The Most Overpowered Bug Ever

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today we're starting off with a very painful experience but I've probably been through worse so let's have an upgrade I think I want my Defenders to have more attack range because that sounds mean and more damage then we're gonna get a 10 chance for double spawns these should be easy considering the amount of caffeine I've had there's not really a spawner over there so I'm maybe gonna see if I can get through that that is a tight little funnel though so that's not super fun I'm gonna get everyone to Stage over there then basically as soon as we have a full Army we're gonna push on that because the longer we wait the more they're gonna spawn plus he's going to be trouble okay great good enough uh let's see if we can get away with this really quick I just really don't want a flamethrower to get here or at least have a gap to go and it's that small because that would be big trouble I need that spawner dead and we got this binder already so that's pretty good flamethrower man we might not actually be able to kill these in the corner but we got their spawner I'm gonna see if I can get them to push all the way up actually we got the flamethrower man probably thanks to the extra range on these guys and these guys can actually break their own walls so their walls work against them in this case too we do have a spawner here that probably can reach us but I'm gonna make a hive here then while we're waiting there's not much happening let's just gather more resources that we can use moving forward because we're still making progress here we're gonna have a trouble with a flamethrower man here so let's see if we can move everyone down over here that didn't get finished so we'll just make sure to send building bugs up there okay we've said to everyone more or less around him okay he's dead so let's just push on this right away everyone that way uh some of these lower bugs might be stupid I forgot to turn them off so I don't actually want them hitting those walls yet we're gonna have to turn around just draw them back from that stupid wall oh and they're starting to get these guys out okay so I misplayed this pretty bad okay whatever everyone go for this for now okay so far so good purple bugs are getting in there pretty heavy once the green ones get in range it's really game over for that spawner I guess I'm just gonna put a spawner here just for some little forward momentum of anything we're gonna be spawning all directions but I'm gonna need to build up an army here probably I'm gonna build a hive there and there just so we get that broad attack that's necessary again you can't funnel troops if you funnel they funneled straight into a flamethrower they all die but so far I'm actually getting the better they have mostly thanks to my super green bugs they're just that extra range is really keeping them very safe all right well they're already out of spawner so I'm gonna stop that one and that one and we're just gonna March straight on through Builders are gonna finish that one then from there I'm just gonna have the attacking bugs push into this corner so they're just gonna probably attack everything Defenders can't do anything about that okay so it really seems like it's mostly just that easy uh I'm gonna get the Builder bugs to go here just so we get a little closer spawning we're gonna stop spawning way up here because that's not necessary anymore these are the last survivors already I'm gonna bring these ones back alive that we were pushing both sides because pushing through a flamethrower Gap can be pretty dangerous and as we annihilate the flamethrower man but still I want bugs coming from all sides that was not a very painful experience that took five and a half minutes it was a painful experience for the humans I do want to get to the warrior but I don't want to do the selective breeding because that's just too much thinking for me so we're going to do corrosive chemicals and then huge spawn size healthy digestion will be good too because plus two Health tall bugs this one said like extremely painful experience so let's take a look those guys are all trapped they're all fortified that's not so bad so let's put a hive over here and over here I'm mostly just gonna get everyone together in a center for a sec and then we're gonna figure out the best way to do this probably to go down here and then straight up and around we'll take out all the spawners ASAP they're already pushing forward to try and do something about me I don't want to get in range of their guns for now I just want to build up resources for a sec we're okay sitting right here I'm gonna start to move all my bugs down and over uh I do have a hive here that doesn't really matter I'm gonna slide them down along this Edge because the humans are pushing I need to make more of a foothold like right away so Builders are going to come back delay we're gonna try and slip under them which isn't really working I didn't realize the guns could hit us so we're gonna go straight into them except for the builders they're gonna go there so didn't expect that to do this so soon we're going to turn attack damage up just a little bit you and you we're gonna try and build another Hive down there so the Builder's gonna go there now yeah so far so good the humans are managing to destroy that but uh that's okay we need to get to that and then we can spawn up this wall so far so good we're gonna try and build up just a little bit of resources for a sec we are going to lose some hives here but that's okay because we're gonna build another one here that one's not gonna matter much because this one if we're going up to this corner we'll probably ride along that line going around these guns all right Dave we're just gonna push straight to the top now with probably everyone okay we'll probably make a new Outpost along the way as we need to but guys I guess flamethrower aren't going to stand a chance and I'm just as we're going I'm just going to randomly put a few outposts just because they're taking out hives slowly behind us but that's not a really big deal this one's gonna stop spawning because they're in range of those guns so we're gonna come from the single upwards we need an outpost here and maybe one of the top once we get there and so far we're really managing to make a giant mess of them we're right in behind them now so we're on the uh inside of their guns so we can take out their spawners before the guns really get us too much so now the only active spawners are going to be the ones up here and we got the resources now and everything so let's start our attack so we're gonna send uh green guys up there since they're already there the purple ones are a little faster they can focus on there maybe since the bulk of the army was up there they're gonna spread out nicely greens are going to walk straight here the purples are gonna Focus here and we took another one of their spawners down we'll maybe just continue on with the greens to take out these guns probably should have focused the whole Army at once but that's fine we've got this victory in the bay we took out another one of their spawners they're down to one gun at the top which is soon to be dead then we'll just focus everyone down probably here on everyone okay they're officially at her spawners this wasn't really a very painful experience uh that was probably things just some lucky strategy extremely painful experience seven and a half minutes uh we once again lost about three times as many units as the humans but now we get the warrior and then we get plus two to all bugs health so this one's going to be easier it's a makeshift barricade so yeah nothing too bad here uh we'll probably just work our way through the spawners so everyone just I don't know they'll hear for a sec better yet go here these humans aren't going to be of any threat to us especially with our new Warrior bugs then when we're waiting we'll make a spawner in safe spots this whole time I'm building my Army but I'm also just producing more nutrients too because nutrients are important we need our bugs to grow up big and strong oh we can actually see their stats 17 Health five damage the defender bugs are 12 Health three damage so the warrior bugs are gonna be way better okay while we're waiting for my resources to build up I'm just gonna send my attacking bugs down here because there's no spawn in here anyway we'll just eventually overpower them okay the purple guys already through they don't stop to ask for directions they just get right in there okay all the other bugs don't need to be here then we can send the uh greens and pinks up here Builder bugs are taking their sweet time today but we probably can't spun in the end because we're at Max Army all right we're just gonna start marching upwards for a sec uh we need more builder bugs to build more hives but we need hives in different places too you know what let's see how strong these Warriors are let's just send everyone up for a sec and then once they're up a little bit they're gonna go over I need to get around everything and then down there we go we got him finally getting a few more builder bugs showing up which is pretty good I need to set an outpost probably somewhere here I don't really see enough danger here that I really need to strategize this we could probably just send everyone straight in I'm not sure I even see there's two flamethrowers in there that's easy and then if I make a new forward Outpost or two somewhere there that's probably gonna be fine as well yeah we just hit him from all sides with all of our bugs that was easy four minutes and we hardly lost more than the humans okay I want to make my buildings be a little quicker and I didn't realize I could do things like Spore launchers should probably be upgrading the warrior but that's fine okay we're gonna start up mildly dangerous cockroach town so as per usual I'm basically just going to gather resources uh while building up an army staying at a range of him oh they have a tank that's why this is going to be harder than it seems the builders are slowly going to make their way around okay they know two tanks and three flamethrower guys so that's gonna be hard I'm going to turn this one off for now we're gonna send everyone over here because taking over one little gun isn't going to be hard that's he's moving closer they might be somewhat aggressive everyone go here take out that probably should go around the wall a little bit but I think we're gonna go through a fast enough it's not gonna matter much this is going to be where a new Hive is going and I also want a sport launcher because that sounds fun okay I don't want everyone getting too high up though because they're a range of cannons there and the tank is starting to fire in my Warriors because they're just really aggressive and they want to get up there whatever okay I'm gonna build a new sport launcher maybe here because these guys are occasionally going to wander back and I do kind of need these hives they're very vulnerable back here the first tank is coming up so let's see if we can just move in I want to take out EU right now these forward guns I do kind of want to make a nice uh defensive Zone here that we can attack from because I don't really know what these tanks are gonna do and I need a good wide attack on this probably also put a hive somewhere over here okay there's another gun down uh Builders especially get over here so this thing over here is defending The Hive on this side which is nice okay let's push on a tank to see how strong exactly these are 22 Health 30 damage yeah those are going to be trouble so we definitely need to swarm them uh we don't have a ton of resources but what we're going to do is just try and go straight in right now we don't really have the angles we need but whatever we're probably wide enough it uh with my Warriors you might be able to go straight through the front though these tanks are going to take out a lot of my idiots and while I'm at it let's build a few uh sport launchers somewhere here these are basically just extra units if they do get built they'll do a lot of damage for us yeah and so far things seem to be wide enough to be uh doing their job and if we just keep spawning in Builders we'll just keep uh you know getting extra turrets down the turrets do 15 well they have five damage 15 health and uh we actually did get all their spawners so let's move in and take out this stuff the tank took out our turret but those turrets are going to be very good strategically all right next just push your way up here that's fine we'll make another Outpost somewhere here just so we don't have to walk quite as far and then we're gonna move everyone upwards slowly building more and more turrets everywhere we can not turret spawners all right that was a good introduction to the tank wasn't a great challenge but I feel like the level is gonna get way harder that took six minutes we lost more units like we always do but we're done okay I'm gonna increase the warriors uh they have more move speed and health this level is a six out of ten those are a Tesla coil they have tons of Health but not a ton of damage uh I'm gonna build some hives here and here so we get a little angle and then we're also going to build a few Spore launchers just to protect ourselves should they push backwards okay got a nice little base set up gonna try spawner a little more forward I don't think that's in range of the guns ever gathered a ton of resources not sure we're gonna need them I'm just gonna send everyone forward for a sec they're gonna go straight up and then over uh as much as they can we are gonna get some Builders coming in so once we do we're gonna build towers there and there just for Calder attack and the builders need to be doing something where they're over here also I want to hide there so far so good we're on to the Tesla already I don't really want the bugs to push too much further than that for a sec I want some of these things built they're also starting to spawn tanks we do still have a pretty fun Army you know what push in just a little bit go to there might have detect this on both sides but we'll try a straight up attack also going to build a shootie thing right there we'll get this one done first and then we'll push in we're losing a lot of nutrients and army but we're taking on some of their towers okay so everyone just fall back for a sec we're going to build up some resources we didn't move forward enough to build some of these and we took up the Teslas so we can just walk straight through this bottom area we got a hive build here so we can turn off some of these okay uh do we have an army again we got enough of an army to probably push through that everyone go to the tanks it really sucks to go through a little funnel Point like that I'm gonna build another one of those there if I can we're gonna take the tanks out the Warriors take them out super quick and push that way everyone against the wall we need to be out of range of this stuff as much as possible and once you get there spawner they're dead anyway there's no way they can beat us at that point they're just slowly dying all right we can just March through everyone now uh I know we're not don't have a ton of units but they don't have a spawner anymore so they're in a loose in battle and to be extra mean we'll put a few extra guns around so the builders as they're slowly moving forward at least turn into something that wasn't so bad that only took five minutes okay let's go 15 chance for twins so we can have lots and then huge form capacity this level should be a little bit harder again though I'm really not worried about this okay there's a tank already coming out which is kind of annoying they're gonna try their best to break through I'm gonna put some cannons down sort of here and here when I can I'm also maybe gonna build something of a Ford Outpost there everyone's just gonna keep pushing up we're taking heavy losses but we also taking up things like well this Tower's got to go because that's it once it's gone it's gone there we go now straight to their spawner if we get that it's over for them we do have our own little towers here though I think yeah we got their spawners so they're doomed we can just continue to push now oh there's one over here I didn't see everyone go there the last man alive this one could be good all buggers gain nutrients from killing humans good your starting hives come with more food for starting okay that's great okay time for a painful experience we get to start with two spawners we got lots of different stuff we got two spawners within our Zone uh they both look about equal we'll probably push for that one first because I saw it first can I actually want to leave these guys walled in right where they are for now I don't want to let them out I would love to get this without messing too much up already the tanks are getting a little bit ambitious which is kind of scary for me but we're just gonna keep building up resources and a strong defense here they get so aggressive so quickly glad that was done because he's already killing humans and we don't have to be sacrificing units uh flamethrower guys getting a little bit closer than I would like would love to get some of these turrets done Beatles anytime now well I'm gonna push them all down here right now we don't have a 10 resources but I can probably take out this pocket I really just want to secure this if we can get that spawner I'll feel so much better okay the tanks are gone I really want that spawner I don't want to breach that wall I'm gonna put a spawner there gonna put a few canony Towers over here just for defensive measure okay the spawner's gone let's take out the tank and then everyone else can probably just die a very slow Dash uh flamethrower 2K he's dead everyone can just kind of retweet to here for a sec I don't want to let that out the little bit we have already is kind of being a problem can you not stop doing that please die uh the few Towers we had over here seem to be enough to repel this but we're gonna do the same thing but right now I need to disc kind of uh make sure we're okay over here getting gonna move the Pokemon Army here to kind of just deal with that uh and then I'm gonna have the Builder still I need this for later now we're running into the problem of not taking enough losses to spawn Builders so that's just gonna have to wait that'll be okay once we get all this secured we can do whatever we want really all right so let's just kind of send them to here I just want them to stay away from that wall of those guns I'm also going to put a spawner probably somewhere here and some forward guns I'm gonna give them a little more attack damage those tanks are going to be a problem but I think we're going to be okay I think there's enough guns here to stop this stragglers too so the Pokemon Army can be up here where Terry do the tanks pretty quick so I'm going to move them up just a touch really need to take out that spawner once we have that we have control of this right side of the map entirely and then it's easy okay the spawner is gone so let's finish off their tanks do have another spawner for ourselves that tank is gone this tank is soon to be gone I think then we're gonna pull way back away from their wall okay everyone back I think when I go to attack this I'm going to attack uh once probably straight up this side try and get it behind them but if I need to I can attack from all sides now it's going to be harder to push through a smaller Gap all at once but it's going to be easier to defend if they push backwards okay this other spawner is done I'm gonna move my Army right to here and here this Army is now light on Builders because I use them all here plus I've got 9100 resources to my name so we're going to make sure everyone's nicely grooved up somewhere right here all right let's see how this goes we're gonna try and keep everyone very tight to that wall we're gonna move them here first that way they're as far to ranges and stuff as they can be and then they're gonna go right to there and we can get away with it we're gonna put a spawner there and if you cannons just as counter measures against them okay we've reached the wall pretty easily we're just gonna keep on pushing up tight to this wall uh maybe with a few more of these cannons just to be sure that uh any humans trying to get through here aren't gonna make it I need everything to keep tight to this wall okay I'm gonna just set everyone straight up if they can get a spawner in some tanks then we can only have one spawner left to deal with and we'll be laughing I'm also going to build a hive somewhere here is kind of a forward spawner that way it's quicker we don't need this one we need this one also some launchers somewhere here just to be sure that uh we always have damage going out even if we're not spawning units but we got enough resources oh I didn't see that uh okay so we're gonna let some units come out of there too but we've almost got them beat we just need to take out that spawner and then they're doomed all right they're officially doomed we've kind of traded spots but you know what that's okay uh you guys just moved straight over here wow I can't believe they launched tanks over there that was halfway smart of them so for now we're just gonna March straight into the tankland from all of my spawners uh except for maybe the uh purple guy since they're quickest I think they can go take their the greens and everything will take care of the rest of their tanks I'm not actually sure if we need to take out their walls to get the completion but we're gonna do anyway because I don't want any traces of them left okay nothing left but a couple things and I feel like they're not gonna last long because they have an entire Army of superbugs about to rain down on them so far so good they're about dead that took 11 and a half minutes [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 325,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mRr0nxFpfXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2022
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