not scaring it now [Laughter] chasing you around as a fish no well maybe I was kind of following you guys around as a fish yeah I think the fish is chewed whatever it's a bummer moving around hello mr. Barrow oh not what what's that anymore I love being props all the time this game is so much more fun when you're just no it's awesome I like seeking okay I like to find try that's all I being a prop sucks oh isn't that right Wade this time it does yeah oh okay not so bad air verbal error horrible error I think you said probably horrible horrible error yeah [Music] Wade you take that back error two errors or once an error in their own way I'm not an error I was an error I wasn't supposed to be born Oh no literally my parents were like on ten different types of contraceptive in those anyway Jen different kinds ten ten different that's a lot is there even why would you need that many at once I don't know like my mom has no boundaries when it comes to talking about like her prior sex life or anything like that so she just tells me these stories about how I was born and they were using like condoms anti spermicides she was on the pill whoever that was that just found my trashcan you just saw you I was actually coming back for just missed me I'm gone that baby oh think anyone's gonna find me just because I'm actually hiding and I'm actually hiding you know blending in where are you mark I don't okay can you say Bob is that your me impression no that was like like Timmy or something okay but what's the guy is a comedian on self oh yeah that's Jimmy Jim Jeffy Jimmy Jimmy there's Timmy and then there's Jimmy Timmy I don't know I bet it's not Jimmy cuz I bet Jimmy's the one that's always like Jimmy oh hi so it was real close to me I didn't even see you should we like we need some type of put it aside you're in the water because this is tough ah I am NOT in the water oh oh I'm on it yeah I am in the water and the water ways you get Bob I am in the water and I am not moving oh my gosh I'm stuck in a glitch well this is my life now it's a little too easy to become sucked up what's your glitch bah let me relieve you of it glitch is that what you're saying yeah satisfies glitch yeah that walked right passing in that little brew someone keeps running by me I don't know who it is I never get a chance to see me yeah you upon your pond on a plant why would I be a plant oh I can see you now oh are you lying to me no can't see say you're around here yeah you kept walking by me so I just keep swimming I think it'd be a bear oh no I can't actually get myself out of this glitch so here that's not me I want to see what happened to Bob why why don't you just go to the surface in here really not that garbage can I'm not I was a garbage can I was never that one that Grover's kids not damaging me to hit oh there's lots of stuff I just did that okay really Bob I told you it was a glitch where is he I never would have thought to look up there yeah well I was it was a traffic cone stuck on a ladder I'm still underwater by the soda machine you will find a literary surprise soda machine only blow your mind goodbye whoosh do that I don't know Oh drop kill to you okay well I buy up a negative one I don't want to have negative one okay whatever you guys are doing it's hilarious I hear a lot of opening and closing yeah I hear the doors open so we'll see what you guys do over there swimming on my screen it's beautiful okay all right so I see you guys up there running around like a loser loser yeah I take offense to your comment sir hey who's in the who's in the cage the what in the cage is he like a loser is he is there a way to get out of there if I close you in listen I can see huge [Laughter] nice try dick I just wanted you to be trapped in that room the rest of the game I'm sorry that's not the way this world hey it's a file boxes input usually on top are gone yeah well Wade was a stool so if that tells you anything he was a stolen the water so was a stool in the water no no that kind of gives it away don't it yeah I'm not a jerk like the other two iPhones up bicycle no I did yeah I'm I'm stuck I can't but the good news is I'm not stuck in a weird position so it's gonna be hard to find me right now I'm in the water for the first you get a clue every 30 seconds okay what's my next clue you got 15 seconds hold your horses have a bit of patience young man no I don't I don't I don't oh wait no dessert for you like it's alright no there are eight two seconds next clue I'm very some quite small that's a good clue under this water with all these small things oh yeah I can't fire my grenade oh I got an idea I'm gonna die got a line up my shot line this up just right okay nope I was no I saw you miss okay I'm on the side which has old the rooms in the objects not the side with the cage really yeah are you this little bottle that's obviously out of place [Music] he's you there Bob you're going nuts oh I thought for half a second there I was gonna be in apropos her own joke no no Bob this rounds going that's my spot you can't get up there anyway wait way to screw it up Go Go mark we're stuck we are well they appeared I've noticed so I think oh hi this is you right you know these two barrels right yeah [Laughter] yeah I think we're invincible because we're stuck together like this oh yeah are you not are you not taking any damage no I'm the top bar oh you hit the bomb one let's do this we are no other choice when you find us you'll feel really stupid really stupid dad dang it use the stacked ovens no no definitely not Bob let's just commit to our fate if they can't find us here I think it's working I can't move this is what happens with his face and what I am with my face is together are you under water that's that's gonna make it really easy I feel like you can't even give you clue it is so obvious really yeah I think yeah I guess not apparently what if they don't find it everything looks normal Bob maybe we're invisible or something give us like another clue or so yeah I see Bob what clue I I can see you I know from where we are we can see everything yeah the water running out of our sight yeah ah well Kos wait I how I have no idea ever headache this doesn't make any sense traffic more obvious because you can't even see the fish till you write up on it but there was never a traffic cone there oh my gosh I can't believe that happened oh my god oh I can't believe we got stuck like that that's stupid it was the fish I was the fish you were the more outside of Bob's cone [Music] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,298,623
Rating: 4.9444437 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod (Video Game), Prop Hunt, Prop Hunt Markiplier
Id: iF7YobvKNQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2014
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