The most UNDERRATED case solves by the 99 squad | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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okay two of The Fulton Street 4 are dead my hunch one of them is killing off his co- scum so he can keep the money for his scum self we'll start with Reggie bledo he listed a Brooklyn address with his Pearl officer we're going to nail this son of a unless he's innocent and then we're going to save this son of a either way this case is going to be awesome bral I'm putting myself on this investigation with you what why W is up to something there's only one reason why she would let us keep this case she took one look at me and said that's the guy I want Flying my Chopper you know how to fly a chopper how are you going to be it's just a big fan that goes in the sky oh yeah hey check it out half packed suitcase looks like bledo was planning a trip until he got interrupted by someone or something like what I don't know I just thought it would help the Intrigue it did that's enough chitchat already come on how many people have to get killed before you start having fun you do know it's our job to Stop The Killing right wait a second I think I smell a dead body nope my mistake wait don't close that look handprint that's a fake wall NYPD come out with your hands on your head don't shoot don't shoot he's trying to kill me I was walking home from the coffee shop I have a job busting tables there anyway the next thing I know Mikey D has a gun in my back Michael D'Angelo the other member of the Fon Street 4 yes believe it or not I familiarized myself with the names of all two suspects in this high-profile homicide we investigating I fought him off but he got my key what's the key for each of us had one and you needed all for to open the safe and what's in the safe the 21 million Bing pot nope I was going to say Bingo but then I was like jackpots better but then it was too late I was halfway through the word Bing pot works it's taking off [Music] dope move faster than I was expecting but still cool I don't see him oh he's here I can feel it he is he's dead what buddy is right here damn it blood so PL us pick up pick up pick up hello hey it's Peralta is bledo still in custody yeah we got him he's in his all right listen up we go in strong and we go in fast Evans you're on door breach Patterson flashbang boil stop squatting like that sorry I thought it looked cool I didn't like out of three it's blood so go go go St down flat on the ground over here over here break left break right Bing pot this rules hey buddy got got you some of those fish Donuts you like so much to cheer you up although full disclosure I couldn't find where they sold them so that's just a chocolate ofair with locks on it oh thanks Jake but I don't need cheering up you could eat it yourself nope so what you're not upset about falling hard for a lady who was immediately thrown in jail no because she's not actually guilty they say she robbed her own art gallery for the insurance money but that makes no sense she would have made more if the art had sold this piece breastfeeding night was worth twice what she got from the insurance company wow look at that not to sound overly intellectual but Dem night boobies is crazy I get art also I talked to Jen's lawyer he's a total disaster I have a couple questions about a beautiful client of yours jennif mirin Carter she got hit by a tow truck and sued the driver no she was accused of insurance fraud oh good cuz I blew that tow Tru case straight up forgot to go to court well they found one of the stolen paintings in her house but she said she didn't know how it ended up there she's being set up framed our joke continue my hunches that us a jealous sex lover girl like that three dogs makes her own turkey stock that's the kind of woman you don't get over look I know you think my judgment's clouded because I like her a little bit you doodled your wedding invitation no that's our joint Tombstone my mistake but as a cop I really don't think that she did it something's off about the case Okay Bo I trust your gut let's go free and innocent woman nice my dreams are coming true you and me get my lady off together I mean you know how that sounds right I got to say Bo Nick was pretty defensive yeah and he's a terrible artist all he does is have sex on canvases any fourth grader could do that but they shouldn't no hey Nick doesn't like cops but he didn't do anything wrong and how would you know I'm his assistant d'vorah he would never set up Genevie he's still in love with her he keeps boxes of her old stuff lying around ooh can we look at smell and handle them I mean you know for the investigation we're cops please take the boxes I want them out of here oh okay great you wouldn't happen to know where he was on July 21st would you actually I would he did a performance art piece that entire month he lived in a cage on the street and he never left it all things on video okay great getting in a little late there this morning boy where you been cursing out my own shadow for hanging out with a loser like me also an eye doctor appointment well there's something in the holding cell that might cheer you up that's Nick's assistant why is she here after you left last night I was thinking about the 24-hour sex painting Genevie 416 check out the date on this receipt from the storage locker with the stolen art April 16th 416 exactly she couldn't have rented it because she was busy getting busy a good one this is fantastic I mean I'm not happy that she was having sex with another man but I'm okay with it if that's what gets her off do you seriously not hear it cuz it almost seems intentional at this point why would D'Or set Genevie up because she's in love with Nick Nick she used one of those latex casts of Genie's hand to get the fingerprint so she could break into the gallery wow I can't believe you kept working the case even after I gave up that was a nice thing to do Charles I didn't do it to be nice I did it to be amazing and I think you're a great detective and I trusted your guy go get your girlfriend out of prison a thanks man next time you see me I'm going to be all out of orgasm no you can't say that while you're hugging someone I was wondering what you thought about one of my cases uh first Essex Bank Heist yes I read that one they got robbed the day before their grand opening I never sawed that one that bothered me for 20 years but I see that you wrote a note here that says contractor did it comma so obvious oh what well you know us Millennials were always exaggerating but what I think happened there is is that I was reading that file and I noticed that the contractor Russo was the um obvious obvious suspect but only in the sense that he was the only one who could have possibly done it cuz he had the blueprint I talked to Russo he had an alibi of course of course but you you know the name of the company was Russo and Sons so figer probably maybe definitely the Suns did it maybe probably for sure the sons oh my God the sons I think you might be under something really I don't know how I missed that I bet they still live here in New York we should go talk to them right now I mean if that would be okay okay are you kidding me I would love to work a case with you that's amazing so where were you the day the bank was robbed I don't understand Dad what's going on well honey this man barracuda wants to talk to me about something that happened 20 years ago and as I said to that man the lion 20 years ago I was in pitsburgh at a softball tournament oh Pittsburgh interesting home of the Bengals home of the Steelers no this is the home of the Steelers I set you up perfectly for that while you were busy establishing an alibi your sons were back in Brooklyn robbing the bank but we were at the softball tournament too oh convenient you say that now when you have no proof didn't you guys bring back a trophy a trophy is's not really proof we also have a framed photograph of the team a videotape of the whole event 39 eyewitnesses a newspaper article about it and security footage from the gas stations we stopped at on the way to and from Pittsburgh okay I got to say it seems a little weird you're so prepared for these questions no it's not my brother and I had to gather all that information 20 years ago when we got accused of the exact same stuff by him say what now so what was that you set me up you already knew they had an alibi of course I did I guess you must have missed that fact when you're putting together your sloppy lazy garbage binder what I thought you loved my binder you said I used all the good tabs those teps weren't even cascading okay oh I see I think I know what's happening here you're upset because Amy and I have seen each other's butts what oh god it wasn't that please forget I said anything about your daughter's butt you know I don't like you Jake is it my binder apparently no because of my binder will you think I wouldn't do my own research find out everything I could about whoever my daughter is dating okay fine but it's not like you found anything bad about me I mean look at this credit score 100 out of 850 oh no really this bind tells the story of a sloppy disorganized irresponsible individual who's not allowed within 500 ft of Taylor Swift that was a misunderstanding it's Amy can I answer it am I good enough to have a conversation with her honestly no well I don't care I'm doing it anyway hello lover how's that butt what are you with my dad I sure am and you're on speaker phone so feel free to tell me all about your sexuality and that intercourse we might have together getting it in I was just calling to tell you there's a turkey loose in the apartment but somehow that's not the weirdest part of this phone call what's going on oh nothing just had a real eye-opening conversation with your dad I wanted his approval but he says I'll never be good enough for you what the hell I know right tell him he's wrong no I'm upset with you that's right go get him tiger I'm also upset with you what is this 1950 I can't date someone unless I have my father's approval oh obviously you can you guys act like this is your decision to make like the woman doesn't even exist in the equation well this woman wait Amy shut up excuse me I mean I'm so sorry you were making a totally valid point about gender equality but I just thought of something really important so I'm going to hang up on you okay love you bye it wasn't Russo or his sons it was a daughter Hey Jake you know what it's time for I sure do Jake and Rose's First Impressions cast off pattern on the far wall suggests upward knife slices Jake wounds on the Vick's back means he didn't see the killer coming Rosa laptop wallet keys All In Plain Sight no sign of force entry doesn't connote a robbery Jake but it does connote that our killer was waiting for Adams in the apartment did I just use the word canote correctly you did great will you text that to Amy I don't want to say what using of vocabulary gets me okay sexual intercourse oh gross but we're adults okay let's look at the scene like we're seeing it for the first time with fresh eyes Rosa I think I just made a connection the number three is everywhere three people three types of blood and guess what the tax was on the veggie wraps $3 and 19 but if you ignore the 19 then it's three okay you've lost your mind what who told you that was it room no it's the the fact that you think the room has a voice and also you're working in your boxers what to beat the heat Rosa to beat the heat oh hey babe oh oh it's me Jake I'm just working what is wrong with you what are you doing why do you have a knife why am I covered and red post it that's blood you're the corpse Jake who is that Franco McCoy CSI he's helping me with the case for the record I think it's weird that I'm here too both of you get out yeah sounds good oh yeah Major Crimes released the scene yesterday but I'm sure they have haven't had time to clean up the evidence oh man they emptied the place out nothing left in here I can't believe this is how it ends yeah is it weird that I miss the smell wait a minute do you hear that I've spent 600 hours in this room and I have never heard that sound it's because the air conditioning's never been turned on it's coming from that vent I don't see anything wait there's a Bend oh my God there's food and water in here Rosa we never saw the killer leave this apartment because he never left he could have survived in there for months that's insane he wasn't back there for months he just waited for the body to be discovered and then snuck out sometime after that this place was crawling with cops which is exactly what he wanted he snuck out dressed like a cop even if he had a uniform somebody would have recognized him not if his face was covered by a hasmat suit the CSI guys Franco said he had 14 text but didn't you count 15 I did count 15 my math was right suck at Mrs skanga she was my Algebra 2 teacher she threw a protractor at my head she sucks she sucked actually she was very sweet she believed in me oh yeah here's the security footage it's rated G for going to get got BL more Franco play the tape okay so there's us arriving oh man is that how I walk yes should I change how I walk yes all right wait go back Jake we don't have time to fix your walk it's going to take a lot of work and we're very busy no look look at this guy all the other texts are wearing booties but he's not oh that guy where's the footage from the bodega across the street we have that that is so crazy we are under surveillance at all times I'm sure it's fine and it won't backfire and ruin Society zoom out on his face that man's not CSI no Franco but he is about to say CS by y respect Jake respect 1995 I just made detectives I was really excited about my first day at the 65 but the guys in the Squad we a bunch of jerks hi I'm Terry which desk is mine solve a case then you get a desk they were like that about a lot of stuff well solve a case then you get coffee solve a case then you can sign Debbie's birthday card sounds like you needed to solve a case exactly so I picked the biggest one I could find a string of bnes all with the same MMO guy climbed in through high-rise Windows after a month I found my my suspect Dimitri kusco an ex acrobat with a criminal record circus trash it has to be him that's exactly what I said circus trash it has to be him I tracked down my acrobat got swapped to surround His building there was no way anything could go wrong down get on the ground uh-oh my guy had a terrible trapes bought two years prior snapped his spine in half so why the kitten well in the moment I may have gotten a little fluster but look he's got a cat he trained a cat to do the robberies that's why they call him cat Burgers why is no one saying anything what up Jake why are these dicks out of their cage I stayed up all night working on your case and Hans John and nakatomi made for great company I gave them all die hard names I don't understand why you waste another night on a Case no one's ever going to solve sge I am way too sleep deprived to deal with your negativity right now let me let me show you what I did I started off by making a map of all of the burglaries that have gone down in Brooklyn since 1996 to see if there was a pattern that led me to this there is so much crime in New York no one should live here anyways I tripped out on that for a couple hours but I got cheered up after I took a picture of the kitties messing around in my little hoodie I'll show it to you later so basically you wasted a whole night no no no my friend no no no cuz then I dove back into your file and found this cool the low point in my entire life Serge this photo was taken in 1996 you told me your guy broke his spine two years before that so 94 check out his sneakers 95 Jordans they came out a year after the accident look at the souls they're all mdy which means that son of a can walk Bingo let's go all right cat Squad assemble leave the cats okay hey there remember me so this is weird oh no you don't surf strap I knew it you could walk the whole time I was right about the catac compus too huh now where's the cat been 20 years sge cat's probably dead I'm still bringing him in I have solved the who has done this I know by whom it was done it was Jake Peralta what that's crazy the box was on my desk the victim wrong scully's the victim you know you think glitter's going to taste like sprinkles but it doesn't it tastes like blood that is blood the glitter shredding your tongue oh why would I blow up my own desk for the task force I just heard you say you wanted to prove to Hol that you're a great detective that's why you set this whole thing up it was a perfect plan and you would have gotten away with it if not for me wow you're a lunatic did a lunatic know that your body temperature just Rose 9/10 of a degree indicating guilt yes oh look what do we have here a receipt from Party Zone for one air tank rental paid in cash that's not mine I never keep my receipts Amy tell them tell them how much our accountant hates me she hates him so much my bag was sitting next to my desk anyone could have put that in there that kind of evidence would never hold up a trial you'd be laughed at at court I've only been laughed at in court once and that was because I made a terrific joke I was there it was hilarious come on I guess it's fair to say case closed no he stole that for me go home you're suspended until further notice attention everyone stop what you are doing still a little Nazi I'm going to just drop the accent Peralta you can't be here you're suspended and you're lucky it's not worse the DA's office wanted you fire I'm being framed and I know who did it it was dilman I just met you today why would I do that good question it's because you want Hol to put you on that task force dilman can't be on a New York task force the sfpd would never approve it correct only he's not sfpd when you first arrived you asked us to check the fingerprints against the AFI system but that system hasn't been used in over 5 years years by any Police Department well I used the AFI system for 20 years I guess I misspoke oh misspoke I see that explains everything my apologies I'm just going to head back on out to Exile and just to double back my God he's double back in dman how could the best detective that the hols ever worked with makes such a mistake I wondered myself so I made a few phone calls it turns out dilman was fired by the sfpd I guess he rubbed the brass the wrong way not only that but he's currently working part-time at Yarn Barn a hobby shop in Albany I have his manager on the phone right now Frank what is going on you have a ship tonight you know I have finals I'm I'm I'm I'm so sorry Alyssa I I I got hung up in the city I I just lost track of time this explains everything he's not a great detective he's a sad man working part-time selling crafting supplies okay fine yes I was fired by the sfpd and yes I contacted Raymond in hopes of getting on that task force I thought it would be my way back onto the NYPD oh my God I hate the Yar bar really disappointing to hear Frank yeah well you're a bad manager Alysa okay you play favorites and it hurts to be on the outside you don't even show up so I was going to bring up the task force when I had lunch with Raymond tomorrow but when he called about this case I thought solving it would seal the deal which would have been easy since you set the whole thing up to frame me ridiculous why would I have waited so long to accuse you because if you solved it right away it would have been too obvious he's deflecting because he's guilty still been lied about where he worked we can't trust him the receipt was in Peralta's bag you're the glitter expert well you're the prankmas general it was him it wasn't either of you but I know who it was son of a stole my bullhorn okay I'm not 100% sure this is right and maybe I'm missing something Charles as a veteran of many big reveals can I give you a tip not so much waffling I agree you're not commanding the room let him finish his way but do Pace it up a J copy that so from the beginning I was very skeptical that anyone in our Squad was behind the prank why didn't you just say that I did and then you said that's exactly what a guilty person would say stand by it okay so who was the prank man there was no prank that was just a cover you see guys the point of the explosion was to contaminate the evidence of the decal Street murder but the suspect is in prison has no TI to organized crime and no means of bribing an officer how could he have possibly pulled that off yeah Jake that stumped me for a little bit too but then something you said gave me an idea that kind of evidence would never hold up at trial you'd be laughed out of court yeah I remember when I said that it was awesome wait but who did it the Mastermind was Ada green he didn't have enough evidence for the case he was afraid he was going to lose and needed someone to blame it on whom did he work with obviously someone who knew about the pranks and that Amy called Jake babe excellent question Captain it took a little digging to find that out but I pulled some Personnel files and comb through some social media do you know what Green's wife's maiden name is duy no Zappa no fery no Booth Howard Booth as an officer Booth yes officer Howard he's Green's brother-in-law he didn't just put the evidence on Jake's desk he put the glitter bomb there oh my God we have to find Booth I already did it and I book him classic elevator [Music] reveal
Channel: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Views: 1,642,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, brooklyn 99, b99, Stephanie Beatriz, Rosa Diaz, Jake Peralta, Andy Samberg, Detective Charles Boyle, Melissa Fumero, Detective Amy Santiago, Detective Jake Peralta, NBC, Terry Jeffords, Amy Santiago, Chelsea Peretti, Andre Braugher, Gina Linetti, Terry Crews, Joe Lo Truglio, solving cases, brookyln00, brookyln99, brooklyn, brooklyn nine-nine i want it that way, brooklyn nine-nine bloopers, brooklyn nine-nine funny moments, brooklyn nine-nine full episodes
Id: enjDs38VeUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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