The Must-Have Weapon for Ship Battles in Starfield

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good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another Starfield episode today mhm juicy the topic is Space Battles specifically we are going to tackle which weapon is the best for your ships particle beams missile launchers ballistics energy weapons we all know and as pretty much uh agreed that particle beams are really really powerful however once you get all the skills to max power I do want to test which ones perform best and if there's any difference in the tier list so to speak and the quality of the weapons once you have all the bonuses applied to it so what we're going to do we're going to go into the I think the volley system which I am wanted for and the fre star Collective really hates me so we're going to go and do a little bit of a massacre over there with 20 or 30 ships spawning to see if we can actually manage to fight them and survive and we're going to see how the weapons perform so we're going to start with UT cannons then we're going to go with lasers and then we're going to move into missiles and lastly uh particle beams so we're going to have only those weapons some of the best of those weapons without making use of any particular weapon that is out of your uh skills so to speak so for example something that you would unlock from the ucc's death missions we now going to be using those these ones are most of the standard weapons that we'll be using let me organize how this is going to go we going to do a round in the Vol system each we are wanted so we're going to trigger a fighting system and we're going to try to survive and fight all of them off there's literally 20 to 30 ships it's crazy we're going to use my scorpion Class C Battleship I will show to you the stats in a minute first I'm going to show you the skills then I'm going to show you the ship then I'm going to Showcase what weapons we're using and we're going to go for a round against the freestyle Collective try to fight them off see how we can do we're going to come back here get the second batch of weapons in go for another round test it again the end well once we tested all four of those we're going to see which one is actually better and if the particle beams are still king or not ballistic weapons once you get to rank three will have a 30% increased in damage and recharge faster as your auto cannons but you also do at rank four 50% more damage to IND idual systems so when you target a particular system the damage increases when we look at energy weapons rank three is going to give a 30% in damage as well as a 45% reduced cost in targeting mode missiles rank three is going to give a 30% more damage just as the other ones and will reduce the cost in targeting mod by 60% however rank four is going to increase the range by 20% the speed of missiles by 20% and the reload speed of missiles by by 20% which means we could potentially have some more gameplay mechanic if we can load the missiles faster and then we have particle beams which at rank three is going to give you a 30% more damage just like everything else and targeting mode is going to be reduced by 30% furthermore rank four is going to increase your critical hit chance which is MHM very very juicy not going to go into automated weapon systems because they work pretty much the same way but if you really don't want to shoot anything just put Auto automated weapon systems on you get some decent Buffs and the electromagnetic weapons they completely paralyze the enemy so that's also something you could work into your Loadout let me show you all of the skills that I have so obviously all the weapons ballistics energy missiles particle beams and EMS are all maxed out rank four Starship design is rank four as well Max rank so you can have most of the modules and most of the weapons piloting is rank four Shield systems is rank four and Engine Systems is rank four this is going to give you better boost and better boost recovery the top speed will be increased by 20% and most importantly while boosting the enemies will disengage you and will only be able to relock Target on you after you stopped boosting so if you use the Boost and then you use the thrusters what will effectively happen the Boost is going to get interrupted then you can boost again immediately so by using this boost in thrusters maneuver you could try to evade enemies targeting you a little bit so that's sort of your mechanic defensive mechanic way other than your Shield let me quickly show you my uh scorpion Battleship and as you can tell let me just show you here ballistics I have 338 371 and 234 so what I'm using is the MK9 G gun which is super powerful then we're using the MK4 Gus gun and we're using also the class B K e49 Cannon obviously this weapons have some problems taking off the Shields and we shall go and test how this works immediately but first let me sell Vasco somewhere uh because Vasco shouldn't be on the ship so here's what we're going to do we're going to move Vasco to our solvent Outpost ship has no assignment ignore these guys and let's start picking them up one by one let's lock onto them them yeah okay one is already down you can tell it's very difficult to get rid of The Shield yep let's repair again there's so many ships here is absolutely insane and you can tell the shields are very difficult to pull off but once once you do that everything else it's completely easy to destroy such as the Halls so let's go and Destroy everyone or die trying all right so let's engage the Boost take you as a lake direct hit on the ground Drive oo entr Tak heavy damage NY for de we done level 12 he gone okay this one's coming towards us he's going to die one on one baby everyone's dead at this point as you can tell there's nobody else we managed to destroy the whole Fleet wasn't that easy the few problems I found with utter cannons is one the range 1.2 km it's you have to be really close and two munching through Shields takes a long time I attemp once you went through the shields Jesus shut up I send you to the Outpost go away but once you munch through the shields it becomes a lot easier for you to Simply um destroy the hle now I'm going to take all your all the Cannons out and we're going to put lasers and see how lasers operate instead so bear with me second I'm using the blaze 2G wsx lasers The Scorch 60mw lasers and the um torch 250 MW lasers the damage is 78 46 and 33 so you can tell the damage is not as high as uh the um Auto cannons but let's see what the lasers can do all right we engaged in combat and I can tell you immediately that there is a huge problem with lasers they destroy Shields very quickly but obviously they can't do very well against H and they're still pretty okay because there's pretty good fire rates there are so many of them this is ridiculous Weck we kind of have a little bit of a problem let's get rid of these guys real quick we only have uh about a kilometer of rain so all right so let's move on to the next one th has to disengage boost you think you can win this uh I I think so I think I have good chances why not I have big lasers oh my God we've lost the grab Drive Dam there go the engin look Direct on the yeah it just you can do it it works as an epic failure however compared to Auto cannons it's much more difficult lasers are very good against Shields but they are definitely doing worse than against Hall than their counterparts also cannons do against Shields so that's also that anyway I want to move now into the missiles and see how the missiles fair and uh we see how that recharge rate really affects it if at all all right and now we are back and I just mounted uh the 28c missile launcher uh the 27c missile launcher and the c59 missile launcher I'm going to have uh 1,440 813 and 1,113 damage for about 3K damage going to light you up be enough left for Salvage when I'm done this is pathetic look alive and I don't have missiles right now who can tell why why it's difficult with missiles is just because the charging rate is not the best so let's try to improve the charge rate by moving power to the missiles taking off the shields taking off the engines sorry all right I completely dismantle the guy but you have to keep bobbing and weaving and dodging and waiting for your missiles to come back up and of course once you're in a fight and your missiles get damaged you can't really do much more but one volley should be more than enough to kill everyone yeah it's they do a lot of damage the only problem is you don't have enough of them not the Grass Drive get look alive there goes the gr drive we can't escape look alive what do you mean look alive on the all right another one's gone and I'm gone as well and that's just because I forgot to repair but um missiles can do it UT the Cannons almost immediately I was able to completely extend at everyone lasers I've tried a couple of time was so difficult to get rid of the hole that I was spending more time repairing my own hole than actually doing doing damage to anything although Shields go down like BSA unfortunately whole damage is really really bad much more so than aut cannons damage to shield in comparison I don't know it's just weird anyway let's move move into particle beams and see how particle particle beams fair and um I think I will be able to exterminate the whole system without problems but let's give it a good try give me a second let me mount everything on all right and now we have our amazing particle beams we have 298 211 and 167 uh damage po volley and what do we have here well we do have the PBS 300 alha beams we have the uh PB 175 helium beams and then the PB 100 Neutron beams all of them have a range of 3,000 and all of them have hold damage and shield damage in equal quantity all right we don't do that let me just quickly go into combat mode I mean look oh destroy two ships that doesn't mean everything else it's not it's just the particle beams do extremely well that's record I mean that was a level 54 what the hell just happened he got obliterated we're done here oh yeah like look at that level 50s and 30s completely getting obliterated on the where are you going go the we can't escape is that a trailer look alive all right let me lock on to that guy this is a frear I mean come on there's there's no chance I'm even recovering Shield that didn't happen even with the auto cannons no way you can win this I'm not even um making an effort I have to be honest oh and by the way I'm most of the time I'm not even shooting all of them he's just way too good look alive the weapon system is down oh and let me lock into it I mean come on one volley he dead last mistake you ever make yeah I bet you finish quick the gra D down yep take that gra Drive yeah there you have it oh um UT cannons I managed on the second one with lasers and and missiles I couldn't even manage lasers will just take too long to get rid of the hole so I couldn't explode them properly and missiles are were doing a great job in the beginning but then once I started going into problems with recharging everyone was locked onto me and I couldn't do damage on anyone I had to wait so there's just too much damage you take before you are comfortable enough but that's only for massive battles against like 10 20 fleets of enemies and particle Beams I mean you've just seen it um absolutely insane by far the best even at skill four however UT cannons wow UT cannons at max range at Max rank are incredible I was destroying the shields in the hall very very fast that is unbelievable so a to cannons once you get to rank four the ballistics is absolutely insane the only problem that I see is the rage 1 kilm of range it's definitely not enough however I would suggest for example when you use your skills to take into account the ballistics and energy are not in my opinion are not to be taken separately because they complete each other because lasers destroy shields in many seconds and ballist destroy uh holes in M seconds particle beams King as usual nothing really changed uh as a matter of fact it looks to me that even though the range Remains the Same they do a lot more damage now with the crit Chens so article beams still are by far a lot better because the range is insane the fire rate is good um and the damage is absolutely on point em I would suggest using electromagnetics they don't do any damage uh it's it's like 1.7 damage on holes and shields but you can disable modules immediately so go with em if you really want to to dock other ships without destroying them um I would say maybe use two particle beams and one em weapon this is going to be very good for getting rid of the shields although particle beams have no issues in doing that but then once you get rid of the shields you just put your weapon your electromagnetic weapon on and shoot them disable the engines immediately disable everything immediately they just going to disable completely the ship it's just going to be stall right there and you can board dock kill everyone and take the ship with you so that's also the way to go it's actually good you can you can use most of these but particle beams really make it that easy it's it's just much better however missiles there's still a problem with the recharge rate otherwise missiles would definitely be on par with particle beams the only problem is the recharge rate is so slow that once you've shot two or four volleys you have to wait for 10 seconds until they come back again so you can shoot another volley what particle beams in 10 seconds will get rid of five ships energy weapons on their own don't do very well but when you do energy weapons with Ballistics together then you have a powerful uh kit the only problem is the 1.2 range so you have to stay within the 1,000 M if you want to be efficient with this too uh any other mentions obviously Starship design I don't know if I mentioned this at the beginning of the video Starship design is four Eng Engine Systems is four piloting is four so and targeting control system which I only have three but four would also be beneficial and Starship engineering 3 to repair faster anyway that was for the video I do hope you enjoy it let me know what you are rocking you are doing Class C battleships you're doing Class B Class A's you're using particle beams you're using missiles what was the combo how you're doing with everything and uh it's been a pleasure to do another video and now I'm very sleepy so I have to go sleep chiao it's been a pleasure in the next video Chia chiao p
Channel: AngryHatShow
Views: 18,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Games, Unlimited xp starfield, adaptive frames starfield, best XP farm in starfield, better xp farm, faster leveling starfield, get unlimited xp, starfield, starfield best start, starfield best xp method, starfield crafting system, starfield gameplay, starfield guide, starfield ship building, starfield ship building guide, starfield xp fast, unlimited xp farm, starfield best weapons for ship, starfield best weapons early, starfield ship fight, starfield ship fight we
Id: bIhLjNn8cQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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