The Strongest Stand Soft & Wet Go beyond

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foreign go beyond the strongest stand in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure a bit of a controversial take I know or at least a question to ask in this day and age of power scaling and even more so when it comes to the JoJo's fandom due to the fact for a very long time with this series there were only ever two to consider the strongest quote unquote or to be the ultimate Stan quote unquote that being gold experience Requiem and Tusk Act 4 but due to the ending of jojoian and adding two very very powerful stands to the vast array of stands that we already had that being Wonder View and softenwick go beyond it's now kind of made a lot of people challenge slash think about new ideas when it comes to what is the strongest stand as this idea has been festering for a very long time as a guy that primarily just likes to cover JoJo's content because he thinks it's cool I often see comments asking what is the strongest stand and I usually give them answers like I don't know something I guess it's just because I don't want to start some fire of a thread in my comment section but after realizing I do have a bit of a degree of influence that coming from one review and making the arguments for him so popular thanks to a lot of my Wonder review related videos maybe I should be asking this question to change people's opinions at least in an educated form and with that being said at least knowing my influence now if you see somebody saying some random characters the strongest and JoJo's maybe you should share this video just a food for thought you don't have to this is all you guys watching I don't really care I'm just some random dude on the internet just you guys watching is good enough for me and I would like to give a shout out to my homeboy jobber as a lot of the ideas I'm going to be spewing about later on in this video heavily do come from him so shout out to my boy so with that being said I guess a lot of you are wondering who's josuke higashikara and soft and wet as this is going to be pretty important for at least the early scaling and just overall the character so surprisingly josuke is not one but actually two characters those two characters being yoshikage Kira of the alternative Universe being that of Steel run and Joseph umikujo both characters have their own abilities stands character personalities and overall are two different characters from what we know to become josuke how these two would meet would be under some very weird circumstances as yoshikage here of this universe would discover the rock humans and their plans with lokaka josephumi having a life debt to Kira due to him saving his life earlier on in his life would of course help Kira not to get into any heavy spoilers here but more or less the two would eventually fight the rock humans and well kind of lose Kira would die of his injuries but josephumi trying to save him would eat of lukaka activating exchange of the fruit but alas nothing would occur and what would actually happen is due to some debris falling on them the fusion process of the fruit would occur causing some parts of Kira's body to graft onto josefumi's body resulting in him losing his memories and becoming a new person in his entirety later being named josuke after the head of the household of the higashikatas now why I bring up this backstory is because well in involves a fusion of characters a Trope we see in anime and manga a lot Joe skates powers of soft and wet are the combination of Joseph fumi's soft and wet and yoshikage Kira's Killer Queen and to call back to a recent video of mine what if Johnny joestar fought Diego Brando there's an idea I posed with Tusk Act 4 which states that when Tusk Act 4 fought the world there has to be at least some levels of callback to the original jodoro vs Dio fight which in that fight those stands are massively faster than light speeds AP clocking in at large town to even Mountain level depending on who you're asking and are very very powerful stands which should all call back into Tusk Act 4 vs Diego Brando in his the world what I'm trying to say here is this when a rocky reuses a stand it more or less is the same stand just slightly tweaked for the scenario that it's in which means we also have to scale part 4 yoshikaki Kira's powers and to cut it a buck with you here Kira from part 4 should be at least fashion light speeds AP clocking and about large building level I'm not going to go any deeper than that you just basically scale them off of josuke from that part bare minimum there you go because he scales off a jotoro which is also kind of funny in that scenario so you're looking at josuke from part 8 with his soft and wet Fusion stand technically to be looking around at Fashion light speeds at least clocking into at least small building to large building level note I would like to add a massive asterisk to that entire statement due to the fact that you have to go through a lot of loopholes and some very narrative power scaling that you kind of have to interpret yourself as a rocky doesn't really go in depth with it the only thing here for a fact that I can say without a doubt is of course yoshikage Kira's AP which with his bubbles can destroy a boat absolutely and that power does transfer over to josuke on the flip side of that with Joseph fumi the only thing that we really know that josefume gives to josuke is his kind of plunder ability or at least his pre-plunder ability which is just to absorb things and just kind of attach them onto other things kind of like a fusion of things but it's really weird and not really talked about too well which in the grand scheme of everything just becomes completely something else in its entirety and josephumi does have some fighting skill that does transfer over to josuke pretty naturally I would almost say instinctually but we're pushing it there so when it comes to overall regular Joe's game he's pretty powerful as his previous two Fusion components are really strong at least for the few times we've seen them on panel and we're only beaten due to well numbers and hacks so josuke's overall stats for his soft went and himself are pretty good if not even better when fused as josuke was able to beat all of his previous opponents in his previous double lives thanks to and in part to his bubbles primarily being his ability plunder and the explosive pop that we see later on in the part to describe plunder is pretty weird as now looking back onto the ability while a lot of people have the misconception it's able to to take away anything it actually doesn't it can only take away physical things from an object for a very short time but even then under its context it's still really busted as in earlier in to join it's able to take away a lot of conceptual things that are physical to a person what I mean by this is josuke can literally take away friction from a person or the ability to take away sound producing from objects nearby and in some extreme examples are able to just straight up take away the senses and feelings from people for a very short time then in later Joe Julian it's much simpler and not dramatic as in josuke is not using his abilities against people but I would like to clarify here this is a classic example of a rocky kind of soft nerfing his main character as he realizes oh damn I made them too strong due to the fact that under the idea of how plunder works as it's able to take something away from a thing physically for a very short period of time josuke could in theory take away somebody's brain waves or their heart or their blood and their body maybe even their skin in some crazy examples as a short period of time without those certain things in the human body could result in death and even in later Joe joined with the plunder ability josuke still uses it pretty tactically meaning that josuke is a pretty smart fighter as he kind of stores the nearby elements of a fight within the bubble for later and when it comes to josuke's explosive pop ability which is supposed to be a kind of callback to his previous life of yoshikake Kira and his killer Queen's bombs they're not too wild they just kind of explode but not in kind of the bombastic way that killer Queen's bombs would explode so when you look at Joe Escape before soft and wet go beyond I think you guys can realize yeah he's pretty powerful plunder and his overall kind of new fuse stats are really really good at least in the terms of JoJo's as I personally would probably put him up in the top 15 strongest stands the only stands that are actually kind of beating him are literally the time manipulating stands and the stands in the series that just kind of manipulate fate quote unquote I would confidently say that he probably is literally the last stand before we entered the time manipulating stance and the rest of the strongest dance in the series but as of now we have entered the realm of the strongest stance in the franchise how does josuke go from a man with no memories to the logic defeater well [Music] logic is the origin of all Concepts because every concept needs Logic for it to be created technically this is the highest truth in all of Jojo it remains forever it's linked to literally everything in the universe no matter what and is an absolute law that Reigns over everything thanks to some statements with Angel Julian and nobody can technically reasonably stand against it whatsoever curses are the highest form of logic which Wonder view is a curse that technically started all the events in the steel Bull Run Universe at bare minimum the events of part 8 jojoian and if you read the themes of the series in general up until this point you can say that one review is behind every Calamity in the series a quote from Georgian volume 27. this type of topic is something I can't avoid who was the strongest villain what is strength what is Peak Fortune I've decided the strongest and most terrifying adversary one can face is called Calamity Calamity attacks nationally but is actually Bound by a certain type of logic and will encroach every person equally it's too powerful and trying to overcome it might be actually Beyond hope with this volume statement Iraqi State's Wonder view ability wise is above every main villain in JoJo's confirmed this includes Valentine's d4c love train who was previously the strongest villain a villain who is able to cross into different dimensions as d4c love transability was able to redirect Misfortune to different times in different places furthermore d4c love train is stated in the JoJo Viller guy book to transcend dimensions and mathematical Dimensions mathematical Dimensions is just another word for alternate universes amount to being transcended is infinite so that means the foresee love train transcends over all universes within the Multiverse thanks to the corpse parts and his ability so this means if the volume 27 statement is true and Wonderview is the strongest villain now this means that he even transcends above mathematical dimensions and and even d4c love trains barrier which is conceptual and his entire purpose is to misdirect Misfortune now getting into the More Concept explaining slash the cosmology and how this universe actually works there is this thing heavily explained in part 8 and part 7 about good and bad yin and yang Duality as some people like to call it it's a foundational law slash Concept in JoJo's that exists everything has an opposite if there's good then there's bad if there's light then there's dark that is the whole truth in JoJo's part 7 and 8 has been explained thoroughly through Valentine job and a few other characters Wonder review is one of those truths by Logic which is another thing I'll get into later but just keep with me here what is also explained is that Duality between all things is and should be equal or balance out to zero I would also like to at this point in the video heavily point out these ideas are not platonic as why would an author like to put these ideas in his stories if they're not supposed to be connected in some way and definitely in part 7 and 8 as these stories are a lot more grown up and a lot more mature compared to at least previous Parts with that being said one review definitely scales above d4c love train and it's pretty impressive but it can go even farther than that Wonderview even scales above tus act 4. Wonderview has a Calamity on the higashikata family which is a family dying from The Rock disease and is something they couldn't break Johnny tried to break this curse with the corpse Parts but failed Johnny tried to shoot the curse with us act four to end it but thus Act 4 got reflected by the curse and Johnny died due to the Calamity it's a consistent fate that all family members who try to save their children from the curse usually end up dying because of it moving on to the next idea that involves one review is society and reality these concepts are the universe and how people interact with them to keep it short as this part could be extremely lengthy if I just kept on going in part 7 Society is called the universe and whoever takes the first path will invent the foundation slash things into existence Mama zuku explains that one review through Calamity slash Karma attacks you with everything you've ever interacted with in society and being the complete badass he is actually shows it visually in real time Wonder view slash Calamity is a law that will never go away and will forever remain in this world worlds in JoJo in the context of manipulating reality slash space slash times are the universes Wonder review is by far probably one of the strongest ants in this series not even joking it has the ability to manipulate you and your actions is to be stated to be even above multiverses and concepts of the sort Wonder review is a multiversal entity that exists through all universes as fate gravity Calamity and logic can all be summed up as the same thing as everything has its opposite and equal and to get into more power scaling terms one review is technically a type 2 abstract existence entity as he simply is one with logic and will always come back because of it even destroyed mind body and soul his energy the Calamity energy will still exist afterwards so even if toru dies one review will come back giving him a high Godly level regeneration so with all of that context now given to you guys how to soft and wet go beyond scale above Wonder View Wonderview is stated to be above all JoJo villains abilities which include d4c love train and the only thing in JoJo's that can beat Wonder review is soft and what go beyond calling back to that volume 27 statement which under the context of everything I said Wonderview exists in every individual JoJo Universe slash World soft and wet go beyond transcends all logic and transcends the logic known as Calamity the bubble spins infinitely till they're zero finally they don't exist in our world the bubbles themselves are illogical and due to this they beat toru and Wonderview and even when Calamity came back to attack the higashikatas josuke was absolutely able to destroy even that kind of making the bubbles able to destroy Concepts which is kind of crazy if you were to layer all the strongest stance or at least all the concepts in JoJo some of the strongest hands like tus Act 4 d4c love train gr would still be bound by the ideas of Wonder View and logic as that's kind of the Supreme thing within the idea of Jojo gravity fate all of that is surrounding all other things in this universe or at least in this franchise the bubbles are outside that Circle they don't care and are able to damage slash completely destroy it in some cases quickly circling back to explain all of this when you talk about the strongest stance in the franchise there's levels of infinity at the High Point here using d4c love train as a foundation so that we can build plus Act 4 and one review off of Wonderview is established as being fundamentally Superior to them as he is an abstract concept of logic and reason in JoJo that exists everywhere in the infinite Multiverse as law and won't go away so often let go beyond fits the 5D qualifications because it goes beyond Infinity both logically and literally as the bubbles infinitely spin until they reach zero and infinity is logic in JoJo which south of might go beyond transcends final reasonings here is that all dimensions of space-time the infinite JoJo Multiverse here are logical and within reason so we got d4c love train as the multiversal plus Foundation test Act 4 being Infinity you can sneak GR in here above to us Act 4 being infinity and kind of controlling fate a little bit at least subpar to wonder View and at the very top Wonder review being this conceptual Infinity entity that Reigns above all of them in closing them into that metaphorical Circle I said earlier which Sato might go beyond doesn't exist in to give a stat breakdown of soft and wet go beyond it is a being that does not technically exist anywhere where there is logic and reasoning that being all of time and space to a conceptual not out of virtual level possibly if you did skill one review high enough you could get to low out reversal there but I don't think the scaling's that high but he could be there it would be pretty safe to say with all the information I've provided that sought them with gobian's bubbles are at least 5D in terms of hack and when it comes to speed it's probably immeasurable given the speed of the bubble would be illogical too immeasurable being the highest in the JoJo verse logically as in speed going off the basis of made in heaven poochie as it stated for him that he is either infinite or immeasurable depending on past video scalings so I asked the question again is soft and what go beyond the strongest stand in JoJo's with everything I said and my educated opinion yeah he probably is and I'm probably gonna take that back he is actually at least in my opinion now we enter the gr uh argument here as this is something I have to at least touch on and debate here I would like to clarify here that golden wind did release at least at the timing of this video damn near 27 years ago almost 28. with that context in mind I would like to at least present the ideas that a rocky can change his opinion on who's the strongest as this is his franchise to dictate and rule over so I'm just going to go through some arguments here and that's it I'm just going to briefly State them and maybe talk about them in a later much bigger video maybe putting these two characters up against each other as this video is already long enough gr is technically still logical as it has no descriptions of anything remotely illogical compared to the Canon definition of its powers Iraqi literally says when looking back in the entirety of the series in terms of who's the most powerful he says Wonder view is the most powerful and to beat him is beyond hope heavily implying soft and let go beyond can and no other characters in the series could another one would be Wonderview and Southern might go beyond don't have actually any stand statements even the statements wonder if you makes a description of himself even mirrors ger's Beyond stance statements as literally the only ever time a stand literally says for themselves they are the strongest Wonderview is one of them and the other being ger in a weird sense and even looking at this in real life golden wind Andrew Julian were literally around at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if a rocky re-inspired himself seeing his own anime another one would be of course that no data book guide statements are up to date anymore the whole Canon idea that ger is the strongest and is still technically at least at the time of this recording is still in question as there is no data book that actually likes to fully describe soft and wet go Beyonds and wonder reviews abilities to their fullest with a Rocky's quotes next to them basically what I'm trying to say here is there is no up-to-date data book with part 8 stands in it and one that I've been seeing very often now here at least past Joe Julian's ending is that a lot of people are comparing soften what gobian's bubble to test act 4's spin for whatever reason the bubble isn't the representation of the spin as a whole it's just josuke spin people trying to use the argument trying to dishonestly scale soften would go beyond to below or slightly above to us Act 4 but not in its entirety and then try to pull the whole whole gr transcends all of them just because it has no stats and tus Act 4 does have stats it's pretty stupid and dishonest when it comes to soften with gobian's power and gr's as a whole no matter the type of translation you pull for soft and wet go beyond stand card it will never change the context that the stand card is josuke's spin not the concept of the spin and everyone in the part makes it very very clear that it's josuke Spin and not some Almighty representation of it like tuss Act 4 they call josuke spin illogical the golden rotation tusks Act 4 and ball breaker have absolutely nothing on the level of that thing and don't even compare to it while it might be in the same family tree as it it's not the same it's just literal copium at this point I would even argue at the most basic level of fundamental power scaling like oh yeah maybe just the requiems are quote unquote the strongest it's been damned near 30 years from Golden wind and stance have been progressively getting being more complex and changing over time stands for a very long time to get to their Pinnacle of power to even rival ger have just literally just been getting rage amps and just resolve development to get to that point the idea that you need an arrow to become the strongest is [ __ ] out the window on the road dude and no discredit to gr anybody that likes him he's still one of the strongest fans it's just time has moved on and progressed past him there is no point of using ger anymore even Rocky has very few times brought him up ever people really do just get attached to certain parts of history when it comes to certain characters as it's pretty common for a lot of power scaling communities that one character just Reigns above them all even though that might not actually be the case and I'm not totally against the idea of doing Southland go beyond versus gold experience Requiem as that's still on the board looking at it currently though it just seems like one side has more information on it than the other that isn't outdated so I think that's all all I have to say um well like comment share subscribe follow me on Twitter stay hydrated I hope you enjoyed the video and remember to share with your friends as that's the whole point of this video I guess uh goodbye [Music]
Channel: METAs
Views: 500,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, Wonder of U, jjba, part 8, jojo bizarre adventure, josuke 8, josuke vs tooru, The Most Terrifying Stand, analysis, diamond is unbreakable, jojolion, Kira Yoshikage, Killer Queen, Kira, Part 8 Kira, Part 8 Killer Queen, josuke higashikata, stands, Killer Queen stand, josefumi kujo, gappy, rokakaka, soft and wet jojo, anlysis, The Strongest Stand Soft & Wet Go beyond, Soft & Wet Go beyond, explained, the strongest stand in jojo, stone ocean
Id: N0JQGhp7A5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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