Someone should get fired over this right? - The Office US

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really just the two you think that'll be enough no I [Music] [Music] don't smart spring cleaning sad what smart yeah today is spring cleaning day here at Dunder Mifflin and yes I know it's January I am not an idiot but if you do your spring cleaning in January guess what you don't have to do in the spring anything they say a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind well I say an empty desk means an empty mind no that's not no that's not what I was going to say look at them all out there my little worker be's buzzing away they're the worker be is you're the queen bee no I am the king bee Queen's higher no king is higher than Ace I am the ace B Angela kitchen Oscar dusting where is Oscar he's out sick that is unacceptable I agree it's unacceptable what are you guys doing People magazine crossword puzzle keep or toss keep I will finish out later it's from 99 yeah I know when it's from right 18 across Mary Kate and Ashley blank Michael wrote Jud Oscar is out sick on a Friday can I do some of the talking I will do the talking okay let him know that I'm here though what difference does it make whether you're here hello hi Oscar it's Michael and Dwight yeah um heard you were under the weather yeah I think I came down with the flu really oh that is a shame you know it's cleaning day here today could have used some of that famous Hispanic cleaning ethic yeah I feel terrible about it asking me symptoms I'm on WebMD what are your symptoms I have the chills I'm feeling nauseous and my head's killing checks out hey a how you doing Dwight shw calling listen little question for you buddy I called 6 minutes ago and no one answered so I was wondering if you could explain oh I see so sounds like you're too sick to come into work but you're well enough to go to the pharmacy there are several different ways to tell if a perp is lying the liar will avoid direct eye contact the liar will cover part of his or her face with his hand especially the mouth the the liar will perspire unfortunately I spoke to Oscar on the phone so none of this is useful what took all the black ones that's a communal Bowl so how did Oscar sound when he called in sick like lots of sniffling I don't know sniffling how um how many different ways are there to sniffle three okay it was the second one okay good thank you that wasn't so hard now want m- quick Oscar update I have conducted interviews with everyone in the office just go to his house and see if he's sick I could have done this investigation in like 20 minutes including prep time just do it oh man you are so busted ice skates shopping bags I think I know what's going on here you weren't sick at all who's this uh this is Dwight shro who is this Gil are you going to tell Michael how about this I don't tell Michael and in exchange you owe me one great big giant favor redeemable by me at a time and place of my choosing guess what I found out about Oscar tonight he was lying about being sick should I have reported Oscar's malfeasance H probably but now I know something he doesn't want me to know so I can use his Malin to establish leverage otherwise it's just Malin for Mal's sake this stupid face stupid tan yeah he looks great well rested he looks worse Toby Fenderson of HR has made a sudden reappearance is anyone hurt not on the surface no but I can tell people are Disturbed David Michael you texted me 911 call me all in caps I learned a while back that if I don't text 911 people will not return my calls now what I'm curious about is how you were able to go an entire week without knowing a member of your staff was there I did not want to go back to the annex because that is where Holly worked whom I loved also it's icky back there that's true people say it's icky I have to go David wait NOP is there no way we can get rid of him not without cause Michael I have cause it is because I hate him don't do that okay fireable offenses include workplace violence and sexual harassment that's it that's it perfect what are you doing I am the bait for what men find me desirable no no no oh it's a good day too I'm wearing my mustard shirt you're the bait for Toby mm no for one thing thing he's not gay and if somebody were to be bait it would be Jim or Ryan or me men find me desirable yes sure they do Dwight what I would like you to do is take this folded note and deliver it to Toby flenderson I want you to just react to whatever this note elicits do not read it beforehand can you do that for me sure good no no no no don't please hug and kiss me no matter how hard I struggle I'm too shy to tell you that I love you damn it Pam you gave me your word what's the matter you you scared oh those are fight words mad you mad at me I hope he doesn't haul off and just hit you do you want to do that do you want to hit me you want to punch me h Huh he might do it I dare you do come on what's the matter hit him hit him chicken yeah punch him hey hey come on Ryan whose side do you want come on man there's still one thing we can do to get Toby fired TR I wanted I wanted to buy some weed some what grass weed what makes you think we'd have weed I heard you a drug I heard you dealt hey just hold on one second hey this will be $500 how much $500 it's a good price it's a steal how many pounds is that it's it's 2 lb I'm losing money on this man just give him money all right walk away walk away walk away sir please step away from your desk hey what's going on you don't have my permission to do this they don't need your permission flenderson they've got the company's permission hey hey what are you why are you doing this uh you know what I think this is I this is probably misunderstanding don't search my stuff sir I have a reasonable right to privacy saav you're whining for the jury there Fenderson yeah let's just cancel this okay did you recently returned from a trip to Central America oh my god there was I went to Costa Rica that was legitimate that was totally leg check this out oh God that is not mine I what going on here no that's I don't know what that is and I bet he has nothing to do with that Ah that's mine no Michael no yes it's mine some basil salad dressing I think salad dressing yeah it's a Capra salad it's a little bit of uh mozzarella right there are you kidding me it's my salad so wait a minute there's no drugs no oh damn it come on we got a fake tip wait officers are you sure you don't want to interrogate him no you have laws that protect you and in any kind of interrogation why don't you use them you must feel pretty good about yourself right now I didn't put Capri's salad in my drawer Michael did you since when is it illegal to put Capra salad anywhere you know but the police could have been out there you know catching real criminals instead of here searching was kidding me are you kidding me that's what you're worried about you're you're worried about the cops time you think I framed you and you're worried about the taxpayer the god welcome back jerky jerk face I've really been putting in the hours on this mural and my boss is totally okay with it because he's in the Bahamas and has no clue what anybody's doing I'm usually very self-critical I hate what I paint but I don't know this time I feel like it's um it's really coming together oh my God what you've got to be kidding me what it are those are those butts huh no way conference room everybody now you don't have the clearance to call a conference room meeting yes but David Wallis does and he asked me to gather everyone to talk about stuff that's going to be revealed once we're in the conference room for the meeting you're telling me David Wallace asked you to call a super secret classified conference room meeting yeah let's go everyone super secret classified conference room meeting now go I have terrible news someone defaced my mural they painted all over it I thought that's what you were doing yeah but this different oh they use worse paint than your paint I don't think so but they put paint where I didn't want paint so I thought you wanted paint paint on the whole thing different colored paint I want a different colored paint in the spots where they put their paint so it just is okay these Warehouse guys are vandals and they need to be stopped yeah and somebody had the balls to put my phone number on the men's room wall which is so messed up it's 6782 not 83 uh 6783 is also a good time less mileage David Wallace called this meeting sure did I was as surprised as you but apparently he is very passionate about public artart oh no come on guys don't go Pam I'll help you you will if there's anything I hate worse than art it's crime thank you I am in too Pam yeah yes of course I believe in you I believe in your art and I am bored Great I Am handing out pieces of paper on which you will draw one human butt what I do with said drawings is no one's business but my own you're going to compare them to the butts up there incorrect it is my fetus oh also sign them my fetish has signed drawings of butts I'm not drawing a butt all right then no bottoms uh we should ask you to do big rounded W's yes or nippl breasts okay I think it's time to get back to work come on fellas let's go or melons like cantaloupes with the the halves are cut off and then just the bottom Parts well this is getting us nowhere we need another approach we need to find the weakest one and separate them from the group yeah I think if we could get Nate alone we could crack him we just need a pretense to talk to him we could tell him that his mother is dying that usually works on him Nate your mother is dying see I feel bad about that that's all right that's all right so she's going to pull through again that's great can I talk to her no she needs her rest again now list listen now that we have got you here let's talk about this mural business you know who the Vandal is now I know a lot of these Warehouse guys are your friends but we've got chewing gum gum's gotten mintier lately have you noticed like some of it's just too minty it's like they're literally trying to hurt your tell us who to face the mural he did it I drew a butt big deal butts are funny well I didn't think that butt was funny well maybe if you got the stick out of yours what was that you know what you people can't fire me so screw you wow hey that is not okay what are you going to do about that I compliment the first story sounded since it there are two or three sories in there it's it's he didn't apologize they're so talking to that guy oh you're a little feelings party didn't work out huh who won the hugging Contest no let me guess everyone tied for first we should just take take him down wait are you saying I'm saying we should go scorched Earth on that guy's face normally I find Pam to be a comforting if unaroused presence around the office like a well-watered fern but today she has tapped into this vengeful violent side and I'm like wow Pam has kind of a good butt this is amazing break and he's leaving a trail of poops yeah and he has saggy poops go saw that's great I feel better good I'm glad you feel better this has been a wonderful day I have to say I like hanging out with a vengeful I know you miss Angela don't you H don't sympathize you're ruining the mood back to work draw his [Music] penis e
Channel: The Office
Views: 149,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the office, the office full episodes, rainn wilson, john krasinski, steve carell, michael scott, the office fire drill, jim and dwight pranks, dwight schrute, jim halpert, the office funniest moments, the office cpr, the office parkour, Best The Office Moments, the office superfan, the office videos, the office funny, the office season, the office ending, the office deleted scenes, the office intro, the office us bloopers, the office theme song, the office wedding dance
Id: Eo8RzH-6Tfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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