Starfield - The Very Best Class C Ship You Can Find In Starfield

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welcome to where I find my ships today we have something truly epic Violet got my hands on the very best version of the Valentine that can spawn in Starfield now this ship has a higher value than the Narwhal which is considered the most expensive ship to purchase in all of Starfield which apparently Google is a big fat liar because the reef 3 is more expensive but regardless whatever the most expensive ship is this ship might be even more because it is valued over 500 000. obviously you can't purchase this ship but the fact that it has a high value than the most expensive ship in the game gives you an idea of how crazy this ship is we'll do some comparisons against other ships at the end of the video to see which one do have the best stats overall and guess what this ship even has much better stats than the UC Vista which is often considered one of the best ships you can get that's not from a vendor which is going to make this version of the Valentine probably the best class C ship that you can get your hands on and modify because it's going to be much cheaper I've been stats better gear so it's just an overall great starting ship if you're looking to upgrade it's going to be way cheaper overall when compared to purchasing the Narwhal so this is truly an epic shift and we're going to get into where I found it what it's like boarding it the Bounty cost the registration cost and we're going to look at some of the components and everything you need to know so you can try get this ship and just get one of the best overall ships in all of Starfield at a fraction of a cost compared to other ships so buckle it ladies and gentlemen because we're going on a journey and first things first what are the perks you need to be able to get this ship okay so the perks you're going to need gonna need your piloting Rank 4 so you can pilot class c ships I'm also going to say that you possibly may need your Starship design Rank 4 otherwise you might not get access to fly this ship but please let me know if you can fly this ship without your rank 4 Starship design again because all the components are Rank 4 on this ship so you may need this but I'm not 100 certain and the only reason I'm suggesting this because in previous ship videos people have mentioned that they haven't been able to get access to ships even having Rank 4 piloting so there seems to be something here where people can't access ships for certain reasons still haven't figured it out but I just want to put this as a suggestion just in case but hopefully after this video we'll have enough people to comment and let me know if they had any issues capturing this ship without Starship design rank 4. in truth I don't think you need this but again just a suggestion final perk you'll need is you'll need your targeting control system you only need at least rank one is that way we can Target the grab drive and we can Target the engine disable the ship so we can dock with it these are the only perks you'll need to be able to get this ship now where to find a Valentine this ship is a random spool across the whole galaxy and this is why it becomes tricky to get because it can spawn in so many different places and it also can spawn as a different ship the last Valentine I found was a Supreme class B ship I'll have a little top right if you do want to check that out and I found that somewhere else but the best and most likely place you're going to find this particular one is going to be in the Masada system so to get to Masada you're gonna need a ship with at least a jump distance of greater than 20 say 23 light years as you can see here the closest planet is 22.8 light years away so make sure you're in a ship that can jump at least 23 light years and it might be the case that you have to jump from one planet to the other just to get there so you might have to go from might have to go from Premiere to hilar to Delta Varian and then to Masada so once you can get to Masada where we're going to find the Ballantine so for me I found this version of the valetin on Masada 5c just in the orbit because we're taking this ship over by force by piracy we will be finding the ship only in orbits don't think you can ever find it on a planet landed but hey who knows it's a big place so maybe you can but here's a kicker because it's a random spawn technically you could find this version of the Valentine on any of these moons and even some planets and then technically you could find the Valentine on any other system I would say like above level 65 for example that's why this is a bit tricky and it might take some time because it's not a for sure thing because I found Valentin on masato 5c doesn't mean you will but it's just a good place to start and at least we know for certain that it does spawn in this system so it's a good place to start and you might just have to jump around from Masada 5c to asada 6A and just jump around until you can find Valentin to spawn and how will you know it's the Valentine well the Valentine always has that classic guy singing that song I was a Rover and a rambler and as soon as you hear that I would definitely be saving the game just in case anything goes wrong you want to be able to jump back to this point so you can always ensure that you get this ship once you've found it now how do you know if you found the right one or you're looking for a valentine that is at least level 72 I don't know if it goes any higher it very might well and then obviously just getting close to ship and having a look and making it sure it looks similar to this also keep in mind I'm level 75 I'm not sure if that has anything to do with its spawning but I'm pretty sure I've seen this when I was a much lower level so it should be fine and once you've saved it you can start to engage the ship now for me I wanted to get as close as possible I'd just been in a couple of battles so my ship wasn't all set up perfectly for this but it worked out because my auto turrets were on a lower damage so I got really close and now I'm going to try Target the grab drive and the engines very quickly just so we can capture the ship as quick as possible without it getting away because I really wanted to get this ship without having to muck around too much so we're able to the lock on so very quickly able to disable the engine and the grav drive and then we're just going to dock keep in mind to dock you just press R when you're close enough to the ship once you're docked now it's time to raid the ship now unfortunately this is a civilian ship so we are just gonna be stomping on some level one crew members I don't know if there's a diplomatic way to do this I don't think so but I think the only way you can do is just buy piracy so yeah we're just going on a murder spree and obviously you rack up uh like 1500 credits per crew member or something ridiculous like that so clearing the bounty on this it's quite substantial but the rewards for getting this ship is just unreal so it's definitely worthwhile in the end and I'll go through the exact cost of registering and how much the bounties are shortly they're sort of all scattered they don't really come to you they'll kind of cower and hide away so you'll have to go find them once the crew's gone you can go check see if you've got anything cool in the cargo or the captain's Locker well I actually got a pretty cool jet pack in this so you may get lucky as well this is a pretty decent jet pack so double whammy once we've all cleared this ship we can get into the captain's seat and we can finally look at the stats of the ship now keep in mind if you have too many ships you can delete your ships sure you've worked that out now but if you do need to delete a ship make sure you do and then you'll be able to sit in the pilot seat and here it is the Valentine bring your attention to the value the value at the bottom is over 500 000 which is incredible amount everything on this ship for the weapons engines reactor grav Drive are all Rank 4 ship design required so it's all the top tier stuff that you can get it even has a better Shield than my current ship it has one of the best or the best reactor in the game I think it's got nearly Max grab drive it's got very reasonable weapons all only four bars from being completely maxed out the engine's the only place where it blocks a bit but with an upgrade that's sorted so you're looking at one of the best platforms to mod because it's already got such good stats it's an absolute weapon now let's go through the Bounty and the registration okay so to register start this bad boy it's almost 70k just for the registration which sounds like a lot but when you look under the hood it is absolutely worth it but we do also then have to consider what it's going to cost to pay off the Bounty and that's no joke either so to pay the Bounty because we've had to kill so many innocent people it's gonna cost a lot so the United Colonies Bounty at about 65 000 then you've got to clear your criminal record so you're at a total loss of about 72 000 which is a lot so you roughly looking at like a hundred and forty thousand to get this ship ready to fly around the Galaxy which sounds like a lot but again you're going to Save A Lot in the end because you say so much on the upgrades let's look at some of the components now now looking at This ship's components and modules we have these excellent weapons that require Rank 4 Starship design and they're actually really really good no Auto turrets but these weapons are absolute monsters you couldn't upgrade them and you can just leave them because they're that good obviously we've got this amazing Shield it's what one of the best Shields you can get then the engines the engines are a bit average but you'll be able to upgrade these with a few changes then you've got this insane j52 gamma grab drive that's one of the best as well and then the most interesting component and I'd love to hear from the shipbuilders is the sf-40 shared flow reactor because this has got to be almost one of the best reactors because it gives you 40 which is kind of nuts means pretty much all components like all the major components are all Rank 4 Starship design which is pretty rare to find on a ship that you can just pick up it's just got all these extra little details it's just fantastic what an awesome ship I really like it I don't know what do you guys think I think it's wicked and it's going to be so mad to mod this it looks quite easy to mod obviously the only downside is you're going to need Starship design for but still it's awesome okay now let's compare it to some of the other ships that you can buy first we're heading on to Neon City then we're going to head over to Tayo astroneering and we're going to check out the Narwhal now the Narwhal is very expensive ship depending on what perks you have this could be all the way up to like 450 000 or something like that so it's a very expensive ship Google seems to think it's the most expensive ship in the game but it's not to me or it's not for me but you can see here it doesn't have the best reactor stats it has great uh engine stats though definitely top tier engine stats it's got very good lasers but you can see how this costs so much more I mean we've spent you know roughly 140 000 and we get a ship with very good comparable stats that will be way cheaper to upgrade and will have a much better shift in this so it's just it's a bit bit crazy then we'll have a look at the reef because the reef is way more expensive now the reef has amazing stats it's actually a really solid ship but the only thing that we can say that we have better stats on is that we have a third weapon which is not too bad but again this ship is gonna cost you an arm and a leg sell your soul to the devil because it costs so much money unless you're doing some crazy glitches it's going to be pretty hard to get this ship and that's why this is such a good option again because we're going to get an amazing ship so much cheaper than anything that you can buy from any of the stores so really highlights just how awesome this Valentine version is lastly we'll head over to Aquila we'll look at some of the ships so but the main one we want to look at is the stronghold so the strongholds favored by a lot of people to upgrade and to use but again we're getting much better ships with way better stats I mean the Valentine pretty much dumps dumps all over this in terms of cost we have better weapon stats the only benefit that the stronghold has as one bar better Shield so what you're getting is an absolute bargain but yeah I hope you got something out of this please let me know what you think or how you went did you get it did you find it really like hearing from you all and really appreciate your support thanks so much and I'll talk to you next time peace oh and please consider liking subscribing peace foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: SiNKiLLeR
Views: 122,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield guide, Starfield How to, the best class c ship in starfield, how to get the best class c ship in starfield
Id: _dP5Otcq5hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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