Starfield - Legendary Class M Ship The UC Vigilance Breakdown & Combat

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hello and welcome to where I find my ships today we're going to be looking at the UC vigilance it is the uc's factions legendary ship you'll have a lot more interaction with this ship throughout Starfield you can fly pretty easily but I have to say I thought the Shroud Bearer which is another legendary ship had bad Mobility but the UC Vigilant is a whole other category it is an absolute freight train just wait and see this thing is a shocker in this video we're going to go through a bit more of a deeper dive and have a look the UC vigilance now you can already enter the UC vigilance so we're mostly Focus just have a quick look at some of the weapons some of the major components and at the end I'll show you how to get this yourself okay let's get into it first off where to find the UC vigilance well if you haven't done any of the uh Crimson Fleet or system defense quest lines you're going to find it in the soul system the fourth planet from the sun Mars will have a moon called phobus This is where you'll find the vigilance hard to miss but honestly I didn't actually notice it was there for quite some time so there you go now if you have gone going into a bit of the quest into the Crimson Fleet or system defense you'll be able to find it in the Irani system which is to the right slightly down from Alpha centu and you want to check the orbit of the planet Ari 2 it should have the ship icon so you won't be able to miss it so it's probably the easiest of all the legendaries to locate cuz it's always pretty much got a set position and here it is the UC vigilance now we can register it for you know like a misly 450,000 roughly jeez not cheap these bad boys now that is through the technician but I don't think it changed even if you register it uh by yourself it's pretty much a set registration fee now if we go on to the ship Builder take a look at this the mobility minus 32 so let me show you what that's like this is the UC vigilance trying to turn as quick as it can it is by far the worst and slowest ship in terms of Mobility that I've ever flown I thought you could have a mobility of zero I didn't realize it would go negative so there you go it's an absolute freay train this is the worst one to fly it's just it's kind of a really terrible experience really but back to the ship Builder so it does have a jump range of 17 not the greatest it means you can't really get into the far distant uh systems it seems to be a common trait between the class M's it has a max crew of eight which is surprising considering how big it is and a hull of 5,282 so pretty insane hols there and the mass is quite staggering as well now so same as the other legendary ship there's a bunch of Errors I am going to spend some time going through this and trying to figure out how to bypass this so we can actually muck around with this a lot more which will be a lot of fun now taking a look at some of the components we've already taken a look at the 8780 mag Target reactor it is a Class M of course power generation of of 64 Starship design rank four finnally enough now the sad disappointing thing is that the uh engines don't actually have any thrust apparently there's no actual from at least from the front end we can't see any of the thrust or maneuvering thrust detail details the engines however look pretty cool this is no shroud Bearer which had a really cool interesting look to it this is much more of a streamlined and I guess when you think about it being so slow and turning so so slow maybe that's a bit more realistic but yeah unfortunately we don't have much information on these engines so I'm sure down the track we'll be able to have a look at those a lot closer so otherwise all these other components are all Class M they are empty so you can't actually there's nothing inside them we've got the fuel here on the top nothing really on the bottom obviously no landing gear no means to actually enter the ship itself so do note so I'm pretty sure I thought this cockpit we could access but this is apparently only unique to these Legendary Ships so if you really wanted to you could delete all these other bits and build your own ship using this rare cockpit but again if you have mods you'll probably be able to get this no worries so the UC vigilance looks like it may be the longest out of all the Legendary Ships I'll have to confirm that down the track but that's what it appears to be now if we have a quick look at the weapons for the resar 10 paher phase laser turrets these are Supreme Auto firing turrets this is one of the best for the UC vigilance is equipped with three of the resid 10 attached one facing forward and then two facing out the res 10 is a Class B has a power requirement of four so typically you would only be able to put three of these on your vessels with not a bad rate of fire of five and a value of 35,000 a pop with an unlock of 60 range is a little bit average at 1,000 next we'll take a look at the ballistic weapon so it's a pretty average ballistic weapon theu Haku F RF rapid rail gun turret another Auto firing turret which is a Class B requires a power of three with a rate of fire of five and a reasonable value of 20,000 and a level unlock of 25 UC vigilance has four of these attached so it's got two on each side just pointing out which would do a combined H damage of 360 and a combined Shield damage of 100 and lastly the most potent weapon it has has attached is the PBO 100 Auto Neutron turret another Auto firing particle weapon which is a Class B with the power requirement of three rate of fire of five and a value of 16,600 with a level unlock of 25 giving it a combined Hull and shield damage of 320 there's four attached so one facing forward one facing back two mounted on the side so those are weapons covered nice bit of space here for cargo I did forget to mention there is the NG 400 grab Drive so same as the other Legendary Ships Class M even at a pretty average jump range now what is interesting about the UC vigilance is uh one of the few Legendary Ships that has a shield attached got the inviolate SG m30 Shield generator this is a pretty potent Shield if you could attach this to your class C pretty gnarly just to give you idea the class C shield with the most health is 1,600 which is the Assurance SG 1800 Shield generator however this class M Shield gives you 4,000 790 Shield health that's incredible it also has the regen delay destroy and re regen delay damage that's very reasonable with the regen rate of 2% and a hull of 185 it does only give you a max power of 11 but still with all that Shield health pretty incredible it' almost be cool to strip this right down build your own ship and keep the shield attached using mods and that sort of covers the UC vigilance it's much more of a Sleek design definitely handles and feels like a giant Battleship it is a bit of fun to mess around with I definit would not use this as the daily cuz it's just terrible to get around um you can't land in places you have to use the teleport command to land and it's very buggy so I definitely don't suggest saving your game with this in your inventory unless you kind of experienced in these kind of exploits or glitches whatever you want to call it or you got a lot of mods that you can mmck around with I will show you now just how to get this so you can give it a try yourself and have a play around okay so in order to fly the vigilance so firstly you want to locate it and make sure to dock with it this is one of the few that you can dock with you either want to use no clip command which is the TCL or you just want to walk up to the main control room and then enter the UC vigilance so this is like the door that would take you to the cockpit which will introduce a loading screen you would get into there depending where you're up to in the quest and stuff this may vary a little bit different but yeah basically you just want to find it make your way to the cockpit now for me I needed to kill everyone on the ship at least uh the people in close vicinity in order to be able to fly the so for me I was aligned with the UC system defense so that will break ties so just something to note but again I'm not going to keep this in my save I'm just doing this for this video so once you sort of cleared the ship there are a few characters that won't be able to be uh killed but they'll just go down to the floor and all fours and then once we've sort of clear we can get into the console but first we need to make sure we're looking at the pilot seat cuz it will be we will get the Y not authorized to fly so we want to put our cursor on the pilot seat open the command and then click on the seat and we're looking for the the FN which might be short for furniture not sure but we're looking for this so make sure you click and scroll up or down to find the FN once that is selected then we need to enter call function block activation false false with quotations around the block Activation so I will put this command in the description so you can copy and paste it in once you've done that that will actually allow you to sit in the chair and you will be able to fly the UC vigilance now for me when I got into the UC vigilance I had uh everything was fine there was no damage to it so I was able to fly it straight away now the next command we need to make to make it our home ship while we're in this view looking at the ship from behind we want to hit the console command and then we want to click on our ship and you want to make sure you have the gbfm uh vigilance ship reference ID number in front of you and then we want to enter the command try set player home spaceship and and then enter in that reference number which is 0025 7103 for me might be the same for you not too sure and then with that entered comes your home ship in a way but not really so that's sort of it that that will give you the ship you'll be in your inventory do note though you basically only able to fly this this once as soon as you go to make another vessel your home you won't be able to reselect the vigilance to make it available for you to fly so it's sort of a temporary event at least in my experience there may be some workarounds for this now if you do find the vigilance and it's heavily damaged I suggest using this command while you're in orbit which is the COC new Atlantis Spaceport that will take you to this technician you'll be able to heal the ship and depending on how you go you may be able to take off from here you know you won't see you see vigilance at the technician it'll just be an invisible depending on how it's worked for you you may end up in a situation where your previous ship will come and land meaning you won't be able to access the vigilance again so there's a bit of doing it like this but this is just some ideas of how to get around some of those annoyances but at least that will help you get started and at least be able to try fly it once you've had a fun with it or if you want to strip it right back and build something from it those are some options if you have mods but yeah I hope that was helpful let me know how you go if you enjoy it what do you think is this thing slow or what but thanks very much for watching I appreciate it please like And subscribe I'll catch you later peace
Channel: SiNKiLLeR
Views: 12,846
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Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield guide, Starfield How to, Best and rarest ship in starfield, rarest ship in starfield, how to get the rarest ship in starfield, starfield news, ultra rare ships starfield showcase, legendary ships starfield, legendary ship encounters starfield, shroudb, Shroudbearer, Spacer Scavenger Blattodea, starfield tips and tricks, rarest ship encounter starfields, shroudbearer starfield, UC Vigilance, uc vigilance tour, rare ship encounter
Id: Sy5kWIU-7Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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