I Crossed The Entire World For These Rare Gems

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level 4 gear is absolutely not good enough so let's go pillage the entire world of resources again until we have what we want and I'm happy about as much land as I did because look at all the mushrooms we get plus that sword uh makes killing the mushrooms with legs just that much quicker also what's glowing over there okay well go ahead and take this then so I started doing the stupid mushrooms I still need crystals so I'm gonna spend some time parked right here where I can just spawn Camp it and thanks to having upgraded pickaxe that I do we mind these super quick to be honest I probably should have left this running and farming for the past four days anyways we'll take our 500 gems and be on our way anyways behind door number one we're obviously gonna get something amazing like more mushrooms that next Little Island alone takes 500 purple gems I just mined 500 in total and I can't afford this one either it's gonna be a long day so we'll feed the square for now then see how much we have left I need another 250 purple gems 346 minutes later okay at least we're into new resources now and this island is spot to get me all of those and by happy coincidence because they've been murdering trees along with mushrooms here I have lots of wood already and we're into a new biome with stronger idiots and a tree that gives us four wood per Chomp I like where that's going we have enough to open up the next Little Island it has another Tree on it fascinating stuff and we're out of wood now so I'm going back to mine uh mushrooms and wood basically I'm going to swing by whatever I'm holding at whatever is coming at me at the moment we're gonna need this all eventually anyway so I just walked around absolutely decimating the environment if happened to destroy a sentient creature all the better they really give up their inside Parts fast we already have enough to open up this one which has two treasure chests on it I won't say no to that and for our next pickaxe we could actually make one of those we just need a lot of that stuff luckily I know where to find it and it'll be the same thing with the pickaxe so we just need lots of orange bars and lots of metal bars and luckily this upgraded pickaxe absolutely destroys this metal so it's no time at all to mine it wood on the other hand is gonna be a little bit slower we are now getting 4 Wood per tree though I guess that's because of the upgraded ax so that's okay then 700 wood turns into 232 orange bars I think my brilliant strategy moving forward is going to be to always have these things melting something because I'm just gonna need so many of them and they take so long to smell that if they're not not smelting I'm wasting time plus it's just fun to hurt the things over here okay well all that stuff is smelting I realized I need more iron bars I put them all into the furnace but we'll give it as much as it wants as much as I can give it for now and we're going back to where we just were but it's very satisfying to walk here because I chopped down the entire Forest like as I go and then when I get here I get to fight the goblins and they're very satisfying to kill okay let's open up a little bit more of this island hopefully there's some stones or trees Beyond here that way in order to run back and forth constantly we need emeralds and meat I've never even seen that stuff but we need more wood what is that thing I didn't know that was up there oh that's what I need to get the super sword but we're coming up to a very important question do we upgrade our ax or our pickaxe first I'm definitely leaning towards pickaxe because the mining stuff seems to be a little bit longer to mine oh I hardly even noticed we've got enough for our new pickaxe plus one power one orange pickaxe for an orange man next we can actually we have the ingredients for that we just need to mine a lot of them and it's quicker but I'm a little underwhelmed that that would be destroying using when hit by now that just tells me we need better equipment but we can finally see what's on this little island eventually these have to start giving up resources you can't have empty Islands forever more wood more iron but I already have enough for all that because I'm a little hoarder and um another island with more wood on it I would like an island with some iron please these trees are pretty nice though they survive a lot of hits even with this ax and that means a lot of wood because these are regular trees these are metal trees and empties realize that Yeti I kill right here actually gives me the meat I need so I just need emeralds I don't know where I get them but I'll find them eventually here's my strategy I'm gonna Park myself right here while I go drink coffee everybody hey idiot the device falls asleep after 30 seconds okay great but we still got a thousand metal it's tough being stupid but coffee helps make up for that I'm gonna head in the direction of this big important thing and I found my Emerald mine it only gives five emeralds per chop and it doesn't seem to come back particularly quickly so hopefully I won't need a lot of emeralds in my lifetime I just look closer at the uh rocks and realize they are in fact rocks I thought these are trees again because I'm stupid anyways we're gonna open up this now we can get trees and wood in one shop and I should probably be checking these islands more they always have good stuff on them this little island literally gave me nothing it is an empty Island it is a gateway to the next Island which is really annoying so obviously the next island has to pay out for me it's gonna give me 3 three whole trees which I actually won't complain about I like trees okay so if I received up another 1000 wood and 1.7 000 metal so we're gonna get started on some more smelting because I need a better ax an 1800 metal does actually give me about enough bars to do it now it's just the waiting game but we're long overdue to unlock some new land here so we're gonna do just that hopefully unlocking more resources and we have lots of trees here so I could actually just run back and forth right here getting all the resources of my dreams next let's do this one because I think it's going to take me higher and closer to the glowy thing and I want the glowy thing okay he wants lots of emeralds lots of red gems and lots of other gems he's just gonna have to go ahead and wait a little while okay let's open up this one and see what's down here free metal yes please then these two pads look like they might converge they're at least side by side right now when I have all that stuff already because that's easy and it's a man who wants two emeralds per five money that actually seems like not a bad deal off the top of my head but emeralds are going to be slow to mine and this one hopefully we'll get in soon then I can just follow One path along there's more emeralds at least so we can mine lots of stone here the next island is yielded me nothing but I'm pretty sure this went look at all that wood over there never mind whatever I was just saying give me this and we're going to use that to partially by this which is probably going to dead end soon then again maybe not maybe we're just going to keep wrapping around to a new area entirely I just can't stop I always want to find what's on the next Island and hope it's good oh two of these idiots great I need your meat uh we're maybe gonna take the upper path because it actually has like a path on it as soon as we have the proper resources for it oh and over here is where we get the green gems the other green gems so this is a pretty efficient route over here because we can get uh Stone emerald and wood and Yeti meat really easy I basically just walk in a small circle and get it all okay give me this one and then I'm pretty sure my ax is going to be ready by the time I walk all the way back there so let's go get it this is absolutely gonna be worth it there we go level 5x level 5 pickaxe but now we can mine wood that much quicker mining wood over here isn't really going to be worth it but over in the new area it certainly is so let's see it go to work at this cluster of trees yeah we're mining five wood at a time 15 at the time because there's three trees and we chop down those trees quick it's kind of it that they speed finally where I can almost chop them down as I walk around I'm kind of curious to see what's over here though because this area looks like it shouldn't go anywhere and it's expensive enough that I thought it might be worth it this is a very satisfying point in the game where mining resources just so quickly and that feels very good I think I've just been winding around aimlessly and I've got 1300 wood and iron so we're gonna go ahead and keep on tracking to see what's over here Treasure Chest I haven't found these in a while they're giving up the 13 per swing now and that's good because I'm gonna need some of those coins again eventually you know that four trees on this island this is going to be the best wood mining spot that I found yet and I think we have enough to open up this already because we just can't stop mining so right here I think is probably actually going to be the best spot for mining because we get all sorts of uh rock all sorts of wood I'm using the term Rock and iron interchangeably here because I'm stupid and I don't really know where we're gonna need the emerald entirely but they're giving us enough of it that I know I should be mining it as I go are we gonna be circling this entire Island uh 50 Emerald see I found where we're gonna need the emeralds good thing I've been mining momentously 50 is a third of everything I've mined so far so that's kind of oh another Bridge great well we're going over to Lava land oh that was really expensive and um I guess I can afford this if it gets as closer to the lava there's also emeralds on the island I'm probably gonna take then again maybe not there's a new tree to chop down which gives tons of wood and one of these so I don't know which direction to go anymore oh we found the yellow okay so those are those things got it luckily that was really quick to mine so we could open up the new island now we just need lots of metal so it's back to the farming grind I'm gonna sit right here for a little bit just grind up lots of wood lots of stone that way we have the bases covered just gotta kill these idiots but I've grinded up 1300 Stone and 1700 wood that's hopefully going to carry us at least a little ways but at the price of some of this stuff it's probably actually not oh good another Tree near a volcano how exciting it's probably better to just pick one direction and stick to it till I get to its end but I keep going back and forth trying to get them both at the same time which in hindsight is really stupid but this is definitely the wood jackpot we're gonna get more wood right here than anywhere else in the world so far and we're out of stone after this so that's great but we have two yellow crystals to mine now so look at us go you know what I can't had to sit here like this not with this idiot sitting right here waiting to be killed and you too and the trees over here grow back really slowly so I'm going back to mining over here I guess for another hour okay that really didn't take long at all to mine up several thousand more resources so we're gonna spend those immediately working our way around the volcano for some reason but I'm having fun but to open this next run I need to sacrifice 400 of my stone already which is a third of what I have left and we've only unlocked one Island so far so that's fun oh there they are again they just can't get away from me they're just asking for it whoops got him no the harder part is waiting for enough of the yellow gems and I'm clearly gonna need better tools quickly because these are starting to take a minute to take down while I'm at it and I have 460 uh Stone left I'm just gonna open one more section this way to kind of see what's over here because I can't help myself oh there's an island over there with lots of stuff on it don't mind if I do and there we go give me whatever this is It's surrounded by lava so it's gotta be good that's pretty good actually I won't say no to that that's gonna get my queen count way up and I'm going to take this just to get it out of the way so it can spawn something good you know what since I've got 3000 wood now and 1300 uh Rock I'm gonna come back over here and finish off this forest for funsies but I also need to get smelt in a lot of stuff wow we can make 999 bars probably should have started smelting a while ago we'd have tons of new stuff by now uh we could only make 272 uh Stone bars metal bars whatever they are but we can get more Stone but the other side of that problem is uh we're gonna need a lot more coins but we've got enough to open up one more area here and that's just gonna get us more yellow gems which I'm kind of okay with then I'm gonna need a lot of stone so I'm gonna sit here and break up stone that I can either uh use to smelt or trade it in for coins at one of these weirdos resource production is so good at this point I was trying to mine mostly Stone and I ended up with 700 wood anyways so that's a good problem to have anyways we're going to turn that into 253 more bars then to get a new pickaxe we're gonna need 400 of everything which is fine but 2000 coins is going to be the struggle I can trade them to this guy he takes 40 for five coins I would say that's pretty expensive but my time is actually worthless so this is a good deal for me and look at that 2 000 gems right as we get 400 of either bars so now we can get either better pickaxe or ax I think I want the pickaxe because your money knows orange gems anyway we're gonna need a lot of those I'm pretty sure one super powered pickaxe coming up and the next one's gonna be 500 plus 150 emeralds that's actually cheaper in my opinion but look at this thing though where one shotting the bars now the bars I don't know we're one shotting whatever these are that's fine plus we're still smelting another 250 another 300 so I think that's going to be enough for the next tool but the problem is we're gonna need more coins I definitely don't have enough coins to accomplish this and the new pickaxe takes down these three hits very quick to take up the super yellow gems and these do respond pretty quick if I could get a good deal uh selling these I would take that for coins but for now I'm gonna stick the mining stone again I'm either gonna smelt that or trade it in for coins because things already super pickaxe we're getting six per hit now I'm also mining a lot of wood on this route I've already mined 2 000 and it felt like it's only been a few seconds I just checked out and did my little mining room for a few minutes and I've got about 3 000 of either resource which is a lot but I've also mined up about a thousand coins very quickly somehow so the chests might be giving me more than I think so I'm maybe gonna wander around and pick up whatever chests are on the map I think I might have found the most efficient way to buy coins also would be these blue gems because I mined them so quick if my super pickaxe I think I get them at a ratio of about two to one so for every two blue gems I mine I get one coin and it's a pretty efficient little route to mine I can basically run in circles and they respond right as I get to them so just like that I mined up enough to get 400 coins which is tons and with that I have just about exactly enough coins so now I'm just waiting on those bars to be done smelting and there we go one super powered ax and the best part is for the next one I basically need 150 emeralds plus a bunch of bars We have basically what we need already and Mining resources is so quick at this point it's not going to take very long if we do need any more but I'm kind of curious to see what's beyond too we need to keep unlocking new stuff like 1200 more Stones which we'll work towards and we're actually getting pretty close to what we need everywhere is this just in the ocean yeah I'll take that so since they have an abundance of resources now I'm very quickly gonna go sacrifice everything to start smelting again this is gonna give me 1300 orange bars then it's just back to my farming route with ever better tools I've been doing my little room for a few minutes now so I've got lots of resources to burn so we're gonna wander a little bit further forward this takes a thousand all by itself that's basically everything I just mined this gets expensive quickly and they want another thousand but we're into a new biome and I'm sure that'll be worth it once we make our way in there but a thousand Stones is a lot I'm a little nervous about this one because I feel like the next spot is going to be even more expensive but we did get the new crystals so I'm all about that when we get 12 whoops we got 12 of them so far so um I guess I'll just mine yellow crystals and green ones when they do respawn I'm not sure how quick they are this route over here also wants 400 wood I've got 3 500 that's cheap and the green crystals finally respond they're not super quick but they're quick enough that I can farm and I have a feeling that once I spend a thousand Stones over here we're gonna get more green crystals mind up a whole bunch of stone let's hopefully find some more crystals or something else to mine at least there we go I can live with this this pickaxe is a little bit slow for mightiness but we'll work on that next hopefully something amazing well we got more green crystals so I won't say no to more of those look at all the treasure chests over there I need to pay more attention for Windows respawn I've got enough of the green gems to get us over this way hopefully there's something new and exciting because those are pretty rare and hard to find oh hello it's a Skeleton Man okay good talk oh he gives us red gems interesting we're getting all sorts of new stuff suddenly we're gonna spend somewhere to get back over here that way you can also kill these idiots when I want to and I have a lot of wood and we're getting Cactus Parts as well there's so much new stuff suddenly definitely gonna need some better tools again to mine some of the cactus stuff because it's very tough but it's also annoying though because it's kind of pulling me in two different directions I need stones for over there but I need Cactus parts for over here but I have lots of wood so we can sacrifice some of that to move over here to more cactuses unlucky more the island has yielded me more cactuses and somehow I'm not disappointed by that because I like the cactuses a lot and while I'm over here I can scoop up just a little bit of stone because I need a little bit of that and I can mine this very quickly and in between that I can murder the pirate and the Goblins at spawn but let's open up this one our most expensive one yet and that's going to give us lots of palm trees for lots of wood this is good then we're gonna open up another one and hopefully eventually we get some Stone we get red crystals over there but all we need is one for this one and we've connected the world over here suddenly progress seems very quick I do want to find the red gems quite badly but they might be a little ways away I know we get a few from these idiots but not many and behind this store we're going to find hopefully big red Crystal I like the look of that uh we need an entirely new pickaxe just to mine that so that's the first time that's ever happened but by happy coincidence I have everything I need for that the next one is black in color and it takes resources that I can mine what is this and why is it so important we don't get a ton per node but I'm sure there's more of those to be found and this new pickaxe definitely tears through these Stones pretty quickly now even these yellow ones it tears through the green ones uh still pretty quick not overly but they still more pickaxes to be had no way this pickaxe is Really Gonna Shine is over here in this uh Stone Empire because I can mine a billion Stones here basically instantly plus also the emeralds which are also a very good exchange for these coins when I need them because five coins for two emeralds so what's down here for another thousand Stones okay we hit the end of the road but we get three of these we can mine these in a hurry now too but I'm definitely curious as to what we're going to spend these red gems on but we're gonna find out next time and probably find even rarer better stuff foreign
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 655,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dVkDje05CN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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