Starfield Best Weapons For Each Class

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hello there and welcome to another Starfield video in today's video we're going to be looking at the best weapons uh at every class for every like type of weapon so we're going to be looking at the ballistic weapons energy weapons particle weapons missile weapons and suppressor weapons so right here we're going to be starting off with the ballistic weapons so for the a tier the best ballistic weapon in the game is the dangan w F Auto cannon from shin and gami it's an a class it's got 1 12200 range 6.65 fire rate it does 17.84% so this weapon because for the kinetics or um ballistics we're going to be looking at hole this has the highest DPS to hole out of all the a class ballistics at a DPS of 38 so yeah it's pretty nice it's kind of annoying that these a lot of these are going to be like locked to higher levels but I suppose that's the whole point of a role playing game you kind of got to grind now for the b class um slightly different here so this is the Vanguard Hellfire Auto Cannon this one you can unlock pretty early on in the game you just have to do the first initial two or three quests in the Vanguard quest line the faction to unlock it stat-wise it's b-class it's got a range of 960 it's got a fire rate of 7.5 it has a whole damage of 1889 Shield damage of 5.25 it's got a two power requirement ho of one.5 crew capacity without perks it cost 2750 and is available from level one with no requirements and it has a whole DPS which is what we're looking for of 68 which is pretty uh pretty high this is cool thing about this uh the Vanguard weapons is a lot of the Vanguard weapons are going to be on this list because they are the best usually around B tier and then for C tier we have the MK 9A Auto gos gun from ballistic Solutions Incorporated C-Class 1500 Range four fire rate holding damage of 38.8 4 Shield damage of 11.54 four Power Nine hole gives .5 crew capacity it requires Starship Design 4 it requires you to be level 57 and it also requires you to um or it doesn't require sorry it uh it costs 44,00 without perks so again this is a pretty like it's pretty high up there it has a whole DPS of 37 which something you'll notice is as these kind of go up they kind of get a little bit weaker but like DPS is obviously not everything but it's it's kind of like the main kind of source people go with so I'm going to really quickly just jump to orbit now and just show you them all firing just so you can kind of get a view of what they look like all right so here we are at orbit so it's going to be right to left the right one you can see mounted here is going to be the a class the middle one is the b class and the left one is the cclass so this is the a class the dangen W RF firing so it's it's pretty much like a kind of a well it's an auto Cannon as the name suggests the middle weapon firing this is going to be the Vanguard Hellfire oh sorry not that's not the Vanguard H this is the Vanguard h fire so as you can just hear that fire rate like even comparing it to to this one like it has that insane fire rate and then this is going to be the C-Class the MK9 Auto gos gun it's on the left there so you can see that fir is a lot slower but still hits hard all right next we're going to go and work on the lasers right so here we are with the pulse lasers so much like with the bistic being um damaged towards ho the pulse lasers you're looking mainly well you're looking damage to Shields so in the a class the best a class pulse laser we have is the Resa 30 thz IR pulse laser from Shin andami it's a class like it says it's 960 range 6.65 fire rate does six whole damage 19 Shield damage four max power uh gives one hull5 crew capacity it requires Starship Design 4 it costs 29,600 without any perks and it requires you to be level 46 and it has a shield DPS of 32 which is pretty decent and then for the b class now just kind of clarify with this I'm going only off of fixed weapons because like technically speaking some of the turrets are like slightly fer but turrets are kind of Hit and Miss in that like they don't always hit you know when they have to so yeah for the just in case anybody like sees like oh this turd is technically better it is but only on paper in reality you know you anything you can fire yourself you're going to be more accurate so for the BCL class we have the dragon 21p UV pulse laser b class 1,200 Range Five fire rate seven whole damage 22 Shield damage max power of three gives four hole5 crew capacity requires Starship design 3 requires you to be level 36 and it costs 24,200 and it has a shield DPS of 37 and then finally for the C-Class we have the Shinigami um Resa 300 phc SX pulse laser this is a classy 960 range four fire rate 10 whole damage 34 Shield damage max power of four uh gives seven hole5 crew capacity it's star shift design two perk required it costs 29,000 uh without any perks and it requires you to be level 51 and it has a shield DPS of 34 so we're going to again jump to orbit real quick and I'm going to show you how they fire all right so here we are so yet again uh the a class is going to be on the right the b class is in the middle and the C class on the left so this is the res 30 firing so it's got a it's got a very fast fired as you can see and it's got purple kind of um purple kind of tone to it which is really cool I'm assuming that's the whole like UV or the IR so this is the the second weapon firing this is the the dragon this is the b class so that has a more beefier kind of fire power it's called a h i sorry brief jump there because um cor was telling a Hau and that was very long way to so yeah so the the dragon has like a a lot sorry that was the dragon it's a lot slower kind of well not that slow but it sounds more beefier and then for the final weapon we have the C-Class the Resa 300 pzx so this is another Resa one there it is on the left so that's um same it's the same styling as the a class but it shoots a red laser which is very very cool kind of star warsy and it also seems to have a lot more um rounds in the chamber in a weird way anyway next we're going to be looking at particle weapons all right so here we are with the um the particle weapons so first on the list uh the best a class particle weapon is the Vanguard obliterator Auto projector which this is also arguably one of the best if not best weapons in the game so the name suggests you get it from the Vanguard quest line it has no requirements aside from that and it's kind of cheap compared to some of the other ones so it's um a class 3600 range 6.65 fire rate it has 11 damage to hole and shields two power one hole5 crew capacity it costs 14,100 without the perks and it has a hole in Shield DPS of 37 so this thing is a beast so next here the b class we have the PBO 175 Auto helon beam from ballistic Solutions Incorporated bclass 3600 range six fire rate 19 hole damage and shield damage requires three power gives Four Hole plus five crew capacity it requires Starship design four it's 29 ,500 without the perks and it requires you to be level 48 and it gives a whole DPS of 38 and a shield DPS of 38 so again pretty pretty decent as they say and then finally for the C-Class the best C-Class we have the obliterator 250 me auto Alpha beam from light sight the C-Class 3900 Range four fire rate 29 hole and shield damage four power six .5 crew capacity requires Starship design 3 um it is 30,200 without the perks and it requires level 51 and it has a shield and hold DPS of 29 so interestingly you're noticing a kind of a pattern here obviously the the a class one is like absolutely phenomenal and it is the best of the best just because you can have so many of them but technically out of the three the b class is the best if you want to like if you just want the best obviously the b class but if you want like the best obviously this is the best SE best a best P like I was saying so we're going to jump up to orbit now and uh shoot them all right so here we are in orbit so we're going to be starting off with the best a class which is the Vanguard weapon obliterator so they they kind of fire in burst which is kind of interesting so next is the best b class which is the the PB 175 Auto helon beam so that one sounds quite interesting it's more like beefy and has like a metallic twang to it sounds a lot more aggressive and then finally we have the obliterator 250 Auto beam now that sounds very very cool that kind of gives like the old school um the X-Wing cannons so next we are going to be looking at the electro magnetic weapons all right so here we are with the suppressors now suppressors are a little different than most weapons because the DPS doesn't matter a whole lot as you can see from the stats uh what we're looking for is the electromagnetic damage for anyone that doesn't know suppressors work by they can penetrate excuse me they can penetrate Shields and Target specific modules so they're perfect for disabling a ship with minimal damage so the best a class one is the Saku 250 GC suppressor from shinung gami it's an a class 960 range 1.5 fire rate it does one damage to H and shields which doesn't really matter the lower the number generally the better it does 54 electromagnetic damage requires six power gives a ho of 2.5 crew capacity requires Starship Design 4 it costs 47,800 without perks and it requires you to be level 51 which is again it's it's very kind of endgame like obviously there's like Alternatives you can get if you're so say like if you're like level 10 you're not going to have access to this you got to kind of work for it but this is kind of meant more for you've gotten to like level 50 plus you're looking at what you should be working towards weapon wise anyway so for the BCL class we have the another Saku the Saku 600 GC suppressor again from Shinigami bclass 960 range 1.25 fire rate one whole damage and shield damage again 55 electromagnetic damage six max power five whole .5 crew capacity once again requires Starship Design 4 and weirdly this one only requires you to be level 49 which is kind of interesting and then it costs 36,000 um without perks it's kind of weird the b class is like easier to unlock than the cclass or the a class rather so you get the B before the a weird and then for the cclass we have the tatuo 501 em suppressor from Shinigami once again C-Class 960 range 80 fire rate one damage to hole and shields 108 electromagnetic damage max power of six eight hole crew capacity of .5 it requires Starship Design 4 it costs 24,600 without perks and it requires you to be level 60 so all in all the suppressors kind of like a lot of these weapons when you like look at them and you see when you unlock them specifically modules like two you can kind of it makes you wonder like what was bethesda's intention for like say you know like progression with weapons like you unlock this first the B first and then after B you can go back to a like maybe they intended on like I don't know a class being better or I don't know weird anyway next we're going to be looking at missiles oh sorry we're not going to be looking at missiles apologies we're going to show these are first I got ahead of myself so we're going to jump to orbit real quick and show these firing and then we'll look at missiles all right so here we are up and about so the we're going to be once again a is on the right B is on the middle and C is on the left so something that's quite interesting with these um electromagnetic weapons is you'll see when I when I fire them so we're going to we're going to start off with the uh zaku 25 GC so it it fires like a kind of a slug it it sounds like a kind of a rail gun when it goes off which makes sense because it's like em damage so You' kind of expect it to have like a kind of a an energy look to it whereas it sounds and looks like kind of a projectile when you give this max power you can pretty much fire it in definely you can see the fire right there next we're going to be looking at the BCL class which is the zaku 600 again same sound slightly less fire right and then finally we're going to be looking at the tattoo 501 yeah you can see that fire that fire is a far larger slug now we're going to go check the missiles all right so here we are with the missiles and this was a bit of a bit of a head turner it's probably on word cuz when I initially did my testing um like according to like stats that I was checking out um the best in every class was was these boys uh which we'll I'll explain more in a minute but when it comes to you can't really use DPS necessarily because all of the missiles for instance have like a fire rate of one and even cuz initially I was I thought okay the Vanguard ones are going to be the best because because they have a higher fire rate cuz with most Vanguard weapons they are the best but weirdly I tested out a couple of different missiles with with against this one just because this is the supposedly the best and even though the Vanguard has like a faster fire rate the fire rate's not actually that much faster and they fire the same amount of missiles so anyway yeah it's if basically bethesda's stats are confusing is what I'm trying to get at so the best a class missile in the game is the atle 280a missile launcher from light sight it is an a class 4,800 range one fire rate 90.4 hole and shield damage max power of three Hull of three crew capacity5 Starship design 2 and it costs 10,900 without any perks and it requires you to be level 25 see this is where I was a bit confused because this one which is the best stats wise you get level 25 and requires like Starship design two but there's another missile you unlock the infiltrator that you get at level 51 and it requires Starship Design 4 that you would assume okay you unlock it later and it requires more perks that we better but it it's it's not better which is weird again I don't know like what like bethesda's mentality was with the weapons but anyway so the b class the best b class is yet again pretty much the same missile but just the different version this is the atlal 20 280b this is the 280 the 280b it's a bclass 4,800 range one fire rate 15545 hole and shield damage uh four max power three hole5 crew capacity St design 3 um it costs 22,800 without perks and it requires you to be level 38 again kind of a weird one because the like with the a there is better ones technically according to the game as in like oh you unlock this later but this is on paper and in in practice this is the best b class and then with the cclass again the atlatl 280c missile launcher cclass 4800 range one fire rate 29 uh 291.52 capacity Starship design three it requires you to be level 43 to unlock and it costs 47,500 without perks so we're going to quickly jump into space and showcase them firing all right so here we are in space so the a class again is on the right the b class in the middle and the C-Class is on the left just going to put Max Pips into all of these so this is the 280a firing so I can fire six missiles off this is the 280b firing in the middle oh that wasn't the yeah that was so that one can only fire four missiles in like one kind of Salvo and then we have the 280c on the left there that can only fire two missiles so if you're kind of noticing what's What's Happening Here with these missiles is that technically say they do more damage and they do do more damage per missile but the issue is when you fire them like so when you jump from A to B to C you're getting less missiles so for instance like I said with the a class you get one 2 3 four five six missiles with the b class you get 1 2 3 4 and then C you get two so like I mean it makes sense in a kind of a like from a I suppose a if like if you're going purely off of just single missile damage obviously the cclass is going to be better but if you actually compare the amount of damage it does like the a class being able to fire six missiles and each of the missiles do 82 damage so that's um 480 492 damage which yeah it's just it's just weird how they they they've gone about it sorry I kind of like I I was just double-checking the mats in my head just to kind of confirm yeah so it's just weird it's like it's you you would kind of assume like as you go up the tiers you'd kind of have access to the same sort of missiles or even like maybe more missiles but it seems like more is less so yeah I like I I personally not really a huge fan of missiles just because you have to first you have to lock them like normal and then you have to lock on with the missiles and while they can be quite satisfying and they do good damage they're a bit kind of yeah finally we we kind of we we specifically didn't cover turrets when we were doing this because when it comes to ballistic and Laser turrets like for DPS oh hold on now there going to be a puse here live on a Starship cor pets and Starships don't always mix so well a come on sorry about that cor and her father are triggering so yeah so with the turrets and stuff generally speaking you don't want ballistic or you don't want energy turrets because will as you're like fighting targets and stuff if you're say you're using energy weapons once they strip the shields they're going to be doing significantly less damage so they're going to be ineffective whereas if you use ballistic they're going to be ineffective to start off so particles are the best so I'm going to really quickly jump now and show you the best bclass and C-Class particle turrets that I would recommend slapping on uh if just on like your kind of your I usually put them on my y slot because on controller Y is kind of a bit annoying to have to press multiple times so you just have it there so yeah we'll be right back with the uh the best turrets all right so here we are with the uh the particle turrets so sadly like I was saying there's no a class turret so we only have B and C so for the b-class particle turret the best particle turret or the best turret in general is the this one here the PBO 100 or PB zero PB P 100 alra Neutron turret from ballistic Solutions B Class 3600 Range Five fire rate does 16 damage to hole and shields uh three max power gives three hole .5 crew capacity requires Starship design one you unlock it at level 25 and it costs 16,600 without perks and it has a Holland Shield DPS of 27 which is pretty good and then the the best C-Class is the obliterator 20 uh 250 me Alpha turret from light sight cclass 3,900 range 1.5 fire rate 86 hole and shield damage four max power six hole .5 crew capacity Starship design four requires you to be level 60 and it costs 35,100 without perks and it has 32 shield and whole damage interestingly this is the best technically the best C-Class particle weapon um out of like stat wise going off DPS but obviously the reason I didn't include it is one it was a turret and two I the reason I like I said I didn't include turrets was because turrets can be very situational so we're going to really quickly jump up into space and show these firing it's going to be a little trickier I'm going to have to engage in combat might be a bit list it but we'll be back all right so it took me quite a while to find some some vessels but we did so um the first test I've paused the game just because um I'm about to attack them it's like an encounter with some NPC friendlies and enemies so I have got the bclass weapon powered up and we're going to show it so I'm going to focus on them and you'll see it'll start to open up once we get into range locking it takes a bit it doesn't seem to be firing so for some reason it doesn't want to fire which is kind of interesting come on see this is this is why uh turrets uh I didn't want to put the turret at the top of list cuz they're very situational like I've powered the one on the right and it should be shooting but it doesn't want to come on and it's over unnown vessel please stay safe out there so we're just going to we're just going to have to shoot at these guys I'm going to get HTE for it but never mind I can't shoot them okay we'll be back I'm going to try and find someone I can Target okay finally found some enemies I got the tets working so we got some of these boys here I've got the be power turret active or the cclass S the C-Class firing first so as you can see there it's trying its hardest to lock in sometimes it hits it quite well see some of his shots miss it has a little bit of tracking to it and now we're going to turn this off and we're going to put on the b class one now and I have been I think I've been what's going on where's my engine power this one fires like a burst see it can it can lock the cool thing is it lock targets you're not looking at which is kind of nice obviously if you lock I believe it's more accurate yeah it's more accurate if you lock so I hear You' been making yourself pretty useful but on their own as you can see turrets are kind of Hit and Miss sometimes they can absolutely decimate like you seen there with the cclass and then sometimes going to turn on both just to kind of so it seems like the slower the turrets fire the more accurate they are which kind of makes sense if you make any like wild movements it will miss so see if I'm like wobbling up and down it has like a harder time hitting it further away we'll just let it um with this but yeah that was that was a review of all the weapons hope you guys enjoyed this video like I said there could be some like kind of um regarding like the missiles specifically but there also could be others where like they're quite situational because um you may may prefer using say higher power weapons or lower power weapons but I was going purely off of the maximum amount of damage they could do per second if you were using like say the maximum amount you could have so yeah let me know in the comments what you guys think what's your your usual load out I know most people tend to just run the um the Vanguard weapons cuz they're pretty op if you are looking to find these weapons you can find most of them on either Aila or new Atlantis with the Vanguard weapons specifically going you're going to need to go to new Atlantis but as always thanks for watching guys uh don't forget to subscribe if you like this content and check out some of my other videos if you don't mind um I have a lot of reviews of the ships in the game bye-bye
Channel: Crimson Flyboy
Views: 1,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, bethesda, skyrim, oblivion, fallout, newvegas, xbox, seriesx, toddhoward, zenimax, bgs, bethesdagamestudios, walkthrough, space, letsplay, ships, spaceship, review, guide, walkthough
Id: lQ-Uwt1Gc-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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